American college
student Amanda knox
stands accused of
killing her roommate
in a bizarre sex
game gone wrong.
Is she the victim of a
justice system, a town,
and an Italian media that
was stacked against her?
Regardless of the verdict,
knox's life will
never be the same.
[ Bell tolls ]
[ Man singing in
African dialect ]
Buon giorno.
We are looking for
Meredith kercher.
Meredith lives here,
but she's, uh -- she's
not here right now.
I am raffaele sollecito.
And this is Amanda knox.
Una studentessa americana.
She lives here
with Meredith.
There are four of
us all together.
Bene. We found signora
kercher's cellphone
this morning outside a
house on via sperandio.
We thought maybe it
was stolen and dumped.
Well, I've called Meredith
a few times this morning.
She didn't answer.
I guess that's why.
This is starting to freak
me out a little bit.
What do you mean?
Well, when I came
home this morning,
I noticed that the
front door was open.
And then I went upstairs,
and there was a broken window
in one of the bedrooms
and several drops of blood on
the floor in the bathroom.
So, Amanda ran back
to my place and got me.
We were just up there,
and it looks like
someone broke in.
Did you call the police?
I thought you
were the police.
We're the polizia postale.
We investigate stolen computers,
credit cards, and cellphones.
Uh, we called
the emergency number,
the 112, a
few minutes ago,
and the carabinieri said
they would send someone.
While we're
waiting, though,
maybe can you come
inside and take a look.
I'm scared to
go in there again.
[ Door opens ]
The bathroom is this way.
When I went to take a
shower this morning,
I noticed there were
some drops of blood.
I thought maybe
somebody cut themselves.
Oh, that's filomena,
my other roommate.
What's going on?
Someone broke your window.
My God.
Man: Anything missing?
My laptop and my jewelry
Where's Meredith?
I don't know.
Her door is locked.
We knocked a few times,
but there was no answer.
Meredith never
locks her door.
[ Knock on door ]
Apra la porta!
Um, I would like to
report a break-in.
[ Speaking Italian ]
Apra la porta!
[ Telephone rings ]
Mom, someone broke
in to our house.
What? Are you all right?
They're breaking down
Meredith's door right now.
Try again.
Amanda? Amanda, talk to me.
[ Gasps ]
Un piede. Un piede.
Oh, my God, there's a foot.
They said something about a foot.
I don't understand the rest.
A foot?
What do you mean, a foot?
My God. I don't know if it's
a foot or it's a whole body.
Everybody out!
Via! Immediatamente! Via!
[ Telephone beeps ]
What was that all about?
My God! That was Amanda.
She said something about a
[ Camera shutters clicking ]
Reporter: [ British accent
] We're here in perugia,
where news is coming in
on the murder of a
young British student.
As you can see behind me,
the house is being investigated
by the police at the moment,
with forensics teams
still working.
Although the authorities have
yet to make a formal statement,
we're expecting them
to do so shortly.
More news as we have it.
This is unreal.
I can't believe this
is actually happening.
I know.
[ Mid-tempo rock music playing ]
Â? I see that I'm not... Â?
[ hissing ]
Buona giornata.
Buona giornata.
Buona giornata, signore.
That's Italian for
have a nice day, sir.
Yeah, whatever.
Â? Let's try to make it last Â?
Um, can I get a
decaf soy cappuccino
and an iced latte macchiato?
A decaf soy cappuccino
and an iced macchiato.
[ Speaking Italian ]
Dude, foxy, I can't believe that
you're ditching us this year.
What is that team
gonna do without you?
We need foxy knoxy!
I'm sure you'll survive.
You'll find a way.
But what about d.J.?
I mean, is he gonna
come and, you know,
hang out with
you in perugia?
Um, actually we're taking
a little bit of a break.
He's gonna be in
China for the year.
I'm gonna be in Italy.
I just doesn't make much
sense to be tied down.
I'm gonna be here forever,
serving cake.
I hate you.
You'll love me when I bring you
back some perugian chocolate.
Hey, make it some Italian men,
and we'll call it a deal.
Italian men coming right up.
Oh, my God!
What are you doing? Hello!
Aw, I love you!
Ooh, I love you, too, sweetheart.
Hi, dad.
How's my world traveler, hmm?
I'm good. How are you?
Already missing you.
I love you tons.
Tons and tons and tons.
[ Smooching ] [ Laughs ]
Okay, now, how do you feel
about leaving Seattle?
I love Seattle,
and I love the
university of Washington.
But it'll be really awesome
to be somewhere totally
new and different.
Okay, mom, your turn.
Aaah! No! No! Come on, baby.
We're all so proud of you
for all you had to accomplish
to make this trip possible.
[ Sighs ]
We're gonna miss you.
Aw, no! [ Chuckles ]
It won't be the same around
here without you.
It's only 10 months.
I'll be back. I know.
10 months is a long time.
[ Both laugh ]
You all set?
Got your passport? Euros?
Pepper spray?
Yes, I'm all set.
What is this, "the stepfather's
guide to Europe"?
[ Laughter ] You
should write a book.
Toast, everybody. Toast.
Grab a glass. Here we go.
Travel safe and come
back soon, honey.
[ Laughter ]
[ Glasses clinking,
all talking at once ]
[ Amanda speaking Italian ]
Amanda: It's great you could
get over here so soon.
[ Bicycle bell dings ]
How's your jet lag?
Tired? I'll survive.
This is the town square.
It's hook-up central.
And this is
palazzo dei priori.
It's got some beautiful
13th-century frescoes,
if you want to
check it out.
You can drink out
in the open here?
In Italy, they say
everything's illegal
and nothing's forbidden.
See these guys? Uh-huh.
They're dealing.
Mostly hash and weed.
This place is awesome!
I want to study here.
Well, we can go to some
bars after dinner,
but you cannot tell
mom anything.
There's a place down here
that posts classifieds.
Maybe I can find an apartment.
We should look.
Man: Hey. Ciao.
[ Laughs ] You slut!
Aw, come on.
It's Italy, dude.
Get with the times.
[ Laughs ] They're cute.
Hmm. Come on. I'll share.
[ Both laugh ]
Oh, scusi mi.
I'm Amanda.
I'm a student here.
Is this your flyer
of the l'appartamento?
Yes. We are three women.
We have an extra bedroom.
It's very near here.
And it's 300 Euros a month.
It's perfect.
When can I see it?
Eccoci qua.
This is your bedroom.
It's small. No, it's nice.
It's cute. I like it.
And you share the bathroom
with a girl named Meredith.
An English girl.
A British roommate, very cool.
[ Chuckles ]
Oh, my God. It's perfect!
[ Exhales sharply ]
I love it.
I love it.
Would it be possible for you to
give us a one-month deposit?
Yes. No problem.
I'll get the lease.
You can sign it now. Good.
[ Both laugh ]
[ British accent ] I hear
you're American. I am.
Nice to meet you.
Nice to meet you. Ciao.
[ Laughter ] I'm Amanda.
Are you studying here?
European politics
and Italian.
Very cool. I just, uh --
I'm starting at universitÃ
per stranieri in September.
Right down the street.
You know, "ace"?
Brilliant, fantastic.
Don't you use that word?
Well, not like that, but it's good.
I'll start.
[ Laughter ]
[ Classical music playing ]
[ Music ends ]
[ Applause ]
I have to go.
Yeah. My humanities
test is tomorrow.
Oh, but I thought we could grab
a drink after at Merlin's.
Another time, okay?
[ Music resumes ]
[ Chuckles ]
Amanda. Buona sera.
[ Chuckles ]
[ Indistinct conversations ]
Raffaele: I come from bari.
It's down South.
On the coast of the adriatic.
Yes, I know.
You know European geography.
Not all Americans are
ignorant slugs. Come on.
I, uh -- I grew up in Seattle.
Let's see how you do.
Um, Seattle. It's a city.
In Washington state.
[ Both chuckle ]
And... it's home of Microsoft.
Most people say, uh...
Home of "grey's anatomy" and
birthplace of Kurt cobain.
And you say Microsoft.
I'm studying
computer engineering.
What do you expect?
I actually think
it's very charming.
For a big...
Chocolate strawberry?
Â? ...To make it do Â?
Â? maybe there's something
to make it true Â?
Â? a little more
goes such a long way Â?
Â? you know I want
a little more Â?
Â? love from you Â?
Â? love, you do me right Â?
Â? you know you got
to hear me say Â?
Â? your love for me Â?
Â? you've got to do
it right, yeah Â?
this Risotto recipe --
it's from my mother.
She used to make it every
Friday night before she died.
Oh, I'm sorry.
Oh, that's okay. It was, um...
...A long time ago.
Blood: The last
of the vampires."
That's one of my mangas.
It's Japanese comics.
I collect them. Like art.
Very cool.
So, is your dad still around?
He lives in bari.
He's a doctor.
Molto importante.
[ Chuckles ]
My dad's a vice president
for Macy's stores... mm-hmm.
...And my mom teaches math.
They split when I was
really little, though, so...
My parents were divorced, too.
But, um, back then, it wasn't so...
Kids teased me a lot at school.
Here. Grazie.
Oh, this looks really good.
[ Both chuckle ]
I was made fun of
in school, too.
For what?
Well, I played
a lot of sports,
and I didn't have a
boyfriend till junior year,
so they thought that
I was a lesbian.
[ Laughs ]
[ Chuckles ]
Don't kiss like a lesbian.
Maybe you should try again.
Â? ...To get you back in Â?
Â? my heart Â?
Â? I'm all to you Â?
Â? back to the start Â?
[ birds chirping ]
[ Thinking ] I really like
the Italian lifestyle.
Everything shuts down
in the middle of the day.
Life really isn't about going
to work and making money.
It's about who you are
and what you choose to do
and who you choose to
spend your time with.
[ Laughter ]
This is actually one of the
happiest times in my life.
You can't catch me!
[ Laughs ]
[ Sighing ] Oh.
Hey, magnifico!
[ Both breathing heavily ]
[ Both chuckle ]
You are uno spirito
libero, Amanda.
[ Both laugh ]
You live your life
like a dream.
But it is a dream.
And I don't ever
want to wake up.
The chocolate festival
was awesome.
Are you gonna go? Maybe.
Maybe? I thought you
were mad about chocolate.
There's something I want
to talk to you about.
I just don't want it
turning into a big thing.
I think you could be doing a more
around the flat, cleaning and things.
I do clean.
When? Every time I go
into the bathroom,
your stuff is all over the place.
It's a sty.
And you leave your dishes
piled in the sink.
Okay, stop.
I'm sorry.
Well, why didn't you tell
me it bothered you before?
I shouldn't have to tell you.
It should be obvious.
Hey! My two queens!
What's up? What's up?
The sky. The sky.
[ Both chuckle ]
Look, I'll try harder.
Okay? Okay.
Are we cool?
We're cool.
[ Both chuckle ]
Hey, I met a guy.
Oh, really? Yeah.
He looks exactly
like Harry Potter.
He's quiet
and he's supersmart.
Oh, my gosh.
His apartment?
I think his dad's
really wealthy.
Hmm. Does he work?
He's studying computer
engineering at the university,
but he, uh --
he's not a geek.
He's not like that.
So, you've barely been
here two months,
and you've already got yourself
a posh Italian boyfriend?
Yeah. I think I do.
We're from totally
different cultures,
but we have so
much in common.
It's like...Destiny.
Destiny? Yeah.
Hmm, I like the sound of that.
[ Both laugh ]
[ Camera shutters clicking ]
Reporter: 21-year-old British
exchange student Meredith kercher
was found brutally
stabbed to death
in her apartment in
perugia earlier today.
By all accounts, Meredith --
or "mez," as she was called
by her family and friends --
was a good student,
a good person,
and a good friend.
Like thousands
of other students,
kercher set off on a year's
adventure studying abroad.
Sadly, she will not
be returning home.
This is Nigel fox, perugia.
[ Indistinct conversations ]
Prosecutor mignini.
What do we have so far?
The glass in the back
window is broken.
It's the bedroom
of filomena romanelli,
a roommate of the victim.
That's how they got in?
We think the break-in
could've been staged.
Let's take a look.
Prosecutor, this way.
The glass is on top
of the clothes.
Which means the window
must've been broken
after the room
was ransacked.
Prosecutor mignini.
Poor child.
We found Ms.
kercher in a pool of blood.
She was covered by this quilt.
Dr. stefanoni: Her
throat was slashed.
Based on the
blood trajectory,
she was kneeling
in front of the wardrobe
when she was stabbed.
Whoever did this must've
been covered in blood.
How'd the killer leave
without tracking bloody
footprints everywhere?
Well, we did find a
couple of visible footprints.
And we also raised five or
six latents with luminol.
So, someone tried to
clean up afterwards.
Not the m.O.
Of your typical petty thief or rapist.
I think we could be looking at
something more sinister here.
In the meantime,
I want to talk to kercher's
roommates and everyone who knew her.
There is a place down here
that has great scamorza.
What's that?
It's, um, seasoned
and smoked cheese.
Sounds good. Let's go.
[ Cellphone rings ]
Wait. One sec. Sorry.
Hold on.
Hi, mom. Edda: Where are you?
I'm on a walk with raffaele.
I think you
should come home.
[ Cellphone rings ]
Mom, I've got
to finish school.
Well, listen, sweetie, I know how
important your studies are to you,
the year abroad,
but we'll deal with
all that later.
I-I just...
I just think it's
right to come home.
You've been through enough.
Mom, I'm fine.
Really, seriously.
I'm okay. You don't sound okay.
I'm staying with raffaele, and I can buy new clothes.
It's really not a big deal.
Damn it, Amanda!
I want you to come home now.
Mom! That's not gonna happen.
Okay? I'm a big girl.
I get to make these
decisions now.
Hold on.
The police
want to talk with us.
Mom, I have to go
down to the precinct.
All right?
We'll talk about this later.
I love you. Bye.
[ Indistinct conversations ]
Everything's happening so fast.
[ Sighing ] I can't think.
It's like a nightmare.
You're in shock.
Amanda knox?
I guess it's my turn.
Man: Prego.
I woke up at my boyfriend,
raffaele sollecito's, apartment,
where I'd slept
the night before.
And around 10:30,
I went back to my house
to take a shower.
Was there not a shower
at sollecito's house?
Yeah, but it's -- it's small.
Plus, all my clothes
are at my house.
But when I got there,
I noticed that the front
door was -- was open.
But sometimes the lock
on the door doesn't catch,
so I just went in anyway.
And, uh...
Then when I went upstairs
to take a shower,
I noticed that there were some
drops of blood on the floor.
You know?
Um, a bloodstain on the bath mat
and another one on the sink.
You're very brave.
You found the door open,
blood in the bathroom.
Despite all this
you had a shower?
I mean, the truth is I
thought it was menstrual blood
or somebody cut themselves.
I mean, I definitely didn't
think somebody had been murdered.
And what happened
when you went back to
Amanda's place with her?
We looked around,
and I got concerned,
so I called my sister
who works for the police.
And she told me
to call the 112.
Um...After I did,
we went outside
and waited for them.
Thank you both.
I know this is a
very difficult time.
We just want you to catch
whoever did this to Meredith.
You have my promise.
Where do you want to go?
I don't know.
My house is
officially a crime scene,
so I guess that's out.
Well, you can stay at
my place if you want.
Thank you.
At least now I have
some clean underwear.
Wait. Does that mean you're
not wearing any right now?
Maybe not.
[ Both laugh ]
What's going on?
It's a memorial.
To Meredith.
She looks happy.
[ Both laughing ]
You remember I told you
I was looking
for a part-time job?
You got one?
Not yet, but there's an
opening down at le chic,
and I was gonna
go check it out.
Do you want to
come with me?
Moral support?
Yeah, I bet.
I really want this job.
Are you sure
I look sexy enough?
Yes. Come on.
Vin santo, pressed from
local malvasia grapes.
I used to make mojitos with
that vodka back in London.
Vodka mojitos?
Mmm. They're amazing.
You want to try one? Sure.
Patrick: I need a waitress
two nights a week.
Do you have any
work experience?
Uh, yeah.
While I was going to college,
I worked part-time at a cafe,
in a sports bar,
and an art gallery.
The pay at le chic is 50
Euros a week plus tips.
Want to think it over?
No. No, I'll take it.
[ Chuckles ]
Here you go.
It's fantastic.
I don't even miss the rum.
[ Chuckles ]
Maybe you could come in
once a week and bartend?
We could do
Meredith's mojito night.
Well, good luck getting
her away from the books.
[ Laughing ] It's not easy.
My course load is a
little insane right now.
But maybe in the spring.
[ Insects chirping ]
Raffaele: What
are you thinking?
Amanda: I'm thinking that I
hope this is all over soon.
I mean, this time last year,
all I worried about was...
Midterms and pulling
a good shift at my job.
Now my roommate's dead...
...And I'm in the middle
of a murder investigation.
Life's just so

random, you know?
We're gonna get through this.
We've got each other.
Dr. lalli: I found over 40
bruises and cuts on kercher's body,
in addition to
multiple stab wounds.
Most of the cuts
were superficial jabs,
almost as if someone
were toying with her
before killing her.
According to her family,
she was a strong girl.
She would've fought
for her life.
Bruising indicates
someone held her down
and choked her before
she was fatally stabbed.
How could a single person
inflict this much damage?
There had to be more
than one attacker.
Was she raped?
It could've been rape,
or it could've been
rough consensual sex.
It's impossible
to determine which.
[ Sighs ]
So... someone had sex with her
and then tried
to strangle her.
And when that didn't work,
they slit her throat.
The fatal wound...
Severed her
thyroid artery.
[ Sighs ]
Do you have time of death?
Between 9:30 and 11:30 P.M.
But there is
something else.
Forensic evidence indicates
that several hours after death,
kercher's bra was cut off
and her body was moved.
What kind of killer returns
to the crime scene...
Cleans up...
Stages a break-in...
And moves the body?
Of Meredith's last 24 hours.
Mignini: Do you remember
the last time you saw her?
Uh, yeah.
Yeah, the day that she died.
Um...It was around noon.
I was sitting in the living
room playing guitar.
[ Acoustic guitar strumming ]
[ Sighing ] Hey.
Oh, I'm
completely exhausted.
I didn't get in
till 5:30 this morning.
You've got a little
something on your face.
[ Chuckles ] Fake blood.
I was a vampire
for Halloween.
And she left about
a half an hour later.
Yelled "goodbye"
on her way out,
and that's the last
time I saw her.
And what did you
and raffaele do?
Went into my bedroom and, uh...
[ Chuckles ]
Detective navarra and
I have been around.
There's no need to
be embarrassed.
Uh, we smoked a joint.
And, um...
Around 5:00 we went
back to his house
and watched a movie
on the Internet.
And after that?
I thought this
was about Meredith.
We're asking these
questions to everybody.
And because you were
so close to Meredith,
your memories are
especially important.
Per favore.
Okay. We, um...
We smoked another joint.
Had sex and went to bed.
What time did you wake up?
Uh, around 10:00 A.M.
I went back to my house,
and I've told you
all of this already.
[ Chuckles ] Police
business is very boring.
It's, uh...
It's all paperwork
and questions.
Over and over.
Would you mind going back
to the cottage with me?
I promise to come up
with some new questions.
Yeah. Sure.
The four boys
who live downstairs.
How well do you know them?
Pretty well.
We were all friends.
Was Meredith sexually
active with any of them?
Yeah. Uh, she was seeing
giacomo silenzi.
He's a really,
really nice guy.
Does he have a key
to the upstairs?
No, I don't --
I don't think so.
They'd only been seeing
each other for a few weeks.
I only ask because we think
whoever murdered Meredith
used a key to get in.
I thought they broke in
through filomena's window.
[ Camera shutter clicking ]
We suspect the break-in
was, um, you know,
staged after the fact, to
throw us off, you know?
Come. I need your help.
Do you notice any
knives missing, Ms. knox?
[ Breathing raggedly ]
Amanda, what's wrong?
[ Whimpers ]
[ Groaning ]
[ Conversing in Italian ]
[ Sobbing ]
[ Indistinct conversations ]
Amanda, put your
coat over your head.
Why? Paparazzi.
[ Camera shutters clicking ]
All right. Come on.
Prosecutor, is it true
that Meredith was raped?
[ Mignini speaking Italian ]
Have there been
any new leads?
Any new developments
you can share?
Yes. Yes, we do.
We're working on them now.
Excuse me. That's it.
Thank you so much.
Thank you so much.
Thank you. Thanks.
[ Indistinct conversations ]
That's it. No more.
I just got off the
phone with Amanda.
She said the police took her
back to the crime scene today.
Said it was
terribly upsetting.
Don't they have
any other witnesses?
Amanda said they're talking to
everyone who knew Meredith.
It must be so traumatic to
have to keep reliving it
every single day.
She said they questioned her
every single day this week.
Amanda's a smart kid.
She can handle it.
She's in a foreign
country, Chris.
Dealing with foreign police
in a foreign language.
I'm gonna leave tomorrow.
I don't want her dealing
with this another day
by herself.
Dr. stefanoni: We
found this partial
next to Meredith's body.
It's a men's nike athletic
shoe set in Meredith's blood.
This bloody footprint was
on the mat in the bathroom.
Also male.
The lab is analyzing it
for specific class
Size-wise it's compatible
with raffaele sollecito.
What about the
luminoled footprints
you found in the hallway?
Are they compatible
with sollecito?
Mm, too small.
They're between a
size 36, maybe 38.
Amanda knox is a size 37.
Was there anything unusual
about Amanda's behavior
after Meredith's
body was found?
When we were in the squad room
waiting to be questioned,
Amanda was acting
very strange.
Everybody noticed it.
Strange in what way?
Meredith's English
friends and I were...
A complete...Mess.
We were all...
Crying and
hugging each other.
[ Laughs ]
Amanda and raffaele
were fooling around,
acting like nothing
had happened.
They were
completely detached.
Did Amanda say anything
at all about the crime?
[ Sighs ]
I said I hoped
Meredith hadn't suffered.
And she turned to
me and said...
Of course she did.
She died a terrible, slow
death with her throat slit.
You're sure?
She said Meredith's
throat was "slit."
Amanda and raffaele
were in the kitchen
when the door was broken down.
Is there any way
she could've caught a glimpse
of the neck wound?
Maybe on her way out?
Meredith's body was
covered by a quilt.
Only her hair and her
foot were visible.
And there is more.
The owner of quinto's
supply store came in today.
He told me that a young woman
with piercing blue eyes
and a pale complexion
came into his store
at 7:45 the morning after
Meredith had been murdered
and bought household
cleaning supplies.
He thinks it was Amanda?
He identified her
in a photo array.
[ Sighs ]
[ Conversing in Italian ]
How about going down to
bari this weekend?
You could meet my father.
[ Chuckles ] Wow.
You move fast.
Yeah, well,
it would be a relief
to get away from all
this police questioning.
We have nothing to hide, right?
I think my father
would like you.
Has he liked your
other girlfriends?
You are my first
real girlfriend, Amanda.
[ Laughing ] No, I'm not.
Stop it.
No, I'm serious.
It's true.
[ Chuckles ]
[ Cellphone ringing ]
Hmm. Oh.
The police.
They want me over
there in 30 minutes.
Do they want to talk to me?
Just me.
We looked into
your background.
You have a long history
with narcotics, correct?
I have taken...
Some drugs.
But now I...
Mainly just smoke weed.
Is it also true that you
always carry a knife with you?
I've collected knives
since I was...14?
It's a hobby.
What, like lying?
What's that
supposed to mean?
These records show that
both you and Amanda
turned off your mobile phones
at 8:00 P.M.
on the night of the murder
and turned them on again
at 6:00 the next morning.
So, maybe I turned
my phone on earlier?
What's the big deal?
You told us you and Amanda slept until 10:00 a.
M. On November the 2nd.
Were you sleepwalking?
Maybe I forgot?
You forgot.
When the postal police
arrived at the cottage,
you told them you'd
already called 112.
There is no record
of such a call.
I did call 112.
Yes, you did, but
you made that call
10 minutes after they
arrived, not before!
I'm done here.
Listen, you spoiled brat!
We're not dealing with a
parking ticket here, okay?
A girl has been murdered.
If you don't start talking,
not even your daddy will
be able to dig you out.
Is that clear?!
I'm listening.
[ Exhales deeply ]
I told you a lot of rubbish
in my earlier statements.
Amanda convinced
me of her version,
and I...
I just wanted
to protect her.
But I didn't think about
the contradictions.
[ Sighs deeply ]
[ Telephone rings ]
[ Sighs ]
[ Grunts ]
Amanda, per favore.
This is not the time or
place for gymnastics.
Sorry, I was just trying
to relieve some stress.
Just sit down, please.
Did you stay with Amanda
all night, raffaele?
That's what we
really want to know.
We were at my apartment
early in the evening.
But around 9:00,
she went out.
She was meeting up with some
friends in this bar, le chic.
And I stayed home.
What time did she come back?
Not until
1:00 in the morning.
I have no idea where
she was all night.
Should any of our
questions be unclear.
Where's raffaele?
We are interested in a text
you got from Patrick lumumba,
your boss at le chic,
on the night of the murder.
Yeah, he told me that I didn't
have to come in to work.
Wait. How do you know
about my text messages?
Can you read
your response to him?
[ Cellphone beeps ]
My Italian's not perfect,
but it says, uh...
Ci vediamo piu tardi.
In Italian, that phrase
suggests a fixed appointment.
In English, I think it just
means, "see you around."
Were you arranging
to meet him that night?
No. No.
Not at all.
It's almost 1:00 in the morning.
Can I go?
I'm afraid that
won't be possible.
You have to start again! Okay?!
[ Indistinct conversations ]
We cannot do it tomorrow.
We have to do it now.
[ Indistinct conversations
continue ]
You said that already!
I know!
[ Indistinct conversations
continue ]
You had to stay here
all night or what?!
I tell you the same story!
I don't know what you
want me to tell you!
Once I realized I didn't
have to go to work...
Raffaele and I had dinner.
We made love,
and then we watched a
movie on his computer.
How many times do I
have to go over this?
Until your story adds up.
What is that
supposed to mean?
It means that
raffaele sollecito
is no longer corroborating
your alibi.
He stated you left his house
at 9:00 on the night
of the murder
and didn't return
home until 1:00 A.M.!
That's -- that's --
that's not true!
Just who are you trying
to protect, Amanda?!
Is it Mr. lumumba?
No, I -- it's not true!
Amanda, Amanda...
I know you want to
tell us the truth.
[ Exhales sharply ]
Navarra: I can see
it in your eyes.
I don't want you to take
the fall for someone else.
[ Crying ]
It's just that
things from that night,
the memories are hazy.
Young lady!
I-I don't remember!
I don't --
if you're lying, you could
get 30 years in jail
and never see
your family again.
For what?! For what?!
I didn't do anything!
I didn't do it!
Amanda? Amanda?
If you cooperate with us now,
it will be much better for you.
[ Crying ]
I'm scared.
It's okay. It's okay.
The truth will come
out, you know?
One way or another.
Sometimes, the
mind blocks out trauma.
Use your imagination.
Think about...
What could've happened.
You called Patrick lumumba.
You were going to see him.
And then?
[ Sobbing ]
I'm af-- I'm afraid.
It's -- it's okay.
It's okay.
Just try to remember.
[ Sighs ]
I did meet up with
Patrick that night.
Around 9:00 P.M.
, we went back to my house.
Patrick and Meredith
went in Meredith's room
while I stayed
in the kitchen.
I can't remember how long
they were in there. It just --
[ scuffling, Meredith squeals ]
At one point, I heard
Meredith screaming.
[ Meredith screams ]
I was so scared.
[ Screams ]
[ Sobbing ]
[ Sobbing ] And I-I can't
remember anything after that.
It's -- my head --
it's all -- it's fuzzy.
I just -- I need some sleep.
Please, can I go home?
Amanda, I'm
glad you remembered.
But the law now requires
me to do two things.
You have become a suspect
as an accomplice to murder,
and you'll have to tell the
prosecutor what you just told me.
[ Sobbing ]
Are you ready to do that?
[ Sobbing continues ]
Track down lumumba.
Get him in here now.
You're lucky you're not in America, Mr.
You'd be electrocuted
for your crime.
What crime?!
I have no idea what
you're talking about!
You think I killed Meredith?
Mignini: We have a written
statement from Amanda knox.
In it, she accuses you
of raping and murdering
Meredith kercher.
She's lying!
I have seven sisters, man.
There's no way I
could hurt a woman!
Seven sisters.
Detective alicastro,
that's a compelling defense.
I think we've made a
horrible mistake here.
This man has seven sisters.
He couldn't possibly have raped
and brutally slaughtered
an innocent, young woman.
Listen to me!
I was at my bar all night!
I barely knew Meredith,
and I've certainly
never been to her flat!
In her statement, she says she
was there with you that night.
What possible reason
could she have
to implicate you and
herself at the same time?
[ Train whistle blows ]
[ Train bell dinging ]
Do you speak English?
[ Cellphone ringing ]
Thank you. Uh, sorry.
Just a minute.
Chris, I'm finally here.
The police just arrested
Amanda for Meredith's murder.
Look, it's gonna
be okay, honey.
Just go to the mayor's
office, okay?
[ Exhales sharply ]
How can they
possibly arrest her?
I know you want answers,
but right now we have none.
Well, my ex-husband,
who's Amanda's father,
is going to be here on Friday,
and he is contacting
the American embassy.
The mayor has spoken
to a criminal attorney,
lorenzo giordano.
He's very good,
very experienced,
and he knows everyone.
Well, there's a possibility
that she won't even
need a lawyer.
Right? I mean, once this whole
thing is straightened out?
Right? I mean, Amanda is --
s-she's only 20 years old.
She's an honor student.
[ Voice breaking ] She's --
she's kind, and she's gentle.
And there is no way she could be
involved in something like this!
It's a horrible mistake!
[ Cell door unlocks ]
Can I call my mom?
Piu tardi.
[ Door slams, locks ]
[ Indistinct shouting,
camera shutters clicking ]
[ Cell door unlocks ]
[ Sobbing ]
Are you all right?
I'm just confused.
This is like a nightmare.
What happened?
I don't know.
All I know is that
Meredith was my friend,
and I didn't kill her.
Amanda, we know that.
But why did they arrest you?
Because raffaele lied.
He said that I wasn't with
him the night of the murder,
and I don't know why.
He's always been so nice to me.
Maybe he wanted to
disassociate himself from me.
He was scared. I don't --
Honey, honey, slow down.
What happened
with the police?
[ Sighs ]
They interrogated
me for 13 hours.
They threatened me.
They called me a liar.
They hit me.
They hit you?
Yes, they smacked me on
the back of the head.
And I was so scared, I
finally told them that...
Maybe I was at the
house with Patrick
the night that
Meredith was killed.
But it was more like a vision.
It wasn't reality.
I just wanted them to
stop questioning me.
We're meeting with an attorney.
He'll get to the
bottom of this.
Guard: Prego.
[ Cell door opens ]
[ Sobbing ] Don't go.
Please don't leave me in here.
I don't want to be here.
[ Sobbing continues ] Amanda.
Come on.
Come here. Come here.
[ Sobbing ] Mommy.
We're gonna get you out.
I promise. I promise, okay?
We'll get you out.
We'll get you out of here.
I promise.
[ Speaking Italian ]
Not only is there not a
shred of forensic evidence
placing Patrick lumumba
at the crime scene,
but a witness just stepped
forward, confirming his alibi.
How is that possible?
Because Amanda lied.
How could she remain silent
while I put an innocent
man behind bars
based on her statement?
She co-- she thinks we're
a bunch of inept fools!
She could be protecting
somebody else.
We lifted a fingerprint
in Meredith's bedroom
that did not belong to Patrick
nor Amanda nor raffaele.
When I ran it through
the database,
I got a hit
to Rudy guede.
Who the hell is Rudy guede?
He immigrated here as a child
from the Ivory Coast.
Since then, he's only had a
few skirmishes with the law.
The only problem is,
nobody knows where is now.
We'll find him.
[ Cell door unlocks ]
Buon giorno, dottore.
They said that you
wanted to see me?
Is everything okay?
The results
of your blood tests.
Sit down.
I'm sorry,
but they show the presence of the h.
I.V. Virus.
You can't be serious.
Being h.I.V.-Positive
doesn't necessarily
mean you have aids.
No, no, no, no.
That's not -- that's not possible.
How -- where would I
have gotten it from?
No, I want
to get married.
[ Voice breaking ]
I want to have children.
I want to grow old.
I will take another
sample just to make sure.
In the meantime,
we need a list of all the
men you had sex with.
[ Siren wailing ]
Hey, hey, hey, hey, hey!
[ Reporter speaking Italian ]
[ Rudy singing
in African dialect ]
Meredith: You having a
party without us?
[ Chuckles ]
What's going on?
Where have you been hiding
these two Bella ragazza?
We live upstairs.
I'm Meredith.
Â? Meredith's friend Â?
Â? Meredith's
friend Â? yeah.
Â? Meredith's friend, Meredith's
friend Â? yeah. Yeah.
Â? Wanna get high? Wanna get high?
Â? yeah. Yeah.
[ Mid-tempo music plays ]
[ Rudy singing
in African dialect ]
[ Reporter speaking Italian ]
You'll be happy to know
that Rudy guede is now
in Italian custody.
Have they questioned him yet?
He said he had consensual
sex with Meredith
and then he went
to the bathroom.
When he came back,
he saw a strange man
with a bloody knife
standing over Meredith.
He also told police that
Amanda wasn't involved.
[ Chuckles ]
Thank God.
So, when do they release her?
Woman: Mr. lumumba,
why do you think Amanda knox
falsely incriminated you?
I don't really know.
But I don't think she's evil.
To be evil, you
have to have a soul.
Amanda doesn't.
She's empty, dead inside.
Doctor: We have
the official results
on your h.I.V. Test.
Are you sure it's negative?
Well, they retested the
sample three times.
Well, how can this happen?
You said that before
I was positive.
Well, it was
a false positive.
It happens sometimes.
Sometimes?! This is my life
that you're talking about.
I mean, are you trying to
make me lose my mind?!
Is that what you're
trying to do?!
Scusi? No, don't touch me!
You're sick!
This whole country, the
police, the press --
you're all sick!
[ Birds chirping ]
It's been weeks and weeks.
They already have the
man who did this.
Why is my daughter
still in jail?
There are some complications.
What do you mean,
Based on the autopsy results,
the prosecution believes
guede did not act alone.
They think he had accomplices.
But Rudy already said
that they weren't there.
He's changed his story.
Giordano: He says he met up with
Meredith at a Halloween party.
He's now claiming
that Amanda and raffaele
were at the cottage on
the night of the murder.
She invited him over the
next night for a date.
While they were kissing,
Rudy suddenly got
stomach cramps.
[ Groans ]
[ Speaks Italian ]
He was on the toilet
listening to his iPod
when he heard
a loud scream.
[ Meredith screams ]
He came out to find a man
he describes as raffaele
with a bloody knife.
Meredith! No!
Meredith! Oh, dear!
[ Gasping ]
He tried to save
Meredith but couldn't.
[ Shouts indistinctly ]
Then he looked out the window
and saw a woman he
described as Amanda.
His story is
absolutely ludicrous.
He's only trying
to save his own skin.
He raped that girl,
and then he killed her.
I mean, how
can mignini believe
the word of this drug
dealer over my daughter?
The case is still
under investigation.
There's still a long way to go.
Excuse me, Mr. giordano.
I mean, no offense.
But this system
that you have over here
is absolutely insane.
How long?
Well, apparently,
the judges --
more than a dozen judges
have to review the evidence
before they decide if the
prosecution even has a case.
And at any point
along the way,
the whole thing
could be thrown out.
Mom, how long?
How long?
All in all, it
could take up to a year.
A year? Mm-hmm.
A year? Mm-hmm.
Mom, I've been in here
for two months already.
I should be back in college.
I should be back in Seattle
and moving on with my life,
not sitting here rotting
in an Italian jail
for something that I didn't do.
I know, honey, but...
They've got
their own system here,
and we may not
agree with it.
We may not even
understand it,
but...We have to trust them
to do the right thing.
We're gonna get through
this, Amanda.
You are our child.
And your father and I
will do everything we can
to see you through this.
Everything and anything.
Do you understand?
All over the victim's bedroom.
It was also on her
bra, her handbag,
her shirt, and
inside her body.
We identified Amanda's DNA
mixed with Meredith's blood
in five locations in the flat.
This blood smear on
the bathroom faucet
contained Meredith's blood
mixed with Amanda's blood.
This is the knife
we confiscated
from raffaele's
kitchen drawer.
And we identified Amanda's
DNA on the handle
and Meredith's DNA
on the tip of the blade.
So Amanda put the knife
to Meredith's throat,
keeping her under control.
Raffaele held her down
while Rudy raped her.
Meredith fought back.
Amanda plunged the knife
into her neck, killing her.
This is a
plausible theory.
The only problem is that
the levels of Meredith's DNA on
the knife were extremely low.
How low? Less than five cells.
You might not have
what the Americans
call a smoking gun,
but if you add all
the evidence together,
I think you have everything
you need to convict them all.
[ Indistinct shouting,
camera shutters clicking ]
Anything to say at all?
[ Speaking Italian ]
Forensic results have confirmed
that the three
people responsible
for this unspeakable
orgy of death
are Amanda knox,
raffaele sollecito,
and Rudy guede.
Do you have a motive?
The victim was
sexually assaulted,
which leads us to believe
that it started as
some sort of sex game.
How could this young girl
commit such a violent crime?
Well, under the angel face
exists a very disturbed girl.
Amanda lies without conscience.
She does cartwheels
and buys lingerie
while her roommate lies
dead in the morgue.
She has no trace of empathy
for Meredith or anyone else.
I believe she's
capable of anything,
including murder.
[ Indistinct shouting ]
Curt: Amanda is a hard-working,
athletic honor student --
not this sex-crazed foxy knoxy
character they've concocted.
The papers are calling
her a diabolical ViXen.
It's -- it's a total,
absolute fabrication.
Trial by media.
It can get pretty vicious.
I mean, this photo here --
this was taken at
a museum in Germany
while Amanda was
visiting her aunt.
Her aunt.
And where's the other one?
Foxy knoxy?
This is a childhood
nickname that she had
from playing soccer when
she was 8 years old.
What kid doesn't?
Foxy knoxy details her
many lovers in Italy"?
The prison doctor told
Amanda she had aids.
He asked her to make a list
of her sexual partners,
and when she complied
The list was somehow leaked
to the press? Yes.
How can they do that?
I mean, how can they
just expose her personal
life to the whole world?
Public relations is all
about creating an image,
and whoever controls
that image wins.
If this thing goes to trial,
she could be found guilty before
she even steps foot in court.
We're not rich,
but we contacted you because
we want to fight back.
We need to fight
back, for Amanda.
A lot of our work will be done
through the American media.
We need to get this story
on the talk show circuit,
into mainstream magazines,
newspaper interviews.
Okay, uh, well...
I guess we'll do whatever
you need us to, right?
There's something
else that might help.
The prosecutor on
our daughter's case
is under indictment
in Italy.
We'll certainly
look into that.
As jesuit honor
student Amanda knox
languishes in a perugian jail
for a crime she says
she didn't commit,
it now appears she's not the
only one in the hot seat.
In a twist that most Americans
would find unbelievable,
we've discovered the chief
prosecutor, giuliano mignini,
is himself under indictment
for intimidation and
illegal wiretapping
in a decades-old
serial-murder case.
[ Reporter speaking Italian ]
[ Reporters speaking
native languages ]
American reporter: Mignini,
outspoken and political,
has made his share of
enemies over the years.
It's rubbish!
Complete rubbish!
They're trying to
save their daughter
by destroying my reputation.
It's outrageous.
Giuliano, it's a smoke screen.
An act of desperation.
You know that.
Did I falsely accuse
an innocent man?
Or lie to the police
about my alibi?
Or leave my bloody footprints
and DNA at the crime scene?
Do cartwheels?
Or try to scrub my guilt
away with bleach?
What did I do?
I did my job.
And I'm not going to let
this case be tried
by American tv reporters
and bloggers!
This case is going to be
tried in a court of law.
Reporter: There is a chill in
the autumn air here in perugia
as Rudy guede arrives in
court to receive the verdict
in his fast-track trial.
Also here are the ex-lovers
Amanda knox and
raffaele sollecito.
Foxy knoxy swept into court
like an invitee to a gala event.
She waved and smiled
at friends and reporters
as she sat before judge micheli,
who will decide later today if
there is sufficient evidence
to send her to trial
for the brutal murder
of Meredith kercher.
[ Tapping on microphone ]
In the name of
the Italian people,
this court declares...
Rudy hermann guede guilty
of the murder
of Meredith kercher
and sexual assault.
Sentenced to 30 years.
Amanda knox and
raffaele sollecito
will be tried for murder,
sexual assault,
theft, and
transportation of a knife.
[ Camera shutters clicking ]
[ Indistinct conversations,
camera shutters clicking ]
Mignini: This case
is like a puzzle.
While individual pieces
can be picked apart,
put together,
there is a compelling
picture of guilt.
On the one hand,
we have the victim,
Meredith kercher --
a studious young woman
who was soon to return to London
for her mother's birthday.
On the other,
we have Amanda knox...
A narcissistic, aggressive,
and manipulative young woman
who harbored a
hatred for Meredith.
Now, in her desire to retaliate,
Amanda enlisted the
services of two young men
who were vying to impress her --
raffaele sollecito, her
smitten, weak-willed lover,
and drifter Rudy guede.
Now, each of these
three individuals
may have been harmless
on their own,
but like certain chemicals
when mixed together,
they produced a cataclysmic
reaction of blood and horror.
Arline: Meredith's death
was unreal in many ways,
and it still is.
I still look for her.
It's not just her death...
But the nature of it.
The brutality, the violence...
...The great sorrow it
brought for everyone.
It's such a shock to send
your daughter away to school
and not have her come back.
We will never...
[Sobbing] Never
get over this.
[ Spectators murmuring ]
Mignini: How would you
describe the relationship
between Meredith and Amanda?
Filomena: At first,
they got on very well,
in part because they
both spoke English,
I think.
But then things began to
take a different course.
By the end of October,
there was tension.
Tension over what?
Meredith complained
that Amanda brought strange
men back to the house.
She didn't feel her --
did her share of cleaning.
And she was also upset
that Amanda left condoms
and a vibrator
in a transparent bag in
the bathroom they shared.
Man, filomena
really turned on me
in her testimony today, huh?
I never did anything
to hurt her.
You only lived
there two months.
I mean, she
barely knew you.
Yeah, I miss my
friends back home.
What about raffaele?
The thing with raffaele could've
been something special,
but we just never
got the chance.
But we're still friends.
He's gonna come visit us in
Seattle when we get out.
[ Reporters talking
indistinctly ]
[ Camera shutters clicking ]
Guard: Back up.
Mignini: Mr. rinaldi...
You own a clothing boutique
here in town, correct?
It's called bubbles.
On November 3rd,
did the accused come
in to your store?
They bought some lingerie.
And did Amanda knox say
anything to raffaele sollecito
during this time?
She said to him,
I'm going to take you home
for some wild sex tonight."
So, on November 3rd,
while her murdered
roommate's memorial
was being held in perugia,
Ms. knox's main concern
was buying sexy lingerie
and making love.
Reporter: Could
you talk, please,
about the lingerie
shopping spree?
Edda: No.
Amanda only went to that store
because she didn't
have any clothes.
The police sealed
off her apartment,
a-and she didn't have
anything to wear.
And how do you respond
to allegations
she was doing cartwheels
in the police station?
Look, Amanda's Amanda.
She's always been
a unique girl.
A lot of kids
want to conform,
but she was always
just who she is
and never worried about it.
Reporter: And now?
She's grown up a lot.
[ Speaking Italian ]
I don't speak Italian.
I'm so sorry.
Mignini: Can you tell the
court what you did
on the evening
of November 1, 2007?
Yes. Raffaele and I
were at his apartment.
And, uh...
We read a little,
listened to some music.
And then we watched
the movie "amélie"
a little later on his computer.
You also called your
mother that day,
at 3:00 A.M. Seattle time.
Actually, I don't
remember doing that.
I called her later,
when they were breaking
Meredith's door down.
No, no, no.
The earlier call
is important.
Because at 3:00 a.
M. In Seattle,
it was noon in perugia.
Nothing had happened yet.
The police hadn't arrived.
The door had not
been broken down.
Meredith's body had
not been discovered.
Why did you feel the need
to wake your mother up
in the middle of the night?
I didn't call her earlier.
According to your mother's
earlier testimony...
And this phone record...
You did.
Okay, fine.
Then I did call her,
but I don't remember.
Earlier you heard
Marco vitello testify
that you entered his shop
on the morning of
November 2nd at 7:45 A.M.
And went directly to the
cleaning supply section.
How do you
respond to that?
I was asleep at that time.
He must be mistaken.
He identified you in court.
He said he was
sure it was you.
Well, I've been in that
store several times before.
He just must've
mixed up the dates.
Moving on to the date
of November 6th...
You've asserted that you
were physically struck
during your interrogation.
Please, can you
tell us about that?
Um, the room was crowded.
And everyone was
asking me questions.
They were all moving around.
And then the interpreter
called me a stupid liar.
And then boom!
I was hit in the back
of the head twice.
But it was during
this same interrogation
that you falsely accused
Patrick lumumba
of murdering Meredith.
He was the only one
that the police...
Were -- were interested in.
And I was confused,
and I couldn't remember
what happened.
And have you ever
imagined something
that never
happened to you?
No, but I've never been
interrogated like that before.
At the time,
I was very stressed out
and I was confused.
And the police suggested
Patrick's name.
And then so I had a flashback
that Patrick was the murderer.
So, what does this mean?
Now, either something is
true or it isn't true.
For example, you're
in court right now.
You're not at the beach, no?
Can I finish now?
Later on I realized
that my imaginings
were not real memories.
It was just imagination.
Patrick -- Patrick's innocent.
He was innocent.
But you never told
the police that.
You never told me!
Didn't you feel the
need to intervene
and get an innocent
man out of prison?!
[ Voice breaking ] The police
had already threatened me.
They called me a liar.
I didn't...
I didn't trust them anymore.
Perhaps you had other reasons
to keep lumumba on the hook.
[ Indistinct whispering ]
Mignini: You've heard
testimony about what happened
before the murder
of Meredith kercher
and testimony about
what happened after.
Based on the evidence,
I'm now going to tell you
what we think
happened during it.
Around 10:00 on the night
of November 1, 2007,
Amanda knox and
raffaele sollecito
went to grimana square.
Now, I believe they were
there to meet Rudy guede
to buy drugs.
At 11:20,
Amanda opens the door to
the cottage with her key
and she and the two men enter.
They're all under the influence
of drugs and alcohol.
Rudy goes to the bathroom.
Amanda and raffaele find
Meredith in her bedroom,
having just returned from dinner
with her English friends.
Amanda and Meredith
began to argue.
The fight could've been
over any number of things --
Meredith and Amanda
no longer got along,
petty jealousies,
the fact that
Meredith didn't approve
of Amanda's sexual
or hygiene habits.
The time had come for
Amanda to take revenge.
That's when
Meredith's ordeal began.
It is Amanda who
started the fight
which triggered an unstoppable
crescendo of violence,
and it is Amanda
who plunged the knife
into Meredith's neck.
It is Amanda and raffaele
who return later,
undress Meredith...
Cut off her bra...
To make it look like a rape.
And then Amanda covers
the body with a quilt,
a form of pietà s, respect,
for the victim.
As a woman and friend,
she couldn't stand to see
the nude, battered body
she was responsible for.
Amanda and raffaele then
ransack filomena's room.
They throw a rock
through the window.
A shower of glass lands on
the clothes on the floor.
It is Amanda and raffaele
who staged the break-in
in filomena's room,
bought bleach,
and then scoured
the crime scene,
only stopping when
they were interrupted
by the unexpected arrival
of the postal police.
Buon giorno.
Meredith kercher was
a beloved young woman.
Her mother, father...
Sister, and two brothers
will now have to go to the
cemetery to be near her.
Amanda knox and
raffaele sollecito,
they took poor Meredith
from this world.
You must give them
what they deserve.
Life imprisonment!
The hermann hesse
books are in German.
Mom thought it
might be interesting
to read them
in the original?
It was really hard,
hearing people say those
terrible things in court.
I mean, I told the truth.
I didn't do anything.
I didn't kill Meredith.
The prosecution was just
trying to prove its case.
Things will get better
once the defense
gears up tomorrow.
What if it doesn't?
The possibility that I
could actually be convicted
never seemed real until now.
They're not
going to convict you.
We can't lose faith now.
They don't have any evidence.
That was all conjecture.
Why are they doing
this to me?
[ Crying ] Why does
everybody hate me?
Dr. stefanoni: We
located abundant levels
of raffaele sollecito's DNA
on the victim's bra clasp.
Bongiorno: But did you
find sollecito's DNA
on the body or anywhere
else in the bedroom?
No. Just on the bra.
So you're saying that in this
entire bloody crime scene,
sollecito's DNA was only found
in one place -- a bra clasp?
That's correct.
Dr. stefanoni, could
you please tell the court
when this bra clasp was
collected from the crime scene?
We photographed it
on the first day.
Yes. But when was
it actually collected?
47 days later.
47 days later.
So, it lay on the floor
for six whole weeks.
Is this what you're saying, Dr.
Out in the open?
The crime scene was sealed.
Nonetheless, crime
scene technicians
were traipsing in and out.
Surely DNA could've
been shuffled about.
There was only one
other DNA sample
belonging to raffaele sollecito
in the whole cottage.
It was in the kitchen.
It was on a cigarette butt.
DNA doesn't fly, counselor.
No. Of course not.
But you admitted you made a
mistake collecting evidence.
Perhaps you made mistakes
in your lab, too?
Giordano: Dr.
based on the amount of blood
and the quantity of injuries
sustained by Ms. kercher,
would you say she put
up a violent struggle
to save her life?
During this violent struggle,
Rudy guede's DNA and prints
were deposited all
over Meredith's bedroom.
Yet there's not one fingerprint,
hair, sweat stain,
drop of blood, or cell of DNA
belonging to Amanda knox.
How do you explain this?
I have seen numerous stabbings
where no DNA was deposited.
You testified earlier
that you found DNA fitting the
profile of Meredith kercher
on the blade of this knife,
which was confiscated
from raffaele's apartment.
Yes. It's correct.
How many tests did
you run on the DNA?
Just one.
The sample was
extremely low level.
Extremely low level?
[ Chuckles ]
It was practically
Five cells, huh?
Isn't that correct?
Yes, it's correct.
Dr. torre...
Could you please give me
your professional opinion
regarding the DNA profile
matching Meredith kercher
which was found
on the knife?
The low strength
of the DNA signal
tells me that we are talking
about four or five cells in all.
A good DNA sample
has twice as many.
And what conclusions can
you draw from that, if any?
The fact that the
sample is so small
could indicate that it didn't
come from the victim herself,
but from contamination
in the laboratory.
After having reviewed
the evidence,
what is your theory
of the crime?
Based on DNA and fingerprints
collected at the scene,
I believe Rudy guede
was the sole perpetrator
of this crime.
Evidence suggests he overpowered Ms.
Forced her to her knees...
Stood in front of
her like this...
And then he stabbed
her in the neck.
They say that I'm calm.
I'm not calm.
I'm scared of losing myself.
I'm scared...
Of being branded something
that I'm not.
I'm scared of having the mask
of an assassin forced onto me.
After years of prison, I...
Confess I feel sad...
And I feel frustrated.
In front of you,
I feel vulnerable,
but I'm sure of what I know.
And Meredith was my friend.
And I would've never hurt her.
My conscience is clean.
I'd like to thank
the prosecution
because they're doing their job.
[ Voice breaking ] And even
though they don't understand...
They're trying to bring justice
to a person who was
taken from this world.
[ Sobs ]
[ Sniffles ]
That's it.
[ Indistinct conversations,
siren wailing in distance ]
You did a great job today
on the stand. Mm-hmm.
You were open and direct.
It looked like the jury really,
really connected with you.
Deanna: Yeah, I mean, it looked
like they believed you.
Edda: Yeah. Curt: Mm-hmm.
Yeah, but what if they don't?
You have to trust.
You have to trust, okay,
that the jury is going to see
right through the
prosecution's lies.
Curt: And if they don't get
it right the first time,
we'll win on appeal.
I bought you a plane ticket.
[ Chuckles ]
One way to Seattle.
That's -- that's a relief.
[ All chuckling ]
You're coming home.
That's good.
Condanna --
Amanda Marie knox,
guilty of the murder of her
roommate Meredith kercher,
staging a crime scene,
and falsely accusing
Patrick lumumba.
26 years.
Raffaele sollecito...
Guilty of the murder
of Meredith kercher,
sexual assault, and
staging a crime scene.
25 years.
[ Sobbing ]
[ Indistinct conversations ]
[ Camera shutters clicking ]
[ Sobbing continues ]
Edda: Amanda!
[ Indistinct shouting,
camera shutters clicking ]
[ Cheers and applause ]