神武2紫气豪宅怎么做 周末不要宅家啦:宅神们周末可以做的20件事

The weekend’s here and you’re thinking about your plans. Here are 20 fun things to do this weekend. This list has ideas for everyone, from the outdoorsy types to the city slickers. Perhaps you have a new date, or you want to do something with the family. Whatever the case may be, you have lots of great activities from which to choose.又到周末了干什么好呢?下面就为你列出20件周末可以做的事。其中既有户外型的,又有适合都市人的;不论你是约会,还是欢度家庭时光,都能从中发现不错的活动建议哦。

1. Take a Walk Around the Lake湖畔漫步

Find a lake with a walking path and bring your partner or your canine companion. Enjoy the views, get some exercise and feed the ducks. Then, stop for some iced tea at the lakeside restaurant.跟伴侣或爱犬去湖畔散散步,欣赏风景、伸展胳膊、喂喂鸭子,然后再在湖边小店喝杯冰茶。

2. Go On a Hike去远足

Many areas have hikes of varying lengths within city limits or a few miles outside of the city itself. You can choose shorter, more level hikes or head to the mountains and make it an all-day affair. Don’t forget good shoes, water, sunblock, and a hat.许多城市边缘或离市区几英里的位置都有远足的地方。你可以选择短程但刺激的远足,或花一天时间去登山。当然,别忘了准备好鞋子、水、防晒霜和帽子。

3. Go On a Bike Ride骑游

Rent a bike from the local bike shop or ride your own. Map out a route and calculate the distance using a bicycling app on your smartphone. Take extra water and don’t forget to wear a helmet. This can be a fun activity for kids, too.在本地车店租一辆或干脆跨上自己的车去骑游。先标好路程并算好距离,在手机里设置好骑行导航软件。多带点水,别忘了戴上头盔。这项活动也很适合小孩子哦。

4. Start a Fun, New Weekend Craft做有趣的手工活

You know that old dresser in your room that you’ve been wanting to spruce up? Get some sandpaper, wood stain and polyurethane and turn that dresser into a beautiful piece of furniture.是不是一直想重新装饰房间里那张旧梳妆台?那就准备好砂纸、涂料和油漆,开始行动,把它粉饰得漂漂亮亮吧!

5. Go to a Wine Tasting参加品酒会

Head to a local wine bar and sample some of their finest offerings. Or, take it a step further and head to the local winery and sample their wines while walking in the vineyards.到附近酒吧喝两杯最好的酒酿,或者走远一点去本地酿酒厂,一边漫步葡萄园,一边品尝葡萄酒吧。

6. Attend an Art Opening参观画展

Check out a local or national artist and head to your favorite gallery. Drink some wine, eat a little cheese and hors d’oeuvres while walking around admiring and discussing beautiful works of art.去看看本地或国家艺术家画展。你可以一边就着奶酪与小菜品酒,一边欣赏并探讨精湛的艺术作品。

7. Visit the Museum参观博物馆

Museums often have openings when they receive new collections. Attend a class, have your child go to camp, or browse the retail shop for gifts and clothing.博物馆每次纳入新藏品都会设有开放日。学习课程,跟孩子去露营,或到零售店选几样礼物和衣服。

8. Go On a Picnic野餐

Find a local park or recreation area and bring food and games for a day of fun. Play Frisbee, horseshoes, volleyball, soccer, or take a short hike. You might be able to swim or fish, rent a paddle boat, or find a comfortable spot to read a book.带上食物,到当地公园或休闲区痛快玩一天。飞盘、马蹄铁、排球、足球或短途远足,随你玩。或许你也愿意尝试游泳、钓鱼、划船或躲在舒服的角落看书。

9. Go to a Karaoke BarK歌

Sing to your favorite songs while enjoying the company of good friends. Order food, have a beverage and make a night of it.跟好朋友去KTV唱唱喜欢的歌,同时享用美味的食物和饮料,度过一个开心的夜晚。

10. Read a Book then See the Movie读书看电影

When you read a good book, chances are it’s turned into a movie. Books like Harry Potter and The Help are recent popular favorites. 当你读到一本好书时,很可能发现它也有同名电影。像《哈利波特》和《相助》就很受欢迎。

11. Go To a Tea House去茶馆坐坐

Change it up a bit and instead of going for the coffeehouse, look for the tea house. You can sample different teas, try tea in loose leaf form or try out unusual herbal blends from all over the world.与其去咖啡馆,不如改去茶馆吧。在茶馆,你可以品尝各种各样的茶,比如飘逸的叶茶,或来自异域的混合花草茶。

12. Listen to Music at a Local Pub去本地酒吧听音乐

Many bars and pubs feature local and regional artists throughout the week. Listen to a band you’ve never heard before. You never know. They just might become the next big thing, and you can say you saw them first.许多酒吧在周末会有当地艺术家驻场。尝试听听不知名的乐队演奏,说不定这些乐队哪天会大红大紫,而你还是一早就知道他们的呢!

13. Run a 5K5千米长跑

Running in a 5K is a great way to get in shape. Often, you can participate for charity or just for fun. Either way, recruit your friends or have them cheer you on. There are even 5K’s that are kid-friendly.5千米长跑对保持体形很有帮助。你可以加入慈善机构组织的长跑活动,或自己跑着玩儿。还有,别忘了让朋友给你加油鼓劲。另外,有些长跑运动甚至也适合小孩呢。

14. Go On an Art Walk享受一场艺术之旅

If there is an arts district in your area, you can visit lots of artist studios and see them in action. Arts districts often have once-monthly art walks where you can talk to artists, and purchase artwork right from their studios.如果当地有艺术区,何不去艺术家工作室了解他们的工作呢?艺术区通常每月都会举办活动,你可以近距离对话艺术家,还能直接从工作室购买艺术品。

15. Visit the Animal Shelter and Walk a Dog拜访动物收容所,帮忙遛狗。

No need to adopt (unless you want to). Visit your local shelter and let a canine friend get a little exercise and fresh air by taking him on a walk. It’s not only good for the dog, it’s good for you, too.你不一定非得领养动物(除非你愿意),但可以去动物收容所照顾宠物朋友,带着狗狗到处溜溜,呼吸一点新鲜空气。这不仅帮助了狗狗,也会让你有所收获。

16. Go Consignment Shopping在寄售店购物

If you haven’t tried this, you’re missing out. You can find real treasures at consignment shops. Items are often new, if not gently used. You can also score nice clothes or shoes for a fraction of their original cost.要是你从没尝试过这个,那可太遗憾了。在寄售店,你或许能找到货真价实的宝贝。这里的物品都比较新,你能淘到既物美又价廉的好东西。

17. Shop Garage Sales商店库存促销时扫货

Check your local listings and set up a route to hit a lot of garage sales in one day. This is a great opportunity to find furniture, household items and stylish clothes at incredible prices.先看看哪些商家有促销活动,定好路线攻略,然后就集中扫货去吧。促销时能买到不少便宜的家具、家用物件或漂亮衣服。

18. Head to the Farmer’s Market参观农场

Meet local farmers and see where your food comes from. Many markets have music, local honey, baked goods, whimsical gifts, and a great opportunity to meet new people.去本地农场了解各种农作物。许多农贸市场都有音乐、自酿蜂蜜、烘焙食品以及不错的礼品,而且,你还能在那里结识新朋友。

19. Attend a Poetry Reading at the Local Bookstore参加本地书店的读诗会

神武2紫气豪宅怎么做 周末不要宅家啦:宅神们周末可以做的20件事

Bookstores often have poetry readings; you can participate, too! Not only that, they might have local authors read an excerpt from their most recent novel. Grab some coffee, find a comfy chair, and prepare for a night of literary fun!书店一般都有读诗会,而且向所有人开放。不仅如此,或许你还能碰上本地作家朗读自己的近作片段呢。捧一杯咖啡,蜷在舒服的椅子里,经历一场曼妙的文学之旅吧!

20. Go see a Play at the Local College去本地大学看场戏剧

Students and professional actors alike put on theatrical performances throughout the year. Catch a matinee or bring a blanket and watch the sunset showing of Romeo and Juliet.学生和专业演员同样热衷于演戏。你可以趁午场或晚场时(别忘了带毯子)去看看《罗密欧与朱丽叶》。

Have Fun!好好玩一玩吧!

With this list of ideas, you’re sure to have plenty to do for a weekend of spontaneity, fun, and relaxation. You might learn a few things, see a play you’ve never seen, but you definitely won’t be bored.可做的事情这么多,相信你的周末肯定会过得轻松又开心。而且说不定你还能学到新东西,比如看一场好玩的话剧,总之你肯定不会无聊的。


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