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Hey there, teammates! Come on aboard! As the president of Oozma Kappa, it is my honor to welcome you to your new home.

嗨,队友们! 快请进!作为伍兹玛兄弟会的会长,我很荣幸地欢迎你们到你们的新宿舍

We call this room "Party Central."这个房间我们叫做"派对间

" Technically, we haven't actually had a party here yet.

严格来说 我们还没有在这里办过派对

But when we do, we'll be ready! Whoo! 但是我们时刻准备着! 哇哦

! The hot cocoa train is coming through! Whoa! Next stop... You! 热可可火车开过来了! 哇!下一站... 你


I would like to start us off first by...我想我们首先要开始

... So, you guys are Scaring majors? 你们大家也是惊吓学院的吗


We were! None of us lasted very long. I guess we just weren't what old Hardscrabble was looking for. Don Carlton, mature student. Thirty years

in the textile industry and then old dandy Don got downsized. Figured I could throw myself a pity party, or go back to school and learn the computers.

我们曾经是! 大家坚持的时间都不长,我想我们都不是老哈德斯克莱博想要的那种人,我是唐·卡尔顿 成人学生,从事纺织行业三十年,最后老爹我还是被解雇了,我想我要么自暴自弃,或者回学校学习计算机

Hello. I'm Terry with a "Y"...你好 我是泰利


And I'm Terri with an "I"! I'm a dance major!我是泰里!我主修舞蹈

! And I'm not. 但是我不是

Five, six, seven, eight! Seven, eight, turn! And... Why didn't you turn?五 六 七 八!七 八 转! 你... 你怎么不转


Because we never agreed to do this! 因为我从来没有同意过做这个

You said this was going to be cool! 你说过这样很酷


No one said this was gonna be cool没有人说过这样会很酷


Now I'm embarrassed害我难堪


Now you're embarrassed? 害你难堪


Yes, because it's in front of people! 是啊 当着这么多人的面

! You should wake up embarrassed. 你还是先醒醒吧

Hey, hey, hey! I'm Art! New Age philosophy major. Excited to live with you and laugh with you, and cry with you. Thought you might like to keep a dream journal.

嗨 嗨!我是亚特! 主修新时代哲学,很高兴能和你们一起住 一起笑,一起哭.我想你们可能会想写梦想日记


Guess that leaves me. - Ah! - My name's Scott Squibbles. My friends

call me Squishy. I'm undeclared, unattached, and unwelcome pretty much everywhere but here.

我猜就剩下我了 - 啊!-我斯考特·斯奎尔博斯,我的朋友都叫我斯奎仔,除了在这里 我几乎在哪里都没有存在感 也不受欢迎

Now that we've all been introduced, as captain of our team... 既然我们都已经自我介绍过了 作为队长


So, ba sically, you guys have no Scaring experience?

所以说 你们大家都没有吓过人

Not a lot! But now we've got you! 没太有! 但是现在我们有了你!

You're about the scariest fella I've ever seen. Even with them pink polka dots.你差不多是我见过的怪兽里面最吓人的了,即使你身上有这些粉红点点

Aw, thanks. 呃 谢

Actually, I think I bring the whole package.事实上我想是我组成了这个团队

Your hands are as big as my face! 你的手和我的脸一样大


He's like a mountain with fur! 他就像一座长满了毛的山一样


Oh, come on. I don't even work out. 算了吧 我都不健身

Yeah, me neither. I don't want to get too big. 是啊 我也不健身 我不想变得太壮

We thought our dreams were over, but Mike said if we win, they're letting us in the Scaring program.

我们以为我们都完了 但麦克说如果我们赢,他们会让我们进惊吓学院的

We're going to be real Scarers! The best! - You betcha!together -我们会成为真正的惊吓学员!成为最好的! - 一定是


Yeah! Right. 是啊! 是啊

And here's what you've been waiting for, fellas. Your very own Oozma Kappa bedroom.小伙伴们 这是你们梦寐以求的,你们在伍兹玛兄弟会的专属房间

Oh... Great! We're sharing this room? 呃...很好! 我们要住一个房间

? We'll let you guys get settled. Anything you need, you just give a big holler-oonie!你们先安顿一下,如果你需要什么 你只要大声喊就行了


Okay,thanks, buddy. Are you kidding me?好的 谢谢你伙计 开什么玩笑

? Look, they don't need to be good. I'm going to carry the whole team. 听着 他们不必很优秀,我会带领团队

Really? And who's going to carry you? 真的吗? 那谁来带领你


Hey, if you want to go back to can design, you know where the door is.


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Guys? Anybody home? Um... ?Hello? Fellas?

有人吗? 家里有人吗? 呃... 你好,伙计们


Do you pledge your souls to the Oozma Kappa brotherhood?



- Ow! - 啊


- Do you swear to keep secret all that you learn here



No matter how horrifying? 不管多么吓人?

Hey! 喂


Will you take the sacred oath of the... 你们是否愿意发誓


For crying out loud. Sweetie!Turn the lights on while you're down here!You're going to ruin your eyes!

我的天啊 宝贝! 你们在这下面的时候把灯打开! 你们会近视的


We're doing an initiation! 妈! 我们在举行入会仪式


Oh, scary. Well, carry on. Just pretend I'm not here.

可真吓人 好吧 你们继续,就当我不在这

This is my mom's house.Do you promise to look out for your brothers... no matter what the peril? Will you defend Oozma Kappa no matter how dangerous,no matter how insurmountable the odds may be,from evils both great and small,in the face of unending pain and...Oh, forget it! You're in. 这是我妈妈的房子,你们是否可以保证不管发生什么危险... 都保护兄弟们? 你们是否会不管多危险,机会有多渺茫,面对无尽的痛苦,都保卫兄弟会不受伤害... 算了! 算你们入会了

Look, we know we're no one's first choice for a fraternity, so it means a lot to have you here with us.


Can't wait to start Scaring with you, brothers. Time for a celebration! Yeah! Grab the couch cushions, gentlemen, because we're building a fort! 我等不及要和你们开始一起吓人了 哥们,庆祝时间到! 耶!去拿几个沙发垫子,因为我们要造个堡垒!

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美国动画片《怪兽电力公司》 怪兽电力公司2

美国彩色动画片《怪兽电力公司》 皮克斯动画工作室2001年出品 编剧:安德鲁·斯坦顿/ 丹尼尔·吉尔森等 导演:彼特·道格特/ 大卫·斯沃曼/ 李·昂克里奇电影故事: 如果你是一个小孩子,在某个夜晚,你偷偷打开壁橱,却赫然发现在壁橱角落的阴

《两代电力公司》的开场词 代理商答谢会开场词


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