In the essay, published Thursday, Cook said that he has never denied being gay, but has not publicly discussed his sexuality until now: "So let me be clear: I’m proud to be gay, and I consider being gay among the greatest gifts God has given me."在周四美国《商业周刊》发布的文章中,苹果公司CEO库克说,自己从未否认自己是同性恋,只不过从未在公众场合讨论过自己的性取向罢了:“所以现在让我说得明白点——我是同性恋我自豪。我觉得,同性恋取向是上帝给我最好的礼物之一。”
He described how his sexuality has given him an acute social perspective.他描述说,自己的性取向能够让他以更精准的视角看待这个社会。
“Being gay has given me a deeper understanding of what it means to be in the minority and provided a window into the challenges that people in other minority groups deal with every day. It’s made me more empathetic, which has led to a richer life. It’s been tough and uncomfortable at times, but it has given me the confidence to be myself, to follow my own path, and to rise above adversity and bigotry. It’s also given me the skin of a rhinoceros, which comes in handy when you’re the CEO of Apple.”“身为同性恋让我更深刻地理解身处少数群体意味着什么,也让我获得了一个窗口,能够了解其他少数群体每天面临的挑战。这让我更富同情心,同时让我的生活更加富足。同性恋的身份曾经一度让我感到很艰难、很不适,但它也给我做自己的自信,只跟随自己的心而不受困境和偏见的束缚。它也给了我坚强的外衣,进而能够胜任苹果公司的CEO。”
The revelation comes just days after Cook advocated on behalf of lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender rights in his home state of Alabama.而就在库克在《商业周刊》发表此番言论之前几天,他在自己的家乡阿拉巴马州演讲,呼吁人们采取措施保护同性恋、双性恋、跨性别者的权益。

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