波兰 波兰男子引爆自家房屋 只因老婆孩子出游不带他

A Polish man has been left critically injured after he allegedly blew up his house when he realised his wife and children had gone on a picnic without him.一名波兰男子因不堪被外出郊游的妻儿“抛弃” 家中,冲动之下引爆自家房子,而且还不幸地受了重伤。

Czeslaw Kaminski, 69, was believed to have been so incensed when he woke to find a note from his wife to say that she had gone away for the day with the children that he decided to destroy the family home to teach her a lesson.一觉醒来时,69岁的切斯瓦夫-卡明斯基发现妻子和孩子们出去玩了,只给他留下了一张便条。被独自撇下的切斯瓦夫怒不可遏,决定毁掉房子来给妻子一个教训。

He allegedly started a fire in the basement of his home and threw two gas cylinders on top of the property in the village of Chechlo Drugie, near Lodz, in central Poland.据称他在家中的地下室放火,然后朝房屋投掷两个煤气罐引发了爆炸,他家位于波兰中部罗兹附近的一个叫澈池洛卓季的村庄里。

But he failed to leave in time and was caught in the blast when the house was blown up.但他未能及时离开,并在房子被炸毁时陷进火海。

He was taken to hospital by an air ambulance where his condition was described as critical. Hospital spokesman Bozena Kozanecka said he was in a coma in intensive care.随后他被救护飞机紧急送往医院,医生初步诊断后认为他的病情很严重。医院发言人波泽纳-可赞尼卡称他目前处于昏迷状态并安排在重症监护室。

The man's wife Grazyna said: 'He called me on the mobile home and demanded that I go home, but when I refused he said he was going to get revenge. I did not take him seriously and then I returned home to find this.'该名男子的妻子格罗苏那说:“他给我打电话并要求我回家,不过我拒绝了,他就声称要报复。我没把他的话当真,可等我回到家发现就成这样了。”

Neighbours told local media that the couple's relationship was excitable and that there was often heated arguments. Rubble and damaged items could be seen splayed across the lawn at the home.邻居告诉当地媒体,这对夫妻的关系比较紧张,经常吵得不可开交。爆炸现场可以看到,瓦砾和被损坏的物品都散落在家里门前的草坪上。

波兰 波兰男子引爆自家房屋 只因老婆孩子出游不带他

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