澳大利亚英文介绍 澳大利亚 澳大利亚英文介绍

澳大利亚英文介绍 澳大利亚 澳大利亚英文介绍

以改革为动力实现中国梦刘宝龙摘要: 2013年11月9日,党的十八届三中全会审议通过《中共中央关于全面深化改革若干重大问题的决定》,中国开启了最广泛、最深刻的改革。本文主要谈到了我们为什么要改革,全面深化改革有什么意义,以及结合上海的实际,论述改革的…

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go into Australia!
the national emblem of Australia澳大利亚的徽章
the national flag of Australia
the city of Australia
the animals of Australia
the farms of Australia
the indigenous Australia
the unexpected views Australia

the development of Australia
the commonwealth of Australia is a coutry in the southern hemisphere comprising the world's smallest continent,And Australia is the six biggest cuntry in the world,there are two areas and six states in Australia.Current population of around 20.4 million is concentrated mainly in the large coasal cities of Sydney,Melbourne,Brisbane,Perth.

Australia impression
poeple usually use these worda to discribe Australia .now,let's have a look!
unexpected (超乎想象)

Ok,let's go into the cities of Australia!

the first station --Sydney
Sydney is the biggest city locates at the southeast in Australia.
the best time to visit are of spring and autumn,especilly around March to April or.
Sydney is famous for Sydney Harbor, Royal National Park,Sydney Opera House,Bondi Beach,Macquarie Street,Sydney university and so on!
一张Sydney Harbor
另一张Royal National Park

Sydney Opera House
the Macquaria street
the university of Sydney

the second station--canberra
Canberra is the capital city of Australia.With a populaion of over 345,000 ,it is Australia's largest inland city and the eighth largest Australia cit overall.
Following an international contest for the city's desig,a design by the Chicago architects Water Burley Griffin and Marion Mahony Griffin was selected and construction commenced in 1913.
Congress building
beautiful new city

Australia's farm
Australia's farms mostly locate on the middle and western area,where feeds swarms of cattle and sheep.the climate is very suitable.what'more ,Australia is a country that rides on the back of sheep!

the animals of Australia
there are many different species of wildlife in Australia.Marsupials are the most successful group in Australia.This group includes ,kangaroos,wallabies,koalas,Tasmanian wolves,Tamanian devils,wombats,and many others.the platypus and the echidna are epplaying mammals.there are also numerous different species of ,birds.Some of them are cockatoo,kookaburra,lyrebird the fightless emu,and sveral types of parrots.
目前在澳大利亚野生动物种类繁多。有袋类是澳大利亚最成功的群体。这一组包括袋鼠,沙袋鼠,考拉,塔斯马尼亚狼,袋獾,袋熊,等等。鸭嘴兽和 针鼹是产卵哺乳动物。鸟类有许多不同种类也很多。其中有些是鹦

go into Australia!the national emblem of Australia澳大利亚的徽章the national flag of Australiathe city of Australia the animals o…

描写忧郁的句子 黯然地望着远方 黯然地望着远方,在她的眼中,一个蓝色的精灵不住的跳动,仿佛看到了她爱人的背影般,悸动,不安,焦灼,一切的神伤都从这眼神中倾泻而下,摄人魂魄。把最深的忧伤,最沉重的压力托付以淡淡的字眼,那些伤痛、那些苦难也就变得淡淡的,…

2015-2020年中国陶瓷艺术花瓶市场研究及投资前景分析报告什么是行业研究报告行业研究是通过深入研究某一行业发展动态、规模结构、竞争格局以及综合经济信息等,为企业自身发展或行业投资者等相关客户提供重要的参考依据。 企业通常通过自身的营销网络了解到…

2012年长堰中学学生寒假社会实践活动总结 假期是学生们实践体验的好机会,为了让学生们拥有一个充实、快乐而又有意义的假期,我校根据区教育局关于转发《2012年武汉市中小学生“我爱武汉我的家”寒假社会实践活动方案》的通知文件精神,结合我校实际情况精心安…


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春节(the spring festival)英文介绍the spring festival is the most important festival for the chinese people and is when all family members get together, just like christmas in the west. all people living away from ho

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