初中英语情景交际题 初中英语:12道最有名的“陷阱题”!一做就错!



初中英语情景交际题 初中英语:12道最有名的“陷阱题”!一做就错!

1.He made some toys____his little son.

A.please B.to please C.pleasing D.pleased

2.I can't help____housework at home because I am busy with my homework.

A.doing B.to do C.done D.with doing

3.The old woman walked along the river slowly,____about something.

A.thought B.thinking C.thinks D.thoughts

4.I don't like to sit here____nothing.

A.do B.doing C.to do D.does

5.The doctor____a____boy yesterday.

A.had saved;dying B.saved;dying C.has saved;dead D.saved;dead

6.Tony said she____sending e-mails____letters.

A.prefers;writing B.preferred;to writing C.preferred;to write D.prefers to writing

7.The girl was heard____the piano in the next room.

A.plays B.to play C.played D.play

8.He lived in a house____100 years ago.

A.to build B.built C.building D.was built

9.My father often had a walk after supper last year but now he is used to____TV.

A.watch B.watching C.watches D.watched

10.We must try our best to stop the environment pollution____a happier life.

A.from living B.to live C.living D.live

11.The traffic policeman____the children____play football in the street.

A.advised;don't B.warned;not to C.advised;not to D.warned;don't

12.We each____two apples in the afternoon every day.

A.is given B.are given C.to be given D.was given

---The end---


这是其中一位同学的答案:1--5:BBBBB 6--10:BBBBB C A



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