2013年卫生类职称英语 2013年职称英语卫生类全真模拟三(附答案)(1)



  1 Apple trees need moisture in order to thrive.

  A flower

  B flourish

  C pollinate

  D bend

  2 Europeans established permanent colonies on the eastern shores of what is now the United States throughout the seventeenth century.

  A during

  B before

  C up until

  D just after

  3 In the Mesozoic period, the upward thrust of great rock masses created the Rocky Mountains and the Alps.

  A collision

  B angle

  C push

  D erosion

  4 Many factory workers find their jobs tiresome.

  A difficult

  B pointless

  C profitable

  D boring

  5 The ambassador was given the book as a token of the government's regard for him.

  A an estimation

  B a share

  C a memento

  D a preview

  6 The witch hazel plants tolerate poor soil, dust and limited sun.

  A suffer from

  B survive in

  C thrive in

  D die from

  7 A series of rifle shots disturbed the tranquility of the camp grounds.

  A solidarity

  B peacefulness

  C equanimity

  D propinquity

  8 Smoke particles and other air pollutants are often trapped in the atmosphere, thus forming smog.

  A caught

  B burned

  C dirtied

  D covered

  9 Every year each household in the United States discards approximately a ton oftrash.

  A filler

  B garbage

  C paper

  D fuel

  10 The rainfall of the Hawaiian Islands varies tremendously according to their topography and orientation to the prevailing winds.

  A seasonably

  B surprisingly

  C greatly

  D inversely

  11 Fine freshwater pearls are found in the main stream and the tributaries of the Mississippi River.

  A banks

  B deltas

  C branches

  D currents

  12 The flower bud of a water lily opens at sunset since its opening is triggered by the decreased light.

  A alleviated

  B endured

  C set off

  D covered up

  13 Tryouts for community orchestras are frequently judged by committees.

  A Advertisements

  B Auditions

  C Performances

  D Novelties

  14 A turbulent storm was a major factor in the defeat of the Spanish Armada.

  A noxious

  B violent

  C mysterious

  D pathetic

  15 Light rays are turned aside by the intense gravitational field surrounding a black hole.

  A heightened

  B deflected

  C rotated

  D created



2013年卫生类职称英语 2013年职称英语卫生类全真模拟三(附答案)(1)


  16.Babies can learn even in their sleep.



  C.Not mentioned

  17.An infant can recognize a lot of sounds by the time he or she is a year old.



  C.Not mentioned

  18.Finnish vowels are easy to distinguish.



  C.Not mentioned

  19.The three vowels mentioned in this article are all Finnish sounds.



  C.Not mentioned

  20.The study shows that the infants’cerebral cortex stops working while he is asleep.



  C.Not mentioned

  21.Cheours has found how babies accomplish this nighttime learning.



  C.Not mentioned

  22,Cheours’finding can help babies learn language.



  C.Not mentioned


爱华网本文地址 » http://www.aihuau.com/a/382551/867750065010.html


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英特尔m3 7y30 中国30年与英特尔40年

  在汶川大地震爆发1个多月后,69岁的英特尔董事长贝瑞特把他第14次中国行的第一站放在了四川,以表明英特尔与中国在一起。几乎同时,国务院副总理王岐山在美国华盛顿发表演讲: “中国正处在一个快速变化的阶段,这是因为中国人反思了自己

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