香港汇丰银行支票样本 香港汇丰银行开户 香港汇丰银行开户-证明信(样本)

CETIFICATION LETTER (SAMPLE) From Notary Public/Lawyer/CPA/Registered Agent/Actuary/Corporate Secretarial Service Providers/Member of HKICS

To: The Hongkong and Shanghai Banking Corporation Limited Date: ______________________

Dear Sirs

I/We _______________________________________________________________________________________ (name of the Notary Public or Lawyer or CPA or Registered Agent or Actuary or Corporate Secretarial Service Provider or HKICS member) of _______________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________ (address), being a *Notary Public / Lawyer / Certified Public Accountant / Registered Agent / Actuary / Corporate Secretarial Service Provider / Member of the HK Institute of Chartered Secretaries of _____________________________________(country), certify that the information contained in the following attached document(s) is correct and accurate as at the date hereof. □ Certificate of Incumbency □ Director / Beneficial Owner Declaration

□ Organisation Chart certified by director

Yours faithfully


香港汇丰银行支票样本 香港汇丰银行开户 香港汇丰银行开户-证明信(样本)



Country of registration:

(Country of registration of the Notary Public or Lawyer or CPA or Registered Agent or Actuary or Corporate Secretarial Service Provider)

Note: *Please delete whichever is not appropriate.


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香港汇丰银行开户所需材料 必读 香港汇丰开户


汇丰银行考虑搬迁总部 香港汇丰银行总部大楼

4月24日据路透社报道,欧洲最大银行汇丰控股将考虑是否将公司总部转出英国,这对于英国来说可能是一种打击,英国目前正尝试采取更严格的监管措施,使金融行业和本国经济之间取得平衡。 5月7日,英国就将举行大选,而汇丰银行的这一消息对于想

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