Chapter30:My E-mail 我的E-mail
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其实写E-mail跟写信没有什么很大的差别呢,通常我们在写信的时候,会在信E-mail件的一开始说明我们为什么要写这封信,而E-mail也是一样。在一开始就跟对方说明你写E-mail的原因。我们第一段的建议开头句就是:I’ve got your E-mail.
如果我们是在回复对方的信件或E-mail的话,不要忘记要针对上次对方寄来的信件内容或附件作回复哦。我们第二段的建议开头句就是:About the E-mail you sent me, the flash game is so interesting.(关于你寄给我的邮件,那个小游戏真的好好玩哦)
最后我们要感谢对方写信或写E-mail给我们,毕竟就是因为他们在乎我们,才会写E-mail给我们哦。我们第三段的建议开头句就是:Thank you very much.
Hello, Allen!

I’ve got your E-mail. Thank you for your rapid reply! You know what that was my first time to write an E-mail, and it was so fun! I even wrote the wrong address at the first time .How silly I am!
About the E-mail you sent me, the flash game is so interesting,and I forward it to my classmate. Everybody says it’s the best game they ever played. It’s so nice of you to send me the game. Where did you find the game? By the way, would you like to see a movie with me this Saturday? I hear that there is a cool movie and I have two tickets. Please give me the answer before Friday, so that I can make the plan.
PS: Can you tell me how to beat the game or give me the work through? Thanks.
Best regards,