日本的麦当劳开卖不久的这款“豆腐麦乐鸡”被称为“Tofu Shinjo Nuggets”,其原料包括豆腐、鱼肉和蔬菜等,烹饪方式和外形都与原来的麦乐鸡相似。这引起很多嘴馋的网友的期待:
网友Dorothy Lonkar Ziegler:听起来不错,希望引进美国……(Sounds good hope it comes to USA...)
one4All:与美国快餐相比,这些东西看起来很不错,比制作美国麦乐鸡和汉堡的工业废料强多了,它们是用牛肉和鸡肉中不适用于人类消化的部分,用氨水洗涤后制成的。(This stuff looks pretty good compared to American Fast Food Better than the Industrial Waste that US McNuggets and Burgers are made from Beef and Chicken Waste deemed 'Unfit for Human Consumption' until 'Washed' in Ammonia)
Budhaball对one4All:真是的,为什么这个世界的其他国家都能得到些看起来能吃的东西,而我们只能忍受有烧焦油渍的面包,再在上面加上一片石油冶炼感觉的奶酪。(Seriously, why does the rest of the world get something that at least appears edible while we get stuck with a burnt grease stain on a bun with a slice of petroleum based 'cheese' on top.)
Guest:一定有非常多辐射(Must be very radioactive.)
dazhonghuadiguo:日本有很多福岛核电站的有辐射鱼可以做麦香鱼。日本麦当劳应该推出哥斯拉肉的汉堡。(Japan has plenty of radioactive fish from Fukushima for Filet OFish. McJapan should roled out Godzilla meat burger.)
whatif1对dazhonghuadiguo说:不会的,他们需要哥斯拉吃掉所有的辐射鱼,否则的话,这些海鲜就会出现在麦当劳中。(Can't do that. They need Godzilla to eat all of the radioactive seafood, else the seafood ends in McD.)
Morgop777:我想这比吃受污染的鸡肉/牛肉强多了,因为中国人吃狗肉以及其他我们不吃的动物,这些东西可能根本就不是鸡肉或牛肉。(I suspect it is much better than eating tainted chicken/beef, which may not even have been chicken or beef in first place since Chinese eat dogs and other animals we do not practice eating.)
2600zero:但是大豆同样是中国出产的。(but, soy beans are made in china.)
whatif1对2600zero说:喂,老兄,你是哪的人?我们是最大的大豆出产国,不是中国,我们把大豆运到那里加工。 (Oh man, where have you been? We are the biggest Soy producer, not China. We are shipping them there to process.)
Enraged_Progressive:我们的肉不能从中国来。我最近不再买任何的冷冻鸡块了,因为他们都是来自中国的,即使是昂贵的Purdue牌产品,“由谁生产”与“由谁运送”是关键。(Our meat should not be coming from China. I recently had to give up all breaded frozen chicken, because it ALL comes from China now, even the expensive Purdue products. The key is the "Product Of" vs. "Distributed By".)

Yamatosenkan:这已经不是中国第一次出口腐败的食物了,基本上,在日本和韩国,只要花得起钱的人都会躲开中国食物,因为他们不可信赖。在中国任何的食品“监管”都不可靠,因为腐败泛滥。一个生产腐烂食物的腐败国家。(This by no means the first time China exports rotten food. Basically anyone who can afford it in Japan and Korea avoid Chinese food, because it cannot be trusted. Any form of food "control" in China is suspect because of its rampant corruption.A corrupt nation produces rotten food.)
whatif1对Yamatosenkan说:做些研究再吐槽啊,那是一个在中国运营的美国公司。(Do some research before trashing. It's a U.S owned company and manage in China.)
Shelly对whatif1说:毫无疑问,员工是中国的,甚至一些高级员工,也许这公司是美国拥有的,但是在中国由中国人运营……(No doubt factory employees are Chinese, even some top positions, while the company might be US owned, but operated in China by the Chinese……)
whatif1对Shelly说:是的,它在中国运营,不过却是一个来自高层的管理问题,他们没有按日/周/月做检查。食物安全问题那里都是,就拿美国来说,有太多召回了,包括水果。不能想当然地做判断……(Yes, it operates in China. It's still a management issue from the top Corporation that don't do audit or inspection daily/weekly/monthly. Food safety issues everywhere, just take a look at here in the U.S that has so many recalls including fruits. Can't just point finger at one place and judge...)
Yamatosenkan对whatif1说:美国拥有的,中国人运营的,中国政府“监管”的。(Owned by the U.S., operated and manned by Chinese, "overseen" by the Chinese authorities.)