

   Annual the autumn, we can come to here, the ginkgo that admires the autumn forest.

  Stands in Lin Bian, scan widely looks, grove hope to be less than a head. Ginkgo tree is lofty and forceful, insert the sky continuously. The branches and leaves on crown of a tree is very dense, mutual crisscross is worn, formed a natural Lin Yin corridor. Sunshine asperses aureate ray to the earth through flourish branches and leaves, the shadow of branches and leaves is mirrorred go up, formed the facula of alternate with of a lot of light and shade. Aureate sunshine is illuminated on small grass, also set to small grass went up a shining Phnom Penh.

  An autumn wind has blown leaf swirls from branch the ground waves fall down, some resembles a young fan yellow, hitting come back face of straight be born, some is in like a flock of golden butterfly forest flutter, really extremely beautiful. There is thick ginkgo part of a historical period everywhere in ginkgo forest, have a plenty of emerald, have a plenty of golden color, still have a plenty of olivine alternate with; Some leaf are general like cup mouth big, the small thumb armour with me builds similar volume. No matter be of what color, it is how big leaf, be sector.


  I walk in incomputable small " fan " on, feel loosen again like stepping to go up in blanket soft. Suddenly, I feel to there is below the foot hard hard dot, raise a foot to look, ah! It is the small ginkgo fruit of a round lacteal yellow so. Sough of an autumn wind blows ginkgo tree is shaking off outfit of a suit gold in autumn wind, so good-looking, so Orphean: "Rustle, rustle " .


爱华网本文地址 » http://www.aihuau.com/a/3638471/149049831.html



爱华阅读配图   Annual the autumn, we can come to here, the ginkgo that admires the autumn forest.  Stands in Lin Bian, scan widely looks, grove hope to be less than a head. Ginkgo tree is lofty and for

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