欧盟gmp指南中英文 欧盟gmp指南中英文 WHO第961号技术报告_附件7_药物生产技术转移指南(中英文)_图文

WHO第961号技术报告 附件7 药物生产技术转移指南

World Health Organization

WHO Technical Report Series, No. 961, 2011

WHO第961号技术报告附件7 药物生产技术转移指南

Annex 7 附件7

WHO guidelines on transfer of technology in pharmaceutical manufacturing


1. Introduction 介绍

2. Scope 范围

3. Glossary 术语

4. Organization and management 组织和管理

5. Production: transfer (processing, packaging and cleaning) 生产:转移(工艺、包装和清洁)

6. Quality control: analytical method transfer 质量控制:分析方法转移

7. Premises and equipment 厂房设施和设备

8. Documentation 文件

9. Qualification and validation 确认和验证

References 参考文献

1. Introduction 介绍

These guiding principles on transfer of technology are intended to serve as a framework which can be applied in a flexible manner rather than as strict rigid guidance. Focus has been placed on the quality aspects, in line with WHO’s mandate.


1.1 Transfer of processes to an alternative site occurs at some stage in the life-cycle of most

products, from development, scale-up, manufacturing, production and launch, to the post-approval phase.


1.2 Transfer of technology is defined as ―a logical procedure that controls the transfer of any process together with its documentation and professional expertise between development and

manufacture or between manufacture sites‖. It is a systematic procedure that is followed in order to pass the documented knowledge and experience gained during development and or

commercialization to an appropriate, responsible and authorized party.


Technology transfer embodies both the transfer of documentation and the demonstrated ability of the receiving unit (RU) to effectively perform the critical elements of the transferred technology, to the satisfaction of all parties and any applicable regulatory bodies.


1.3 Literature searches revealed little information on the subject originating from national or

regional regulatory bodies. Guidance on intracompany transfers was prepared by the International Society for Pharmaceutical Engineering (ISPE) (1).


1.4 The ever changing business strategies of pharmaceutical companies increasingly involve intra- and intercompany transfers of technology for reasons such as the need for additional capacity, relocation of operations or consolidations and mergers. The WHO Expert Committee on

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Specifications for Pharmaceutical Preparations, therefore, recommended in its forty second report that WHO address this issue through preparation of WHO guidelines on this matter (2).


1.5 Transfer of technology requires a documented, planned approach using trained and

knowledgeable personnel working within a quality system, with documentation of data covering all aspects of development, production and quality control. Usually there is a sending unit (SU), a receiving unit and the unit managing the process, which may or may not be a separate entity. For ―contract manufacturing‖ please see good manufacturing practices (GMP) (3).


1.6 For the transfer to be successful, the following general principles and requirements should be met:


? the project plan should encompass the quality aspects of the project and be based upon the

principles of quality risk management;


? the capabilities of the SU and at the RU should be similar, but not necessarily identical, and

facilities and equipment should operate according to similar operating principles;


? a comprehensive technical gap analysis between the SU and RU including technical risk

assessment and potential regulatory gaps, should be performed as needed;


? adequately trained staff should be available or should be trained at the RU:


— regulatory requirements in the countries of the SU and the RU, and in any countries

where the product is intended to be supplied, should be taken into account and interpreted consistently throughout any transfer programme project; and

— 接收单位和转出单位的所在国法规要求,以及任何该产品将要销售的国家的法规要求,均


— there should be effective process and product knowledge transfer.

— 工艺和产品知识转移应有效果

1.7 Technology transfer can be considered successful if there is documented evidence that the RU can routinely reproduce the transferred product, process or method against a predefined set of specifications as agreed with the SU.


1.8 In the event that the RU identifies particular problems with the process during the transfer, the RU should communicate them back to the SU to ensure continuing knowledge management.


1.9 Technology transfer projects, particularly those between different companies, have legal and economic implications. If such issues, which may include intellectual property rights, royalties, pricing, conflict of interest and confidentiality, are expected to impact on open communication of technical matters in any way, they should be addressed before and during planning and execution of the transfer.


1.10 Any lack of transparency may lead to ineffective transfer of technology.


1.11 Some of the principles outlined in this document may also be applicable to manufacturing investigational pharmaceutical products for clinical trials as part of research and development, but

this is not the main focus of this guidance and has been excluded due to the complexity of the processes.


1.12 Some of the responsibilities outlined in this document for the SU may also be considered to be part of the management unit responsibilities.


2. Scope 范围

Note: This section specifically provides for transfer of quality control (QC) methods where a

technical agreement exists (SU manufacturer to RU manufacturer or SU manufacturer to RU QC laboratory). Where no such technical agreements exist (e.g. testing by national laboratories or testing for procurement agencies) a number of the points listed in section 2.4 may not

be workable,and alternative approaches may be required.


2.1 This document gives guidance in principle and provides general recommendations on the activities necessary to conduct a successful intraorintersite transfer of technology as described in the Introduction to these guidelines. The intention is to address the basic considerations needed for a successful transfer in order to satisfy the regulatory authority defined for the transfer process. 本文件给出了原则性指南,如本指南介绍中所述,提供了在工厂内、不同工厂间成功进行支持转移所需的活动建议,意在说明进行成功的技术转移所需的基本考虑,以满足在工艺转移中涉及的法规当局的要求。

2.2 The guidelines will be applied to manufacturing active pharmaceutical ingredients (APIs), manufacturing and packaging of bulk materials, manufacturing and packaging of finished pharmaceutical products (FPPs) and/or performing analytical testing.


2.3 The recommendations provided in these guidelines apply to all dosage forms but need to be adjusted on a case-by-case basis (e.g. by using risk management principles). Particularly close control of certain aspects will be required for certain formulations such as sterile products, and metered dose aerosols. WHO guidance on manufacture of specific pharmaceutical

products (4,5)will be useful in this regard.


2.4 The guidelines address the following areas at the SU and the RU:

— transfer of development and production (processing, packaging and cleaning);

— 研发和生产转移(工艺、包装和清洁)

— transfer of analytical methods for quality assurance and quality control;

— 质量保证和质量控制的分析方法转移

— skills assessment and training;

— 技能评价和培训

— organization and management of the transfer;

— 转移的组织和管理


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