a visit to the moon 杨利伟 a visit to the moon



课 题:

eading: A visit to the moon and black hole 授课时数 1


Teaching procedures

Step1. Lead in

T: We all know that the earth has great gravity, so we can’t jump too high and won’t float in the air. Who first got the idea of gravity?

Ss: Isaac Newton

T: how did he get the idea?

Ss: one day he was sitting under a tree, he saw an apple fall, then he got the idea of gravity.

T: is the moon’s gravity the same as that on the earth?

Ss: no

T: what’s it like to be on the moon? Do you have any experience of

weightlessness? No? There are two boys who have just come back after traveling to the moon. Do you want to know what happened to them? Ok, now, let’s learn it together. These two boys will share their experience with us.

Step2. Reading1

1. Read the passage carefully and then write down the three ways in which gravity changed for Li Yanping.


Answers: 2. True or false

1. The force of gravity would change three times on their journey .

( )

2. When they were on the moon, they would not feel the gravity because there was no gravity on the moon. ( )

3. it’s easier for them to walk on the moon than on the earth. ( )

Step3. Reading task2

1. Fill in the chart.

T: We all know that the gravity of the moon isn’t strong. But just imagine that the moon has great gravity, what will happen?


Ss: it will pull us.

T: Right. Maybe when we are approaching it, we will be caught in it. So let’s come to the black hole now.

Look at the passage on page 66, listen to the tape carefully, and then fill in the chart.

2. Expansion

Give students more information about the black hole to widen their views.


a visit to the moon 杨利伟 a visit to the moon


与别的天体相比,黑洞是显得太特殊了。例如,黑洞有“隐身术”,人们无法直接观察到它,连科学家都只能对它内部结构提出各种猜想。那么,黑洞是怎么把自己隐藏起来的呢?答案就是——弯曲的空间。我们 4


爱华网本文地址 » http://www.aihuau.com/a/393751/128250421624.html


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