首先,一个人由于先天缺陷,或者后天事故的原因,比如烧伤、车祸 等等,导致了相貌上的残疾,因此不得不承受精神和身体上的双重压力,这时候, 整容是必要的。其次,对于一个对自己的相貌不自信的人,他的外形可能会影响到 就职甚至事业,这时候改变容貌会增加他的 自信,也就增加了他成功的可能性。再 者,爱美之心人皆有之,即使没有相貌上的残疾,追求更完美的自己也无可厚非。 最后, 整容现在已经逐渐成为一个产业, 它的繁荣发展能够为国家带来大量的税收。 因此我们支持整容。
反方一辩: 整容无疑是告诉别人,我不自信我很丑。第一,整容需要大量的医疗费用, 而且整容后的维持也需要大量的时间、精力和金钱。第二,美丽是要付出代价的, 整容的风险依然存在,一旦失败,可能导致毁容。第三,整容与我们的传统道德相 违背。
请问对方二辩,整容兴起于娱乐圈,但是却在广大青少年中泛滥,这种思想的蔓 延会不会使青少年更多的流于外表而忽视自身内在品质的培养呢?
正方二辩:我想答案是否定的。您方曾经说过不可以貌取人,我们重视外表的同时就不能更 加注重内在品质的培养吗。 我们欣喜的看到, 在我国大力的推进和谐社会的构建过 程中,人民的素质得到广泛的提升,您所说的现象不会出现。 反方二辩:请问对方三辩,我们看到,因整容失败造成的无数悲剧,他们怀着美丽的梦想却 不得不承受身体和心灵的双重打击,面对这些惨剧我们还能视若无睹吗?
正方三辩:对方辩友,您的观点未免片面,您看到的悲剧我们看到了,我们看到的喜剧您却 没有看到,这是否有失公允呢?
正方二辩:请问对方二辩,如果一个人因为先天缺陷或者后天事故造成毁容,他难以承受在 路上的别人看他是异样的眼光,那么他整容,追求完善的自己有错吗?
反方二辩:我们看到在众多的整容人群中,这一部分人毕竟是少数,他们整容无可厚非,但 大多数人是为了更美而整容,这样就不应该了,
反方三辩:俗话说,人靠衣装马靠鞍,三分长相七分穿。使自己变美的方法有很多种,我们 可以通过衣着、化妆品、首饰来弥补不足,为什么一定要铤而走险选择整容呢?
正方一辩:请问对方辩友,众所周知,说道整容不能不提韩国,这个整容技术冠绝全球的国 家,如果没有民众的支持,这个行业是不可能发达起来的。您说整容是不应该的, 难道这个国家没有意识到,他们广大的人民也全都错了吗? 反方一辩:大众的不一定就是有益的、正确的,我们国家还发生过文化大革命呢。但是明星 们为了自己的星路,一次次的整容,造成了粉丝们盲目追随的风气,您对这个怎么 看。
正方二辩: 如果我是某明星的粉丝, 我只是喜欢他的外表或者才华, 并不一
定说他长什么样, 我就要去整成他的样子, 一个刘德华并不需要千万个刘德华去追。 我想问对方辩友, 如果您生有兔唇,您不会整容吗?
反方二辩:那我可真是不幸,但不是所有人都像我一样不幸。更多的人容貌健康,只是为了 追求身体某个部位的完美而去整容, 这才是不值得的。 我想问对方辩友, 您去整容, 就没有考虑到父母家人的感受么?父母想要原装的孩子,孩子想要真实的家长。
正方三辩:欢迎来到 21 世纪。人的思想和观念正在进步,难道只是进步在年轻一代吗?我 们可以看到,很多年纪比较大的人为了抵抗衰老,纷纷选择去医院美容院整容,这 是无可厚非的。
反方三辩:但是正如我们之前提到的,身体发肤,受之父母,这是古人的古训。父母给予我 们身体,给予我们生命,让我们得以活在这个世上。我们不应该对父母给予我们的 一切保持尊敬和感谢吗?
正方四辩:对方辩友说到这句古训我们也知道,我们理解的意思是,父母给予我们躯干,我 们要爱惜和保护, 不得损害, 但是整容并不是伤害我们的身体, 而是使其更加完美。 如果一个人生来有缺陷, 而他谨遵古训不整容, 那么与其承受着各种各样的压力和 痛苦,何必不变通一下呢? 反方四辩:变通的方法多种多样。可以用我们的才华才干来弥补,可以用衣装来弥补,可以 用珠宝首饰来弥补,甚至可以用金钱来弥补,但是为什么一定要选择整容这条道 呢?整容的风险我们都知道,一旦失败,后悔莫及。
正方一辩:对方辩友不要以偏概全,失败的永远只是少数。我——http://www.niubb.com/——们看到的是大部分人的整容都 获得了成功,改变了自己的样貌,甚至人生的轨迹。
总结陈词: 总结陈词:
正方四辩:针对对方的论点,我总结有三。第一,对方辩友一直在提整容有违道德,但我想 说,古人古训古时用,时代变化,思想不能盲目守旧。第二,整容有风险,我们承 认,但是我们也必须承认,正规的手术,风险也是很小的,而且随着技术的发展, 风险将越来越小。第三,爱美之心人皆有之,整容给我们提供了改变自己的可能, 能够帮助我们实现白天鹅的梦想,何乐而不为呢? 反方四辩:对方辩友的目光一直在针对一部分人,一小部分人,即那些天生瑕疵或者由于事 故造成不幸的人们,认为他们非整容不可。但是事实上并不是这样,扬长避短,外 在美不足可以用内在美修饰。而另一方面,大部分人形貌健康,只是单纯的喜欢双 眼皮、高鼻梁、尖下巴而去整容,对方辩友明显忽略了这大部分群体。而整容的风 险仍然高度存在,很有可能无法解决问题,反而造成更大的问题,因此整容是不可 取的。
People should should not cosmetic
Stating opinions:
As a debate:
首先,一个人由于先天缺陷,或者后天事故的原因,比如烧伤、车祸 等等,导致了相貌上的残疾,因此不得不承受精神和身体上的双重压力,这时候, 整容是必要的。
First, a because congenital defects, or the day after tomorrow the cause of the accident, such as burns, car accidents and so on, leading to the appearance of the disabled, and therefore have to bear the spirit and the body in the double pressure, at that time, the facial plastic surgery is necessary.
其次,对于一个对自己的相貌不自信的人,他的外形可能会影响到 就职甚至事业,这时候改变容貌会增加他的自信,也就增加了他成功的可能性。
Second, for a about her appearance not confident people, his appearance may influence the inauguration and even cause, by this time change your looks can increase his confidence, will increase the possibility of his success.
再 者,爱美之心人皆有之,即使没有相貌上的残疾,追求更完美的自己也无可厚非。
The again, love beautiful heart the person all has, even if there is no looks disability, the pursuit of more perfect oneself also understandable.
最后, 整容现在已经逐渐成为一个产业, 它的繁荣发展能够为国家带来大量的税收。 Finally, the facial plastic surgery has now become a industry, it can for the prosperity and development of the country brought a lot of tax.
反方一辩: 整容无疑是告诉别人,我不自信我很丑。
第一,整容需要大量的医疗费用, 而且整容后的维持也需要大量的时间、精力和金钱。 will need a lot of time, energy and money.
第二,美丽是要付出代价的, 整容的风险依然存在,一旦失败,可能导致毁容。
Second, beauty is to pay the price, cosmetic risks still exist, once the failure, may lead to breakdown.
First, cosmetic need a lot of medical expenses, and after the facial plastic surgery to maintain Anti-side a debate: cosmetic is undoubtedly tell others, I don't think I was ugly. So we support the facial plastic surgery.
第三,整容与我们的传统道德相 违背。
Divides two questions:
Anti-side two argument:
Third, cosmetic and our traditional moral against.
请问对方二辩,整容兴起于娱乐圈,但是却在广大青少年中泛滥,这种思想的蔓 延会不会使青少年更多的流于外表而忽视自身内在品质的培养呢?
Excuse me each other two arguing, cosmetic arose in the entertainment circle, but in the young flood in, this kind of thought of tendril delay would it make teenagers more superficial appearance and ignore their own inner quality training?
Two square argument: I think the answer is no.
您方曾经说过不可以貌取人,我们重视外表的同时就不能更 加注重内在品质的培养吗。 same time can't add an attention more to the cultivation of the inner quality?
我们欣喜的看到, 在我国大力的推进和谐社会的构建过 程中,人民的素质得到广泛的提升,您所说的现象不会出现。
We are delighted to see, in our country to promote the construction of a harmonious society in a process, the quality of people's widely ascension, you said phenomenon will appear.
反方二辩:请问对方三辩,我们看到,因整容失败造成的无数悲剧,他们怀着美丽的梦想却 不得不承受身体和心灵的双重打击,面对这些惨剧我们还能视若无睹吗?
Anti-side two argument: excuse me, the other three arguing, we see, for cosmetic failure causes of numerous tragedy, with beautiful dream, but they have to bear the body and mind the double blow, in the face of these tragedy we can turn a blind eye?
正方三辩:对方辩友,您的观点未免片面,您看到的悲剧我们看到了,我们看到的喜剧您却 没有看到,这是否有失公允呢?
Square three debate: the other argument friend, your opinion rather one-sided. Do you see the tragedy we see, we see the comedy you do not see, this is being unfair?

正方二辩:请问对方二辩,如果一个人因为先天缺陷或者后天事故造成毁容,他难以承受在 路上的别人看他是异样的眼光,那么他整容,追求完善的自己有错吗?
Two square argument: excuse me, the other two arguing, if a man for birth defects or the day after tomorrow accident caused a breakdown in the way he can not bear the others see he is's peculiar eye, so he facial plastic surgery, the pursuit of perfect their mistakes?
You party once said judge not according to appearance, we pay attention to appearance at the
反方二辩:我们看到在众多的整容人群中,这一部分人毕竟是少数,他们整容无可厚非,但 大多数人是为了更美而整容,这样就不应该了,
Anti-side two argument: we see in many of the cosmetic crowd, this part of the are minority after all, they cosmetic understandable, but most people is to more beautiful and cosmetic, this should not be,
正方二辩:请问对方三辩,爱美之心人皆有之,我们想让自己变的更美,这有什么错吗? Two square argument: excuse me, the other three arguing, love beautiful heart the person all has, we want to let oneself become more beautiful, what's wrong with that?
Anti-side three argument: as the saying goes, clothes make the man, three points in seven points looks.
To change the method has a lot of kinds, we can through the clothes, cosmetics, jewelry to make up this deficiency, why must be desperate choose facial plastic surgery?
Free debate:
正方一辩:请问对方辩友,众所周知,说道整容不能不提韩国,这个整容技术冠绝全球的国 家,如果没有民众的支持,这个行业是不可能发达起来的。
As a debate: excuse me each other a debate, as is known to all, said cosmetic stay out South Korea, the facial plastic surgery technique crown off the kingdom of global home, if there is no public support, the industry is no may well developed.
您说整容是不应该的, 难道这个国家没有意识到,他们广大的人民也全都错了吗?
masses -www.niubb.net-of the all wrong?
cultural revolution?
但是明星 们为了自己的星路,一次次的整容,造成了粉丝们盲目追随的风气,您对这个怎么 看。
But the stars for their own star road, and again the facial plastic surgery, caused the fans of the culture of blind follow, you how to see this.
Anti-side a debate: the public is not necessarily beneficial, right, our nation is still had the great You said this is not as it should be cosmetic surgery, is this country has not realized they broad
正方二辩: 如果我是某明星的粉丝, 我只是喜欢他的外表或者才华, 并不一定说他长什么样, 我就要去整成他的样子, 一个刘德华并不需要千万个刘德华去追。
Two square argument: if I was a star fans, I just like his appearance or talent, not certain said he long what kind, I will go to the whole into his appearance, a Andy lau don't need Andy lau go after.
我想问对方辩友, 如果您生有兔唇,您不会整容吗?
Anti-side two argument: that I can be really unfortunate, but not all like me unfortunate.
更多的人容貌健康,只是为了 追求身体某个部位的完美而去整容, 这才是不值得的。 plastic surgery, it is not worth it.
我想问对方辩友, 您去整容, 就没有考虑到父母家人的感受么?
I'd like to ask each other argument friend, you go to the facial plastic surgery, there is no consideration to the feeling of the family?
Parents want the original children and chihttp://www.niubb.net/ldren want real parents.
正方三辩:欢迎来到 21 世纪。
Square three argument: welcome to the 21 st century.
People's thoughts and ideas are progress, is it just progress in the younger generation?
我 们可以看到,很多年纪比较大的人为了抵抗衰老,纷纷选择去医院美容院整容,这 是无可厚非的。
I can see the, many older people to resist aging, they choose to go to the hospital a beautician, this is understandable.
Anti-side three argument: but as we noted earlier, the body hair skin, by the parents, it is saying to the tradition of the elders.
父母给予我 们身体,给予我们生命,让我们得以活在这个世上。
Parents give my body the, give us life, let us to live in this world.
我们不应该对父母给予我们的 一切保持尊敬和感谢吗?
We should not have to give all our parents keep respect and thank? More people looks healthy, just in order to pursue the body part of a perfect and go to the facial I'd like to ask each other argument friend, if you had TuChun, you won't facial plastic surgery?
正方四辩:对方辩友说到这句古训我们也知道,我们理解的意思是,父母给予我们躯干,我 们要爱惜和保护, 不得损害, 但是整容并不是伤害我们的身体, 而是使其更加完美。 Four square argument: each other friends in this debate to saying we also know, we
understand the mean, the parents give us the trunk, I have to love and protect, and shall not harm, but plastic and not hurt our body, but makes it more perfect.
如果一个人生来有缺陷, 而他谨遵古训不整容, 那么与其承受着各种各样的压力和 痛苦,何必不变通一下呢?
If a life to a defect, and he may keep saying no facial plastic surgery, so bear with various kinds of pressure and pain, why not adaptations of once?
Anti-side four argument: flexible various ways.
可以用我们的才华才干来弥补,可以用衣装来弥补,可以 用珠宝首饰来弥补,甚至可以用金钱来弥补,但是为什么一定要选择整容这条道 呢?
Can use our talent to make up for talents, can use the clothes make the man to make up for it can use to make up for jewelry, can even use money to make up for, but why must choose cosmetic this road?
As a debate: each other friends don't generalize divides, failed forever just a few.
我们看到的是大部分人的整容都 获得了成功,改变了自己的样貌,甚至人生的轨迹。 We see is the most people of facial plastic surgery were successful, and to change their appearance, even the track of the life.
总结陈词: 总结陈词:
第一,对方辩友一直在提整容有违道德,但我想 说,古人古训古时用,时代变化,思想不能盲目守旧。
First, the other party has been put in a debate against moral facial plastic surgery, but I want to say, saying the ancients with old, times change, thoughts can't blind conservative.
Four square argument: according to the other side of the argument, I summarized has three. Summary of: summary of: We all know that the risk of facial plastic surgery, once the failure, and repent at leisure.
第二,整容有风险,我们承 认,但是我们也必须承认,正规的手术,风险也是很小的,而且随着技术的发展, 风险将越来越小。
Second, the facial plastic surgery has a risk, we recognize pile, but we also have to admit, normal operation, the risk is small, and with the developme-http://www.wenzhangwo.com/-nt of technology, risk will more and more little.
第三,爱美之心人皆有之,整容给我们提供了改变自己的可 Third, love beautiful heart the person all has, cosmetic offers us change the
反方四辩:对方辩友的目光一直在针对一部分人,一小部分人,即那些天生瑕疵或者由于事 故造成不幸的人们,认为他们非整容不可。
Anti-side four debate: the other a friend of the debate has been in part of the people in the eye, and a small number of people, that is, those born defects or what caused it because of the unfortunate, think they not cosmetic do not.
inner beauty modified
而另一方面,大部分人形貌健康,只是单纯的喜欢双 眼皮、高鼻梁、尖下巴而去整容,对方辩友明显忽略了这大部分群体。
And on the other hand, the majority of people morphology health, just pure like double eyelid, high bridge of the nose, chin and pointed to the facial plastic surgery, the other a friend obvious argument ignores the most of the group.
And the risk of facial plastic surgery still highly exist, not be able to solve the problem, they cause more problems, so the facial plastic surgery is not advisable. But in fact are not so, foster strengths and circumvent weaknesses, Beauty shortage can use