雅思作文范文 谢振礼 原创雅思范文(模糊归类12组)

  谢振礼 雅思范文选集 模糊归类12组


  IELTS Essay Topics with Subtitles

  第1组 Art, Culture, Traditions, Old Buildings, Languages

  >15819 Is traditional music more important than international music?

  >15808 Is it necessary to travel to other countries in order to learn about their cultures?

  >14824 Do we have to save the declining languages?

  >13819 Public money should not be spent on supporting the arts but should rather be used to address other basic needs.

  >13815 How important is it to maintain old buildings without being knocked down?

  >08197 Should the government support funding for the arts or should the money be used for public health

  and education?

  >08075 Should young people follow traditions of their society or should they be free to behave as


  >08072 Why do you think that artists like writers, musicians, and painters still have value in the society?

  >08054 Some people think that museums should entertain people while others believe that the purpose of

  museums is to educate.

  第2组 Crime and Punishment

  >15829 Are most crimes caused by circumstances or committed by people who are bad by nature?

  >14833 What are some of the problems associated with the use of illegal drugs like heroine and cocaine?

  >14820 Should young people who commit serious crimes be punished in the same way as adults?

  >13894 If children behave badly, their parents should accept responsibility and be punished.

  >13802 Most criminals are set free once they finish theuir jail terms. Is the re-introduction of criminals in

  society justified?

  >08445 Some people think that more action should be taken to prevent crimes while others believe that

  little could be done.

  >08249 The news about violent crimes should not be reported in newspapers or on television.

  >08124 Discuss death penalty (capital punishment).

  >08067 Why do criminal programs and films on television have become so popular, and what are effects on


  第3组 Economics, Money, Society, Urbanization, and Globalization

  >16811 Large shopping centers vs. small shops.

  >16816 Is online shopping replacing shopping in stores?

  >15821 Is a vertical city better than a horizontal city?

  >14832 The advantages and disadvantages of using a credit card.

  >14828 Why do more and more people want to buy famous brands with clothes, cars and other items?

  >14815 Comparing countries by economic success and other factors.

  >13864 Can natural resources substain ecnomic growth?

  >14808 How to improve living standards in rural areas?

  >14803 How does globalization affect the world's economies?

  >13841 Will migration from the developing countries to the developed countries become a social and

  political issue in the 21st century?

  >13831 The gap between the rich and the poor is becoming wider (causes, effects and solutions).

  >13827 Should secondly school children study international news as one of the school subjects?

  >13822 Some countries encourage people to buy more and more while others believe that it is bad for


  >13821 Saving money is a good habit for an individual after retirement.

  >13816 Today the quality of people living in big cities is becoming worse (causes, effects, solutions).

  >08480 What are the key problems facing the world's large cities in the 21st century? What can be done

  about these problems?

  >08449 In the past, buildings reflected the culture of a society, but today all modern buildings look alike

  and cities throughout the world are becoming more similar.

  >08434 The movement of people from agricultural areas to cities to work can cause problems to both


  >08119 Spreading international companies and the increasing globalization produce positive effects to


  第4组 Education, Learning, Students' Behavior, and Teaching

  >16801 Reading stories is better than watching television for children.

  >15849 Should school children wear uniforms?

  >15831 Should students learn practical skills in addition to traditional subjects?

  >14838 Is it necessary for parents to teach children about money?

  >14829 Should parents control children's behavior strictly?

  >14819 Is education the single most important factor in the development of a country?

  >13880 What are the benefits and drawbacks of distant learning?

  >13858 Should the government or students pay for students' higher education?

  >13855 The advantages of studying a foreign language in the country that language is spoken.

  >13850 Is education a lifelong task?

  >13845 Is punishment necessary to help children learn the distinction between right and wrong?

  >13804 To become a good teacher, you should acquire enough training, or do you think that teaching

  capabilities can be developed with experience?

  >08484 In some countries, parents expect their children to spend long time studying both in and after

  school, and have less free time. Is this a positive or negative development?

  >08483 Reading for pleasure can better develop imagination and language skills than watching television.

  >08457 With the increasing use of mobile phones, fewer people tend to write letters. Some people believe

  that letter-writing will disappear completely.

  >08446 Computer skills should be included in the school subjects, in addition to three subjects--reading,

  writing, mathematics.

  >08443 To learn abstract reasoning is important because it enables students to apply what they learn in

  complex ways.

  >08433 Some people believe that children should do organized activities in their free time, while others

  believe that children should be free to do what they want to do in their free time.

  >08416 In some countries young people are encouraged to work or travel for a year between finishing high

  school and starting university studies. (Advantages and disadvantages)

  >08415 Teaching primary school students foreign languages has more advantages than disadvantages.

  >08399 University education should be free for all students and fully supported by the government,

  regardless of each student's financial background.

  >08389 Some people think that the government should establish free libraries in each town, while others

  believe that it is a waste of money since the public can use the Internet at home to obtain information.

  >08289 Is it necessary to have a university education in order to have a successful life, or do you think that it is not that important?

  >08312 t is better for students to live away from home while studying at university than living at home with


  >08280 Some subjects such as mathematics or philosophy are difficult for some students, so they should

  take it as selective, not compulsory.

  >08261 Must people study history to understand the present or do you think that history matters little or

  nothing to people?

  >08256 Children nowadays prefer electronic games to other games and toys. Why?

  >08135 Computer games are supported by some families because of their advantages, while other families

  are against them.

  >08193 The advantages and disadvantages of studying abroad.

  >08126 Many people believe that teachers should teach students how to judge right from wrong and how to

  behave, while others think that they should teach academic subjects.

  >8105 Many people use punishment to teach the difference between right and wrong to kids. Is punishment necessary to help children learn the distinction between right and wrong?

  >08103 Sex education in schools is only introducing conflicting ideas and confusing among immature minds

  and should be immediately stopped.

  >08071 Some people think that students work better if the teacher is strict, while others think that it is

  better for students if the teacher has a friendly approach.

  >08063 Full-time university students need to spend a lot of time on studying, but it is essential to get

  involved in other activities.

  >08035 More government money should be invested in teaching science than other subjects for the country

  to develop and progress.

  第5组 Environment, Pollution, and Climate Change

  >15854 The consumption of natural resources (problems and solutions).

  >15847 The recycling of waste materials.

  >15833 Noise that people make should be strictly controlled?

  >15832 The environment is sometimes damaged by tourists (problems and solutions).

  >14834 Is taxing the polluting businesses the best way to tackle pollution?

  >14821 Is the development of a country accompanies by pollution and environmental damage?

  >14806 The use of fresh water should be controlled as a limited natural resource.

  >13857 Human activities have negative effects on plant and animal species.

  >13838 Climate change is now an accepted threat to our planet, but there is not enough political action to

  control pollution.

  >08462 Wer have developed a "throw-away" society and we are filling the environment with many plastic

  bags and rubbish that we cannot fully dispose of. What measures should be taken to combat the problem?

  >08458 Solving environmental problems should be the responsibility of one international organization

  instead of state or national governments.

  >08100 Today foods travel thousands of miles from farms to consumers. Why? Is it a positive or negative


  >08098 Human activities have negative effects on plant and animal species. (Causes, effects, solutions)

  >08095 Nowadays both scientists and tourists can go to remote natural environments such as South Pole.

  Do you think the advantages outweigh the disadvantages?

  >8068 Many people say that companies and tour operators should pay th bills for cleaning up pollution,

  instead of the government.

  >08046 It is natural process of animal species to become extinct and therefore there is no reason why

  people should stop this from happening.

  第6组 Family and Children

  >16804 More parents raising grandkids: positive vs. negative.

  >15826 Should the government pay mothers who spend more of their time raising children?

  >15824 Why do many husbands choose to stay at home and take care of their children?

  >14848 Should working men and women share evenly household chores and caring for children?

  >14804 Boys are most influenced by fathers and girls are most influenced by mothers.

  >13876 Are families today as close as they used to be?

  >13846 Should the government intervene in the rights of individuals with regard to family planning?

  >08340 In some countries, men and women are having children later in life. (causes and effects)

  >08205 Nowadays people spend little time doing things together, such as eating together at the same table. What

  are the reasons that parents spend less time with their children?

  >8131 People's character is influenced by environment rather than genetics. Discuss.

  >08097 Children who grow up in families which are short of money are better prepared to deal with the

  problems of adult life than children who are brought up by wealthy families.

  >08093 In some parts of the world, there is an increasing number of people trying to find out the history

  of their families. Why? Is this trend a positive or negative development?

  第7组 Health, Food, and Sport

  >16810 Childhood obesity (causes and effects).

  >15846 Should people turn to vegetarianism?

  >15822 Should shops be not allowed to sell foods and drinks that are harmful to people's health?

  >15811 Should the advertising of certain food products that cause overweight be banned?

  >14805 Do you think that fittest and strongest individuals can achieve great success in sports or that

  success is much related to the mental attitude?

  >13807 Smoking tobacco like other dangerous drugs should be outlawed (illegal).

  >08453 Currently there is a trend towards the use of alternative forms of medicine. However, at best these

  methods are ineffective and at worst they may be dangerous.

  >8403 The aging population of more developed countries are going to cause social and economic problems

  for society in the future.

  >8396 Many countries spend a lot of money on preparing competitors to take part in major international

  events such as the Olympics and th World Football Cup games. Some people argue that it would be better

  to spend this money on encouraging children to take u sporting activities from a young age.

  >08395 Public money should be spent on promoting healthy lifestyle rather than on curing illness.

  >08283 Do you think that the price increase of fattening foods will solve the problem of people's


  >8191 The increase in food production owes much to the use of improved fertilizers and better machinery,

  but some people think that this has a negative impact on human health and community.

  >08114 Some people claim that using tobacco has brought several social problems and smoking should

  be banned.

  >08066 The aging population of more developed countries may cause social and economic problems for

  society in the future, especially for the younger generation.

  >08061 In the modern world, it is no longer necessary to use animals for food, or animal products for

  clothing and medicine.

  >08034 In many countries, the proportion of older people is steadily increasing. What are the positive and

  negative effects?

  第8组 Media and Advertising

  >16812 Will newspapers die or survive?

  >16802 The influence of advertising: positive vs. negative.

  >13836 Are famous people, such as movie stars and popular music singers, treated fairely by the media?

  >13824 Do parents or the media have a greater influence on children?

  >08474 Advertisements directed by junk food and toy companies have an adverse effect on young children

  and their families.

  >08425 Advertising will discourage people from being different individuals.

  >08341 In some countries, television programs are transmitted day and night. Positive or negative?

  >08298 Advertising usually encourages consumers to buy a product or service in quantity rather than

  promoting its quality.

  >08251 Reports on the media have no connections with people's lives. Therefore, it is a waste of time

  reading newspapers or watching television news programs.

  >08134 Some people think that advertising is good for economy, while others say that it can cause people

  to desire something unnecessary or completely useless.

  >08099 Even though people read the news using the Internet nowadays, newspapers still are an important

  source of information for the general public.

  >08094 Discuss the good things and bad things about advertising.

  >08076 Radio will no longer be able to hold its presence as television and the Internet will replace it very


  >08059 Nowadays consumers are faced with the advertisements from competing companies. To what

  extent do you agree that consumers are influenced by advertisements. What measures should be taken to

  protect consumers?

  第9组 People's Attitudes about Life, Money and Success

  >15805 Should a person's worth be judged according to social status and material possessions?

  >15803 Do people enjoy a better lifestyle today than in the past?

  >15802 Is ambition positive or negative?

  >15801 Can success be measured in other ways than money and material possessions?

  >14844 Are celebrities good or bad examples to young people?

  >14837 Does money bring happiness or is having too much money a problem?

  >14836 Are people more dependent on one another today than in the past?

  >14835 Does success come from hard work and determination or from money and appearance?

  >14823 Is a good memory an important requirement for success?

  >13856 People in developing countries are happier than before while people in developed countries are no

  happier than they used to be.

  >13854 The development of modern technology has made people's life more complex, so people should

  choose to have a simple life without using tchnology.

  >13868 Why in some countries people are attracted to fashion, such as clothing and hairstyle?

  >13849 What are the common factors that cause people to fail?

  >13848 If you were given to change, what changes should be implemented in the 21st century in order to

  make the world a better living place?

  >13839 When people do not succeed, it may be that the desire is not strong enough.

  >08467 Some people prefer planning for the future why others prefer to focus on the present.

  >08466 Why people do not visit museums in their local areas?

  >08461 Some people think that politicians have the greatest influence on the world. Others, however,

  believe that scientists have the greatest influence on our lives.

  >08436 Many people glorify and enthusiastically talk about human virtues and morality and yet few of them

  live up to them.

  >08432 Some people have ambitious dreams and always keep following them, but others always focus on

  realistic goals and try to achieve them. Which is better?

  >08422 In many countries, there is a mixture of people from different cultures and ethnic groups. Is this a

  positive or negative development?

  >08418 Young people have too much freedom and do not pay enough attention to older people's advice.

  >08297 Some people prefer to spend their lives doing the same things and avoiding changes, while others

  think that change is a good thing.

  >08260 An increasing number of people do not know their neighbors, and there is no longer a sense of

  community. (Causes, solutions)

  >08190 Some people think that spending a lot on holding wedding parties, birthday parties and other

  celebrations is a waste of money. Others, however, think that these are necessary for individuals and the


  >08092 Seeing live events is better than watching the same events on television at home.

  >08077 Many shops work 24 hours a day 7 dad a week. Is it a good idea? Compare different views of shop

  workers, customers and the whole society.

  >08073 Nowadays young people are admiring media and sports stars, even though they do not set a good


  >08026 Richness is an important factor in helping people.

  第10组 Technology, Science, Communication, computer games, and the Internet

  >15807 With the increasing use of mobile phones, people are losing the ability to communicate face to face.

  >14849 Is the increasing use of robots a positive or negative development?

  >14845 Mobile phones and the Internet play an important role in the way people relate to one another.

  >14810 In 2050 will the study process be completely computerized and will teachers still have a role?

  >13896 Suggest ways to encourage old people to use mobile phones and new technology.

  >13891 Should we worry about the effect of the Internet on social interaction or should we see the Internet

  as a way of opening up new communication possibilities worldwide?

  >13873 Using a computer everyday can have negative effects on children.

  >13871 Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of nuclear energy.

  >13863 Will computers become more intelligent than humans?

  >13810 What areas of progress the human race has made and what else areas we have not developed?

  >08408 Private companies that support and carry out scientific research are spending more than

  governments. What are the advantages and disadvantages?

  >08400 Money for postgraduate research is limited, and therefore financial support from the government

  should be provided for scientific research rather than research for less useful subjects.

  >08325 Many children these days have their own mobile phones. What are the advantages and


  >08293 In the past 20 years there have been significant developments in the information technology (IT),

  for example the World Wide Web and communication by email. Some people think that in the future this

  will have more negative than positive effects.

  >08273 Earlier technological development brought more beneficial changes to the life of ordinary people

  than the modern technological development does.

  >08036 Films and computer games with violence are very popular in the world. Are they harmful or


  第11组 Travel, Tourism, and Transport

  >16805 Does tourism save or destroy culture?

  >13875 With the costs of international travel decreasing, what are the advantages of increasing tourism?

  >13869 Does tourism benefit the poorest?

雅思作文范文 谢振礼 原创雅思范文(模糊归类12组)

  >08424 Is it a positive or negative development, now that it is more convenient for people to travel to other


  >08423 In order to improve safety on our roads, more severe punishments should be established.

  >08389 Some museums charge visitors for admission while others are free.

  >08321 In many towns and cities, the high volume of road traffic has been a problem. (causes, effects, and


  >08285 Should the government encourage people to use buses and trains instead of using their own cars?

  第12组 Work and Jobs

  >15844 The importance for young people to choose their career.

  >15835 The impact on children moving with their families to other countries because of work.

  >15814 Are young employees more valuable than older employees?

  >15828 Is it better for people to be unemployed than to be employed with a job they do not enjoy?

  >14847 Why people working in sports and entertainment earn much more money than professionals like

  doctors or teachers?

  >13877 Are universities producing more graduates than needed?

  >13844 Are some certain jobs suitable for men and some certain jobs suitable for women?

  >08459 In many countries there is a growing trend that employees are allowed to work from home without

  having to go to the workplace. What are the effects of this trend on individuals as well as on society?

  >08442 In our time, specialists of all kinds are highly rated, but we need more generalists--people who can

  provide broad perspectives.

  >08380 A large number of young people are leaving school but cannot find a job. What problems will the

  youth unemployment cause for individuals as well as for society as a whole?

  >08316 The main purpose for people who have jobs is for money rather than social status.

  >08296 Job satisfaction is far less important than job security in the modern workplace.

  >08290 Should teenagers be required to do unpaid community work in their free time?

  >08230 Some people think that they should work for the same job fior a life time, while others say that they should change their jobs at least once in their career.

  >08090 Nowadays it is widely accepted that social skills are as important as good qualifications.

  >08062 People aim to achieve the balance between their work and lives, but few achieve it. why?


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