九型人格之职场心理 四种职场人格:你是哪一型?(双语)

四种职场人格:你是哪一型?(双语) (2011-12-03 19:33:29) 标签: 职场人格职场英语天马行空环保杂谈分类: 生活调色板

When it comes to time management, productivity and organization, I’ve found that your personality and habits play huge roles in determining the techniques that are natural to you. The more you know about yourself, the easier it will be to create a workable system that will organize your work.


The Fantastical

九型人格之职场心理 四种职场人格:你是哪一型?(双语)


The Fantastical is a visual thinker. I’ve found that a LOT of creative entrepreneurs tend to be Fantasticals. If you’re a Fantastical, you excel at taking interesting problems and producing unique solutions.


If you’re a Fantastical, you need to have all the pieces of your work spread out in front of you. If it’s not within your line of sight, it may as well not exist.


The Analytical


The Analytical is driven by ambition and logic. This is a person found in the board room, occupying the CEO’s chair, or in some other position of power. If you’re an Analytical, you’re able to quickly assess situations and link them to longer term outcomes, and you need information at your fingertips almost instantaneously.


Analyticals often do well with entirely electronic systems that allow the necessary files and folders to appear with just a few keystrokes.


The Environmental


The Environmental looks at the people around him or her. Are they comfortable, feeling well, and enjoying themselves? An Environmental is the person everyone goes to when they need help, advice, or a shoulder to cry on.


As might be guessed by the name, environment is extremely important for an Environmental. Sterile filing cabinets and strict systems don’t work well for them.


The Structural


Organization comes naturally to a Structural. Everything has its place and everything happens on its own schedule. They don’t understand the trouble that the rest of their colleagues have with their systems.


Trouble for a Structural comes in the form of volume. Their systems are often complex, and can buckle under an increase in work load. If you suspect you are a Structural, spend some time now looking for ways to break your system. Are there changes you can make to streamline and avoid those problems?



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