幽默的定义 对于幽默的定义 幽默的定义

幽默的定义 对于幽默的定义 幽默的定义


There exists a widespread disagreement as to the taxonomy of humors. For example, Freud (1960) divides jokes into verbal and conceptual ones and points out that humor can be divided into innocent humor and tendentious humor. Pocheptsov (198

1) divides humor into situational humor and linguistic humor. Koller (1988), when studying the connection between social structure and humor, divides humor into many categories, say, religious, educational, political, military, occupational, family, medical, and sports. Palmer (1994) makes a distinction between comic texts (formalized humor) and unscripted humor of everyday life.


Among them, Among them, Pocheptsov’s classification is the most widely accepted one. According to his classification, situational humor is a kind of humor by which humorous information can be transferred without using the language. The humorous meaning must depend on the context. Situational humor has multifarious forms, such as pantomime, farce and cartoon. While linguistic humor is quite a different one, which expresses humor just through language. The emergence of linguistic humor is due to people’s different understanding of the surface or implied meaning of utterances conveyed, e.g. they share different knowledge of the physical world, they possess different cognitive abilities, etc. For that consideration, this thesis will make an analysis of the linguistic humor, including both written ones and spoken ones, or more exactly, linguistic humor in English communication

classification is the most widely accepted one. According to his classification, situational humor is a kind of humor by which humorous information can be transferred without using the language. The humorous meaning must depend on the context. Situational humor has multifarious forms, such as pantomime, farce and cartoon. While linguistic humor is quite a different one, which expresses humor just through language. The emergence of linguistic humor is due to people’s different understanding of the surface or implied meaning of utterances conveyed, e.g. they share different knowledge of the physical world, they possess different cognitive abilities, etc. For that consideration, this thesis will make an analysis of the linguistic humor, including both written ones and spoken ones, or more exactly, linguistic humor in English communication


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浅谈20世纪西方文学中的“黑色幽默”元素 文学小幽默


有效运用的定义 第42节:第8章 有效运用幽默(7)

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有效运用的定义 第41节:第8章 有效运用幽默(6)

系列专题:《展现完美演讲风格:轻松做演讲》  预测  K.威廉姆·卡普(K.William Kapp)说,“如果一百年前有电脑,就有可能预言现在会有很多马车,打扫干净肥料是不可能的。”如果电脑作出这种预言,就不会比许多人类的对手做得更差劲。历史

积极向上的工作态度 幽默是一种积极向上的态度

   幽默是一种智慧,一种修养,一种能力,也是一种积极向上的人生态度。  幽默是活跃人际交往氛围的“调味剂”,它能为众人增添欢乐,轻松拂去郁闷与不快。一个具有幽默感的人,往往要比一个刻板乏味的人更容易被他人接受。与人交往,

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