secure this love 刘忻《Secure This Love》歌词

  《Secure This Love》歌词:

  Hey, it's me.

  How you feel the first time when you met me?

  Did you see some possibility?

  I mean, I...I wish you fall in love with me so many romantic love stories

  How you feel the first time when you met me

  Did you see some possibility?

  What I mean I wish you fall in love with me

  like so many romantic love stories

  Now you see we together secure this love so long

  You keep telling me our love is never wrong

  Now all I wanna do is to be with you ou...

  Nobody can stop me to say I love you

  Did you see possibility?

  What I mean love with me

  Now you please keep telling me

  All you wanna do is to say you love me

  How you feel the first time when you met me

  Did you see some possibility

  What I mean I wish you fall in love with me

  like so many romantic love stories

  Now you see we together secure this love so long

  You keep telling me our love is never wrong

  Now all I wanna do is to be with you ou...

  Nobody can stop me to say I love you

  There's so many people pass by

  I don't want regret in my life

  and never get a chance to hold the people belongs to mine

  I'll spend all the times to be with you

  And I will keep this faithful until I dead

  Just hold your hand and say I love you

  Times to times

  Now you see we together secure this love so long

secure this love 刘忻《Secure This Love》歌词

  You keep telling me our love is never wrong

  Now all I wanna do is to be with you ou...

  Nobody can stop me to say I love you

  Did you see possibility?

  What I mean I wish you love with me

  Wish you love with me

  Now you please keep telling me

  All you wanna do is to say you love me

  You say you love me

  Did you see possibility?

  What I mean I wish you love with me

  Wish you love with me

  Now you please keep telling me

  All you wanna do is to say you love me

  You say you love me





  2007年12月22日,获首届“舞动音画”明星选拔赛冠军,签约JYP Entertainment并赴其韩国总部受训。2008年10月13日,携JYP为其发行中文出道数码单曲《颜色》以首届“舞动音画”明星选拔赛冠军身份在北京公开向中国媒体宣布正式出道。2011年4月与原所属经纪公司JYP Entertainment 和平解约;同年9月获《快乐女声》全国季军,签约天娱传媒有限公司。2012年,发行迷你一辑《我是你的女朋友》,并凭借此获得2012年度星外星唱片内地销量冠军;并于2013年内包揽五大音乐颁奖典礼多项新人奖。

  2013年8月27日,发行迷你二辑《花花女孩》[17] ;并凭借此获得2013年度星外星唱片内地销量亚军。2015年12月3日,发行与姜潮合唱的单曲EP《hand in hand》;12月18日,发行原创正规一辑《My Room》


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