中考英语单选题精选 这120道单选题,考查了中考英语所有语法点(下)


( ) 61. —Hello,Sandy. This is Jack. What are you doing?

—I’m watching a match. It started at 7:00 p.m and ______ on for another an hour.

A.has been 


C.had been 

D.will be

解析:选D. 本题考查时态。根据语境:比赛还要进行一个小时。用一般将来时。

( ) 62. —__________? 

—Things are going very well.

A. How soon does it go 

B. How often does it go

C. How far is it go 

D. How is everything going

解析:选D。 本题变相测试学生的口语能力以及对日常会话的理解 How is everything going?意思为:近况如何?,只有D项符合题意。

( ) 63. The population of the world in the 20th century became very much _________ than that in the 19th.  

A. bigger 

B. larger 

C. greater 

D. more

解析:选B。 本题考查population人口大小的固定用法,即由larger修饰。根据连词than不难选出B答案。

( ) 64. —What’s the weather like tomorrow? 

—The radio says it is going to be even ______.

A. bad 

B. worst 

C. badly 

D. worse

解析: 选D。 even修饰比较级。而且根据语境应该是明天的天气比今天更加糟糕。

( ) 65. Though she talks ______, she has made ________ friends here。

A. a little, a few 

B. little, few 

C. little, a few 

D. few, a few

解析: 选C。 根据句意: 尽管她不太说话,但她在这里交了几个朋友。

( ) 66 . —My parents never stop going on about(唠叨) how I should study hard. 


A. So my parents do 

B. Nor my parents 

C. Nor do my parents 

D. Neither my parents do

解析:选C。 此题考查倒装句,因为前面句中有否定词never, 故后面倒装句是nor/neither+助动词+主语。

( ) 67. He never does his work _______ Mary.

A. as careful as 

B. so careful as 

C. as carefully as 

D. carefully as

解析:选C。副词的同级比较,副词修饰动词,排除A, B. as…as…与......一样......。

( ) 68. Many Chinese students think science subjects are ________ foreign languages.

A. more difficult as 

B. less difficult than 

C. much difficult than 

D. so difficult as

解析:选B。 此题可以采用排除法。选择A的话必须把more改为as或把as改为than; 如果选择C, 则应该把much改为more或在much后面加more; 选择D则需要把so改为as。

( ) 69. _________ music she is playing!

A. What nice 

B. How nice 

C. What a nice 

D. How nice a

解析: 选A.。 music是不可数名词,构成what+形容词+不可数名词+主谓!

( ) 70. His work is better than __________. 

A. anyone 

B. anyone else 

C. anyone else’s 

D. anyone’s else

解析:选择C。 此题容易误选B. 比较级中,比较的对象应该前后一致。His work 应该与anyone else’s work相比较。

( ) 71. The nurse told the children the sun ______ in the east.

A. rises 

B. rose 

C. will rise 

D. has risen

解析:选择A。 此题容易误选B. 在宾语从句中,如果主句用一般过去时,则从句用相应的过去时态,但如果从句表示客观真理,则用一般现在时。

( ) 72.—Are you sure you have to? It’s been very late.

—I don’t know ______ I can do it if not now.

A. where 

B. why 

C. when 

D. how


( ) 73. —Hello, Jack! Haven’t seen you for a long time! 

—John! ________

A. How old are you? 

B. How are you? 

C. How’s that? 

D. How time flies!

解析:选D。 此题容易误选B。 根据语境选择D。 即时间过得真快!

( ) 74. I could not get through the door because there was a big stone ___________。

A. by the way 

B. on the way 

C. out of the way 

D. in the way

解析:选D。 此题学生容易误选B。 by the way顺便说;on the way在路上;out of the way不挡道; in the way挡道,妨碍。根据句意:因为有块石头挡道,所以我不能通过门。

( ) 75. Can you lend me the book ___ the other day?

A. that you talked 

B. you talked about it 

C. which you talked to 

D. you talked about

解析:选D。 此题考查定语从句的用法,学生容易误选A, B. 此题容易排除C. talk to的宾语是人而不是物,又由于talk是不及物动词,谈论某物是talk about, 引导词that是talk about 的宾语,可以省略。

( ) 76 —You never told us why you were late for the meeting,____?

— _______. I think it is not necessary to explain.

A.weren’t you; No 

B. did you; No 

C. did you; Yes 

D. didn’t you; No

解析:选B。 此题较难,学生非常容易选错。 首先此题容易排除A, D. 因为句中有否定词never, 反义疑问句的原则是前否后肯。在反义疑问句回答中,如果事实是肯定的,就用肯定回答,反之,则用否定回答。根据下句:没有必要解释,说明没有告诉迟到了。

( ) 77. — What is your little brother like? 

—________ . He enjoys telling jokes.  

A. He is tall and thin 

B. He is shy and quiet. 

C. He is outgoing and funny. 

D. He is strong and heavy.

解析:选C。What is your little brother like?既可以用来询问人的外貌,也可以询问人的性格特征,根据He enjoys telling jokes。说明他外向、滑稽。

( ) 78. Jim’s father got very angry _________.

A.with that he had done 

B. with what he had done 

C. at what he had done 

D. at what had he done

解析:选C。此题容易误选B。 be/get/become angry with sb对某人生气,be/get/become angry at sth对某事生气。 所做的事发生在生气之前,即过去的过去,用过去完成时,宾语从句用陈述句语序,故选择C。

( ) 79. —What are on show in the museum?

—Some photos _______ by the children of Yushu, Qinghai.

A. have been taken 

B. were taken 

C. are taken 

D. taken

解析: 选D。此题学生最容易出错,误选B. 当然有的老师也会出错。此题考查过去分词作定语。此句子其实是个省略句,完整句中应该是:Some photos taken by the children of Yushu, Qinghai are on show in the museum.

( ) 80. —He didn’t go to the lecture this morning, did he?

— _____ . Though he was not feeling very well.

A. No, he didn’t 

B. Yes; he did 

C. No, he did 

D. Yes, he didn’t

解析:选B。 此题考查对反义疑问句的回答,在反义疑问句中,如果事实是肯定的,就用肯定回答,反之,则用否定回答。根据下句:Though he was not feeling very well. 尽管他感到不舒服,可知他去了。

( ) 81. — Have you found the information about the famous people ________ you can use for the report?

—Not yet. I’ll search some on the Internet.


B. what 

C. whom 

D. which

解析: 选D. 此题容易误选A, C. 其实,仔细分析句子结构,我们发现定语从句的先行词是the information而非people, about the famous people是先行词the information的后置定语。

( ) 82.The doctor did what he could _____ the dying man. 

A. save 

B. to save 

C. saved 

D. saving

解析:选B. 此题学生容易受思维定势影响影响会误选A, 其实本题是考查动词不定式表目的。

( ) 83. The life we were used to ______ greatly since 1980.

A. change 

B. has changed 

C. changing 

D. have changed

解析:选B. 此题也较难。 学生往往容易误选A, C. 根据句意:我们习惯了的生活自从1980年以来发生了巨大变化。we were used to是定语从句,修饰The life。

( ) 84. These coats are different _____ size. 

A. from 

B. of 

C. to 

D. in

解析: 选D. 此题学生最容易误选A. 句意:这些外衣尺寸大小不一。in 在这里是在......方面之意。

( ) 85. —Will you join us to play basketball on Saturday afternoon?

—________, but I promised to go swimming with Eric.

A. Never mind 

B. Many thanks 

C. Take it easy 

D. With pleasure

解析: 选D. 此题考查日常交际用语,根据答语可知选择D. 即:我非常乐意和你们打篮球,但我答应和Eric去游泳了。

( ) 86. —Whom would you like to be your assistant, Jack or David?

—If I had to choose, David would be ____ choice.

A. good 

B. better 

C. the better

D. the best

解析:选择C. 此题容易误选B. 比较级一般情况下不加定冠词the, 但表示两者较......时,则必须加the。

( ) 87. —Where did you go on holiday this summer? England?

—You are _____. We went on a 10-day trip to Paris. 

A. funy 

B. right 

C. cool 

D. close

解析: 选D. 此题容易误选B. 但细心的学生一看最后一句就知道England和Paris并不是一个地方,说明问话人没有说对。选择D意为你快要说对了。close在此句是形容词,意思是近的,接近的。

( ) 88. Shanghai is larger than _____ city in New Zealand.

A. any other 

B. other 

C. all other 

D. any

解析: 选D. 此题学生也容易出错。句意:上海比新西兰任何城市都要大。如果把New Zealand换成China, 则选择A, 需要把它本身排除在外。

( ) 89. —Who is singing in the next room? 

—_____ must be Maria.  

A. It 

中考英语单选题精选 这120道单选题,考查了中考英语所有语法点(下)

B. She 

C. This 


解析:选择A. 此题容易误选B. 在英语中,对猜测的或指代身份不明的通常用it来代替。

( ) 90.—Again, my computer doesn’t work.

—           must be something wrong with the CPU.

A. There 

B. That 

C. It 

D. This

解析:选择A. 此题容易误选C. 此题其实是考查there be句型。There be something wrong with sth某事出问题了。There must be something wrong with sth某事一定出问题了。

( ) 91. She was born _______ the evening of August 8, 2008.

A. in 

B. on 

C. at 

D. with

解析:选B. 此题学生会误选A. 在具体某天的早上、下午或晚上用介词on。

( ) 92.They preferred ______ in bed rather than _____ horses. 

A.to lie; to ride 

B.lying; riding 

C.to lie; ride 

D.lying; ride

解析:选择C. 此题容易误选B, D. 此题考查句型prefer to do sth rather than do sth。比起做某事宁愿做某事。

( ) 93.Can you imagine that         little ants can eat      many big worms.

A.so; so 

B.such; such 

C.such; so 

D.so; such

解析:选择C. 此题受思维定势影响容易选A. 本题中little意为“小的”而非“少的”。那么第一空就应该选择such。

( ) 94.We must do everything we can        waste water from running into rivers.



C.to keep 


解析:选C. 此题学生容易受思维定势影响会误选A, 其实本题是考查动词不定式表目的。

( ) 95. He’ll use what he has _____ her a new dress. 


B.to buy 


D.been bought

解析:选B. 此题容易误选A. 其实本题是考查动词不定式表目的。

( ) 96. Everyone except Tom and John ______ seen the film.





解析:选B. 此题考查主谓一致。句子中主语含有except, with, as well was 等词时,谓语动词不受后面影响,与前面主语保持一致。everyone是不定代词,谓语动词用单数。

( ) 97. —Jolin, how long have you been a teacher as a pop star?

—______the end of last month, after Jolin’s English Diary Book came out.

A. Since 

B. In 

C. By 

D. At

解析:选择A. 此题学生容易受思维定式影响误选C. D. 根据上句现在完成时,只能用since。

( ) 98. —Hello, could I speak to Mr. Smith, please? 

—Sorry, there isn’t ____Mr. Smith here.

A. the 

B. a 

C. an 

D. /

解析:选B. 人名,地名等专有名词前一般没有冠词,但本句句意是:这里没有一个叫Mr. Smith的人,根据句意,应选择B。

( ) 99. ––Who is on the playground? 


A. No one 

B. None 

C. too much 

D. A lot

解析:选择A. none 可以回答How many/How much引导的特殊疑问句,no one用来回答Who引导的特殊疑问句。

( ) 100. She asked me _____ I would do it or not.

A. if 

B. whether 

C. as 

D. until

解析:选B. if 和 whether都可以用来引导宾语从句,表示“是否”之意。但当后面有or not时只能用whether。


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雅思听力单选题技巧 2015年中考英语单选和听力应试技巧

  单选的命题特点有:重点突出,覆盖面广;答案唯一,选对不易;重视语境,强调情景;迷惑性大,综合性强等特点。所以在做单选时还应知道以下注意事项。  一、题干中暗示信息  现在的考试中不再像以前那样,直接告诉题意,而是把题置于一个

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