2017考研英语作文预测 新东方名师预测2009年考研英语大作文(二)

    Write an essay of 160-200 words based on the following drawing. In your essay, you should:

    1) describe the drawing briefly,

2017考研英语作文预测 新东方名师预测2009年考研英语大作文(二)

    2) explain its intended meaning, and then

    3) state your point of view./give your comments.


    The illustration depicts four hands holding together in the center of the map of china, with “United as the Great Wall, making anything rather small” on the both sides of the picture. Recently, people from all walks of life concern the victims in the Wenchuan Earthquake.

    It is conspicuously indicated that love combined all the Chinese together and assist the Wenchuan victims to overcome the difficulties. We are the brothers and exert our efforts to rebuild the homelands of the Wenchuan victims.

    In a increasingly harmonious society, the phenomenon to show love is sufficient. A family or a single person in disasters can not accomplish the task without the help of the others. It is the love  based on complementary advantages that will contribute to ultimate success of a person or a organization. Numerous examples can demonstrate the power of the love. In the Wenchuan Earthquake, people from all over the world collect the fund for them to fly over the dilemmas. Were there no love, we will can not witness a harmonious society in all round way.


爱华网本文地址 » http://www.aihuau.com/a/400851/783515843696.html


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2014高考英语作文预测-1核心价值观 2017高考作文题目预测

2014高考英语作文预测-1(核心价值观) 2014年2月12日,人民日报头版刊登了24个字的“社会主义核心价值观”。其中在个人层面,倡导“爱国,敬业,诚信,友善”。请你任选上述四点中的一点,用英语写一遍短文,结合自己的经历进行论述。注意:1.不可逐

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