无耻女子喂狗女人 形容泼妇、丑女、无耻女子等的英语表达

Group I: Women with bad temperament  坏脾气的女子

1. Shrew
A woman with a violent, scolding, or nagging temperament; a scold.泼妇, 悍妇

Many of you may have heard of, or read William Shakespear's "The Taming of the Shrew." The late Elizabeth Taylor and her two-time husband Richard Burton played the two leading roles in the film version.

2.A scold 好责骂的人

3. A nag 责骂不休, 好唠叨的人
Nagging is supposed to be a universal character of women; just don't tell my wife I mentioned it.

4. A harpy.凶恶的女人,泼妇
From Greek myth, a ravenous creature with a woman's head and trunk and a bird's wings and claws

5. A biddy 唠叨的中年妇人

6. A vixen.
A vixen is a female fox. Although it usually means a woman with a sharp tongue 牙尖嘴利, it also means a woman regarded as quarrelsome, shrewish, or malicious. 好唠叨或坏脾气或坏心眼的女人. In some instances it also means an extremely sexy and sexually active woman.

The ones below need no explanation.
7. a battle-ax
8. A tigress.
9. A dragon
10. A fire-eater.
11. A mean lady

Before I continue onto the next group, here is a frequently used derogatory term for women, the definition of which is difficult to pin down.

12. A bitch
Here is a collection of definitions.
-an insulting word for someone, especially a woman, who is rude or cruel. (MacMillan)
-A woman considered to be spiteful or overbearing. (AHD)
-The word bitch is generally used by people for a woman who is mean or haughty. Use of such a word is considered offensive. A woman who has coarse etiquettes is also termed 'bitch'.
- a woman who is thoroughly disliked.

Group II. Temptresses

13. A Siren
-a woman in ancient Greek stories who sang to sailors in order to make them sail toward rocks and crash.
- 赛壬(半人半鸟的女海妖)
In Homer"s Epic, Odyssey, after ordering his men to put wax in their ears, Ulysses bound himself to his ship's mast so he could listen to the Siren's song.
(The Yeti. Apr. 5th, 2011)

14. A femme fatale
- 致命的女人 or 蛇蝎美人

15. A Delilah
A voluptuous and treacherous woman; temptress, similar to 奸诈阴险的狐狸精. In some cases, a 蛇蝎美人.

无耻女子喂狗女人 形容泼妇、丑女、无耻女子等的英语表达


In the Old Testament, Delilah is seductress sent by Philistines to find out where the Isrealite Samson got his superhuman strenth  from, and then to deprived him of it. The story is too long to be repeated here. Search the Internet for "Samson and Delilah" or "参孙和大利拉."

pic04(Old 1949 movie. Saw it when it was shown in Hong Kong in the mid-1950s.)

16.  A jail bait
A girl who is too young to have sex with legally.
Bait is 饵. Jail bait is 引你去坐牢的饵. You can be sent to jail for having sex with an underage girl.

Italian Prime Minister Silvio Berlusconi will face trial on charges of abuse of office and paying for sex with an under age prostitute.

17. A homewrecker
摧毁你的婚姻和家庭的女子, a woman who goes after a  married man.

18. A cock teaser,
cock=male sexual organ; tease=挑逗
Wikipedia: Cock tease (sometimes cock-tease or cocktease) is derisive sexual slang used to describe a woman who acts in a sexual manner to seduce men without actually fulfilling the sexual actions.

19. A flirt (When used in a negative way.)
Someone who likes to make playfully romantic or sexual overtures with people.
Someone who behaves or acts amorously without emotional commitment, or toys or plays with another's affections.

Group III Ugly

20.A hag
An old woman considered ugly or frightful.
丑老太婆, 母夜叉,

21 A gorgon 蛇发女怪,奇丑无比的女, 丑陋的或令人厌恶的女人
You will have to be pretty ugly to be called a gorgon. In Greek mythology, there were these three ugly sisters--Stheno and Euryale, their immortal sister Medusa--with snakes as hairs. They were so frightful that taking one look at her would turn you into stone. Medulsa was slain by the mythical Greek hero Perseus by using his polished shield as a shield to look for the gorgon.

A few more words that can be used for both ugly men and womem. (Sentence form: She is revolting/.../grosteque.)

22. Revolting 令人作呕

23. Monstrous 怪物似的

24. Hideous 丑恶,狰狞

25. Beastly 丑恶

26. Grotesque
-Outlandish or bizarre, as in character or appearance. (AHD)

Group IV Miscelleneous
(The Yeti. April 6th, 2011.)

27. A gossiper 长舌妇, 喜欢八卦.

28. A schemer. 诡计多端

29. A Jezebel
-A woman who is regarded as evil and scheming.


耶洗别(以色列王亚哈的妻子,以残忍、无耻、放荡著称)[列王纪上21:5-23;列王纪下9:7-10,30-37] 2. 耶洗别以色列王 Ahab 的放荡妻子;

1 Kings 16, 19, 21, 2 Kings 9: 30-37

Note:Despite the negative connotation,  Jezebel is used as girl's name in western countries.

Trivia: The 1938 movie Jezebel, with Bettie Davis as the leading lady, is not about the Biblical Jezebel.

I do not know if the country and western hit "Jezebel" is about the Biblical Jezebel or not.

30. A doxy
A sexually promiscuous woman.性滥交的女子

31. Saucy.  Impertinent or disrespectful.

32. A hussy
-A woman considered brazen or immoral.
-A shameless or promiscuous woman
-荡妇, 轻佻的女子,鲁莽的女子 厚着脸的少女.

33. A tart (British slang)a promiscuous woman, also means a prostitute.

34. A loose woman 容易上床的女子

35. A slut
-A person, especially a woman, considered sexually promiscuous.性滥交

36. A minx
A girl or young woman who is considered pert, flirtatious, or impudent.

37. A scarlet.
Flagrantly immoral or unchaste:淫荡的,不道德的女子.

39. A bimbo 美丽但无脑

40. A nymph/nypmpho/nymphomaniac 女色情狂

Group V. Prostitutes

Prostitute...whore...tart(British)...lady of the night/evening...streetwalker...hooker...call girl...hustler...working girl(***)...escort...courtesan...etc.

(***) Please don't say you are a "working girl" looking for an "oral partner" when approached by a foreigner, unless you really are. The correct way is "career woman" and "spoken/oral English practice partner." Yes, I have seen people making those mistakes. 


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男人是狗女人是猫的二十一条理由 二十一条不平等条约

男人是狗女人是猫的二十一条理由一、女人喜欢吃鱼,吃鱼能显出她们的优雅;男人喜欢吃肉啃骨头,因为这能显示男人的英雄本色。  二、女人管孩子做家务多一点,尤其对孩子,女人觉得猫拿耗子是职责所在,而狗拿耗子肯定是多管闲事。  三

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