1. Pablo Reinoso`s Spaghetti Wall: ThisPortuguese chestnut and iron bench seems to have a mind of its own.Trying not to fit in but to create its own world ofescapades, PabloReinoso`s Spaghetti Wall bench brings a new concept to aclassic design. The tangling ends of the bench express the artisticapproach to a familiar design by adding courage and a sense ofcontinuation to modern landscaping.
2. Reef bench: This superb bench by Dutchdesigners Remy& Veenhuizen was created for ahigh school in Zoetermeer, Netherlands. Studentsmust be able to play with the environment in order to enjoyrelaxation and creativity. The lively bench makes use of naturalelements in trying to offer an escape from the modern, staticimpression left behind by the high school building.
3. Union bench by Jangir Maddadi : Thisversatile bench offers something very important to the tiredpasser-by – it offers the freedom ofchoice. Unionbench brings a 360 degree view of thesurroundings, making it the perfect shape for admiring everythingaround. Made from concrete and wood, the bench also has two moreversions: the Union bench for indoor – made from fiberglass andcovered with a comfortable cushion- and the Yacht bench – made fromfiberglass and certified teak seats inspired by yacht decking.
4. Rolling bench : Some people love therain: small drops touching the skin, the feeling of washing awaythe problems and the fresh, frisk air. Once therain stops and you need a moment to take in all the peace around,the Rollingbench is a life saviour: although it might besoaked with water, it has a handle that brings up the dry side in amoment.

5. Muscle bench : AlexandreMoronnoz`s Musclebench solidifies the modern idea of restfulplaces in the great outdoors. Placed in a modern environment thebench offers the possibility to sit or lay on the sinuous lines ofthis intriguing design. The steel Muscle bench filters the sunlightto add another dimension to the dazzling visual effect.
6. Sliding Bench : Wouldn’t it be nice ifyou could slide away when you want to be alone? Even in a publicspace, it is possible with the slidingbench. MutluK?l?n?er has designed the bench with this inmind: the freedom of choice. With its modern sliding feature, thisbench accomplishes a modern look and takes sitting in the park to anew level.
7. Spiro Spiral: Designed by ZoranSunjic, this beautiful bench was named Spiro Spiral. The designspeaks by itself: a luxurious urban seating area that wraps aroundand around, giving the impression of a braid in motion.The designallowed Zoran to play with the form creatingquite a few variations.
8. Ensemble bench : The Ensemble benchwas created by Roel Vandebeek for the urbanstreet furniture manufacturer Wolters.Simple lines were used to create this beauty butthecontemporaneity comesfrom how Roel managed to think a network of stands on which thebench rests. It looks as if white shadows were cast in theprocess.
9. Twig concrete seating : Suited for avery modern area, the Twigconcrete seating offers resting space for theurban traveler. The design resembles the form of a twig but theconcrete masks any idea of eco-friendly intention. Twig is the perfect touch in a modernurban area. This system of benches invite to rest and enchant with its round edges and modular design.
10. Loop Bench : Thispart art form, part bench, part slide wonder createdby JeppeHeinuses interaction to bring people closer. Having fun andresting actually goes very well together – especially when a cooldesign like this brings generations closer.
11. Piano street furniture : This piececreated by ADDI savesspace while looking beautiful: it is part bench part bikerack. With the rising demand for ecological meansof transport this bench is perfect for any city. The 90 degreesangle simplicity blends well with the city`s ever changingface.
12.Urban Adapter : RockerLange Architects created this proposal for anurban furniture seating area. Made for the streets of Hong Kong theUrban adapter seeks to brand a city with its unique shape. Thedesigners merged different concepts into this beautiful bench andoffered a resting place and a visual gem.
13. Urban hardwood: This walnut slab benchby UrbanHardwoods incorporates nature into a concrete,changing environment. Naturally beautiful, the wood was cut bytaking into account the imperfections of nature. These are the onesthat offer the feeling of escape. The hardwood rests on aluminumlegs that make the connection to modern age.
14. Diamond teak benches : New designsfrom DiamondTeak combine natural wood and moderncraftsmanship. Golden teak and stainless steel make these benchdesigns an artistic statement. They look like optical illusionscreated for a deep visual experience and sustain the idea ofnatural enhancement.
15. Rubber loop bench : An unusual designfrom AsedoDesigns tries to give a new meaning to urbanfurniture. Made from rubber cord and maple wood this bench remindsus of bungee jumping. We can consider it an inspiration for theurban dwellers and a constant reminder of fun in the city.
These 15 benches have an inspiring design for the modern society,but they have one flaw: very few people can enjoy them. There areonly so many in the world. How about your street? What benches makeyour neighbourhood special?