网友达达香对[分钟的英文]怎样出色完成 1 分钟左右的英语自我介绍?给出的答复:
感谢大家的 thumbs up,一直有人私信我各种学习方法..其实我只是很喜欢用自己奇葩的方法学;
I was worried whether this article will be grabbed by people ....
turns out, the follower of this quest only want a plausible opinion to heal their anxiety of learning.. They will be scared away as the moment they saw .well ..
I should figure it out since I got here ! Why should I even bothered before ! Such a moron !
I really don't wanna share 。。。。。
You know it’s coming.
It’s the most feared question during any job interview: Do you think I would look good in a cowboy hat?
Just kidding. The real question is: Can you tell me about yourself?
Blecch. What a boring, vague, open-ended question. Who likes answering that?
I know. I’m with you. But unfortunately, hiring managers and executive recruitersask the question. Even if you’re not interviewingand you’re out networkingin the community — you need to be ready to hear it and answer it. At all times.
Now, before I share a list of 10 memorable answers, consider the two essential elements behind the answers:
The medium is the message.
The interviewer cares less about your answer to this question and more about the confidence, enthusiasm and passion with which you answer it.
The speed of the response is the response.
The biggest mistake you could make is pausing, stalling or fumbling at the onset of your answer, thus demonstrating a lack of self-awareness and self-esteem.
Next time you’re faced with the dreaded, “Tell me about yourself…” question, try these:
1 “I can summarize who I am in three words.”
Grabs their attention immediately. Demonstrates your ability to be concise, creative and compelling.
2 “The quotation I live my life by is…”
Proves that personal development is an essential part of your growth plan. Also shows your ability to motivate yourself.
3 “My personal philosophy is…”
Companies hire athletes – not shortstops. This line indicates your position as a thinker, not just an employee.
4 “People who know me best say that I’m…”
This response offers insight into your own level of self-awareness.
5 “Well, I googled myself this morning, and here’s what I found…”
Tech-savvy, fun, cool people would say this. Unexpected and memorable.
6 “My passion is…”
People don’t care what you do – people care who you are. And what you’re passionate about is who you are. Plus, passion unearths enthusiasm.
7 “When I was seven years old, I always wanted to be…”
An answer like this shows that you’ve been preparing for this job your whole life, not just the night before.
8 “If Hollywood made a move about my life, it would be called…”
Engaging, interesting and entertaining.
9 “Can I show you, instead of tell you?”
Then, pull something out of your pocket that represents who you are. Who could resist this answer? Who could forget this answer?
10 “The compliment people give me most frequently is…”
Almost like a testimonial, this response also indicates self-awareness and openness to feedback.
Keep in mind that these examples are just the opener. The secret is thinking how you will follow up each answer with relevant, interesting and concise explanations that make the already bored interviewer look up from his stale coffee and think, “Wow! That’s the best answer I’ve heard all day!”
Ultimately it’s about answering quickly, it’s about speaking creatively and it’s about breaking people’s patterns.
I understand your fear with such answers. Responses like these are risky, unexpected and unorthodox. And that’s exactly why they work.
Otherwise you become (yet another) non-entity in the gray mass of blah, blah, blah.
You’re hireable because of your answers. When people ask you to tell them about yourself, make them glad they asked.
Let me ask you this: How much time did you dedicate this week to becoming more interesting?
Let me suggest this: For the list called, “61 Stupid Things to Stop Doing Before It’s Too Late,” send an e-mail to me, and you win it for free!
10 Good Ways to 'Tell Me About Yourself'网友miss weepie对[分钟的英文]怎样出色完成 1 分钟左右的英语自我介绍?给出的答复:
1、通过具体例子证明自己的skill set。我们经常用形容词描述自己,但是具体的例子会更加生动。不一定是工作上的丰功伟绩,可以是短时间内召集策划一次朋友聚会,或者帮助别人解决某件事情。
2、前辈、同辈、朋友对自己的评价。你可以说: my friends always say I am.......或者 a senior colleague of mine comment that I am good at ......。你甚至可以说朋友给你起的昵称。
All in all,对自己一定要有透彻的理解,我是谁,我能提供和创造什么。
网友JianingW对[分钟的英文]怎样出色完成 1 分钟左右的英语自我介绍?给出的答复:
求职类的自我介绍,其实就是 Sell your self out within 60 seconds,
进一步说,这个自我介绍就类似于电影的trailor, 商品包装上的关键词或者...电视广告的精简版
假设你参加面试的目的是把你自己卖出去(而不是去泡面试官),那这一分钟就是你的一个产品简介:姓名,型号(教育背景/工作风格),为什么要卖给面试官(为什么想做这个,为什么这家公司这个职位...), 以及功能(能做啥)。
Good morning, I am xxx; I graduated from BlueShit Institute of Technology with a MS in Excavating (亮出你出色的教育背景) ----10秒
From my education I obtained outstanding skills in Digging, xxx and xxx. During my internship at xxx Construction affiliated to the Blueshit, I utilized my xx skills to increase the digging efficiency by 40%.----20秒
The reason I applied for this Chef Position at New Oriental is that "A tailor can never be a good Mechanics if he has never desired to be a Chef". I would like to be a part of your company because (文化认同/职业发展....)---20秒
As a xxx (detailed-focused/result-oriented/self-motivated? teamplayer? 独当一面的挖掘能手?) I can be a great asset to your Group. xxx 10秒? 差不多了。
接下来的Q & A 也就是这些面试官考察、求证的过程了。你需要通过各种实例来支持你抛出来的简介。
网友青澜对[分钟的英文]怎样出色完成 1 分钟左右的英语自我介绍?给出的答复:
1.Personal Data,这个不要涉及个人隐私
2.Experience (Academic, working, part-time job, volunteer),谈两句心得体会
3.Current Academic Interests
4.Hobbies, favorities,这点很多人会说我喜欢音乐,旅游,看书什么的,完全和别人一样的有木有,但你要是这么说:我是XXX的超级粉丝,去年我骑车去了拉萨,我最喜欢的一本小说是XXXXXX,立马就生动了。而且你可以说你喜欢的,也可以说你不喜欢的,当然这要看你是向什么人说
另外如果是用PPT的方式,就直接上图,配一两个单词(一定要简洁明了),别列表一样的写experience, hobby
网友charlie ccc对[分钟的英文]怎样出色完成 1 分钟左右的英语自我介绍?给出的答复:
“I took a look around when I first got on a plane in my life. So I saw most people there busy placing their luggages,and some were taking a nap. Nobody paid any attention to the plane,to the fact that they were flying in the air,which was absolutely insane to think of years ago. Then I promised to myself,that I'll invent another 'plane' someday. I'm sure that I'm gonna make it. And that's me here,moving on. ”
网友周嘉齐对[分钟的英文]怎样出色完成 1 分钟左右的英语自我介绍?给出的答复:
就是在被问到自我介绍之前,与面试官产生良性的互动。进门的时候,一边微笑一边问候good morning,may i take a sit? 你得到的回答当然是yes 接着你可以先发问 i d like to take a moment to introduce myself,may i?当然,你得到的回答还是yes。不过此时,你已经和面试官有了一个很好的互动,这比对方主动要求你开始自我介绍要胜出很多。
网友匿名用户对[分钟的英文]怎样出色完成 1 分钟左右的英语自我介绍?给出的答复:
参考Facebook的Mark Zuckerberg:
I'm CEO,Bitch!
网友萱葛阁对[分钟的英文]怎样出色完成 1 分钟左右的英语自我介绍?给出的答复:
去quora上面随便找一个你顺眼人的自我介绍 仿照句型 背!
网友沙枝对[分钟的英文]怎样出色完成 1 分钟左右的英语自我介绍?给出的答复:
墙裂同意know your audience.
题主不给出更多细节的话,实在帮不了你。一些ground rules
1 1分钟其实根本说不了几句话。算上停顿,一些自然的嗯和啊,一般也就是说八九十个词。BBC语速是110个词一分钟。所以,贪多嚼不烂,自我介绍里面不要放太多关键词,让对方只听见一堆“……联合国……摩根大通……负责监督整个小组……五百个亿……支教……”的狂轰滥炸,那你成什么了,一个贴满冰箱贴的大冰箱?除非你觉得这个自我介绍是竞争性的,别人也要做,而且别人可能会把你比下去,那没办法,只好酷炫一点。我会选择一个轻松的版本,里面也就是那么一两个关键点,抓人,有震慑力,但是以举重若轻的方式去说,让对方觉得,你有料,但是沉稳,在未来的表现中很可能更有爆发力。就足够了。
2 正式场合不要用俚语,非正式场合不要太古板。
3 以大多数人的努力程度,根本轮不到去谈论自己的自我介绍做不好是因为英语不好。只有一分钟,八九十个词诶。就算是英语零基础,只要多加练习,都可以做到字正腔圆,手势眼神到位啊。有多少人是写完稿子在心里默背然后拿到会场上第一次出声的。。。哦题主我没有说你,只是提到这气不打一处来了。。。
4 果断省略low逼内容。过去听过很多的英文自我介绍,我搞不清楚为什么每一个人都先要浪费个三秒钟来一句“good morning everyone”,报名,然后说自己出生在哪儿的一堆,毕业于哪个大学的一堆,说自己是个什么样的人的又一堆,连句式都一样。题主,如果你想做一个与众不同的自我介绍,那你就要先去好好观察,别人的自我介绍到底是什么样的,你想从哪些地方跟他们不一样,也就是说,你想要删去他们的自我介绍中的哪些内容,换成什么内容。这样想一想,你也就知道自己该怎么做了。
网友赓少对[分钟的英文]怎样出色完成 1 分钟左右的英语自我介绍?给出的答复:
超赞的口语指导书--张涵 托福口语看这本就够了--小软整理版
(非牛人)托福复习全攻略 (强烈要求加精)
网友Kevin Chen对[分钟的英文]怎样出色完成 1 分钟左右的英语自我介绍?给出的答复:
我们MBA communication skills的教授是伦敦CNN对话节目的著名主持人Lola Martinez,她布置的第一个作业就是放30秒视频,然后用一分钟介绍视频里的人物。所以,可以给你提供一些建议。
网友蒙面大侠对[分钟的英文]怎样出色完成 1 分钟左右的英语自我介绍?给出的答复:
网友Ricky对[分钟的英文]怎样出色完成 1 分钟左右的英语自我介绍?给出的答复:
My name bond, James bond......剩下的58秒直视考官的眼睛即可被录取
网友蒙面大侠对[分钟的英文]怎样出色完成 1 分钟左右的英语自我介绍?给出的答复:
网友Nick shek对[分钟的英文]怎样出色完成 1 分钟左右的英语自我介绍?给出的答复:
For a one minute self-introduction it is very important to be clear and concise. People tend to switch off very early on in a conversation if you spend too much time on one point. Start by introducing your name, where you are from, what you are doing, and then move onto what is relevant to the conversation. If you are introducing yourself in a work environment, you then need to talk about your vocational role, however if you are talking in a social context, you should talk about your hobbies and interests and less about your career.
网友蒙面大侠对[分钟的英文]怎样出色完成 1 分钟左右的英语自我介绍?给出的答复:
网友Wu Frank对[分钟的英文]怎样出色完成 1 分钟左右的英语自我介绍?给出的答复:
网友汉冰对[分钟的英文]怎样出色完成 1 分钟左右的英语自我介绍?给出的答复:
网友郑三强对[分钟的英文]怎样出色完成 1 分钟左右的英语自我介绍?给出的答复:
dealing with girls:
hello my name is XXX, I like XXX and ZZZ. :D,over
dealing with boys:
Hello my name is XXX, what size of boobs do you think the girl sitting in front of us has?
网友蒙面大侠对[分钟的英文]怎样出色完成 1 分钟左右的英语自我介绍?给出的答复:
ESL podcasts有一期是讲解如何面试的,非常实用。
其中第一个问题就是tell me about yourself, 谁听谁知道~
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