银河系十大惊人事实 心身的惊人事实:姿势影响看法

斜倚在一边有可能影响你对于从物体的高度到事件的发生频率的事情的判断,Sophie Bushwick报告称。

How many Michael Jackson songs do you think became Number 1 hits? How tall do you think the Eiffel Tower is? How good is your posture? Believe it or not, how you sit or stand could affect your answers. Because a new study finds that our estimates are skewed by the position of our bodies. The work is in the journal Psychological Science. [Anita Eerland, Tulio Guadalupe and Rolf Zwaan, Leaning to the Left Makes the Eiffel Tower Seem Smaller: Posture-Modulated Thought, in press]

你认为有多少首Michael Jackson的歌排点击率第一?你认为埃菲尔铁塔有多高?你认为你的姿势有多好?不管你信不信,你怎么坐着或是站着会影响你的答案。因为一个最新研究发现我们的判断会因我们的身体姿势而出现偏差。这项工作发表在“心理科学”杂志上。[Anita Eerland,Tulio Guadalupe和Rolf Zwaan的“斜靠在左边让埃菲尔铁塔看起来更小:由姿势调节的想法”]

Dutch researchers rigged a Wii Balance Board to subtly tilt left, right, or remain flat while students stood on the board and answered estimation questions. In order to prevent the students from perceiving a bias, they were told to stand up straight—and a screen informed them that they were upright even when their bodies were actually leaning to one side. When the board tilted so that the participants leaned left, their estimations were smaller than when they were standing up or leaning right.


银河系十大惊人事实 心身的惊人事实:姿势影响看法
The fact that posture affected participants’ answers indicates that the decision-making process isn’t as rational as it may feel. Amazingly enough, unconscious factors like tilting your body can also tilt your best guess.


—Sophie Bushwick

—Sophie Bushwick


爱华网本文地址 » http://www.aihuau.com/a/353551/926944733641.html


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