公共英语一级模拟试题 2015下半年公共英语五级模拟试题:单选题


第一节 词语配伍 从选项中选出与题目意义相符的选项。




  C. money




第二节 短文理解 阅读下列短文,从每题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出最佳答案,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。


  A lot ofpeople don’t want to talk about their age,especially(尤其是)womenover 30.The thought of grow—ing older is a painful(痛苦的)one and most of US,ifpossible,would like to have nothing to do with it.However,getting older is a thing that happens to all of US.As a result,many people work hard to keep young.So the lastthing they want is for someone to askthe question,“How old are you?”

  Peoplemay answer this question like:“How old do you think I am?”“30 something.I’min my thirties.Let’s just leave it at that.…‘I can’t remember.…Oh,don’t ask me that.…“A lot older than what lwould like tobe.”

  However,if you really want to knowsomeone’s age,this is how you could find out the answer.First you estimate(估计)their age.Then you subtract(减去)ten years from thatestimation.Certainly you will get a big smilefrom thatperson who will also say.“Wow.Youare my best friend.I’m 38 already.Can you believe it?”You,ofCOUrSe,,say,“N0.I reallyCall’t.You’re,joking.You don’tlook a day over 28.”

  Most of men are pleased totell others how old they are.



  C.Doesn’t Say.

  57、 Many people try their bestto look young.



  C.Doesn’t Say.

  58、If you want to ask aperson’s age.you Call put the question at the end ofyour talk.



  C.Doesn’t Say.

  59、 It’s impossible for you toknow a stranger’s age.



  C.Doesn’t Say.

  60、 Only your best friendswill tell you that you look young.



  C.Doesn’t Say.


  InAmsterdam(阿姆斯特丹),there is all unusual children Restaurant.It is run(经营)by children.From themanager to the cooks,waiters andother members are all children from six to twelve years old.They themselves doall the necessary work such as cooking and cleaning.These children are selected(挑选)in Amsterdam.After training(培训),theymay work in the restaurant for four weeks.All of themlike their work.

  Thisrestaurant was founded(创办)in 1983 by a woman cook,who wanted to givechildren chances to learn tobe useful to the public.Andnow she is the only adult(大人)there,but her job is just to take care of the children.The restaurant is welcomed almost by everyone.Since there are only 20 seats in the restaurant,it is always fullof people.

  If youwant to have a meal in the restaurant,you must tell them ahead of time"(提前).The cost of a meal is different according todifferent people.Usually four dollars for each adult,but much cheaper for the children.Anditsbusiness hours are only on Saturday evenings and Sunday afternoons.

  Where is the unusualChildren Restaurant7

  A.In Holland.

  B.In Poland.

  C.In England.

  62、 How old are the people whorun the restaurant7.

  A.Over 20.

  B.Frbm 16 to 21.

  C.From 6 to 12.

  63、 Why did the woman cook setup this restaurant?

  A.To earn money.

  B.To give children chances tolearn to be useful to the public.

  C.To attract customers.

  64、 How many seats are therein the restaurant?




  65、 If you want to have a mealin the restaurant,what should you do first?

  A.Make a reservation.

  B.Telephone them.

  C.Just go there.




公共英语一级模拟试题 2015下半年公共英语五级模拟试题:单选题

  Goodmorning.1adiesand gentlemen.May I draw your attention(注意)to the book Safety in Flight?You willfind the book in the pocket atthe back of the seat in front of you and we ask you to read it.You’ll also find a news—paper and you may find it interesting.For those of you not familiar with this kind of plane,you call smoke on the left.hand side of thepassenger cabin(机舱),once thesigns at the front of the cabin have been turned off,andat notime in the toilet at the back of the plane.Wehave a duty—free(免税的)bar on the plane and cigarettes,beer and mineral water will be on sale during the flight.If you have any questions during the flight,pleaseask our four host—esses(空姐).Wouldyou nOW please fasten(系紧)your seat belts to get readyfor take-off?We wish you a pleasant flight!Thank you.

  The announcement ismade__________.

  A.during the flight

  B.before taking off

  C.after taking off

  67、 People are asked__________.

  A.to read the book Safety inFlight

  B.to find out where they cansmoke

  C.to buy something duringthe flight

  68、 Can people smoke in theplane?

  A.No,they can’t.

  B.Yes,but only in some areas of the plane.

  C.Yes,but only in the cabin.

  69、 People in the planecall__________.

  A.have a good sleep

  B.have some small gifts

  C.buy some duty—free things

  70、 We learn from the textthat__________.

  A.the passengers will have amorning flight

  B.they will have mealsduring the flight

  C.the plane is going to flyacross a mountain
  例: People use it to keep rainoff their heads.答案:[E]

  People read it for someinformation.

  52、 People can travel in it inthe sky.

  53、 You take it if you don’tfeel well.

  54、 You do it after class athome.

  55、 People buy things with it.


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