Stories from the Old Testament
①1.Genesis—How the World Was Made
This great world in which we live did not always exist. The broad expanse of sky, which
②smiles upon us when days are fair, and frowns and weeps when days are foul, did not always
form an arch above our earth-home. Long, long ago there was no world at all. There was no sun to
③shine, there were no stars to twinkle, nor moonbeams to play through the night shadows. But
even then there was God; for he ever has been and always shall be the same unchanging Divine
Then, away back in that long ago, at the very beginning of time, God made the world. Not as we see it today, for at first water covered everything, and all was darkness everywhere. What a
⑤strange, unfriendly world this must have been, for no living creature could dwell in it! But God
planned to make it beautiful, so he caused the light to shine. This light he called Day and the darkness he called Night. And then the evening and morning of the first day of time passed by.
On the second day God made the beautiful blue sky, and placed above the water-covered
⑥earth clouds to carry the sky-moisture. He called the sky Heaven. On the third day he caused the
waters to flow together in wide, deep places, and he called them Seas. Dry land then rose up, and this he called
①genesis n. 创始,起源。Genesis《创世纪》是圣经旧约的第一卷书。在犹太人的传说中,《创世纪》是由摩西根据耶和华的启示写成的。
②foul adj. (天气)恶劣的;暴风雨的;污秽的
③twinkle v. 闪烁,闪耀
④Divine Being 指上帝。divine adj. 神的,神圣的
⑤dwell v. 居住
⑥moisture n.湿气,潮湿
①Earth. But as yet there were no grasses, flowers, nor trees-the whole earth was barrenand
②③desolate. So God caused a carpetof grass to grow upon the bare ground and beautiful flowers to spring up from the earth. The trees and herbs also he made to grow at his will. When God beheld
all these things he saw that they were good.
On the fourth day appeared the great lights which we see in the sky-the sun, the moon, and the stars. These he made to divide the day from the night.
After these things were made, God began to create living creatures. He made fishes of all
④kinds and sizes to swim about in the seas and birds of every descriptionto fly about above the
water and land, just as we see them doing today. Thus the world continued to become more delightful, and the fifth day of the first week of time passed by.
⑤ On the sixth day God made all the animals, great and small, and every creepingthing. Then
there was life abounding in the woods and on the plains, as well as in the air and in the sea. What a beautiful world! Still what a strange world, for there were no people in it! Not a home anywhere-not a man, woman, nor little child to be seen. What a very strange world indeed!
But God had not yet finished his work of creation, for he wished to have people live in the wonderful world he had made. They could enjoy its beauties and take care of it as no other living creature could do. And more, they could know who had made all these great things, and knowing
⑥God they could love and worshiphim. So it was that God made the first man. Out of the dust of
the ground he made the man's body, then he breathed into that body with the breath
第四天,天空出现了光体:太阳、月亮和星辰。他创造这些光体是为了区分白昼和黑夜。 这些东西都创造完成之后,上帝开始创造活物。他创造了各种各样大小不一的鱼类在海洋中游弋,还有各种各样的鸟类在天空中翱翔,这样,世界就变得可爱多了。第五天就这样过去了。
①barren adj. 贫瘠的,不育的
②desolate adj. 荒凉的
③carpet n. 毯,毛毯。本文中指一层草。
④description n. 类型,种类;描述,描写
⑤creep v. 爬行,蠕动
⑥worship v. 崇拜,敬仰
①of life and man became a living soul.
② This first man God called Adam. and to Adam he gave the power to rule overall the other
living creatures. These animals and birds he brought to Adam, and Adam gave each of them a
③name. But not one of them did Adam find suitable for a helper, and because he needed a helper
very much God made for him a woman. This woman became Adam's wife, and he loved her very much. He called her Eve.
When the sixth day ended God had made the world and had placed everything in it just as he
wished, therefore on the seventh day he rested from his work.
①soul n. 人;灵魂;精神。A living soul 指有灵魂的人。
②rule over 统治,管辖
③helper n. 帮助者,助手
1. The broad expanse of sky, which smiles upon us when days are fair, and frowns and weeps when days are foul, did not always form an arch above our earth-home.
理解本句的关键是分清句子结构。Which引导的句子是一个较长的定语从句,该从句的先行词是 the broad expanse of sky。定语从句赋予了天空一些人性化特征,如 “smile” (微笑), “frown” (皱眉)和 “weep” (哭泣),读来倍感亲切。
2. So it was that God made the first man. Out of the dust of the ground he made the man’s body, then he breathed into that body with the breath of life and man became a living soul.
这两句讲的上帝造人的过程。第一句中的 “so it was that” 是固定用法,表示 “就这样??”, “如此??”。“out of the dust of the ground”是上帝造人的取材,即“取自地上的泥土”,这同后面的上帝引人类的原罪而给与人类的惩罚相对应——人类死后,要复归于泥土。soul作为宗教用语,指“有灵魂的人,有信仰的人”;mind多指“才智,思想”;spirit指“精神,鬼魂”。
③很快新电影院和艺术馆如雨后春笋般的出现在这个国家。(spring up)
《旧约圣经》(Old Testament)是基督教对《圣经全书》(Holy Bible)前部分的常 用称呼。圣经本身显示圣经文本是从摩西带领以色列人离开埃及开始撰写,直到
3世纪到公元前1世纪之间写成,后来被基督教全盘收纳为《圣经全书》的前部分。 旧约圣经通常被分为四部分:摩西五经(又称律法书)(Torah/Pentateuch)、
历史书(Historical Books)、诗歌智慧书(Wisdom Books)和先知书(Major Prophets)。《旧 约圣经》在耶稣诞生之前已写成并被辑录成书,在基督教看来与耶稣诞生后成书
1. He wants to water this barren desert land.
2. The lights of the town twinkle in the distance.
3. Soon new theaters and arts centers spring up all over the country.
①2. Eden—The First Earth-Home
God himself made for Adam and Eve their first earth-home. And a beautiful home it was. We shall call it a garden-home. God chose a place from which four rivers flowed and there he planted a large garden. We do not know the many kinds of trees and flowers and vegetables and grasses that he caused to grow in this garden. But we are sure that no park which man has made could be
②so lovely as was the Garden of Eden. In the midst ofthis garden God planted a wonderful tree,
③called the tree of life. Whoever might eat ofthe fruit of this tree would live on and on forever.
Adam and Eve were very happy. God had given them good things to enjoy, and they knew
④nothing about evil and wrong-doing. They often talked with God and listened to his voice as he
⑤walked and talked with them in the coolof evening time.
God wanted Adam and Eve to prove their love for him, and for this reason he planted in the
⑥beautiful garden one test-tree, called the tree of knowledge of good and evil. "Of the fruit of
every other tree in this garden you may eat," God had told them, "but the fruit of this test-tree you must not taste. If you do, you shall surely die."
We do not know how long Adam and Eve enjoyed their beautiful garden-home, but we do
⑦⑧know that one day a sad thing happened. Sincrept slylyinto this lovely place. It came first to
⑨Eve. She heard a voice and saw a serpent
①Eden n. 乐园,伊甸园。Eden 常用作 Garden of Eden,上帝为人类造的一座美丽花园。 ②in the midst of 在??之中,在??当中
③cat of 吃掉??的一部分。为古语用法
④wrong-doing n. 不道德行为,坏事
⑤cool n. 凉快,凉爽;adj. 凉快的,凉爽的;酷
⑥evil n. 邪恶,罪恶;与 good (善)相对。Adj. 邪恶的,坏的
⑦sin n. 罪,罪孽。本文中指违背天意的罪过。
⑧slyly adv. 狡猾地,偷偷地
⑨sequent n. 蛇, 蛇一般狡猾的人,狡猾的人。蛇在圣经里魔鬼的化身,在西方文化里多是反面的形象。
talking to her. She was not afraid, because she had never known fear. So she listened. "Has God
said that you must not eat the fruit of every tree in this garden?" the serpent asked.
"We may eat of every tree except one." Eve answered. "God has told us that we must not eat
①of the tree of knowledge of good and evil,lestwe die."
"That is a mistake; you will not surely die." the serpent replied. “God knows that if you eat fruit from this tree you will become wise to know good and evil, as he is wise, therefore he has
②forbiddenyou to eat of it.”
Until this time Eve had not touched the forbidden tree, but now she looked at its fruit and
③thought that if it really would make her wise, like God, she wanted to taste it. Soon she yieldedto
④⑤the temptationand pluckedthe fruit, and then she gave some to Adam, and he too ate of it.
⑥⑦ At once Adam and Eve knew what a dreadfulthing sin is. They knew they had disobeyed
God. A strange something stole into their hearts; it was fear. How afraid they were to meet God! They had never been afraid before, but now they tried to find a hiding-place among the beautiful
⑧trees in the garden. Their hearts had become wicked.
Soon a voice called, "Adam, where are you?" and the frightened man answered, "Lord, I heard your voice and I was afraid, therefore I hid myself." "Why should you be afraid to meet me?" God asked, "Have you eaten of the forbidden fruit?" Then Adam told God that Eve had given him some of the fruit and he had eaten it.
"What is this you have done?" God questioned Eve. And she told him what the serpent had said. "I listened to the tempter and then ate of the fruit and gave it to my husband," was her
娃面前。夏娃听到一个声音,看到一条蛇在对她说话。她并不感到害怕,因为她根本不知道害怕。于是,她就听着。蛇问她:“上帝是否说过你们不能吃园子里所有树上的果子?” 夏娃回答道:“只有一棵树上的果子不能吃,其他树上的果子我们都能吃。上帝告诉我们,绝不能吃分辨善恶之树上的果子,否则我们就会死。”
蛇回答说:“错了,你们不会死。上帝知道,如果你们吃了这棵树上的果子,你们就会拥有像他一样的智慧,能够像他一样辨别善恶,所以他才禁止你们吃这棵树上的果子。” 在此之前夏娃从来没有碰过这棵“分辨善恶之树”。现在她看了看这棵树上的果子,她想,如果这些果子真能让她变得像上帝一样有智慧,她愿意尝一尝。她禁不住诱惑采摘了这棵树上的果子。她还给了亚当一些,亚当也吃了。
①lest conj. 唯恐,以免。相当于in case。
②forbidden v. 禁止,不许。Forbidden是forbid的过去分词,forbidden fruit表示禁果。 ③yield v. 屈从,屈服,投降,让步。在此是指“屈服了诱惑;禁不住诱惑”。
④temptation n. 诱惑,引诱
⑤pluck v. 摘,采,拔
⑥dreadful adj. 可怕的,可畏的;令人敬畏的
⑦disobey v.违反,违抗,不听从。由dis-和obey构成。dis-单词前缀,表示“反对,否定”;例如:disagree,disappoint, dislike等。
⑧wicked adj. 邪恶的,坏的,缺德的
⑨sorrowful adj. 悲伤的,伤心的。sorrow n. 悲伤,伤心。
⑩confession n. 自认,招供。本文中指夏娃对上帝如实招认自己的罪过。
① God was grievedbecause Adam and Eve had failed to obey him. Now he knew they could
②no longer enjoy his presence with them, because sin had spoiledtheir lives. They were no longer
fit to live in the beautiful garden-home he had made for them. So he sent them away out into the world to make a home for themselves. And he placed an angel at the gate of the garden to prevent them from coming back to eat of the fruit that grew on the wonderful tree of life.
③ To Eve, God said, "Because you listened to the tempter'svoice and disobeyed me, you shall
have pain and trouble all the days of your life."
Adam also received a sentence of punishment from God. No longer should the ground yield freely of the fruits and vegetables which Adam and Eve ate for food; now Adam must work hard
④⑤to keep these things growing. And he would find that weeds and thornsarid thistleswould grow
⑥in his fields to make his work even harder. Then by and by he should grow old and feeble, and
then he should die and his body would again become dust as it was before God created him. All these sorrows came because of sin.
But while God drove Adam and Eve out of the beautiful garden, he at the same time gave
⑦them the promise that he would send a Saviorto make all men free from sin and death.
①grieve v. 使??伤心,使??悲伤。Grieved 悲伤的,由grieve变化而来。
②spoil v. 宠坏,溺爱;破坏,腐坏。本文指亚当和夏娃的心灵受到罪的腐化,已经不纯洁了。
③tempter n. 诱惑者(常为魔鬼)
④thorn n. 荆棘
⑤thistle n. 蓟
⑥feeble adj. 虚弱的,无力的
⑦Savior n. 救助者,救世主。本文中的Savior指的是救世主,也就是耶稣基督。
1. We do not know the many kinds of trees and flowers and vegetables and grasses that he caused to grow in this garden. But we are sure that no park which man has made could be so lovely as was the Garden of Eden.
上帝在这座美丽的伊甸园里种植了多种多样的花果草木,这座花园如此的美丽,人造的花园与它相比不可同日而语。后一句稍显复杂,理解的关键是分清定语从句和词组so lovely as连接的后半句。not so?as表示“??不如??”。
2. But while God drove Adam and Eve out of the beautiful garden, he at the same time gave them the promise that he would send a Savior to make all men free from sin and death.
在本句中,while引导两个并列分句,表示“在??的同时”;后半句中at the same time稍嫌累赘,但在此具有强调功能,既上帝在惩罚的同时,仍不忘给人类留一条出路。drove?out of?表示“赶出??”。savior指救助者,如:You're my savior. (你是我的救星。)首字母大写,专指耶稣基督。
③如果你现在吃了一蛋糕,晚饭你就会没有胃口的。(spoil, appetite)
Adam's apple (喉结)
《旧约创世纪》(Genesis)讲述,在伊甸园里夏娃听信蛇的诱惑,不顾神谕,吃了禁果,还把果子送给自己的丈夫吃。亚当因心怀恐惧,吃时仓促,有一片果肉哽在喉中,不上不下,留下个结块,就叫“Adam's apple”(“亚当的苹果”)。两人吃了果子就心明眼亮,能知善恶美丑。但是由于他们没有听从上帝的告诫而被逐出伊甸园。从此,亚当就永远在脖子前端留下“喉结”,作为偷吃禁果的“罪证”。
例如:Your Adam's apple isn't apparent.(你的喉结不明显。)
1.I was afraid to open the door lest he should follow me.
2.The law forbids the sale of cigarettes to people under the age of 15.
3.You will spoil your appetite for supper if you have a cake now.
3.Cain and Abel-The First Children
After sin caused God to shut Adam and Eve out of the beautiful home that he had made for them, they built a home for themselves somewhere outside the garden gate. Here they began to
①feel more and more the punishment which their sin had brought upon them. Adam had to toilhard
and long to secure food for himself and for Eve. No doubt his hands and feet were sometimes
②bruisedand torn by thistles and thorns. Eve too learned the sad meaning of pain and sorrow. Her home was not so happy as it had been before she listened to the tempter's voice, and chose to disobey God.
③ But all the while God loved Adam and Eve. We can not know how great his griefwas when
they sinned. No longer could he walk and talk with them as he had done before. Now sin, like a
④great, black monster, had stepped in and spoiled their friendship, and where sin dwells God will
not go. No doubt Adam and Eve were sorry, too. No longer could they have God's presence in
⑤their home because sin had fasteneditself in their hearts.
But because God loved them still, he gave Adam and Eve a promise of a Savior. And because
they believed the promise, hope came into their hearts again. Although they could not talk to God as they had done in their garden-home, now they confessed their sins to him, and it appears certain
⑥⑦that they brought gifts which they offered upon altar's. These altars they built by pilingup either
stones or earth, making a flat top, and placing on the top some wood,
①toil v. 辛苦地工作,辛勤劳动(常与at, on, for等连用)
②bruise v. 擦伤,瘀伤
③grief n. (因不幸、丧失东西等而)悲伤,悲痛。动词形式是grieve。
④monster n. 怪兽,恶人。本文中指的是如同怪兽一样的罪。
⑤fasten v. 拴紧,系。本文用fasten已经形象地表明,人类是不可能容易地摆脱罪。 ⑥altar n. (教堂里的)圣坛,祭坛。本文中是指祭坛。文中所讲述的故事当时,尚没有教堂。 ⑦pile v. 堆,堆积,堆砌。pile up固定搭配,表示堆砌。
①all cut and ready to be burned. Next they laid their offering upon the wood, then set fire tothe
wood, and that burned up the offering.
We are sure that Adam and Eve must have felt lonely, with no friends in the big, wide world. But God planned that there should be more people, and so one day he gave Adam and Eve a little child-a baby boy. This baby they named Cain. How they must have loved him! After a while God gave them another little boy, and they named him Abel.
When Cain and his little brother Abel grew old enough to understand, Adam and Eve told them about the great God, and how they themselves had disobeyed him before Cain and Abel were born. They wanted their sons to love this God and try to please him. But alas! Sin, like a tiny seed,
②was already buried in the hearts of these little boys, causing them to think naughtythoughts, or
③say unkind words, or do wrong deeds, just as little boys and girls are temptedto do today. Abel
wanted to please God and he was sorry because he sinned; but Cain allowed the tiny sin-seed to grow and grow until his heart became very wicked.
By and by Cain and Abel became men, like Adam, and Cain worked in the fields raising
④⑤grain and fruits, while Abel took care ofa flockof sheep. These brothers built altars, upon which
they offered their gifts to God, as their parents did. Cain brought for his offering fruit from the field where he had labored, and Abel brought a fat lamb. But Cain's offering did not please God. When he saw that God was displeased, he became very angry. God talked to him. He warned him of the harm that might come if he should continue to be angry instead of becoming sorry for his
sins. But Cain was not willing to listen; he was not sorry for his sins.
慢慢地,该隐和亚伯长大成人。该隐像亚当一样在田间劳作,种植谷物和水果,而亚伯牧养着一群羊。这对兄弟也学着他们的父母建造祭坛,在祭坛上向上帝供奉祭品。该隐带来了他劳作的土地出产的水果,亚伯带来一只肥肥的羔羊。可是该隐供奉的祭品不能取悦上帝。看到上帝不高兴,他非常生气。上帝警告他,如果他继续生气而不忏悔自己的罪,他就会灾 NOTES
①Set fire to 点燃
②naughty adj. 顽皮的,淘气的;邪恶的。本文中取义“邪恶的”。
③tempt v. 诱惑,引起
④take care of 照顾,照料。本文中指牧养畜群。
⑤flock n. 群,畜群(指在一起喂养或聚居的同种动物,如羊、山羊、绵羊等牲畜或飞禽);(对牧师而言)教会内的全体教徒;(对基督而言)全体基督教徒。
Abel believed the promise which God had given to his parents, and when he offered his gift he prayed and asked God to forgive his sins. God was pleased with Abel's offering.
One day while the brothers were together in the field, Cain quarreled with Abel. Now, we are
①sure that nothing good can come ofquarrels, because they are so wrong. This quarrel ended
②dreadfully. Cain grew so angry with Abel that he killed him. What an awfuldeed!
God spoke again to Cain, and asked, "Where is Abel, your brother?"
③ Cain replied, "I know not. Am I my brother's keeper?"
Wicked Cain did not know that God had seen all he did. And now for a punishment God told Cain that he must leave his old home forever.
Now at last Cain felt sorry, but he was sorry only because he was to be punished for his sin.
④He thought God was punishing him more than he could bear. Then God placed a markupon him
that all could see, and by that mark they would know that God did not want them to kill Cain.
⑤ After this Cain wanderedfar away into a land called Nod. There he lived for many long
Adam and Eve lived a long time, and God gave them other children besides Cain and Abel.
⑥Then the time came at last when their bodies grew feeble with age and they died, as God had
said they should when they ate the forbidden fruit.祸降临。但是该隐不愿听从上帝的话,也没有忏悔自己的罪过。
①come of 由??引出,由??引来。
②awful adj. 极坏的,糟糕的;不舒服的,(感到)难过的;令人敬畏的。本文取义“极坏的,糟糕的”。
③keeper n.看守人,看护人;保护人,监护人。本文中指看护人,看守人。
④mark n.标记,标志
⑤wander v. 游荡
⑥feeble adj. 虚弱的,无力的
1. No longer could they have God's presence in their home because sin had fastened itself in their hearts.
本句出现的语法现象是句子的倒装,no longer否定词组放在句首,句子要用倒装。相似用法的词或者词组还有:hardly、never、not、not only、little 等。
例如:Never shall I forget it.(我永远不会忘记这件事情。)
2. He warned him of the harm that might come if he should continue to be angry instead of becoming sorry for his sins. But Cain was not willing to listen; he was not sorry for his sins. 本句是一个条件句,理解本句的关键是清楚条件句表述的条件内容,既:如果他继续生气而不是忏悔自己的罪。warn?of?警告某人(可能发生的)某事。相同结构的词组还有:inform?of?(告诉某人某事);remind?of?(提醒某人某事)等。
摩西五经 Torah/Pentateuch
创世记 Genesis
出埃及记 Exodus
利未记 Leviticus
民数记 Numbers
申命记 Deuteronomy
历史书 Historical Books
约书亚记 Joshua
士师记 Judges
路得记 Ruth
撒母耳记上1 Samuel
撤母耳记下2 Samuel
列王记上1 Kings
列王记下2 Kings
历代志上1 Chronicles
历代志下2 Chronicles
以斯拉记 Ezra
尼希米记 Nehemiah
以斯帖记 Esther
1. Having toiled all day in the garden, I relaxed myself in the bath.
2. They tempted him to join the company by offering him a large salary and a new car.
3. They warned him of the dangers of sailing alone.
①4.Noah's Ark
② The children of Adam and Eve lived to be very old. Their children also lived for several
hundreds of years. And so it was that grandsons became grandfathers before their own grandfathers died. Thus several generations lived and worked together. After a while there were many people living in the world.
We do not know very much about those people of long ago except the fact that many of them were very wicked. Among them was one man, however, who, like Abel, tried to please God. This
③man's name was Enoch. The Bible tells us that Enoch walked withGod. We understand that he
loved God better than he loved anything else, and talked to God and listened when God talked to
④him. Finally Enoch became an old man. At last, when he was three hundred and sixty-five years
⑤old, one day God took him awayfrom earth to heaven, and he did not die. Enoch had a son whom
he named Methuselah. This man lived for nine hundred and sixty-nine years, until he was older than any other man had ever been. Then he died, like all other people had done except his father Enoch.
By this time there were many, many people living in the world. And their hearts were so full ⑥ofsin that their thoughts and words and deeds were all very wicked. They did not try to please
⑦⑧God at all. They did not love him. They did not thank him for the blessingsof food and shelter
and sunshine which he gave to them. They did not teach their children to love good, pure things, but allowed them to grow up and become evil men and women like themselves.
亚当和夏娃的儿女都很长寿。他们的儿女都活到了数百岁。在祖辈去世之前,孙辈也有了更小的孙辈。数代人就这样一起生活和劳作。一段时间之后,世界上就有了许多人。 我们对这些远古的人们知之甚少,但我们知道这样的事实:他们许多人都非常邪恶。但是他们之中有一个人像亚伯那样努力取悦上帝。这个人叫伊诺克。圣经告诉我们伊诺克与神
①ark n. 方舟,箱子,柜。本文中指方舟,专有名词,首字母大写,亦常用作Noah's Ark。 ②to be very old 活了很大岁数。不定式作为动词的补足语,补充动词意思。
③walk with 与??同行。本文中伊诺克能与上帝同行,表明伊诺克已经具有了神的某些特质,这为他后来被上帝召唤上天做了铺垫。
④at last 最终,最后
⑤take...away 把??带走
⑥be full of 充满??
⑦blessing n. 祝福。常用作复数形式 blessings。
⑧shelter n. 庇护所,避难所,庇护。本文中指的是避难所。
What a sad world this was! For sin was everywhere.
① Finally God planned to destroyall the people because they were no longer fit to live. He felt
sorry that he ever had made man. He thought he would destroy everything-people, animals, and
②③every other creaturethat lived on the earth. He would cause a great floodof water to cover the
④ Then God remembered Noah. Here was a man who had tried to do right regardless ofall his
⑤wicked surroundings. And he had taught his sons to do right also. God was pleased with Noah
and with his sons. Sometimes he talked to Noah. Now he told him about his plan to destroy the
⑥world. But because Noah and his family had been trying to do right and trustin the Lord, God
promised that they should not be destroyed with the wicked people.
"Get ready to build an ark," God told Noah, "and then when it is finished you and your wife, your sons and their wives may go into this ark and live there until the flood is ended."
⑦ Now that God decided to save a few people he also arrangedto save a pair of each kind of
animal and of bird and of every living thing on the earth that breathed. These creatures were to be
⑧housedin the ark, too, while the flood should last.
Noah believed God and made ready to build the ark. God had told him how it should be built.
⑨⑩For a long time, while others went their wicked way, he and his sons worked, sawingboardsand
⑾⑿hammering nails, and making every part of the ark just exactly as God had said it should be
⒀made. Then by and by every nail was driven securely into its place, the inside walls were
⒁finished, and every part was ready for the purpose it should serve.What a queer-looking
building now stood before them-a very large boat-like house
①destroy v. 毁坏,破坏。上帝宁肯把自己创造的心爱的东西毁掉,也不愿留着眼看他们变坏,由此可见上帝惩恶的决心。
②creature n.生物,动物,人
③flood n. 洪水,水灾。圣经中上帝发的洪水,有时亦称the Big Flood。
④regardless of 不管,不顾,不惜
⑤surrounding n. 周围的事物,环境
⑥trust v.信任,相信
⑦arrange v. 整理,安排,排列
⑧house v. 为??提供房屋居住,供给??房子用,留??住宿,收容。本文中指收容,方舟收容这些生物。
⑨saw n. 锯开,锯断
⑩board n. 木板,板材
⑾hammer v. 用锤子敲打,锤打,敲击
⑿nail n. 钉子,指甲。本文中指钉子。
⒀drive v. 驾驶;驱赶;敲,打。本文中指敲,打。
⒁queer-looking adj. 奇怪的,外表奇特的
three stories high, away out on dry land! Doubtless the people laughed much at faithful old Noah and his three sons. Perhaps they thought that only feeble-minded folk could believe that there ever
①would be such a thing as a flood. Still Noah continued to warn them that they should repent of
their sins lest God destroy them.
One day, when the ark was completed and everything else was in readiness, God called Noah and told him to bring his wife, his three sons and their wives, and come into the ark. And the animals and birds and creeping things God caused to come also, two and two of every kind; and of those animals which man should need after the flood, and birds, seven pairs of each kind came. Whenthey were all inside the ark, God himself shut the door.
②③ After a few days the rain began to fall. And such a rain! Great sheetsof water poured down
from the clouds as if windows in the sky had been opened and water was flowing through them.
④⑤⑥⑦⑧Soon the tinystreamletswere ragingtorrentsand the rivers were overflowingtheir banks.
⑨⑩People began to forsaketheir homes and rush to the hills for safety. Animals, too, ran pell-mell
everywhere, trying to find a place of refuge and shelter from the storm. But still it rained, and higher and higher the waters rose until every one believedat last that Noah had told the truth. But
now it was too late to repent and seek refugein the ark, for God had shut the door. And so when the waters crept up to the tops of the hills and mountains and finally buried them out of sight, every living creature on the face of the earth was drowned. Those in the ark were the only ones left alive.
For forty days and nights the downpour of rain continued; but Noah and his family were safe. When the waters rose high enough they lifted the ark off the
人们都嘲笑虔诚的诺亚和他的三个儿子。也许他们认为只有那些意志柔弱的人们才会相信会有洪水这件事。诺亚仍然不停地警告他们应该忏悔他们的罪,不然上帝就会摧毁他们。 方舟建造完工,所有的东西都准备就绪了,上帝告诉诺亚,让他把妻子、三个儿子和儿媳带上方舟。上帝也使那些陆地上的动物、鸟类和爬行动物上了方舟,每种生物都是两两成对。人类在洪水过后所需要的动物和鸟类,每种七对上了方舟。它们都爬上方舟后,上帝亲自为它们关上了方舟的门。
数天之后天开始下雨。那是多么大的雨呀!倾盆大雨从云层中落下,就好像天开了一个窗口,雨水从窗口倾泻而出。很快小溪变成了急流,河水漫过了河岸。人们开始弃家逃亡,跑到山上寻求庇护。动物也到处乱跑,想找一个地方,躲避暴风雨和洪水。但是雨一直下着,水位越来越高,这时所有人才最终相信诺亚说了实话。但是他们现在很后悔,想在方舟里寻找避难的地方已经太迟了,因为上帝已经亲自关上了方舟的门。就这样,洪水漫过山顶,最终把人们吞噬,地面上所有的生物都被淹死了。在方舟里的那些人是仅存的活着的人。 倾盆大雨一直下了40个昼夜,但是诺亚和他的家人都很安全。洪水继续上涨,方舟浮离地面,开始在洪水里漂浮。它在洪水覆盖的地上漂浮了6个多月之后,才停了下来。上帝让风吹过水面,把水吹干,洪水的水位慢慢地
①repent v. 后悔,悔悟。Repent of 后悔。
②sheet n. 床单,片,张。本文中指雨势大,铺天盖地的。
⑧pour down 动词词组,(雨)倾盆而下。Downpour名词,倾盆大雨。
④tiny adj. 微小的,极小的
⑤streamlet n. 小溪,细流。River指河流,比前者大。
⑥rage v. 发怒,震怒,风行;(风浪等)狂暴,激烈,凶猛。
⑦torrent n. 激流,山洪
⑧overflow v. 泛滥,溢出,充溢。Over-单词前缀,表示“过度,超过”,例如 overwork,overdose,oversleep等。
⑨forsake v. 放弃,抛弃
⑩pell-mell adv. 乱七八糟地,混乱地
⑾refuge n. 避难所,庇护所
①ground, and it began to floatabout like a great ship on the top of the flood. For six months and
②more it floated high above the water-covered earth. Then one day it came to a standstill. God had
③caused a wind to blow over the waters to dry them up, and as the flood-tide became gradually
lower, the ark had found a lodging-place on the top of a mountain. Here it rested for two months,
④⑤and all the while the water-markcontinued to drop lower down the mountainsides.
After waiting for some time, Noah opened a window, which must have been very high up,
⑥near the roof. He allowed a bird called a ravento fly out of the window. Now, the raven has
⑦⑧strong wings, and this bird flew to and fro until the waters had gone down. After some days,
⑨⑩Noah sent out a dove; but this bird could not find a place to build her nest, so she soon returned
again to the ark. Another week of waiting passed, and Noah sent the dove out once more. She ⑾
stayed longer this time; and when evening came she flew back to Noah, bringing a green olive-leaf in her mouth. At this Noah and his family knew that the waters were returning to the rivers and the seas, and that the land again was becoming green and beautiful. One more week
⑾they waited, and now when Noah sent out the dove she flew awayand never returned.
Now Noah believed that the time had come when he might uncover the roof and look out
⑿uponthe earth. How glad he must have been to see dry land again; for more than a year had
⒀passed since God had shutthem inside the ark. And God said to him, "Come out of the ark, with
your wife and your sons and their wives, and every living thing that is with you in the ark." So
⒁Noah opened the great door, and he and his family stepped outupon the dry ground. All the
animals and the birds and the creeping things came out also, and began to live upon the earth as they had done before the flood.降低,方舟在一座山顶找到了停泊的地方。在这儿它休整了两个月,这时水位继续下降。
①float v. 漂浮,浮动
②standstill n. 停滞不前,停顿
③dry up 干涸,(水分)全干
④water-mark 水印,水痕,水斑
⑤mountainside n. 山腰,山坡
⑥raven n. 大乌鸦
⑦to and fro 来回地,来来往往地
⑧go down 下降,沉没
⑨dove n. 鸽子。本文中鸽子外出,叼来了一片橄榄叶,寓意外面已经平安。后人常用鸽子,尤其是白鸽象征和平。
⑩nest n. 巢,乌窝
⑾flow away 流走,流逝
⑿look out upon 俯视
⒀shut v. 关闭,闭起
⒁step out 走出去。step out of?走出某处。
Noah was thankful to God because his life and the lives of his family had been saved when
①②all other people had perishedfrom off the earth. He built an altar as soon ashe came out of the
ark, and brought his offering to God. Because Noah had been obedient, God accepted his offering
③and was pleased with his household.
God then promised that never again would he send another flood to destroy every living creature, and that as long as the earth should remain there would be summer and winter, spring
④time and autumn, and day and night. And because God wanted mankindto remember always the
promise that he would never again destroy the earth with a flood, he placed in the sky a sign of his
⑤promise. That sign was a beautiful rainbow.Have you ever seen that rainbow-sign? It is God's
promise to all mankind-to you and to me as well as to Noah and his children.
①perish v. 消减,死亡
②as soon as 一??就??
③household n. 家庭,户
④mankind n. 人类
⑤rainbow n. 彩虹
1. Now that God decided to save a few people he also arranged to save a pair of each kind of animal and of bird and of every living thing on the earth that breathed. These creatures were to be housed in the ark, too, while the flood should last.
本句中出现了由now that(既然,由于)引导的原因状语从句,“既然上帝已经决定饶恕一些人”,它引出了主句表述的上帝的后续行为。上帝同时饶恕了每个物种的一对,可见上帝是多么的细心周到,为劫后余生的人类保留生存的条件。英语陈述句子中be to do sth. 通常表示命令,要求。be to be housed in the ark, 表示“将被安置在方舟里”。
2. But now it was too late to repent and seek refuge in the ark, for God had shut the door.
句中出现了一个常用的短语too?to do sth.(太??而不能做??)。前半句表示“现在后悔已经太迟了”。seek refuge表示寻求安身立命之地,寻求避难之所。refuge表示避难所,庇护所。refugee表示寻求避难的人。
①这人都是由于政治迫害寻求避难的。(seek refuge)
③他一孤行,完全不顾后果。(regardless of)
诗歌智慧书Wisdom Books
雅歌Song of Songs
先知书Major Prophets
1.These people are seeking refuge from political persecution.
2.Trust your instinct and do what you think is right.
3.He went ahead and did it regardless of the consequences.
①5. The Towerof Babel
A clean, new world lay before Noah and his three sons when they stepped out of the ark.
②Now there were no wicked neighbors to mock atthem when they built altars to worship God.
③④Even the wicked works of those wicked people had been swept awayout of sight.Everything
⑤was ready fora new beginning.
Noah and his sons set to work and made new homes. Noah's sons were named Shem, Ham, and Japheth. After a while God gave them children. These children grew up and made homes for themselves. Then there were other children;and so it came about that the number of people grew and grew until the earth became as full of people as it was before the flood.
⑥ From the mountain of Ararat, where the ark lodged when the waters went down, the human
⑦⑧family went into the south country. Later they moved east, into the valleyof Mesopotamia, and
⑨there they lived on a plain in the land of Shinar.
"Let us build for ourselves a city," said the people some time after they reached Shinar, "and let us make a tower so great and high that its top will reach up to the sky. Then we shall not be scattered over the face of the earth, and separated from one another." And so the people set to work.
⑩ In this land of Shinar the soil is such that brickscan be made of it, and soon many bricks
were made and ready for use. What a busy people! Some, were making brick, others were mixing
⑾mortar, and still others were carrying brick and mortar to the workmen who were building the city and the tower.
①tower n. 塔,高楼
②mock v. 嘲笑,戏弄。常用作mock at sb. 嘲笑桌人。
③sweep away 清除,扫除,毁掉,消灭
④out of sight 看不见,在视野之外
⑤be ready for sth. 为??做好准备
⑥Ararat n. (地名)亚拉腊山
⑦valley n. 山谷,峡谷,谷地
⑧Mesopotamia n. (地名)美索不达米亚。古代亚洲西部地区。
⑨Shinar n. (地名)西纳尔。《圣经》中提到的名字,现为苏美尔或者巴比伦尼亚地区。 ⑩brick n. 砖头,砖块
⑾mortar n. 灰泥,研钵。本文中指灰泥。
Everything was moving fast and everybody was thinking that some day their city and their wonderful tower would be finished.
Then something happened that the people had not expected to happen at all. God came to see
①the city and the tower. He did not talk to the builders. and very likelythey did not know he had
②been there to look upontheir work. But God was not pleased with what he saw. He knew that
men would become more sinful if they should finish that great tower. Already they were thinking
③more and more about their own work and less and less about the God who gave them strength
④⑤with which to labor. Soon they might forget God entirelyand worship the work their own hands
had made. So God planned to stop their building.
Until this time all the people in the world spoke one language. Now God caused them to speak different languages. The people of one family could not understand what their neighbors were talking about. Neither could their neighbors understand what they were saying. Such a great
⑥change caused the people to become restless, and all those who spoke one language moved into
⑦neighborhoods by themselves. They could no longer go on withtheir great building, either,
⑧because the workmen could not understand one another's language; and so at last they quittrying
to finish the tower whose top they had planned should reach the sky. And the name of the city was called Babel.
⑨⑩⑾Soon the people of one language gatheredtogether their possessionsand moved away
⑿from Babel. Others did the same. Across the plains they journeyedover the mountains into
strange lands where men's feet had never walked before. They built cities and planted fields and
⒀vineyards, and their number grew until they became strong nations.
①likely adv. 很可能。Adj. 可能的,有希望的;常构成 be likely to do sth.。
②look upon 旁观,观看。亦作look on。
③strength n. 力量,力气,长处,强度
④labor v. 苦干,劳动,工作
⑤entirely adv. 完全地
⑥restless adj. 不安宁的,焦虑的
⑦go On with sth. 继续做??
⑧quit v. 离开,辞职,停止。常用作 quit doing sth.。
⑨gather v. 聚集,集合
⑩possessions n. (常用作复数形式)财产,占有物,所有物。
⑾move away 迁移,搬家;离开
⑿journey v. 旅行
⒀vineyard n. 葡萄园。
1. Already they were thinking more and more about their own work and less and less about the God who gave them strength with which to labor. Soon they might forget God entirely and worship the work their own hands had made. So God planned to stop their building.
more and more表示越来越多地,less and less越来越少地。这个结构可以概括成:比较级+and+比较级,表示越来越??。另一个比较级结构是me+比较级??,the+比较级,表示越??,就越??。例如:The more work you do, the higher your salary will be. (工作越多,得到的薪水越高。)
2. Across the plains they journeyed over the mountains into strange lands where men's feet had never walked before.
理解本句要注意介词的用法,先是across the plains穿过平原,接着over the mountains 越过高山,最后 into strange lands 来到陌生的土地。句子使用三个介词 across、over、into 使
②他们很可能对他生气。(be likely to)
③我被发现匿藏毒品。(be in possession of)
Bone of the bone and flesh of the flesh,直译为“骨中之骨,肉中之肉”,出自《圣经》中关于上帝造人的神话。
据《旧约。创世纪》叙述,上帝按照自己的形象用地上的尘土造出一个男人,取名叫亚当(Adam)。后来,耶和华见亚当独居无伴侣,于是就趁亚当熟睡的时候,从他身上取下一根肋骨造成了一个女人叫夏娃(Eve),领到他面前,亚当说:“This is bone of my bone and flesh of my flesh”(这是我骨中之骨,肉中之肉)。从此两人结为夫妻。
Bone of the bone and flesh of the flesh常用来比喻血缘上的亲属关系或思想上团结一致。例如:Our army is bone of the bone and flesh of the flesh of the people.(我们军队与人民情同手足。)
1. I quitted smoking last year.
2. They are likely to be angry with him.
3. He was found in possession of drugs.
6. Abraham Heard and Obeyed God's Call
① The people who moved awayfrom Babel into different parts of the world did not pray to
②③God. Their hearts were sinful, and they shrankaway from the purityof God. But we find that the
people prayed to something. In every country where they went they had some kind of worship. Many of them worshiped things that God had made, such as the sun, the moon, and the stars. Afterward they also worshiped rivers and mountains and hills. They made images of wood and of stone to these things which they worshiped, and called the images gods.
④ Not far from the city of Babel, another city was built. This city was called Ur. On the plains
⑤near Ur lived an old man who was a shepherd. He tilled the soil and also raised large flocksof
⑥⑦sheep and herdsof cattle. His name was Terah. He had three grown sons named Abram, Nahor,
and Haran. They were also shepherd-farmers. Haran did not live to be very old. When he died he left a son named Lot.
Now, Abram the son of Terah was a good man. He did not worship the moon-god as did his
⑧neighbors. He believed inthe true God. He built altars and worshiped God just as Abel and Noah
had done long years before. His offerings pleased God, and his prayers were heard.
One day Abram heard the voice of God calling to him. He listened. God told him to gather together his family and his flocks and herds, bid farewell to
6. 亚伯拉罕:上帝的信徒
一天亚伯兰听到上帝的召唤。上帝要他召集家人,带上羊群和牛群,向邻居和朋友辞行, NOTES
①move away 迁徙,迁走。move away from?从某地迁走。
②shrink v. 收缩,退缩,萎缩
③purity n. 纯净,纯正,纯粹
④Ur n. (地名)乌尔。古城址,今位于伊拉克南部。
⑤flock n. (指在一起喂养或聚居的同种动物,如羊、山羊、绵羊等牲畜或飞禽)群,畜群;兽群。
⑥herd n. 兽群,人群,牧人。本文中是指牛羊群。
⑦cattle n. (总称)牛
⑧believe in 相信,信奉
①his neighbors and friends, and start outon a long journey. God promised to lead him to a land far
②away, where he would bless him and make his name great. Through his family God promised to give a blessing to all families in the world.
Perhaps Abram did not understand the meaning of all God's promise. He did not know that in
③the years to comea Savior should be born among the people of his own family, who would then
④be called the Jews. This Savior, we know, is the blessing which God promised to give to all
families in the world, if Abram would obey his voice.
Although Abram did not know these things, nor even the country to which God wished to lead him, he was not afraid to go. So he took all his family-his wife, whose name was Sarai, his aged father, Terah, his brother Nahor and his wife, and the young son of his dead brother Haran.
⑤And they took all their possessions too-the tentsin which they lived, and the large flocks of sheep
and herds of cattle.
⑥⑦ Day after day they journeyed upthe great River Euphratesuntil they came to a place called
⑧Haran. Here they stopped to rest, and here Abram's aged father died and was buried. Even before
⑨that God spoke to Abram and urgedhim to continue his journey. But Nahor, Abram's brother, was
⑩unwillingto go farther, SO he remained at Haran and made his home at that place.
After this, Abram made a second start. Now he took only his wife, Sarai, his nephew Lot, and
⑾their servants. Driving their flocks and herds before them, they turned awayfrom the great river
and journeyed southwest, toward the land of Canaan. On one side of them the mountains rose wild
⑿⒀and high, while on the other side, as far as they could see, the barren desert stretched away
①start out 出发,开始旅程。同义词词组有set out出发。
②far away 遥远
③in years to come 未来,未来的年月
④Jew n. 犹太人
⑤tent n. 帐篷
⑥journey up 逆河而上。
⑦River Euphrates 幼发拉底河。幼发拉底河是中东名河,与位于其东面的底格里斯河共同界定美索不达米亚。它们源自安纳托利亚的山区,流经伊拉克,最后流入波斯湾。 ⑧bury v. 埋葬,为?举行葬礼
⑨Urge v. 驱策,力劝,力陈。本文中是指力劝。
⑩unwilling adj. 不愿意的;be unwilling to do sth.不愿意做某事。反义词是 willing。 ⑾turn away 转过脸去;转换方向。本文中是指转换方向。
⑿as far as they could see 他们目之所及。
⒀stretched away v. 延伸,张开,伸张
①toward the south. On and onthey traveled-across rivers, through valleys, over hills-each day
farther from their homeland and nearer to the land which God had promised. We do not know how
②many days and weeks and months passed bybefore they came to the plain of Moreh, where God
spoke again to Abram. "This is the land," God told him, "that I will give to you and to your children." And Abram built an altar there and worshiped God.Now, this land of promise was called Canaan, because the Canaanite people lived in it. These people had been there for a long time and had built some towns and cities. Abram did not live among the Canaanite people, but
③pitchedhis tents out on the hills or plains, wherever he could find grass for his cattle and sheep to eat and water for them to drink. All the while his flocks and herds grew larger, until finally Abram became very rich.
这时迦南人在此地居住,因此这块土地叫做迦南。他们已经在这里居住了很久,并建造7一些城镇。亚伯兰并没有和迦南人住在一起,他把帐篷安扎在山上或者平原上,这些地方有牛羊需要的水草,在这里可以放牧牛羊。他的牛羊很快成长,亚伯兰变得非常富有。 NOTES
① On and on 不断地,永不止息地
② pass by 走过,经过;(时间)流逝,逝去。本文中指时间流逝。
③ pitched v. 投,向前倾跌,扎牢。本文中是指扎牢,安营扎寨。
1. Although Abram did not know these things, nor even the country to which God wished to lead him, he was not. afraid to go.
本句是一个让步状语从句。although引导两个让步分句,主句是he was not
afraid to go(他毫无畏惧,决定前行。)。理解本句的关键是厘清两个分句之间
2. On one side of them the mountains rose wild and high, while on the other side, as far as they could see, the barren desert stretched away toward the south. On and on they traveled-across rivers, through valleys, over hills-each day farther from their homeland and nearer to the land which God had promised.
注意各个分句之间的连接,第一句中出现了on one side of them(在他们的一边??),第二句就出现了on the other side(在另一边??)。最后一句中出现了几个介词词组,across rivers, through valleys, over hills,针对不同的地理地貌,使用不同的英语介词。
①我告诉他在回家路过此地时前来坐坐。(pass by)
③如果你不愿乘今晚的飞机,那么你可以乘明天的航班。(willing to)
《创世记》(Genesis)是《旧约圣经》(Old Testament)的第一卷书。在犹太人的传说中,《创世记》是由摩西根据耶和华的启示写成的。
1.I told him to visit me when he passed by here on his way back.
2.Lawyers urged parents to take further legal action.
3.If you are unwilling to fly tonight, you can take another flight tomorrow.
7. Hagar, Ishmael, and God's Promise
① Abram was now growing old. Although he had great richesand many servants, yet he had no
②③children. One night while he lay asleepin his tent-home, God appeared to him in a vision. "Do
④not be afraid," God told him, "for I will protect you, and will give you a great rewardbecause you
are faithful."
"What will you give me for a reward?" Abram asked. And God answered that some day Abram should have a son. Then, at God's bidding, Abram rose up and went outside his tent door
⑤and looked up atthe starlit heavens. "The children of your family," God told Abram, "shall some
⑥day be as many as the stars-so many that no one can countthem." Abram understood by this
⑦thatGod was speaking of the people who should some day possessCanaan's land, for they should
⑧be Abram's descendants. And he believed in the Lord, although he could not see even the
beginning of that great family of promise.
God also caused Abram to understand that there would be a time when the children of his
⑨family should become slavesin a strange land, and should dwell there for four hundred years.
After that they should again return to Canaan, and possess the land for their own.
At one time Abram and his householdjourneyed into Egypt, during a faminein the land of Canaan. When they returned to Canaan they brought, with them an Egyptian servant-girl named Hagar. They taught Hagar to know about the true God and to listen if he should speak to her. And they expected her to work faithfully for them as good servants should.
⒀ One day Hagar did not please her mistress, Sarai. This was wrong, and
① rich n. (复数形式)财富
② lay asleep 入睡,使入睡
③ vision n. 视觉;光景;幻觉
④ reward n. 报酬,酬谢,赏金
⑤ look up at 仰望
⑥ count v. 计算,计数
⑦ possess v. 拥有,占有
⑧ descendent n. 子孙,子民
⑨ slave n. 奴隶,卑鄙的人
⑩ household n. 家庭,户,全家人,一家人
⑾ Egypt n. 埃及 Egyptian adj. 埃及的,埃及人的
⑿ famine n. 饥荒,饥饿;饥荒时期
⒀ mistress 女主人
①Sarai punished her severely. Hagar became very unhappy, until finally she decided to run away.
Now, Funning away is never an easy thing to do, and as Hagar hastened along the sandy, desert road she grew very tired. So she stopped to rest by a fountain of water along the roadside. In this lonely place, in the deep wilderness, someone found her. It was an angel of the Lord.
"Hagar, Sarai's maid, where did you come from? And where are yougoing?" the angel inquired.
② "I am fleeing frommy mistress," Hagar replied, "because I am unhappy."
"Return again," the angel said, "and try to please Sarai. After a while God will give you a little son. He shall grow up to be a strong man, and he shall be called Ishmael."
③ Hagar knew it was a messengerfrom God who spoke to her. And she knew now that she
could never run away fromGod, because he had seen her all the while. So she obeyed the angel's word and returned again to her mistress. Afterward that fountain of water in the wilderness where the angel found her was called Beerlahairoi.
So after Hagar returned to Sarai's tent-home, God gave her the child he had promised. Abram named him Ishmael, which means, "God hears." And Hagar remembered that this was the name by which the angel had said the child should be called. Abram loved Ishmael; but Ishmael was not the child that God had promised to give to him.
⑤The years passed onuntil Abram was nearly one hundred years old. Then God spoke to him
⑥⑦again. Abram fell on his faceand listened. God said, "I will make a covenantwith you." In this
covenant God promised to give Abram a son and Abram promised to serve God faithfully. Then God said, "Your name shall no more be called Abram, but Abraham, which means, 'The father of
⑧many,' and your wife, Sarai, shall be called 'Sarah,' which means, 'Princess.'"
①severely adv. 严厉地
②flee v. 逃避,逃跑,逃走;flee from 从??逃离。
③messenger n. 报信者,先驱,先知。本文中是指上帝的信使。

④run away from 从??逃离。与flee from为同义词词组。
⑤ pass on vt. 前进,继续前进,向前走;把??传给(下一代)。
⑥fall on one's face 俯身跪倒。
⑦covenant n. 盟约,契约。本文中是指与上帝的契约。
⑧princess n. 公主,王妃,女王
1. Then, at God's bidding, Abram rose up and went outside his tent door and looked up at the starlit heavens. "the children of your family," God told Abram, "shall some day be as many as the stars-so many that no one can count them."
理解第一句的关键是清楚句中出现的几个动词词组的意思。它们是at God's bidding,在上帝的要求下,上帝的旨意是;rise up 站起;go outside 走出来;lookup at 仰望,抬头看。引言中出现了as many as,表示“和??一样多”;as?as常表示同级比较,它的否定形式是not SO?as或者not as?as。
2. So she stopped to rest by a fountain of water along the roadside. In this lonely place, in the deep wilderness, someone found her. It was an angel of the Lord.
本句中的后半部分使用了两个以in引导的介词短语,in this lonely place, 和in the deep wilderness,两个短语连用起到气氛的渲染作用,更加能够突出这个地方的荒凉;更加突出上帝没有漠视她。
Proverbs from the Bible
No man can serve two masters.
None of us lives to himself, and no one dies to himself.
Not let one's left hand know what one's right hand does.
There is no one who does not sin.
There is nothing covered that will not be revealed.
1. People usually flee from wars, famine, and persecution.
2. By the end of the 20th century, most American households have a computer.
3. He is said to possess a fortune of more than 2.4 million dollars.
8. Ishmael: The Arabian Ancestor
Later God gave to Abraham and Sarah the child of promise. Abraham named the child Isaac.
①② When the baby Isaac grew old enough to toddleabout his tent-home and to lispwords, his
③father Abraham made a great feastfor him. Many friends were invited, and everyone knew that
Isaac's parents thought he was a very wonderful little boy. Before the day passed, however, something happened which brought sadness to the kind heart of Abraham.
Ishmael, the son of Hagar Sarah's maid, also lived in Abraham's tent. These two boys, Ishmael and Isaac, may have played together sometimes, although Ishmael was much older than Abraham's little son. On this feast-day, when everybody else was happy, Ishmael was unkind to
④Isaac. He felt jealousof the honor that Isaac was receiving from so many people.
When Sarah heard how unkindly Ishmael had treated her little boy, she became angry, and
⑤called Abraham. "You must send Ishmael and his mother away," she told him, "for I do not want
our little boy to grow up with such a rude companion." Now, Abraham loved Ishmael too, and he
felt sad to hear that the boy had mistreatedhis son. He thought that Ishmael might learn to be kind; but God told him to send the boy and his mother away, just as Sarah had said.
So the next morning Abraham called Hagar and told her that she must take Ishmael and go away. He gave her food for the journey and placed upon her
因此,第二天早上亚伯拉罕就让夏甲带上以实玛利远走他乡。并给他们准备了旅程中的 NOTES
①toddle v.东倒西歪地走,散步
②lisp n. 口齿不清,咬舌
③feast n. 宴会,酒席,节会
④jealous adj. 妒忌的,好妒忌的
⑤send?away 赶走,撵走
⑥mistreatment n. 虐待。注意本次中包含两个词缀,第一个是前缀mis-,表示“坏,错误,否定”之意,例如:misdeed, misbehave, mistrust等。另一个是名词后缀-ment,表示“行为的过程、手段、工具、程度或者结果”,例如:measurement, disappointment等。
①shoulder a bottle filled withwater. This bottle was not made of glass, but of the skin of an animal.
②Then Abraham badethem goodbye, and he watched them as they started toward the land of Egypt,
where Hagar used to live when she was a little girl.
The road to Egypt led through the same desert where the angel spoke to Hagar when she had
③run away from Sarah's tent. On this second journey Hagar missed the road and wandered offinto
④⑤the tracklesswilderness. She did not know which way to take; and after a while there was no
more food in her basket nor water in the bottle which Abraham had given. And the hot Sun
⑥⑦beamed down uponthe dry, burningsand all day, until Hagar and Ishmael grew so thirsty, faint,
and weak that they could go no farther. Then Hagar laid her suffering boy beneath the shade of a little bush, and went away. "I can not bear to see him suffer and die," she said, and then she wept. But God had not forgotten about Hagar and her boy. Just as he had seen her on her first journey into the wilderness, so he could see her now as she sat weeping all alone. And soon she
⑧⑨heard a voice calling to her out of heaven, "What is the cause of your sorrow, Hagar? Do not
⑩be afraid, for God has heard Ishmael's cry of pain, and he will save his life and make ofhim a
⑾great nation. Go, now, and lift him up." Then Hagar saw a spring of water which God caused to
⑿bubbleout of the dry ground near by, and she quickly filled her empty bottle and gave Ishmael a drink.
After this Hagar and Ishmael did not journey on to Egypt, but made their home in the ⑥
wilderness, far from other people. God cared forthem, and Ishmael grew to be a strong, wild man. He became a hunter, and used a bow and arrow. His children also grew up in the wilderness, and
⒁were wild and strong like their father. They finally were called Arabians.
①filled with 盛满,装满
②bid v. 吩咐,要求,命令。
③wander v. 游荡,徘徊,闲逛。wander off走失,迷路,无意中走错路。注意和wonder(想知道)区分。
④trackless adj. 无足迹的,不留足迹的,人迹罕至的。
⑤wilderness n. 荒野,未开垦的地方
⑥beam down 发射,照耀。The sun beams down. 阳光普照。
⑦burning adj. 火烧火燎的
⑧out of heaven 出自天际,来自天堂。
⑨sorrow n. 悲伤,哀叹
⑩make of 对??有某种看法,理解,明白,用??做成,培养成。
⑾lift sb. up 抱起某人,举起某人。
⑿bubble n. 泡沫
⒀care for 关心,照顾,对??担心。
⒁Arabian n. 阿拉伯人。adj. 阿拉伯人的,阿拉伯的。
1. Then Abraham bade them goodbye, and he watched them as they started toward the land of Egypt, where Hagar used to live when she was a little girl.
理解本句要知道句中的几个短语,如bid somebody goodbye,表示“与某人道别,和某人说再见”;start toward,表示“启程前往某地”;和used to do,表示“过去常常做(而现在不做了)”。尤其要注意used在几个短语中的用法,get used to doing sth. 表示“习惯做??”,而be used to do sth. 只是被动语态的形式。例如:
You don't come and see me like you used to. (你不再像以前那样过来看我了。)
She was not used to speaking English. (她还不习惯说英语。)
A pen is used to write. (钢笔是用来写字的。)
2. And the hot sun beamed down upon the dry, burning sand all day, until Hagar and Ishmael grew so thirsty, faint, and weak that they could go no farther.
理解本句的关键是清楚so?that?引导的结果状语从句。so引出造成后面结果的情况,so thirty, faint, and weak表示“非常口渴,非常虚弱”,that引导的从句就是前面这些情况造成德结果。
①他对那位他生病期间照顾他的护士表示感谢。(care for)
Proverbs from the Bible
To everything there is a season. Everything has its time.
Tomorrow will take care of itself.
Two are better than one.
Wisdom is the principal thing.
With what judgment ye judge, ye shall be judged.
1. He thanked the nurse who had cared for him while he was sick.
2. He spent the morning wandering around the old part of the city.
3. He had always been jealous of his brother's good looks.
9. Abraham Gave Isaac Back to God
It was God's will that people show their love for him by what they do. Abraham always listened to God's voice and obeyed. Even when it did not seem easy to obey, Abraham was always
①ready to do God's bidding.
② After the baby Isaac came intoAbraham's life, God saw that Abraham's love for the little
③boy was very strong. And the passing years increasedthis love, because Abraham knew that Isaac
was the child God had promised, and heloved Isaac as a gift from God.
④⑤ By and bythe time came when Isaac grew far awayfrom babyhood into youth. Abraham
⑥had taught him to know about God and to worship him. When God saw how dearlyAbraham
loved his son, and how obedient and loving Isaac was toward his father, he thought, "I must prove Abraham this once more, and see whether he loves me better than he loves the gift-child I have
⑦given." So he called to Abraham one day, and Abraham answered, "Behold, here am I." Then
God said, "Take your son, your only son, Isaac, whom you love so much, and go into the land of Moriah. There give him back to me as an offering upon an altar, which you must build at the place I will show."
⑧ Abraham did not know the reason why God should ask him to give Isaac backas an offering.
But Abraham believed that God understood why, and so he was not afraid to obey.
⑨ The land of Moriah was some distancefrom Abraham's tent, and the
摩利亚距离亚伯拉罕的帐篷还有一些路,需要数天的行程。亚伯拉罕叫上两个青年男仆 NOTES
①bidding n. 命令,吩咐;要求。do one's bidding 按照??的要求做。
②come into 来到,进入
③increase v. 提高,增加,增强。反义词是decrease(减少,降低)。
④by and by 不久以后,不一会儿。
⑤far away 在远处;遥远的。通常用作 far away from与??距离遥远。本文中是指远远不止。
⑥dearly adv. 充满深情地,一往情深地;非常,很。本文中是指亚伯拉罕对自己的儿子充满深切的爱。
⑦behold v. 看,注视
⑧give back 归还,送回,使(某人)重新得到。
⑨distance n. (两物,两点间的)距离,(空间上)遥远,远处
①journey there would require a few day's time. Abraham called two young men servants and Isaac,
②③④then saddledhis donkey, and they started away. They took wood and fire with which to burn
⑤the offering, and traveled on and onfor two days, sleeping at night under the trees. On the third
day Abraham saw the mountain where God wanted him to build the altar and offer his gift. He left
⑥the servants with the donkey to wait by the roadside, while he and Isaac should go onalone. Isaac
⑦carried the wood upon his shoulder, and Abraham took the vesselcontaining the fire.
⑧ As they climbed the mountain-side together, Isaac began to wonderwhy his father had
forgotten to bring a lamb for an offering. He did not know what God had asked Abraham to give. He did not understand why they were going so far from home to build the altar. So he said, "My father, see, here is wood and fire for the altar, but where is the lamb for an offering?" Abraham replied, "God will provide himself a lamb."
When they reached the place God had appointed, Abraham built an altar, laid the wood upon
⑨it, and then boundIsaac's hands and feet and placed him upon the wood. Next he took his knife,
⑩and was about tokill Isaac when a loud voice called to him out of the sky, "Abraham! Abraham!"
⑾⑿The old man stopped to listen, and the angel of God said to him, "Do not harmIsaac. Now I
know that you love God even better than you love your child. Untie his hands and his feet, and let
him go." At this Abraham saw a ramcaught by its hornsin a thicketnear by. He took this animal and offered it instead of his son Isaac.
⒃No doubt it was a happy father and son who walked downthe mountain-side together; for
now Abraham knew that he had surely pleased God, and Isaac knew that his life was precious in
⒄God's sight.
①a few days' time 几天的时间。
②saddle n. 马鞍,车座。
③donkey n. 驴子,驴
④start away 立即出发,动身。
⑤on and on 不停地,不停歇地
⑥go on继续做,继续走路,持续。
⑦vessel n. (尤其指盛液体的)容器,器皿
⑧wonder v. 惊奇,想知道,怀疑。
⑨band v. 用绳子捆绑
⑩be about to do sth. 正要做??(还未做),正要,将要。
⑾stop to do sth 停下来正在做的事情,做另一件事情。
⑿harm n. 损害,伤害
⒀ram n. 公羊
⒁horn n. (牛、羊等的)角,触角
⒂thicket n. 灌木丛,丛林,草丛
⒃walk down 通过散步消化(食物等),走着下来。
⒄in God's sight 在上帝眼中。in one's sight在??眼中。
1. It was God's will that people show their love for him by what they do.
本句的重点是it的用法,it在本句中是形式主语,在主语的位置,代替真正的主语,而真正的主语是一个句子people show their love for him by what they do。除此之外,it还可以做⒀⒁⒂
动词不定式的形式主语,例如:It is difficult to carry out the plan.实施这个计划有些困难。
2. When they reached the place God had appointed, Abraham built an altar, laid the wood upon it, and then bound Isaac's hands and feet and placed him upon the wood.
本句是一个时间状语从句。时间状语从句由when引导,“when they reached the place?”,在这个时间状语从句里又有一个定语从句,God had appointed,修饰先行词place;主句有多个动词并列,如built、laid、bound和place;它们共同的主语是Abraham,多个动词并列会给读者造成一种时间的紧迫感,产生一种动人心魄的艺术美感。
①不久路上出现了一个人。(by and by)
Proverbs from the Bible
One sows, another reaps.
On your belly you shall go.
Pride goes before destruction.
The devil walks about like a roaring lion.
The first will be the last, and the last first.
The letter kills, but the Spirit gives life.
The lines have fallen to me in pleasant places.
1. By and by a man appeared on the road.
2. The world population continues to increase in the 21st century.
3. He wonders whether he did a right thing in accepting the job.
10. The Sale of Birthright
After Abraham died, his son Isaac lived in the land of Canaan. Like his father, Isaac had his home in a tent; around him were the tents of his people, and many flocks of sheep and herds of cattle feeding wherever they could find grass to eat and water to drink.
Isaac and his wife Rebekah had two children. The older was named Esau and the younger Jacob.
①② Esau was a man of the woods and very fond ofhunting; and he was roughand covered with
③④⑤hair. Jacob was quiet thoughtful, staying at home, dwelling ina tent, and caring forthe flocks of
his father.
Isaac loved Esau more than Jacob, because Esau brought to his father that which he had killed in his hunting; but Rebekah liked Jacob, because she saw that he was wise and careful in his
Among the people in those lands, when a man dies, his older son receives twice as much as the younger of what the father has owned. This was called his "birthright" for it was his right as the oldest born. So Esau, as the older son, had a "birthright" to more of Isaac's possessions than
⑥Jacob. And besides this, there was the privilegeof the promise of God that the family of Isaac
should receive great blessings.
Now Esau, when he grew up, did not care for his birthright or the blessing which God had promised. But Jacob, who was a wise man, wished greatly to
以扫长大以后,他并不关心自己的长子权和上帝的祝福。但是雅各是一个聪明人,他非常希望能够拥有长子权。有一次,以扫打猎回到家,精疲力尽,饥渴难耐,他看见雅各有一碗刚刚做好的豆汤。以扫便说:“给我点碗里的东西吃吧?给我点好吗?我饿极了。” NOTES
①fond adj. 喜欢的,喜爱的。be fond of喜欢,爱好,嗜好。
②rough adj. 粗糙的,粗略的,粗野的。本文中是指粗野的。
③thoughtful adj. 深思的;体贴的
④dwell v. 居住。通常用作dwell in居住在桌地。
⑤care for 关心、照顾
⑥privilege n. 特权,特别恩典,基本人权。本文中是指特权,特殊的恩典。
have the birthright which would come to Esau when his father died. Once, when Esau came home,
①hungry, and tired fromhunting in the fields, he saw that Jacob had a bowl of something that he
②had just cooked for dinner. And Esau said: "Give me some of that red stuffin the dish. Will you
not give me some?I am hungry."
And Jacob answered, "I will give it to you, if you will first of all sell to me your birthright." And Esau said, "What is the use of the birthright to me now, when I am almost starving to
③death?You can have my birthright if you will give me something to eat."
④⑤ Then Esau made Jacob a solemnpromiseto give to Jacob his birthright, all for a bowl of
⑥⑦food. It was not right for Jacob to dealso selfishlywith his brother; but it was very wrong in
Esau to care so little for his birthright and
以扫说:“我快饿死了,长子权对我有什么用处?你给我点东西吃,我可以给你长子权。” 于是以扫许下誓言,将长子权卖给了雅各,而他仅仅得到一碗饭。雅各如此自私地对待哥哥,这种做法是不对的;但是以扫对他的长子权和上帝的祝福漠不关心,这样更加不对。 NOTES
①be tiled from 因??而厌倦。而be tired of表示“对??感到厌倦”。
②stuff n. 材料,原料,东西
③starve v. 使饿死,饿得要死。也用作starve to death饿死。
④solemn adj. 庄严的、郑重的
⑤make a promise承诺,做出承诺
⑥deal with 处理,对待,对付,应付;与?打交道。本文中是指对待(别人)。
⑦selfishly adv. 自私地、任性地
1. Esau was a man of the woods and very fond of hunting; and he was rough and covered with hair. Jacob was quiet and thoughtful, staying at home, dwelling a tent, and caring for the flocks of his father.
第一句中的a man of the woods描述以扫,表示他是“丛林之人,喜欢丛林生活的人”;以扫满身毛发,身体强健。而另一方面,雅各staying at home, dwelling a tent, and caring for the flocks of his father留守在家,照看家畜,爱静喜欢沉思,与以扫形成了鲜明的对比。文中出现了v-ing形式做伴随状语的短语,表示这些动作同时发生。
2. Among the people in those lands, when a man dies, his older son receives twice as much as the younger of what the father has owned.
本句中出现了表示倍数的表达方式。twice as much as,表示“是??的两倍”。表示3倍以上时,形式稍有不同,固定的格式是:基数词+times as much /many as+被对比的对象。例如:Students in class one are three times as many as those in class two. 一班的学生人数是二班的3倍。
①我会回来的,但是我这并不是做任何承诺。(make a promise)
③我厌倦了与她争吵不休。(tired of)
sell one's birthright for a mess of pottage直译是:为了一碗红豆汤而出卖长子权
本典故出自《旧约·创世纪》,具体故事内容见本章。人们用to sell one's birthright for a mess of pottage来比喻为了眼前利益出卖具有重大价值的东西,或者比喻因小失大。这个成语有时缩略为for a mess of pottage的形式;有时也可用to sell one's birthrights。mess of pottage表示蝇头小利。例如:It was argued that joining WTO would be giving away her national rights and advantages for a mess of pottage. (有人认为加入世界贸易组织,丢弃了国家权力和利益,得到的仅是蝇头小利。)
1. I will get back, but I'm not making any promises.
2. She has a thoughtful expression on her face.
3.I'm tired of arguing with her.
11. Jacob and Esau
① Isaac became at last very old and feeble, and so blind that he could seescarcely
anything. One day he said to Esau:
"My son, I am very old, and do not know how soon I must die. But before I die, I wish
to give to you, as my older son, God's blessing upon you, and your descendants. Go out into the
②③④fields, and with your bowand arrowsshoot some animal that is good forfood, and make for me
a dish of cooked meat such as you know I love; and after I have eaten it I will give you the blessing."
Now Rebekah was listening, and heard all that Isaac had said to Esau. She knew that it would be better for Jacob to have the blessing than for Esau; and she loved Jacob more than Esau. So she called to Jacob and told him what Isaac had said to Esau.
⑤⑥ Then Jacob went and brought a pair oflittle kidsfrom the flocks, and from them his
⑦mother made a dish of food, so that it would be to the tastejust as Isaac liked it. Then Rebekah
found some of Esau's clothes, and dressed Jacob in them; and she placed on his neck and hands
⑧some of the skins of the kids, so that his neck and his hands would feel rough and hairyto the
Then Jacob came into his father's tent, bringing the dinner, and speaking as much like
⑨Esau as he could, he said:
"Here I am, my father."And Isaac said, "Who are you, my son?"
11. 偷梁换柱
①scarccly adv. 几乎不,简直没有,勉强
②bow n. 弓,船头,鞠躬
③arrow n. 箭,箭状物,(形状、速度、用途等)似箭的东西。
④be good for对??有好处,对??有益。它的反义词词组是be bad for对??有害。 ⑤a pair of一对,一双
⑥kid n. 小孩,小山羊,小羚羊。本文中是指小羊。
⑦to the taste 合某人的口味
⑧hairy adj. 多毛的,毛状的,长毛的
⑨as?as one could 尽量做??,尽力做??
And Jacob answered, "I am Esau, your oldest son; I have done as you bade me; now sit up and eat the dinner that I have made, and then give me your blessing as you promised me."
And Isaac said, "How is it that you found it so quickly?" Jacob answered, "Because the Lord your God showed me where to go and gave me good success."
Isaac did not feel certain that it was his son Esau, and he said, "Come near and let me feel you, so that I may know that you are really my son Esau."
①②③ And Jacob went upclose toIsaac's bed, and Isaac felt ofhis face, and his neck, and his
hands, and he said:
"The voice sounds like Jacob, but the hands are the hands of Esau. Are you really my son Esau?"
④ And Jacob told a lieto his father, and said, "I am."
Then the old man ate the food that Jacob had brought to him; and he kissed Jacob, believing him to be Esau; and he gave him the blessing.
⑤⑥ "May God give you the dewof heaven, and the richness of the earth, and plenty of grain
⑦and wine. May nations bow down to you and peoples become your servants. May you be the ⑧masterover your brother, and may your family and descendants that shall come from you rule ⑨⑩overhis family and his descendants. Blessed be those that bless you, and cursedbe those that curse you."
⑾⑿⒀ Just as soon asJacob had received the blessing he rose upand hastened away. He had
scarcely gone out, when Esau came in from hunting, with the dish of food that he had cooked. And he said:
"Let my father sit up and eat the food that I have brought, and give me the
“听着声音像是雅各,但是双手确实是以扫的双手。你真是我的儿子以扫?” 雅各撒谎说:“我就是。”
这时老人才相信他就是以扫,便吃了雅各带给他的食物,亲吻了雅各,并赐福给他: “愿上帝赐予你天上的甘露和地下的财富,无数的谷物和美酒,众邦国臣服于你,各族人民为你效劳。愿你的一母同胞悉数服从于你。诅咒你的人会受到咀咒,祝福你的人会享受祝福。”
①go up 上升、走上前来。
②close to 靠近。
③feel of 摸着检查,摸着检验。
④lie n. 谎言,谎话。tell a lie,说谎。
⑤dew n. 露水、纯洁、文静的东西
⑥grain n. 谷粒,谷,谷种
⑦wine n. 酒,葡萄酒
⑧master n. 主人、统治者
⑨rule over 统治,管辖
⑩curse v. 祈祷上帝降祸于,诅咒,咒骂。
⑾as soon as 一??就??
⑿rise up 站起来。
⒀hasten v. 催促,赶快,急忙。hasten away 匆忙离开。
And Isaac said, "Why, who are you?"
Esau answered, "I am your son; your oldest son, Esau."
① And Isaac trembled, and said, "Who then is the one that came in and brought to me food?
And I have eaten his food and have blessed him; yes, and he shall be blessed."
② When Esau heard this, he knew that he had been cheated; and he cried aloud, with a bitter
③cry, "Oh, my father, my brother has taken awaymy blessing, just as he took away my birthright!
But cannot you give me another blessing, too? Have you given everything to my brother?" And Isaac told him all that he had said to Jacob.
But Esau begged for another blessing; and Isaac said:
"My son, your dwelling shall be of the riches of the earth and of the dew of heaven. You shall live by your sword and your descendants shall serve his descendants. But in time to come they
④⑤⑥shall break looseand shall shake offthe yokeof your brother's rule and shall be free."
①tremble n. 战悚,哆嗦,颤抖
②cheat v. 欺骗,作弊
③take away 带走;拿走,夺走,剥夺
④loose adj. 宽松的,不牢固的,不精确的,break loose挣脱,进发,强行分离出来。 ⑤shake off 摆脱,甩掉、丢弃
⑥yoke n. 轭,轭状物,套,束缚,支配。shake off the yoke of one's rule 挣脱某人控制的枷锁。
1. Go out into the fields, and with your bow and arrows shoot some animal that is good for food, and make for me a dish of cooked meat such as you know I love; and after i have eaten it I will give you the blessing."
本句比较长,理解本句的关键是找出三个并列动词为核心的动词短语,这三个核心动词是go out, shoot和make。这是三个并列句,但是作为主语的you被省略了。such as引导的是定语从句,先行词是 a dish of cooked meat 一盘肉菜;such as后面的从句修饰a dish of
cooked meat。
2. May God give you the dew of heaven, and the richness of the earth, and plenty of grain and wine. May nations bow down to you and peoples become your servants. May you be the master over your brother, and may your family and descendants that shall come from you rule over his family and his descendants. Blessed be those that bless you, and cursed be those that curse you."
本段取自以撒对儿子的祝福,是比较正式的文体。may放在句首的句子多次出现。may的这种用法表达某种祝愿。例如:may you succeed!祝你成功!
①我一看到她,就知道有问题了。(as soon as)
②我讨厌人们离我太近。(close to)
Proverbs from the Bible
A living dog is better than a dead lion.
Every good tree bears good fruit.
Forgive them, for they do not know what they do.
He who increases knowledge increases sorrow.
It is more blessed to give than to receive.
Three fold cord is not quickly broken.
1. As soon as I saw her, I knew there was something wrong.
2. I hate people standing too close to me.
3. His voice started to tremble and I thought he was going to cry.
12. Jacob and Rachel
①②③④ Jacob continued on his way, getting ever fartheraway fromhis brother Esau's wrathAt
last he reached Haran, the place where his uncle Laban dwelt. He saw a green field, and in the field a well. Three flocks of sheep were lying there, resting, and waiting to be watered.
As Jacob drew near he greeted the shepherds and asked them whether they knew a man named Laban.
⑤ They replied, "We know Laban, and here, behold, Rachel, his daughter, comethwith the
⑥⑦ As Rachel approached, looking sweet and beautiful, Jacob was deeply touched. He rolled
away the stone which covered the well and watered the flock of Laban. Then he embraced his
⑧⑨young cousin and lifted uphis voice and wept.
⑩ When Rachel learned who Jacob was, she hastenedto tell her father, Laban, and he greeted
Jacob joyfully, and made him welcome in his home.
⑿ Jacob remained in Laban's home for a month, tendingthe flocks and herds. When Laban
⒀asked him what wageshe wanted to receive, Jacob refused any money, but said, "I will serve
⒁⒂theeseven years for Rachel thyyounger daughter."
Jacob wished to have Rachel for his bride, for he had already begun to love
①on one's way 在(某人)往?去的路上
②farther adj. 更远的,较远的更远的,进一步的。
③far away from 远离??,距离??远。
④wrath n. 愤怒,激怒,暴怒
⑤cometh 古英语
⑥approach v. 靠近,接近
⑦touch v. 感动
⑧lift up 提起,拿起,吊起,提高
⑨weep v. 哭泣,流泪
⑩hasten v. 催促,赶快,急忙
⑾joyfully adv. 喜悦地,高兴地
⑿tend v. 照顾,照料
⒀wage n. 薪水,报偿,代价
⒁thee pron. (古语thou的宾格)你
⒂thy adj. (古语)你的
①her dearly. Laban thought this was a very good bargain, and readily agreed.
Jacob toiled for seven years in his uncle's service, and the time seemed to pass very quickly,
②③for he knew that at the end of that time he would win the hand ofRachel. A great wedding feast
④was prepared, and the wedding day came at last. Jacob was full of happiness, but, alasLaban
deceived Jacob, and forced him to marry Leah, the older daughter instead. Jacob was very angry at this, but Laban explained that a younger daughter cannot marry first, but would have to wait until the older daughter was married, so that Jacob would have, to work for him seven more years if he
⑤also wanted to wedRachel.
So Jacob, who had cheated his brother, was now cheated in turn.
Jacob worked for seven more wearyyears, always remembering, however, that at the end of
⑦this time he would win the hand of his belovedRachel.
Finally, after seven more years had passed, Jacob also married Rachel, and now he was happy ⑧at last.
雅各为叔叔辛勤劳作,时光流逝,7年很快就过去了,他知道时间一到就能够迎娶拉结。盛大的婚宴已经准备就绪。婚期眼看就要到了。雅各满怀幸福,但是拉班骗了他,逼着他娶了大女儿利亚。雅各对此非常生气,但是拉班向他解释,年小的女儿不能够先嫁人,必须等到大女儿出嫁了以后才可以嫁人。所以,雅各如果想娶拉结为妻,他还必须再干7年。 于是,这个骗了自己兄弟的雅各也受到了别人的欺骗。
①bargain n. 交易,买卖,物美价廉的东西。
②win the hand of:迎娶??夺得美人归。
③feast n. 宴会,酒席,节会
④alas interj. [表示悲哀、悲痛、遗憾、懊悔、忧虑、怜悯、关切或恐惧等]哎呀,唉。 ⑤wed v. 与??结婚,结婚。
⑥weary adj. 疲倦的,厌烦的
⑦beloved adj. 心爱的,亲爱的
⑧at last 终于,最后。
1. Jacob wished to have Rachel for his bride, for he had already begun to love her dearly.
本句中出现了两个for。第一个for表示“作为”。第二个for是连词表示已知的原因。for引导的原因一定放在主句之后。例如:I decided to stop and have lunch, for I was feeling quite hungry. 我决定停下了吃午饭,因为我已经感到饿了。
2. Jacob was very angry at this, but Laban explained that a younger daughter cannot marry first, but would have to wait until the older daughter was married, so that Jacob would have to work for him seven more years if he also wanted to wed Rachel.
本句是一个长句,理解长句的关键是厘清各分句之间的关系,注意哥哥分句之间的连词,这些连词有:but,but,so that以及if。其中so that引导结果状语从句。if引导条件状语从句。
①她应该正在往这儿来的路上。(on one's way)
Proverbs from the Bible
All who take the sword will perish by the sword.
As a man sows, so shall he reap.
A prophet is not without honor, save in his own country.
Charity is greatest.
Do as you would like to bed done by. (Treat others in the way that you would like to be treated.)
Even Satan is transformed into an angel of light.
1. She should be on the way here by now.
2. We could just see the train approaching in the distance.
3. I think he is a little weary after his long journey.
13. Pharaoh's Dream
At last Jacob came back to the land of Canaan with his family. Now he had eleven sons. Soon another son was born to him, the second child of his wife Rachel, whom Jacob loved so well. But soon after the baby came, his mother Rachel died, and Jacob was filled with sorrow. Of all his children, Jacob loved Joseph the best, because he was Rachel's child; because he was so
①②much younger than most of his brothers; and because he was good, faithful, and thoughtful.
③His older brothers were enviousof him.
When Joseph was still young, his brothers sold him as a slave to some businessmen, who in
④turnsold him to Potiphar, an officer of Pharaoh, king of Egypt. He treated Joseph very
⑤⑥favorably, and put all his affairs under Joseph's care. But after he had served his master
⑦⑧faithfully for some time, Joseph was falselyaccused ofsome wrong doing; and his master,
⑨⑩without inquiringinto the matter, shut him up in prison.
But God was with Joseph in the prison and He caused the keeper of the prison to put trust in
⑾him, so that he had the whole care ofthe other prisoners, and of all that was done there.
Two of these prisoners, chief servants of Pharaoh, dreamed strange dreams, and God gave
⑿⒀Joseph wisdom to interpretthem. He told one of them that his dream signifiedthat in three
⒁days he should be taken out of prison and hangedthe other prisoner's dream signified that in
three days he should be
①faithful adj. 忠实的,守信用的
②thoughtful adj. 深思的,体贴的
③envious adj. 嫉妒的
④in turn 接着。
⑤favorably adv. 顺利地,好意地
⑥put?under one's care 把??交与??照顾。
⑦falsely adv. 虚伪地,错误地
⑧accuse v. 责备,控告。
⑨inquire v. 询问,问明
⑩shut?up in prison 把??关进监狱
⑾have the care of 照料。
⑿interpret v. 解释,演出
⒀signify -fy动词后缀,在形容词或名词后,构成动词。
⒁hang v. 吊死,挂,悬挂。本文中是指吊死。
①②③releasedandrestoredto his position of chief butler. And he begged this one, after he should be
④set at liberty, to try to get him also out of prison. But when the man got out of prison, he
thought no more about Joseph for two whole years.
At the end of that time, Pharaoh had two dreams that made him unhappy, and whose meaning none of his wise men could tell him.
⑤⑥ He dreamed that seven fat cattle were feeding in a meadow, and that seven leanones came
⑦⑧and ate them up. Again he dream of seven ears of good corn on one stalk, and that seven
⑨⑩⑾blightedones sprang upand devouredthem.
And when no one could tell him what these dreams meant, the chief butler remembered how Joseph had explained to him his dream in the prison. So he told the king, who immediately sent
⑿for Joseph out of prison, relatedhis dreams to him, and asked him what they signified. Joseph
answered the king that in these dreams God had showed him what He was about to do: that He
⒀was going to give Egypt seven years of plenty, and after them seven years of famine. And he
⒁⒂advised Pharaoh to seek outsome discreetperson whom he might set over the land of Egypt,
⒃with officers under him, to store up, during the years of plenty, corn enough to supply them in
the years of famine.
Pharaoh thought the advice was good, and that no one was so fit as Joseph to do all this; so he made him ruler. And Joseph stored up the corn, so that, when the famine came, other countries sent men to Egypt to buy food.
法老梦见7头肥牛在草地上吃草,7头瘦小干瘪的小牛前来把7头肥牛吞食。他又梦见一根麦秆上长出7个硕大的麦穗,接着又长出7个干瘪瘦小的麦穗,把前7个麦穗吞食。 这时,膳食总管记起了狱中约瑟夫为他解梦的事情。于是他就告诉了法老;法老当即让约瑟夫出狱,把他的梦说给了约瑟夫,要他解梦。约瑟夫告诉法老,真正的上帝在这些梦中向世人预告了即将发生的事情:埃及将获得7年丰收,紧随而来的将是7年饥荒。他建
法老认为这个建议甚为可取,但是除了约瑟夫再也没有合适的人选做这个工作了,于是法老就任命他处理此事。于是约瑟夫收储粮食,饥荒来临,各国都派人到埃及购买粮食。 NOTES
①release v. 释放,放出
②restore v. 回复,恢复,归还
③butler n. 男仆;(现通常指掌管酒类、餐具室、餐具等的)男管家;司膳总管;主管酒类的男仆。
④be set at liberty 获得释放,重获自由。
⑤meadow 草地,草坪
⑥lean adj. 瘦的,贫乏的;倚靠,倾斜,依赖。本文中是指瘦的。
⑦eat up 吃光,吞食。
⑧stalk n. (植物的)茎,梗
⑨blighted (植物)枯萎的;患枯萎病的;受摧残的
⑩spring up 跳起,萌芽,出现。
⑾devour v. 饥饿地
⑿relate to 有关,涉及。
⒀famine n. 饥荒,饥饿
⒁seek out 找出,挑出;搜寻出;寻求(帮助等)。
⒂discreet adj. 谨慎的
⒃store up 贮藏,储备。
1. Of all his children, Jacob loved Joseph the best, because he was Rachel's child; because he was so much younger than most of his brothers; and because he was good, faithful, and thoughtful. 本句出现了because引导的三个并列从句,because引出事情的原因。主句表明雅各在他所有的孩子中最爱约瑟夫,后面由because引出三个方面的原因。使用排比句式,更具有说服力。
2. So he told the king, who immediately sent for Joseph out of prison, related his dreams to him, and asked him what they signified. Joseph answered the king that in these dreams God had showed him what He was about to do: that He was going to give Egypt seven years of plenty, and after them seven years of famine.
本选段的第一句中出现了数个动词并列的情况,它们是sent for,related和asked,表明一系列的动词连贯发生,具有一定得紧迫感,由此可知法老对如何释梦非常关心。后面是一个长句,是约瑟夫解梦的内容,注意句子中间人称代词he的形式,he的首字母大写,成为He,专指代上帝。
Proverbs from the Bible
A soft answer turns away wrath.
Answer a fool according to his folly.
A tree is known by its fruit.
How are the mighty fallen!
I will not leave you nor for sake you.
Let the dead bury their own dead.
The king dom of God is within you.
1. His faithful dog accompanied him everywhere he went.
2. He was released out of prison after sewing two years.
3. He was always discreet about his secrets.
14.Moses in the Bulrushes
① During the famine, Joseph's brothers came to Egypt to buy food. Joseph readilyforgave
②them. And he sent forhis father and made them live with him in the land of Egypt.
③ Joseph died in Egypt when he was a hundred and ten years old; and all the people mourned
for him. Some time after this, when the descendents of Jacob had become very numerous, there
④was a king of Egypt who treated them in a harshmanner. He tried to make slaves of them,
setting them to all kinds of hard labor. But, the more he oppressed them, the more they
⑤increased in number; and the Egyptians were afraid lest, in time of war, the Israelites might
turn against them.
So the king commanded that all the sons of the children of Israel, or Hebrews as they are also
⑥called, should be put to deathas soon as they were born.
At this time a Hebrew had a son born: he was a beautiful child, and for three months his
⑦mother, Jochebed, succeeded in saving him fromthe Egyptians.
But at last she found she could no longer conceal him. So she made an ark, that is, a sort of
⑧⑨⑩⑾cradle, of bulrushescoated over withpitch, laid him in it, and then placed the ark among the ⑿reedsthat grew by the riverside, while his sister stood watching in the distance to see what would become of him.
①readily adv. 乐意地,欣然
②send for 派人去请,(写信、打电话)请来(某人)。
③mourn v. 哀伤,悲哀,痛心,惋惜(常与for,over连用)。
④harsh adj. 无情的,苛刻的
⑤lest conj. 惟恐,以免,prep. 唯恐,以免。
⑥put to death 处死,杀死。
⑦save ...from 从??挽救,从??救下。
⑧cradle n. 摇篮,发祥地,摇篮时代
⑨bulrush n. 芦苇
⑩coathed over with 用??覆盖,用??裹住。本文中是指这位妈妈为
⑾pitch n. 沥青
⑿reed n. 芦苇,芦苇丛
①② Presently the king's daughter, attendedby her women, came downto the river, and,
perceiving the ark among the reeds, she sent one of her servants to bring it to her.
When she saw the poor little child crying, she was sorry for it, for she knew it must be one of the Hebrew children whom the king had commanded to be killed, and whose mother had laid it
③there, hoping that some one would have compassionon it.
The child's sister, seeing how the princess pitied him, then came forward, and asked whether
④she should fetch a Hebrew woman to nurseit for her. The princess bade her to do so, So she
⑤fetched her own mother, and the king's dauglater told her to take the child awayand nurse it for
⑥her. Then his mother joyfullycarried her little son home again.
When he was old enough to be taken to Pharaoh's daughter, she called him her son, named
⑦him Moses, which means "drawnout of the water," and had him taught all that was known to
the Egyptians.
孩子的姐姐看到公主对孩子心存怜悯,于是走上前来,问她是否需要找一个希伯来妇女帮她喂养男婴。公主同意她的建议,让她找一位希伯来妇女。于是她就把她的妈妈叫了过来,公主让她把孩子带走喂养。就这样,男婴的妈妈高兴地带着自己的儿子回家了。 男孩年龄稍大,他被带到公主面前相见。公主称他为自己的儿子,给他起名为摩西,这个名字的意思是“从水里捡起”。公主还把埃及人的博学知识都教给他。
①attend v. 服侍,照顾,照料
②come down 来到。
③compassion n. 怜悯,同情,慈悲心怀。Have compassion on sb. 对??发善心,对??心存怜悯。
④nurse v. 看护,照顾,栽培
⑤take away 带走,带离。
⑥joyfully adv. 喜悦地,高兴地
⑦drawn draw 的过去分词,表示“捡起,拾起”。
1. But, the more he oppressed them, the more they increased in number; and the Egtptians were afraid lest, in time of war, the Israelites might turn against them.
本句出现的the more?,the more?表示“越......,就越??。”其基本的结构是:the+比较级+句子其他成分,the+比较级+句子其他成分;表示“前者越??,后者就越??。”例如:The more you eat, the fatter you will become. 吃的越多,就长的越胖。
2. When he was old enough to be taken to Pharaoh's daughter, she called him her son, named him Moses, which means "drawn out of the water," and had him taught all that was Known to the Egyptians.
理解本句的关键是厘清本句各个成分之间的关系。When引导的是一个时间状语从句,she开头的句子是主句。She作为主语,后面有三个并列谓语动词:called,named和had。主句中有两个定语从句:which means“drawn out of the water”是定语从句,修饰先行词moses that was known to the Egyptians也是一个定语从句,修饰先行词all。
①他妈妈病了,他已经请了一位医生。(send for)
②这活动成功地使公众开始注意这个问题。(succeed in)
③把枪给我,否则我会把它夺回来。(take away)
Exodus is the second book of the Bible, and the second offive books of the Torah/Pentateuch. The book relates the biblical narrative telling how Moses leads the Hebrews out of Egypt and through the wilderness to the Mountain of God: Sinai. The book ends with the construction of the Tabernacle. According to tradition, Exodus and the other fourbooks of the Torah were written by Moses.
1. His mother was ill and he had sent for a doctor.
2. These activities have succeeded in arousing public awareness of this issue.
3. Give me the gun, or l'll take it away from you.
15. The Holy Mission
①② Moses was brought upin the courtof Egypt. But when he was about forty years old, he
③went among his own people again, and was grieved to find how sadly they were oppressedby
the Egyptians.
Once he saw an Egyptian ill-treating a Hebrew; so he killed the man, and buried his body in
the sand. The king would have put him to death forthis, but Moses escaped into the land of Midian, and dwelt there.
One day, when he was feeding his flock near Horeb, God called to him out of a bush that
⑤flamedwith fire, and yet was not burned. And He told Moses that He had seen the sufferings of the people of Israel, and would deliver them, and bring them into the good land of Canaan, as
⑥He had promised to Abraham. And He commanded him to tell Pharaoh to let the people go,
that they might serve God in the wilderness.
so he went; and when he came before the king, Pharaoh asked who the Lord was. And he told
⑦Moses and Aaron that they hinderedthe people in their work. They should not go. And he
ordered that more work should be given them than before.
⑧⑨ The Hebrews had been making bricks of claymixed with straw. So Pharaoh commanded
that no more straw should be given them, but they should
摩西在埃及的宫廷里长大。但是当他14岁时,他才回到了自己的人民中间。他发现自己的人民受到埃及人残酷压迫,感到非常痛心。 有一次,他看到一个埃及人虐待一个希伯来人,于是就杀了那个埃及人,并把尸体埋在沙子里。国王因此要把他处死,于是摩西逃到了一个叫做米甸的地方,并在这儿定居下来。 一天,他在何烈山牧养牲畜,上帝从一块冒着火焰的草丛中呼喊他,而这块草丛并没有着火。上帝告诉摩西,他看见了以色列子民在埃及所遭受的苦难,他会按照向亚伯拉罕做出的承诺,把以色列子民从埃及的桎梏中解救出来,把他们带到美丽的迦南之地。他要摩西告诉法老放走这些子民,让他们在荒野中为上帝服务。 于是,摩西来到国王面前,传达了上帝的旨意,法老问这个上帝是谁。他警告摩西和他的兄弟亚伦,他们的言行消减了希伯来人干活的劲头。这些人不能走。而且法老还变本加厉,给希伯来人分派了更多的工作。
①bring up 养大,带大
②court n. 法院,庭院,球场
③oppress v. 压迫,压榨,压制某人。
④put sb to death for sth 因??而判某人死罪,杀死??。
⑤flame v. 燃烧,发火焰,发光Flamedwith fire发着火焰,冒着火焰。
⑥let go 放走,放开。本文中是指上帝要摩西给埃及国王传话,让他放走希伯来人,上帝的子民。
⑦hinder v. 打扰,妨碍
⑧clay n. 粘土,陶土, 泥
⑨straw n. 稻草,麦秆
①get it for themselves where they could; while, at the same time, they were obligedto make as
much brick as when straw was found for them.
But, instead of making bricks, their time was now spent in seeking straw; and they were beaten because the usual quantity of work was not done.
And though God assured them, by Moses, that He would certainly deliver them out of Egypt,
②they were so unhappy and faint-heartedthat they wouldnot believe it.
这样,希伯来人的时间都用于寻找稻草了,而没有用于制作砖块。因为没有完成工作量, ④
①oblige v. 强制,要求,迫使。Be obliged to do被要求做??,被强迫做??。 ②faint-hearted 胆怯的,怯懦的
1. And He told Moses that He had seen the sufferings of the people of Israel, and would deliver them, and bring them into the good land of Canaan, as He had promised, to Abraham.
本句中数次出现了首字母大写的He,人称代词he在句中首字母大写,专指代上帝。as是一个连词,表示“正如??一样”。例如:She is a fine singer, as her mother used to be.(正如她妈妈一样,她也是一位优秀的歌手。)
2. So Pharaoh commanded that no more straw should be given them, but they should get it for themselves where they could; while, at the same time, they were obliged to make as much brick as when straw was found for them.
本句描述了法老对以色列人的残酷折磨。注意句中的while的用法,通常while表示同时发生,而在此while表示转折和对比;并不表示同时发生。更多的例子有:He gets one thousand pounds a year while I get only twenty. (他一年收入1000英镑,而我一年收入仅仅20英镑。)Tome is very confident while Mary is very shy. (汤姆非常自信,而玛丽非常自卑。) 现学现用
①我是由爷爷一手抚养大的。(bring up)
③她有义务善待杰克,因为他是她的丈夫。(be obliged to)
Proverbs from the Bible
Do what is rightin one's own eyes.
Let us not be weary in well doing.
The sun shines on the evil and the good.
They that wasted us required of us mirth.
What I have written, I have written.
When the wicked rule, the people groan.
1. I was brought up by my grandfather.
2. For years now, the people have been oppressed by a cruel king.
3. She is obliged to be nice to Jack because he is her husband.
16.The Exodus
After this, by God's command, Moses and Aaron went many times to Pharaoh to bid him let
①the people go. But Pharaoh would not, though God sent strange and terrible plaguesupon him
②and his people to punish them for their wickedness, and make them obey Him.
③④ At length, as Pharaoh had commanded all the sons of the Hebrews to be slain, God in one
night destroyed all the first-born in Egypt; and then, fearing for their own lives, the Egyptians hastily drove out the Israelites.
⑤ There were six hundred thousand men, besides women and children. God caused a pillaof
⑥cloud to go before them in fhe daytime, to show them the way they were to take, and at night
He led them by a pillar of fire.
After the children of Israel had left Egypt, Pharaoh was angry with himself for having let
⑦them go. So he gathered together a great army, and pursuedthem to where they were encamped
⑧, in the wildemess by the Red Sea.
When the people saw they were pursued, they were much afraid, and reproached Moses for bringing them there; for they thought it would have been better to be slaves in Egypt, than to be killed in the wildemess. But Moses bade them not fear, God would deliver them.
⑨ Then the pillar of cloud and of fire, that had gone before to guide them, removed, and went
behind the camp, so that it stood between the Egyptians and the children of Israel. To the Egyptians it was cloud and darkness, so that
①plague n. 灾祸,瘟疫
②wickedness 邪恶,恶毒
③at length 最终,最后。
④slain slay 的过去分词。Slay v. 杀死,杀害。
⑤pillal n. 柱子,墩
⑥in the daytime 白天,在白天。
⑦pursue v. 追赶,追逐,追捕
⑧encamp v. 宿营,扎营,安营扎寨
⑨remove v. 除去,拿走
they could not continue their pursuit; but to the Israelites it gave light.
①② Then Moses, as God had commanded him, stretched outhis rodover the sea; and the waters
divided, standing like a wall on the right hand and on the left, leaving dry land between them,
③so that the whole multitudepassed through the very middle of the sea to the opposite shore.
④The Egyptians, seeing this, hastenedto follow; but God sent a violent storm upon them, which
⑤threw them all into confusion.
When they were in the middle of the sea, where the Israelites had gone safely, God bade
⑥Moses again stretch out his hand over it; and when he did so, the waters came backagain to
⑦their place, and drownedPharaoh, and all the Egyptians: there was not one of them left alive.
So God delivered the children of Israel.
In the third month after Israelites left Egypt, they came to the wilderness of Sinai. Moses, at
⑧⑨God's bidding, went up Mount Sinai with stone tablets. He was in the mount with God forty
days and nights, neither eating nor drinking; when he came down with the stone tables, the Ten
⑩Commandmentshad been written.
God had bidden him tell the people of Israel that if they kept His commandments, He would
⑾bless them, and make them prosperous; but if they did not keep them, He would give them into
⑿the power of their enemies, and afflictthem with all kinds of troubles.
上帝让他告诉希伯来人,如果他们遵守十诫,他就会保佑他们繁荣昌盛。但是如果他们不遵守十诫,他就会给他们带来各种各样的困难和灾难,把他的保佑赐给他们的敌人。 NOTES
①stretch v. 张开,伸展,延伸。Stretch out伸出,伸直身子。Stretch out one's hand 伸出手。
②rod n. 棍,棒,权杖。
③multitude n. 群众;多数。本人中指这些从埃及逃出的以色列众人。
④hasten v. 仓促,慌忙,急忙
⑤confusion n. 混乱,混淆。Throw into confusion, 使混乱不堪,使溃不成军。 ⑥come back 回来,回到原处。
⑦drown v. 淹死,溺死
⑧at one's bidding 按照某人的吩咐,遵照某人的命令。
⑨tablet n. 药丸,平板。本文中是指石碑。
⑩commandment n. 诫命,戒律。Ten Commandments十诫。
⑾prosperous adj. 繁荣的、富足的,富裕的。
⑿afflict v. 折磨,使苦恼,使痛苦。通常用作afflict sb. with sth. 使用??折磨某人
1. When the people saw they were pursued, they were much afraid, and reproached Moses for bringing them there; for they thought it would have been better to be slayes in Egypt, than to be killed in the wilderness.
本句是一个复合句,when引导的句子是一个时间状语从句,后面的部分是主句they were much afraid, and reproached Moses for bringing them there (他们非常害怕,指责摩西把他们带到这里来)。For引出人们有如此想法的原因,即it would have been better to be slaves in Egypt, than to be killed in the wilderness. (在埃及当奴隶,也比在此荒郊野外被杀要好的多)。It would have been是虚拟语气。
2. When they were in the middle of the sea, where the Israelites had gone safely, God bade Moses aqain stretch out his hand over it; and when he did so, the waters came back again to their place, and drowned Pharaoh, and all the Egyptians: there was not one of them left alive.
本句描述了摩西把以色列人带出埃及,摆脱法老军队追击,一举歼灭法老军队的过程。战场上千军万马,而纸张上寥寥数字,把那腥风血雨浓缩在了这四行字之间。注意丈中朴素的用词,when he did so, the waters came back again to meir place, and droWned Pharaoh, and all the Egyptians.(他这样做了,于是海水回流,淹没了法老和他的军队)。
②在妈妈的要求下,我穿上了我最好的服装。(at one's bidding)
③这个国家大约10%的人口受这种疾病的折磨。(be afflicted with)
The Ten Commandments(1)
First: "I am The Lord your God, Who brought you out of the land of Egypt, out of the house of bondage. You shall have no other gods before Me."
Second: "You shall not make for yourself a graven image, or any likeness of anything that is in heaven above, or that is in the earth beneath, or that is in the water under the earth; you shall not bow down to them or serve them; for I The Lord your God am a jealous God, visiting the iniquity of the fathers upon the children to the third and the fourth generation of those who hate Me, but showing steadfast love to thousands of those who love Me and keep My Commandments."
Third: "You shall not take The Name of The Lord your God in vain; forThe Lord will not hold him guiltless who takes His Name in vain."
1. Everybody has the right pursue their own happiness.
2. At my mother's bidding, I wore my best suit.
3. About 10 percent of this country's population is afflicted with this disease.
17. The Story of Samson
① God helped the children of Israel to defeat their enemies. At length they had possessionof
②almost the whole land of Canaan, and they divided it amongtheir twelve tribes. Then God gave
them rest from the attacks of their enemies round about them; and for a while they served Him faithfully.
The Philistines were the most powerful of nations that oppressed the Israelites; and to help them against these, God gave to them a judge named Samson.
③ There was a man whose name was Manoah and whose wife was barrenand childless. An
③⑦⑦④angel appeared to her and told her that she would conceiveand give birth toa son who
⑤should begin the deliveranceof the people from the Philistines.
When their child was born they called him Samson, and did all that the angel had said they should do with him. And God blessed Samson, and made him the strongest man that ever lived. One day, when he was going with his father and mother into the country of the Philistines, a
⑥⑦lion sprang outroaringagainst him; and God suddenly gave him such strength that he seized it
⑧with his hands and tore it to pieces.
Samson married the daughter of one of the Philistines; but afterward her father took her away
⑨from him, and, in rcvenge, he killed great numbers of them, and destroyed their crops and
⑩ The Philistines then came out in great forceand demanded that Samson
17. 力士参孙
有个名叫玛挪亚的男子,他妻子不生育,他们没有孩子。一个天使降临到她的面前,告诉她将怀孕,生出一个儿子,这个孩子将来会把人民从腓力斯人的压迫中解救出来。 孩子出生后,他们给他起名为参孙,并按照天使的吩咐为参孙做了一切要做的事情。上帝保佑参孙,使他长大成为最强壮的人。
①possession n. 拥有,财产,所有
②among prep. 在??之间,在??之中
⑧barren adj. 不育的,贫瘠的
④conceive v. 构思,以为,怀孕。本文中是指怀孕。
⑤give birth to 生育,生产。
⑥deliverance n. 解救,释放,救出
⑦spring v. 弹起,跳起,跳。spring out跳出。
⑧roal v. 咆哮,吼。Roar against sb. 对着某人咆哮,对着某人吼。
⑨tear v. 撕破。tear into pieces 把??撕成碎片。
⑩revenge n. 报复,复仇。in revenge 为报复而??,作为??的报复。
⑾in great force 大规模地,人数众多地。
①②should be given upto them. The men accordinglycame to Samson, and said they must give him
up to the enemy.
③ So Samson let them bind him with strong cords, and take him to the Philistines. But at that
④⑤⑥⑦moment God gave him strength to snapthe cords asunder; and, snatching upthe jaw-boneof
⑧an ass, he fell upon his enemies, and killed a thousand of them.
⑨ After this, Samson went to Gaza, a city of the Philistines, and at night the people shut him in,
saying to each other that they would kill him in the morning.
⑩ But in the middle of the night Samson got up, tore downthe gates of the city, and, throwing
⑾the peolp upon his shoulders, carded them to the top of a hill in the neighborhood. His enemies
⑿⒀now saw that they could not overcomehim by force, so they bribed a woman to get from him
the secret of his strength.
Samson deceived both her and them several times, but at last told her the truth, that if his hair were cut off, he should be no stronger than any other man. So, when he was asleep, she cut it
⒁⒂off; and then, calling the Philistines, they took him, put outhis eyes, and set him to grindcorn.
But as he toiled in prison, God gave his strength to him again. So one day, when the great men of the Philistines were going to worship their false god Dagon, and would have Samson
⒃⒄make sportfor them, he begged the boy who led him into let him rest againstthe pillars of the
⒅building where they were assembled
Then, praying to God that He would once more enable him to destroy his enemies, he laid
⒆⒇hold ofthe pillars, and, forward with all his might, pulled the buildingdown, crushing both himself and thousands of the Philistines. Thus it happened that he killed more in his death than in life.
①give up 自首,交出
②accordingly 因此,于是
③cord n. 绳索
④snap v. 猛咬,咬断
⑤asunder adv. 分开地,零散地
⑥snatch v. 抢夺,夺取
⑦jaw-bone 额骨。
⑧ass n. 傻瓜,蠢驴
⑨shut in 禁闭,关起,把??关在屋里。
⑩tear down 拆掉,拆碎
⑾throw upon one's shoulders 放在肩膀上,用肩膀扛着。
⑿overcome v. 战胜,克服
⒀by force 武力,用武力。
⒁put out 挖去某人的眼睛。
⒂grind v. 碾磨,蘑,磨碎
⒃sport n. 运动,娱乐,游戏。
⒄rest against 靠着?一休息。
⒅assemble v. 集会,聚集
⒆lay hold of 抓住,抱住。
⒇bend v. 弯曲
1. Then God gave them rest from the attacks of their enemies round about them; and for a while they served Him faithfully.
本句中的Give them rest from the attacks of their enemies roand about them, 表示“使他们免受周围的敌人进攻之苦。”for a while表示“有一段时间”。句中出现的Him首字母大写,人称代词的这种用法专指上帝。
2. So one day, when great men of the Philistines were going to worship their false god Dagon, and would have Samson make sport for them, he begged the boy who led him in to let him rest against the pillars of the building where they were assembled.
本句是一个复合句,when引导的是一个时间状语从句,该从句中有两个并列的谓语动词,were going to worship their false god(膜拜假神)和would have Samson make sport for them(要参孙为他们表演节目)。后面的句子是主句。
①她刚刚生下一个女婴。(give birth to)
②有肺病的人应该戒烟。(give up)
The Ten Commandments(Ⅱ)
Fourth: "Remember the Sabbath day, to keep it holy. Six days you shall labor, and do all your work; but the seventh day is a Sabbath to The Lord your God; in it you shall not do any work, you, or your son, or your daughter, your manservant, or your maidservant, or your cattle, or the
sojourner who is within your gates; for in six days The Lord made heaven and earth, the sea, and all that is in them, and resed the seventh day; there fore The Lord blessed the Sabbath day and hallowed it."
Fifth: "Honor your father and your mother, that your days may be long in the land which The Lord your God gives you."
第五条:当孝敬父母,使你的日子在耶和华一你上帝所赐你的土地上得以长久。 Sixth "You shall not kill."
1. She has just given birth to a baby girl.
2. People with lung disease should give up smoking.
3. The loan enables Mary to buy a house in the big city.
18. The Story Of Saul
①② Saul was the son of Kish. He was tall and handsomeand well-built
③ One day the asses of Kish strayed awayand were lost; and Kish said to his son, "Take one of
the servants with you, go seek the asses."
They searched everywhere, but still they could not find the asses.
Then Saul began to think of returning home, for they had been away for a long time, and he
④feared that his father would be anxious fortheir safety.
The servant suggested that they go to see a wise man who lived in a city near by and who had
⑤⑥foretoldmany things which had come to pass. Together they went to the city to see the seer,
⑦⑧and they met some maidenswho told them that a sacrificewas being made that day and that
the seer, whose name was Samuel, would be there to bless it; so they would be sure to find him. Now, the Lord had told Samuel that he would send him a man from the land of Benjamin to
⑨⑩be the captainand king of all the people of Israel. So when Saul appeared, Samuel pointedhim
out and said to the assembled people, "There is the man."
And Samuel said, "Come up with me to the high place. You shall eat with me today, and
⑾tomorrow I will let you go and you shall tell me everything that is in your heart. As forthe
asses, do not trouble about them, for they were found three days ago."
于是扫罗想回家,他离开家已经有很长一段时间了,他的爸爸一定非常担心他的安危。 仆人建议去探访住在附近的一个智者,这位智者可以预知未来。于是他们就一起来到这个城市探访这位先知。他们遇见几个少女,她们说正在举行一场祭祀,那位名叫塞缪尔的先知将会出席这次祭祀,因此他们肯定能够在这儿找到他。
①handsome adj. 英俊的,潇洒的
②well-built adj. 建造优良的,体格健美的,造型优美的
③stray v. 迷路,彷徨
④be anxious for 担心。
⑤foretell v. 预言,预告,预示。Fore-前缀,表示“提前,预先”,例如:before 在??之前,forecast预报。
⑥seer n. 预言者,先知,幻想家。本文中是指预言家,先知。
⑦maiden n. 少女,处女
⑧sacrifice n. 祭祀,牺牲
⑨captain n. 船长,首领
⑩point out 指出,
⑾as for 至于,关于。
⑿honor n. 荣誉,尊敬,头衔
⑿① Saul was puzzled, for he could not understand the honorthat was being bestowed uponhim,
②③but Samuel gave him no chance to protest. He to, Saul and his servant to the feast, and gave
④⑤Saul the choicestportionto eat.
⑥⑦ The next morning Samuel anointedSaul, and led him before all the people and proclaimed
him the new king. Saul tried to hide, but as he stood above all the other people, it was an easy
⑧⑨matter to single him out. Amidthe shouts and cheers of the people he was made King of
①bestow v. 授予,把 给与。常用作be bestowed upon sb. 授予某人。
②protest v. 反对,抗议,提出异议。本文中是指塞缪尔不给扫罗机会让他辩解。 ③feast n. 宴会,酒会,盛宴
④choice adj. 上等的,精选的。n. 选择。
⑤portion n. 部分,份,(饭莱的)一份。The choicest portion 是指美味佳肴。
⑥anoint v. 涂油于,用油擦
⑦proclaim v. 正式宣布,公告
⑧single out 挑出,挑选出。本文中是指认出。
⑨amid prep. 在??之中,在??之间
1. The servant suggested that they go to see a wise man who lived in a city near by and who had foretold many things which had come to pass.
本句中出现了虚拟语气的用法。suggest后面跟的宾语从句中一般要用虚拟语气,它的句型结构是:suggestthat?(should)do?。其中,should可以省略。例如:My uncle suggested that I(should)get a job in a bank.(我叔叔建议我在银行找份工作。)具有相同用法的动词还有:recommend,propose,advice等。
2. Come up with me to the high place. You shall eat with me today, and tomorrow I will let you go and you shall tell me everything that is in your heart. As for the asses, do not trouble about them, for they were found three days ago.
理解本句的关键是明白几个动词词组的意思。come up with me to表示。“和我一起来到??”;eatwith表示“和??一起进餐”;let you go表示“让你走,放你走”;as for表示“至于,关于”。
②女王把各种荣誉都授予了他。(bestow upon)
The Ten Commandments(Ⅲ)
Seventh: "You shall not commit adultery."
Eighth: "You shall not steal."
Ninth: "You shall not bear false witness against your neighbor."
Tenth: "You shall not covet your neighbor's house; you shall not covet your neighbor's wife, or his manservant, or his maidservant, or his ox, or his ass, or anything that is your neighbor's."
1. My brother is a handsome young man.
2. Various honors were bestowed upon him by the Queen.
3. All the people proclaimed their support to the law.
19. David IS Anointed King
At first Saul was a good king, and did all that God commanded him. But he soon became
①②disobedient; and as he persisted in ill-doing, God, who was patient with him for a whileat last
③determined that one more worthythan should be chosen to be king after him.
④ So God bade Samuel to take a hornof oil, and go to Jesse, an Israelite who lived at
Bethlehem, and anoint one of his sons, whom He would point out to him, as the future king over Israel.
Samuel was afraid of doing this, for he thought Saul, if he knew it, would put him to death. But God bade him go and offer a sacrifice at Bethlehem, and He would show him what to do.
So he went and called the chiefmen of the town. together with Jesse and his family, to the sacrifice. Then Jesse made his sons pass before Samuel. So seven of Jesse's sons one after another, came before Samuel, and none of them did God choose.
Then Samuel asked if all Jesse's children were there. Jesse answered he had one more son, David, the youngest, who was away keeping sheep. So David was sent for. He was a beautiful youth, with golden hair; and as soon as he came, God bade Samuel anoint him, for he was the one whom He had chosen.
So Samuel anointed David king. And the Spirit of God then came upon David, and remained with him from that day.
起初扫罗还是一个好国王,能够听从上帝的旨意。但是没过多久他就变得不顺从;他不断做一些坏事,上帝开始对他还算有耐心,但是上帝最后决定再推选一个国王取代扫罗。 于是上帝让智者塞缪尔带上他的羊角,羊角里灌满膏油,去找一个叫做耶西的以色列人,他就住在伯利恒;上帝要从耶西的几个儿子之中挑选一位以色列未来的国王。
①disobedient adj. 不顺从的,不服从的
②for a while 一段时间。
③worthy adj. 有价值的,配得上的
④horn n. (羊,牛等的)角
⑤chief adj. 主要的,首席的
① Later the tribe of Judah chose David for their king, and he reignedin Hebron between seven
②and eight years. At the end ofthat time he became king over the whole Israel; and, having
③④takenJerusalem from the Jebusites, who had got possession ofit, he made it his capital city, and lived there in a fine palace which he built for himself.
He greatly desired also to build a temple, in which the ark of God might be placed, and in
⑤which God might be worshiped with more splendor. God was pleased that David desired to do
this, but told him that not he, but his son Solomon, who was to succeed him, should build the Temple.
同时他非常希望建造一座庙宇,在这座庙宇里存放上帝的的木舟,在这座庙宇里人们能够膜拜上帝。大卫有这样的想法,上帝感到很高兴,但是他告诉大卫不能建造这座庙宇,因为这是他的继任者所罗门要做的事。 ⑤
①reign v. 当政,执政,统治
②at the end of 在??结束;在??之后。
③take from 夺取,夺回。本文中是指收复,夺回;大卫从耶布斯人手中夺回了耶路撒冷。 ④get possession of 占有,拥有。Possession 构成的词组还有have possession of, in possession of等。
⑤splendor n. 光辉,壮丽,显赫。with splendor表示光彩绚丽。
1. So God bade Samuel to take a horn of oil, and go to Jesse, an Israelite who lived at Bethlehem, and anoint one of his sons, whom He would point out to him, as the future king over Israel.
本句中出现了一系列的并列动词短语,它们是take ahorn of oil(带一个装满油的羊角),go to Jesse(找到耶西),anoint one ofhis sons(为他的一个儿子涂抹油膏)。它们都是bid的补语,补充说明上帝要求萨缪尔做的事情。
2. God was pleased that David desired to do this, but told him that not he, but his son Solomon, who was to succeed him, should build the Temple.
理解本句的关键是厘清句子成分之间的关系,was pleased和told him是God的并列谓语动词。Pleased后面that引导的是宾语从句,做pleased的宾语,told him that后面的也是宾语从句,做told的宾语;在这个宾语从句中又出现了一个定语从句who was to succeed him,修饰前面的先行词Solomon。其中not?but?表示“不是??,而是??”。 现学现用
在希伯来文《圣经》中,《撒母耳记(上、下)》(Samuel 1.2)原为一卷书,七十士译本为了实用方便缘故,首先将他分为上下两册,与《列王纪(上、下)》(Kings 1.2)共四册合称为“王国书”。
本书虽以撒母耳命名,但他显然不是全卷书的作者,因他的离世被纪录在《撒母耳记上》(Samuel 1)里,他不可能记载下卷提及的大卫王(David)以后的事迹。后人以其名命名各部分故事,主要因为他是书中三位主角之一,是拯救以色列脱离士师时代,转入君主制的平安兴盛时代的民族英雄;他还是膏立其余两位主角(扫罗,大卫)为王的先知,可见他在以色列中的重要性。
1. He has always been afraid of flying.
2. l'll eat chocolates one after another until the box is empty.
3. It is said that American Online plans to take over the business Of Time Warner.
20.The Judgment Of Solomon
Solomon was the greatest king that ever reigned in Israel; he was also one of the wisest
①menthat ever lived. When he first came to the throne, God appeared to him one night in a
dream, and asked what gift He should bestow upon him.
②③ Solomon prayed that He would give him wisdomto governhis people. God was pleased
④⑤⑥that he had asked wisdom instead ofriches, or conquest, or long life, and He told Solomon
that because he had done so, not only would He make him wiser than any man who ever lived, but that he should be rich and famous above all kings of the earth.
And if he would obey Him in all things, long life should also be added to the other good gifts which were to be his.
In those days it was the custom for kings to sit in some public place, where such of their
⑦⑧subjectsas had wrongs to complain ofmight plead their cause before them, and obtain iustice. One day two women came before Solomon. One of them told him that she and the other woman both lived in one house, and each had a very young child; that in the night the child
⑨belonging to the other woman died, and its mother exchanged it forthe living one, putting her
own dead child in her neighbor's bed as she lay sleeping, and taking the living child to herself.
⑩ In the moming, the mother of the living child found out the cheat; but
早上我发现了她的这个换子阴谋,但是她不肯归还我的孩子,还说那孩子是她的。两个女人站在国王所罗门面前,都说活着的孩子是自己的,死了的孩子是对方的,始终争执不 NOTES
①throne n. 宝座,王权。本文中是指登基当上国王,come to the throne登基;开始掌权。 ②wisdom n. 智慧。所罗门向上帝要了统治国家的智慧。
③govern v. 统治,管辖,治理
④instead of 而不是,取代。
⑤conquest n. 征服;战胜。本文中是指征战的功绩,即武功。
⑥long life 长生不老。
⑦subject n. 主题,臣民,国民。本文中是指所罗门治下的臣民。
⑧complain v. 抱怨,悲叹;申诉,控诉。本文中是指控诉。complain of 控诉。 ⑨exchange for 替换。
⑩cheat n. 骗子,欺骗行为。本文中是指换子阴谋。
she whose child was dead would not give up the one that she had stolen, for said it was her own.
①And the two women stood there before the king, each one contendingthat the living child was
hers, and that the dead child belonged to the other.
Then Solomon desired his people to bring him a sword; and when it was brought, he bade them divide the living child in two, and give half of him to each of the women.
②③④ The woman who had falselyclaimedthe child made no objectionto this decision. But the
⑤real mother could not bearit. Rather than have her son killed, she was willing to lose him
altogether; and she cried.
Then the king saw at once to which of them the child belonged; and he said, "Give her the living child, for she is its mother."
And all the people of Israel, when they heard of this judgment of Solomon, knew that God
⑥had indeed given him wisdom to do justiceamong his subjects; and they held him in great awe
⑦⑧and reverence.下。
①contend v. 搏斗,争辩,据理力争。
②falsely adv. 错误地,虚假地
③claim v. 要求,声称,主张
④objection n. 反对,异议。Make no objection to对??没有异议;不反对??。 ⑤could not bear 忍受不了,接受不了。
⑥do justice 公平对待。
⑦awe n. 敬畏
⑧reverence n. 敬畏,尊敬,尊严。in great awe and reverence敬畏有加。
1. God was pleased that he had asked wisdom instead of riches, or conquests, or long life and He told Solomon that because he had done so, not only would He make him wiser than any man who ever lived, but that he should be rich and famous above all kinqs of fhe earth.
理解本句的关键是理清句子成分之间的关系。本句是一个并列复合句。第一个分句是God was pleased(上帝很高兴??);that后面引导的是宾语从句,第二个分句是and He told Solomon(他告诉所罗门??),that后面引导的是 tell的宾语从句,该宾语从句又是一个非常复杂的复合句。注意not only..., but...的用法,表示“不仅??,而且??”;not only放在句首时,句子要用倒装。
2. In those days it was the custom for kings to sit in some public place, where such of their subjects as had wrongs to complain of might plead their cause before them, and obtain justice. 理解本句的关键是清楚as引导的定语从句。as作为连接词,引导的定语从句,修饰前面的先行词such oftheir subjects(子民中的这些人),这个定语从句的谓语动词是might plead their cause…and obtain justice. (申述他们的冤屈,获得公正的判决。)
①如果你想去,你可以代替我去。(instead of)
《列王纪上》(Kings 1)是《圣经》全书第11本书,记载以色列从大卫去世
之后的一段的历史。大卫王南征北讨,把以色列的国境扩展至上帝所预定的疆界, 从北面的幼发拉底河直到南面的埃及大河。大卫去世之后,其儿子所罗门登基继
1. You can go instead of me, if you want.
2. Lots of people have complained about the noise.
3. The company claims that it is responsible for the pollution in the lake.
Stories from the New Testament
1. The Birth of Jesus
① Out on the streets of Nazareththe people were standing in groups, talking excitedly. News
②③had just reached their city that the great emperor of Romehad commandedall of them to go to
the town or city from which their families had come and have their names written on lists. The emperor wished to have list of the names of all the people in this great kingdom, or empire. And no one dared to disobey his command.
Soon travelers were seen going in every direction, for the emperor's command had been read in every city in the land. Out from Nazareth a company of people started toward the south,
④and in that company were Joseph and Mary, for they were both of the family of David, and
⑤⑥they were going to Bethlehem, the city of David, to have their names written upon the list at
that place.
The road to the south led through the country of Samaria, then over the hills of Judah into
⑦Jerusalem. From Jerusalem Joseph and Mary went farther south, till they came to Bethlehem.
Some of their company had left them in other cities along the way, while others had joined them.
⑧ And when they reached Bethlehem they found that it was swarmingwith people who
belonged, as they did, to the city where David was born. From every part of the land these people had come, and they had filled the lodging rooms till no more place could be found for the new arrivals. The long journey
①Nazareth n. 拿撒勒,位于以色列北部下加利利的群山之中,是耶稣父母居住的地方,圣母玛利亚在此由圣灵感孕,耶稣也是在这里长大的。
②Rome n. 罗马,意大利首都
③command v. 命令,支配
④Joseph and Mary 约瑟和马利亚,耶稣的父母。
⑤Bethlehem n. 伯利恒,耶稣降生地
⑥David n. 大卫,《圣经》中古以色列国王。约瑟为大卫王的后裔。
⑦Jerusalem n. 耶路撒冷,西亚古城,古代西亚各族人民宗教活动中心之一,犹太教、基督教和伊斯兰教圣地。
⑧swarm v. 云集、充满。用法为swarmwith sb/sth。
①from Nazareth had been very tiresome, and Mary longed fora place to rest But Joseph could find
②no place except in the stableof the inn. And here they stayed during their first days in
③ God had not forgotten his promiseto Mary, and one night while she was in Bethlehem he
④gave her the child, Jesus. And Mary wrapped him in soft cloths called swaddling-clothes, and
⑤laid him in a mangerwhere the cattle fed, because she could find no better place.
The people of Bethlehem did not know that the angels were watching over the city that night. They did not hear the angels' glad song when Jesus was born. They did not see the joy of Mary and Joseph as they bent over the wonderful child in the manger. So it was that God's greatest gift to men came right intothat neighborhood and those people did not receive it as a gift from
⑥God because they did not expect a Saviorto be bom of such a humble person as Mary.
But there were shepherds watching their flocks that night in a field near Bethlehem. Perhaps
⑦David, the shepherd king, had tended sheep in that same field many years before. These
⑧shepherds knew about David, and about God's promise to David that one of his descendanls
would be the Savior of men. They may have been talking about God's promise when the angel of the Lord suddenly came near and a glorious light broke upon them through the darkness. Trembling with fear, they looked upon the angel and wondered why he had come to them.
⑨ Then he spoke, and said: "Fear not, for I bring you good tidingsof great joy, which shall be
to all people. For to you is born this day in the city of David a Savior, which is Christ the lord. You will find the baby wrapped in swaddling-clothes and lying in a manger."
恒最初的一段日子。 上主没有忘记对马利亚许下的诺言。在伯利恒的一天夜晚,上主赐给了她这个孩子,名叫耶稣。马利亚把它包在在柔软的襁褓裹布里。因为找不到再好的地方,她只能把他放在喂马的马槽里。
这时天使说:“不要害怕,因为我给你们带来了关乎万民的大喜的消息,因为今天在大卫的城里为你们生下了救主,就是主基督。你们会发现一个用布包着的婴孩,躺在马槽里。” NOTES
①longfor 对某事物非常渴望,非常想拥有某事物。
②stable n. 马厩
④swaddling-clothes 婴儿服,襁褓,襁褓裹布
⑤manger n. 槽,牛槽
⑥Savior n. 救助者,救世主,救主
⑦David, the shepherd king 指以色列王国的第二位国王大卫王。他的故事主要记载于《旧约圣经·撒母耳记》中。他是一位伟大的诗人和音乐家,是神所拣选的平凡牧人,小小年纪就击倒巨人歌利亚,长大后击退大军,成为以色列的传奇王者。
⑧descendant n. 子孙,后代
⑨tidings n. 消息,音信。good tidings 意为喜讯,好消息。black tidings意为不幸的消息,噩耗。
What a wonderful message! The shepherds listened eagerly to the angel's words, when he
①finished speaking they saw a multitude ofangels join him and begin to sing. Such music this
②world had never heard, for the angels were singing one of heaven's glad songs, giving gloryto
God in the highest. And they also sang, "Peace on earth, good will toward men." When the song
③had ended, the angels went back into heaven and the glorious light fadedagain into the
darkness of the still night. But the shepherds never forgot the sweethess of that song nor the joy it brought to their hearts.
④ They did not wait until daylight to hastento Bethlehem in search of the wonderful child, but
said to each other just as soon as the angels disappeared, "Let us now go to Bethlehem and see
⑤this thing which the Lord has made known to us." So they left their flocksand hurried to
Bethlehem, and there they found Mary and Joseph in the stable, with the infant Savior lying in the manger as the angel had said.
The shepherds told Mary and Joseph about their angel visitors and about the wonderful song
⑥that the angels sang. No doubt they knelt before the manger and worshippedthe little babe who
lay quietly sleeping in the hay. Then they ran into the streets of Bethlehem and told everyone whom they met about the angel's visit and about the wonderful child who had been born that night in a stable of the city. And the people wondered about the strange things that the shepherds told.
When the baby was eight days old, Joseph and Mary gave him a name, and they called him
⑦by the name the angel had chosen. That name, Jesus, means "salvation," and it told to men
the work that God had sent this child to do.
⑧⑨ There was a lawamong the Jews that an offeringshould be made to the
他们等不及天亮就赶着去伯利恒寻找这个神奇的孩子。天使们一消失,他们就互相说:“我们赶快去伯利恒去看看这个上主指示我们所成的事吧。”于是他们离开羊群急忙去了伯利恒。一如天使们所说,他们在马厩里找到了马利亚和约瑟,还有躺在了槽里的救世主。 牧羊人告诉马利亚和约瑟天使到来的事,还有他们美妙的歌声。他们毫不怀疑,跪在马槽边上,跪拜这个静静躺在干草上的婴儿。接着,他们跑到伯利恒的大街上,告诉每一个人他们遇见的天使造访还有那天夜里在马厩里降生的神奇孩子的事。人们对牧羊人说的话感到很诧异。
犹太律法规定,每个家庭里出生的第一个孩子都应该向圣主献祭。富裕之人应献羊羔, NOTES
①a multitude of 许多,众多,大量。后接复数名词。
②glory n. 光荣、荣耀,此处指对上帝的赞美、歌颂。
③fade vi. (光)渐渐变弱、(颜色)渐渐变淡
④hasten v. 催促,赶快,急忙
⑤flock n. 群、羊群
⑥worship v. 崇拜,敬仰
⑦salvation n. 得救,拯救
⑨offering n. 奉献物,牲礼,从动词offer(提供)派生而来。
Lord for the first boy child born into each family. Among the rich people this offering should be
①②lamb, but among the poor people the offering of only two young pigeonswould pleaseGod
③just as well. When Jesus was forty days old Joseph and Mary took him to the templeat
Jerusalem to give their offering to the Lord. They brought two pigeons, for they were poor and could not bring a lamb.
An old man named Simeon was in the temple when Joseph and Mary came to bring their
④offering. This old man had servedGod for many years, and he longed to see the Savior whom
God had promised to send into the world. God knew about this longing in Simeon's heart, and one day he spoke to Simeon and said, "You shall not die until you have seen the Savior." When
⑤Mary brought the baby Jesus to the temple, God's Spiritcaused Simeon to know this child was
the promised Savior. He came eagerly to meet Mary and took her babe in his arms. Then he said,
⑥"Now may God let me departin peace, for I have seen with my eyes the salvation which he has
Another faithful servant of the Lord was in the temple that day, an old lady named Anna, who
⑦spoke words of prophecyto the people. When she saw Jesus, she too gave thanks to God, and
to the people who stood in the courts of the temple she spoke about this child of promise which had been sent from God to man.
⑧ Mary never forgot the words of these dear old people concerningher wonderful child. She
remembered, too, the story that the shepherds had told, about the angel's visit to them, and
⑨about their words and song. Alwaysin the days that followed Mary thought about these strange
things and wondered how her son Jesus would finally become the King and Savior of the world. 穷人们可以只用两只雏鸽献祭取悦上主。在耶稣满40天这天,约瑟和马利亚带着他到耶路
①pigeon n. 鸽子
②please vt. 取悦、让?高兴
③temple n. 庙宇、寺院
④serve vt. 侍奉(上帝、君主)
⑤spirit 首字母大写并加冠词the表示上帝的灵魂、圣灵。
⑥depart vi. 离开、离去,此处指离开人世。
⑦prophecy n. 预言
⑧concerning prep. 有关、关于,同about。
1. Trembling with fear, they looked upon the and wondered why he had come to them.
这里的trembling with fear用法为现在分词作伴随状语,它所表达的动作或状态是伴随着句子谓语动词的动作而发生或存在的。现在分词作状语与过去分词作状语的最主要区别在于:现在分词作状语时,现在分词的动作就是句子主语的动作,过去分词作状语时,过去分词表示的动作是句子主语承受的动作,它们之间的关系是被动关系。比如:Followedby some officials,Napoleon inspected his army(拿破仑检阅了军队,后面跟着一些官员)。
2. Out from Nazareth a company of people started toward the south.
这个句子是部分倒装,表示运动方向的副词out或地点状语置于句首,谓语start表示运动的动词。全部倒装是只将句子中的谓语动词全部置于主语之前。如:Out rushed a missile from under the bomber。如主语是人称代词则不能完全倒装,如:Herehe comes(他来了)或Awaytheywent(他们走了)。
The Christian Bible is divided into two parts:The Old Testament and The New Testament. It was written in Koine Greek. The New Testament is sometimes called the Greek New Testament or Greek Scriptures, or the New Covenant or the New Law. The New Testament is the most important religious writing of Christianity. It tells the story of Jesus Christ, his followers, and the beginnings of Christianity. The New Testament is a collection of 27 books, the list is as follows:
Ⅰ. Gospels
Ⅱ. Acts of the Apostles