告别压力山大 告别压力山大:7种方法教你15分钟轻松减压

Everyone feels overwhelmed and stressed sometimes:每个人都会有感觉不堪重负、压力山大的时候:

Maybe you have a family situation that needs extra time and attention;或许你目前的家庭状况需要你额外的时间和照顾;

Maybe you have a particular co-worker that just somehow grates on your very last nerve;或许你有一个挑剔的同事莫名其妙地刺激你的每一个神经末梢;

Maybe you are ill or some you love is ill;或许你生病了,或是你所爱的人生病了。

So what can you do when you feel angry, overwhelmed and stressed about the things you really have little control over? I believe that if you add preventative stress management into your daily lifestyle you can more easily control how you handle your reaction to the stressful situations that crop up.所以,当你因那些你真的无法掌控的事情感到愤怒、不堪重负、有压力的时候,你能做些什么呢?我相信,如果你将预防性的压力管理加入日常生活中,你就能更容易地控制好应对突如其来的压力时的反应。

Follow these simple steps to invite peace and [w]harmony[/w] into your life:按照这些简单的步骤来做,你就能将平静与和谐带入生活当中:

1. Exercise. 运动。

One way to work off stress and anxiety is to get moving. You can join a gym, work out in your bedroom or garage, or just take a walk. It’s a great way to get your endorphins going and feel happier. You can also try exercising together with your family. One of the benefits of exercising together is that you’ll all feel calmer afterward. When you’re all de-stressed together, you can help one another through issues. 消除压力和焦虑的一种方法就是活动起来。你可以去健身房,也可以在你的卧室或车库锻炼,或者只是散散步。这是释放你的内啡肽、让你感到更加快乐的好方法。你也可以尝试与你的家人一起运动。一起运动的好处之一就是,运动过后你们都会感到十分平静。当你们一起减压了之后,你们可以互相帮助来解决各自的问题。

2. Smile. 微笑。

Smiling and laughing is one of the best ways to instantly lighten your mood. A good joke with a friend, a good movie with your partner or just smiling at the sun shine.微笑和大笑都是立刻放松情绪的最佳方法。跟朋友分享个有趣的笑话,和伙伴看一场精彩的电影,或者只是在阳光照耀下展露你的微笑。

3. Listen to music. 听音乐。

Music is one of the best ways to relax and de-stress, and it’s popular with people of all ages, income levels, and other factors. Pick the music you like; it’s usually more effective, though, when you choose something quiet. Listen to music that makes you feel rested and calm. Try several different musical styles – you’ll know when you’re listening to something that works for you. And once you’ve located it, you can listen whenever you need to for a calming break.音乐是放松和减压的最佳良方,并且深受各年龄段和收入水平的各种人们的喜爱。 挑选你喜欢的音乐,但是安静的音乐通常效果更好。听一听让你感到放松和平静的音乐。尝试几种不同的曲风,你就会知道听什么对你有效果。一旦你找到了适合自己的音乐,你就可以随时在需要安静休息的时候拿来听听了。

4. Read. 阅读。

Reading is also a good way to de-stress. Choose a [w]lighthearted[/w] book that’s comical, romantic, or otherwise makes you feel good. You can also read a religious or spiritual book if you’re so inclined. Any book that gives a good, positive message about the world or the people in it can help you feel better and be more relaxed.阅读也是一个减压的好方法。选择让你心情愉悦的书,例如幽默的、浪漫的或者其他让你感觉很好的书。如果你很想,也可以读一本有关宗教或是心灵的书。任何一本描述这个世界美好、积极一面或者其中的人物有助于你感觉更好、更放松的书都可以。

5. Visualization. 想象。

Picture an [w]idyllic[/w] and peaceful scene, such as a meadow or a beach, and use all of your senses. Do you smell jasmine in the air? Can you hear the birds singing and feel the light breeze on your skin? Your body can’t tell the difference between a thought and a real event, so bring your peaceful scene to mind the next time you’re feeling anxious. You can visualize the stress flowing out of your body or running off your back like water. You can visualize growing roots, just like an old oak tree, you can feel the stress draining into the earth and being absorbed my mother nature.设想一个诗情画意般宁静的场景,例如牧场或沙滩,使用所有你所设想的场景。你闻到空中弥漫的茉莉花香了吗?你能听到鸟儿在歌唱、感受到清风拂面吗?你的身体不会分辨出是你的设想还是真实的场景,因此下一次你感到焦虑的时候可以想象那宁静的场景。你可以设想压力从你的身体排出或者像水一样从你的后背流出。你可以设想种植树苗(比如一颗古老的橡树),你可以感到压力被埋入土壤,被大自然所吸收。

6. Be grateful. 感恩。

When you’re feeling stressed, try counting your blessings. Write them down in a gratitude journal. There is always something you can be thankful for… sometimes it is as simple as waking up. Think about all the things that are good in your life. When you focus on gratitude, you’ll also see more of the good in your life. When you think negatively, it’s easier to feel angry and stressed. Positive thinking, on the other hand, helps diffuse your anger and brings you more good things to feel good about!当你感到有压力时,试着去数数你的幸事。把它们写在感恩日志中。总有一些事情你可以去感谢……有时候感恩就像每天清晨需要醒来那么简单。想象你生活中所有美好的事情。当你专心去感恩的时候,你也会看到生活中更多美好的事情。如果你消极地去想,就更容易感到愤怒和有压力。另一方面,正面思考有助于疏散你的怒气,给你带来更多要去感受的美好事物!

7. Breathe. 呼吸。

When you are caught up in those really strong emotions that come with stress and overwhelm, take a moment to take a few slow, deep breaths. This action has multiple benefits. When you breathe deeply, it sends extra oxygen to your brain for clarity of thought and relaxes your muscles. It also gives you a moment to take a [w]mental[/w] step back and look at the bigger picture.如果你陷入了那些充满压力的强烈情绪中并感到不堪重负,花点时间做几个缓慢的深呼吸。这个动作有多重好处。深呼吸会将额外的氧气输送到你的大脑,让你思路清晰、放松肌肉。它也给你时间进行回想,再从长远考虑。

告别压力山大 告别压力山大:7种方法教你15分钟轻松减压

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