特种教师我本疯狂 2.疯狂的教师 The Mad Teacher


This is our school. It is big. This is our classroom. It is not very big. (RING). And this our teacher, Mr. Robson. Hello children! My name’s Mr. robson. I’m your teacher. Mr. Robson is a good teacher, but sometimes he is a bit boring. He speaks and speaks. We sleep. (Be Quiet children! Sit down please! Open your books. Look at the picture). But today Mr. Robson is strange. We are surprised. (Stand up, children! Stand up! Open your books! Close your books! Sit down, please! Stand up! Sit down! Sit down! Stand up! Open your books! Isn’t he strange? Yes, he is! )


Mr. Robson is very very strange. We stand up, we sit down, we open our books, we close our books, we open the door, we close the door, we open the windows, we close the windows. We are confused.(close the window! Look at the picture. Open the window! Close your books! Open your books! Close the windows! Open the door! Close your books! He’s very strange! Yes, very).


What is it? The teacher is not strange. (open your books! Stand up! Close your books! Read the window! Sit down! Read! What? Repeat! Sit down on the door!)


He is mad! We are worried. We are afraid. (He isn’t strange! He’s mad! I want my mum!)


特种教师我本疯狂 2.疯狂的教师 The Mad Teacher

Who is that? It is Laura. She is on the floor. She is on all fours. She has got an idea. (look at the door and repeat! Read the door! Repeat your books! Look at the door! Close your books! Repeat the windows! Laura! Are you mad? Mad? LAURA? The teacher is mad! I’ve got an idea!)


Now, Laura is on a chair. But she is too short, and the teacher is tall. (stand on your books! Look at the windows! Close and read! Help! I’m too short!)


But Bob is tall too. He is very tall. (Laura! Are you mad? Come on Bob! Me? Why me? Stop it! Shut up! You’re tall! Stand on the chair!)


Now Bob is near Laura. He is on the chair. But this is really strange… a big button! (look at the children! Look at the door! Close the children! I’m the door! Laura’s strange! Look at his back, Bob! Oh! A big button! NO. she’s mad!)


The teacher has got a big button and three small buttons on his back. Bob is on the chair. He presses the button. ( a big button? Sit on the teacher! Yes, a big button and three small buttons. Press the big button, Bob!.) Now the teacher is silent. (Look at )


The teacher is not mad. He is a robot. He has got a big button and three small buttons. (He’s b robot. A what? A robot. R-O-B-O-T. Look at the small buttons. One is blue, one is orange, one is purple. Read the instructions. )


One is blue. Blue is calm. One is orange. Orange is clever. One is purple. Purple is raving mad! Bob presses the ‘calm’ button. (blue is calm, orange is clever, purple is raving mad. Press ‘ calm’. Go! )


The teacher is normal now. He is calm, very calm. (Come,… chil-dren,… open… your…books. Look… at … the…pic-ture…)

老师现在是正常的。他很冷静,很平静。(来,……孩子们,打开你们的书……………。看……在……在……的PIC TURE……)

He is bit boring, too. (Now… read. He’s normal now. yeah, normal! He’s Boring. Yeah, boooo-ring! Re-peat… chil-dren.)


A calm teacher Is boring. But our teacher is a robot, and a robot teacher has buttons. (Where are the buttons? Over there, on his back! Be careful! Now… now… chil-dren! Clever or mad?)


And a mad teacher is fun! (riving mad!!!)



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