餐厅英语对话常用语 1.餐厅常用对话(1)


1 订餐


I need to reserve a table for the dinner on Valentine's Day, please.


I would like a table for two, please.


I want a table by the window.



reserve a table for dinner (订晚上的一个餐桌)

Tip:其中 a table可以换成其他数字 (two tables), for后面可以接中餐、晚餐,还可以接具体人数,餐馆根据人数安排餐桌大小。


La Lanterna Restaurant: Good evening, La Lanterna. May I help you?

Shelly Jackson: Good evening. I’d like to make a dinner reservation for this Friday, the 8th.

La Lanterna Restaurant: Alright, just a moment please and I’ll check our reservations book.Okay, how many people are there in your party?

Shelly Jackson: There’ll be six, four adults and two children.

餐厅英语对话常用语 1.餐厅常用对话(1)

La Lanterna Restaurant: What time would you like the reservation for?

Shelly Jackson: 6:30,please.

La Lanterna Restaurant: Alright, and what is your name?

Shelly Jackson: It’s Shelly Jackson.

La Lanterna Restaurant: OK, Ms. Jackson. So, that’s a party reservation for six, Friday, the 8th at 6:30.

Shelly Jackson: Yes, that’s right. Thank you very much.

La Lanterna Restaurant: You’re welcome. See you this Friday.

I’d like to make a dinner reservation for this Friday, the 8th.我想要订这个星期五,也就是8号的晚餐位子。

[口语拓展] I’d like to reserve a table for dinner for this Friday, the 8th.

I’d like to book a table for dinner for this Friday, the 8th.

我想要订这个星期五, 8号的晚餐位子。

预定的动词是reserve,所以reserve+某物品活着make a+某物品+reservation 都是表示预定的意思。例如:

reserve a hotel-room /make a hotel room reservation




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餐厅预订英文对话 关于餐厅预订的英语对话

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在餐厅吃饭的英语对话 餐厅吃饭英语对话

当你担心和朋友在一起没话题时,又不想两人相顾玩手机时,可以到餐厅里去。美食的话题,大部分人都能接受并且怀有兴趣。下面是小编给大家整理的餐厅吃饭英语对话,供大家参阅!餐厅吃饭英语对话篇1A: Waiter, a table for two, please. 服

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