中考介词考点梳理 中考介词考点梳理 2017中考英语介词考点 常用介词比较法



(1)as , like

as 表示"作为"强调身份,like (介词)表示"像"

As a teacher, he cares for these children.

Like a teacher, he cares for these children.

(2)with , in

with 表示"外貌特征或附带的东西" ," 用……作工具"

in 表示"衣着" "用某语言", 在固定搭配中也可用in

A man with dark glasses wanted to buy drinks.

A man in black wanted to buy drinks.

The boy is learning to write in pencil / with a pencil.

He retold the text in English.

(3)for , to


To 表示动作对象, "对, 向." 如:

He would do anything for his motherland.

Did you mention this to my father?


中考介词考点梳理 中考介词考点梳理 2017中考英语介词考点 常用介词比较法

for 表示"就某情况而说 ", to 表示一"对某对象而言"如:

It's quite warm today for February.就二月的天气,今天够暖和的。

What he told you just now was not new to me


for 表示"目的,用途"。与go, come 动词连用,

(4)except , besides

except 表示"从总体中排除一部分", 与bat 同义, besides 表示"除了一部分还有另一部分"

We all failed except him. 我们都失败了,但他没有。

He speaks German besides French.他懂法外还会讲英语。


get into (out of ) the car, get on (off) the bus, jump onto (off) the platform, out of


to one's surprise / joy, in charge of , instead of, in bed (hospital), in trouble, in a hurry, in surprise, with a smile, with one voice, according to, at once, on time, in time, in all, at home, (school, work), at last, at least, in the end, by the way, for example, at the same time, at the same speed, on one's way (to), in the sun, on the football team, in line, with the help of, in red / green … put on, look for, look after, run after, send for, enter for, pay for, show…around, listen to, arrive in / at, get to, agree with, succeed in, think of (about), wait for,….

(7)表示加减乘除,分别用介词plus, minus, times 和动词过去分词divided + by



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