
2009-04-21 13:35 大大大大大怪兽 | 分类:英语考试 | 浏览8138次1. His father is an English teacher.

2. These cats are crying.

3. They can swim.

4. I like to read English.

5. I go to school on foot.

6. He likes English.

7. His father goes to work by bus.

8. He is crying under the tree.

9. His birthday is on the twentieth of November.

10. Mrs. Li and Kitty are in a big shop.

11. Kitty is wearing her new uniform.

12. The boy under the tree is hungry.

13. He goes to school every day.

15. I want to have a model car.

16. She wants a cup of coffee.

17. Mrs. Li and Kitty watch television at night.

18. I do my homework after school.我要这些题的答案 !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 提问者采纳2009-04-21 13:531. Is his father an English teacher?
Yes, he is/No,he is not.

2. Are these cats crying?
Yes, they are/No they are not.

3. Can they swim?
Yes, they can/No, they can not.

4. Do you like to read English?
Yes, I do/No, I do not.

5. Do you go to school on foot?
Yes, I do/No, I do not.

6. Does he like English?
Yes, he does/No, he does not.

7. Does his father go to work by bus?
Yes, he does/No, he does not.

8. Is he crying under the tree?
Yes, he is/No he is not.

9. Is his birthday on the twentieth of November?
Yes, he is/No he is not.

10. Are Mrs. Li and Kitty in a big shop?
Yes, they are/No, they are not.

11. Is Kitty wearing her new uniform?
Yes, she is/No, she is not.

12. Is the boy under the tree hungry?
Yes, he is/No, he is not.

13. Does he go to school every day?
Yes, he does/No, he does not.

15. Do you want to have a model car?
Yes, I do/No, I do not.

16. Does she want a cup of coffee?
Yes, she does/No, she does not.

17. Do Mrs. Li and Kitty watch television at night?
Yes, they do/No, they do not.

18. Do you do your homework after school?
Yes, I do/No, I do not.提问者评价谢啦。评论(10)|赞同305

かえでのはるこ |八级采纳率31%


按默认排序|按时间排序 其他2条回答2009-04-21 13:47第47个浪人|十八级1.Is his father an English teacher?

2.Are these cats crying?

3.Can they swim?

4.Do you like to read English?

5.Do you go to school on foot?

6.Does he like English?

7.Does his father go to work by bus?

8.Is he crying under the tree?

9.Is his birthday on the twentieth of November?

10.Ar Mrs. Li and Kitty in a big shop?

11.Is Kitty wearing her new uniform?

12.Is the boy under the tree hungry?

13.Does he go to school every day?

15.Do you want to have a model car?

16.Does she want a cup of coffee?

17.Do Mrs. Li and Kitty watch television at night?

18.Do you do your homework after school?
这么多,加点分吧。评论(2)|赞同3 2012-02-22 19:48热心网友1. Is his father an English teacher?
Yes, he is/No,he is not.

2. Are these cats crying?
Yes, they are/No they are not.

3. Can they swim?
Yes, they can/No, they can not.

4. Do you like to read English?
Yes, I do/No, I do not.

5. Do you go to school on foot?
Yes, I do/No, I do not.

6. Does he like English?
Yes, he does/No, he does not.

7. Does his father go to work by bus?
Yes, he does/No, he does not.

8. Is he crying under the tree?
Yes, he is/No he is not.

9. Is his birthday on the twentieth of November?
Yes, he is/No he is not.

10. Are Mrs. Li and Kitty in a big shop?
Yes, they are/No, they are not.

11. Is Kitty wearing her new uniform?
Yes, she is/No, she is not.

12. Is the boy under the tree hungry?
Yes, he is/No, he is not.

13. Does he go to school every day?
Yes, he does/No, he does not.

15. Do you want to have a model car?
Yes, I do/No, I do not.

16. Does she want a cup of coffee?
Yes, she does/No, she does not.

17. Do Mrs. Li and Kitty watch television at night?
Yes, they do/No, they do not.

18. Do you do your homework after school?
Yes, I do/No, I do not评论(1)|赞同0 其他类似问题  

爱华网本文地址 » http://www.aihuau.com/a/389251/779884156329.html


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直接引语变间接引语方法讲解 直接引语和间接引语

一 概述1 当直接引语为陈述句,变为间接引语时,从句中人称、时态、指示代词、时间、地点(状语)等都要发生变化。2 当直接引语为疑问句,变为间接引语时,从句中人称、时态、指示代词、时间、地点、语序等都要发生变化。二 引导词1 直接引语为


be动词,情态动词,助动词do/does的用法区别及练习1.由连系am,is,are构成的句子:变一般疑问句时把am,is,are提到句子的前面,句尾用问号即可。变否定句时直接在am,is,are后面加not即可。例如:肯定句:He is a student.一般疑问句: Is he a student


