曾荫权 港独 演讲译文:2012年曾荫权出席驻港领事团晚宴的致辞(1)

  Speech at the Consular Corps Dinner

  by Mr Donald Tsang, the Chief Executive of HKSAR

  February 15, 2012


  香港特别行政区行政长官 曾荫权


  Doyen, Members of the Consular Corps, distinguished guests, ladies and gentlemen,

曾荫权 港独 演讲译文:2012年曾荫权出席驻港领事团晚宴的致辞(1)


  Good evening everyone and thank you very much for the invitation to join you tonight. Can I just start by extending my belated - but no less warm - wishes for a happy, healthy and prosperous Year of the Dragon. Kung Hei Fat Choy!


  Alas, this is the last time that I will break bread with you as the Chief Executive. So, I must thank you all most sincerely for your support of Hong Kong during my tenure. It's been a great pleasure getting to know you and working with you.


  I'd also like to take this opportunity to stress that your presence in Hong Kong matters very much to us - it is of strategic importance to our development past, present and future. That also means it is of strategic importance to China, as she continues to open up and reform, to engage the world and to play a more prominent role economically and politically on the global stage.


  One of the great things about Hong Kong is that we have such a substantial Consular Corps - 120 consulates-general or consulates, and five officially recognised bodies. Your presence here helps to foster deeper economic and cultural exchanges - and, by extension, greater understanding about Hong Kong in your home country, greater understanding about your home country in Hong Kong and through Hong Kong in the Mainland of China. You and your missions are an integral part of our recipe for success as Asia's world city. And indeed for a cordial and peaceful globalised world.


  One of the reasons that Hong Kong has thrived is because we have such broad and deep connections around the globe. Our future as a global financial, trading and business centre depends not just on maintaining those links - but on making them broader and deeper for our mutual benefit. It also means making new friends, exploring new markets and developing new contacts.



爱华网本文地址 » http://www.aihuau.com/a/383351/633405894372.html


孙权劝学搞笑版译文 孙权劝学搞笑版

原文译文: 当初,孙权对吕蒙说:你现在当权管事了,不可不学习!吕蒙以军中事务多来推托。孙权说:我难道想让你研究钻研经书当博士吗?只应当浏览群书,了解以往的事情罢了。你说忙,谁比我更忙呢?我还经常读书,自以为大有好处



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