
  Lesson 1 The Value of Time

  1. If our time is usefully used, it will produce some useful piece of work which will ______ its price in the market.

  A. catch B. fetch C. attach D. approach

  2. There can be no doubt that time is _______ into money.

  A convert B. revert C. conventional D. convertible

  3. Let them remember that an hour misspent is ______ to the loss of a banknote.

  A. equipped B. equation C. equivalent D. equivalence

  4. Moreover, our life is ________ our time.

  A. nothing more than B. anything other than

  C. something more than D. anything more than

  5. But we are too often ________ to loss of an hour or of a day.

  A. different B. indifferent C. differed D. difference

  6. Some years have to be spent in merry-making, _____ on our own account______ for the sake of others.

  A. neither…nor B. either …or C. either… and

  7. We shall find about 15 or 20 years at our ______ for active work.

  A. dispose B. compose C. disposal D. supposal

  8. If we allow one moment to _____ away, we shall never be able to recoup the loss.

  A. slip B. take C. put D. sleep


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