How to Get High Paying Jobs ?
1 Evaluate your skills评估自己的能力
What skills do you possess that you can utilize in the workplace? You may be mechanically inclined, a good driver, an artist, or have good computer skills. Focus on your strengths and think of high paying jobs that would suit someone with your abilities.在工作中你有什么能力可以利用?你可能擅长机械,或是一名好司机、一个艺术家,又或有着熟练的电脑技术。注意你的优势,考虑哪些高薪工作适合有你这种技术的人。
2 Learn a Trade学一门手艺
You can take focus on one of your skills and learn a trade that is relevant to that skill. For example, if you are mechanically inclined you may want to pursue certification in that area. A combination of computer skills and artistic ability are ideal prerequisites for a graphic artist or web designer. If you enjoy driving, you may want to upgrade your driver's license so that you can drive a limousine or an 18-wheeler.你可以把注意力集中到一个技术上,学一门和这个技术相关的手艺。例如,如果你擅长机械,你可能要在这个范畴里获得一些资格证。电脑操作和艺术欣赏的综合能力则是一个平面设计师或网页设计师理想的先决条件。如果你喜欢驾驶,你可能得把你的驾照升级一下,从而你能驾驶大型客车或大型货车。
Specialized trades, while not as glamorous as some careers, include some of the best high paying jobs available. Some trades require certification, which can easily be obtained at local colleges. Training for many trades can be done in a matter of months, and can make you invaluable in the job market.专业手艺也许不像有些职业那么风光,但是有很多高薪工作可供选择。有些手艺需要资格证,有的资格证在当地大学里能轻易得到。训练几门手艺大学需要几个月,而且这些手艺能让你在人才市场价格倍增。
3 Be Daring要勇敢
Some high paying jobs pay well because they're dangerous, and they aren't for the faint of heart. Occupations such as logging and working with high-tension electrical wires are among some of the world's most dangerous jobs, but they pay extremely well. Most of them don't even require a high school education - simply some on-the-job training.有的高薪工作之所以高薪是因为危险,心脏不好的不适合。有些工作像伐木和高压电电工则在世界最危险工作内,但是这些工作确实薪金非常高。这些职业的大部分人都不需要有多高的学历,只需要简单的上岗培训。

4 Resume简历
One of the keys to finding high paying jobs is by having a professional resume that gets your foot in the door. Most people either have no clue how to write a resume or use the same old boring template that makes you look like every other person applying. If you really want to get a high paying job spend some money and have it professionally written.找高薪工作的关键之一是有一份专业的简历,这是你的敲门砖。大部分人不知道如何写简历,或者是套用千篇一律的模版,这使得你的申请没什么特别,和别的求职者的一样。如果你真想得到一份高薪工作,花点钱让专家帮你写。
5 Job Boards招聘信息
If you are a technical person in the computer industry you will want to make sure that you put your resume up on the right job boards. Dice is a perfect example. It's geared towards that industry and will get you in front of the right people.如果你是电脑产业技术人员,你想确保你的简历投对了地方。掷骰子是个不错的例子。它适合这个产业并把你送到合适的人的面前。
For the non technical person you will want to look for job boards that cater to high income jobs. There are many out there and they usually charge a fee. Research each one to make sure it's a good fit.非技术人员你想找到一些提供高薪工作的招聘信息。许多这种招聘信息是收费的。确保每一个信息是合适的。
6 Social Networking社交网
Networking in general is a great way to find high paying jobs but with the advent of social networking you can reach out to people all over the world. is a perfect example of a professional social network that allows you to interact with people from all levels of management in many large corporations. It's a great place to find referrals.一般而言社交网是找高薪工作的一条好途径,在这个社交网到来的时期,你可以向全世界的人们示好。Linkedin.com就是一个很好的专业社交网范例,在这里许多大公司各个阶层的管理者们可以互相联络。这是一个寻找推荐机会的好地方。
7 Recruiters招聘人员
If you're in an industry that is in demand recruiters are an excellent source to find high paying jobs. Many recruiters get paid based off of a percentage of the starting salary. So it's usually in their best interest to find you the highest paying job that they can.如果你在一个很火的行业里,招聘人员则是一个非常好的求的高薪工作的资源。很多招聘人员的工资都是以推荐工作的起薪为基准来提点的。所以给你找的工作工资越高,他们的利益也越大。
8 Create your own Job自主创业
More and more people today are leaving their mundane jobs in favor of Internet-based businesses. If you are computer-oriented, research various ways of making money online and find your niche. The Internet is a vast place and there's room for everybody to do business.越来越多的人都离开了自己平凡的工作岗位,而转向以互联网为基础的事业。如果你对电脑感兴趣,那么在网上找各种赚钱的方法然后找到你自己的一席之位。因特网是一个巨大的空间,能为每个人提供创业的空间。
9 The key to finding high paying jobs is not being afraid to look and experiment. Decide what things you like to do and turn one of them into a job that will not only earn a generous income, but will be enjoyable for you as well.找到高薪工作的关键不是害怕去看和去试验。决定你喜欢做的事,然后将它变为你的工作,不仅会赚很多钱,而且也会让你很快乐。