Green Manufacturing issues in machine tools
industry in terms of the life cycle
Li Congbo*, Liu Fei*, Wang Qiulian
? , Cao Huajun*
*State Key Lab of Mechanical Transmission, Chongqing University, Chongqing, China
? School of Economics & Management, Nanchang University, Nanchang, China ABSTRACT
Green Manufacturing (GM) is a kind of sustainable manufacturing mode with the full
consideration of resources consumption and environmental impact. Machine tools
industry consumes much resource and generates huge environmental emissions,
thus it is significant to gathers information about the GM issues in machine tools
industry. This study summarizes the key GM issues of the whole life cycle of machine
tools product, focusing on machine tools design, manufacturing, and use, and used
machine tools remanufacturing. And Information is acquired from the academic
literature, visits to industry, as well as through the research and practices by the
authors. Based on the key findings from the gathered information, finally, this paper
identifies the future directions of GM related areas in machine tools industry.
Keywords: Green Manufacturing (GM), machine tools industry, life cycle 1 INTRODUCTION
With the development of world economic, the global machine tools production has
increased greatly. Gardner Corp. stated the production value of the main 29 machine
tools production countries (or regions) in 2007, which is 709 billion dollars, almost
twice than that in 2003[1]. But the rapid development of machine tools industry also
brings much resource consumption and huge environment emission.
Green Manufacturing (GM), is a kind of modern manufacturing mode, which is a good
way to minimize the environmental emissions and maximize the resource utilization
during the whole product life cycle including design, manufacturing, use
and disposal,
etc [2]. The researchers are aware of the ever increasing need to address GM issues
in machine tool industry. For example, some green design and manufacturing strategies for gear cutting machines was proposed by [3]; dry cutting, semi-dry cutting
ICRM2010-Green Manufacturing,Ningbo, China
and little cutting fluid machining technologies were studied in [4]; machine tools
remanufacturing was researched in many literature, such as the precision parameters
of recovery parts were optimized with BP+GA hybrid algorithm in [5]. And many
companies started to engage in machine tool remanufacturing. There are already
more than 200 companies special in machine tool remanufacturing in the USA, such
as Maintenance Service Corp. and so on, and a lot of machine tool manufacturers
expanded their business to remanufacturing, too, such as DMG Group, Germany, etc.
So, it is necessary to review of GM issues associated with the machine tools industry,
which is the objective of this paper. In order to cover most of the subject in this area as
thorough as possible, the contents will be discussed in terms of the life cycle stages of
a machine tool.
A typical life cycle of a machine tool is shown in Figure1. In the figure, four principal
stages are presented: 1) design, 2) manufacturing, 3) use, and 4) post-use.
Environmental Impacts
(oil fog, dust, noise, waste
liquid, etc.)
Use and
Resource Consumption (raw
materials, electricity and
auxiliary materials, etc)
and Cleaning
Machine tools
Figure 1. Machine tools life cycle
2.1 Design issues
Design is the leading phase during the machine tool life cycle, and the machine tool?s
performance across the whole life cycle is almost determined by design stage. Thus,
besides product structure design, material selection, process design, green design of
machine tool should consider the design for post-use stage, such design for
disassembly, design for remanufacturing, design for recycling, etc. Two green design
methods and ideas will be discussed.
1?Reduced design
For the same performance of a machine tool, resource consumption could be reduced
with smaller structure and less materials. Therefore, it is important to improve
calculating load accuracy of mechanical parts, and simplify the structure on the
Premise of Quality and function Assurance
2) Design for remanufacturing and recycling
ICRM2010-Green Manufacturing,Ningbo, China
The design for recycling and remanufacturing should consider how to recover the old
resources of end of life machine tools during design stage. For example, reasonable
adjustment and precision compensation measures should be set up, in order to
resume machine tools precision after Wearing; during the design of slide ways, the
repair, reuse and materials recycling measures should be taken into account.
Take the hobbing machine design for an example, its structure is shown
as figure 2.
Hobbing machine design
Bed Column
Figure 2. the structure of a hobbing machine
The main green design factors are considered as follows:
1) Bed
Bed is the bearing for column, slide unit, tool holder and so on. It need endure great
static force and dynamic force when machining, therefore, enough rigidity,
anti-vibration, small thermal deformation and internal stress are required when design
of machine tool bed. The GM solutions are less consumption of raw material with
hollow structural design; improvement of manufacturing process with rectangle
integral way; balancing thermal stability with symmetric design; increase remanufacturing degree with laminating, etc.
2) Column
Transmission part and precision adjusting part are contained in the large column, so
the key green design is select transmission machinery. Worm-worm gear transmission structure is recommended. Because it can obtain high transmission ratio
with single class, then amount of parts can be reduced. In another word, it can save
3?Slide unit
Considering remanufacturing, HNT wearing laminating integral way can be chosen for
slide unit.
4) Tool holder
Design for disassembly is the key point in tool holder green design.
Application of
open swallow-tailed integral way is one useful approach.
2.2 Manufacturing issues
The main processes in machine tool manufacturing include foundry, forging, blanking,
jointing, mechanical machining, heat treatment, painting and assembly. ICRM2010-Green Manufacturing,Ningbo, China
1) Foundry Deleterious emission includes metal oxide, coke, dust, NO x , SO 2 during
the burning in cupola; polluted water emission, heat emission and noise are the other

environmental impacts.
2) Forging Heat emission and noise are the main GM issue. Besides, solid waste as
lubricant oil, slag and ferric oxide are produced, too.
3) Blanking Noise impact is serious in blanking process, and the other problems are
scrap and oil leak.
4) Mechanical machining During mechanical machining, waste oil emission from
lubricating system, cooling system and transmission system, etc. is the key fluid
emission. Solid emission includes metal chip, power, scrap, inferior and so on.
5) Jointing Soot emission is inevitable when jointing, and fire danger is
accompanying. In addition, there is blasting danger because of gas leak. Welding wire
and chip are the solid wastes.
6) Heat treatment Heat treatment will produce air emission, fluid emission and heat
emission. In which, air emission includes oil gas, vapour, CO, NH 3 , NO X , nitrate
vapour, etc. Physical pollution such as electromagnetism pollution exists, too.
7) Painting Chemical emission is the main environmental impact, including painting
fog, benzene, dimethylbenzene, acid mist and alkali mist, etc. the disposal of waste
lacquer, lacquer container, wipes and protective equipment, etc. are important.
8) Assembly Noise from mechanical and pneumatic equipments, leak of oil and
inferior are the main GM issue.
2.3 Use issues
The use stage of a machine tool is actually the process to machining parts, which also
has both the resource consumption (mainly electrical energy, cutting fluid, cutter) and
the creation of wastes (fluid emission, air emission, etc.)
In fact, most electric power is wasted during machine tool use phase. According to
statistic data, during the machine tool use course, only 25% power is acted on
machining, and the rest is wasted[6]. In order to save electrical energy, the no-loading
power should be minimal, and reducing the weight of machine tool is one useful way.
Cutting fluid is very harmful to the environment and the workers, so it is necessary to
reduce the utilization of cutting fluid and its emission during the use stage of machine
tool. The best alternative way is to adopt dry cutting, which does not need cutting fluid
at all. And Minimized Quantity Lubrication (MQL) is also an effective way to solve this
problem, but it needs specific equipment to provide cryogenic cold air. Another important GM issue in the use stage is green process planning (GPP), which
also could save energy and reduce the environmental impact in the machining
ICRM2010-Green Manufacturing,Ningbo, China
process. The key GPP issues include selecting of process parameters, machine tools,
fixtures and coolants, and optimizing the process routines, etc.
2.4 Post-use issues
Collection of
Uesed Machine
and Sorting
Redesign of
Machine Tools
? Functional
? CNC rebuilding
? Energy-saving Upgrading
? Informational Upgrading
? ? ?
Inventory of
Parts-based Remanufacturing
Iron Castings (such as
the Bed)
Other Disposed Parts
Wearing Parts
Precision Parts(such
as the Spindle)
Recycling or reuse
as spare parts
Reuse after
Direct Reuse
and Testing
Machine Tools
Markets and
New Parts
Figure 4?The recovery process of used machine tools
Machine tool is one of the typical equipments to be remanufactured and recycled with
high value. The structure castings after Natural Aging can be reused with high rate,
which are 60~70 percent in weight of the whole product. In addition, there are a large
amount of used and old machine tools to be recovered because of functional and
technologic limitations. For example, according to statistics, there are about 5500
thousand machine tool in China at present, and 60% have serviced over ten years.
The recovery process of machine tools could be shown as figure 4, including
disassembly, cleaning, inspection, sorting, redesign, remanufacturing and
reassembly. Generally, remanufacturing include part-based remanufacturing and
machine-based remanufacturing, and the latter is the main recovery way, because the
old machine tool can be easily remanufactured and updated to a high quality level
with low cost with the development of the machining technology, the automation and
CNC technology, etc.
As one of the foundational equipment manufacturing industries, machine tools
industry brings much resource consumption and huge environment emission, through
the whole life cycle. Green manufacturing issues surrounding each stage of the life
cycle are presented, including design issues, manufacturing issues, use issues and
post-use issues. The future directions of GM issues in machine tools industry may
focus on the following topics:
ICRM2010-Green Manufacturing,Ningbo, China
(1) Design: development of technologies and methods to support the design of
ecological machine tool, such as much lighter machine tools, dry machine tools;
design of machine tools with new structure, such as parallel machine tool.
(2) Manufacturing: reducing waste and improving energy and materials efficiency of
processes, including foundry, forging, jointing, heat treatment, painting, etc.
(3) Use: monitoring of machining process for the study of energy consumption, and
integrating energy recovery systems into machine tools; development new equipments to reduce emissions in the machining;
(4) Post-use: establishing and optimizing the reverse logistics of used machine tools,
development specific equipments for disassembly and cleaning, development of new
technologies for part recovery.
This work was supported by National Science Foundation of China (50605066) and
National Key Technology R&D Program of China (2006BAF02A01).
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[2] Liu, F., Cao, H. J., Zhang, H. (2005) The Theory and Technology of Green
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Machine Tool and Application. Manufacturing Technology & Machine Tool. Vol.
11, pp.18-20.
[4] Weinert, K., Inasaki, I., Sutherland, J. W., et al.(2004) Dry machining and
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[5] Ding, W. Z., Huang, X. D., Zhou, M. H. (2007) Study On Precision Distribution
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Engineering & Market. Vol. 2, pp. 52-55.
ICRM2010-Green Manufacturing,Ningbo, China
随着世界经济的发展,全球机床生产大量增加。加德纳公司表示,29的主要机床生产国家(或地区)生产总值的2007,这是7090亿美元,近2倍比2003 [ 1 ]。但快速发展的机床行业带来了大量的资源消耗和环境排放的巨大
绿色制造(GM),是一种现代制造模式,它是一种很好的方法来减少对环境的排放,最大限度地提高资源利用率在整个产品生命周期包括设计、制造、使用和处置等[ 2 ]。研究人员意识到越来越需要解决通用问题的机床工具行业。例如,提出了齿轮切割机的一些绿色设计和制造策略,提出了3种方法:干切削、半干切削和小的切削液加工技术[ 4 ]研究了工具再制造;机在许多文献的研究,如精度参数恢复部分与BP + GA混合算法优化[ 5 ]。和许多公司开始从事机床再制造。已经有超过200家公司在美国再制造专用机床,如维修服务有限公司等,以及大量的机床制造商扩大他们的业务,再制造,如DMG集团、德国等。
1)铸造有害排放包括金属氧化物、焦炭、灰尘、NO x,所以2冲天炉在燃烧;水污染排放、热排放和噪声等对环境的影响。
6)热处理热处理会产生空气排放,流体排放和热排放。其中,空气排放包括油气、蒸气、CO、NH 3、NO x、硝酸蒸气等物理污染如电磁污染的存在,太。
这项工作得到了国家自然科学基金(50605066)和中国科学基金会的资助 国家关键技术研发项目(2006baf02a01)。
[ 1 ]徐,深圳(2008)在2007世界机床生产和销售分析。
[ 2 ]刘、楼、曹、张、H(2005)绿色理论与技术
[ 3 ]李,X,辽,美,曹,曹,刘,楼(2003)绿色设计策略
[ 4 ] Weinert,K.,稻崎,即萨瑟兰,J. W.等人(2004)干法加工 最小量润滑。CIRP通志-制造技术。卷53,
[ 5 ]丁W Z.,黄X博士,周,M. H.(2007)精度分布研究
[ 6 ]章,第(2008)下一代生产系统。世界制造业