职场达人不告诉你的事 职场双语:失业了,别人不会告诉的六件事


1. Give yourself some real time to figure out your next step.That may mean weeks, not a few hours! Don't feel compelled to jump right back into the work force. You will feel some shock—the same way you would feel shock after any loss. Take some time to deal with that. When you are ready to jump back in, keep your options open. This might be a good time to explore a new field that you've always wanted to try but never had the time to, start a business, or go back to school.

职场达人不告诉你的事 职场双语:失业了,别人不会告诉的六件事

2. The next job you take may be a transitional one.Whether it's full or part time, embrace it. Every experience is a valuable one and you never know where it may lead. It's OK to freelance or find part-time work to get some cash flow until you find the perfect new position. In fact, you may find that you don't need a full-time job as much as you thought you did to be happy and secure.

3. Celebrate—maybe even take a vacation.You probably didn't take time away while you were at your last job—use this period of adjustment to break free. It'll give you a chance to get some perspective. Have drinks or a party and celebrate being laid off. Put a positive spin on this. Enjoy yourself. This will be one of the few times in life that you're unencumbered by work. Read. Sleep. Do all the things you never get to do...believe it or not, you'll miss this time when it's gone.

4. Realize that something good will come from this (I call this The Change Guarantee).Write it down somewhere visible. In the end, this job loss is probably a good thing. Make yourself write a list of 3 things that help you see the upside from this downside. You'll end up better off, no matter what. You may not see it now, but you'll triumph over this job loss in ways you couldn't imagine.

5. Always frame things in the positive.Say things like "I'm excited I'm back in the job market. It has given me a chance to really go after a job that I love," as opposed to, "I recently got fired/lost my job." People who are optimists and have positive beliefs will always get through this change better than others.

6. Let go of the way life should have gone.Resisting the job loss causes more pain. Sometimes you know why you were fired, sometimes you just don't. Don't waste any time figuring it out. Be mature about anything you feel may have contributed to it. See the difference between reality and illusion (reality is you lost your job, illusion is you'll never find another job.) Take a moment to go inside yourself, get silent and listen to your intuition. Some of your best ideas will come when you slow down enough and tune in.



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