为钱甘愿被老板搞 为什么女性更愿为男老板工作?

Two thirds of women prefer working for male bosses because they are better managers and less prone to moods, a study has suggested.调查显示,三分之二的女性更愿意为男上司工作,因为他们更会管理,更少受情绪影响。

Many female employees also like having a man in charge because they are 'more authoritative' and 'more straight-talking' than their female counterparts. Women rated men 'tougher', 'better at delegation' and also more likely to regularly dish out praise.许多女雇员也喜欢有一个男主管,因为比起女上司来,男上司“更有权威”、“说话更坦诚”。女性把男上司评价为“更坚强”、“更会授权”,而且更能经常性地给予表扬。

And men were also hailed as being better decision-makers and having more grasp of the business overall than women do.此外,一般认为男性是更好的决策者,相对于女性,他们能更好地在整体上掌握行业情况。

It also emerged four out of ten women who have female bosses believe they could do a better job than their immediate superior.有四成的女性认为自己可以比直属女上司要做得好。

为钱甘愿被老板搞 为什么女性更愿为男老板工作?


The study of 2,000 women in full or part-time employment asked whether they would prefer to have a man or woman as their immediate line manager.这项研究调查了2000名全职或兼职女员工,调查的问题就是,她们是更愿意自己的直接领导是男还是女。

Some 63 per cent expressed a male preference, while only 37 per cent opted for a woman. The results also revealed one in six women who currently work under a woman is experiencing 'underlying tension' between themselves and their boss.63%的女雇员更希望自己的直接上司是男性,而37%的女雇员选择了女上司。调查结果还显示,目前在为女上司工作的女雇员中,每六个人中有一个人跟上司之间存在“潜在的紧张关系”。

A host of reasons emerged for the male preference including a feeling female managers felt threatened by other women at work. A failure to leave personal problems at home was also cited. Other issues included a lack of flexibility over leaving early or starting late.男性上司被青睐的众多原因包括女性管理者在工作当中会感觉到来自其它女同事的威胁。女上司把个人问题带到工作中也是原因之一。其他原因还包括女上司在早退或晚到的问题上缺乏灵活性。

But despite the worries, female bosses did score highly on the more personal side of the manager/employee relationship. They were revealed as being approachable, more trustworthy and more compassionate in a member of staff's time of need.但是尽管有以上的忧虑,女性上司在管理者和雇员之间的关系中更人性化的方面得分很高。调查发现女上司更加平易近人,更值得信任,而且在员工需要的时候更有同情心。


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