天宫二号英语 三分之二用英语怎么说 “天宫二号”英语怎么说?

9月15日22时04分,搭载着天宫二号空间实验室的长征二号F T2运载火箭在酒泉卫星发射中心点火发射。约575秒后,天宫二号与火箭成功分离,进入预定轨道,发射取得圆满成功。天宫二号也是我国第一个真正意义上的太空实验室。英文如何表达?

Long March 7 rocket | 长七火箭

The Tiangong 2 was carried into space on Thursday night atop a Long March 7 rocket from the Jiuquan Satellite Launch Center on the edge of the Gobi Desert in northern China. (AP)


blast off / lift off | 发射

A Long March 2F rocket blasted off successfully at 10:04 p.m. local time Thursday (10:04 a.m. ET) from the Jiuquan Satellite Launch Center in the Gobi Desert carrying the lab known as Tiangong-2. (CNN)


booster | 推进器

Tiangong-2 was released from the booster’s upper stage about nine minutes and 45 seconds after liftoff, slipping into an orbit with a low point of 124 miles and a high point of about 250 miles. (Air&Space)


manned space mission | 载人空间任务

In a manned space mission in 2013, three Chinese astronauts spent 15 days in orbit and docked with an experimental space laboratory, the Tiangong 1, or 'Heavenly Palace'. (Reuters)


orbit | 轨道

Once in space, the Tiangong-2 will maneuver itself into orbit roughly 400 kilometers (about 250 miles) above the Earth, CCTV reported. (CNN)


low-Earth orbit | 近地轨道

The Shenzhou spacecraft and the two Tiangong spacelab modules are critical elements of China’s Project 921, which is aimed at perfecting low-Earth orbit space transportation, rendezvous and docking technology, in-orbit maintenance and the eventual construction of a large 65-ton multi-module space station. (CBS News)


laboratory module | 实验舱

A Chinese Long March rocket boosted an advanced laboratory module into space Thursday that will serve as an orbital base for month-long stays by two-person crews starting in late October, paving the way toward construction of a large space station in the early 2020s. (CBS News)


life-support | 生命支持

Tiangong-1 served primarily to prove out space-docking technologies. Tiangong-2 features improved living quarters and life-support infrastructure, facilitating longer stays by visiting crewmembers. (Space)


solar array | 太阳能电池阵

Smaller than the International Space Station, it will consist of three modules, and will be powered by solar arrays.  (Air&Space)


payloads | 载荷

Payloads include an atomic clock, a microwave altimeter (高度计) for ocean surface measurements, a gamma ray burst (伽马射线暴) experiment in cooperation with Swiss and Polish scientists, and a free-flying cubesat (立方体卫星) called Banxing, which will be able to take pictures of the Tiangong-2 and Shenzhou vehicle in orbit. (Air&Space)


space capabilities | 空间能力

China insists its space program is for peaceful purposes, but the U.S. Defense Department has highlighted its increasing space capabilities, saying it was pursuing activities aimed to prevent adversaries from using space-based assets in a crisis. (Reuters)


Shenzhou-11 capsule | 神舟11号

If all goes according to plan, two astronauts—as yet unnamed—will dock their Shenzhou-11 capsule to the orbiting lab next month, marking China’s first human spaceflight since abandoning the first Tiangong lab in June 2013. (Air&Space)


mid-term stays | 中期停留

The astronauts expect to remain in Tiangong 2 for about a month, testing systems and processes for mid-term stays in space and refueling, and conduct medical and other experiments. (Reuters)


core module | 核心舱

China will launch a 'core module' for its first space station some time around 2018. (Reuters)


space station | 空间站

The Tiangong-2 and its predecessor, Tiangong-1, are prototypes for China's ultimate goal -- a permanent 20-ton space station, which is expected to launch after 2020. (CNN)


cargo ship | 货运飞船

In April 2017, China's first cargo ship, Tianzhou-1, will dock with Tiangong-2, delivering fuel and other supplies to the space lab. (Space)


propellants | 推进剂

Like Russian Progress space freighters, Tianzhou-1 will be capable of automatically transferring propellants, a crucial requirement for space station assembly and maintenance. (CBS News)


autonomous refueling | 自动加燃料

The Chinese astronauts will spend up to 30 days at a time aboard the Tiangong-2 module to carry out a broad range of experiments, to test enhanced life support systems, autonomous refueling and other key technologies needed before assembly of an actual space station begins in 2022. (CBS News)


latitude | 纬度

The station is designed to last 10 years, and will orbit at an altitude similar to that of the ISS, but at latitudes no higher than 43 degrees, compared to 52 degrees for the ISS.   (Air&Space)


International Space Station | 国际空间站

The Chinese space station is expected to be sent into orbit just as the US-led International Space Station goes out of service -- making China potentially the only country with a permanent space presence. (CNN)



多级火箭  multistage rocket 


返回式卫星  recoverable satellite 


运载火箭  carrier rocket; rocket launcher 


有效载荷能力  payload capability 


同步轨道卫星  geosynchronous satellite 


轨道舱  orbital module 


返回舱  re-entry module

推进舱 propelling module

指令舱 command module

服务舱 service module

太空升降舱 space elevator

接口盖 access flap 

上升段 ascent stage 

主发动机喷嘴 nozzle of the main engine

下降段 descent stage

定向天线 directional antenna

应急供氧装置 emergency oxygen apparatus

调整轨道 fine-tune orbit

陀螺仪 gyroscrop

舱口 hatch

着陆架 landing pad

主着陆场 main landing field/ primary landing site

发射台 launch pad

太空服 space outfits

天宫二号英语 三分之二用英语怎么说 “天宫二号”英语怎么说?

起飞加速器 thruster


爱华网本文地址 » http://www.aihuau.com/a/370051/900400459885.html


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目录基本信息 远景规划 空间实验室 中国空间站编辑本段基本信息 天宫二号飞行器名称:天宫二号飞行器生产国家:中国发射时间:2013年~2015年(准确时间还未确定)发射目的:开展地球观测和空间地球系统科学、空间应用新技术、空间技术和航天医

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