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MA Corporate Communications and Public Relations

Compulsory Modules

Corporate Communications StrategyConsumer BehaviourMarketing Research

Optional Modules Consultancy Project

Corporate Social Responsibility & SustainabilityDissertation

Marketing Communications Media Policy

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Brand Management & Corporate Identity

Public Relations in Practice

Internal Communications & Change Management

Relationship & Direct Marketing

Faculty of Business



Entry requirements

A good UK Bachelor's degree (minimum 2.1) or equivalent qualification in business, languages, marketing, communications or a related subject, the required English Language qualifications and suitable references.

For further information visit:


How to apply

You can apply on-line for your chosen programme by going to www.leeds.ac.uk/students/apply.htm

Or for further details on how to apply, please visit: www.business.leeds.ac.uk/masters/how-to-apply/


To check the fees for your chosen year of entry, please visit: www.business.leeds.ac.uk/masters/fees/

Scholarships and bursaries

For information on scholarships, please visit the website: www.business.leeds.ac.uk/masters/scholarships/

Modes of study and duration of the course

12 Months Full Time

What you study

Our new MA Corporate Communications and Public relations programme is designed to equip you for a successful career in corporate communications or public relations. By exploring the drivers and dynamics of the corporate communications industry, our programme covers the key elements of modern corporate communications. The range of specialist modules delivered includes stakeholder

management, brand management, corporate identity, media relations and internal communications.

For further information and module details visit www.business.leeds.ac.uk/masters/masters-programmes/ma-corporate-communications-and-public-relations/

Learning and assessment

Teaching is by lectures, practical classes, tutorials, seminars and supervised research projects. Extensive use is made of IT and a wide range of materials is available to enable students to study at their own pace and in their own time to enhance and extend the material taught formally.

Assessment is by course work and written exams which take place at the end of the semester in which the module is taught. Results obtained in the second and final years contribute to the final degree classification.

Assessment is an integral part of the MA programme and is based on a system of credits. Each module is worth 15 credits (total 150 credits) and is assessed by an individual or group project. The project is worth 30 credits.

The degree of MA Corporate Communications and Public Relations is awarded to students who achieve 180 credits; it is classified as Pass, Merit or Distinction, depending on performance in the modules and project.

What facilities are available

You will be based in the business school which is an impressive building blending traditional gothic and contemporary architecture. Here you will have access to a number of facilities including a dedicated wireless Postgraduate Study Centre, a Postgraduate IT cluster, the Yorkshire Bank Lecture Theatre and Western Lecture Theatre, both equipped with audio-visual technology and the Business School caf?

You will also have access to facilities across the university including the internationally acclaimed university library which is one of the largest in the UK, with 2.8 million books and a wide range of special collections, databases and electronic journals. Career opportunities

On completing the programme, you will have a rounded and reflective approach to communications strategy and practice. This combination of knowledge and practical skills will enable you to become an effective communications professional, either in-house or within an agency.

Who do I contact to visit the department?

Susan Waterson

E-mail: susan@lubs.leeds.ac.uk

Phone: 44 (0) 113 343 2613

Contact for further information

For further information and contact details visit www.business.leeds.ac.uk


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