我家爱人情感缺失 【每日情感】爱情靠经营:和爱人一起做的14件事(双语)


Romantic relationships can be the most wonderful part about your life, but they can also be the worst. What are some things you can do in your relationship to move it towards the “wonderful” spectrum?


1. Talk about your day


In any relationship, sharing every day experiences can help both sides. The person sharing can get any frustrations or thoughts off of his/her chest and the listener gets to know more about the other person.


2. Play together


One important thing you can do in your relationship is to have fun and be silly together. Find a sitcom you both enjoy or Google jokes to tell each other. We’ve all heard that the best medicine is laughter, right? You can also break out the board games and a bottle of wine for a night of playful competition.


3. Make food together


Whether it’s cooking dinner or whipping up homemade chocolate chip cookies, food brings people together. You not only get to spend time together in the kitchen, but you also get to revel in the success of your dish and enjoy a meal together.


4. Define boundaries


Whether you’ve been together five days, five weeks or five years, you might not be on the same page all of the time. You need to let the other person know what is and is not okay in regards to the relationship. This knowledge will allow you both to feel more relaxed, safe and comfortable.


5. Be honest


Nothing hurts a relationship like a lie. It might not even be a huge deal, but the deception alone breaks trust that can be hard to recover. If you are feeling guilty about something, however small, it might be best to confess right away to ensure it doesn’t come up later.


6. Snuggle


Physical touch is so important to feel connected with your partner. Grab some popcorn and your favorite, movie and hunker down for a cozy night together.


7. Text good morning or good night


Starting and/or ending the day showing your love you are thinking of him/her can help strengthen your relationship.


8. Encourage each other


Whether your loved one is in school or working a job, he/she needs to know you support what he/she does! Surprise your special someone a note of encouragement.


9. Hang out together in a group


Spending time as a couple is important, but it’s also important to see your partner interact with other people. You will likely remember why you fell for this person in the first place.


10. Sweat together


Being physically fit is important as it is, but those who are in romantic relationships tend to ditch the gym in favor of spending time with his/her loved one. Why not combine together time and gym time? Most individuals find it attractive to see their partner break a sweat!


11. Be willing to compromise


You might not always see eye to eye in your relationship; after all, you are two different people! The key is to be understanding of the other person’s ideals and when possible, meet halfway. This does not mean you have to give up everything you believe in, however it also means that you might not get your way every time. Accepting this balance is key in a healthy partnership.


12. Compliment each other


There is plenty of pressure from the outside world to be perfect—the perfect body, the perfect disposition, to be the most successful. A romantic relationship should be a safe place, so reassure your partner that he/she is attractive, loveable, and accomplished.


13. Travel together

我家爱人情感缺失 【每日情感】爱情靠经营:和爱人一起做的14件事(双语)


Exploring a new location, soaking up the sun, and trying new restaurants can help you further the bond of your relationship. If you travel via car to said destination, there is bound to be lots of conversations. You will surely get to know each other much better.


14. Be willing to work


The final is a must. Relationships can be fun, but you also may encounter rough times. You must work through this to make your bond deeper and come out the other side stronger and happier than ever.


There might not be as much stress if you are not in a romantic relationship, but you certainly will not find the benefits of truly sharing life and love with someone if you don’t take the plunge!



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