鲍勃迪伦歌词翻译 鲍勃迪伦 翻译 来读一读刚译出的鲍勃·迪伦的诗与歌

鲍勃迪伦歌词翻译 鲍勃迪伦 翻译 来读一读刚译出的鲍勃·迪伦的诗与歌
如果今天不是条漫漫崎岖路如果今夜不是次弯弯的旅途,如果明天不是这久远的时间,那么孤独对你就无意义可言。是,只有真爱在等待,只有听到她的心温柔地跳动时,只有当她躺在我的身边时,我才会再次同枕共眠。 我看不清自己在水中的倒影,表达痛苦时却也已哑口无言,我听不到脚步传出来的回响,记不清自己名字的真正发音。是,只有真爱在等待,只有听到她的心温柔地跳动时,只有当她躺在我的身边时,我才会再次同枕共眠。 那银光闪烁且欢唱的河是美的,天空中的彩虹也秀丽动人,但是这些,和其他一切都无法触碰我记忆中爱人眼中那种俊美。是,只有真爱在等待,只有听到她的心温柔地跳动时,只有当她躺在我的身边时,我才会再次同枕共眠。(陈浩然译)
 Tomorrow is a Long Time Bob Dylan, 1963
If today was not a crooked highway,If tonight was not a crooked trail,If tomorrow wasn't such a long time,Then lonesome would mean nothing to ye at all.Yes, 'n' only if my own true love was waitin',
'N' if I could only hear her heart a-softly poundin',
Yes, 'n' only if she was lyin' by me,
Then I'd lie in my bed once again. I can't see my reflection in the water,I can't speak the sounds to show no pain,I can't hear the echo of my footsteps,Or remember the sounds of my own name.Yes, 'n' only if my own true love was waitin',
'N' if I could only hear her heart a-softly poundin',
Yes, 'n' only if she was lyin' by me,
Then I'd lie in my bed once again. There's beauty in that silver, singin' river,There's beauty in that rainbow in the sky,But none of these and nothin' else can touch the beautyThat I remember in my true love's eyes.Yes, 'n' only if my own true love was waitin',
If I could only hear her heart a-softly poundin',
Yes, 'n' only if she was lyin' by me,
Then I'd lie in my bed once again.

 十六年,十六面旗帜战场飘扬,牧人却在哭泣。绝望的男女分离,只在落叶下展翅。 命运呼唤,我走出阴影,市场上商贾与盗贼渴求权力,我那最后一笔生意也就作罢。她的香馨似她降生的草场,仲夏夜,高塔下。 冷血的月,远处,静候的首领注视着庆典将他的想法传给心爱的侍女黑色的娇面美得溢于言表。首领倒下,却仍相信他的爱会有所回报。 他们剃了她的发,让朱庇特和阿波罗在两边撕扯。黑色的夜莺捎来信。我在楼梯上看到了她却无能为力,只有跟随,跟随她路过喷泉,在那,他们掀开了她的面纱。 我挣扎着站起来飞驰过沟里的废墟心状的纹身下,缝合的疤痕隐隐作痛。变节的教士,奸诈的巫女我送你的花却从他们手里递出。 镜子做的宫殿倒映着骑兵,路漫漫,钟哀鸣,掩藏记忆的空房里天使对先前的魂魄耳语。 她叫醒了他四十八小时后,伴着废链、月桂、滚石破晓。她渴望知道他下一步做什么?她被推倒,只能紧握他金色的锁。 “诸位先生”,他说“我不需要你们。我为你们擦鞋,帮你们移山,替你们纠错但伊甸园仍在燃烧:要么准备灭亡要么就勇敢地准备好换岗。” 和平会来静谧,华美,驾着燃烧的车轮,但是,当她虚假的神像坍塌,和平不会带来任何回报残暴的死亡,苍白的鬼魂向着利剑之王与利剑之后,回撤。(董伊译) Changing of the GuardsBob Dylan, 1978
Sixteen years,Sixteen banners united over the fieldWhere the good shepherd grieves.Desperate men, desperate women divided,Spreading their wings 'neath the falling leaves. Fortune calls,I step from the shadows, to the marketplace,Merchants and thieves hungry for power, my last deal gone down.She's smelling sweet like the meadows where she was born,On midsummer's eve, near the tower. The cold-blooded moon,The captain awaiting above the celebrationSending his thoughts to a beloved maidWhose ebony face is beyond communication.The captain is down but still believing that his love will be repaid. They shaved her head.She was torn between Jupiter and Apollo.A messenger arrived with a black nightingale.I seen her on the stairs and I couldn't help but follow,Follow her down past the fountain where they lifted her veil. I struggled to my feet.I rode past destruction in the ditchesWith the stitches still mending 'neath a heart-shaped tattoo.Renegade priests and treacherous young witchesWere handing out the flowers that I'd given to you. The palace of mirrorsWhere dog soldiers are reflected,The endless road and the wailing of chimes,The empty rooms where her memory is protected,Where the angels' voices whisper to the souls of previous times. She wakes him upForty-eight hours later, the sun is breakingNear broken chains, mountain laurel and rolling rocks.She's begging to know what measures he now will be taking.He's pulling her down and she's clutching on to his long golden locks. "Gentlemen," he said,"I don't need your organization. I've shined your shoes,I've moved your mountains and marked your cards,But Eden is burning: either get ready for eliminationOr else your hearts must have the courage for the changing of the guards." Peace will comeWith tranquility and splendour, on the wheels of fire,But will offer no reward when her false idols fallAnd cruel death surrenders with its pale ghost retreatingBetween the King and the Queen of Swords.  大多数时候
 大多数时候我目标清晰、明确,大多数时候我能脚踏实地,我能沿着道路前行,我能阅读路标,当道路笔直时,一路前行,我能对付途中遇到的牵绊,我甚至没有注意到她走了,大多数时候。 大多数时候这很好理解,大多数时候即使我能,我也不会改变,我能应对一切,我能坚持住,我能处理问题一针见血,我能生存,我能忍受我甚至没有想到她大多数时候。 大多数时候我的头脑清醒,大多数时候我很坚强,不去怨恨,我不幻想,幻想使我厌恶,我不惧怕困惑,无论困惑多深,我能面对全人类微笑,甚至不记得她双唇亲吻我时的感觉大多数时候。 大多数时候她甚至没有出现在我的脑海中,如果我见到她,我都认不出来她离我是那样遥远。大多数时候我甚至不能确定她是否曾与我同住我是否曾与她相处。 大多数时候我勉强满足,大多数时候我确切知道是否一切都结束,我不自欺欺人,我不逃避和躲藏,躲藏在深埋在心中的感情中,我不妥协,我不假装,我甚至不关心是否我会再见她大多数时候。(吴晓梅译)
Most of the Time Most of the timeI'm clear focused all around,Most of the timeI can keep both feet on the ground,I can follow the path, I can read the signs,Stay right with it, when the road unwinds,I can handle whatever I stumble upon,I don't even notice she's gone,Most of the time. Most of the timeIt's well understood,Most of the timeI wouldn't change it if I could,I can make it all match up, I can hold my own,I can deal with the situation right down to the bone,I can survive, I can endureAnd I don't even think about herMost of the time. Most of the timeMy head is on straight,Most of the timeI'm strong enough not to hate,I don't build up illusion 'till it makes me sick,I ain't afraid of confusion no matter how thick,I can smile in the face of mankind,Don't even remember what her lips felt like on mineMost of the time. Most of the timeShe ain't even in my mind,I wouldn't know her if I saw herShe's that far behind.Most of the timeI can't even be sureIf she was ever with meOr if I was ever with her. Most of the timeI'm halfways content,Most of the timeI'd know exactly whether it all went,I don't cheat on myself, I don't run and hide,Hide from the feelings that are buried inside,I don't compromise and I don't pretend,I don't even care if I ever see her againMost of the time. 再来一杯咖啡(下面的山谷) 你的气息甜美,你的眼睛像天上的珠宝,你的后背笔直,你的头发柔顺散在你躺的枕上。但是我感觉不到爱没有感激没有爱——你的忠诚不属于我只属于天上的星辰。 为了旅途再来杯咖啡,
下面的山谷。 你的爸爸是个绿林好汉他所做的就是四处漂泊,他教会你怎样采摘和选择怎样耍刀弄枪。他监视自己的王国没有陌生者闯入其中——当他大喊大叫要另一盘食物时声音颤抖。 为了旅途再来杯咖啡,
下面的山谷。 你妹妹看到未来,就像你妈妈和你一样。你从没有学过读书和写字,你的书架上没有一本书。你是无忧无虑的,你的声音就像草地鹨——但是你的心就像海洋,神秘而幽暗。 为了旅途再来杯咖啡,
再来杯咖啡,我将去往下面的山谷。(吴晓梅译) One More Cup of Coffee (Valley Below) Bob Dylan, 1975 Your breath is sweet,Your eyes are like two jewels in the sky,Your back is straight, your hair is smoothOn the pillow where you lie.But I don't sense affectionNo gratitude or love –Your loyalty is not to meBut to the stars above. One more cup of coffee for the road,One more cup of coffee 'fore I goTo the valley below. Your daddy he's an outlawAnd a wanderer by trade,He'll teach you how to pick and chooseAnd how to throw the blade.He oversees his kingdomSo no stranger does intrude –His voice it trembles as he calls outFor another plate of food. One more cup of coffee for the road,One more cup of coffee 'fore I goTo the valley below.  Your sister sees the future,Like your mama and yourself.You've never learned to read or write,There's no books upon your shelf.And your pleasure knows no limits,Your voice is like a meadowlark –But your heart is like an ocean,Mysterious and dark. One more cup of coffee for the road,One more cup of coffee 'fore I goTo the valley below. 
诺贝尔文学奖评委会给出的颁奖理由是“鲍勃·迪伦在伟大的美国民谣传统中创造出新的诗歌意境”(Bob Dylan won the 2016 Nobel Prize in Literature for “having created new poetic expressions within the great American song tradition.”)。
诺贝尔文学奖委员会常任秘书萨拉·达尼乌斯(Sara Danius)说,75岁的迪伦是“英语文学传统中的伟大诗人”,她将迪伦的作品与古希腊两位诗人荷马和萨芙(Sappho)相提并论。达尼乌斯说,“迪伦诗歌创作已经有很多年。但是更主要的一点,把他作词的歌曲念出来,就像是朗读诗歌一样。”鲍勃·迪伦1941年5月出生于一个犹太家庭,上大学期间,迪伦迷上了民歌,并开始苦练唱歌。1962年,鲍勃·迪伦发表第一张专辑《Bob Dylan》,1965年,他发行专辑《重访61号公路》。

“我觉得自己先是一个诗人,然后才是音乐家。我活着像个诗人,死后也还是是个诗人”他说,“无论我到哪里,我都是一个 60 年代的游吟诗人,一个摇滚民谣的遗迹,一个从逝去时代过来的词语的匠人。我处在被文化遗忘的无底深渊之中。”

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