sat词汇表 sat巴郎 SAT巴郎词汇



warrant ADJ. /贪婪的;狼吞虎咽的/ravenous. The wolf is a voracious animal, its hunger never satisfied. V. /授权;证明;批准/justify; authorize. Before the judge issues the injunction, you must convince her

this action is warranted.

warranty N. /担保;保证/guarantee; assurance by seller. The purchaser of this automobile is protected by wary














ruthless the manufacturer's warranty that the company will replace any defective part for five years or 50,000 miles. ADJ. /机警的;小心的/very cautious. The spies grew wary as they approached the sentry. N. /废物;饭桶;放荡的人/profligate. His neighbors denounced him as a wastrelwho had dissipated his inheritance. N. /分水岭/crucial dividing point. The invention of the personal computer proved a historic watershed, for it opened the way to today's Information Age. V. /增长/increase; grow. With proper handling, his fortunes waxed and he became rich. V. /埋伏;伏击;抢劫/ambush; lie in wait. They agreed to waylay their victim as he passed through the dark alley going home. = we + an V. /断奶;丢弃/accustom a baby to not nurse; give up a cherished activity. He decided he would wean himself away from eating junk food and stick to fruits and vegetables. V. /侵蚀;风化/endure the effects of weather or other forces. He weathered the changes in his personal life with difficulty, as he had no one in whom to confide. V. /退缩/shrink back; flinch. The screech of the chalk on the blackboard made her wince. ADJ. /柔和的;芳香的/mild; fragrant. A balmy breeze refreshed us after the sultry blast. ADJ. /平凡,陈腐,老生常谈/hackneyed; commonplace; trite; lacking originality. The hack writer's worn-out clich6s made his comic sketch seem banal. He even resorted to the banality of having someone slip on a banana peel! =rude + ff + ian N. /流氓;恶棍;痞子/bully; scoundrel. The ruffians threw stones at the police. = run + in + ate V. /反复咀嚼;消化;深思;反刍/chew over and over (mentally, or, like cows, physically); mull over; ponder. Unable to digest quickly the baffling events of the day, Reuben ruminated about them till four in the morning. = run + mm + age V. /到处翻寻/ransack; thoroughly search. When we rummaged through the trunks in the attic, we found many souvenirs of our childhood days. also N. refuse N. /技巧;策略,计谋/trick; stratagem. You will not be able to fool your friends with such an obvious ruse. = run + th + less ADJ. /无情的/pitiless; cruel. Captain Hook was a dangerous, ruthless villain

who would stop at nothing to destroy Peter Pan.

saboteur sabotage v. = sam + bot + age N. /破坏分子;怠工者/one who commits sabotage;

destroyer of property. Members of the Resistance acted as saboteurs, blowing up train lines to prevent supplies from reaching the Nazi army.

saccharine diabetes =sam + cc + ha ADJ. /糖精的;代糖的;极甜的/cloyingly sweet. She tried to

ingratiate herself, speaking sweetly and smiling a saccharine smile.

sacrilegious = sacred + i + leg + ious ADJ. /亵渎的,天谴的/desecrating; profane. His stealing of the altar

cloth was a very sacrilegious act.

sacrosanct = sacred + o + san + ct ADJ. /非常神圣的/most sacred; inviolable. The brash insurance

salesman invaded the sacrosanct privacy of the office of the president of the company.

Word List 42 sadistic-sentinel

sadistic ADJ. /虐待狂的;残忍成性的/inclined to cruelty. If we are to improve condi- tions in this prison, we

must first get rid of the sadistic warden.

sap sam + p V. /减少;破坏/diminish; undermine. The element kryptonite has an unhealthy effect on

Superman: it saps his strength.

= salute + vo N. /解除武装;敬礼;保留条款/discharge of firearms; military salute. The boom of the enemy's opening salvo made the petrified private jump.

= salt + vage V. /补救;抢救;打捞;营救/rescue from loss. All attempts to salvage the wrecked ship failed. also N. salvo salvage

satellite N. /卫星/small body revolving around a larger one. During the first few years of the Space Age,

hundreds of satellites were launched by Russia and the United States.

saturnine = sam + turn + ine ADJ. /阴郁的/gloomy. Do not be misled by his saturnine countenance; he

is not as gloomy as he looks.

= save + or V. /有滋有味儿的;享受这种滋味/enjoy; have a distinctive flavor, smell, or quality. Relishing his triumph, the actor especially savored the chagrin of the critics who had predicted his failure. savor

savory ADJ. /有味道的;吸引人的/tasty; pleasing, attractive, or agreeable. Julia Child's recipes enable

amateur chefs to create savory delicacies for their guests.

scale /爬升;升高/climb up; ascend. In order to locate a book on the top shelf of the stacks, Lee had

to scale an exceptionally rickety ladder. V.

N. /大批的,许多/scad a great quantity. Refusing Dave's offer to lend him a shirt, Phil replied, "No, thanks, I've got scads of clothes."

scabbard N. /剑鞘/case for a sword blade; sheath. The drill master told the recruit to wipe the blood from

his sword before slipping it back into the scabbard.

scaffold N. /脚手架;绞刑架/temporary platform for workers; bracing framework; platform for execution.

Before painting the house, the workers put up a scaffold to allow them to work on the second story.


scourge V. /嘲弄,奚落/mock; ridicule. He scoffed at dentists until he had his first toothache. courageN. /鞭笞;蹂躏/lash; whip; severe punishment. They feared the plague and regarded it

as a deadly scourge. alsoV.

scapegoat N. /替罪羊/someone who bears the blame for others. After the Challenger disaster, NASA scenario











sedition searched for scapegoats on whom they could cast the blame. N. /情节;剧本大纲;(电影、歌剧)剧本/plot outline; screenplay; opera libretto. Scaramouche startled the other actors in the commedia troupe when he suddenly departed from their customary scenario and began to improvise. = s + cur V. /轻快的;活泼的移动/move briskly. The White Rabbit had to scurry to get to his appointment on time. = s + cattle V. /沉没/sink. The sailors decided to scuttle their vessel rather than surrender it to the enemy. V. /迈着碎步轻快的走/scurry; run with short, rapid steps. The bug scuttled rapidly across the floor. ADJ. /示例的;示意性的/relating to an outline or diagram; using a system of symbols. In working out the solution to this logic puzzle, you may find it helpful to construct a simple schematic diagram outlining the order of events. = school N. /分离/division; split. Let us not widen the schism by further bickering. = sea + my ADJ. /丑恶的;露出嘴脸的/sordid; unwholesome. In The Godfather, Michael Corleone is unwilling to expose his wife and children to the seamy side of his life as the son of a Mafia don. sear V. char or burn; brand. Accidentally brushing against the hot grill, she seared her hand badly. ADJ. /老练的/experienced. Though pleased with her new batch of rookies, the basketball coach wished she had a few more seasoned players on the team. N. /撤退;脱离/withdrawal. The secession of the Southern states provided Lincoln with his first major problem after his inauguration. secede,V. V. /隐匿;藏匿;分泌/hide away; produce and release a substance into an organism. The pack rat secretes odds and ends in its nest; the pancreas secretes insulin in the islets of Langerhans. sect N. separate religious body; faction. As university chaplain, she sought to address universal religious issues and not limit herself to concerns of any one sect. =se + cu粗 + lar ADJ. /世俗的;现世的;永久的/worldly; not pertaining to church matters; temporal. The church leaders decided not to interfere in secular matters. N. /抵抗当局;反抗;暴动/resistance to authority; insubordination. His words, though not

treasonous in themselves, were calculated to arouse thoughts of sedition.

sedulous ADJ. /勤奋的;勤勤恳恳的/diligent; hardworking. After weeks of patient and sedulous labor, we

completed our detailed analysis of every published SAT examination.

symbiosis N. /共生现象/interdependent relationship (between groups, species), often mutually beneficial.

Both the crocodile bird and the crocodile derive benefit from their symbiosis: pecking away at food particles embedded in the crocodile's teeth, the bird receives nourishment; the crocodile, meanwhile, receives proper dental hygiene. symbiotic,ADJ.

symmetry N. /对称;匀称/arrangement of parts so that balance is obtained; congruity. Something lopsided

by definition lacks symmetry.

synthesis N. /合成/combining parts into a whole. Now that we have succeeded in isolating this drug, our

next problem is to plan its synthesis in the laboratory. synthesize,V.

table V. /搁臵/set aside a resolution or proposal for future consideration. Because we seem unable

to agree on this issue at the moment, let us table the motion for now and come back to it at a later date.

tacit ADJ. /默许的;会意的/understood; not put into words. We have a tacit agreement based on only a


taciturn ADJ. /沉默寡言的/habitually silent; talking little. The stereotypical cowboy is a taciturn soul,

answering lengthy questions with a "Yep" or "Nope."

tactile ADJ. /触觉的/pertaining to the organs or sense of touch. His callused hands had lost their tactile


taint V. /污染,感染;污点/contaminate; cause to lose purity; modify with a trace of something bad.

One speck of dirt on your utensils may contain enough germs to taint an entire batch of preserves.

talisman N. /护身符;避邪物/charm to bring good luck and avert misfortune. Joe believed the carved

pendant he found in Vietnam served him as a talisman and brought him safely through the war.

tangential ADJ. /切线的,外围的 /peripheral; only slightly connected; digressing. Despite Clark's attempts to

distract her with tangential remarks, Lois kept on coming back to her main question: why couldn't he come out to dinner with Superman and her?

tangible ADJ. /可触摸的;真实的/able to be touched; real; palpable. Although Tom did not own a house,

he had several tangible assets-a car, a television, a PC-that he could sell if he needed cash.

tanner N. /皮革工人;6便士/person who turns animal hides into leather. Using a solution of tanbark, the

tannertreated the cowhide, transforming it into supple leather.

tantalize /逗弄;使其干着急/tease; torture with disappointment. Tom loved to tantalize his younger

brother with candy; he knew the boy was forbidden to have it. V.

tantamount ADJ. /同等的/equivalent in effect or value. Though Rudy claimed his wife was off visiting friends,

his shriek of horror when she walked into the room was tantamount to a confession that he believed she was dead.

talon N. /鸟爪/claw of bird. The falconer wore a leather gauntlet to avoid being clawed by the hawk's


adamant ADJ. /坚硬,不动摇/hard; inflexible. Bronson played the part of a

revenge-driven man, adamant in his determination to punish the criminals who

destroyed his family. adamancy, N.

V. /放弃/renounce; give up. When Edward VIII abdicated the British throne to

marry the woman he loved, he surprised the entire world.

N. /瘾,依赖/compulsive, habitual need. His addiction to drugs caused his

friends much grief. abdicate addiction

abduction N. /绑架/kidnapping. The movie Ransom describes the attempts to rescue a

multimillionaire's son after the child's abduction by kidnappers. abduct,V.

aberrant N. /不正常的/abnormal or deviant. Given the aberrant nature of the data, we

doubted the validity of the entire experiment. also N.


allure V. /憎恨/detest; hate. She abhorred all forms of bigotry. abhorrence, N. V. /诱惑,引诱/entice; attract. Allured by the song of the sirens, the helmsman

steered the ship toward the reef. also N.

N. sage /智者;圣人/person celebrated for wisdom. Hearing tales of a mysterious Master of All

Knowledge who lived in the hills of Tibet, Sandy was possessed with a burning desire to consult

the legendary sage. alsoADJ.

saga N. /斯堪的纳维亚的传说;传奇/Scandinavian myth; any legend. This is a saga of the sea and the

men who risk their lives on it.

Sagacious ADJ. /有洞察力的/perceptive; shrewd; having insight. My father was a sagacious judge of character:

he could spot a phony a mile away. sagacity, N.

rudimentary ADJ. /原始的;最初的;原来的/not developed; elementary; crude. Although my grandmother's English

vocabulary was limited to a few rudimentary phrases, she always could make herself


rustic ADJ. /乡村的;笨拙的,不舒服的/pertaining to country people; uncouth. The backwoodsman looked

out of place in his rustic attire.


wry N. /渴望;瘾/longing; urge. She had a yen to get away and live on her own for a while. twisted; with a humorous twist. We enjoy Dorothy Parker's verse for its ADJ. /歪曲的;扭曲的/


wrench /扭曲;扭伤;曲解;折磨;拉/pull; strain; twist. She wrenched free of her attacker and landed a

powerful kick to his kneecap. V.

V.writhe /翻腾/twist in coils; contort in pain. In Dances with Snakes, the snake dancer wriggled

sinuously as her boa constrictor writhed around her torso.

wrath N. /恼火;愤怒/anger; fury. She turned to him, full of wrath, and said, "What makes you think I'll

accept lower pay for this job than you get?"


winnow N. /横财/unexpected lucky event. This huge tax refund is quite a windfall. /扬谷;分出好坏/sift; separate good parts from bad. This test will winnow out the students who

study from those who don't bother. V.

ADJ. /迷人的/winsome agreeable; gracious; engaging. By her winsome manner, she made herself liked by everyone who met her.


yield V. /屈服;放弃/give in; surrender. The wounded knight refused to yield to his foe. amount produced; crop; income on investment. An experienced farmer N. /产出;(投资的)回报/

can estimate the annual yield of his acres with surprising accuracy. alsoV.

zeal N. /热心;热诚/eager enthusiasm. Katya's zeal was contagious; soon all her fellow students

were busily making posters, inspired by her ardent enthusiasm for the cause. zealous,ADJ.

zealot N. /狂热者/fanatic; person who shows excessive zeal. Though Glenn was devout, he was no

zealot, he never tried to force his beliefs on his friends.

zenith N. /顶点/point directly overhead in the sky; summit. When the sun was at its zenith, the glare

was not as strong as at sunrise and sunset.


ruddy ADJ. /滑稽的;疯狂的/crazy; comic. I can watch the Marx brothers' zany antics for hours. reddish; healthy-looking. Santa Claus's ruddy cheeks nicely ADJ. /红的;红润的,白里透红的;健康的/

complement Rudolph the Reindeer's bright red nose.

rue V. /懊悔;后悔;感伤/regret; lament; mourn. Tina rued the night she met Tony and wondered how

she ever fell for such a jerk. rueful,ADJ.

salient ADJ. /显著的;突出的;卓越的/prominent. One of the salient features of that newspaper is its excellent

editorial page.

salubrious ADJ. /对健康有益的,利于养生的/healthful. Many people with hay fever move to more salubrious

sections of the country during the months of August and September.

salutary ADJ. /有用的;有益的/tending to improve; beneficial; wholesome. The punishment had a salutary

effect on the boy, as he became a model student.

sanction /批准,许可/approve; ratify. Nothing will convince me to sanction the engagement of my

daughter to such a worthless young man. V.

ADJ. /假正经的;假装神圣的/sanctimonious displaying ostentatious or hypocritical devoutness. You do not have to be so sanctimonious to prove that you are devout.

sanctuary N. /避难所/refuge; shelter; shrine; holy place. The tiny attic was Helen's sanctuary to which she

fled when she had to get away from the rest of her family.

sanguine ADJ. /高兴的;有希望的;乐天的/cheerful; hopeful. Let us not be too sanguine about the outcome;

something could go wrong.

sarcasm N. /挖苦;讽刺/scornful remarks; stinging rebuke. Though Ralph pretended to ignore the mocking

comments of his supposed friends, their sarcasm wounded him deeply.

sardonic ADJ. /讽刺的/disdainful; sarcastic; cynical. The sardonic humor of nightclub comedians who

satirize or ridicule patrons in the audience strikes some people as amusing and others as rude.

ambivalence N. /矛盾的观点或情绪/the state of having contradictory or conflicting

emotional attitudes. Torn between loving her parents one minute and hating

them the next, she was confused by the ambivalence of her feelings.


amble N. /漫步,缓行/moving at an easy pace. When she first mounted the horse, she

was afraid to urge the animal to go faster than a gentle amble. alsoV.

ambulatory ADJ. /可移动的,不固定/able to walk; not bedridden. Juan was a highly

ambulatory patient; not only did he refuse to be confined to bed, but he insisted

on riding his skateboard up and down the halls.

ameliorate V. /提高/improve. Many social workers have attempted to ameliorate the

conditions of people living in the slums.

amenable ADJ. /有服从义务的,随时服从的/readily managed; willing to be led. He was

amenable to any suggestions that came from those he looked up to; he

resented advice from his inferiors.

ADJ. urbane /文雅的;高雅的;彬彬有礼的/suave; refined; elegant. The courtier was urbane and

sophisticated. urbanity, N.

vagabond N. /流浪者/wanderer; tramp. In summer, college students wander the roads of Europe like

carefree vagabonds. alsoADJ.

vagrant N. /无家可归的流浪者/a homeless wanderer. Because he was a stranger in town with no visible

means of support, Martin feared he would be jailed as a vagrant. vagrancy, N.


vent N. /卖主/seller. The fruit vendor sold her wares from a stall on the sidewalk. a small opening; outlet. The wine did not flow because the air vent in the barrel N. /出口,出路/

was clogged.

vent V. /表达;发泄/express; utter. The angry teacher vented his wrath on his class.

N. /口技表演者/ventriloquist someone who can make his or her voice seem to come from another

person or thing. This ventriloquist does an act in which she has a conversation with a

wooden dummy.

venturesome ADJ. /冒险的/bold. A group of venturesome women were the first to scale Mt. Annapurna. velocity

venerable N. /速度/speed. The train went by at considerable velocity. deserving high respect. We do not mean to be disrespectful when we ADJ. /庄严的;值得尊重的/

refuse to follow the advice of our venerable leader.

venerate V. /崇敬/revere. In Tibet today, the common people still venerate their traditional spiritual

leader, the Dalai Lama.

venom N. /毒液;恶毒/poison; hatred. Bitten by a rattlesnake on his ankle, the cowboy contortionist

curled up like a pretzel and sucked the venom out of the wound.

venial ADJ. /可宽恕的/forgivable; trivial. When Jean Valjean stole a loaf of bread to feed his starving

sister, he committed a venial offense.

verisimilitude N. /逼真/appearance of truth; likelihood. Critics praised her for the verisimilitude of her verity











affinity performance as Lady Macbeth. She was completely believable. N. /真实;真理;真实的陈述/quality of being true; lasting truth or principle. Did you question the verity of Kato Kaelin's testimony about what he heard the night Nicole Brown Simpson was slain? To the skeptic, everything was relative: there were no eternal verities in which one could believe. N. /真实;准确性/truthfulness. Asserting his veracity, young George Washington proclaimed, "Father, I cannot tell a lie!" V. /描述/put into words. I know you don't like to talk about these things, but please try to verbalize your feelings. N. /空话;大话/pompous array of words. After we had waded through all the verbiage, we discovered that the writer had said very little. ADJ. /冗长的/wordy. Someone mute can't talk; someone verbose can hardly stop talking. V. /修订,修改,变更/correct; change, generally for the better. Hoping to amend his condition, he left Vietnam for the United States. V. /暗指/refer indirectly. Try not to mention divorce in Jack's presence because he will think you are alluding to his marital problems with Jill. N. /暗指,暗示/indirect reference. When Amanda said to the ticket scalper, "One hundred bucks? What do you want, a pound of flesh?," she was making an allusion to Shakespeare's Merchant of Venice. ADJ. /平易近人的/easily approachable; warmly friendly. Accustomed to cold, aloof supervisors, Nicholas was amazed at how affable his new employer was. N. /宣誓书/written statement made under oath. The court refused to accept his statement unless he presented it in the form of an affidavit. N. /联合,加入/joining; associating with. His affiliation with the political party was of short duration for he soon disagreed with his colleagues. N. /亲缘关系/kinship. She felt an affinity with all who suffered; their pains were

her pains.

affirmation N. /正面肯定,确认/positive assertion; confirmation; solemn pledge by one who

refuses to take an oath. Despite Tom's affirmations of innocence, Aunt Polly

still suspected he had eaten the pie.

slothful ADJ. /懒的/lazy. Lying idly on the sofa while others worked, Reggie denied he was slothful: "I

just supervise better lying down."

sluggard N. /懒人/lazy person. "You are a sluggard, a drone, a parasite," the angry father shouted at his

lazy son.

sluggish ADJ. /行动迟缓的/Slow; lazy; lethargic. After two nights without sleep, she felt sluggish and

incapable of exertion.

slur /模糊不清的说/speak indistinctly; mumble. When Sol has too much to drink, he starts to slur

his words: "Washamatter? Cansh you undershtand what I shay?" V.

N. slur /诽谤;侮辱/insult to one's character or reputation; slander. Polls revealed that the

front-runner's standing had been badly damaged by the slurs and innuendoes circulated by

his opponent's staff. also V. (secondary meaning)

subside V. /下沉;平息;减退/settle down; descend; grow quiet. The doctor assured us that the fever

would eventually subside.

subsidiary ADJ. /次要的;辅助的/subordinate; secondary. This information may be used as subsidiary

evidence but is not sufficient by itself to prove your argument. also N.

subsidy N. /政府的补助/direct financial aid by government, etc. Without this subsidy, American ship

operators would not be able to compete in world markets.

innate ADJ. /先天的,天生的/inborn. Mozart's parents soon recognized young Wolfgang's innate talent for


innocuous ADJ. /无害的,无辜的/harmless. An occasional glass of wine with dinner is relatively innocuous

and should have no ill effect on you.

innovation N. /发明;变革/change; introduction of something new. Although Richard liked to keep up with all

the latest technological innovations, he didn't always abandon tried and true techniques in

favor of something new. innovate,V.

innovative ADJ. /新奇的;创新的/novel; introducing a change. The establishment of our SAT I computer data

base has enabled us to come up with some innovative tactics for doing well on the SAT.

innuendo N. /暗示,旁侧敲击;暗讽;讽刺,冷嘲热讽/hint; insinuation. I can defend myself against direct

accusations; innuendos and oblique attacks on my character are what trouble me.

inopportune ADJ. /不合时宜的/untimely; poorly chosen. A rock concert is an inopportune setting for a quiet


inordinate ADJ. /紊乱的;不受限制的/unrestrained; excessive. She had an inordinate fondness for candy,

eating two or three boxes in a single day.

inquisitor N. /调查者;盘问者/questioner (especially harsh); investigator. Fearing being grilled ruthlessly by

the secret police, Masha faced her inquisitors with trepidation.

insalubrious ADJ. /有害的/unwholesome; not healthful. The mosquito-ridden swamp was an insalubrious

place, a breeding ground for malarial contagion.

insatiable ADJ. /不容易伺候的;贪婪的/not easily satisfied; unquenchable; greedy. David's appetite for oysters

was insatiable: he could easily eat four dozen at a single sitting.

insidious ADJ. /阴险的,奸诈的,狡猾的;鬼鬼祟祟的/treacherous; stealthy; sly. The fifth column is insidious

because it works secretly within our territory for our defeat.

insightful ADJ. /有洞察力的/discerning; perceptive. Sol thought he was very insightful about human

behavior, but he was actually clueless as to why people acted the way they did.

insinuate /暗示,含沙射影;慢慢的夺取,巧妙的迂回(进入)/hint; imply; creep in. When you said I looked

robust, did you mean to insinuate that I'm getting fat? V.

smelt /冶炼;精炼/melt or blend ores, changing their chemical composition. The furnaceman smelts

tin with copper to create a special alloy used in making bells. V.

N. /傻笑/smirk

affix conceited smile. Wipe that smirk off your face! alsoV. V. /增加,附于/fasten; attach; add on. First the registrar had to affix her signature

to the license; then she had to affix her official seal.

N. /痛苦/state of distress; cause of suffering. Even in the midst of her affliction,

Elizabeth tried to keep up the spirits of those around her. affliction

affluence N. /富足,财富/abundance; wealth. Foreigners are amazed by the affluence and

luxury of the American way of life.

affront N. /侮辱,冒犯;蓄意蔑视/insult; offense; intentional act of disrespect. When Mrs.

Proudie was not seated beside the Archdeacon at the head table, she took it as a

personal affront and refused to speak to her hosts for a week. alsoV.

aftermath N. /后果,结果/consequences; outcome; upshot. People around the world

wondered what the aftermath of China's violent suppression of the student

protests would be.

agenda N. /议程/items of business at a meeting. We had so much difficulty agreeing

upon an agenda that there was very little time for the meeting.

N. /方法,工具;代表/means or instrument; personal representative; person

acting in an official capacity. °I will be the agent of America's destruction,"

proclaimed the beady-eyed villain, whose agent had gotten him the role. With his

face, he could never have played the part of the hero, a heroic F.B.I. agent. agent

agglomeration N. /聚集,累积/collection; heap. It took weeks to assort the

agglomeration of miscellaneous items she had collected on her trip.

aggrandize V. /增加,加强/increase or intensify. The history of the past quarter century

illustrates how a President may aggrandize his power to act aggressively in

international affairs without considering the wishes of Congress.

aggregate V. /收集,聚集/gather; accumulate. Before the Wall Street scandals, dealers in

so-called junk bonds managed to aggregate great wealth in short periods of

time. aggregation, N.

aggressor N. /攻击者/attacker. Before you punish both boys for fighting, see whether you aghast












inhibit can determine which one was the aggressor. ADJ. /吓坏了的/horrified. He was aghast at the nerve of the speaker who had insulted his host. N. /敏捷/nimbleness. The agility of the acrobat amazed and thrilled the audience. V. /激怒,打扰/stir up; disturb. Her fiery remarks agitated the already angry mob. N. /无神论者/one who is skeptical of the existence or knowability of a god or any ultimate reality. Agnostics say we can neither prove nor disprove the existence of god; we simply just can't know. alsoADJ. ADJ. /耕地的,耕种的/pertaining to land or its cultivation. The country is gradually losing its agrarian occupation and turning more and more to an industrial point of view. N. /欢快的情绪/cheerful promptness. Phil and Dave were raring to get off to the mountains; they packed up their ski gear and climbed into the van with alacrity. N. /炼金术士/medieval chemistry. The changing of baser metals into gold was the goal of the students of alchemy. alchemist, N. N. /小隔间,壁橱/nook; small, recessed section of a room. Though their apartment lacked a full-scale dining room, an alcove adjacent to the living room made an adequate breakfast nook for the young couple. N. /蝰蛇/poisonous snake. The habitat of the horned viper, a particularly venomous snake, is in sandy regions like the Sahara or the Sinai peninsula. N. /活力/active strength. Although he was over seventy years old, Jack had the vigor of a man in his prime. vigorOUS,ADJ. ADJ. /能养活的;可行的/practical or workable; capable of maintaining life. That idea won't work. Let me see whether I can come up with a viable alternative. ADJ. /固有的,内在的;与生俱来的/firmly established by nature or habit. Katya's inherent love of justice caused her to champion anyone she considered treated unfairly by society. V. /限制,防止;阻碍/restrain; retard or prevent. Only two things inhibited him from taking a punch

at Mike Tyson: Tyson's left hook, and Tyson's right jab. The protective undercoating on my

car inhibits the formation of rust.

inimical ADJ. /不友好的;敌意的;有害的/unfriendly; hostile; harmful; detrimental. I've always been friendly to

Martha. Why is she so inimical to me?

inimitable ADJ. /独一无二的,独特的;防伪的,难以模仿的/matchless; not able to be imitated. We admire Auden

for his inimitable use of language; he is one of a kind.

vilify V. /诽谤;辱骂/slander. Waging a highly negative campaign, the candidate attempted to vilify his

opponent's reputation. vilification, N.

vindicate V. /辩护;维护/clear from blame; exonerate; justify or support. The lawyer's goal was to

vindicate her client and prove him innocent on all charges. The critics' extremely favorable

reviews vindicate my opinion that The Madness of King George is a brilliant movie.

vindictive ADJ. /报复性的/out for revenge; malicious. I think it's unworthy of Martha to be so vindictive; she

shouldn't stoop to such petty acts of revenge.


alienate N. /别名/an assumed name. John Smith's alias was Bob Jones. also ADV. V. /孤立,树敌/make hostile; separate. Her attempts to alienate the two friends

failed because they had complete faith in each other.

alimentary ADJ. /营养的/supplying nourishment. The alimentary canal in our bodies is so

named because digestion of foods occurs there. When asked for the name of the

digestive tract, Sherlock Holmes replied, "Alimentary, my dear Watson."

alimony N. /(离婚后的)生活费,抚养费/payment by a husband to his divorced wife (or

vice versa). Mrs. Jones was awarded $200 monthly alimony by the court when

she was divorced from her husband.

V. /平静下来,(使)冷静下来/calm; pacify. The crew tried to allay the fears of the

passengers by announcing that the fire had been controlled.

allege V. /断言/state without proof. Although it is alleged that she has worked for the

enemy, she denies the allegation and, legally, we can take no action against

her without proof. allegation, N.

allegiance N. /忠诚/loyalty. Not even a term in prison could shake Lech Walesa's

allegiance to Solidarity, the Polish trade union he had helped to found.



ubiquitous N. /大亨/allay wealthy leader. John D. Rockefeller was a prominent tycoon. tropical hurricane or cyclone. If you liked Twister, you'll love Typhoon! being everywhere; omnipresent. That Christmas "The Little Drummer Boy" N. /台风/ADJ. /无所不在的/

seemed ubiquitous; David heard the tune everywhere.

aloft ADV. /向上/upward. The sailor climbed aloft into the rigging. To get into a loft

bed, you have to climb aloft.

aloof ADJ. /孤零的, 冷淡的,分离,保留/apart; reserved. Shy by nature, she

remained aloof while all the rest conversed.

altercation N. /大声争吵,激烈争论/noisy quarrel; heated dispute. In that hot tempered

household, no meal ever came to a peaceful conclusion; the inevitable

altercation might even end in blows.

altruistic ADJ. /无私的,关心他人的/unselfishly generous; concerned for others. In

providing tutorial assistance and college scholarships for hundreds of

economically disadvantaged youths, Eugene Lang performed a truly altruistic

deed. altruism, N.

amalgamate V. /结合,整合/combine; unite in one body. The unions will attempt to

amalgamate their groups into one national body.

amass V. /收集/collect. The miser's aim is to amass and hoard as much gold as


N. /顶点/highest point. When the moon in its orbit is farthest away from the

earth, it is at its apogee.

abject ADJ. /穷困潦倒,卑微/wretched; lacking pride. On the streets of New York the

homeless live in abject poverty, huddling in doorways to find shelter from the


abjure V. /发誓放弃/renounce upon oath. He abjured his allegiance to the king.

abjuration, N.

N. /洗/washing. His daily ablutions were accompanied by loud noises that he

humorously labeled "Opera in the Bath." apogee ablution

abnegation N. /批判,自我牺牲/repudiation; self-sacrifice. No act of abnegation was more

pronounced than his refusal of any rewards for his discovery.

aboriginal ADJ., N. /原来的,土著的/being the first of its kind in a region; primitive; native.

Her studies of the primitive art forms of the aboriginal Indians were widely

reported in the scientific journals. aborigines, N.

abortive ADJ. /不成功的,失败/unsuccessful; fruitless. Attacked by armed troops, the

Chinese students had to abandon their abortive attempt to democratize Beijing

peacefully. abort,V.

abrade V. /磨损,侵蚀/wear away by friction; scrape; erode. The sharp rocks abraded

the skin on her legs, so she put iodine on her abrasions.

ADJ. /摩擦的,粗糙的,研磨剂/rubbing away; tending to grind down. Just as

abrasive cleaning powders can wear away a shiny finish, abrasive remarks can

wear away a listener's patience. abrade,V.

ADJ. /废除/abolish. He intended to abrogate the decree issued by his

predecessor. abrasive abrogate

abstain V. /控制,限制(自己)/refrain; hold oneself back voluntarily from an action or

practice. After considering the effect of alcohol on his athletic performance, he

decided to abstain from drinking while he trained for the race. abstinence, N.

abstinence N. /节制(饮食)/restraint from eating or drinking. The doctor recommended total

abstinence from salted foods. abstain,V.

abstruse ADJ. /难以理解的,复杂的/obscure; profound; difficult to understand. She

carries around abstruse works of philosophy, not because she understands

them but because she wants her friends to think she does.

ADJ. /粗俗的侮辱,对身体有害的/coarsely insulting; physically harmful. An

abusive parent damages a child both mentally and physically. abusive

debut = de + put

abut = a + put V. /毗邻/border upon; adjoin. Where our estates abut, we must build

a fence.

adjacent ADJ. /邻近的,毗邻的/adjoining; neighboring; close by. Philip's best friend

Jason lived only four houses down the block, close but not immediately


ADJ. /无底的/bottomless. His arrogance is exceeded only by his abysmal


N. /深渊,深坑,无底洞/enormous chasm; vast bottomless pit. Darth Vader

seized the evil emperor and hurled him down into the abyss,

V. /同意/agree. If I accede to this demand for blackmail, I am afraid that I will be

the victim of future demands.

accelerate V. /加速/move faster. In our science class, we learn how falling bodies


accentuate V. /强调,重音/emphasize; stress. If you accentuate the positive and eliminate the

negative, you may wind up with an overoptimistic view of the world.

accessible ADJ. /可得到的/easy to approach; obtainable. We asked our guide whether the

ruins were accessible on foot.

accessory N. /附件/additional object; useful but not essential thing. She bought an attractive

handbag as an accessory for her dress. alsoADJ.

acclaim V. /赞扬,表扬/applaud; announce with great approval. The NBC sportscasters

acclaimed every American victory in the Olympics and decried every American

defeat. also N.

ADJ. /保险精算的,精算/calculating; pertaining to insurance statistics. According

to recent actuarial tables, life expectancy is greater today than it was a century

ago. abysmal abyss accede actuarial

actuate V. /推动,促使/motivate. I fail to understand what actuated you to reply to this

letter so nastily.

address V. /发表(演讲),处理,讨论/direct a speech to; deal with or discuss. Due to

address the convention in July, Brown planned to address the issue of

low-income housing in his speech.

admonish V. /警告,训斥/warn; reprove. He admonished his listeners to change their

wicked ways. admonition, N.

admonition N. /警告/warning. After the student protesters repeatedly rejected Chairman

Deng's admonitions, the government issued an ultimatum: either the students

would end the demonstration at once or the soldiers would fire on the crowd.

acrimonious ADJ. /挖苦的,尖酸的(语言,行为)/bitter in words or manner. The candidate

attacked his opponent in highly acrimonious terms. acrimony,

adorn V. /装饰/decorate. Wall paintings and carved statues adorned the temple.

adornment, N.

adroit ADJ. /熟练,有技巧/skillful. His adroit handling of the delicate situation pleased

his employers.

Word List 2 adulation-amend

adulation N. /奉承,恭维/flattery; admiration. The rock star thrived on the adulation of his

groupies and yes men. adulate,V.

adulterate V. /掺杂/make impure by adding inferior or tainted substances. It is a crime to

adulterate foods without informing the buyer; when consumers learned that

Beech-Nut had adulterated their apple juice by mixing it with water, they

protested vigorously.

acclimate V. /适应/adjust to climate. One of the difficulties of our present air age is the need

of travelers to acclimate themselves to their new and often strange environments.

N. /上山的陡坡/sharp upslope of a hill. The car would not go up the acclivity in

high gear. acclivity

Proclivity 倾向, 爱好, 癖性, (通常指坏的)脾气(to, towards, for); proclivity to faultfinding;

a proclivity for dancing.

declivity 倾斜, 下坡, 倾斜面, 斜坡

accolade N. /出名的大奖,赞美,嘉奖,表扬/award of merit. In Hollywood, an "Oscar" is

the highest accolade.

accommodate V. /招待,食宿,适应/oblige or help someone; adjust or bring into harmony;

adapt. Mitch always did everything possible to accommodate his elderly relatives,

from driving them to medical appointments to helping them with paperwork.

(secondary meaning)

accomplice N. /共犯,同伙/partner in crime. Because he had provided the criminal with the

lethal weapon, he was arrested as an accomplice in the murder.


accost N. /一致/agreement. She was in complete accord with the verdict. V. /搭讪,邂逅/approach and speak first to a person. When the two young men

accosted me, I was frightened because I thought they were going to attack me.

accout re V. [E`kU:tE(r)] /装备/equip. The fisherman was accoutred with the best that the

sporting goods store could supply. accoutrements, N.

accretion N. /增长/growth; increase. The accretion of wealth marked the family's rise in

power. Increment decrement

accrue crue = grow V. /附带的/come about by addition. You must pay the interest that

has accrued on your debt as well as the principal sum. accrual, N.

acrid ADJ. /尖锐;尖酸/sharp; bitterly pungent. The acrid odor of burnt gunpowder filled

the room after the pistol had been fired.

N. /尖酸的(语气,脾气)/bitterness of speech and temper. The meeting of the

United Nations General Assembly was marked with such acerbity that informed

sources held out little hope of reaching any useful settlement of the problem.


ADJ. /酸的/vinegary. The salad had an exceedingly acetic flavor.

ADJ. /酸的;尖锐,刻薄/slightly sour; sharp, caustic. James was unpopular

because of his sarcastic and acidulous remarks.

acute ADJ. /精明,敏锐,聪明/quickly perceptive; keen; brief and severe. The acute

young doctor realized immediately that the gradual deterioration of her patient's

once acute hearing was due to a chronic illness, not an acute one.

acuity N. /尖锐/sharpness. In time his youthful acuity of vision failed him, and he

needed glasses. acerbity acetic acidulous

acumen N. /思想敏锐/mental keenness. His business acumen helped him to succeed

where others had failed.

acknowledge V. /认可,承认/recognize; admit. Although I acknowledge that the Beatles' tunes

sound pretty dated today, I still prefer them to the "gangsta rap" songs my

brothers play.

acme N. /顶点/top; pinnacle. His success in this role marked the acme of his career as

an actor.

N. /声学/science of sound; quality that makes a room easy or hard to hear in.

Carnegie Hall is liked by music lovers because of its fine acoustics. acoustics

acquiesce V. /默许/assent; agree without protesting. Although she appeared to acquiesce

to her employer's suggestions, I could tell she had reservations about the

changes he wanted made. acquiescence, N.; acquiescent,ADJ.

acquire V. /获取/obtain; get. Frederick Douglass was determined to acquire an education

despite his master's efforts to prevent his doing so.

quit N. /无罪开释/deliverance from a charge. His acquittal by the jury surprised

those who had thought him guilty. acquit,V.

N. /格言,谚语/wise saying; proverb. There is much truth in the old adage about

fools and their money.

V. /改变/alter; modify. Some species of animals have become extinct because

they could not adapt to a changing environment.

adept ADJ. /擅长于/expert at. She was adept at the fine art of irritating people. also


adhere V. /黏着/stick fast. I will adhere to this opinion until proof that I am wrong is

presented. adhesion, N.

N. /支持者,追随者/supporter; follower. In the wake of the scandal, the

senator's one-time adherents quickly deserted him.

N. /无用的附加物/something added on or attached (generally nonessential or

inferior). Although I don't absolutely need a second computer, I plan to buy a

laptop to serve as an adjunct to my desktop model. acquittal adage adapt adherent adjunct

addendum = add + end + um N. /附加,补充/an addition or supplement. As an addendum

to the minutes, let me point out that Susan moved to appoint Kathy and Arthur

to the finance committee.

seismic ADJ. /地震的/pertaining to earthquakes. The Richter scale is a measurement of seismic


sedate ADJ. /安静的;稳重的;低沉的/composed; grave. The parents were worried because they felt their

son was too quiet and sedate.

sedentary ADJ. /久坐的;坐惯的/requiring sitting. Disliking the effect of her sedentary occupation on her

figure, Stacy decided to work out at the gym every other day.

seclusion N. /隔离/isolation; solitude. One moment she loved crowds; the next, she sought seclusion.


scrutinize V. /明察/examine closely and critically. Searching for flaws, the sergeant scrutinized every

detail of the private's uniform.


saunter N. /专家,学者/scholar. Our faculty includes many worldfamous savants. /漫步;闲逛/stroll slowly. As we sauntered through the park, we stopped frequently to admire

the spring flowers. V.

archaeology N. /考古学/study of artifacts and relics of early mankind. The professor of

archaeology headed an expedition to the Gobi Desert in search of ancient


archaic ADJ. /过时的/antiquated. "Methinks," "thee," and "thou" are archaic words that

are no longer part of our normal vocabulary.

archetype N. /原形/prototype; primitive pattern. The Brooklyn Bridge was the archetype of

the many spans that now connect Manhattan with Long Island and New


archives N. /档案;档案馆/public records; place where public records are kept. These

documents should be part of the archives so that historians may be able to

evaluate them in the future.

ADJ. /激烈的;热心肠的;有激情的/intense; passionate; zealous. Katya's ardor

was contagious; soon all her fellow demonstrators were busily making posters

and handing out flyers, inspired by her ardent enthusiasm for the cause. ardor,



aria ADJ. /努力;奋发/hard; strenuous. Her arduous efforts had sapped her energy. N. /清唱剧/operatic solo. At her Metropolitan Opera audition, Marian Anderson

sang an aria from Norma.

arid ADJ. /荒芜的/dry; barren. The cactus has adapted to survive in an arid

environment. ardent

aristocracy N. /贵族/hereditary nobility; privileged class. Americans have mixed feelings

about hereditary aristocracy. we say all men are created equal, but we describe

particularly outstanding people as natural aristocrats.

armada N. /舰队/fleet of warships. Queen Elizabeth's navy defeated the mighty armada

that threatened the English coast.

aromatic ADJ. /芬芳的/fragrant. Medieval sailing vessels brought aromatic herbs from

China to Europe.

addle = a + d + idle V. / (使)变混乱, 使变疯,腐坏/muddle; drive crazy; become rotten.

This idiotic plan is confusing enough to addle anyone. addled,ADJ.

acrophobia N. /恐高症/fear of heights. A born salesman, he could convince someone with a

bad case of acrophobia to sign up for a life membership in a sky-diving club.

topography N. /地形学/physical features of a region. Before the generals gave the order to attack, they

ordered a complete study of the topography of the region.


torpor tortoiseN. /迟钝;麻木;不活泼/lethargy; sluggishness; dormancy. Throughout the winter,

nothing aroused the bear from his torpor: he would not emerge from hibernation until spring.


tortuous ADJ. /曲折的,蜿蜒的/winding; full of curves. Because this road is so tortuous, it is unwise to go

faster than twenty miles an hour on it.

torrent N. /急流;洪水/rushing stream; flood. Day after day of heavy rain saturated the hillside until the

water ran downhill in torrents. torrential, ADJ.

torrid t 踢ADJ. /有激情的;酷[灼]热的,热带的/passionate; hot or scorching. Harlequin Romances

publish torrid tales of love affairs, some set in torrid climates. torrid weather

torso N. /未完成的(不完整的)作品,残缺不全的东西/trunk of statue with head and limbs missing; human

trunk. This torso, found in the ruins of Pompeii, is now on exhibition in the museum in Naples.

totter V. /摇摆;摇摇欲坠/move unsteadily; sway, as if about to fall. On unsteady feet, the drunk

tottered down the hill to the nearest bar.

tout V. /吹捧/publicize; praise excessively. I lost confidence in my broker after he touted some junk

bonds to me that turned out to be a bad investment.

touchstone N. /试金石;准绳;标准;尺度/stone used to test the fineness of gold alloys; criterion. What

touchstone can be used to measure the character of a person?

touchy ADJ. /暴躁的;难以处理的;易上火的/sensitive; irascible. Do not mention his bald spot; he's very

touchy about it.

toxic ADJ. /有毒的/poisonous. We must seek an antidote for whatever toxic substance he has eaten.

toxicity, N.

tractable ADJ. /驯良的;温顺的;易处理的/docile; easily managed. Although Susan seemed a tractable young

woman, she had a stubborn streak of independence that occasionally led her to defy the powers-that-be when she felt they were in the wrong.

intractable ADJ. /难以处理的/unruly; stubborn; unyielding. Charlie Brown's friend Pigpen was intractable:

he absolutely refused to take a bath.

tract tractor N. /地域;小册子/region of land (often imprecisely described); pamphlet. The king

granted William Penn a tract of land in the New World. Penn then printed a tract in which he encouraged settlers to join his colony.

traduce tra 掐V. /诽谤;中伤/expose to slander. His opponents tried to traduce the candidate's

reputation by spreading rumors about his past.

N. /弹道;轨迹;抛物线/trajectory path taken by a projectile. The police tried to locate the spot from which the assassin had fired the fatal shot by tracing the trajectory of the bullet.

tranquillity tranquil adj N. /平静;冷静/calmness; peace. After the commotion and excitement of the

city, I appreciate the tranquillity of these fields and forests.

transcendent ADJ. /卓越的;非比寻常的/surpassing; exceeding ordinary limits; superior. For the amateur chef,

dining at the four-star restaurant was a transcendent experience: the meal surpassed his wildest dreams.

transcribe V. /复制/copy. When you transcribe your notes, please send a copy to Mr. Smith and keep the

original for our files. transcription, N.


transient N. /犯罪/violation of a law; sin. Forgive us our transgressions; we know not what we do. ADJ. /暂时的/momentary; temporary; staying for a short time. Lexy's joy at finding the perfect

Christmas gift for Phil was transient, she still had to find presents for the cousins and Uncle Bob. Located near the airport, this hotel caters to a largely transient trade. transience, N.

transition N. /过渡;转换;跃迁/going from one state of action to another. During the period of transition from

oil heat to gas heat, the furnace will have to be shut off.

transitory ADJ. /短时间的/impermanent; fleeting. Fame is transitory: today's rising star is all too soon

tomorrow's washed-up has-been. transitoriness, N.


translucent ADJ. /半透明的/partly transparent. We could not recognize the people in the next room because

of the translucent curtains that separated us.


transmute /改变/change; convert to something different. He was unable to transmute his dreams into

actualities. V.

transparent ADJ. /透明的;容易检测的,明晰的/easily detected; permitting light to pass through freely. John's

pride in his son is transparent; no one who sees the two of them together can miss it.

transport N. /运输;狂喜/strong emotion. Margo was a creature of extremes, at one moment in transports

of joy over a vivid sunset, at another moment in transports of grief over a dying bird. also V. (secondary meaning)




trepidation N. /振动的/trembling; slight quiver. She had a nervous tremor in her right hand. trembling; wavering. She was tremulous more from excitement than from fear. cutting; keen. I am afraid of his trenchant wit for it is so often sarcastic. ADJ. /震荡的/ADJ. /锋利的/N. /惧怕/fear; nervous apprehension. As she entered the office of the dean of admissions,

Sharon felt some trepidation about how she would do in her interview.

trespass V. /过失;侵入/unlawfully enter the boundaries of some else's property. The wicked baron

flogged any poacher who trespassed on his private hunting grounds. also N.

tribute N. /贡品;殷勤;颂词;礼物/tax levied by a ruler; mark of respect. The colonists refused to pay

tribute to a foreign despot.

trifling ADJ. /不重要的/trivial; unimportant. Why bother going to see a doctor for such a trifling, everyday


trigger /引起;触发;扳机/set off. John is touchy today; say one word wrong and you'll trigger an

explosion. V.

trinket N. /小玩意儿;密谋/knickknack; bauble. Whenever she traveled abroad, Ethel would pick up

costume jewelry and other trinkets as souvenirs.

trite ADJ. /陈腐的/hackneyed; commonplace. The trite and predictable situations in many television

programs turn off many viewers, who, in turn, turn off their sets.

trivial ADJ. /不重要的/unimportant; trifling. Too many magazines ignore newsworthy subjects and

feature trivial affairs. trivia, N.

insuperable ADJ. /不可战胜的,不能克服的/insurmountable; unbeatable. Though the odds against their

survival seemed insuperable, the Apollo 13 astronauts reached earth safely.

insurgent ADJ. /造反的,起义的/rebellious. Because the insurgent forces had occupied the capital and had

gained control of the railway lines, several of the war correspondents covering the uprising predicted a rebel victory.

insurmountable ADJ. /不能克服的,不能超越的/overwhelming; unbeatable; insuperable. Faced by almost

insurmountable obstacles, the members of the underground maintained their courage and will to resist.

insurrection N. /谋反的,造反的/rebellion; uprising. In retrospect, given how badly the British treated the

American colonists, the eventual insurrection seems inevitable.

intangible ADJ. /难以明了的,无形的;暧昧的,模糊的/not able to be perceived by touch; vague. Though the

financial benefits of his Oxford post were meager, Lewis was drawn to it by its intangible rewards: prestige, intellectual freedom, the fellowship of his peers.

integral ADJ. /一体的,完整的/complete; necessary for completeness. Physical education is an integral

part of our curriculum; a sound mind and a sound body are complementary.

integrate /整合,合并/make whole; combine; make into one unit. She tried to integrate all their activities

into one program. V.

N. /完整性/integrity uprightness; wholeness. Lincoln, whose personal integrity has inspired millions, fought a civil war to maintain the integrity of the Republic, that these United States might remain undivided for all time.

intellect N. /智力/higher mental powers. He thought college would develop his intellect. intelligentsia N. /知识分子;知识界/the intelligent and educated classes [often used derogatorily]. She

preferred discussions about sports and politics to the literary conversations of the intelligentsia.

intemperate ADJ. /过度的;极端的;放纵的/immoderate; excessive; extreme. In a temper, Tony refused to tone

down his intemperate remarks.


interim V. /埋/bury. They are going to inter the body tomorrow at Broadlawn Cemetery. meantime. The company will not consider our proposal until next week; in N. /临时的;间歇的/

the interim, let us proceed as we have in the past.

interloper N. /闯入者;干涉者/intruder; unwanted meddler. The merchant thought of his competitors as

interlopers who were stealing away his trade.

interment N. /埋葬/burial. Interment will take place in the church cemetery at 2 P.M. Wednesday. interminable ADJ. /无尽的/endless. Although his speech lasted for only twenty minutes, it seemed

interminable to his bored audience.

intermittent ADJ. /间歇的;断断续续的/periodic; on and off. The outdoor wedding reception had to be moved

indoors to avoid the intermittent showers that fell on and off all afternoon.

interrogate V. /审问;讯问/question closely; cross-examine. Knowing that the Nazis would interrogate him

about his background, the secret agent invented a cover story that would help him meet their questions.

intervene V. /干预;干涉/come between. When two close friends get into a fight, be careful if you try to

intervene; they may join forces to gang up on you.

intimacy N. /亲密;隐私/closeness, often affectionate; privacy; familiarity. In a moment of rare intimacy,

the mayor allowed the reporters a glimpse of his personal feelings about his family. intimate,ADJ.

intimate /私下的,秘密的,亲密的;宣告/hint; suggest. Was Dick intimating that Jane had bad breath when

he asked if she'd like a breath mint? V.

V.intimidate /使害怕/frighten. I'll learn karate and then those big bullies won't be able to intimidate me any more.

satiate /完全满足/satisfy fully. Having stuffed themselves until they were satiated, the guests were

so full they were ready for a nap. V.


satire /使心满意足;使过度满足;使腻/satisfy to the full; cloy. Its hunger sated. the lion dozed. form of literature in which irony, sarcasm, and ridicule are employed to attack vice N. /讽刺的/

and folly. Gulliver's Travels, which is regarded by many as a tale for children, is actually a bitter satire attacking man's folly.

satirical ADJ. /嘲弄的/mocking. The humor of cartoonist Gary Trudeau often is satirical; through the

comments of the Doonesbury characters, Trudeau ridicules political corruption and folly.


trough V. /湿透/soak thoroughly. Saturate your sponge with water until it can't hold any more. container for feeding farm animals; lowest point (of a wave, business cycle, etc.) N. /槽;低谷/

The hungry pigs struggled to get at the fresh swill in the trough. The surfer rode her board, coasting along in the trough between two waves.

truculence N. /野蛮;粗鲁/aggressiveness; ferocity. Tynan's reviews were noted for their caustic attacks

and general tone of truculence. truculent,ADJ.

truism N. /真实性/self-evident truth. Many a truism is summed up in a proverb; for example, "Marry in

haste, repent at leisure."

truncate /截去尖端/cut the top off. The top of a cone that has been truncated in a plane parallel to its

base is a circle. V.

N. /约会;幽会/tryst

tumult meeting. The lovers kept their tryst even though they realized their danger. commotion; riot; noise. She could not make herself heard over the tumult of the N. /吵闹;混乱/


turbid ADJ. /浑浊的;搅动了沉淀物的/muddy; having the sediment disturbed. The water was turbid after

the children had waded through it.

turbulence N. /湍流;骚乱;动荡/state of violent agitation. Warned of approaching turbulence in the

atmosphere, the pilot told the passengers to fasten their seat belts.

turgid ADJ. /肿胀的/swollen; distended. The turgid river threatened to overflow the levees and flood

the countryside.

turmoil N. /骚动;混乱/great commotion and confusion. Lydia running off with a soldier! Mother fainting

at the news! The Bennet household was in turmoil.

turncoat N. /叛徒;叛逆者/traitor. The British considered Benedict Arnold a loyalist; the Americans

considered him a turncoat.

turpitude N. /奸恶;卑鄙/depravity. A visitor may be denied admittance to this country if she has been

guilty of moral turpitude.

tutelage N. /监护/guardianship; training. Under the tutelage of such masters of the instrument, she

made rapid progress as a virtuoso.

tyranny N. /暴政;专制/oppression; cruel government. Frederick Douglass fought against the tyranny of

slavery throughout his life.

tyro N. /新手/beginner; novice. For a mere tyro, you have produced some wonderfully expert


Word List 48 ulterior-vehement

ulterior ADJ. /将来的;隐蔽的/situated beyond; unstated. You must have an ulterior motive for your

behavior, since there is no obvious reason for it.

ultimate ADJ. /终极的/final; not susceptible to further analysis. Scientists are searching for ultimate



tell." ADJ. /无责任的;无法解释的/inexplicable; unreasonable or mysterious. I have taken an unaccountable dislike to my doctor: "I do not love thee, Doctor Fell. The reason why, I cannot

unanimity N. /全体同意;全体一致/complete agreement. We were surprised by the unanimity with which

members of both parties accepted our proposals. unanimous,ADJ.

unassailable ADJ. /攻不破的/not subject to question; not open to attack. Penelope's virtue was unassailable;

while she waited for her husband to come back from the war, no other man had a chance.

unassuming ADJ. /谦逊的/modest. He is so unassuming that some people fail to realize how great a man he

really is.


uncanny ADJ. /放肆的;肆虐的/violent. She had a sudden fit of unbridled rage. ADJ. /离奇的/strange; mysterious. You have the uncanny knack of reading my innermost


unconscionable ADJ. /不合理的;不道德的;过度的/unscrupulous; excessive. She found the loan shark's

demands unconscionable and impossible to meet.

uncouth ADJ. /笨拙的;粗俗的/outlandish; clumsy; boorish. Most biographers portray Lincoln as an

uncouth and ungainly young man.

Unctuous ADJ. /油的;油质的;松软肥沃的/oily; bland; insincerely suave. Uriah Heep disguised his nefarious

actions by unctuous protestations of his "humility."

underlying ADJ. /根本的;在下面的;潜在的/fundamental; lying below. The underlying cause of the student riot

was not the strict curfew rule but the moldy cafeteria food. Miss Marple seems a sweet little old lady at first, but there's an iron will underlying that soft and fluffy facade.

undermine V. /破坏/weaken; sap. The recent corruption scandals have undermined many people's faith in

the city government. The recent torrential rains have washed away much of the cliffside; the deluge threatens to undermine the pillars supporting several houses at the edge of the cliff.

underscore V. /强调/emphasize. Addressing the jogging class, Kim underscored the importance to

runners of good nutrition.

undulating ADJ. /波浪的/moving with a wavelike motion. The Hilo Hula Festival was an undulating sea of

grass skirts.

unearth /出土;发掘/dig up. When they unearthed the city, the archeologists found many relics of an

ancient civilization. V.

unequivocal ADJ. /明白清楚的/plain; obvious; unmistakable. My answer to your proposal is an unequivocal

and absolute "No."

unerringly ADJ. /正确无误的/infallibly. My teacher unerringly pounced on the one typographical error in my


unfathomable ADJ. /不可理解的;不能渗透的/incomprehensible; impenetrable. Unable to get to the bottom of

the mystery, Watson declared it was unfathomable.

unfetter V. /解放/liberate; free from chains. Chained to the wall for months on end, the hostage

despaired that he would ever be unfettered.

unfrock V. /解除神职/to strip a priest or minister of church authority. To disbar a lawyer, to unfrock a

priest, to suspend a doctor's license to practice-these are extreme steps that the authorities should take only after careful consideration.

ungainly ADJ. /糟糕的;笨拙的/awkward; clumsy; unwieldy. "If you want to know whether Nick's an

ungainly dancer, check out my bruised feet," said Nora. Anyone who has ever tried to carry a bass fiddle knows it's an ungainly instrument.

uniformity N. /一致性;同样/sameness; monotony. At Persons magazine, we strive for uniformity of style;

as a result, all our writers wind up sounding exactly alike.

unimpeachable ADJ. /无懈可击的/blameless and exemplary. Her conduct in office was unimpeachable

and her record is spotless.

uninhibited ADJ. /放荡不羁的;不受限制的/unrepressed. The congregation was shocked by her uninhibited

laughter during the sermon.

unintimidating ADJ. /无惧的/unfrightening. Though Phil had expected to feel overawed when he met

Steve Young, he found the famous quarterback friendly and unintimidating.

unique ADJ. /独一无二的/without an equal; single in kind. You have the unique distinction of being the

only student whom I have had to fail in this course.

universal ADJ. /通用的/characterizing or affecting all; present everywhere. At first, no one shared

Christopher's opinions; his theory that the world was round was met with universal disdain.

unkempt ADJ. /蓬乱的;粗野的;不洁的/disheveled; uncared for in appearance. Jeremy hated his

neighbor's unkempt lawn: he thought its neglected appearance had a detrimental effect on neighborhood property values.

unmitigated ADJ. /未缓和的;绝对的/unrelieved or immoderate; absolute. After four days of unmitigated heat,

I was ready to collapse from heat prostration. The congresswoman's husband was an unmitigated jerk: not only did he abandon her, he took her campaign funds, too!

unobtrusive ADJ. /不显眼的;朴素的/inconspicuous; not blatant. Reluctant to attract notice, the governess

took a chair in a far corner of the room and tried to be as unobtrusive as possible.

unpalatable ADJ. /厌恶的;不好吃的;味道糟糕的/distasteful; disagreeable. "I refuse to swallow your

conclusion," said she, finding his logic unpalatable.

unprecedented ADJ. /空前的/novel; unparalleled. For a first novel, Margaret Mitchell's novel Gone with

the Wind was an unprecedented success.

unprepossessing ADJ. /不吸引人的/unattractive. During adolescence many attractive young people

somehow acquire the false notion that their appearance is unprepossessing.

unravel V. /拆开;解决/disentangle; solve. With equal ease Miss Marple unraveled tangled balls of yarn

and baffling murder mysteries.

unrequited ADJ. /不报答的,不回应的/not reciprocated. Suffering the pangs of unrequited love, Olivia

rebukes Cesario for his hardheartedness.

unruly ADJ. /不服从的;倔强的/disobedient; lawless. The only way to curb this unruly mob is to use tear


unscathed ADJ. /没有受伤的/unharmed. They prayed he would come back from the war unscathed.

unseemly ADJ. /不体面的/unbecoming; indecent; in poor taste. When he put whoopie cushions on all the

seats in the funeral parlor, his conduct was most unseemly.

unsightly ADJ. /难看的/ugly. Although James was an experienced emergency room nurse, he

occasionally became queasy when faced with a particularly unsightly injury.

unstinting ADJ. /慷慨的;无保留的/giving generously; not holding back. The dean praised the donor of the

new science building for her unstinting generosity.

untenable ADJ. /防不住的;防不胜防的;站不住的/indefensible; not able to be maintained. Wayne is so

contrary that, the more untenable a position is, the harder he'll try to defend it.

unwarranted ADJ. /莫名其妙的;没来由的;冤枉的/unjustified; groundless; undeserved. Your assumption that

I would accept your proposal is unwarranted, sir; I do not want to marry you at all. We could not understand Martin's unwarranted rudeness to his mother's guests.

unwieldy ADJ. /糟糕的;笨拙的/awkward; cumbersome; unmanageable. The large carton was so unwieldy

that the movers had trouble getting it up the stairs.


upbraid ADJ. /不知情的/unintentional; not knowing. She was the unwitting tool of the swindlers. V. /责备/severely scold; reprimand. Not only did Miss Minchin upbraid Ermengarde for her

ADJ. disobedience, but she hung her up by her braids from a coat rack in the classroom. uproarious marked by commotion; extremely funny; very noisy. The uproarious comedy hit Ace Ventura: Pet Detective starred Jim Carrey, whose comic mugging provoked gales of uproarious laughter from audiences coast to coast.

upshot N. /结果/outcome. The upshot of the rematch was that the former champion proved that he

still possessed all the skills of his youth.

usurp /篡取/seize another's power or rank. The revolution ended when the victorious rebel

general succeeded in his attempt to usurp the throne. V.

N. /乌托邦/utopia ideal place, state, or society. Fed up with this imperfect universe, Don would have

ADJ. liked to run off to Shangri-la or some other imaginary utopia. utopian, vacillate V.

waver; fluctuate. Uncertain which suitor she ought to marry, the princess vacillated, saying now one, now the other. The big boss likes his people to be decisive: when he asks you for your opinion, whatever you do, don't vacillate. vacillation, N.

vacuous ADJ. /空虚的;空的/empty; inane. The vacuous remarks of the politician annoyed the audience,

who had hoped to hear more than empty platitudes.

valedictory ADJ. /告别的/pertaining to farewell. I found the valedictory address too long; leave-taking

should be brief.

valid ADJ. /正当的;有效的/logically convincing; sound; legally acceptable. You're going to have to

come up with a better argument if you want to convince me that your reasoning is valid.


valor V. /批准;确认/confirm; ratify. I will not publish my findings until I validate my results. bravery. He received the Medal of Honor for his valor in battle. N. /英勇;勇猛/

vampire N. /吸血鬼/ghostly being that sucks the blood of the living. Children were afraid to go to sleep

because of the many legends of vampires roaming at night.

vanguard N. /先驱;先锋/forerunners; advance forces. We are the vanguard of a tremendous army that is

following us.

vantage N. /优势/position giving an advantage. They fired upon the enemy from behind trees, walls and

any other point of vantage they could find.

vapid ADJ. /平淡单调的;索然无味的;缺乏想象力的/dull and unimaginative; insipid and flavorless.

"Bor-ing!" said Jessica, as she suffered through yet another vapid lecture about Dead White Male Poets.

*vaporize /蒸发/turn into vapor (steam, gas, fog, etc.). "Zap!" went Super Mario's atomic ray gun as he

vaporized another deadly foe. V.

ADJ. variegated /杂色的/many-colored. Without her glasses, Gretchen saw the fields of tulips as a variegated blur.

veer V. /转向/change in direction. After what seemed an eternity, the wind veered to the east and

the storm abated.

vehement ADJ. /激烈的;热烈的/forceful; intensely emotional; with marked vigor. Alfred became so

vehement in describing what was wrong with the Internal Revenue Service that he began jumping up and down and frothing at the mouth. vehemence, N.

Word List 49 velocity-vogue

venal ADJ. /贪污的/capable of being bribed. The venal policeman cheerfully accepted the bribe

offered him by the speeding motorist whom he had stopped.


veneer N. /深仇;世仇/blood feud. The rival mobs engaged in a bitter vendetta. N. /薄板;外表/thin layer; cover. Casual acquaintances were deceived by his veneer of

sophistication and failed to recognize his fundamental shallowness.


verdant ADV. /逐字的/word for word. He repeated the message verbatim. alsoADJ. ADJ. /翠绿的;生疏的;无经验的/green; lush in vegetation. Monet's paintings of the verdant

meadows were symphonies in green.

verge N. /边界/border; edge. Madame Curie knew she was on the verge of discovering the secrets of

radioactive elements. alsoV.

vernacular N. /母语;本国;本来的东西/living language; natural style. Cut out those old-fashioned thee's and

thou's and write in the vernacular. alsoADJ.

versatile ADJ. /万能的;通用的;多面手的/having many talents; capable of working in many fields. She was

a versatile athlete, earning varsity letters in basketball, hockey, and track.

vertex N. /顶点/summit. Let us drop a perpendicular line from the vertex of the triangle to the base.

vertigo N. /晕眩/severe dizziness. When you test potential airplane pilots for susceptibility to spells of

vertigo, be sure to hand out air-sickness bags.

verve N. /神韵;活力;热情/enthusiasm; liveliness. She approached her studies with such verve that it

was impossible for her to do poorly.

vestige N. /遗迹;痕迹;残留物/trace; remains. We discovered vestiges of early Indian life in the cave.



vicarious N. /激怒;惹恼/annoy; distress. Please try not to vex your mother; she is doing the best she can. acting as a substitute; done by a deputy. Many people get a vicarious ADJ. /代理的;代理人的/

thrill at the movies by imagining they are the characters on the screen.

vicissitude N. /转运/change of fortune. Humbled by life's vicissitudes, the last emperor of China worked as

a lowly gardener in the palace over which he had once ruled.

vie /竞争/contend; compete. Politicians vie with one another, competing for donations and

votes. V.

N. /警惕/vigilance


virile watchfulness. Eternal vigilance is the price of liberty. picture; short literary sketch. The New Yorker published her latest vignette. manly. I do not accept the premise that a man proves he's virile by N. /小插图/ADJ. /男子的;男子气概的/

being belligerent.

virtual /有效的;实质的;虚的/in essence; for practical purposes. She is a virtual financial wizard

when it comes to money matters. ADJ.

N. /美德/virtue goodness, moral excellence; good quality. Virtue carried to extremes can turn into vice: humility, for example, can degenerate into servility and spinelessness.

virtuoso N. /艺术品鉴赏家/highly skilled artist. The child prodigy Yehudi Menuhin grew into a virtuoso

whose violin performances thrilled millions. virtuosity, N.

virulent ADJ. /剧毒的/extremely poisonous; hostile; bitter. Laid up with a virulent case of measles, Vera

blamed her doctors because her recovery took so long. In fact, she became quite virulent on the subject of the quality of modern medical care.

virus N. /病毒/disease communicator. The doctors are looking for a specific medicine to control this


visceral ADJ. /内脏的/felt in one's inner organs. She disliked the visceral sensations she had whenever

she rode the roller coaster.



vise ADJ. /粘合的/adhesive; gluey. The trunk of the maple tree was viscid with sap. ADJ. /粘的/sticky; gluey. Melted tar is a viscous substance. Viscosity, N. tool for holding work in place. Before filing its edges, the locksmith took the blank N. /老虎钳/

key and fixed it firmly between the jaws of a vise.

visionary ADJ. /幻想的/produced by imagination; fanciful; mystical. She was given to visionary schemes

that never materialized. also N.

vital ADJ. /重要的;生命的;生机的/vibrant and lively; critical; living, breathing. The vital, highly

energetic first aid instructor stressed that it was vital in examining accident victims to note their vital signs.

vitriolic ADJ. /腐蚀的;硫酸的;讽刺的/corrosive; sarcastic. Such vitriolic criticism is uncalled for. vituperative ADJ. /责骂的/abusive; scolding. He became more vituperative as he realized that we were not

going to grant him his wish.


vociferous ADJ. /生动的/animated; lively. She had always been vivacious and sparkling. clamorous; noisy. The crowd grew vociferous in its anger and threatened to ADJ. /喊叫的;吵闹的/

take the law into its own hands.

vogue N. /时尚/popular fashion. Jeans became the vogue on many college campuses. Word List 50 volatile-zephyr

volatile ADJ. /挥发的;飞行的;可变的;爆炸的/changeable; explosive; evaporating rapidly. The political

climate today is extremely volatile: No one can predict what the electorate will do next. Maria Callas's temper was extremely volatile: The only thing you could predict was that she was sure to blow up. Acetone is an extremely volatile liquid: It evaporates instantly.


voluble N. /意志/act of making a conscious choice. She selected this dress of her own volition. fluent; glib; talkative. The excessively voluble speaker suffers from ADJ. /口齿伶俐的;爱说话的/

logorrhea: he runs off at the mouth a lot!

voluminous ADJ. /庞大的/bulky; large. A caftan is a voluminous garment; most people wearing one look as if

they're draped in a small tent.


vortex ADJ. /令人满足的/gratifying the senses. The nobility during the Renaissance led voluptuous whirlwind; whirlpool; center of turbulence; predicament N. /漩涡;漩涡中心;(争斗、讨论的)中心/

into which one is inexorably plunged. Sucked into the vortex of the tornado, Dorothy and Toto were carried from Kansas to Oz.

vouchsafe V. /允许;赐予/grant; choose to give in reply; permit. Occasionally the rock star would drift out

onto the balcony and vouchsafe the crowd below a glimpse of her celebrated features. The professor vouchsafed not a word to the students' questions about what would be covered on the test.

voyeur N. /偷窥者/Peeping Tom. Nancy called her brother a voyeur when she caught him aiming his

binoculars at an upstairs window of the house of the newlyweds next door.

vulnerable ADJ. /易受攻击的/susceptible to wounds. His opponents could not harm Achilles, who was

vulnerable only in his heel.

waffle waft waggish waif waive wake wallow wan wane wanton warble welter wheedle whelp whet whiff V. /闲聊;胡扯/speak equivocally about an issue. When asked directly about the governor's involvement in the savings and loan scandal, the press secretary waffled, talking all around the issue. V. /飘荡;信号/moved gently by wind or waves. Daydreaming, he gazed at the leaves that wafted past his window. ADJ. /滑稽的;爱开玩笑的/mischievous; humorous; tricky. He was a prankster who, unfortunately, often overlooked the damage he could cause with his waggish tricks. wag, N. N. /流浪儿童;流浪者/homeless child or animal. Although he already had eight cats, he could not resist adopting yet another feline waif. V. /暂时放弃;屈从/give up temporarily; yield. I will waive my rights in this matter in order to expedite our reaching a proper decision. N. /尾迹;痕迹/trail of ship or other object through water; path of something that has gone before. The wake of the swan gliding through the water glistened in the moonlight. Reporters and photographers converged on South Carolina in the wake of the hurricane that devastated much of the eastern seaboard. V. /打滚;沉湎;堕落/roll in; indulge in; become helpless. The hippopotamus loves to wallow in the mud. ADJ. /苍白的/having a pale or sickly color; pallid. Suckling asked, "Why so pale and wan, fond lover?" V. /减少;变弱/decrease in size or strength; draw gradually to an end. When lit, does a wax candle wane? ADJ. /荒唐的;挥霍的;放荡的;不受限制的/unrestrained; willfully malicious; unchaste. Pointing to the stack of bills, Sheldon criticized Sarah for her wanton expenditures. In response, Sarah accused Sheldon of making an unfounded, wanton attack. V. /颤声轻唱;鸟鸣/sing; babble. Every morning the birds warbled outside her window. also N. N. /翻滚;挣扎;骚乱;搅乱/turmoil; bewildering jumble. The existing welter of overlapping federal and state programs cries out for immediate reform. V. /哄骗;诱骗/cajole; coax; deceive by flattery. She knows she can wheedle almost anything she wants from her father. N. /幼兽/young wolf, dog, tiger, etc. This collie whelp won't do for breeding, but he'd make a fine pet. V. /锐化;刺激/sharpen; stimulate. The odors from the kitchen are whetting my appetite; I will be ravenous by the time the meal is served. N. /一吹;一喷/puff or gust (of air, scent, etc.); hint. The slightest whiff of Old Spice cologne

brought memories of George to her mind.

whimsical ADJ. /无常的;古怪的/capricious; fanciful. In Mrs. Doubtfire, the hero is a playful, whimsical man

who takes a notion to dress up as a woman so that he can look after his children, who are in the custody of his ex-wife. whimsy, N.


whittle V. /马嘶/neigh like a horse. When he laughed through his nose, it sounded as if he whinnied. /切;削;损害/pare; cut off bits. As a present for Aunt Polly, Tom whittled some clothespins out of

a chunk of wood. V.

ADJ. /顽固的;故意的/willful intentional; headstrong. Donald had planned to kill his wife for months; clearly, her death was a case of deliberate, willful murder, not a crime of passion committed by a hasty, willful youth unable to foresee the consequences of his deeds.


wispy ADJ. /狡猾的/cunning; artful. She is as wily as a fox in avoiding trouble. thin; slight; barely discernible. Worried about preserving his few wispy tufts ADJ. /纤细的;脆弱的/

of hair, Walter carefully massaged his scalp and applied hair restorer every night.

wistful ADJ. /渴望的/vaguely longing; sadly thoughtful. With a last wistful glance at the happy couples

dancing in the hall, Sue headed back to her room to study for her exam.

withdrawn ADJ. /内向的;孤僻的/introverted; remote. Rebuffed by his colleagues, the initially outgoing young

researcher became increasingly withdrawn.


withhold V. /凋谢;枯萎/shrivel; decay. Cut flowers are beautiful for a day, but all too soon they wither. /拒给;保留/refuse to give; hold back. The tenants decided to withhold a portion of the rent

until the landlord kept his promise to renovate the building. V.

withstand /抵抗;经受住/stand up against; successfully resist. If you can withstand all the peer pressure

in high school to cut classes and goof off, you should survive college just fine. V.

ADJ. /无知的;轻率的/witless

witticism foolish; idiotic. If Beavis is a half-wit, then Butthead is totally witless. N. /俏皮话/witty saying; wisecrack. I don't mean any criticism, but that last witticism totally hurt

my feelings.


woe N. /巫术,魔术/sorcery; magic. Merlin the Magician amazed the knights with his wizardry. N. /悲哀的/deep, inconsolable grief; affliction; suffering. Pale and wan with grief, Wanda was

bowed down beneath the burden of her woes.

worldly ADJ. /世俗的/engrossed in matters of this earth; not spiritual. You must leave your worldly

goods behind you when you go to meet your Maker.

xenophobia N. /惧外的/fear or hatred of foreigners. When the refugee arrived in America, he was

unprepared for the xenophobia he found there.

yoke V. /结合;连接/join together, unite. I don't wish to be yoked to him in marriage, as if we were

cattle pulling a plow. also N.

yore N. /往昔/time past. He dreamed of the elegant homes of yore, but gave no thought to their

inelegant plumbing.

zephyr N. /和风;徐风/gentle breeze; west wind. When these zephyrs blow, it is good to be in an open

boat under a full sail.

scurvy ADJ. /下流的;卑鄙的,无理的;坏血病/despicable; contemptible. Peter Pan sneered at Captain Hook

and his scurvy crew.

scamp = sc + a + m + p N. /流氓,无赖/rascal. Despite his mischievous behavior, Malcolm was

such an engaging scamp that his mother almost lacked the heart to punish him. /迸出火花;发出闪烁/sparkle; flash. I enjoy her dinner parties because the food is excellent and the conversation scintillates. V.

V.scintillate scruple /踌躇;忧郁/fret about; hesitate, for ethical reasons. Fearing that her husband had become involved in an affair, she did not scruple to read his diary. also N.

scrupulous ADJ. /小心翼翼的;谨慎的/conscientious; extremely thorough. Though Alfred is scrupulous in

fulfilling his duties at work, he is less conscientious about his obligations to his family and friends.

salacious ADJ. /好色的;淫荡的/lascivious; lustful. Chaucer's monk is not pious but salacious. a teller of lewd

tales and ribald jests.

sartorial ADJ. /裁缝的;缝纫机的;缝匠肌的/pertaining to tailors. He was as famous for the sartorial splendor of

his attire as he was for his acting.

scanty ADJ. /缺乏的;稀疏的/meager; insufficient. Thinking his helping of food was scanty, Oliver Twist

asked for more.

scavenge V. /腐食;打扫/hunt through discarded materials for usable items; search, especially for food. If

you need car parts that the dealers no longer stock, try scavenging for odd bits and pieces at the auto wreckers' yards. scavenger, N.scuffle V. /徘徊(思考问题);混战/struggle confusedly; move off in a confused hurry. The twins briefly scuffled, wrestling to see which of them would get the toy. When their big brother yelled, "Let go of my Gameboy!" they scuffled off down the hall. scurrilous ADJ. obscene; indecent. Your scurrilous remarks are especially offensive because they are untrue.

sectarian ADJ. /宗派主义的;地区主义的;宗派主义者;狭窄的/relating to a religious faction or subgroup;

narrow-minded; limited. Far from being broad-minded, the religious leader was intolerant of new ideas, paying attention only to purely sectarian interests. sect. N.

seedy ADJ. /破烂不堪的;褴褛的;不合适的/run-down; decrepit; disreputable. I would rather stay in dormitory

lodgings in a decent youth hostel than have a room of my own in a seedy downtown hotel.

seemly ADJ. /适宜的,合适的/proper; appropriate. Lady Bracknell did not think it was seemly for Ernest to

lack a proper family: no baby abandoned on a doorstep could grow up to be a fit match for her daughter.

seep V. /渗出;渗漏/ooze; trickle. During the rainstorm, water seeped through the crack in the

basement wall and damaged the floor boards. seepage, N.

seethe /扰乱的;沸腾/be disturbed; boil. The nation was seething with discontent as the noblemen

continued their arrogant ways. V.

N. /神学院;学院;发祥地/seminary school for training future ministers; academy for young women. Sure of his priestly vocation, Terrence planned to pursue his theological training at the local Roman Catholic seminary.

sensual ADJ. /感官的;肉欲的;感官论的/devoted to the pleasures of the senses; carnal; voluptuous. I cannot

understand what caused him to abandon his sensual way of life and become so ascetic.

sententious ADJ. /简洁的;警句式的,格言式的/terse; concise; aphoristic. After reading so many redundant

speeches, I find his sententious style particularly pleasing.

sentinel N. /哨兵/sentry; lookout. Though camped in enemy territory, Bledsoe ignored the elementary

precaution of posting sentinels around the encampment.

Word List 43 sequester-solvent

sequester V. /隐退;隔离/isolate; retire from public life; segregate; seclude. Banished from his kingdom,

the wizard Prospero sequestered himself on a desert island. To prevent the jurors from hearing news broadcasts about the case, the judge decided to sequester the jury.

serendipity N. /有发现意外之财的运气/gift for finding valuable or desirable things by accident; accidental good

fortune or luck. Many scientific discoveries are a matter of serendipity. Newton was not sitting under a tree thinking about gravity when the apple dropped on his head.

serenity N. /平静/calmness; placidity. The sound of air raid sirens pierced the serenity of the quiet

ADJ. village of Pearl Harbor. serpentine

in the serpentine road. winding; twisting. The car swerved at every curve

serrated ADJ. /锯齿状的/having a sawtoothed edge. The beech tree is one of many plants that have

serrated leaves.

servile ADJ. /奴隶的;奴性的/slavish; cringing. Constantly fawning on his employer, humble Uriah Heap

was a servile creature.

servitude N. /奴隶身份;苦工/slavery; compulsory labor. Born a slave, Frederick Douglass resented his life

of servitude and plotted to escape to the North.

sever V. /切断/cut; separate. The released prisoner wanted to begin a new life and sever all

connections with his criminal past. Dr. Guillotin invented a machine that could neatly sever an aristocratic head from its equally aristocratic body. Unfortunately, he couldn't collect any severance pay. severance, N.

sat词汇表 sat巴郎 SAT巴郎词汇

severity N. /严肃;严格;激烈/harshness; intensity; sternness; austerity. The severity of Jane's migraine

attack was so great that she took to her bed for a week.

shackle V. /手铐;枷锁;脚镣/chain; fetter. The criminal's ankles were shackled to prevent his escape.

also N.

sham V. /佯装;假的;赝品/pretend. He shammed sickness to get out of going to school. also N.

shambles shard sheaf shear sheathe sheer shimmer shirk shoddy shrewd shroud shun

shyster sibling simian simile N. /混乱的地方;肉铺/wreck; mess. After the hurricane, the Carolina coast was a shambles. After the New Year's Eve party, the apartment was a shambles. N. /碎片(陶瓷的)/fragment, generally of pottery. The archaeologist assigned several students the task of reassembling earthenware vessels from the shards he had brought back from the expedition. N. /捆;扎(秸秆)/bundle of stalks of grain; any bundle of things tied together. The lawyer picked up a sheaf of papers as he rose to question the witness. V. /剪;修剪/cut or clip (hair, fleece); strip of something. You may not care to cut a sheep's hair, but Sarah shears sheep for Little Bo Peep. V. /插入鞘/place into a case. As soon as he recognized the approaching men, he sheathed his dagger and hailed them as friends. ADJ. /纯粹的,,绝对的;透明的;峻峭的;避开,躲避;偏航,避开/very thin or transparent; very steep; absolute. Wearing nothing but an almost sheer robe, Delilah draped herself against the sheer temple wall. Beholding her, Samson was overcome by her sheer beauty. Then she sheared his hair. V. /微光/glimmer intermittently. The moonlight shimmered on the water as the moon broke through the clouds for a moment. also N. V. /逃避,推卸;避免/avoid (responsibility, work, etc.); malinger. Brian has a strong sense of duty; he would never shirk any responsibility. ADJ. /以次充好的;赝品/sham; not genuine; inferior. You will never get the public to buy such shoddy material. ADJ. /精明;敏锐/clever; astute. A shrewd investor, he took clever advantage of the fluctuations of the stock market. V. /裹尸;隐藏/hide from view; wrap for burial. Fog shrouded Dracula's castle, hiding the ruined tower beneath sheets of mist. V. /避免/keep away from. Cherishing his solitude, the recluse shunned the company of other human beings. N. /讼棍;政界的奸诈之徒/lawyer using questionable methods. On L.A. Law, Brackman is horrified to learn that his newly-discovered half brother is nothing but a cheap shyster. N. /兄弟姐妹/brother or sister. We may not enjoy being siblings, but we cannot forget that we still belong to the same family. ADJ. /像猴的/monkeylike. Lemurs are nocturnal mammals and have many simian characteristics, although they are less intelligent than monkeys. N. /明喻;比较/comparison of one thing with another, using the word like or as. "My love is like a

red, red rose" is a simile.

simper V. /痴笑;傻笑/smirk; smile affectedly. Complimented on her appearance, Stella

self-consciously simpered.

Simplistic ADJ. /过分单纯化的/oversimplified. Though Jack's solution dealt adequately with one aspect of

the problem, it was simplistic in failing to consider various complications that might arise.


sinecure V. /模仿;冒充/feign. He simulated insanity in order to avoid punishment for his crime. well-paid position with little responsibility. My job is no sinecure; I work N. /闲职,报纸茶水的工作/














slander long hours and have much responsibility. ADJ. /结实;硬朗的/tough; strong and firm. The steak was too sinewy to chew. ADJ. /奇的;独一无二的/unique; extraordinary; odd. Though the young man tried to understand Father William's singular behavior, he still found it odd that the old man incessantly stood on his head. singularity, N. ADJ. /邪恶的/evil. We must defeat the sinister forces that seek our downfall. ADJ. /蜿蜒的;弯曲复杂的;不老实的/winding; bending in and out; not morally honest. The snake moved in a sinuous manner. N. /怀疑论者/doubter; person who suspends judgment until the evidence supporting a point of view has been examined. I am a skeptic about the new health plan; I want some proof that it can work. skepticism, N. N. /小船/small, light sailboat or rowboat. Tom dreamed of owning an ocean-going yacht but had to settle for a skiff he could sail in the bay. V. /节约的使用/provide scantily; live very economically. They were forced to skimp on necessities in order to make their limited supplies last the winter. N. /守财奴;吝啬鬼/stingy person; miser. Scrooge was an ungenerous old skinflint until he reformed his ways and became a notable philanthropist. N. /小规模战争;小打小闹/minor fight. Custer's troops expected they might run into a skirmish or two on maneuvers; they did not expect to face a major battle. alsoV. V. /偷懒;偷偷的移动/move furtively and secretly. He skulked through the less fashionable sections of the city in order to avoid meeting any of his former friends. V. /放松;放慢/slow up; loosen. As they passed the finish line, the runners slackened their pace. N. /矿渣;炉渣;渣滓/residue from smelting metal; dross; waste matter. The blast furnace had a special opening at the bottom to allow the workers to remove the worthless slag. V. /结束;平息;消除;伺候舒服/quench; sate. When we reached the oasis, we were able to slake our thirst. N. /诽谤/defamation; utterance of false and malicious statements. Considering the negative

comments politicians make about each other, it's a wonder that more of them aren't sued for slander. alsoV.

















solemnity ADJ. /匆促的/haphazard; careless; sloppy. From the number of typos and misspellings I've found in it, it's clear that Mario proofread the report in a remarkably slapdash fashion. N. /睡眠;卧铺;枕木;冬眠的动物/something originally of little value or importance that in time becomes very valuable. Unnoticed by the critics at its publication, the eventual Pulitzer Prize winner was a classic sleeper. N. /灵巧的/dexterity. The magician amazed the audience with his sleight of hand. N. /怠慢;斥责;侮辱/insult to one's dignity; snub. Hypersensitive and ready to take offense at any discourtesy, Bertha was always on the lookout for real or imaginary slights. alsoV. ADJ. /邋遢的;慢吞吞的;漫不经心的/untidy or slovenly; shabby. As a master craftsman, the carpenter prided himself on not doing slipshod work. V. /滑动/slip or slide. During the recent ice storm, many people slithered down this hill as they walked to the station. V. /脱落;蜕皮/cast off. Each spring, the snake sloughs off its skin. ADJ. /邋遢的;漫不经心的/untidy; careless in work habits. Unshaven, sitting around in his bathrobe all afternoon, Gus didn't seem to care about the slovenly appearance he presented. The dark ring around the bathtub and the spider webs hanging from the beams proved what a slovenly housekeeper she was. V. /闷烧;随时准备爆发/burn without flame; be liable to break out at any moment. The rags smoldered for hours before they burst into flame. N. /窃笑/half-stifled laugh. The boy could not suppress a snicker when the teacher sat on the tack. alsoV. V. /流鼻涕;啜泣;鼻子一把泪一把/run at the nose; snuffle; whine. Don't you come sniveling to me complaining about your big brother. sobriety N. moderation (especially regarding indulgence in alcohol); seriousness. Neither falling-down drunks nor stand-up comics are noted for sobriety. sober,ADJ. ADJ. /湿透的/soaked; dull, as if from drink. He set his sodden overcoat near the radiator to dry. N. /逗留/temporary stay. After his sojourn in Florida, he began to long for the colder climate of his native New England home. N. /安慰/comfort in trouble. I hope you will find solace in the thought that all of us share your loss. V. /焊接/repair or make whole by using a metal alloy. The plumber fixed the leak in the pipes by soldering a couple of joints from which water had been oozing. N. /语法错误;谬误/construction that is flagrantly incorrect grammatically. I must give this paper a failing mark because it contains many solecisms. N. /严肃的;一本正经的/seriousness; gravity. The minister was concerned that nothing should

disturb the solemnity of the marriage service. solemn,ADJ.

solicit /恳求/request earnestly; seek. Knowing she needed to have a solid majority for the budget

to pass, the mayor telephoned all the members of the city council to solicit their votes. V.

ADJ. /担心的;关切的;期望的/solicitous worried; concerned. The employer was very solicitous about the health of her employees as replacements were difficult to get.

soliloquy N. /自言自语;独白/talking to oneself. The soliloquy is a device used by the dramatist to reveal a

character's innermost thoughts and emotions.

solitude N. /独身/state of being alone; seclusion. Much depends on how much you like your own

company. What to one person seems fearful isolation to another is blessed solitude.

soluble ADJ. /可溶解的;可解决的/able to be dissolved; able to be explained. Sugar is soluble in water; put

a sugar cube in water and it will quickly dissolve.

solvent ADJ. /有偿付能力的/able to pay all debts. By dint of very frugal living, he was finally able to

become solvent and avoid bankruptcy proceedings.

Word List 44 somber-sublime

somber ADJ. /阴森的;昏暗的;抑郁的/gloomy; depressing; dark; drab. From the doctor's grim expression, I

could tell he had somber news. Dull brown and charcoal gray are pretty somber colors; can't you wear something bright?


play. N. /梦游症患者/sleepwalker. The most famous somnambulist in literature is Lady Macbeth; her monologue in the sleepwalking scene is one of the highlights of Shakespeare's

somnolent ADJ. /催眠的;半睡半醒的/half asleep. The heavy meal and the overheated room made us all

somnolent and indifferent to the speaker.

sonorous ADJ. /醒目的/resonant. His sonorous voice resounded through the hall. sophisticated ADJ. /世故的;复杂的/worldly-wise and urbane; complex. When Sophie makes wisecracks, she

thinks she sounds sophisticated, but instead she sounds sophomoric. The new IBM laptop with the butterfly keyboard and the built-in quadspeed FAX modem is a pretty sophisticated machine.

sophistry N. /似真实假的/seemingly plausible but fallacious reasoning. Instead of advancing valid

arguments, he tried to overwhelm his audience with a flood of sophistries.

sophomoric ADJ. /一知半解的;不成熟的/immature; half-baked, like a sophomore. Even if you're only a

freshman, it's no compliment to be told your humor is sophomoric. The humor in Dumb and Dumber is sophomoric at best.

soporific ADJ. /催眠的/sleep-causing; marked by sleepiness. Professor Pringle's lectures were so

soporific that even he fell asleep in class. also N.

sordid ADJ. /肮脏;卑鄙/filthy; base; vile. The social worker was angered by the sordid housing provided

for the homeless.

sovereign ADJ. /君主的;至高无上的/efficacious; supreme or paramount; selfgoverning. Professor

Pennywhistle claimed his panacea was a sovereign cure for all chronic complaints. In medi-cine the sovereign task of the doctor is to do no harm. Rebelling against the mother country, the onetime colony now proclaimed itself a sovereign state. also N.

spangle N. /衣服上亮晶晶的小金属饰件/small metallic piece sewn to clothing for ornamentation. The

thousands of spangles on her dress sparkled in the glare of the stage lights.

sparse ADJ. /稀少的;稀疏的/not thick; thinly scattered; scanty. No matter how carefully Albert combed his

hair to make it look as full as possible, it still looked sparse.

spartan ADJ. /刚毅的;朴素的;纪律严格的;斯巴达的/avoiding luxury and comfort; sternly disciplined. Looking

over the bare, unheated room, with its hard cot, he wondered what he was doing in such spartan quarters. Only his spartan sense of duty kept him at his post.

spasmodic ADJ. /断断续续的;间歇的/fitful; periodic. The spasmodic coughing in the auditorium annoyed the


spat N. /争论;口角;扇巴掌/squabble; minor dispute. What had started out as a mere spat escalated

into a full-blown argument.

spate N. /爆发;大洪水;一大群的/sudden flood or strong outburst; a large number or amount. After the

spate of angry words that came pouring out of him, Mary was sure they would never be reconciled.

spatial ADJ. /空间的/relating to space. NASA is engaged in an ongoing program of spatial exploration.

When Jay says he's studying spatial relations, that doesn't mean he has relatives in outer space.

spatula N. /压舌板;抹刀;批灰刀/broad-bladed instrument used for spreading or mixing. The

manufacturers of this frying pan recommend the use of a rubber spatula to avoid scratching the specially treated surface.

spawn V. /孵化;下蛋/lay eggs. Fish ladders had to be built in the dams to assist the salmon returning

to spawn in their native streams. also N.

specious ADJ. /似是而非的/seemingly reasonable but incorrect; misleading (often intentionally). To claim

that, because houses and birds both have wings, both can fly, is extremely specious reasoning.

spectrum N. /光谱/colored band produced when beam of light passes through a prism. The visible

portion of the spectrum includes red at one end and violet at the other.

spendthrift N. /挥霍的人/someone who wastes money. Easy access to credit encourages people to turn

into spendthrifts who shop till they drop.

sphinx-like ADJ. /谜的/enigmatic; mysterious. The Mon Lisa's sphinx-like expression has intrigued and a

mystified art lovers for centuries.

splice V. /绑定的;联合的/fasten together; unite. Before you splice two strips of tape together, be sure

to line them up evenly. also N.

spontaneity N. /自发的;自然的;无预谋的/lack of premeditation; naturalness; freedom from constraint. When sporadic sportive spry

spurious spurn squabble squalor squander squat staccato stagnant staid

stalemate stalwart stamina Anne and Amy met, Amy impulsively hugged her new colleague, but Anne drew back, unprepared for such spontaneity. The cast over-rehearsed the play so much that the eventual performance lacked any spontaneity. spontaneous,ADJ. ADJ. /零星的/occurring irregularly. Although you can still hear sporadic outbursts of laughter and singing outside, the big Halloween parade has passed; the party's over till next year. ADJ. /嬉戏的;玩闹的/playful. Such a sportive attitude is surprising in a person as serious as you usually are. ADJ. /充满生气的;活泼的;敏捷的/vigorously active; nimble. She was eighty years old, yet still spry and alert. ADJ. /伪造的,欺骗的/false; counterfeit; forged; illogical. The antique dealer hero of Jonathan Gash's mystery novels gives the reader tips on how to tell spurious antiques from the real thing. Natasha's claim to be the lost heir of the Romanoffs was spurious: the only thing Russian about her was the vodka she drank! V. /放弃;拒绝/reject; scorn. The heroine spurned the villain's advances. N. /争吵/minor quarrel; bickering. Children invariably get involved in petty squabbles; wise parents know when to interfere and when to let the children work things out on their own. N. /肮脏;悲惨;贫穷/filth; degradation; dirty, neglected state. Rusted, broken-down cars in its yard, trash piled up on the porch, tar paper peeling from the roof, the shack was the picture of squalor. squalid,ADJ. V. /浪费/waste. If you squander your allowance on candy and comic books, you won't have any money left to buy the new box of crayons you want. ADJ. /矮壮的;又短又厚的;蹲着的/stocky; short and thick. Tolkien's hobbits are somewhat squat, sturdy little creatures, fond of good ale, good music, and good mushrooms. ADJ. /断奏;断唱/played in an abrupt manner; marked by abrupt sharp sound. His staccato speech reminded one of the sound of a machine gun. ADJ. /静止的;单调的/motionless; stale; dull. Mosquitoes commonly breed in ponds of stagnant water. Mike's career was stagnant; it wasn't going anywhere, and neither was he! stagnate,V. ADJ. /沉静的;安静的/sober; sedate. Her conduct during the funeral ceremony was staid and solemn. N. /僵局/deadlock. Negotiations between the union and the employers have reached a stalemate; neither side is willing to budge from previously stated positions. ADJ. /坚定的;强壮的/strong, brawny; steadfast. His consistent support of the party has proved that he is a stalwart and loyal member. also N. N. /毅力;意志力/strength; staying power. I doubt that she has the stamina to run the full distance

of the marathon race.

stanch /止血;血流变检测/check flow of blood. It is imperative that we stanch the gushing wound

before we attend to the other injuries. V.

N. /节;段落(诗的);盘(棋的)/stanza division of a poem. Do you know the last stanza of "The Star-Spangled Banner"?

static ADJ. /静态的/unchanging; lacking development. Why watch chess on TV? I like watching a

game with action, not something static where nothing seems to be going on.

statute N. /法令;条例/law enacted by the legislature. The statute of limitations sets the limits on how

long you have to take legal action in specific cases.

steadfast ADJ. /坚定的;不渝的;忠诚的/loyal; unswerving. Penelope was steadfast in her affections, faithfully

waiting for Ulysses to return from his wanderings.

stealth N. /隐秘;隐藏;隐蔽行动/slyness; sneakiness; secretiveness. Fearing detection by the sentries on

duty, the scout inched his way toward the enemy camp with great stealth.

steep /浸泡,弄湿;陡坡;悬崖/soak; saturate. Be sure to steep the fabric in the dyebath for the full

time prescribed. V.

ADJ. stellar /星体的;恒星的/pertaining to the stars. He was the stellar attraction of the entire performance.

stem /制止流出/check the flow. The paramedic used a tourniquet to stem the bleeding from the

slashed artery. V.

V.stem from

stereotype /起因于/arise from. Milton's problems in school stemmed from his poor study habits. fixed and unvarying representation; standardized mental picture, often N. /老套;一成不变;铅版/

reflecting prejudice. Critics object to the character of Jim in The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn because he seems to reflect the stereotype of the happy, ignorant slave.

stifle /使窒息;扑灭/suppress; extinguish; inhibit. Halfway through the boring lecture, Laura gave up

trying to stifle her yawns. V.

N. /耻辱;耻辱的标记;柱头;气门/stigma token of disgrace; brand. I do not attach any stigma to the fact that you were accused of this crime; the fact that you were acquitted clears you completely.

stigmatize /打烙印;污蔑/brand; mark as wicked. I do not want to stigmatize this young offender for life

by sending her to prison. V.

ADJ. /夸大的;充气的;虚胖的;踩高跷的/stilted bombastic; inflated. His stilted rhetoric did not impress the college audience; they were immune to bombastic utterances.

stint N. /供应;分配;限量分配/supply; allotted amount; assigned portion of work. He performed his

daily stint cheerfully and willingly. alsoV.

stint V. /紧缩,节省/be thrifty; set limits. "Spare no expense," the bride's father said, refusing to stint

on the wedding arrangements.

stipend N. /薪金;津贴/pay for services. There is a nominal stipend for this position.

















stultify V. /规定;明细化/make express conditions; specify. Before agreeing to reduce American military forces in Europe, the president stipulated that NATO inspection teams be allowed to inspect Soviet bases. ADJ. /乏味的;保守的/stuffy; boringly conservative. For a young person, Winston seems remarkably stodgy: you'd expect someone his age to show a little more life. ADJ. impassive; unmoved by joy or grief. I wasn't particularly stoic when I had my flu shot; I squealed like a stuck pig. also N. V. /填饱;司炉/stir up a fire; feed plentifully. As a Scout Marisa learned how to light a fire, how to stoke it if it started to die down, and how to extinguish it completely. ADJ. /乏味的;单调的;冷漠的/dull; impassive. The earthquake shattered Stuart's usual stolid demeanor; trembling, he crouched on the no longer stable ground. N. /计谋;战略/deceptive scheme. We saw through his clever stratagem. V. /分门别类;分类;分层/divide into classes; be arranged into strata. As the economic gap between the rich and the poor increased, Roman society grew increasingly stratified. N. /地层;社会阶层/layer of earth's surface; layer of society. Unless we alleviate conditions in the lowest stratum of our society, we may expect grumbling and revolt. V. /散开;随意散开;散播/spread randomly; sprinkle; scatter. Preceding the bride to the altar, the flower girl will strew rose petals along the aisle. ADJ. /有细条纹的/marked with parallel bands; grooved. The glacier left many striated rocks. striate,V. N. /责难;非难;限制/restriction; adverse criticism. Huck regularly disobeyed Miss Watson's rules and strictures upon his behavior: he wouldn't wear shoes, no matter what she said. ADJ. /刺耳的;尖锐的;坚持不懈的/loud and harsh; insistent. Whenever Sue became angry, she tried not to raise her voice; she had no desire to appear strident. ADJ. /严厉的;迫切的/binding; rigid. I think these regulations are too stringent. N. /大摇大摆;高视阔步/pompous walk; swagger. Looking at his selfimportant strut as he swaggered about the parade ground, I could tell Colonel Blimp thought highly of himself. alsoV. N. /支柱/supporting bar. The engineer calculated that the strut supporting the rafter needed to be reinforced. (secondary meaning) ADJ. /有计划的;故意的;有想法的/not spontaneous; deliberate; thoughtful. Given Jill's previous slights, Jack felt that the omission of his name from the guest list was a studied insult. V. /使徒劳;使显得愚笨;拆台,办难堪/cause to appear or become stupid or inconsistent; frustrate or

hinder. His long hours in the blacking factory left young Dickens numb and incurious, as if the menial labor had stultified his brain.

stupefy V. /使麻木;使大吃一惊/make numb; stun; amaze. Disapproving of drugs in general, Laura

refused to take sleeping pills or any other medicine that might stupefy her. stupefaction, N.

stupor N. /冷漠;漠不关心/state of apathy; daze; lack of awareness. In his stupor, the addict was

unaware of the events taking place around him.

stymie V. /从中作梗;桩子;障碍物/present an obstacle; stump. The detective was stymied by the

contradictory evidence in the robbery investigation. also N.

suavity N. /柔和;愉快;温和/banity; polish. The elegant actor is particularly good in roles that require

suavity and sophistication.

subdued ADJ. /屈服的;柔和的;减弱的/less intense; quieter. Bob liked the subdued lighting at the restaurant

because he thought it was romantic. I just thought it was dimly lit.

subjective ADJ. /主观的;个人的/occurring or taking place within the subject; unreal. Your analysis is highly

subjective; you have permitted your emotions and your opinions to color your thinking.

subjugate /征服/conquer; bring under control. It is not our aim to subjugate our foe; we are interested

only in establishing peaceful relations. V.

ADJ. /庄严的;崇高的;壮观的/sublime exalted or noble and uplifting; utter. Lucy was in awe of Desi's sublime musicianship, while he was in awe of her sublime naiveté.

Word List 45 subliminal-tantamount

subliminal ADJ. /低于极限的;下意识的/below the threshold. We may not be aware of the subliminal

influences that affect our thinking.

submissive ADJ. /屈服的;胆怯的/yielding; timid. When he refused to permit Elizabeth to marry her poet, Mr.

Barrett expected her to be properly submissive; instead, she eloped!

subordinate ADJ. /低级的;下级的;次要的/occupying a lower rank; inferior; submissive. Bishop Proudie's wife

expected all the subordinate clergy to behave with great deference to the wife of their superior.

suborn /教唆/persuade to act unlawfully (especially to commit perjury). In The Godfather, the

mobsters used bribery and threats to suborn the witnesses against Don Michael Corleone. V.

N. /传票/subpoena writ summoning a witness to appear. The prosecutor's office was ready to serve a subpoena on the reluctant witness. alsoV.

subsequent ADJ. /后来的;接下来的/following; later. In subsequent lessons, we shall take up more difficult


subservient ADJ. /奴隶似的;奴性的/behaving like a slave; servile; obsequious. He was proud and dignified;

he refused to be subservient to anyone.

subsistence N. /存在;生存/existence; means of support; livelihood. In these days of inflated prices, my

salary provides a mere subsistence.

substantial ADJ. /坚实的;充实的/ample; solid; in essentials. The generous scholarship represented a

substantial sum of money.

substantiate V. /证实;验证/establish by evidence; verify; support. These endorsements from satisfied

customers substantiate our claim that Barron's How to Prepare for the SAT I is the best SAT-prep book on the market.

substantive ADJ. /真实的;有实质的;大量的/essential; pertaining to the substance. Although the delegates

were aware of the importance of the problem, they could not agree on the substantive issues.

subterfuge N. /借口;托辞/pretense; evasion. As soon as we realized that you had won our support by a

subterfuge, we withdrew our endorsement of your candidacy.

subtlety N. /精明;稀薄;微妙/perceptiveness; ingenuity; delicacy. Never obvious, she expressed herself

with such subtlety that her remarks went right over the heads of most of her audience. subtle,ADJ.

subversive ADJ. /颠覆性的;破坏性的/tending to overthrow; destructive. At first glance, the notion that

styrofoam cups may actually be more ecologically sound than paper cups strikes most envi-ronmentalists as subversive.

succinct ADJ. /简洁的;紧身的/brief; terse; compact. Don't bore your audi ence with excess verbiage: be


succor V. /救援;援助/aid; assist; comfort. If you believe that con man has come here to succor you in

your hour of need, you're an even bigger sucker than I thought. also N.

succulent ADJ. /多汁的/juicy; full of richness. To some people, Florida citrus fruits are more succulent than

those from California. also N.


suffragist V. /屈服;屈从;死/yield; give in; die. I succumb to temptation whenever I see chocolate. advocate of voting rights (for women). In recognition of her N. /扩大参政权;扩大妇女参政权/

efforts to win the vote for women, Congress authorized coining a silver dollar honoring the suffragistSusan B. Anthony

sully /弄脏;玷污/tarnish; soil. He felt that it was beneath his dignity to sully his hands in such

menial labor. V.

ADJ. /闷热的,酷热的;放荡的;粗暴的/sultry sweltering. He could not adjust himself to the sultryclimate of the tropics.

summation N. /结算;累计;总结/act of finding the total; summary. In his summation, the lawyer emphasized

the testimony given by the two witnesses.

summit N. /巅峰;顶点/utmost height or pinnacle; highest point (of a mountain, etc.) The summit of the

amateur mountain climber's aspirations was someday to reach the summit of Mount Everest.

sumptuous ADJ. /奢侈的;华丽的/lavish; rich. I cannot recall when I have had such a sumptuous

Thanksgiving feast.

sunder V. /分裂/separate; part. Northern and southern Ireland are politically and religiously sundered. supercilious ADJ. /自大的;傲慢的/arrogant; condescending; patronizing. The supercilious headwaiter

sneered at customers whom he thought did not fit in at a restaurant catering to an ultra-fashionable crowd.

superficial ADJ. /肤浅的;浅薄的/trivial; shallow. Since your report gave only a superficial analysis of the

problem, I cannot give you more than a passing grade.

superfluous ADJ. /不必要的;多余的/unnecessary; excessive; overabundant. Betsy lacked the heart to tell

June that the wedding present she brought was superfluous; she and Bob had already received five toasters. Please try not to include so many superfluous details in your report; just give me the facts. superfluity, N.

superimpose V. /添加/place over something else. Your attempt to superimpose another agency in this field

will merely increase the bureaucratic nature of our government.

supersede V. /取代;推迟/cause to be set aside; replace; make obsolete. The new bulk mailing postal

regulation supersedes the old one. If you continue to follow the old regulation, your bulk mailing will be returned to you.

supplant /篡位;取代/replace; usurp. Bolingbroke, later to be known as King Henry IV, fought to

supplant his cousin, Richard III, as King of England. V.

ADJ. /柔顺的;顺从的;柔韧的/supple

supplicate flexible; pliant. Years of yoga exercises made Grace's body supple. /恳求;祈祷/petition humbly; pray to grant a favor. We supplicate Your Majesty to grant him

amnesty. V.

supposition N. /假定;假想/hypothesis; the act of supposing. I based my decision to confide in him on the

supposition that he would be discreet. suppose,V.

suppress V. /镇压;抑制;查禁/stifle; overwhelm; subdue; inhibit. Too polite to laugh in anyone's face, Roy

did his best to suppress his amusement at Ed's inane remark.

surfeit V. /饮食过度;恶心/satiate; stuff; indulge to excess in anything. Every Thanksgiving we are

surfeited with an overabundance of holiday treats. also N.

surly ADJ. /粗暴的;阴沉的;板着脸的;无礼的/rude; cross. Because of his surly attitude, many people

avoided his company.


surmount V. /猜测/guess. I surmise that he will be late for this meeting. also N. /克服/overcome. Could Helen Keller, blind and deaf since childhood, surmount her physical

disabilities and lead a productive life? V.

V.surpass /超越/exceed. Her SAT I scores surpassed our expectations.

surreptitious ADJ. /暗中的;秘密的/secret; furtive; sneaky; hidden. Hoping to discover where his mom had

hidden the Christmas presents, Timmy took a surreptitious peek into the master bedroom closet.

surrogate N. /代理;代替/substitute. For a fatherless child, a male teacher may become a father surrogate.

surveillance N. /监视;监督/watching; guarding. The FBI kept the house under constant surveillance in the

hope of capturing all the criminals at one time,

susceptible ADJ. /易受影响的;易感动的;易患病的/impressionable; easily influenced; having little resistance, as

to a disease; receptive to. Said the patent medicine man to his very susceptible customer: "Buy this new miracle drug, and you will no longer be susceptible to the common cold."

sustain V. /支撑;延续/experience; support; nourish. He sustained such a severe injury that the doctors

feared he would be unable to work to sustain his growing family.

sustenance N. /食物;生计/means of support, food, nourishment. In the tropics, the natives find sustenance

easy to obtain, due to all the fruit trees.

suture N. /缝合;缝合处/stitches sewn to hold the cut edges of a wound or incision; material used in

sewing. We will remove the sutures as soon as the wound heals. alsoV.

swagger V. /大摇大摆;自大/behave arrogantly or pompously; strut or walk proudly. The conquering hero

didn't simply stride down the street; he swaggered. also N.

swarm N. /一大群;挤满,占满,蜂拥/dense moving crowd; large group of honeybees. At the height of the

city hall scandals, a constant swarm of reporters followed the mayor everywhere. alsoV.

swarthy ADJ. /暗的;有雾的/dark; dusky. Despite the stereotypes, not all Italians are swarthy, many are fair

and blond.

swathe V. /包装物;绷带/wrap around; bandage. When I visited him in the hospital, I found him swathed

in bandages.

swelter /闷热;中暑/be oppressed by heat. I am going to buy an air conditioning unit for my apartment

as I do not intend to swelter through another hot and humid summer. V.

V.swerve /转向;突然转向/deviate; turn aside sharply. The car swerved wildly as the driver struggled to regain control of the wheel.

swill /痛饮/drink greedily. Singing "Yo, ho, ho, and a bottle of rum," Long John Silver and his

fellow pirates swilled their grog. V.

N. /骗子/swindler cheat. She was gullible and trusting, an easy victim for the first swindler who came along.

sybarite N. /纵情逸乐之徒/lover of luxury. Rich people are not always sybarites; some of them have little

taste for a life of luxury.

sycophant N. /马屁精;阿谀奉承者/servile flatterer; bootlicker; yes man. Fed up with the toadies and flunkies

who made up his entourage, the star cried, "Get out, all of you! I'm sick of sycophants!" sycophancy, N.

synoptic ADJ. /概要的/providing a general overview; summary. The professor turned to the latest issue of

Dissertation Abstracts for a synoptic account of what was new in the field. synopSiS, N.

Word List 46 tantrum-tonic

tantrum N. /发脾气;暴怒/fit of petulance; caprice. The child learned that he could have almost anything

if he had a tantrum.



taut N. /毒蜘蛛/venomous spider. We need an antitoxin to counteract the bite of the tarantula. V. /等候;逗留;混日子/delay; dawdle. We can't tarry if we want to get to the airport on time. tight; ready. The captain maintained that he ran a taut ship. ADJ. /紧张的;整洁的/

tautological ADJ. /同义反复的/needlessly repetitious. In the sentence "It was visible to the eye, " the phrase

"to the eye" is tautological.



tedious N. /同义反复/unnecessary repetition. "Joyful happiness" is an illustration of tautology. cheap and gaudy. He won a few tawdry trinkets in Coney Island. ADJ. /俗丽的;便宜且华而不实/ADJ. /令人厌倦的/boring; tiring. The repetitious nature of work on the assembly line made

Martin's job very tedious. tedium, N.


temper N. /鲁莽的/boldness; rashness. Do you have the temerity to argue with me? V. /中和;回火;调剂;锻炼/moderate; tone down or restrain; toughen (steel). Not even her

supervisor's grumpiness could temper Nancy's enthusiasm for her new job.

temperament N. /气质;性情/characteristic frame of mind; disposition; emotional excess. Although the twins

look alike, they differ markedly in temperament: Todd is calm, but Rod is excitable.

temperate ADJ. /节制的;自我控制的/restrained; self-controlled; moderate in respect to temperature. Try to

be temperate in your eating this holiday season; if you control your appetite, you won't gain too much weight.

tempestuous ADJ. /有暴风雨的;暴乱的/stormy; impassioned; violent. Racketthrowing tennis star John

McEnroe was famed for his displays of tempestuous temperament.


temporal N. /节奏,乐曲的速度/speed of music. I find the band's tempo too slow for such a lively dance. ADJ. /暂时的/not lasting forever; limited by time; secular. At onetime in our history, temporal

rulers assumed that they had been given their thrones by divine right.

temporize /拖延时间;见风使舵/avoid commiting oneself; gain time. I cannot permit you to temporize any

longer; I must have a definite answer today. V.

ADJ. /顽强的/tenacious

tenacity holding fast. I had to struggle to break his tenacious hold on my arm. N. /坚韧/firmness; persistence. Jean Valjean could not believe the tenacity of Inspector Javert.

Here all Valjean had done was to steal a loaf of bread, and the inspector had pursued him doggedly for twenty years!

tendentious ADJ. /偏见的;有目标的;预计好的/having an aim; biased; designed to further a cause. The

editorials in this periodical are tendentious rather than truth-seeking.

tender V. /提供;扩充/offer; extend. Although no formal charges had been made against him, in the

wake of the recent scandal the mayor felt he should tender his resignation.


tensile N. /原则;信条/doctrine; dogma. The agnostic did not accept the tenets of their faith. capable of being stretched. Mountain climbers must know the tensile

ADJ. ADJ. /可伸展的;可拉长的/strength of their ropes. tentative hesitant; not fully worked out or developed;

experimental; not definite or positive. Unsure of his welcome at the Christmas party, Scrooge took a tentative step into his nephew's drawing room.


tenure ADJ. /纤细的/thin; rare; slim. The allegiance of our allies is held by rather tenuous ties. holding of an office; time during which such an office is held. He has N. /任期;(土地的)使用年限/

permanent tenure in this position and cannot be fired.

tepid ADJ. /冷淡的;微热的/lukewarm. During the summer, I like to take a tepid bath, not a hot one. termination N. /结束/end. Though the time for termination of the project was near, we still had a lot of work

to finish before we shut up shop. terminate,V.

terminology N. /术语学/terms used in a science or art. The special terminology developed by some

authorities in the field has done more to confuse the layman than to enlighten him. terminus N. last stop of railroad. After we reached the railroad terminus, we continued our journey into the wilderness on saddle horses.

terrestrial ADJ. /地的;地球的/earthly (as opposed to celestial); pertaining to the land. In many science

fiction films, alien invaders from outer space plan to destroy all terrestrial life.

terse ADJ. /简洁;扼要的/concise; abrupt; pithy. There is a fine line between speech that is terse and to

the point and speech that is too abrupt.

testy ADJ. /易怒的/irritable; short-tempered. My advice is to avoid discussing this problem with him

today as he is rather testy and may shout at you.

tether /用绳子绑;范围/tie with a rope. Before we went to sleep, we tethered the horses to prevent

their wandering off during the night. V.

ADJ. /主题的;主题相关的/thematic relating to a unifying motif or idea. Those who think of Moby Dick as a simple adventure story about whaling miss its underlying thematic import.

theocracy N. /神权政治/government run by religious leaders. Though some Pilgrims aboard the

Mayflower favored the establishment of a theocracy in New England, many of their fellow voyagers preferred a nonreligious form of government.

theoretical ADJ. /理论的/not practical or applied; hypothetical. Bob was better at applied engineering and

computer programming than he was at theoretical physics and math. While I can still think of some theoretical objections to your plan, you've convinced me of its basic soundness.

therapeutic ADJ. /治疗的;治疗学的/curative. Now better known for its racetrack, Saratoga Springs first

gained attention for the therapeutic qualities of its famous "healing waters." therapy, N.

thermal ADJ. /热的;热学的/pertaining to heat. The natives discovered that the hot springs made

excellent thermal baths and began to develop their community as a health resort. also N.

thespian ADJ. /戏剧的/pertaining to drama. Her success in the school play convinced her she was

destined for a thespian career. also N.

threadbare ADJ. /褴褛的;破烂不堪的/worn through till the threads show; shabby and poor. The poor adjunct thrifty















tome professor hid the threadbare spots on his jacket by sewing leather patches on his sleeves. ADJ. /节省的;抠包的/careful about money; economical. A thrifty shopper compares prices before making major purchases. V. /繁荣;昌盛/prosper; flourish. Despite the impact of the recession on the restaurant trade, Philip's cafe thrived. N. /剧痛/violent anguish. The throes of despair can be as devastating as the spasms accompanying physical pain. N. /聚集/crowd. Throngs of shoppers jammed the aisles. alsoV. V. /阻碍;挫败/baffle; frustrate. He felt that everyone was trying to thwart his plans and prevent his success. N. /吝啬鬼/excessively frugal person; miser. Jill called Jack a tightwad because he never picked up the check. N. /舵柄;农夫/handle used to move boat's rudder (to steer). Fearing the wind might shift suddenly and capsize the skiff, Tom kept one hand on the tiller at all times. N. /胆怯/lack of self-confidence or courage. If you are to succeed as a salesman, you must first lose your timidity and fear of failure. ADJ. /害怕的/fearful; demonstrating fear. His timorous manner betrayed the fear he felt at the moment. N. /长篇慷慨激昂的演说/extended scolding; denunciation; harangue. Every time the boss holds a meeting, he goes into a lengthy tirade, scolding us for everything from tardiness to padding our expenses. ADJ. /巨大的/gigantic. Titanic waves beat against the majestic S.S. Titanic, driving it against the concealed iceberg. N. /名字;等级;拥有权/right or claim to possession; mark of rank; name (of a book, film, etc.). Though the penniless Duke of Ragwort no longer held title to the family estate, he still retained his title as head of one of England's oldest families. N. /神经质的笑/nervous laugh. Her aunt's constant titter nearly drove her mad. alsoV. ADJ. /有名无实的/nominal holding of title without obligations. Although he was the titular head of the company, the real decisions were made by his general manager. N. /谄媚的人;马屁精/servile flatterer; yes man. Never tell the boss anything he doesn't wish to hear: he doesn't want an independent adviser, he just wants a toady. alsoV. N. /册;卷/large volume. He spent much time in the libraries poring over ancient tomes.

tonic ADJ. /精神充沛的/invigorating; refreshing. The tart homemade ginger ale had a tonic effect on

Kit: she perked right up. also N.

husband /节约/use sparingly; conserve; save. Marathon runners must husband their energy so that

they can keep going for the entire distance. V.

N. /混合的,混血的/hybrid mongrel; mixed breed. Mendel's formula explains the appearance of hybrids and pure species in breeding. alsoADJ.

hydrophobia N. /恐水症;狂犬病/rabies; fear of water. A dog that bites a human being must be observed for

symptoms of hydrophobia.

hyperbole N. /夸张/exaggeration; overstatement. As far as I'm concerned, Apple's claims about the new

computer are pure hyperbole: no machine is that good!

hypercritical ADJ. /及其夸张/excessively exacting. You are hypercritical in your demands for perfection; we all

make mistakes.

hypochondriac N. /无病呻吟;忧郁症/person unduly worried about his health; worrier without cause about

illness. The doctor prescribed chocolate pills for his patient who was a hypochondriac.

hypocritical ADJ. /伪善;欺骗/pretending to be virtuous; deceiving. Believing Eddie to be interested only in his

own advancement, Greg resented his hypocritical posing as a friend. hypocrisy, N.

hypothetical ADJ. /基于假设的,设想的,假想的/based on assumptions or hypotheses; supposed. Suppose you

are accepted by Harvard, Stanford, and Brown. Which one would you choose to attend? Remember, this is only a hypothetical situation. hypotheSiS, N.

ichthyology N. /鱼类学/study of fish. Jacques Cousteau's programs about sea life have advanced the cause

of ichthyology

icon N. /偶像,象征;图标/religious image; idol. The icons on the walls of the church were painted in

the 13th century.

iconoclastic ADJ. /打破旧习/attacking cherished traditions. Deeply iconoclastic, Jean Genet deliberately set

out to shock conventional theatergoers with his radical plays.

ideology N. /意识形态/system of ideas of a group. For people who had grown up believing in the

communist ideology, it was hard to adjust to capitalism.

idiom N. /习语;成语/expression whose meaning as a whole differs from the meanings of its individual

words; distinctive style. The phrase "to lose one's marbles" is an idiom: if I say that Joe's lost his marbles, I'm not asking you to find some for him. I'm telling you idiomatically that he's crazy.

idiosyncrasy N. /特性,特质;古怪的,离心的/individual trait, usually odd in nature; eccentricity. One of Richard

Nixon's little idiosyncrasies was his liking for ketchup on cottage cheese. One of Hannibal Lecter's little idiosyncrasies was his liking for human flesh. idiosyncratic,ADJ.

idolatry N. /过度崇拜/worship of idols; excessive admiration. Such idolatry of singers of country music is

typical of the excessive enthusiasm of youth.

ignite V. /点燃/kindle; light. When Desi crooned, "Baby, light my fire," literal-minded Lucy looked

around for some paper to ignite.

ignoble ADJ. /不高贵的;不光彩的/of lowly origin; unworthy. This plan is inspired by ignoble motives and I

must, therefore, oppose it.

ignominy N. /丢脸;抹黑;耻辱/deep disgrace; shame or dishonor. To lose the Ping-Pong match to a trained

chimpanzee! How could Rollo stand the ignominy of his defeat? ignominious,ADJ.

illicit ADJ. /非法的/illegal. The defense attorney maintained that his client had never performed any

illicit action.

illimitable ADJ. /无限/infinite. Man, having explored the far corners of the earth, is now reaching out into

illimitable space.

illuminate V. /照亮;明朗;澄清/brighten; clear up or make understandable; enlighten. Just as a lamp can

illuminate a dark room, a perceptive comment can illuminate a knotty problem.

illusion N. /幻觉/misleading vision. It is easy to create an optical illusion in which lines of equal length

appear different.

illusory ADJ. /虚幻的,不真实的/deceptive; not real. Unfortunately, the costs of running the lemonade

stand were so high that Tom's profits proved illusory.

imbalance N. /不平衡,不成比例/lack of balance or symmetry; disproportion. To correct racial imbalance in

the schools, school boards have bussed black children into white neighborhoods and white children into black ones.

imbibe V. /吸收/drink in. The dry soil imbibed the rain quickly.

Word List 24 immaculate-incessant

immaculate ADJ. /无暇的/spotless; flawless; absolutely clean. Ken and Jessica were wonderful tenants and

left the apartment in immaculate condition when they moved out.

imminent ADJ. /即将到来,逼近的/near at hand; impending. Rosa was such a last-minute worker that she

could never start writing a paper till the deadline was imminent.

immobility N. /无法移动,不可移动的/state of being immovable. Modern armies cannot afford the luxury of

immobility, as they are vulnerable to attack while standing still.

immune ADJ. /免疫;抵抗/resistant to; free or exempt from. Fortunately, Florence had contracted chicken

pox as a child and was immune to it when her baby broke out in spots.


impair ADJ. /不可动摇的,不能改变的/unchangeable. All things change over time; nothing is immutable. /伤害/injure; hurt. Drinking alcohol can impair your ability to drive safely; if you're going to

drink, don't drive. V.

V.impale /刺穿/Pierce. He was impaled by the spear hurled by his adversary.

eventually it turns into a single word: "Bud-weis-er."Word List 25 inchoate-ingenious inchoateinchoateADJ./未成型的,早期的,刚开始的,发展中的/recently begun; rudimentary; elementary. Before theCreation, the world was an inchoate mass.incidenceN. /发生; 发生率; 影响的范围、 频度; 入射角; 关联, 相结合, 对接/rate of occurrence; particular occurrence.Health professionals expressed great concern over the high incidence of infant mortality in major urban areas.incidentalADJ./不重要的;少数的/not essential; minor. The scholarship covered his major expenses atcollege and some of his incidental expenses as well.incipientADJ./开始;早期的/beginning; in an early stage. I will go to sleep early for I want to break anincipient cold.incisive inciteADJ. /尖锐; 深刻, 激烈/cutting; sharp. His incisive remarks made us see the fallacy in our plans.V./煽动,刺激,驱使/arouse to action; goad; motivate; induce to exist. In a fiery speech, Marioincited his fellow students to go out on strike to protest the university's anti-affirmative action stand.inclementADJ./险恶的;严酷的/stormy; unkind. In inclement weather, I like to curl up on the sofa with agood book and listen to the storm blowing outside.inclineN./倾斜,斜面/slope; slant. The architect recommended that the nursing home's ramp berebuilt because its incline was too steep for wheelchairs.inclinedADJ. /倾向;倾向于,弯曲/tending or leaning toward; bent. Though I am inclined to be skeptical,the witness's manner inclines me to believe his story. alsoV.inclusiveADJ./包揽一切的/tending to include all. The comedian turned down the invitation to join thePlayers' Club, saying any club that would let him in was too inclusive for him.incoherentADJ. /缺乏逻辑的,不聪明的;陈腐的/unintelligible; muddled; illogical. The excited fan blushed andstammered, her words becoming almost incoherent in the thrill of meeting her favorite rock star face to face. incoherence,N.incompatibleADJ./不和谐;不兼容/inharmonious. The married couple argued incessantly and finallyN.decided to separate because they were incompatible. incompatibility,incongruousADJ./不调和的;荒谬的/not fitting; absurd. Dave saw nothing incongruous about wearingsneakers with his tuxedo; he couldn't understand why his date took one look at him and started to laugh. incongruity,N.inconsequentialADJ. /不合理的, 不重要的/insignificant; unimportant. Brushing off Ali's apologies for havingbroken the wineglass, Tamara said, "Don't worry about it; it's inconsequential."inconsistencyN./ 不 一 致 的 , 自 相矛 盾 的 /state of being self-contradictory; lack of uniformity orsteadiness. How are lawyers different from agricultural inspectors? While lawyers checkinconsistencies in witnesses' statemen

ts, agricultural inspectors check inconsistencies in Grade A eggs. inconsistent,ADJ.incontinentADJ./缺乏自制力,放肆/lacking self-restraint; licentious. His incontinent behavior off stage soshocked many people that they refused to attend the plays and movies in which he appeared.incontrovertibleADJ. /无疑的, 无可争议的/indisputable; not open to question. Unless you find the evidenceagainst my client absolutely incontrovertible, you must declare her not guilty of this charge.incorporateV./合并,联合/introduce something into a larger whole; combine; unite. Breaking withprecedent, President Truman ordered the military to incorporate blacks into every branch of the armed services. alsoADJ.incorporealADJ. /非物质的, 无形的; 无实体的/lacking a material body; insubstantial. While Casper the friendlyghost is an incorporeal being, nevertheless he and his fellow ghosts make quite an impact on the physical world.incorrigibleADJ. /不可救药/not correctable. Though Widow Douglass hoped to reform Huck, Miss Watsoncalled him incorrigible and said he would come to no good end.incredulousADJ./怀疑的/withholding belief; skeptical. When Jack claimed he hadn't eaten the jellyN.doughnut, Jill took an incredulous look at his smeared face and laughed. incredulity,incrementN./增加/increase. The new contract calls for a 10 percent increment in salary for eachemployee for the next two years.incriminateV./控告/accuse. The evidence gathered against the racketeers incriminates some highpublic officials as well.incrustation N./驻扎/hard coating or crust. In dry dock, we scraped off the incrustation of dirt andbarnacles that covered the hull of the ship.incubateV./孵卵/hatch; scheme. Inasmuch as our supply of electricity is cut off, we shall have to relyon the hens to incubate these eggs.inculcateV./谆谆教导/teach; instill. In an effort to inculcate religious devotion, the officials ordered thatthe school day begin with the singing of a hymn.incumbentADJ./义不容辞的,职责在身的/obligatory; currently holding an office. It is incumbent upon allincumbent elected officials to keep accurate records of expenses incurred in office. alsoN.incur incursionV./招致/bring upon oneself. His parents refused to pay any future debts he might incur. /袭击/temporary invasion. The nightly incursions and hit-and-run raids of our neighborsN.across the border tried the patience of the country to the point where we decided to retaliate in force.indefatigableADJ./疲倦/tireless. Although the effort of taking out the garbage tired Wayne out for theentire morning, when it came to partying, he was indefatigable.indelibleADJ. /去不掉的;不可磨灭的/not able to be erased. The indelible ink left a permanent mark on myshirt. Young Bill Clinton's meeting with President Kennedy made an indelible impression on

the youth.indentationN./槽;小开口/notch; deep recess. You can tell one tree from another by examining theirleaves and noting the differences in the indentations along the edges of the leaves. indent,V.indentureV./契约/bind as servant or apprentice to master. Many immigrants could come to AmericaN.only after they had indentured themselves for several years. alsoindeterminate ADJ. /不确定/uncertain; not clearly fixed; indefinite. That interest rates shall rise appears certain; when theywill do so, however, remains indeterminate.indicativeADJ./预示的/suggestive; implying. A lack of appetite may be indicative of a major mental or physicaldisorder.indicesn. PL. /符号;暗示/signs; indications. Many college admissions officers believe that SAT scores and highschool grades are the best indices of a student's potential to succeed in college.N.SG. index.indictV./控告;起诉/charge. The district attorney didn't want to indict the suspect until she was sure she had aN.strong enough case to convince a jury. indictment,indifferentADJ./普通的,无关紧要的/unmoved or unconcerned by; mediocre. Because Ann felt no desire to marry, shewas indifferent to Carl's constant proposals. Not only was she indifferent to him personally, but she felt that, given his general silliness, he would make an indifferent husband.indigenous indigentADJ.native. Cigarettes are made of tobacco, a plant indigenous to the New World./穷困的/poor; destitute. Someone who is truly indigent can't even afford to buy a pack of cigarettes.ADJ.[Don't mix up indigent and indigenous. See previous sentence.]indignation indignityN./义愤;愤慨/anger at an injustice. He felt indignation at the ill-treatment of helpless animals. /侮辱/offensive or insulting treatment. Although he seemed to accept cheerfully the indignities heapedN.upon him, he was inwardly very angry.indiscretionN. /轻率; 莽撞/lackof tactfulness or sound judgment. Terrified that the least indiscretion could jeopardize hispolitical career, the novice politician never uttered an unguarded word. indiscreet,ADJ.indiscriminateADJ./随意的;不分青红皂白的/choosing at random; confused. She disapproved of her son'sindiscriminate television viewing and decided to restrict him to educational programs.indisputable ADJ. /没有争论余地;非常清楚的/too certain to be disputed. In the face of these indisputable statements, Iwithdraw my complaint.indissoluble ADJ. /不能分解的;永久的/permanent. The indissoluble indoctrinate V.bonds of marriage are all too often being dissolved./教导;灌输/instruct in a doctrine or ideology. CubanAmericans resisted sending Elian Gonzalez back toCuba because he would be indoctrinated there with Communist principles.indolentADJ./懒惰/lazy. Couch potatoes lead an indolent life lying back on their Lazyboy recliners watching Tv.N.indolen

ce,indomitableADJ./不屈服的;不可被征服的/unconquerable; unyielding. Focusing on her game despite all her personalproblems, tennis champion Steffi Graf proved she had an indomitable will to win.indubitableADJ./不容置疑的;无疑的/unable to be doubted; unquestionable. Auditioning for the chorus line, Molly was anindubitable hit: the director fired the leading lady and hired Molly in her place!induceV./劝诱;导致,引起/persuade; bring about. After the quarrel, Tina said nothing could induce her to talk toN.Tony again. inducement,indulgentADJ./宽容,纵容,溺爱/humoring; yielding; lenient. Jay's mom was excessively indulgent she bought himevery Nintendo cartridge and video game on the market. She indulged Jay so much, she spoiled him rotten.industriousADJ./勤奋的,努力的/diligent; hard-working. Look busy when the boss walks by your desk; it never hurts toN.appear industrious. industry,inebriatedADJ./醉的/habitually intoxicated; drunk. Abe was inebriated more often than he was sober. Because of hisine briety, he was discharged from his job as a bus driver.ineffableADJ./不可言喻的,无法用语言表达的;不能说的,避讳的/unutterable; cannot be expressed in speech. Suchineffable joy must be experienced; it cannot be described.ineffectualADJ./无效的,弱的/not effective; weak. Because the candidate failed to get across his message to the public,his campaign was ineffectual.inefficaciousADJ./无能的,无效的/not effective; unable to produce a desired result. All Lois's coaxing andN.urging was inefficacious: Clark still refused to join her and Superman for dinner. inefficacy,ineptADJ./不相称的,不合适的,不称职的/lacking skill; unsuited; incompetent. The inept glovemaker wasall thumbs.inequityN./不公平/unfairness. In demanding equal pay for equal work, women protest the basic inequityof a system that gives greater financial rewards to men.inertADJ./惰性的,不活跃的/inactive; lacking power to move. "Get up, you lazybones," she cried to herN.husband, who lay in bed inert. inertia,inevitableADJ./不可避免地/unavoidable. Though death and taxes are both supposedly inevitable, somepeople avoid paying taxes for years.inexorableADJ./无情的;残酷的/relentless; unyielding; implacable. After listening to the pleas for clemency,the judge was inexorable and gave the convicted man the maximum punishment allowed by law.infallible infamousADJ./一贯正确的/unerring. We must remember that none of us is infallible; we all make mistakes. /臭名昭著的,恶名远扬的/notoriously bad. Charles Manson and Jeffrey Dahmer are bothADJ.infamous killers.infantile inferADJ./婴儿的,幼稚的/childish. When will he outgrow such infantile behavior?V./推导,总结/deduce; conclude. From the students' glazed looks, it was easy for m

e to infer thatN.they were bored out of their minds. inference,infernalADJ./魔鬼的,地狱的/pertaining to hell; devilish. Batman was baffled: he could think of no way tohinder the Joker's infernal scheme to destroy the city.infidel infiltrateN./异教徒,异端;不信宗教的/unbeliever. The Saracens made war against the infidels. /渗透/pass into or through; penetrate (an organization) sneakily. In order to be able toV.infiltrate enemy lines at night without being seen, the scouts darkened their faces and woreblack coveralls. infiltrator,N.infinitesimal ADJ. /微小的/very small. In the twentieth century, physicists have made their greatest discoveriesabout the characteristics of infinitesimal objects like the atom and its parts.infirmity inflatedN. /弱点/weakness. Her greatest infirmity was lack of willpower. exaggerated; pompous; enlarged (with air or gas). His claims aboutADJ. /夸张的, 虚华的, 被放大的/the new product were inflated, it did not work as well as he had promised.influxN. /注入,流入/flowing into. The influx of refugees into the country has taxed the relief agenciesseverely.informalADJ. /非正式的;不拘礼节的/absence of ceremony; casual. The English teacher preferred informaldiscussions to prepared lectures.infractionN. /打破(常规)/violation (of a rule or regulation); breach. When Dennis Rodman butted headswith that referee, he committed a clear infraction of NBA rules.infuriateV./激怒,热火/enrage; anger. Her big brother's teasing always infuriated Margaret; no matterhow hard she tried to keep her temper, he always got her goat.infusionN. /灌输; 浸泡; 注入/act of introducing or instilling a quality; liquid solution. The rookie quarterbackbrought an infusion of new life and vigor to the tired team. infuse,V.ingeniousADJ./聪明的/clever; resourceful. Kit admired the ingenious way that her computer keyboardN.opened up to reveal the built-in CD-ROM below. ingenuity,Word List 26 ingenue-invigorate ingenueingenueN./天真无邪的少女;扮演天真无邪的少女的女演员/an artless girl; an actress who plays such parts.Although she was forty, she still insisted that she be cast as an ingenue and refused to play more mature roles.ingenuousADJ. /心无城府的; 天真的; 幼稚的; 可信的/naive and trusting; young; unsophisticated. The woodsmanhad not realized how ingenuous Little Red Riding Hood was until he heard that she had gone off for a walk in the woods with the Big Bad Wolf.ingrainedADJ./牢固的;深深扎根的;深入人心的/deeply established; firmly rooted. Try as they would, themissionaries were unable to uproot the ingrained superstitions of the natives.ingrate ingratiateN. /忘恩负义者;不领情的人/ungrateful person. That ingrate Bob sneered at the tie I gave him.V./迎合, 讨好; 流行开来/become

popular with. He tried to ingratiate himself into her parents' goodgraces.iniquitousADJ. /邪恶的/wicked; immoral; unrighteous. Whether or not King Richard III was responsible forN.the murder of the two young princes in the Tower, it was an iniquitous deed. iniquity,initiateV./开始, 发源/begin; originate; receive into a group. The college is about to initiate a program inreducing math anxiety among students.injurious inklingADJ./有害的/harmful. Smoking cigarettes can be injurious to your health.N./暗示,提示/hint. This came as a complete surprise to me as I did not have the slightestinkling of your plans.inscrutableADJ./不可渗透的;不可理解的,谜/impenetrable; not readily understood; mysterious. Experiencedpoker players try to keep their expressions inscrutable, hiding their reactions to the cards behind a so-called "poker face."insensibleADJ. /迟钝的;硬心肠的/unconscious; unresponsive. Sherry and I are very different; at times whenI would be covered with embarrassment, she seems insensible to shame.insipidADJ./索然无味的;单调的/lacking in flavor; dull. Flat prose and flat ginger ale are equally insipid:both lack sparkle.insolenceN./傲慢/impudent disrespect; haughtiness. How dare you treat me so rudely! The managerwill hear of your insolence. insolent,ADJ.insolventADJ./破产/bankrupt; unable to repay one's debts. Although young Lord Widgeon was insolvent,he had no fear of being thrown into debtors' prison, for he was sure that if his creditors pressed him for payment his wealthy parents would repay what he owed. insolvency,N.insomniaN./失眠/wakefulness; inability to sleep. He refused to join us in a midnight cup of coffeebecause he claimed it gave him insomnia.instigateV./驱使;激励,鼓动/urge; start; provoke. Rumors of police corruption led the mayor to instigatean investigation into the department's activities.insubordinationN. /反抗,不屈/disobedience; rebelliousness. At the slightest hint of insubordination fromthe sailors of the Bounty, Captain Bligh had them flogged; finally, they mutinied.insubstantialADJ./无实体的,虚无的;脆弱的,不坚固的/lacking substance; insignificant; frail. His hopes for acareer in acting proved insubstantial; no one would cast him, even in an insubstantial role.insularityN./与外界隔绝;僵化;思想狭窄/narrow-mindedness; isolation. The insularity of the islandersmanifested itself in their suspicion of anything foreign. insular,ADJ.insulatedADJ./分离;隔离/set apart; isolated. A well-to-do bachelor, James spent his money freely,insulated from the cares of his friends, who had families to support.trappingstrapN. /服饰;装饰/outward decorations; ornaments. He loved the trappings of success: thelimousines, the stock options, the company jet.traumatictrapADJ. /外伤的/pertaining to an in

jury caused by violence. In his nightmares, he kept onrecalling the traumatic experience of being wounded in battle.travailtravelN./辛苦劳作/painful labor. How long do you think a man can endure such travail anddegradation without rebelling?traverse travestytravel V. /穿过/go through or across. When you traverse this field, be careful of the bull. vest = westN./滑稽化;滑稽模仿/comical parody; treatment aimed at making somethingappear ridiculous. The ridiculous decision the jury has reached is a travesty of justice.treaclyADJ./甜蜜的/sticky sweet; cloyingly sentimental. Irritatingly cheerful, always looking on theN.bright side, Pollyanna speaks nothing but treacly sentimentalities. treacle,treatiseN./论文/article treating a subject systematically and thoroughly. He is preparing a treatise onthe Elizabethan playwrights for his graduate degree.trekN. /旅行/travel; journey. The tribe made their trek farther north that summer in search of game.alsoV.intransigenceN./不妥协;不让步/refusal of any compromise; stubbornness. The negotiating team hadnot expected such intransigence from the striking workers, who rejected any hint of a compromise. intransigent,ADJ.intrepidADJ./无畏的/fearless. For her intrepid conduct nursing the wounded during the war, FlorenceNightingale was honored by Queen Victoria.intricateADJ./复杂的;错综的/complex; knotty; tangled. Philip spent many hours designing mazes soN.intricate that none of his classmates could solve them. intricacy,intrinsicADJ./内在的;固有的/essential; inherent; built-in. Although my grandmother's china has littleintrinsic value, I shall always cherish it for the memories it evokes.introspectiveADJ./内省的;反省的/looking within oneself. Though young Francis of Assisi led a wild andworldly life, even then he had introspective moments during which he examined his soul. who is introspective; inclined to think more about oneself. In his poetry, hereveals that he is an introvert by his intense interest in his own problems. alsoV.intrudeV./强挤入,侵入;强加于人/trespass; enter as an uninvited person. She hesitated to intrude ontheir conversation.intuitionN./直觉/immediate insight; power of knowing without reasoning. Even though Tony deniedthat anything was wrong, Tina trusted her intuition that something was bothering him. intuitive,ADJ.inundateV./淹没;吞并/overwhelm; flood; submerge. This semester I am inundated with work: Youshould see the piles of paperwork flooding my desk. Until the great dam was built, the waters of the Nile used to inundate the river valley like clockwork every year.inured invalidateADJ./习惯了的,适应了的/accustomed; hardened. She became inured to the Alaskan cold.V./摧毁;使无效;弱化/weaken; destroy. The relatives who received little or nothing sought toinv

alidate the will by claiming that the deceased had not been in his right mind when he had signed the document.invasiveADJ./入侵的/tending to spread aggressively; intrusive. Giving up our war with the invasiveblackberry vines that had taken over the back yard, we covered the lawn with concrete. invade,V.invectiveN. /谩骂;非难;恶言相加/abuse. He had expected criticism but not the invective that greeted hisproposal. inveigh,V.inverse invertADJ./倒转的/opposite. There is an inverse ratio between the strength of light and its distance.V./倒转, 翻转/turn upside down or inside out. When he inverted his body in a handstand, he feltADJ.the blood rush to his head. inveteratedeep-rooted; habitual. An inveterate smoker, Bobcannot seem to break the habit, no matter how hard he tries.invidiousADJ./易招嫉妒的;不公平的/designed to create ill will or envy. We disregarded her invidiousremarks because we realized how jealous she was.invigorateV./激发;鼓舞/energize; stimulate. A quick dip in the pool invigorated Meg, and with renewedenergy she got back to work.adventN. /到来,出现/arrival. Most Americans were unaware of the advent of the Nuclear Age until the news of Hiroshima reached them.adventitious ADJ. /偶然/accidental; casual. He found this adventitious meeting with his friend extremely fortunate. adversary adverse N. /对手/opponent. The young wrestler struggled to defeat his adversary. ADJ. /讨厌,敌意/unfavorable; hostile. The recession had a highly adverse effect on Father's investment portfolio: he lost so much money that he could no longer afford the butler and the upstairs maid. adversity, N. N. /贫困, 不幸/poverty; misfortune. We must learn to meet adversity gracefully. N. /支持, 辩护/support; active pleading on something's behalf. No threats could dissuade Bishop Desmond Tutu from his advocacy of the human rights of black South Africans. advocate V. /辩护/urge; plead for. The abolitionists advocated freedom for the slaves. also N. N. /猛禽的窝/nest of a large bird of prey (eagle, hawk). The mother eagle swooped down on the unwitting rabbit and bore it off to her aerie high in the Rocky Mountains. aesthetic ADJ. /审美的/artistic; dealing with or capable of appreciation of the beautiful. The beauty of Tiffany's stained glass appealed to Esther's aesthetic sense. aesthete, N. ADJ. /假的,做作的/artificial; pretended; assumed in order to impress. His affected mannerisms-his "Harvard" accent, his air of boredom, his use of obscure foreign wordsbugged us: he acted as if he thought he was too good for his old high school friends. affectation, N.adversity advocacyaerieaffectedallegoryN. /寓言/story in which characters are used as symbols; fable. Pilgrim's Progress is an allegory of the temptations and victories of man's soul. allegorical,ADJ. V. /解脱, 释放, 释然/relieve. This should alleviate the pain

; if it does not, we shall have to use stronger drugs.alleviatealliteration N. /头韵/repetition of beginning sound in poetry. "The furrow followed free" is an example of alliteration. allocate V. /分配,制定/assign. Even though the Red Cross had allocated a large sum for the relief of the sufferers of the disaster, many people perished. alloy N. /合金/a mixture as of metals. Alloys of gold are used more frequently than the pure metal. alloy V. /混合,中和/mix; make less pure; lessen or moderate. Our delight at the Yankees' victory was alloyed by our concern for Dwight Gooden, who injured his pitching arm in the game. ambidextrousADJ. / 双 手 都 灵 巧 /capable of using either hand with equal ease. A switch-hitter in baseball should be naturally ambidextrous. ambience N. /环境/environment; atmosphere. She went to the restaurant not for the food but for the ambience.ambiguous ADJ. /模棱两可/unclear or doubtful in meaning. His ambiguous instructions misled us; we did not know which road to take. ambiguity, N. Word List 3 amenities-apostate amenitiesamenities N. /令人愉快的,礼貌的/convenient features; courtesies. In addition to the customary amenities for the business traveler-fax machines, modems, a health club-the hotel offers the services of a butler versed in the social amenities. ADJ. /可爱的,友好的,惬意的/agreeable; lovable; warmly friendly. In Little Women, Beth is the amiable daughter whose loving disposition endears her to all who know her. ADJ. /温和的,友好礼貌的/politely friendly; not quarrelsome. Beth's sister Jo is the hot-tempered tomboy who has a hard time maintaining amicable relations with those around her. Jo's quarrel with her friend Laurie finally reaches an amicable settlement, but not because Jo turns amiable overnight. amiss ADJ. /错误/wrong; faulty. Seeing her frown, he wondered if anything were amiss. also ADV. N. /友谊/friendship. Student exchange programs such as the Experiment in International Living were established to promote international amity. amnesia N. /失忆,健忘/loss of memory. Because she was suffering from amnesia, the police could not get the young girl to identify herself.amiableamicableamityamnestyN. /原谅/pardon. When his first child was born, the king granted amnesty to all in prison. ADJ. /不道德的/nonmoral. The amoral individual lacks a code of ethics; he cannot tell right from wrong. The immoral person can tell right from wrong; he chooses to do something he knows is wrong.amoralamorousADJ. /爱情的/moved by sexual love; loving. "Love them and leave them" was the motto of the amorous Don Juan.amorphous ADJ. /无形的,不成形的/formless; lacking shape or definition. As soon as we have decided on our itinerary, we shall send you a copy; right now, our plans are still amorphous. amphibian ADJ. /两栖的/able to live both on land and in water. Frogs are classified as amphibian. also N. amphitheater N. /

椭圆形的剧院,斗兽场/oval building with tiers of seats. The spectators in the amphitheater cheered the gladiators. ample ADJ. /丰富的,富足的/abundant. Bond had ample opportunity to escape. Why did he let us catch him? V. /放大/broaden or clarify by expanding; intensify; make stronger. Charlie Brown tried to amplify his remarks, but he was drowned out by jeers from the audience. Lucy was smarter: she used a loudspeaker to amplify her voice. V. /截肢,切除/cut off part of body; prune. When the doctors had to amputate the young man's leg to prevent the spread of cancer, he did not let the loss of a limb keep him from participating in sports. N. /护身符/charm; talisman. Around her neck she wore the amulet that the witch doctor had given her. anachronistic ADJ. /时代错误/having an error involving time in a story. The reference to clocks in Julius Caesar is anachronistic: clocks did not exist in Caesar's time. anachronism, N. analgesic ADJ. /止痛的/causing insensitivity to pain. The analgesic qualities of this lotion will provide temporary relief. analogous ADJ. /类似的/comparable. She called our attention to the things that had been done in an analogous situation and recommended that we do the same. analogy N. /类比, 相似/similarity; parallelism. A well-known analogy compares the body's immune system with an army whose defending troops are the lymphocytes or white blood cells. anarchist N. /无政府主义者/person who seeks to overturn the established government; advocate of abolishing authority. Denying she was an anarchist, Katyaamplifyamputateamuletmaintained she wished only to make changes in our government, not to destroy it entirely. anarchy, N. anarchy N. /无政府主义/absence of governing body; state of disorder. The assassination of the leaders led to a period of anarchy. anathema N. /诅咒/solemn curse; someone or something regarded as a curse. The Ayatolla Khomeini heaped anathema upon "the Great Satan," that is, the United States. To the Ayatolla, America and the West were anathema; he loathed the democratic nations, cursing them in his dying words. anathematize,V. ancestry N. /祖先/family descent. David can trace his ancestry as far back as the seventeenth century, when one of his ancestors was a court trumpeter somewhere in Germany. ancestral,ADJ. anchor V. /固定;锚/secure or fasten firmly; be fixed in place. We set the post in concrete to anchor it in place. anchorage, N. ADJ. /辅助的/serving as an aid or accessory; auxiliary. In an ancillary capacity, Doctor Watson was helpful; however, Holmes could not trust the good doctor to solve a perplexing case on his own. also N. N. /奇闻轶事/short account of an amusing or interesting event. Rather than make concrete proposals for welfare reform, President Reagan told anecdotes about poor people who became wealthy despite their impoverished backgrounds. N. /贫血/condition in which blood lacks red corpuscles. The doctor as

cribes her tiredness to anemia. anemic,ADJ. N. / 麻 醉 药 /substance that removes sensation with or without loss of consciousness. His monotonous voice acted like an anesthetic; his audience was soon asleep. anesthesia, N. anguish N. /极度痛苦/acute pain; extreme suffering. Visiting the site of the explosion, the governor wept to see the anguish of the victims and their families. ADJ. /有尖角的,瘦骨嶙峋的/sharp-cornered; stiff in manner. Mr. Spock's features, though angular, were curiously attractive, in a Vulcan way. animated ADJ. /活跃的, 有生气的/lively; spirited. Jim Carrey's facial expressions are highly animated: when he played Ace Ventura, he looked practically rubber-faced. N. /仇恨/active enmity. He incurred the animosity of the ruling class because he advocated limitations of their power. N. /敌意/hostile feeling or intent. The animus of the speaker became obvious to all when he began to indulge in sarcastic and insulting remarks. N. /记录, 历史/records; history. In the annals of this period, we find no mention of democratic movements.ancillaryanecdoteanemiaanestheticangularanimosityanimusannalsannexV. /接手/attach; take possession of. Mexico objected to the United States' attempts to annex the territory that later became the state of Texas. V. /毁灭,破坏/destroy. The enemy in its revenge tried to annihilate the entire population. V. /评论,注释/comment; make explanatory notes. In the appendix to the novel, the editor sought to annotate many of the author's more esoteric references. N. /年金,养老金/yearly allowance. The annuity he setup with the insurance company supplements his social security benefits so that he can live very comfortably without working.annihilateannotateannuityannul anointv. /避免/make void. The parents of the eloped couple tried to annul the marriage. V. /神圣化/consecrate. The prophet Samuel anointed David with oil, crowning him king of Israel.anomalous ADJ. /不正常的,变态的/abnormal; irregular. He was placed in the anomalous position of seeming to approve procedures which he despised. *anomaly N. /不正常/irregularity. A bird that cannot fly is an anomaly.anonymity N. /匿名/state of being nameless; anonymousness. The donor of the gift asked the college not to mention him by name; the dean readily agreed to respect his anonymity. anonymous ADJ. /匿名的/having no name. She tried to ascertain the identity of the writer of the anonymous letter. antagonism N. /反抗,敌对/hostility; active resistance. Barry showed his antagonism toward his new stepmother by ignoring her whenever she tried talking to him. antagonistic,ADJ. antecede V. / 先 于 /precede. The invention of the radiotelegraph anteceded the development of television by a quarter of a century.antecedents N. /历史环境;历史背景/preceding events or circumstances that influence what comes later; ancestors or early background. Susi Bech

hofer's ignorance of her Jewish background had its antecedents in the chaos of World War II. Smuggled out of Germany and adopted by a Christian family, she knew nothing of her birth and antecedents until she was reunited with her family in 1989. antediluvian ADJ. /远古,上古,及其久远/antiquated; extremely ancient. Looking at his great-aunt's antique furniture, which must have been cluttering up her attic since the time of Noah's flood, the young heir exclaimed, "Heavens! How positively antediluvian!" anthem N. /圣歌,赞美诗/song of praise or patriotism. Let us now all join in singing the national anthem.anthologyN. /选集/book of literary selections by various authors. This anthology of science fiction was compiled by the late Isaac Asimov. anthologize,V. ADJ. /人类中心说/regarding human beings as the center of the universe.anthropocentricWithout considering any evidence that might challenge his anthropocentric viewpoint, Hector categorically maintained that dolphins could not be as intelligent as men. anthropocentrism, N. anthropoid ADJ. /类人的/manlike. The gorilla is the strongest of the anthropoid animals. also N. anthropologist N. / 人 类 学 家 /a student of the history and science of mankind.Anthropologists have discovered several relics of prehistoric man in this area. anthropomorphic ADJ. /人形的/having human form or characteristics. Primitive religions often have deities with anthropomorphic characteristics. anthropomorphism, N. anticlimax N. /反高潮,突降/letdown in thought or emotion. After the fine performance in the first act, the rest of the play was an anticlimax. anticlimactic,ADJ. antidote N. /解药/medicine to counteract a poison or disease. When Marge's child accidentally swallowed some cleaning fluid, the local poison control hotline instructed Marge how to administer the antidote. N. /反对,厌恶/aversion; dislike. Tom's extreme antipathy for disputes keeps him from getting into arguments with his temperamental wife. Noise in any form is antipathetic to him. Among his other antipathies are honking cars, boom boxes, and heavy metal rock.antipathyantiquated ADJ. / 过 时 的 , 陈 旧 的 /old-fashioned; obsolete. Philip had grown so accustomed to editing his papers on word processors that he thought typewriters were too antiquated for him to use. antiseptic N. /抗菌物 /substance that prevents infection. It is advisable to apply an antiseptic to any wound, no matter how slight or insignificant. alsoADJ. N. /对立面/contrast; direct opposite of or to. This tyranny was the antithesis of all that he had hoped for, and he fought it with all his strength. N. / 漠 不 关 心 /lack of caring; indifference. A firm believer in democratic government, she could not understand the apathy of people who never bothered to vote. apathetic,ADJ. ape V. /模仿/imitate or mimic. He was suspended for a week because he had aped the principal in front of the whole school. N. /洞

,穴,孔/opening; hole. She discovered a small aperture in the wall, through which the insects had entered the room. N. /高点,顶点,高潮/tip; summit; climax. He was at the apex of his career: he had climbed to the top of the heap.antithesisapathyapertureapexaphasiaN. /失声/loss of speech due to injury or illness. After the automobile accident, the victim had periods of aphasia when he could not speak at all or could only mumble incoherently.aphorismN. /格言,警句,谚语/pithy maxim. An aphorism differs from an adage in that it is more philosophical or scientific. "The proper study of mankind is man" is an aphorism. "There's no smoke without a fire" is an adage. aphoristic,ADJ.apiaryN. /蜂房/a place where bees are kept. Although he spent many hours daily in the apiary, he was very seldom stung by a bee. N. /沉 着 , 垂 直 /poise; assurance. Gwen's aplomb in handling potentially embarrassing moments was legendary around the office; when one of her clients broke a piece of her best crystal, she coolly picked up her own goblet and hurled it into the fireplace.aplombapocalyptic ADJ. /启示的,启示录的/prophetic; pertaining to revelations. The crowd jeered at the street preacher's apocalyptic predictions of doom. The Apocalypse or Book of Revelations of Saint John prophesies the end of the world as we know it and foretells marvels and prodigies that signal the coming doom. apocryphal ADJ. /假的,捏造的/untrue; made up. To impress his friends, Tom invented apocryphal tales of his adventures in the big city. apolitical ADJ. /不问政治的/having an aversion or lack of concern for political affairs. It was hard to remain apolitical during the Vietnam War; even people who generally ignored public issues felt they had to take political stands. N. /辩护者/one who writes in defense of a cause or institution. Rather than act as an apologist for the current regime in Beijing and defend its brutal actions, the young diplomat decided to defect to the West. N. /变节者,脱党者,叛徒/one who abandons his religious faith or political beliefs. Because he switched from one party to another, his former friends shunned him as an apostate. apostasy, N.apologistapostateWord List 4 apotheosis-astigmatism apotheosisapotheosis N. /神化,典范/elevation to godhood; an ideal example of something. The apotheosis of a Roman emperor was designed to insure his eternal greatness: people would worship at his altar forever. The hero of the musical How to Succeed in Business ... was the apotheosis of yuppieness: he was the perfect upwardly-bound young man on the make. appall V. /使惊慌,震惊/dismay; shock. We were appalled by the horrifying conditions in the city's jails. apparatus apparition N. /器械,设备/equipment. Firefighters use specialized apparatus to fight fires. N. / 鬼 , 幽 灵 /ghost; phantom. On the castle battlements, an apparition materialized and spoke to Hamlet, war

ning him of his uncle's treachery. InGhostbusters, hordes of apparitions materialized, only to be dematerialized by the specialized apparatus wielded by Bill Murray. appease V. /平静,安抚/pacify or soothe; relieve. Tom and Jody tried to appease the crying baby by offering him one toy after another, but he would not calm down until they appeased his hunger by giving him a bottle. appellation N. /名字, 标题/name; title. Macbeth was startled when the witches greeted him with an incorrect appellation. Why did they call him Thane of Cawdor, he wondered, when the holder of that title still lived? append V. /追加,附上/attach. When you append a bibliography to a text, you have just created an appendix. application N. / 勤 奋 的 付 出 /diligent attention. Pleased with how well Tom had whitewashed the fence, Aunt Polly praised him for his application to the task. V. (secondary meaning) apply, apposite ADJ. /合适的/appropriate; fitting. He was always able to find the apposite phrase, the correct expression for every occasion. V. /估价/estimate value of. It is difficult to appraise the value of old paintings; it is easier to call them priceless. appraisal, N.appraiseappreciate V. /感激; 增值; 赏识/be thankful for; increase in worth; be thoroughly conscious of. Little Orphan Annie truly appreciated the stocks Daddy Warbucks gave her, which appreciated in value considerably over the years. apprehend V. /逮捕;惧怕;领会/arrest (a criminal); dread; perceive. The police will apprehend the culprit and convict him before long. apprehensionN. /害怕/fear. His nervous glances at the passersby on the deserted street revealed his apprehension. apprenticeship N. /学徒身份/time spent as a novice learning a trade from a skilled worker. As a child, Pip had thought it would be wonderful to work as Joe's apprentice; now he hated his apprenticeship and scorned the blacksmith's trade. apprise V. /告诉/inform. When he was apprised of the dangerous weather conditions, he decided to postpone his trip. approbation N. /同意,批准/approval. She looked for some sign of approbation from her parents, hoping her good grades would please them. appropriate V. /获得;挪用,据为己有/acquire; take possession of for one's own use. The ranch owners appropriated the lands that had originally been set aside for the Indians' use. apropos PREP. /关于/with reference to; regarding. I find your remarks apropos of the present situation timely and pertinent. also ADJ. and ADV.aptitudeN. /能力,才能/fitness; talent. The counselor gave him an aptitude test before advising him about the career he should follow. ADJ. /与水有关系的/pertaining to water. Paul enjoyed aquatic sports such as scuba diving and snorkeling. ADJ. /弯曲的,钩状的/curved, hooked. He can be recognized by his aquiline nose, curved like the beak of the eagle. ADJ. /可耕种的/fit for growing crops. The first settlers wrote home glowing

reports of the New World, praising its vast acres of arable land ready for the plow.aquaticaquilinearablearbiterN. /仲裁者/a person with power to decide a dispute; judge. As an arbiter in labor disputes, she has won the confidence of the workers and the employers. ADJ. /反复无常;残暴;随机的/capricious; randomly chosen; tyrannical. Tom's arbitrary dismissal angered him; his boss had no reason to fire him. He threw an arbitrary assortment of clothes into his suitcase and headed off, not caring where he went.arbitraryarbitratorN. /仲裁者/judge. Because the negotiating teams had been unable to reach a contract settlement, an outside arbitrator was called upon to mediate the dispute between union and management. arbitration, N. N. /植物园/place where different tree varieties are exhibited. Walking along the tree-lined paths of the arboretum, Rita noted poplars, firs, and some particularly fine sycamores. N. /拱廊/a covered passageway, usually lined with shops. The arcade was popular with shoppers because it gave them protection from the summer sun and the winter rain. ADJ. / 秘 密 ; 谜 /secret; mysterious; known only to the initiated. Secret brotherhoods surround themselves with arcane rituals and trappings to mystify outsiders. So do doctors. Consider the arcane terminology they use and the impression they try to give that what is arcane to us is obvious to them.arboretumarcadearcanearchipelago N. /群岛/group of closely located islands. When Gauguin looked at the map and saw the archipelagoes in the South Seas, he longed to visit them. arousal N. /觉醒;激励/awakening; provocation (of a response). On arousal, Papa was always grumpy as a bear. The children tiptoed around the house, fearing they would arouse his anger by waking him up. V. /传讯; 责问/charge in court; indict. After his indictment by the Grand Jury, the accused man was arraigned in the County Criminal Court. array V. /排列;整理/marshal; draw up in order. His actions were bound to array public sentiment against him. also N.arraignarrayV. /衣服;穿着,装饰/clothe; adorn. She liked to watch her mother array herself in her finest clothes before going out for the evening. also N. N. /欠债/being in debt. He was in arrears with his payments on the car. V. /阻止;引起注意;吸引/stop or slow down; catch someone's attention. Slipping, the trapeze artist plunged from the heights until a safety net luckily arrested his fall. This near-disaster arrested the crowd's attention. N. /傲慢,骄傲/pride; haughtiness. Convinced that Emma thought she was better than anyone else in the class, Ed rebuked her for her arrogance. N. /干枯的河床/gully. Until the heavy rains of the past spring, this arroyo had been a dry bed. N. /军火库/storage place for military equipment. People are forbidden to smoke in the arsenal for fear that a stray spark might setoff the munitions stored there.arrears arrestarr

ogancearroyoarsenalarticulateADJ. /有效的;独特的/effective; distinct. Her articulate presentation of the advertising campaign impressed her employers. alsoV. N. / 人 造 物 品 /object made by human beings, either handmade or mass-produced. Archaeologists debated the significance of the artifacts discovered in the ruins of Asia Minor but came to no conclusion about the culture they represented. N. /技巧;欺骗/deception; trickery. The Trojan War proved to the Greeks that cunning and artifice were often more effective than military might. N. /工匠/manually skilled worker; craftsman, as opposed to artist. A noted artisan, Arturo was known for the fine craftsmanship of his inlaid cabinets. ADJ. /坦诚;直率/without guile; open and honest. Sophisticated and cynical, Jack could not believe Jill was as artless and naive as she appeared to be.artifactartificeartisanartlessascendancy N. /统治,控制/controlling influence; domination. Leaders of religious cults maintain ascendancy over their followers by methods that can verge on brainwashing. ascertain ascetic V. /确认,确证/find out for certain. Please ascertain her present address. ADJ. /苦行;禁欲/practicing self-denial; austere. The wealthy, self-indulgent young man felt oddly drawn to the strict, ascetic life led by members of some monastic orders. also N. ascribe aseptic V. /归因于;指派/refer; attribute; assign. I can ascribe no motive for her acts. ADJ. / 抗 菌 的 /preventing infection; having a cleansing effect. Hospitals succeeded in lowering the mortality rate as soon as they introduced aseptic conditions.ashen asinineADJ. /灰色/ash-colored. Her face was ashen with fear. ADJ. /愚蠢/stupid. Your asinine remarks prove that you have not given this problem any serious consideration. ADJ. /瞄,不经意的斜视/with a sideways or indirect look. Looking askance at her questioner, she displayed her scorn. ADJ. /歪斜/crookedly; slanted; at an angle. When he placed his hat askew upon his head, his observers laughed. N. /严酷,粗暴/sharpness (of temper). These remarks, spoken with asperity, stung the boys to whom they had been directed. N. /有志者;有抱负的人/seeker after position or status. Although I am an aspirant for public office, I am not willing to accept the dictates of the party bosses. alsoADJ.askanceaskewasperityaspirantaspireV. /热望;热心于/seek to attain; long for. Because he aspired to a career in professional sports, Philip enrolled in a graduate program in sports management. aspiration, N. V. /攻击/assault. He was assailed with questions after his lecture. V. /分析;化验/analyze; evaluate. When they assayed the ore, they found that they had discovered a very rich vein. also N. V. /同意;接受/agree; accept. It gives me great pleasure to assentto your request. V. /断言/declare or state with confidence; put oneself forward boldly. Malcolm asserted that if Reese quit acti

ng like a wimp and asserted himself a bit more, he'd improve his chances of getting a date. assertion, N.assail assayassentassertassessment N. /评价, 评估; 判断/evaluation; judgment. Your SAT I score plays a part in the admission committee's assessment of you as an applicant. assiduous ADJ. /勤奋/diligent. He was assiduous, working at this task for weeks before he felt satisfied with his results. assiduity, N. V. /吸收;同化/absorb; cause to become homogeneous. The manner in which the United States was able to assimilate the hordes of immigrants during the nineteenth and early twentieth centuries will always be a source of pride to Americans. The immigrants eagerly assimilated new ideas and customs; they soaked them up, the way plants soak up water. *assuage V. /减轻(痛苦);满足(饥渴);安慰/ease or lessen (pain); satisfy (hunger); soothe (anger). Jilted by Jane, Dick tried to assuage his heartache by indulging in ice cream. One gallon later, he had assuaged his appetite but not his grief.assimilateassumption N. /假定,设想;采取/something taken for granted; taking over or taking possession of. The young princess made the foolish assumption that the regent would not object to her assumption of power. assume,V. assurance N. /担保, 保证; 确定; 自信/promise or pledge; certainty; self-confidence. When Guthrie gave Guinness his assurance that rehearsals were going well, he spoke with such assurance that Guinness felt relieved. assure,V. asteroid N. /小行星/small planet. Asteroids have become commonplace to the readers of interstellar travel stories in science fiction magazines. astigmatism N. /散光 /eye defect that prevents proper focus. As soon as his parents discovered that the boy suffered from astigmatism, they took him to the optometrist for corrective glasses. Word List 5 astral-barb astralastral ADJ. /关于星的/relating to the stars. She was amazed at the number of astral bodies the new telescope revealed. astringent ADJ. / 收 敛 的 /binding; causing contraction. The astringent quality of the unsweetened lemon juice made swallowing difficult. also N.astronomical ADJ. /巨大,广阔/enormously large or extensive. The government seems willing to spend astronomical sums on weapons development. astute ADJ. /聪明;敏锐/wise; shrewd; keen. The painter was an astute observer, noticing every tiny detail of her model's appearance and knowing exactly how important each one was.asunder ADV. /分裂,分开/into parts; apart. A fierce quarrel split the partnership asunder: the two partners finally sundered their connections because their points of view were poles asunder. asylum N. /庇护所/place of refuge or shelter; protection. The refugees sought asylum from religious persecution in a new land.asymmetric ADJ. /不对称/not identical on both sides of a dividing central line. Because one eyebrow was set markedly higher than the other, William's face had a pa

rticularly asymmetric appearance. atavism N. /反祖;隔代遗传/resemblance to remote ancestors rather than to parents; deformity returning after passage of two or more generations. The doctors ascribed the child's deformity to an atavism. ADJ. /无神论/denying the existence of God. His atheistic remarks shocked the religious worshippers. atlas N. /地图集/a bound volume of maps, charts, or tables. Embarrassed at being unable to distinguish Slovenia from Slovakia, George W. finally consulted an atlas.atheisticatoneV. /补偿;偿还/make amends for; pay for. He knew no way in which he could atone for his brutal crime. N. /暴行/brutal deed. In time of war, many atrocities are committed by invading armies. N. /萎缩,变得没用/wasting away. Polio victims need physiotherapy to prevent the atrophy of affected limbs. alsoV. V. /获得;完成/achieve or accomplish; gain. The scarecrow sought to attain one goal: he wished to obtain a brain. ADJ. /专心的,专注的;全神贯注/alert and watchful; considerate; thoughtful. Spellbound, the attentive audience watched the final game of the tennis match, never taking their eyes from the ball. A cold wind sprang up; Stan's attentive daughter slipped a sweater over his shoulders without distracting his attention from the game.atrocity*atrophyattainattentiveattenuateV. /削弱/make thin; weaken. By withdrawing their forces, the generals hoped to attenuate the enemy lines. V. /证明/testify, bear witness. Having served as a member of the Grand Jury, I can attest that our system of indicting individuals is in need of improvement. N. /属性/essential quality. His outstanding attribute was his kindness. V. /归因于;解释/ascribe; explain. I attribute her success in science to the encouragement she received from her parents. N. /裁员;磨损/gradual decrease in numbers; reduction in the work force without firing employees; wearing away of opposition by means of harassment. In the 1960s urban churches suffered from attrition as members moved from the cities to the suburbs. Rather than fire staff members, church leaders followed a policy of attrition, allowing elderly workers to retire without replacing them. ADJ. /非正常的, 不正常/not normal. The child psychiatrist reassured Mrs. Keaton that playing doctor was not atypical behavior for a child of young Alex's age. "Yes," she replied, "but not charging for house calls!"attestattribute attributeattritionatypicalaudacious ADJ. /大胆的;鲁莽的/daring; bold. Audiences cheered as Luke Skywalker and Princess Leia made their audacious, deathdefying leap to freedom, escaping Darth Vader's troops. audacity, N. audit N. /核算,稽核/examination of accounts. When the bank examiners arrived to hold their annual audit, they discovered the embezzlements of the chief cashier. alsoV. ADJ. /听觉的/pertaining to the sense of hearing. Audrey suffered from auditory hallucinations: she thought Elvis was s

peaking to her from the Great Beyond.auditoryaugmentV. / 增 长 /increase; add to. Armies augment their forces by calling up reinforcements; teachers augment their salaries by taking odd jobs. N. /占卜;预言/omen; prophecy. He interpreted the departure of the birds as an augury of evil. augur,V. ADJ. /威严的;令人印象深刻的/impressive; majestic. Visiting the palace at Versailles, she was impressed by the august surroundings in which she found herself.auguryaugustaureoleN. /日冕/sun's corona; halo. Many medieval paintings depict saintly characters with aureoles around their heads. ADJ. /曙光的,极光的/pertaining to the aurora borealis. The auroral display was particularly spectacular that evening.auroralauspicious ADJ. /幸运的,吉祥的/favoring success. With favorable weather conditions, it was an auspicious moment to set sail. Thomas, however, had doubts about sailing: a paranoid, he became suspicious whenever conditions seemed auspicious. austere ADJ. /严厉的; 朴素的/forbiddingly stern; severely simple and unornamented. The headmaster's austere demeanor tended to scare off the more timid students, who never visited his study willingly. The room reflected the man, austere and bare, like a monk's cell, with no touches of luxury to moderate its austerity.authenticate V. /鉴别/prove genuine. An expert was needed to authenticate the original Van Gogh painting, distinguishing it from its imitation. authoritarian ADJ. /独裁/subordinating the individual to the state; completely dominating another's will. The leaders of the authoritarian regime ordered the suppression of the democratic protest movement. After years of submitting to the will of her authoritarian father, Elizabeth Barrett ran away from home with the poet Robert Browning. authoritativeADJ. /权威;独裁/having the weight of authority; peremptory and dictatorial. Impressed by the young researcher's well-documented presentation, we accepted her analysis of the experiment as authoritative. autocratic ADJ. / 独 裁 /having absolute, unchecked power; dictatorial. Someone accustomed to exercising authority may become autocratic if his or her power is unchecked. Dictators by definition are autocrats. Bosses who dictate behavior as well as letters can be autocrats too. automaton N. /机器人/mechanism that imitates actions of humans. Long before science fiction readers became aware of robots, writers were presenting stories of automatons who could outperform men. autonomous ADJ. /自治/self-governing. Although the University of California at Berkeley is just one part of the state university system, in many ways Cal Berkeley isautonomous, for it runs several programs that are not subject to outside control. autonomy, N. autopsy N. /验尸/examination of a dead body; post-mortem. The medical examiner ordered an autopsy to determine the cause of death. alsoV. auxiliary ADJ. /辅助的/helper, additional or subsidiary. To prepare

for the emergency, they built an auxiliary power station. also N. avalanche N. /雪崩/great mass of falling snow and ice. The park ranger warned the skiers to stay on the main trails, where they would be in no danger of being buried beneath a sudden avalanche. *avarice N. /贪婪,贪财/greediness for wealth. King Midas is a perfect example of avarice, for he was so greedy that he wished everything he touched would turn to gold. V. /复仇/take vengeance for something (or on behalf of someone). Hamlet vowed he would avenge his father's murder and punish Claudius for his horrible crime. averse ADJ. /反对的/reluctant; disinclined. The reporter was averse to revealing the sources of his information. N. /厌恶,抵制/firm dislike. Bert had an aversion to yuppies; Alex had an aversion to punks. Their mutual aversion was so great that they refused to speak to one another. V. /转移;防止/prevent; turn away. She averted her eyes from the dead cat on the highway. N. /鸟舍/enclosure for birds. The aviary at the zoo held nearly 300 birds. ADJ. /贪婪/greedy; eager for. He was avid for learning and read everything he could get. avidity, N. N. /副业,业余爱好/secondary or minor occupation. His hobby proved to be so fascinating and profitable that gradually he abandoned his regular occupation and concentrated on his avocation. V. /宣布/declare openly. Lana avowed that she never meant to steal Debbie's boyfriend, but no one believed her avowal of innocence. avuncular ADJ. /像伯父(叔叔)一样的/like an uncle. Avuncular pride did not prevent him from noticing his nephew's shortcomings. N. /敬畏/solemn wonder. The tourists gazed with awe at the tremendous expanse of the Grand Canyon. awry ADV. /扭曲的;歪曲的/distorted; crooked. He held his head awry, giving the impression that he had caught cold in his neck during the night. alsoADJ.avengeaversionavert*aviary avidavocationavowaweaxiomN. /公理, 自明的道理/self-evident truth requiring no proof. Before a student can begin to think along the lines of Euclidean geometry, he must accept certain principles or babbleADJ. /天蓝/sky blue. Azure skies are indicative of good weather. V. /嘟囔/chatter idly. The little girl babbled about her doll. also N.bacchanalian ADJ. /喝醉的,耍酒疯/drunken. Emperor Nero attended the bacchanalian orgy. badger V. /激怒,纠缠/pester; annoy. She was forced to change her telephone number because she was badgered by obscene phone calls. badinage N. /开玩笑,揶揄;取消/teasing conversation. Her friends at work greeted the news of her engagement with cheerful badinage. baffle bait V. /挫败/frustrate; perplex. The new code baffled the enemy agents. V. /欺负, 玩弄, 折磨/harass; tease. The school bully baited the smaller children, terrorizing them. ADJ. /恶意的,有害的/deadly; having a malign influence; ominous. The fortune teller made baleful predictions of terri

ble things to come. V. /反对;阻止/foil or thwart; stop short; refuse to go on. When the warden learned that several inmates were planning to escape, he took steps to balk their attempt. However, he balked at punishing them by shackling them to the walls of their cells. N. /配重;沙袋/heavy substance used to add stability or weight. The ship was listing badly to one side; it was necessary to shift the ballast in the hold to get her back on an even keel. alsoV. N. / (止痛的) 安慰物/something that relieves pain. Friendship is the finest balm for the pangs of disappointed love. V. / 传 话 /discuss lightly or glibly; exchange (words) heatedly. While the president was happy to bandy patriotic generalizations with anyone who would listen to him, he refused to bandy words with unfriendly reporters at the press conference.N. /苔原; 冻土/balefulbalkballastbalmbandytundrarolling, treeless plain in Siberia and arctic North America. Despite the cold, manygeologists are trying to discover valuable mineral deposits in the tundra.


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