二级建造师试题库 英语二级试题题库及答案 51_英语二级考试

第一部分 语 法 与 词 汇201

1.Their victory is out of __c____, for they’ve lost too many men.

A question B questions C the question D a question

2.“Where is your father?” “Oh, ____B____”.

A he here comes B here he comes C here comes he D here does he come

3.Which is the largest number of the following? _C_____.

A Fifty percent B Two divided by three C Zero point eight D Seventy percent

4.The company is very famous __A____ the high quality of its products. A for B in C by D with

5.Our factory has______D___.

A. many fire equipments B. much equipment of fire

C. many equipments of fire D. much fire equipment

6.My teacher was made ____A__ his teaching because of his poor health.

A to give up B give up C given up D giving up

7.Sometimes people just say eight-fifteen _D____ a quarter past eight.

A out of B ahead of C because of D instead of

8.I feel very helpless to see the __B___ telephone bill.

A including B increasing C declaring D decreasing

9.I haven’t seen her for years, but I could still ___A__ her voice on the phone."

A recognize B realize C hear D know

10.When I got up this morning, I felt the temperature had___C_______.

A sunk B fallen C dropped D lowed

11.The mountain is ___A___ 6.3 kilometers high, but it is not the highest one.

A nearly B near C neat D neatly

12.Frankly, I’d rather you _A_____ anything about it for the time being.

A didn’t do B don’t do C will not do D do

13.Now we may be able to say __B____ between music and noise.

A that what the difference B what the difference is

C the difference is what D what is the difference

14.Mary realized she____C_____

A is made fun of B was making fun of C was being made fun of D is being made fun of

15. It ____A____ this way.

A used to be done B is used to doing C is used to do D used to do

16. I ______C__ stay home than go to the cinema.

A would prefer B would better C would rather D had better

17. Darwin did not mean to attack people’s different religious B________.

A belief B beliefs C believes D believs

18.“How did you pay the workers?” “As a rule, they are paid by _C_____.”

A hour B an hour C the hour D hours

19. We must try to avoid these mistakes __D____.

A repeat B repeating C be repeated D being repeated

20. Knowledge is more precious than ___D_____.

A something B anything C everything D anything else

21.The sports meet was ___D__ because of the heavy rain.

A called for B called up C called on D called off

22. The nearest restaurant is closed, so we must look for food A______.

A elsewhere B nowhere C somewhere D anywhere

23. ___B__ the bad storm Tom delivered the newspapers on time.

A In favor of B In spite of C In front of D In charge of

24. How long can we___D___against these attacks?

A hold back B hold to C hold up D hold out

25. Many colleges can ___A___ free training courses to help laid-off workers.

A offer B pay C receive D manage

26.The children are still _B____, waiting for their mother to come back.

A waken B awake C wake D awaken

27 Internet can provide you with a lot of _D_____.

A answer B thing C question D information

28. Mike is always losing something. He is a _C_____ boy.

A careful B hopeful C careless D hopeless

29. If your neighbors are too noisy you can _C___ to them.

A compete B combine C complain D compare

30. Don’t tell me Helen is still __A___ that red-haired boy!

A thinking of B thinking over C thinking out D thinking through

31. The light is too _D___ for me to see.

A small B dark C smart D dim

32. Under the___C___ from abroad, Japan gave in and agreed to open its rice market to other countries.

A force B threat C pressure D in front of

33. The girl was _D____ for cleaning the room thoroughly.

A pleased B prayed C practiced D praised

34. The meeting _A___ at midnight and we all went home late.

A broke up B broke off C broke out D broke down

35.The small pocket dictionary was __B____ into a larger one.

A. expected B. expanded C. excited D. exhausted

36._B_____ for the traffic jam, I should have covered fifty miles.

A. It has not been B. Had it not been C. Had it been D. Has it not been

37. Everything ___A___ if Albert hadn’t called the fire brigade.

A. would have been destroyed B. will be destroyed

C. would be destroyed D. will have been destroyed

38.I seem to have met you _D________.

A. some time B. ago C. yet D. before

39. After all, we have___C_____ some knowledge at this college.

A. known B. found C. obtained D. studied

40. Mrs. Smith warned her daughter __A_ after drinking.

A. never to drive B. to never driver C. never driving D. never drive

41. "We have some accidents on this line, but no accidents _B_____ since last winter."

A. had occurred B. have occurred C. occur D. are occurring

42.Mary ___A__ be in Paris because I saw her in town just a few minutes ago.

A. can’t B. mustn’t C. may not D. needn’t

43. Seldom ____A____ TV during the day.

A. do they watch B. they have watched C. are they watching D.they watch

44. They have __D___ out of paper. I will give them some.

A. finished B. spent C. used D. run

45. Even great musicians require _C____ practice.

A. convenient B. continual C. continuous D. contrary

46. After ten years, all these youngsters became_B____.

A. grown-up B. grown-ups C. growns-ups D. growns-up

47. He would like to view difficulties ___B__ a kind of challenge.

A. with B. on C. of D. as

48. Certainly there is no___B__evidence that living together increases the chance of sickness.

A. secret B. scientific C. serious D. sensitive

49. The boy lost his______B___ when he stepped on the icy road.

A way B. balance C. weight D. direction

50. Could you ____A_me a favor by shutting the door ?

A. do B. help C. get D. give

51. We looked at four cars today. The first two were far too expensive,but______ ones were reasonable priced.

A. other B. others C. the other D. another

52. China has launched a number of_____B___satellites since the 1970s.

A.information B. communication C. TV D. message

53. Water, when boiled, will____C_ steam.

A . give away B. give up C. give off D. give out

54. It is an ___A__ change that has taken place.

A. amazing B. attempting C. awaking D. amusing

55. Nothing must be allowed to ___D__ with our plans for the weekend.

A. influence B. affect C. break D. interfere

56. _C_________ from the top of the hill, the city is just like a garden.

A. To see B. Having seen C. Seen D. Seeing

57. ______A______ night, a stranger knocked at the door.

A. One B. A C. The D. /

58. He died before he had __D__ his last novel in January.

A. compared B. competed C. complained D. completed

59. He planned to take computer as his ___C___.

A. lesson B. subject C. major D. work

60. A student should ____B_ good study habits if he hopes to be a top student.

A. make B. develop C. discover D. get

61.I am very D_____ sitting on this old, broken chair.

A. comfortably B. commonly C. uncommonly D. uncomfortably

62. Have you finished that book on how to get yourself a_A____job?

A. respectable B. capable C. considerable D. visible

63. If you don’t do it for yourself, then do it for the __B___ of your parents.

A. account B. sake C. purpose D. cause

64. After a long discussion they still could not __B__ their teacher on the plan.

A. agree to B. agree with C. agree at D. agree on

65. There was a free holiday for those who won the first _D____ .

A. reward B. honor C. praise D. prize

66. If you don’t go, __A____ I.

A. nor shall B. so don’t C. neither do D. so do

67. The doctor was careful _____A_____ the patient the truth.

A. not to tell B. not having told C. not telling D. to not tell

68. You’d better leave the___C___dog alone.

A. sleepy B. asleep C. sleeping D. sleepless

69. This picture ___A___ me of my school days.

A. reminds B. remembers C. recalls D. memorizes

70. I remember __B____ to the zoo by my father when I was little.

A. to have taken B. being taken C. taking D. have been taken

71. He ___C___on offering them a ride in the heavy rain.

A. went B. worked C. insisted D. spent

72.I have two novels. One is in English and _A____ is in Japanese.

A. the other B. other one C. another D. other

73.The group are waiting on _____B______ plane to take off.

A. its B. their C. his D. her

74. He was just about to jump up when he felt something __A____ near his feet.

A. moving B. moved C. to move D. move

75. Paul doesn’t have to be made __C_. He always works hard.

A. learn B. learning C. to learn D. learned

76. All employees are given three weeks of __C___ each year.

A. travel B. freedom C. vacation D. occasion

77. He didn’t know French, __C____ made it difficult for him to study at a university in France.

A. that B. as C. which D. this

78. Only when thousand of flowers bloom together ____C____ here.

A.spring will be considered B. spring can be considered

C. can spring be considered D. could spring be considering

79.The reason I plan to go is _C_____ if I don’t.

A.because she will be disappointed B. because she will have disappointment

C. that she will be disappointed D. for which she will be disappointed

80. Grandma was ___C___ her grandson when his mother knocked at the door.

A. wearing B. putting on C. dressing D. having on

81. Happiness and fun are _A_____ experience.

A. similar B. different C. simple D easy

82. A ___B__ change takes place in paper when it burns.

A. chemistry B. chemical C. chemist D. medical

83. Green is a__D____of blue and yellow.

A. matter B. material C. mist D. mixture

84. There are a few pages__C____. Please give me another copy.

A. lost B. short C. missing D. absent

85.These things will be looked at before a__C___is made.

A. demand B. decrease C. decision D. device

86.IT industry is the one that can make a lot of _B_____.

A. interests B. profits C. goods D. benefits

87. Helicopters _A___ and land straight up and down.

A. take off B. take over C. take down D. take up

88.Telephone was a great_D____in the 19th century.

A. creation B. discovery C. introduction D. invention

89. “ I’m tired and I ___A__ having a good rest”, he said."

A. feel like B. want to C. plan to D. would like

90. "When you meet someone who __C___ deeply about something, you probably will want to ask them why they do so."

A. absorbs B. considers C. cares D. minds

91. Just imagine going back home with a real __C____ camel.

A alive B. like C. live D. likely

92. It is difficult to ___A__ our anger.

A. hold back B. hold on to C. hold on D. hold to

93. She often says one thing but means _A_____.

A. another B. difference C. opposite D. same

94. His only___D_____ now is how to earn enough money to support his family.

A. care B. task C. business D. concern

95. Up till then we ____D__ half the distance.

A. would be only covered B.covered C.would only cover D.had only covered

96. "Biology, ____D__ I know nothing, seems a very dull subject."

A. that B. which C. about that D. about which

97. ____A__ is good of you to be constantly thinking of helping me.

A. It B. That C. What D. This

98. We can not learn anything with a (an ) _C_____ attitude .

A. active B. positive C. negative D. sensitive

99. There _____B____ a knife and fork on the table.

A. is seeming to be B. seems to be C. seem to be D. are

100. You won’t succeed ____D_____ harder.

A. if you will work B. if you won’t work

C. unless you don’t work D. unless you work

101.She appeared at the front door__D__ her finest jewel.

A. dressing B. putting C. having D. wearing

102. The ___A__ crisis has seriously affected the export of the country.

A. economic B. economics C. economical D.economy

103. There was no__A___life to speak of in this small town.

A. social B. soft C. sorry D. solid

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104. Mary’s _____B__ is to get a college education in China.

A. effective B. objective C. positive D. active

105.___B___ is worth doing at all is worth doing well.

A. That B. Whatever C. Whichever D. However

106. "We visited our teacher,____A____ him a merry Christmas."

A. wishing B. congratulating C. hoping D.greeting

107. Do not talk so ___C___, someone may hear you.

A. aloud B. alone C. loudly D. lowly

108 .You cannot ___B___ yourself against all risks and dangers.

A.secure B.leave C.let D.save

109. How many ___D_______ there in your family?

A. peoples are B. people is C. people has D. people are

110. He sent his girlfriend a telegram on his _D____ in Paris.

A. reaching B. leaving C. getting D. arriving

111. When I punished him he ____C____ by bursting into tears

A. acted B. made C. reacted D. did

112. I had my hair cut at the __C______ around the corner.

A. barber B. barbers C. barber’s D. barbers’

113. A real friend always __D___ your troubles as well as your happiness.

A. admits B. seeks C. tastes D. shares

114. The restaurant ____B__ flames in the middle of the night.

A. burst to B. burst into C. burst with D. burst on

115. Some doctors ___D_ in one type of illness.

A. learn B. cure C. study D. major

116. It is difficult to fly kite on a ____A____ day.

A. windless B. windy C. winding D. wind

117. Could you ____D_ these seeds from the fruit?

A. remain B. remind C. remember D. remove

118. “Would you mind opening the window?” “__D____.”

A. "Yes, you may open " B. "Yes, please "

C. "No, you can’t open now " D. "No, of course not "

119."When I called you this morning, nobody answered the phone.__A__?"

A. where did you go B. where have you been to

C. where were you to D. where have you been

120. Both my parents work at the power station that _____A_____ in my hometown recently.

A. has been set up B. has set up C. is set up D.was set up

121. He will agree to do what you require ___C________ him.

A. for B. from C. of D. to

122. The book proves the highest___D__ of the art.

A. progress B. improvement C. success D. achievement

123. I can help my mother ___A__ the housework.

A. with B. of C. for D. out

124. Plenty of fresh air _B____ to our good health.

A.continues B.contributes C.convinces D.conveys

125. The effort to protect the environment was not successful. The beautiful view was eventually __D____ by mass tourism.

A. hurt B. injured C. wounded D. damaged

126. All the __A___ in the hospital got a rise last month.

A. women doctors B. women doctor C. woman doctor D.woman doctors

127. Mary’s score on the test is the highest in her class; she __C__ have studied very hard.

A. may B. ought to C. must D. should

128. The time will surely come __A____ ordinary people could operate computers as well.

A. when B. till C. while D. as

129. The old woman can’t ____B__ the way to the post office.

A. find out B. find C. look for D. look

130.The doctors give the students a medical _D____ for their health once a year.

A. inspection B. investigation C. experiment D. examination

131. Between them serious disagreements immediately _A___.

A. arose B. argued C. rose D. raised

132. "If she could sew, she ____A____ herself a shirt."

A. would have made B. will make C. had made D. made

133. "By 1929, Mickey Mouse was as popular ___B_____ children as Coca-Cola. "

A. in B. with C. for D. to

134. "She is from Shanghai, ___C___ population is larger than that of any other city in China."

A. its B. which C. whose D. that

135. "I haven’t read ___C___ of the last four chapters, so I know little about them."

A. something B. some C. any D. anything

136. Traveling around the world ___A___ Tom’s vision and knowledge.

A. broadened B. darkened C. quickened D. sharpened

137. Education and medical care are very ___D___ in the United States.

A. much B. cheap C. many D. expensive

138. My problems are very __D___ to yours.

A. alike B. like C. same D. similar

139.At the end of every term a schoolmaster__B____on each of his pupils.

A. tells B. reports , C. says D. discusses

140. She would rather have a room ___A__ than sleep with her sister.

A. of her own B. of herself C. on her own D. by herself

141. Jack was ill and had to____B_____in bed for six days.

A. sleep B. stay C. keep D. lay

142. Charles Darney insisted that he ___A__everything he could to make sure of Lucie’s happiness.

A. do B. must do C. does D. did

143. He told me that he would not attend the party _B___ invited.

A. since B. unless C. because D. without

144.I decided to go to the library as soon as I__D_.

A. finish what I was doing B. finished what I did

C. would finish what I was doing D. finished what I was doing

145. I’ll keep ______A____ eye on the baby when she is away.

A. an B. the C. one D. much

146. You _D____ her in her office last Friday; she’s been out of town for two weeks.

A. must have seen B. wouldn’t have seen C. needn’t have seen D. can’t have seen

147. ____B__ hard she tried, she did not pass the exam.

A. Whenever B. However C. Whatever D. Whoever

148.Skiing is a sport ___C___ goes back 4,000 years.

A, and its B. and which C. whose history D. its history

149. He gave a __C___ of what he had seen.

A. desire B. determination C. description D. design

150. The __D___ of oil in the place made their family rich.

A. reply B. display C. recovery D. discovery

151.Tom realized that he __C___ the wrong bus.

A. had B. held C. took D. got

152. The manager __A___ the business very successfully.

A. conducts B. connects C. contacts D. contests

153. Do the walls have___A____ proof ? Will the neighbours be disturbed?

A. sound B. echo C. voice D. noise

154. Apple trees are considered__C___ when they begin bearing fruit.

A. young B. old C. mature D. immature

155._____D____ that the earth was the center of the universe.

A.People were once believed B. It had once believed

C. People were believing D. It was once believed

156. We all got up early ____C______ we might start at six.

A. so B. so as to C. in order that D. in order to

157. Anne was not careful enough, __D___, she wouldn’t have made such a silly mistake.

A. however B. although C. nevertheless D. otherwise

158. They usually __B___ themselves by listening to light music.

A. release B. relax C. rely D. relate

159. The new company is in good ___B___ financially.

A. spot B. shape C. sake D. shelter

160. It’s necessary for us to be a(n) __A____ person.

A. honest B. dishonest C. hopeful D. doubtful

161. He was unable to go to work ___D__ of his illness.

A. as usual B. as a rule C. as a whole D. as a result

162. There is something wrong with my TV set, I must have it __D____.

A. checking B. check C. does D. checked

163. John didn’t want to risk __B____ wet as he had only one suit.

A. being got B. getting C. to get D. to be gotten

164. My friends are new comers. They are __A___ in the city.

A. lost B. missed C. mess D. loose

165. Jack has a__D__ behavior of walking, he walks with one shoulder a little higher than the other.

A. strong B. strict C. standard D. strange

166.My sister has a son and a daughter. So I have _D____.

A. two grandchildren B. a boy and a girl C. a cousin and a niece D. a nephew and a niece

167. The heavy rain ___A___ the flood in Shanxi Province this summer.

A. led to B. brought to C. caused to D. resulted to

168. “May I borrow your bike?”“_____A______.”

A. "Yes, certainly you may" B. "Yes, you may borrow"

C. "Yes, I lend you" D. "Yes, I let you"

169. ___C___ a reply, he decided to write a letter to her again.

A. Having not received B. Not receiving C. Not having received D. Not received 170. The weather in China is different from__D__.

A. in America B. one in America C. America D. that in America

171. She is tall __D____ her age.

A. in B. of C. at D. for

172. The doctor____A___ her forehead to see if she was running a fever.

A. felt B. sensed C. detected D. pressed

173. The house __B___ from the rest because of its unusual shape.

A. stands up B. stands out C. stands for D. stands by

174. __D___ I have got from this lecture is out of my expectation.

A. That B. Whom C. Who D. What

175. The woman over there is__A___ .

A. Julia and Mary mother B. Julia and Mary’s mother

C. Julia’s and Mary’s mother D. Julia’s and Mary mother 176.“Mind your own____C____ !” the boss shouted at me.

A. affair B. head C. business D. activity

177. My uncle, Sam,___A___ a manager of the firm."

A. has just been made B. has just made C. is just made D. is just being made 178. The students____C____ their thanks to their English teachers.

A. showed B. revealed C. expressed D. said

179. It is the efforts that are the source of __D____ happiness.

A. free B. false C. high D. true

180. The town is no longer ______B_____ it was ten years ago.

A. which B. what C. that D. when

181. Your application will be considered ___A___ your file is completed.

A. as soon as B. as fast as C. as early as D. as quickly as

182. The family never agree about ___B___ shares of the property.

A. his B. their C. her D. its

183. I was ill that day, otherwise I _____C____ the sports meet.

A. would take part in B. had taken part in

C. would have taken part in D. took part in

184. "_______D____ you go, you should bear the task in your mind."

A. Where B. However C. Whatever D. Wherever

185.The professor spoke in a loud voice ___B___ every one of us could hear him.

A. such B. so that C. so D. such that

186. I just __D___ the phone and dialed a few numbers.

A. point at B. picked out C. point out D. picked up

187. Cancer is second only ___D___ heart disease as a cause of death.

A. from B. of C. with D. to

188. People just say it __B___ politeness and they don’t really mean it.

A. out of B. beyond C. instead of D. under

189. I ‘ve decided to __D__ your invitation.

A. give B. receive C. offer D. accept

190. Jack __D__in the street when I _______on him.

A. walked, called B. was walking, was calling

C. walked, was calling D. was walking, called

191. I shall have a companion in the house because I feel so _A____ sometimes.

A. lonely B. alone C. excited D. surprised

192. As for food, bring a ___A___ lunch, because we will spend the whole day there.

A. packed B. paced C. passed D. pasted

193. It is much __C___ to visit the website at www. Mallofamerica.com.

A. happy B. thing C. fun D. interesting

194. How ___D___ from here to the library?

A. long is it B. far is there C. long it is D. far is it

195. The argument between the two men___C__in a fight.

A. fulfilled B. completed C. ended D. finished

196. "Since I was free, I accepted the __A___ to attend his party."

A. request B. report C. reply D. resolve

197. They all___A_____ Jane’s good conditions at work.

A. envied B. enjoyed C. admired D. praised

198. The enemy got beaten and fled ____D_____ all directions.

A. to B. toward C. for D. in

199. You may take anything useful _____A_____.

A. you want B. what you want C. you want them D. which you want 200. The officer gave the order that soldiers __A____ to go out at night.

A. not be allowed B. mustn’t be allowed C. should not allow D. be not allowed 201."Uncle Li used to live in the town, ____B_ he?"

A. weren’t B. didn’t C. wouldn’t D. hadn’t

202."Now that we’ve___C__, can we come to a decision?"

A. thought over B. thought of C. thought through D. thought about 203.___A___ find out what had happened.

A. Not until he woke up did he B. Not until he woke up he

C. Until he woke up did he D. Until he woke up he

204. The Anti ---Japanese War___D____ in 1937 and it ______eight years.

A. break out, last B. was broken out, laste C. broke out , last D. broke out ,

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205. There are many____B_between the young and the old about their dreams.

A. difficult B. differences C. different D. difficulties

206. When I was a child, my teacher told me that the earth ___D__round.

A. was B. has been C. has been D. is

207. "They invited the three of _____A_____, Bob, Joe, and ________."

A. us?me B. we? we C. us?I D. we?I

208. She was glad to see her child _____D___.

A. take care of B. to take care of C. taking care of D. taken care of 209. The room ____D____ often cleaned by the worker.

A. has B. will be C. was D. is

210. Many a student ____A_____ that mistake before.

A has made B had made C have made D has been made

211. Visitors are often amazed to discover how__D__ the town has changed.

A .little B few C. small D. big

212. One of my ___B__ sentences is: There is no smoke without fire.

A faithful B favorite C favorable D famous

213. Undoubtedly, the best is the cheapest in the long ___D___.

A .time B .period C. way D .run

214 We walked as fast as we could, ___D___ to catch the 9:30 train.

A. hope B. hoped C. to hope D. hoping

215. John suggested ____D___anything about it until they found out more facts

A not to say B saying not C to say not D not saying

216. I could have done better if I ____C_____more time.

A. have had B. had C. had had D. will have had

217. The secretary suggested that she ___A______ another way.

A. come B. comes C. came D. coming

218 Every student should be encouraged to know__A___ own potentialities.

A. his B. their C. one’s D. her

219. Mr. Jones said that he was___A___ the possibility of buying a house.

A looking into B looking out C looking after D looking over

220. I wish I ___A____ busy yesterday,I could have helped you with the problem.

A. hadn’t been B. weren’t C. wasn’t D. have not been

221. It is time he ____B___ strong action against them.

A. is taking B. took C. takes D. will take

222. Are the two books yours? No, _D___ is mine.

A. both B. none C .either D. neither

223. West of the lake stands a tower ___D___.

A 200-meter-high B high 200 meters C of about 200 meters high D about 200 meters high

224. ___B__ never wanted to be looked down upon.

A. We woman B. We women C. Us women D. Our women

225. Mary was caught in a traffic jam and by the time she arrived at the airport her father’s plane __C___ .

A took off B was taking off C had already taken off D should be taken off

226. Once she __A__ used to the weather here, she will probably like this place.

A gets B get C will get D got

227. “Do you regret paying ten dollars for the book?” “No, I would gladly pay ___A_ for it.”

A twice as much B twice so much C much twice as D as much twice 228. Here are three motors, ___B_____ ?

A which is the bigger B which is the biggest

C what is the bigger D what is the biggest

229. You __C__ read that article if you don’t want to.

A shouldn’t B can’t C needn’t D mustn’t

230. “I usually go home by ship.” “Why not __D__ by air for chance?”

A. to try going B. trying to go C. try to go D. try going

231. Now this kind of glass is ___B_ building.

A. so hard to be used for C. too hard to be used to

B. hard enough to be used for D. very hard as to be used as

232. She spoke as if she _A___ on the spot that day.

A. were B. was C. has been D. is

233. His English is better than __D__ in this class.

A. anyone else B. anyone’s C. anyone’s else D. anyone else’s 234. She went for a swim and I’ll do __C__ .

A. such B. same C. the same D. the same as

235. But for her help, he __C__ of hunger 30 years ago.

A.would have died B. had died C.would die D. died

236. By the time next year he __C__ from abroad.

A.will be back B. should be back C. will have been back D. is back

237. He told me that he had __D__ an hour waiting for me.

A. lasted B. cost C. taken D. spent

238.. As a __C__, I have the right to buy what I like best.

A. custom B. customer C. consumer D. customs

239. He is __C__ about learning English.

A. mad B. rude C. crazy D. terrible

240. Tom likes reading newspaper in his __A__ life

A. daily B. deny C. delay D. dairy

241. John is really a ___D_ horse, and none of us thought he could win.

A. black B. white C. blue D. dark

242. Spring __A__ is a traditional one in China.

A. Festival B. Holiday C. Day D. Vocation

243. My __D__ are dancing and singing.

A. habits B. entertainment C. amusement D. hobbies

244. Suddenly, a good ___C_ occurred to me.

A. mind B. ideal C. idea D. thoughts

245. Chongqing is about 350 __B__ away from Chengdu.

A. meters B. kilometers C. centimeters D. kilometer

246. We say “_A___ Christmas” to each other every Dce. 25th.

A. Merry B. Good C. Happy D. Lucky

247. I like playing in a swimming __C__????___-.

A. poor B.tool C. pool D. spot

248. It is very hard for parents to _D___ children.

A. race B. rise C. arise D. raise

249. I will __A__ Chengdu tomorrow morning.

A. reach B. get C. arrive D. come

250. Please __C__ the light when you leave the room.

A. turn down B. turn on C. turn off D. turn in

251. As a teacher, I have a one-month-long summer _B___ every year.

A. rest B. vocation C. holiday D. break.

252. You have the right to choose your ___D_ in school.

A. causes B. grades C. tests D. courses

253. ___C_ by this, he couldn’t say anything.

A. Satisfied B. Feared C. Frightened D. Encouraged

254. What is done can’t be _B___.

A. done B. undone C. undo D. undid

255. What he wants us to do ___C___ like a huge amount of work.

A. hears B. listens C. sounds D. voices

256.At best, this is only a temporary substitute____B___ the other one.

A. to B. for C. from D. with

257.Never in my life____C___ or seen such a thing.

A. I have heard of B.I had heard of C. have I heard of D. did I hear of 258.The bridge_____D__ next year will be the longest in the country.

A. being built B. built C. building D. to be built

259.___A__ in ancient times, the book still appeals to readers today.

A. Though written B. It was written C. Though being written D. It is written 260.The town is no longer_____B__ it used to be before.

A. which B. what C. when D. that

261.“What do you think of this school?” ”It is very good___B____.”

A. school to study B. school to study in

C. studying school D. school for children to study

262.Farmers, __D____ houses and property are in danger of the annual flood, however, do not want to leave that rich land.

A. that B. which C. what D. whose

263.The old lady___D___ her son.

B. has forever criticized B. forever criticizes

C. does forever criticize D. is always criticizing

264.I carry only enough money to make change for a____A__ bill.

A. ten-dollar B. ten-dollars C. tens-dollar D. tens-dollars

265.The reason for his success is ___B___he worked hard.

A. how B. that C. why D. because

266.Economics___D___ a science of the way in which industry and trade produce and use wealth.

A. has B. are C. being D. is

267.______A_____, he would have succeeded in the examinations.

A. Had he worked hard C. If he works hard

B. If he worked hard D. Has he worked hard

268.He is said_C____ to London already.

A.being sent B. to be sending C. to have been sent D. having sent 269.They made their___C___ toward the center of the town.

A. direction B. road C. way D. path

270.The speaker__A____ his past experience.

A. referred to B. referred back C. referred as D. referred about 271.Suddenly she turned and___B___ the little animal.

A. came in sight B. caught sight of C. was at first sight D. was out of sight 272.I can ___D___ some noise while I am studying, but I can’t stand loud noise.

A. catch up with B. come up with C. keep up with D. put up with

273.It won’t be difficult to memorize what you__C____

A. have B. study C. understand D. remember

274.The global warming ____B____to more floods in many low lands in the world.

A. brings B. leads C. results D. causes

275.The value of the old stamp__A___ on its age, the older it is, the more money it will be worth.

A. depends B. gets C. holds D. costs

276.I’m ___B___ to them for keeping me in my job.

A. forgetful B. grateful C. regretful D. careful

277. What did on __B__ happen here?

A. moon B. earth C. sun D. son

278.The effort to protect the environment was not successful. The beautiful view was eventually ___D___ by mass tourism.

A. hurt B. injured C. wounded D. damaged

279.Education and medical care are very ___D___ in the United States.

A. much B. cheap C. many D. expensive

280. If I had more time, I would ___C___ golf as a hobby.

A. take on B. take over C. take up D. take in

281. Do you have much work to do this weekend ? Yes . I have to write a ___D__ paper.

A. three-thousand-words B. three-thousands-word

C. three-thousands-word D. three-thousand-word

282.He was __D___ honest boy that everyone liked him.

A. so B. such C. so an D. such an

283.Now a modern airport ___A_____ in our city.

A. is being built B. is building C. is built D. has built 284. __D__ do you go to see your grandparents? Once a month .

A. How soon B. How much C. How long D. How often

285.I would rather leave ___A____ stay here and cause you trouble.

A. than B. not C. so as to D. and not

286. A car, __A____ color was white, came up behind her silently .

A. whose B. it’s C. which D. that’s

287. ____A___ are more active in English class.

A. Girl students B. Girls students C. Girls student D.Girl’s students 288. My car ___C___ this morning and I can’t go to the dry cleaner’s.

A. broke up B. broke out C. broke down D. broke off

289.What ___A___ you from telling the truth

A. prevented B. led C. made D. brought

290. Who is the girl __B___ the teacher’s question ?

A. answer B. answering C. answered D. will answer

291. It is one of the duties of the police to ___A___ public order.

A. preserve B. resist C. reserve D. prevent

292. He must be very tired today; he doesn’t seem to ___A____ on the discussion.

A.concentrate B.rely C.put D.depend

293. The airplane crashed and over a hundred passengers were killed, ___D_ the world.

A. that shocked B. and which shocked

C. this fact shocked D. which shocked

294. Nowhere else in the world__D___ more attractive scenery than in Jiuzhaigou.

A. has been found B. is found C. you can find D. can you find.

295.I was ___A___ a corn field when suddenly a very strong wind started blowing.

A approaching B going C getting D walking

296. Tom checked in the hotel with the _B___ of his credit card.

A. buy B. help C. use D. pay

297. It was through telescope _D___ he found the new star.

A. when B. which C. the time D. that

298. It is ___D_ that the company has gone broken already.

A. delicious B. various C. anxious D. obvious.

299. ______D___ the girls in the group ,Betty is the most beautiful.

A. From all B. All of C. All D. Of all

300. Does everyone on earth have an equal right ___D___ an equal share of its recourses?

A. by B. over C. at D. to

301. The jazz musicians were __A___ enough to attract all the dancers from another park.

A. powerful . B . huge C. big D. large

302. The mayor felt that the police, in spit of the reporters, had done___B___ best .

A. his B. their C. our D. its.

303. ____B_ one time, Manchester was the home of the most productive cotton mills in the world.

A. On B. At C. Of D. By

304. Had the weather been good, the children_B____ out to play.

A. would go B. could have gone C. went D. had gone.

305. This is one of the books _B__ ever been written on the subject.

英语二级试题题库及答案 51_英语二级考试

A. that has B. that have C. which has D. which have

306. Many people ___B__ much of their time thinking about what is going to happen or what has happened.

A. take B. spend C. pay D. cost

307. Thousands of workers lost their jobs when their factory______B___.

A. ended B. closed C. opened D. cleaned.

308. We live___B_Mary’s parents in New York.

A. due to B. next to C. exhausted D. thanks to

309. You can find European tourists in ___B___ every part of China.

A. mostly B. almost C. all most D. the most.

310.The room is in terrible mess; it _____A____cleaned.

A. can’t have been B. recovery

C. wouldn’t have been D. shouldn’t have been

311.He told me ___A___would come to his birthday party.

A. many friends of Jack’s B.Jack’s many friends

C.many friends of Jack D. many Jack’s frends

312.The boy was very happy that his mother bought him a new pair of shoes at a ____A__yesterday.

A. shoe shop B. shoes’ shop C. shoe’s shop D. shoes

313.If there were no examinations, we should have ____C______at school.

A. a much happier time B. a more happier time

C. much happier time D the happiest time

314.You ____A___all those calculations! We have a computer to do that sort of thing.

A. needn’t have done B. must not have done

C. can’t have done D. shouldn’t have done

315.Mary regretted _____D____to John’s birthday party last Sunday.

A. not going B. not to have gone C. not to be going D. not to go 316.A ___A__ change takes place in paper when it burns.

A chemical B chemist C medical D chemistry

317.He went to work so late _____B___the manager had to send for him again before he arrived.

A. when B. that C. as D. for

318._____A____he was in error will scarcely be noticed by his friends.

A. That B. What C. Which D. Though

319.After a long walk on a hot day ,one feels ___A______.

A. exhausted B. exhausting C exhaust D. to exhaust

320.Young ____A____he is ,he knows what is the right thing to do.

A. as B. that C. whatever D. however

321.She says that she _____A____much progress since she came here.

A. has made B. had made C. made D. makes

322.The experiment was ___A____easier than we had expected.

A. much B. more C. far much D. much more

323.The little baby was left alone ,with ___A____to look after him .

A. no one B. not one C. someone D. anyone

324.Not until the game had begun ____A______at the sports grounds.

A. did he arrive B. had he arrived

C. should he have arrived D. would he have arrived

325.The president is ____A___a visit to China.

A. on B. of C. in D. for

326.We were not surprised at ___A_____,for he had worked so hard.

A.what he had achieved B. what has he achieved

C. that he had achieved D. that he has achieved

327.______A____was unimportant.

A. Whether he enjoyed our dinner or not B. No matter how he enjoyed our dinner

C. If he enjoyed our dinner D. Although he enjoyed our dinner 328. He looks tired. He ____B__ a sleepless night.

A. must have B. must have had C. must be D. must have been

329. He was absent-minded. He ___B___ be thinking about the question you raised.

A. might B. must C. may D. should

330. They knew her very well. They had seen her _C__ up from childhood.

A. to grow B. grew C. grow D. was growing

331._____B____terrible weather we’ve been having these days!

A How B. What C. What a D. How a

332. Everyone knows that strong winds may _D____ a lot of damages.

A. course B. consist C. consider D. cause

333. I am feeling __B __ today.

A. much more better B. much better C. more better D. much good

334.It was purely ____D____chance that the mistake was discovered.

A. from B. for C. in D. by

335. I am too busy these days. I would rather all of you ___A___ next month for a dinner.

A. come B. have come C. came D. would come

336. He has done some __B____ on that subject over the past ten years.

A. researches B. research C. a research D. the researches

337. We were all overjoyed at the news ___C___ the experiment turned out to be a success.

A. when B. what C. that D. which

338. A passer-by reported the___C_ that happened last night.

A activity B action C accident D act

339. All my classmates are going to the Great Wall except___D___ .

A. he and I B. he and me C. him and I D. him and me

340. The teacher told the children that water __C__ at 100 degree Centigrade.

A. was boiling B. boiling C. boils D. boiled

341. The man in blue over there is ___B___ .

A. a friend of my B. a friend of mine C.a friend of I D. a friend of me 342.I have written a ____B____composition every other week.

A. two-thousand-words B.two-thousand-word

C.two-thousand-words D. two-thousands-words

343.Jane is _____B____European and Jack is ________American.

A. an an B. a an C. an a D. a a

344.This bike is neither___D______nor____________.

A. yours my B. his her’s C. her mine D. his hers

345.There is no___A_____things_________ “kind-hearted wolves.”

A. such as B. such a like C. a such as D. the same as

346.He told me ____A_____.

A. not to go nearer B. didn’t go nearer C go no nearer D. to go no near 347._A___ night , a stranger knocked at the door .

A . One B . The C . / D. A

348. We were all surprised when he made it clear that he _B___ office soon.

A. left B. would leave C.leaves D.had left

349. When I caught him _A_ me , I stopped buying things there .

A . cheating B . to cheat C . to be cheating D . cheated

350.Eggs , though cheap and tasty , have _A__ of fat content .

A . a high amount B . large number C . the high amount D . a large number 351.In case of the house __A____ down , we’ll get the insurance money .

A . burns B . would burn C . burn D . will burn

352.The middle-aged man was seen ____A____ out of the house on the afternoon of the murder .

A . to come B . came C . have come D . come

353.But don’t take it __B_____ . People just say it out of politeness .

A . truly B . seriously C . possibly D . really

354.Harry and Susan met at the restaurant and they liked each other _B_ .

A. out of sight B . at first sight C . within sight D . in sight 355. Do you know how large _B__ is?

A. population of China B.China’s population C.China population D.Chinese population

356. Whenever I met him, ______A_______ was fairly frequent, ___________ I liked his sweet and hopeful smile.

A. which .../ B that ... that C. it ... that D. what ... /

357. Although Jefferson lived more than 200 years ago, there is much _____D_ we can learn from

him today.

A. who B. what C.in which D. that

358.The committee will not make the decision until it __C____ the hospital .

A . will have inspected B . has inspected C . inspects D . inspected

359 .I won’t lend any money to Joe because I am afraid __B____ he will forget to pay it back .

A . when B . that C . whether D . of

360 .I’ll pick you ____B___ at your college gate and take you straight to the station .

A . out B . up C . off D . on

361.Then they call back again to ___B___ the arrival of the E-mail .

A. are sure of B. make sure of C. make clear of D. are clear of

362.When I was a child , I ___B____ having sports to reading novels.

A. liked B. preferred C. would rather D. would like

363.I am considering ____C___ to the West after my graduation.

A. go B. to go C. going D.gone

364.____D__ is good of you to be constantly thinking of helping me .

A. That B. What C. This D. It

365.You did quite well in this exam__B____ two minor mistakes

A. except B.except for C . except that D .except to

366.The professor spoke in a loud voice __B_every one of us could hear him .

A. such that B. so that C. so D. such

367.Doctor Smith is always ___A__ in his speech.

A. modest B. unwilling C.comfortable D. evolutional

368. She was so angry at all __A__he was doing _____she walked out without saying a word.

A. that, that B. which; that C. what; as D. that; which 369.The plane is scheduled to arrive ____B____ because of bad weather .

A. later B . late C. lately D. latest

370. Every minute must be made full use of _A____our lessons, for the college entrance exam is coming.

A. going over B. to go over C. go over D. our going over

371.When you meet someone who __C______ deeply about something , you probably will want to ask them why they do so .

A. absorbs B. considers C. cares D. minds

372. They are going downtown ____D____bus instead of _______their bikes.

A. by, by B. on; by C. by; in D. by; on

373.----- How about a film tonight?

----- ____D__I haven't been to the cinema for a long time.

A. Yes, thanks. B. Why not? C. No, go away D. It's a pity. 374. .----- which __D_____,bread or rice? ----- ________will do.

A. had you better eat; Both B. would you like; All

C. do you like most ; None D. would you rather have; Either

375.The funny stories make them ___C____ from beginning to the end .

A. weep B. smile C. laugh D. cry

376.They __C_____ their old friend Wang Xiaoqing at Tianfu Square yesterday .

A. ran through B. ran over C. ran into D. ran out

377.A famous fountain ____C___ in the middle of the square .

A. stuffs B. stays C. stands D . steps

378.Both my parents work at the power station that _____C_____ in my hometown recently.

A. is set up B. was set up C. has been set up D. has set up

379. He ___C___ to get angry when other colleagues disagree with him.

A.attends B.mends C.tends D.bends

380. ----- My God! I have to walk home now, for I just missed the bus. ----- That's too bad. You ___C___it if you had set out a bit earlier.

A. should have caught. B. had caught C. would have caught. D. could catch 381. More than one teacher __B_____told him it is important that he learn English well if he _______abroad.

A. had; will go B. has; wants to go C. has; want to go D. have; shall go 382. Do you know why he hasn't turned up yet? ----- Sorry, I don't know _____C__.

A. what the matter is B. how matters stood C. what is the matter D. how is the matter 383.Peter wishes that he _C_______ law instead of literature when he was in college.

A. would study B. could study C. had studied D. studied

384.At that time he said that he ____C_____to this proposal two days before.

A. was agreeing B. agreed C. had agreed D. would agree 385.Giography, ___C___ I know nothing, seems a very dull subject.

A. that B. about that C. about which D. which

386. In some restaurants, food and service are worse than ___A___ used to be.

A. they B. it C. them D. that

387. ----- Where's John, do you know? ----- Oh, _C____to hospital.

A. he's taken B. he'll be taken C. he's been taken D. he'll take 388. He made the ______D_ mistakes in the test.

A. less B. least C. fewer D. fewest

389.Anne was not careful enough, __B___, she wouldn’t have made such a silly mistake.

A. nevertheless B. otherwise C. although D. however

390. ----- John, may I ask you a favour? ----- __B___

A. I’m sorry, but why? B. Sure, what is it? C. Yes, you could. D. I’d love to, and I’m busy.

391.With phones, you can reach nearly anyone in the world ___B_____.

A. impatiently B. immediately C. importantly D. impossibly

392.The president of the host nation usually ___B____ the opening ceremony of the Olympic Games.

A. perfects B. performs C. persuades D. permits

393.They__B__in fruit and vegetables with many countries.

A. trace B trade C treat D track

394.The pilot’s job is to fly over the city and __B_____ the traffic news to radio and TV stations.

A. say B. report C. see D. find

395. .Where was it __B___the road accident happened yesterday?

A. when B. that C. which D. how

396. Mary’s score on the test is the highest in her class; she _D___ have studied very hard.

A. ought to B. should C. may D. must

397. __C____you choose, make sure that it is a good one.

A. What B. Wherever C. Whichever D. Which

398. This is one of the best books __B__ ever been written on the subject.

A. which has B. which have C. that has D. that have

399.The beauty of the water ____B___ many people in the world.

A attempts B attracts C attends D attacks

英语二级试题题库及答案 51_英语二级考试

400.Please answer my question with your own ____B____ information.

A perfect B personal C pleasant D probable

401. I didn't manage to work out the problem ___A____the teacher had explained how.

A. until B. unless C. when D. before

402. -Your sister looks beautiful. Is she a model or a film star -___D___. She's a doctor.

A.Whatever you say B.Forget about it C.You bet D.Far from it

403.I'11 send you my address_____D_ I find somewhere to live.

A.although B.as C.while D.once

404.------Who is late this time? ------- ___A___you ask Susan?-----Of course.

A.Could B.Can C.Need D.Would

405.The old woman can’t ____A__ the way to the post office.

A find B look for C find out D look

406.The manager will visit your parents _____A___ person.

A in B by C of D for

407.The children felt happy to ___A___ the museum.

A visit B look C get D come

408 Over 90 percent of our customers agree that our clothes ___A___ them very well.

A fit B fix C feel D find

409.Doctors want to know the medical ____A___ of her family.

A history B story C things D news

410. Mack is very busy; he is a full-time student, while__D____ a part-time job.

A.to hold B.being held C.Held D.holding

411.People just say it out of politeness and they don’t really __B___ it.

A realize B mean C think D regard

412.The boys got off the train and went to a policeman for ___B____.

A dictation B directions C descriptions D destruction

413.I want to paint the wall, but I can’t ___B___ on the color.

A design B decide C desire D detect

414.People needed to teach children to read and write, so they ___B___ schools.

A included B invented Cinvolved D invited

415.The ___B___ of ice sold increases sharply in the summer months.

A count B amount C number D account

416.It is said that he __D__ a great deal to his teachers.

A knows B has C owns D owes

417.They usually ___D__ themselves by listening to light music.

A rely B release C relate D relax

418.With a smile on his face, the little boy ___D___ the receiver back.

A plug B pull C play D put

419.Now they can go shopping together and talk with each other face ____D__.

A by face B and face C with face D to face

420.When I was a child, I ___D____ having sports to reading novels.

A would like B would rather C liked D preferred

421.In ancient Egypt only boys from rich families ____D__ school.

A assured B assisted C attempted D attended

422._____D__ to the Japanese toymakers, Takara, you can now communicate with your pet.

A As B Because C Since D Thanks

423.I saw that there were three large __D____ circles in the middle of the corn field.

A plentiful B personal C peaceful D perfect

424.He has ____B__ out that he is going away.

A set B put C take D let

425. I think the trouble in your right leg is just a ____C___ of old age.

A question B request C matter D issue

426.In English some surnames ____C____ occupations or people.

A deserve B design C describe D desire

427.When the Games are completed, the flag is lowered and the flame ____C___. A put off B put away C put out D put up

428.Glenn’s house ____C__ of five rooms-a living room, dining room, kitchen and two bedrooms.

A forms B includes C consists D make

429.The stairs are on your right ___C___ to the toilets.

A beside B following C next D near

430.We’re __C_____ cash at the moment. So we aren’t going anywhere this week.

A lack of B sort C short of D few

431.To their surprise, they had much ___B____ and they even went to the same college.

A in the same B in common C all the same D common things

432. Let’s find a pair of shoes to ____B___ with this lovely red dress.

A meet B match C mature D make

433.As I knew him better, I discovered that my _C___ had been right.

A enjoyment B improvement C impression D environment

434.Jack has a__C__ behavior of walking; he walks with one shoulder a little higher than the other.

A strict B strong C strange D standard

435.After a long discussion they still could not __C__ their teacher on the plan.

A agree at B agree on C agree with D agree

436. Harry treats his secretary badly.

-Yes, he seems to think that she's the____D__ important person in the office.

A.less B.least C.more D.most

437.__C____ the water sports — sailing, rowing, diving and swimming, I like rowing best.

A At all B Above all C Of all D After all

438. My car is not so expensive as __A____ .

A. his B. he’s C. he D. his’

439. Send the note to______D____ is in the house.

A. whomever B. whatever C. whichever D. whoever

440. _____C____in Class Two is missing.

A. One of a boy B. One of the boy C. One of the boys D. One of boys

441. Some girls have one pigtail, __C____girls have two.

A. another B. the other C. other D. none other

442. He invited all of his _____C_____to join his wedding party.

A. comrade-in-arm B. comrades-in-arm C. comrades-in-arms D. comrade-in-arm 443. That is____D______cat.

A. Charles B. Charleses’ C. Charles’s D. Charles’ 444. He is very tired. He needs____D__ .

A. a night rest B. rest of a night C. a rest night D. a night’s rest 445. Alice was about to___D___, when she suddenly found an answer to the question.

A.make up B.look up C.turn up D.give up

446. _____C_____meets her will tell you.

A. Who that B. Whom that C. Whoever D. That who

447. ______B____were looking forward to working overtime.

A. None office workers B. None of the office workers

C. None of the office worker D. None of the office worker

448. During the coming summer vacation, my wife and I are not planning to go ___B______ .

A. somewhere B. anywhere C. nowhere D. whereabouts

449. He is ____A______,but his wife is _____.

A. awake?asleep B. awake?sleep C. waking?asleep D. wake?asleep 450. They have built a_____C_____

A. long bridge hundred meters B. bridge a hundred meters long

C. a hundred meters long bridge D. bridge hundred meters long

451.Ann is ___A____ than I am.

A. a year older B. older a year C. shorter a head D. a head tall

452.The population of China is larger than __B_______of Canada.

A. silence B. that C. this D. it

453. At the meeting they all kept _____C_____.

A. silence B. silently C. silent D. quietly

454. Shanghai is one of _______D___ in the world.

A. biggest cities B. the biggest city C. biggest city D. the biggest cities 455. My _______A_____ brother is five years ____ than I .

A. elder ? older B. elder?old C. older?.old D. elder?elder

456. Never before ____D_engaged in producing goods just for the comfort of man.

A. so many people have been B. so many people had been

C. had so many people been D. have so many people been

457. You had rather watch TV this evening ___B_____.

A. couldn’t you B. hadn’t you C. needn’t you D. wouldn’t you 458. He was surprised by ____B_ having to pay for the accident.

A. you B. your C. yourself D. yours

459. -Your sister looks beautiful. Is she a model or a film star -_____D_. She's a doctor.

A.Whatever you say B.Forget about it C.You bet D.Far from it

460. The contract will __D___at the end of the year, and will have to be renewed.

A. run across B. run into C. run over D. run out

461. In the 24th century, people may no longer know how to do simple things because ___A__ has made them lazy.

A. technology B. telegram C. telescope D. technique

462 I think you will have the most beautiful _A___ in the town.

A. lawn B. straw C. grass D. hay

463. I'11 send you my address__D____ I find somewhere to live.

A.although B.as C.while D.once

464. __D___ the exact reason why the building were built remains a mystery.

A. Just now B. From now on C. Right now D. Up to now

465. Mack is very busy; he is a full-time student, while___D___ a part-time job.

A.to hold B.being held C.Held D.holding

466. -Harry treats his secretary badly. -Yes, he seems to think that she's the____B__ important person in the office.

A.less B.least C.more D.most

467. Once more I am in Boston, __A____ I have not been for ten years.

A. where B. which C. what D. that

468. In case the house ___D__ down, they will get the insurance money.

A. would burn B. will burn C. burn D. burns

469. Alice was about to____D__, when she suddenly found an answer to the question.

A.make up B.look up C.turn up D.give up

470.It was a big celebration.__B___people gathered at the city square.

A.Five thousands B.Five thousand C.Thousands D.Thousand of

471.__B____ if he'd ever been fined before, Mathew replied, "Only for speeding. "

A.Asking B.Asked C.To ask D.Having asked

472. His mother asked him to go home ____B____ from school.

A. densely B. directly C. delicately D. durably

473. Led by athletes from the host nation, all athletes ____A___ around the stadium in the parade of nations.

A. pace B. march C. walk D. step

474. A life free from all worry just doesn’t _B______at all.

A. exist B. find C. lose D. exert

475. The simple fact is that smokers are affecting the health of none-smokers _B_____their own.

A. as soon as B. as well as C. as same as D. as long as

476. You can find a restaurants that _____B__ food from nearly every country.

A. shape B. serve C. service D. shake

477. Although it was not named___C___ 1782,this kind of metal was used as early as 5300 B.C.

A.for B.in C.until D.since

478.Tony couldn't go to university but__D____ his education through evening school courses.

A.has continued B.continued C.continues D.had continued

479. Judging from his manners at the party, he doesn’t seem___B___ much education.

A. to receive B. to be receiving C. to have been received D. to have received 480. Gandhi spent 21 years in South Africa, where he ___C__ and fought for Indian people’s rights.

A. surrounded B. surprised C. supported D. supposed

481. Mr. and Mrs. Smith didn’t expect the house _B____ so well.

A.to paint B. to be painted C.painting D.be painted

482. After the new technique was introduced , the factory produced ___A__ tractor in 1998 as the year before.

A. twice as many B. as many twice C. twice many a D. as twice many

483. Neither the boss nor the employees__A_____ free when I visited the company.

A. were B. was C. are D. is

484. No one, except his two best friends __D___his joy or sorrow in his life.

A. shares B. share C. sharing D. to share

485. He refused to _D_____his name and address to the police.

A. dismiss B. conceal C. display D. disclose

486. It is said that Sally's been painting for years since she was a little girl,___C___

A.isn't she B.hasn't it C.hasn't she D.doesn't it

487. He thought of all people as __D___and he wanted freedom and independence for everyone.

A. unlike B. like C. unequal D. equal

488. -"Do you mind if I smoke" -"Well, actually,___A___. "

A.I'd rather you didn't B.go ahead C.it doesn't work D.never mind 489.John and Sue____D__ computer games for hours before their parents came home from work.

A.are playingB.have been playingC.Played D.had been playing

490. These statues are __A____of men showing only the upper body.

A. figures B. forms C. features D. pictures

491. There are many ___A__ of good people , and good deeds nowadays.

A. instances B. inputs C. conditions D. states

492. You want to be the best, but if you don’t ___B__ you will give yourself a hard time.

A. achieve B. succeed C. obtain D. reach

493. We __A____this test of SARS and won this battle.

A. experienced B. explained C. expressed D. experimented

494. He is a very ___A___ person who can easily cope with stressful situation.

A. relaxed B. regarded C. regretted D. related

495. “At no time ___A__in the classroom”, said the teacher firmly.

A. is smoking permitted B. smoking is permitted

C. does smoking permit D. smoking is it permitted

496. Only recently ____B__ to deal with the environmental problems.

A. has something done B. has something been done

C. something has been done D. something has done.

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497 .The government official explained that there’s no point ___A_____ worrying about the cultural gap in that city.

A. at B. in C. for D.on

498 I think it would be wise to __B____the south.

A. make up B. make for C. make out D. make sure

499. Well, you must physically ____B____ and enjoy working outdoors.

A. fine B. fit C. find D. fill

500.Although the medicine tastes ___A___, it seems to help my condition.

A. bad B. too badly C. how bad D. badly

501. Read carefully and you will discover a(n)___C___meaning to his words.

A. outer B. center C. inner D. middle

502. Thousands of websites help people keep up with the ___A___ news.

A. latest B. last C. later D. latter

503.These two areas are similar__C___ that they both have a high rainfall during this season.

A. besides B. in C. except D. to

504. With the old man____C__ the way, we had no trouble in finding that mysterious cave.

A. lead B. to be led C. leading D. led

505. I have no objection ___B__ your story again.

A. to have heard B. to hearing C. to hear D. to having heard.

506. It has attracted a growing number of fans and has become very ___B___.

A. private B. popular C. principal D. portable

507. You don’t___C_ from any medical condition, do you?

A. undergo B. endure C. suffer D. bear

508. The garden of Mr. Smith’s house are beautifully __B_____.

A. looked down B. laid out C. looked out D. laid down

509.Everything__D___if Albert hadn’t called the fire brigade.

A. would be destroyed B. will have been destroyed

C. will be destroyed D. would have been destroyed.

510. He abandoned the position that __C___to his becoming one of the most influential people in the world.

A. could have led B. should have led C. would lead D. must lead.

511. The young doctor couldn’t sleep well at night, his thoughts ____A_ him no peace.

A. giving B. being given C. to give D. gave

512. The city seems _D___ tonight, as if something is going to happen.

A. light B. close C. tight D. tense

513. The foreigner is __C___on Chinese Konfu.

A. favorite B. interested C. keen D. fond

514. Please give me more time;___C___ I shall not be able to finish the paper by next Monday.

A.meanwhile B.therefore C.otherwise D.still

515. C. -Why don't you come and play tennis with us this afternoon?

A That's a great game B Yes, I think so C That's a good idea D No, let me see

516. I send you my best wishes on this happy __C_____.

A. minute B. period C. occasion D. time

517. On the _C____ of the theory he worked out the problem.

A. basin B. basement C. basis D. bath

518. Since he spent his childhood in France, Jack is able to converse in French ___A___.

A. rather well B. quite good C. quite better D. rather good.

519. They all returned to the village ___A__ that the danger was over.

A. having convinced B. to convince C. convince D. convincing 520. -The cake is delicious, John. -Would you like to have__D__more?

A much B little C few D some

521. Many people prefer large cars, _D___ large cars are safer than small ones.

A think B to think C having thought D thinking

522. Betty saved her money _B___ she might buy an MP3 player.

A so as B so that C even if D as if

523. The roast duck was ___B___ among the important dishes served at court.

A. existed B. listed C. appeared D. lied

524. What could you ____C__ us for the dessert , waiter ?

A. recognize B. reform C. recommend D. recover

525. Every year people from other countries come to visit Jiuzaigou __B_____.

A. in great sum B. in great numbers C. in great deal D. in great amounts 526. One who has a ____A__ to beat his dog will easily find his stick.

A. head B. heart C. mind D. brain

527. Some of the crops failed. __D__, the cotton did pretty well.

A Then B Besides C Therefore D However

528. Tom__C____ he would be looking out for news about me during the week.

A. processed B. programmed C. promised D. promoted

529. This mountain scenery is ____B____ of Sichuan Province.

A. natural B. typical C. tropical D . unusual

530. After a week’s work I like to __D_____ to the country to relax.

A. restore B. revise C. regret D. retreat.

531. Before the meeting I ___C____ the reports.

A. looked back B. looked around C. looked through D. looked out

532. It was so cloudy that the top of the mountain was ___C____.

A. suitable B. stable C. invisible D. visible

533. You__C___have brought your umbrella for we are going by car.

A won't B mustn't C needn't D don't

534. It suddenly ___B____ to Mary that her son was afraid of being alone.

A. happened B. occurred C. worried D. thought

535. _____C___ my not bing here, ask my sister to help you.

A In any case B. in no case C. In case of D. In that case

536. They are determined to get their rights __D____.

A.at a cost B.at a loss C.at the cost D.at all costs

537. She was so angry at all _A___he was doing _____she walked out without saying

a word.

A. that, that B. which; that C. what; as D. that; which

538. The soup my mother makes is much more tasty than_B_that you can order in a restaurant.

A it B this C those D these

539. C____, but would you mind moving your bag?

A Wait a minute B Thank you very much C Excuse me D Nice to meet you 540. 60% of those __Bd.

A questioning B questioned C question D to question

541. D___???????????????_____ the temperature going down so quickly, I don't think we are able to go on with our


A For B By C From D With

542. Parents have to accept their children for __A__ they are and not ____ they want them to be.

A who; what B where; who C what; why D how; when

543. A philosopher once said that the rich men were ___D__ to their money.

A. sleeves B. souls C. spirits D. slaves

544. He __C__ the map above his head so it could be seen more clearly.

A. held on B. held out C. held down D. held up

545. He will ___B__ you on the subject of environment protection.

A. address B. talk C. speak D. say

546. When they got to the lecture-room, there were __A____ left.

A. only a few seats B.only few seats C. not a few seats D.a very few seats 547. The students __B___ their thanks to their English teachers.

A. said B. showed C. revealed D. expressed

548. Mr. White was the last person to learn the __C____ of Mr. Brown’s death.

A. characters B. murders C. particulars D. behaviors

549. I haven’t done the work well; my ___B___ is that I have been ill.

A. exhibit B. excuse C. question D. pardon

550.We are trying our best and we hope to __B___ our services in the future.

A. imply B. improve C. import D. impress

551. Jean is tall __D__ to be a model.

A. fully B. much C. quite D. enough

552. Besides, protecting the environment is a serious __D____.

A.event B.matter C.incident D.affair

553. Please tell him to __A____ these sheets of paper together.

A. paste B. pace C reply D. retreat

554. We are now in a great new ___B___ of information

A. life B. era C. area D. lifetime

555. Pay no attention to Susan____A____.

A she's just showing off B she's just shown off C she showed off D she shows off

556. Next time I come, I will make sure I have more time _D_______.

A. with my hands B. of my hands C. at my hands D. on my hands.

557. She could ___B_____ heavy logs and do things that other kids couldn’t . .A. list B. lift C. line D. link.

558. In Yellowstone Nation Park, ___D__all of the deer, sheep, birds and small animals are unafraid of people.

A. most B. much C. more D. almost

559. Do you think that stamp-collecting is an educational ____D___.

A. habit B. custom C. like D. hobby

560. The ___D___of the new plan is primary education for all children in the countryside.

A. train B. trend C. turn D. target.

561. People there warmly __A____ him on the discovery of oil.

A. congratulated B believed C. bargained D. considered

562. She is shy by nature and always feels __D____ with strangers.

A. comfortable B. comforting C. comforted D. uncomfortable

563. Last year, a lucky __D__ in oil stock made his fortune.

A. culture B/ picture C. furniture D. venture.

564. The four seasons arrive __D_____ each year.

A. on purpose B. on duty C. on average D. on schedule

565. He had ___A___ out of the race because of his illness.

A. dropped B. gave C. made D. left

566. It is out of the __C___ for him to be a professional footballer.

A. issue B. problem C. question D. puzzle.

567. Water sports always have special ____D___ for some people .

A. attention B. attack C. attempt D. attraction.

568. I should certainly be on my ___B__ if I were you.

A. attention B. guard C. watch D. notice

569. The Japanese toymakers invented a useful _B___ to help your understand your dog’s thoughts and emotions.

A. advance B. device C. divorce D. advice

570. -Tina looks especially pretty tonight.Yes, she always looks her best in __A__ dress of ____ color.

A / ;that B a; that C the; the D /; a

571. Can you tell me who has the original _A____ of War and Peace?

A. text B. chapter C. column D. textbook

572. In the 1970s, cars became much smaller and more economical because of the oil___D___.

A. crime B. cream C. cross D. crisis

573. At first he was very __D___ about making the sailing in such stormy weather.

A. numerous B. various C. dangerous D. nervous.

574. Without someone to __A__ for advice, making the best choice can be difficult for Tom.

A turn to B turn up C turn over D turn on

575. She is ___B___ her mother ; she is tall and her mother is very short.

A. uneven B. different C. unequal D. unlike

576. The two families __A___ up through the marriage of a daughter and a son.

A. linked B. closed C. separated D. attached.

577. The king couldn’t __C___ much political power, could he ?

A. deal B. exercise C. play D. follow

578. One ___D___ about the moon is that it is a piece borken off from the earth.

A. outline B. feeling C. project D. theory

579. He told me that he had a lot of money, but that was just a __C___.

A. talent B. truth C. tale D. fact.

580. Sorry I am late. I got stuck in a traffic _B____ in Beacon Street.

A. mass .B jam C. stop D. crowd

581. People here seem to show a ___C____ interest in arts and culture.

A. noise B. eche C. sound D. voice

582. She was really good at tennis, so her coach___B___ her to take part in competitions.

A. enclosed .B encouraged C. discouraged D. disclosed

583. John has a(n)____B_ habit to tapping his fingers on the desk.

A. incurious B. unconscious C. various D. conscious.

584. Mr. Smith is very ___A___ and never goes out without combing his hair.

A. tidy B. clean C. tight D. dirty

585. He kept his head; otherwise the accident ___C___.

A. would happen B. happened C. would have happened D. happens 586. He is very rich, for his father passed on the family’s __D__ to him.

A. prospect B. worth C. poverty D. wealth

587. The fact that nobody answered the telephone __A___ that the family are out.

A. implies .B expresses C. displays D. impresses

588. Don’t worry. The damage to the machine is ___C___ and I can cope with it.

A. slow B. solid C. slight D. serious

589. The walls of these house are too __D__ to avoid hearing our next-door neighbors talking.

A. tall B. tight C. thick D. thin

590. ―― "Is she older than you?"―― "Yes she is older than ____D___two years"

A. me B. I for C. I am by D. me by

591. These flowers smell ____A____.

A. pleasant B. plural .C pleased D. plentiful

592. The club has ___A___ a new rule allowing women over 60 to join.

A. established B. reached C. agreed D. exchanged.

593. Anne was not careful enough; __B_____ , she couldn’t have made such a silly mistake.

A. although .B otherwise .C nevertheless .D however

594. The car factory ____D___ a lot of the cars that were supposed to be faulty.

A. remarked .B resulted C. repeated D. recalled

595. The other students on my online business course are older than I am and we don’t have _____B___ in common.

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A. some .B much .C many D. lot

596. A pretty face may win friends but it takes character and personality to hold ____A__.

A. it B. them C. one D. that

597. He is ____C___a writer as a reporter.

A. more B. rather C. not so much D. not such

598. To____C__ a long story short, all this research made me realize I had a gift for investigation.

A. reduce .B think .C cut D. decrease

599. The hostess did not ___A____ her visitors any encouragement to stay.

A. offer .B prefer C. order D. occur

600. As soon as we finish the work, we shall start __C____ for the beach party in the evening.

A. producing .B preserving C. preparing D. presenting

601. Tom was very glad because the English teacher __B___98 to him.

A. seized B. scored C. scolded D. screwed

602. All the men were under heavy _D___ working day and night.

A. prize B. rain C. reward D. pressure

603. This morning someone _B___ from downtown and asked me to see him at 2 o’clock.

A. called off B. called on C. called for D. called up

604. Their idea was to get us to ___A__ the sports meet because of the rain.

A. call off B. called at C. call back D. call up

605. It is not very __A____to swim or dive in winter.

A. pleasant B. glad C. pleased D. happy

606. It is very __B___ that he will win the prize this., for he isn’t an excellent player.

A. hardly .B unlikely .C probably D. lilkely

607 . The government has planned to ___D___ two millions in building the dam.

A. take B. invent C. need D. invest

608. She gave me all kinds of ___A___ on how to do this and that.

A. instruction B. exhibition .C conclusion .D production

609. The Mall of America was _____C__ in 1992 in the state of Minnesota.

A. set on B. set off .C set up .D set out

610. They thought selling their car should be a good ____D__.

A. movement B. perfomance C. possession D. move

611. As a result of pollution, the air become drier, the ice at the poles ____A___ and sea levels rise.

A. melts B. freezes C. softens D. hardens

612. There is a hotel in the ___B____ neighborhood.

A. direct B. immediate C. indirect D. straight

613. I suppose that when I come back in ten years' time , all these old houses ___A_?___down.

A. will have been pulled B. will have pulled C. will be pulling D. will be pulled

614. The furniture in his room is quite different from _B_____ in yours.

A. ones B. that C. one D. those

615.I don't know what illness he suffered from, but I do remember he mentioned __C_ in hospital last year.

A. to have been B . to be C. having been D. being

C616. Johnson hoped it would be ______who would be called upon.

A. has B. him C. he D. himself

C617. You have to _____ your trip to New York as you are ill.

.A catch .B check C. cancel D. charge

D618. I would be ______ if you could help us in this difficult time.

A. pitiful .B ungrateful C. sorrowful D. grateful

C619. In conclusion, the disadvantages of mobiles phones are numerous and should not be ____.

A. organized B. urged .C . ignored D. agreed

A620. In today’s Olympics, the opening ______ of the Olympic games is held in a stadium.

A. ceremony B. congress C. meeting D. moment

D621. What a person does is sometimes opposite ____ what he says.

A. for B.at C. in D. to

B622. Are you going to take part in the _____?

A. comparison .B competition .C comprehension D. companion

C623. Never before __ engaged in producing goods just for the comfort of man.

A. so many people have been B. so many people had been

C.had so many people been D.have so many people been

C624. Have a cup of tea, _______?

A. shall we B. will you C. won't you D. do you

C625. One _____ about the moon is that it is a piece broken off from the earth.

A. feeling B. project C. theory D. outlline

C626. The ______ of the trees grew longer as the afternoon went on.

A. images B. pictures .C shadows D. photos

C627. His father told him that success in school _____ much hard work.

A. called on B. called back C. called for D. called at

B628. It is estimated that much of a teenager's time is spent______ with friends.

A. to talk B. talking C. being talked D. having talked

C629. Your husband should also _______ smoking or drinking five hours before bedtime.

A. quit to B. stop to C. avoid D. escape

C630. There is a ______ against railway passengers walking across the lines.

A.reception B. relation C. regulation D. repetition

C631. There are many _______ between the young and the old about their dreams

A. difficulties B. difficult C. differences D. different

C632. We _______ see a horse carriage now, because most people use cars.

A. readily B really C. rarely D. rapidly

D633. If you _______ a difficult situation, you will succeed in controlling it.

A. match B. move C. meet D. master

D634. That is because the water _______ you from getting seriously injured.

A. protests B projects C. prohibits D. protects

C635. I couldn’t open the box because the lid was too ________.

A. thick .B loose C. tight D. thin

B636. They were ______ whether they ought to go or not.

A. certain B. uncertain C. expected D . unexpected

B637. The boy took a _______ from the window and fell into the yard below.

A. leaf B. leap C lead D. lean

C638. The Caspian Sea, a salt lake, is ______any other lake in the world.

A. largest B. the largest C. larger than D. the larger than

B639. He had ______ put on the best clothes for this evening party.

A. effectively B. obviously C. cruelly D. daily

B640. He _______ to get angry when other colleagues disagree with him.

A mends B. tends C. bends D. attends

B641. My son is Andy. My brother’s son is Ben. Andy and Ben are _______.

A. nephews B. cousins C. brothers D. nieces.

C642. Susan ________ herself all year to earn good marks.

A. excited B. existed C. exerted D. exited

C643. ______bricks, workers press clay into blocks and bake them to the requisite hard.

A. Being made B. The making of C. To make D. Made

D644. He was offered $20,000 for the picture of his but he ____ it _____

A. turned?up .B turned ?.off C. turned ?.out D. turned ?down

B645. Cars moved very slowly in the 1920s, but they ______move more quickly than in 1910.

A. were to can B. did C. will D. can

B646. It was ______ impossible to start in such bad weather.

A. closely B. clearly C. curiously D. correctly

D647. The children’s paintings are on ______ at the school.

A. practice B. praise C. examples D. exhibition

C648. Besides, protecting the environment is a serious ________.

A. event B. affair C. matter D. incident

C649. The captain is going to ______ his ship through the narrow passage tomorrow.

A. sell B. seal C. sail D. salt

A650. 1. I've got into the???_______?????of watching TV as soon as I get home.

A. habit B. practice C. custom D. exercise

D651. We now can choose from a _____ variety of sources to get information.

A. wicked B. wise C.wild D. wide

C652. We fail one student per year on_______ .

A. maximum B. minimum C. average D. level

C653. I hardly see_______ around here.

A. nobody B. somebody C. anybody D. no one

C654. Her performance got mixed_______ .

A. speech B. review C. ideas D. thoughts

B655. I don’t really like the book, but the movie is _______ to be very funny.

A. supplied B. supposed C. suggested D. surrounded

C656. He has ______ out that he is going away.

A. put B. set C. let D. take

A657. There was a lack of local ____ so the acting club hired an actor from Beijing to take the main part.

A.talent B. treat C. trade D. target

C658. I used to ______ motocycles before I was married.

A. rate B. rise C. race D. raise

C659. In their spare time , they may also _____ themselves in the Worker’s Palace of Culture.

A. amaze B. arise C. amuse D. apply

C660. Usually, _______ care for children's ______.

A. woman writers... lives B. women writer... life

C. women writers ... life D. women writer ... lives

B661. ________ you are free, why not go skating with us?

A. Because B. Since C. As D. For

A662. Tom immediately ______ out his cousin from the crowd.

A. picked B. saw C. glanced D. looked

A663. When he _____ university, he knew more than his parents did .

A. entered B.admitted C. arrived D. participated

C664. The famous song, My Way was ______ by British pop star Robbie Williams at a concert in 2001.

A. permitted B. prevented C. performed D. pretended

C665. Professor Martin is ______ his students’ paper at home.

A. coaching B. concluding C. correcting D. conducting

B666. Tom realized that he _______ the wrong bus.

A. held B. took C. had D. got

B667. He was deeply ______with them at their refusing to come.

A.disliked B.offended C.defended D. harmed

B668. Nothing must be allowed to _______ with our plans for the weekend.

A. affect B. interfere C. break D. influence

B669. We’ll have a whole holiday in ______ of our boss’s birthday.

A. dishonour B. honour C. greeting D. glory

C670. Sometimes I can’t help feeling I ‘m in her ________.

A. portrait B. image C. shadow D. picture

C671. Many athletes come from all over the world to compete in ______ sports in the Olympics.

A. valuable B. visible C. various D. violent

A672. As she ______ to the smell of smoking, she asked her husband to give it up.

A. objected B. contained C. obtained D. subjected

C673. Great men never give up ______ difficulty.

A. in a face of B. in face of the C. in the face of D. in the face of the B674. If you want to know the times of buses , please_______ at the office.

A. equip B. inquire C. request D. require

D675. To their surprise , they had much ______ and they even went to the same college.

A. in the same B. common things C. all the same D. in common

D676. His father has a weak heart and should _____ all excitement.

A. enlarge B . attack C. enjoy D. avoid

C677.We _______ on it for many hours, but we have not yet reached any conclusion.

A. have been worked B. are being worked C. have been working D. are working. A678.No sooner had they got the goods covered up_____ it started raining hard.

A. than B. after C. when D. then

B679. I wrote it down_____ I should forget it.

A for fear of B. in case C. in order that D. in case of

C680. The factory purchased ______ to improve the working conditions there.

A. new equipments B. a new equipment

C. a new piece of equipment D. new pieces of equipments

B681. There was plenty of time. She _____ worried or hurried.

A. mustn’t have B. needn’t have C. must be D. wouldn’t have

B682. When I called you this morning, nobody answered the phone. _______?

A. where were you B. where have you been

C. where have you been to D. where did you go

A683. There are ______ custom tailors and dressmakers in the U. S. than in European countries.

A. far fewer B. so fewer C. very fewer D. too fewer

C684. Generally speaking, experienced drivers have ______ accidents than beginners.

A. least B. few C. fewer D. little

A685. Strange ____ his behavior may be, there is a very good reason for it.

A. as B. although C. even if D. that

A686. I completely forgot _____ the front door last night and feel fortunate that nothing was stolen.

A. to lock B. to have locked C. being locked D. locking

D687. The film _____ for five minutes when we hurried there.

A. has been on B. was on C. would be on D. had been on

B688. This new instrument is far superior _____ the old one we bought three years ago.

A. than B. to C. over D. of

A689. ______ people are not allowed to drive a car according to the traffic rules.

A. Drunken B. Drank C Drunk D. Drink

D690. Susan was very unhappy for not _____ to the party.

A. to have been invited B. inviting C. to be invited D. having been invited D691. Do you think there would be less conflict in the world if all people _____ the same language?

A. had spoken B. speak C. will speak D. spoke

C692. Many people have found _____ uncomfortable to hold the same position for a long time.

A. this B. which C. it D. that

英语二级试题题库及答案 51_英语二级考试

D693. You had better make ______ for your journey as early as possible.

A. a preparation B. preparing C. preparation D. preparations

C694. A fireman discovered the __________ of the fire.

A. truth B.reason C. cause D. fact

C695. The little man was ______ more than one meter fifty tall.

A. quite B. nearly C. hardly D. almost

A696. Air, or _____ is called atmosphere, surrounds the whole earth.

A what B. that C. it D. which

B697. Can you tell Mary_______ her twin sister?

A. between B. from C. to D. with

A698. The reason why so many people sit before the television tonight is that there will be a _______ show.

A. live B. living C. lived D. alive

A699. Every time he meets me, he ______ to me.

A. will smile B. would smile C. is smiling D. smiled

D700. That young man has made so much noise that he ___ not have been allowed attend the concert.

A. could B. must C. would D. should

D701. This ATM has been out of service for a few days. It should _______ last week.

A. be fixed B. have fixed C. fix D. have been fixed

D702. New ideas sometimes have to wait for years before ________.

A. fully accept B. fully accepting C. being fully accepted D. fully accepted B703. We got to the hill, _______ there was a stream.

A. at the foot of that B. at the foot of which C. at the foot of the hill

D. at the foot of where

D704. You may write to me or come to see me. ____________ way will do

A. All B. Both C. One D. Either

C705. Nowhere else in the world_______ more attractive scenery than in Jiuzhaigou.

A. has been found .B you can find C. can you find D. is found

D706. A suitcase with shirt, trousers and shoes_______ stolen from the car.

A. have B. were C. has D. was

A707. The teacher told the children that water _____ at 100 degree Centigrade.

A. boils B. boiled C. boiling D. was boiling

C708. The chair looks rather unusual in shape, but it is very comfortable to sit _______.

A. by B. with C. on D. at

B709. That was the first time I _______________ England's coast

A. left B. had left C. would leave D. has left

C710. There is a brand-new motorcycle over there. I wonder ______.

A. whom does it belong B.whom does it belong to C. whom it belongs to D. it belongs to whom

D711. Beneath our feet ______ that our life depends on for food and clothing.

A. the earth lay B. lie the earth C. lies the earth D. the earth lies D712. Things never went _____ as we had expected

A. so smoothly B. smooth C. so smooth D. smoothly

C713. She always takes careful notes in class ______ she may review from time to time.

A. so that B. in order to C. rather than D. because of

C714. Without heat and sunlight, plants on the earth ______well.

A. wounld not be grown B. had not grown C. will not grow D. would not grow A715. Tom's father, as well as his mother, _____in New York for a few more days.

A. suggest him to stay B. suggested him that he should stay

C. suggest him staying D. suggests he stay

D716. Nowhere else in the world _____ more attractive scenery than in Switzerland.

A. is found B. you can find C. has been found D. can you find

D717. The key ______ success in this field is hard work and patience.

A. for B. of C. on D. to

B718. The way ______ you are doing it is completely crazy.

A. of which B. in which C. at which D. on which

B719. By the time, John gets home, his aunt _______.

A. will leave B. is leaving C. will have left D. had left.

A720. It is only through practice_______ one will be able to swim skillfully.

A. that B what C. which D. who

A721. If the building project ______ by the end of this month is delayed, the construction company will be fined.

A. completed B. being completed C. is completed D. to be completed.

B722. _____ in a recent science competition, the three students were awarded scholarship.

A. Having judged the best B. Judged the best

C. Judging the best D. To be judged the best

B723. ______, I would ask them some questions.

A. If they come to us B. Should they come to us

C. Will they come to us D. Had they come to us

B724. The famous novel is said _______ into Chinese.

A to be translating B. to have been translated C. to translate D. to have translated.

C725.He was absent –minded. He _____ be thinking about the question you raised.

A. might B. may C. must D. should

A726. He went to work so late _____ the manager had to send for him again before he arrived.

A. that B. as C. for D. when

D727. The safety of ships _________ sea depends much on the warning given by lighthouses.

A. across B. on C. at D. in

C728. ----- Don't forget to come to my birthday party, Mr. Wang. ----- _____.

A. No, I don't B. Yes, I can't C. No, I won't D. Yes, I'm sure B729.Charles Darney insisted that he ______ everything he could to make sure of Lucie’s happiness.

A. did B.do C.must do D. does

B730. When the car crashed, your brother escaped being hurt, ________?

A. didn’t it B. didn’t he C. did it D. did he

A731. You had better continue to use the same spelling of your name as ______ you used in your application.

A. the one .B some one C. one D. any

C732. Her answer is considered not acceptable, and _________.

A. neither am I B. mine is neither C. neither is mine D. either is mine C733. A good writer is ______ who can express the common thing in an uncommon way.

A. he B. one C. that D. this

B734. Those ______ to the conference were mostly famous scientists.

A. were invited B. invited C. inviting D. to invite

A735. We desire that the tour leader _____ us immediately of any changes in plans.

A. inform B. informed C. informs D. has informed

B736. The teacher told the students to stop _______ to him.

A. writing and to listen B. writing and listening

C. to write and listening D. to write and listen

B737. If I had remembered ______ the window, the thief would not have got in.

A. closing B. to close C. to have close D. having closed

C738. Entering the room, I found my father __ at the desk and ___ something .

A. seat... write B. seated ... wrote C. seated ... writing D. seating ... writing

C739. It was not _____ she took off her dark glasses _____ I realized she was a famous film star.

A. when?then .B when ?that .C until ?that D. until? when

A740. We had to wait a long time to get our passports, _________?

A. didn’t we B. won’t we C. shouldn’t we D. don’t we

B741. Hardly ever ______ get a good job these days without a good education.

A. people might B. do people C. have people D. people can

A742. When Jonathan went to Spain with his sister, he bought a leather coat for her and another for ______.

A. himself B. his C. him D. he

A743. People used to think that heavy objects always fell faster that light_______.

A. ones B. one C. the one D. the ones

D744. ____ they will send us an invitation is not yet known, __we hope they sill.

A. If... write B. That so C. When ... yet D. Whether ... but

C745. I’d ______ you didn’t touch that, if you don’t mind.

A. better B. happier C. rather D. further

C746. The ______ the proposal is considered, the worse is appear.

A. carefully B. much carefully C. more carefully D. most carefully

D747. You ______ her in her office last Friday, she has been out of town for two weeks.

A. explained B must have seen C. needn’t have seen D. can’t have seen B748. I suggest ______ on an excursion this Sunday.

A. us going B. our going .C we are going D. to go

A749. Mark often attempts to escape _________whenever he breaks traffic regulations.

A. being fined B. to be fined C. to have been fined D. having been fined A750. Nancy isn't here. It's my mistake. I forgot all about____ her.

A. telephoning B. to telephone C. to telephone to D. the telephone to C751.Do you still remember the day______ we spent together last month.

A. When B . where C. that D. in which

C752. Does everyone on earth have an equal right ______ an equal share of its resources?

A. over B.at C. to D. by

C753.Generally there are _______ television programs for children on Saturday.

A. little B. a large amount of C. a large number of D. much

C754. The time will surely come _____ordinary people could operate computers as well.

A. as B. till C. when D. while

D755. Why do you want a new job_____ you've got such a good one already?

A. that B. where C. which D. when

B756. -----Nancy is not coming tonight.----- But she _____!

A. promises B. promised C. will promise D. had promised C757. Uncle Li used to live in the town, _____ he ?

A. wouldn't B. weren’t C. didn’t D. hadn’t

B758. There are some _____ waiting for you outside.

A. American .B Japanese C. German D. grown-up

B759. She scarcely cares for anything______?

A. doesn’t she B. does she C. isn’t she D. is she

B760. We've made some achievements, but there is still a long way _____.

A. going B. to go C. gone D. to be gone

C761. It is advisable_______ twice before accepting that offer.

A. for your thinking B. of your thinking C. for you to think D. of you to think B762. The doctor gave me some medicine ______ three times a day before meals.

A. to be taking B. to take C. to be taken D. taking

C763. Every time he meets me, he ______ to me.

A. would smile B. smiled C. will smile D. is smiling

A764. ----- Thanks for the_____ you did me to move away the stone.----- That's all right.

A. favour B. good C. trouble D. kindness

D765. The population of many Alaskan cities has _______ doubled in the past three years.

A. as great as B. as many as C. larger than D. more than

A766. Mr. and Mrs. Smith didn’t expect the house ______ so well.

A. to be painted B. paiting C . to paint D. be paited

A767. She won't be afraid as _____ as you are here.

A. long B. well C. soon D. far

A768. Peter wishes that he ______ law instead of literature when he was in college. .A had studied .B would study C. could study D. studied.

A769. His instructor recommends that he ____- a regular degree program.

A. begin B. is beginning C. will begin D. begins

C770. It isn't quite _____whether she will take the advice.

A. sure B. right C. certain D. exact

D771. Shirley _____a book about China last year but I don't know whether she has finished it.

A. has written B. wrote C. had written D. was writing

D772. _____the children to bed, she began to correct the students' exercises.

A. Sending B. Being sent C. sent D. Having sent

C773. He has made another wonderful discovery, _______ of great importance to science.

A. I think which is B. which I think it is C. which I think is D. of which I think it is

C774. Modern technology has made _____ possible for the whole world to be closer than ever before .

A. that B. its C. it D. this

A775. The reseach, _______ will soon be published , was made by Jhon.

A. whose results B. at which the results C. the results on which D. at whose results

A776. Standing on the bank, the children watched the ship_______ with all kinds of goods.

A. being loaded B. to be loaded C. loading D. having loaded

A777. The people there were ______ young students between the age of 13 and 15.

A. mostly B. most C. much D. more

D778. The boy tried hard but there has been ______ in his work.

A. many improvements B. a little improvement

C few improvements D. little improvement

D779 ._______ , you must show your ticket to go into the cinema.

A. No matter who are you B. No matter whoever you are

C. Whomever you are D. Whoever you are

C780. Only recently_______ to deal with the environmental problems.

A. something has been done B. something has done

C. has something done D. has something been done

C781. At the sound of the gun, the birds flew _____ all directions.

A. by B. from C. in D. to

B782. We are going to have our office ________ to make room for a new engineer.

A. rearrange B. rearranged C. to rearrange D. rearrangin

C783. By no means ______ our mistake.

A. ought we ignore B. we ought to ignore C. ought we to ignore D. we ought to ignore

A784. There are many great leaders in the history _____ Alraham Lincoln was the greatest one.

A. of whom B. in whom C. in which D. of which

B785. He works _____ all the time.

A. lonely B. alone C. long D. along

D786. The flower is dead. I ______ it more water.

A. must give B. will give C. would have given D. should have given

英语二级试题题库及答案 51_英语二级考试

D787. Not until the game had begun_______ at the sports ground.

A. had he arrived B. should he have arrived C. would he have arrived D. did he arrive

D788. This is the one of the best books_______ ever been written on the subject.

A. that has B. which has C. which have D. that have

D789. About the sixth century A.D. when few Europeans could read, the Chinese ______ papers.

A. had invented B. have been invented C. have invented D. had been invented A790. The fire spread through the hotel very quickly but everyone ______ get out.

A was able to B. would C. could D. had to

A791. With the old man ______ the way, we had no trouble in finding that mystery cave.

A. leading B. led C. lead D. to be led

D792. I don’t think you’ve heard of him before, ______?

A. do I B. don’t I C. haven’t you D. have you

A793. The culture and customs of America are more like of England than ______ of any other country.

A. those B. what C. which D. that

B794. I haven’t done the work well; my ______ is that I have been ill.

A. pardon B. excuse C. question D. exhibit

A795. Friends are generally ______ in background and tastes.

A. alike B. different C. equal D. same

A796. My old friend, Jake wasn’t ______ with what I said to him.

A. pleased B. present C. precious D. pleasant

B797. Nobody is ______, so try not to worry too much about that.

A. full B. perfect C. entire D. complete

A798. Well, you must physically ______ and enjoy working outdoors.

A. fit B. find C. fill D. fine

D799. Although he was a politician, he never ______ ordinary politicians’ methods in his fight for equal rights.

A. glowed B. swallowed C. flowed D. followed

B800. Don’t you think it is time you ______ smoking?

A. give up B. gave up C. would give up D. should give up

B801. His score on the exam was ______ to qualify him for a graduate program.

A. well enough B. good enough C. as well as D. as good as

A802. On the way home I met two Frenchmen and three ______.

A. Germans B. Germen C. Germens D. German

C803. She didn’t want to buy the house, ______.

A. however good was it B. for how good might it be

C. however good it was D. for how good it might be

A804. It’s a very important meeting, so the chairman suggested that we ______.

A. should not be absent B. can’t be absent

C. mustn’t be absent D. may not be absent

C805. ______ receives only a small portion of the total amount of the sun’s energy.

A. The surface of earth B. The surface earth

C. The earth’s surface D. The earth surface

C806. It is generally considered unwise to give a child ______ he or she wants.

A. whichever B. whenever C. whatever D. however

A807. The new science and ______ can help scientists learn more about earthquakes.

A. technology B. telegram C. telescope D. technique

B808. Charles and John are neighbors; they live ______ on Elm Street.

A. one by one B. side by side C. little by little D. step by step

A809. You’d better stop staring at the TV unless you want to ______ your eyesight.

A. ruin B. crash C. block D. break

B810. A ______ line is the shortest distance between two points.

A. curved B. straight C. strict D. bent

A811. They ______ very much to seeing him again.

A. looked forward B. looked on C. looked over D. looked out

C812. They enjoy the beautiful scenery, many _____ animals, and unusual natural wonders.

A. life B.livable C.live D.alive

A813 One of the boys in the class had a fever and he soon ______ other children.

A. infected B. effect C. polluted D. injured

B814. She finally ______ that she herself would try to get work in a store.

A. adjusted B. concluded C. judged D. conducted

A815. Tom ______ he would be looking out for news about me during the week.

A. promised B. processed C. programmed D. promoted

C816. The travelers were not aware ______ the danger ahead.

A. for B. with C. of D. to

C817. Mary has left the book on the table ______ purpose so that you can read it.

A. in B. with C. on D. out of

A818. The manager accused one of the hotel servants ______ stealing the money.

A. of B. for C. with D. about

C819.It is said that a ______ medical team will soon be here.

A. resident B. moved C. mobile D. removed

B820. On the ______ of the theory he worked out the problem.

A. basement B. basis C. bath D. basin

B821. Be sure to bring your camera because there is a ______ to look at and photograph.

A. number B. lot C. plenty D. many

C822. A ______ is completely flat surface.

A. planet B. plane C. plain D. plant

B823. Today’s libraries differ greatly from ______.

A. those past B. those of the past C. the past D. that past

C824. He was too busy, otherwise he ______ to see you.

A should have B. would go C. would have gone D. would be

B825.They ______ their old friend Wang Xiaoqing at Tianfu Square yesterday.

A. ran out B. ran into C. ran over D. ran through

B826. I ______ my tea with a spoon, to mix in the sugar and milk.

A. rounded B. stirred C. circled D. moved

C827. He had studied late, and it was ______ time for breakfast.

A. nearby B. hardly C. nearly D. closely

D828. The plants should be kept at a ______ temperature.

A. firm B. calm C. still D. steady

B829. A large number of people work in the mall to make it ______.

A. rule B. run C. rush D. ruin

B830. He was only five years old when his father realized he had ______ talent.

A. negative B. natural C. native D. nervous

B831. His mother asked him to go home ______ after school.

A. durably B. directly C. delicately D. densely

B832. The way ______ you are doing it is completely crazy.

A. at which B. in which C. on which D. of which

B833. Despite the traffic lights ahead, the car continued ______ full speed.

A. with B. at C. on D. in

B834. Is ______ any use playing music to plants?

A. this B. it C. he D. that

B835. The flower is dead. I ______ it more water.

A. will give B. should have given C. must give D. would have given

B836. ----- Can you come on Monday or Tuesday?----- I'm afraid _____day is possible.

A. either B. neither C. some D. any

A837. She is older than ______.

A. any other girl in the group B. the group

C. any girl in the group D. all girls in the group

B838. I enjoy listening to classical music but my boyfriend can’t ______ it.

A. listen B. stand C. sound D. want

B839. People here seem to show a ______ interest in arts and culture.

A. fond B. keen C. alike D. dull

D840. What could you ______ us for the dessert, waiter?

A. recover B. reform C. recognize D. recommend

B841. Would you like to ______ in cash or by credit card?

A. spend B. pay C. cost D. use

C842.It suddenly ______ to Mary that her son was afraid of being alone.

A. thought B. worried C. occurred D. happened

C843.I can’t ______ that noise a moment longer.

A. ensure B. last C. endure D. listen

B844. As a result of global warming, the ice at the poles ______ and sea levels rise.

A. freezes B. melts C. hardens D. softens

A845. A red pencil-mark on the fifth page caught his ______.

A. eye B. watch C. ears D. look

B846. It was pointless to argue with them, so we tried to calm down and ______ silent.

A. remind B. remain C. remove D. remark

C847. He achieved international ______ at the end of the twentieth century.

A. shape B. fate C. fame D. shame

C848. Nobody noticed the thief slip into the house because the lights happened to


A. be put up B. give in C. be turned on D. go out

A849. The second thing we noticed was that the park looked a lot ______ beautiful than we thought.

A. less B. many C. much D. least

C850. Saying something is one thing while doing it is ______.

A. the other B. other C. another D. others

D851. I walked 8 miles today. I never guessed that I could walk ______ far.

A. much B. such C. as D. that

C852. They fell into a ______ discussion of the question at the meeting.

A. alive B. likely C. lively D. powerful

A853. The ______ about nuclear energy revolves around the waste problem.

A. chief public concern B. public’s chief concern

C. chief concern of public’s D. public chief concern

C854. This mountain scenery is ______ of Sichuan Province.

A. unusual B. tropical C. typical D. natural

A855. This was recorded as one of the emperor’s ______ dishes.

A. favorite B. like C. favorable D. alike

B856. Jesse trained hard and ______ the 1936 Olympic Games in Berlin.

A. took advantage of B. took part in C. took the place of D. took care of

B857. His article ______ present-day economics deserves careful study.

A. for B. on C. at D. in

D858. This learned man knows many languages ______ English.

A. except B. but C. except for D. besides

A859. ______ he received 3 letters at home each day last week.

A. On average B. On hand C. On purpose D. On board

C860. Our industrial production, ______, increased by 20 percent last year.

A. as to B. as a rule C. as a whole D. as for

A861. Let’s not ______ any time as we have a lot of work to do.

A. waste B. use C. disuse D. exhaust

D862. If I pay all my ______ I shall have no money left.

A. details B. decks C. deeds D. debts

B863. I wish you’ll ______ the tools after you finish with them.

A. put out B. put away C. put on D. put off

B864. You can find restaurants that ______ food from nearly every country.

A. shape B. serve C. service D. shake

B865. Each year the Mall of America ______ over 300 special events inside the building to entertain visitors.

A. occurs B. holds C. hands D. happens

D866. The teacher has his students ______ a composition every other week.

A. writing B. to write C. written D. write

B867. Could I ______ your contact details?

A. conduct B. confirm C. consist D. conquer

A868. Airbags are ______ in most cars to prevent serious injury in the event of a crash.

A. installed B. insured C. instructed D. insulted

B869. He insisted that his brother ____ the window. It was clear that someone else broke the window.

A. should not break B. should not have broken

C. hadn't broken D. would not break

A870. Gandhi spent 21 years in South Africa, where he ______ and fought for Indian people’s rights.

A. supported B. surprised C. surrounded D. supposed

D871. How can you ______ while the baby is crying?

A. stand for B. stand up for C. stand up to D. stand by

C872. Most of the buildings are very modern and are ______ with lifts.

A. had B. offered C. equipped D. supplied

B873. The captain was unwilling to ______ the command of his ship.

A. hand on B. hand over C. hand in D. hand out

C874. ______ held a meeting in the hall last night.

A. It was us whom B. It was us who C. It was we who D. That was us who C875. ______ if it were spring all the year round?

A.Ought it to be nice B. Will it be nice C. Would it be nice D. Shall it be nice

A876. The manager proposed that the exhibition ______ postponed for a few weeks.

A. be B. been C. being D. to be

C877. Beneath our feet ______ that our life depends on for food and clothing.

A. lie the earth B. the earth lies C. lies the earth D. the earth lay

B878. We desire that the tour leader ______ us immediately of any changes in plans.

A. informs B. inform C. informed D. has informed

B879. In the late 17th century, the first official ______ paper money was issued in Britain.

A. copied B. printed C. written D. marked

A880. I am very sorry for ______ for so long.

A. having kept you waiting B. keep you wait

C. waiting for you D. keep you waiting

C881. You’d rather watch TV this evening, ______?

A. couldn’t you B. hadn’t you C. wouldn’t you D. needn’t you D882. Physics ______ with matter and motion.

A. are B. is C. deal D. deals

A883 During sleep, blood pressure is normally ______ its lowest.

A. at B. by C. for D. in

D884. The ______ was busy repairing their car in the garage.

A. medium B. machinery C. machine D. mechanic

A885. I told Sally how to get here, but perhaps I ______ for her.

A. must have written it out B. ought to write it out

C. should have written it out D. had to write it out

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D886. I don’t suppose he’s serious, ______?

A. does he B. isn’t he C. is he D. do I

B887. What a person does it sometimes opposite ______ what he says.

A. for B. at C. in D. to

A888. It is very important to ______ an agreement with this big company.

A. reach B. go C. arrive D. come

A889. Yesterday I booked a room in the hotel, but now I want to ______ my booking.

A. cancel B. connect C. concern D. consume

D890. My grandfather always ______ for the politician who wears the nicest suit.

A. select B. choose C. prefer D. votes

B891. I haven’t made any new friends yet and everybody here makes ______ of me.

A. smile B. fun C. laugh D. joy

A892. Like ______ other language skills, reading requires practice.

A. most of the B. much of the C. more of the D. the most of

C893. I’m sorry to say ______ of your answers are correct.

A. both B. neither C. none D. any

A894. Since this road is wet and slippery this morning, it ______ last night.

A. must have rained B. must rain C. may rain D. was raining

B895. This is a very difficult operation. It is demanded that you ______ for emergency.

A. are to be prepared B. be prepared C. must be prepared D. would prepared A896. He had to take care of his six-year-old daughter all______.

A. by himself B. of himself C. with himself D. to himself

D897. The mother taught the child to ______ a knife and fork.

A. take B. need C. deal D. handle

A898. Before the meeting I ______ the reports.

A. looked through B. looked back C. looked around D. looked out

B899. Without my workmate I should not have ______ it.

A. mattered B. managed C. dealt D. coped

C900. We will have to examine the problem in ______.

A. search B. vain C. depth D. place

第二部分 阅 读 理 解

Passage 1

Helen Keller was born normal and healthy. But when she was one year old, she had a serious illness with a very high fever. After that, Helen was never able to see or hear again.

As a child Helen was angry and lonely. But a happy thing happened when she was six years old. Her parents got a teacher for her. They brought a young woman Anne Sullivan to stay at their house and help Helen. After much hard work, Helen began to learn sign language. Anne taught Helen many important things, such as how to behave like other children. Because Helen was so smart, she learned things very quickly. She learned how to read Braille(盲文). When she was eight, she became famous. People were amazed at what she could do.

When she was 20 years old, she went to college. Helen did so well in college that a magazine paid her to write the story of her life. After college, she decided to

earn a living by writing and giving speeches. She traveled all around the world. She worked to get special schools and libraries for the blind and deaf. She wrote many books, including one about her teacher, Anne Sullivan.

1.Which of the following statement is true about Helen Keller?C

A. Helen Keller was able to see and hear at the age of eight.

B. Helen Keller became deaf and dumb at the age of six.

C. Helen Keller was born normal and healthy.

D.Helen Keller was born deaf and dumb.

A2.Anne Sullivan is Helen Keller’s__A____.

A. teacher B. mother C. doctor D. aunt

D3. Anne Sullivan was very important in Helen’s life because_D__.

A. she worked very hard. B. She made Helen famous.

C. She let people feel amazed at Helen’s progress

D. She led Helen back to the life like normal children’s

B4. Braille is ___B____.

A. a system of sight language for blind people.

B. a system of reading and writing for blind people.

C. a book written by Helen Keller. D. a book written by Ms Sullivan.

A5. In addition to writing and making speeches, Helen also was engaged in __A__.

A. setting up special schools and libraries for the blind and deaf

B. traveling around the world with Ms Sullivan

C. attending classes at college D. working for a magazine

Passage 2

You remember things everyday, but how do you do it? You find a telephone number in the phone book, dial it and then forget it. This is your short-term memory. It lasts less than 30 seconds. However, you don’t look in the phone book for your best friend’s number. You know it. This is long-term memory. Your long-term memory has everything that you remember.

Why do you forget something? What is the reason? You did not learn it in the beginning. This is the major reason for forgetting. But you can remember better. Here are some ideas.

1.Move information from your short-term memory to your long-term memory. Practice the information. Spend time on it.

2.Be sure that you understand the information.

3.Do only one thing at a time. Study in a quiet place. You cannot listen to music and memorize at the same time.

4.Try to connect the new information with something you already know.

5.Divide the information into parts. Do not have more than seven parts. Learn one part and stop for a few minutes. Don’t try to learn all the parts at the same time.

6.Make a picture in your mind. For example, when you learn the word SOFA, make a picture in your mind of this furniture. Remember what it looks like.

7.Try to relax when you study. Enjoy it.

6.This passage mainly tells us how to___D___.

A. keep short-term memory B. remember telephone numbers

C. practice information D. remember things better

7.You often forget a telephone number quickly because it is only kept in _C.

A. your long-term memory B. your mid-term memory

C. your short-term memory D. your fresh memory

8.Forgetting easily happens because of ____A___.

A. failing to understand the information in the beginning.

B. failing to practice the information in the beginning

C. dividing the information into parts D. spending much time on learning

9.To make sure that your long-term memory keeps what you remember, you need ____B_.

A. not look in the phone book B. to practice and understand it

C. not forget listening to music D. to learn all parts at one time A10.If you want to enjoy memorizing English words, you’ll first have to___.

A. draw a picture B. relax C. keep busy D. rest

Passage 3

If you ever screamed yourself hoarse watching a football game, or if you ever ran miles along a riverbank, you know the delight of sports and exercise and their hold on our lives. Both as spectator and participant you can, no doubt, recall many experiences, some joyful, others bitter. Maybe you remember the fear you felt at learning to ride a bicycle, or the spirit of teamwork that allowed you win the freestyle swimming relay at the town pool.

Perhaps you still hear your coach yelling at you, or recall your father’s consoling words, “Well, you did your best.” Perhaps some moments in sports gave you a better understanding of your character, such as the time you let a friend score a basket when you yourself might just as easily have made the points. Maybe you are one of those enthusiasts of lifetime sports, running or swimming or biking to keep your heart healthy. For you it is not simply competition that excites your blood: you enjoy the thrill of your body in action and the joy of mental release that accompanies vigorous exercise and those moments will stand out vividly in your lives.

11.You scream to show that you get excited when___D___.

A. biking in fear of falling down B. running along a river bank

C. swimming in the town pool D. watching a football game

12.Both as spectator and participant you must have had many experiences____C__.

A. more joyful, less bitter B. most joyful, least bitter

C. some joyful, others bitter D. nothing joyful, nothing bitter

13.Which of the following is collected in your memory as bitter experiences?A

A. Your coach’s yelling B. Your father’s consoling.

C. Letting a friend score a basket. D. Understanding yourself better.

14.Which of the following is collected in memory as joyful experiences?B

A. The fear you at learning to ride a bicycle.

B. Your spirit in a teamwork helped to win the freestyle swimming relays.

C. Running to keep your heart healthy. D. Exciting your blood in competition.

15.Some moments in exercise and sports will stand out vividly in one’s life because ___C___.

A. exercises are vigorous and hoarse B. lifelong sports bring lifelong happiness

C. the body action and mental release bring out thrill enjoyable

D. simple competitions keep one’s heart delighted and healthy

Passage 4

There are two men in important positions in my office---Mr. Thompson and Mr. White. Everyone enjoys working with Mr. Thompson, but no one likes Mr. White.

Mr. Thompson is always thoughtful and considerate. When he wants something done, he’ll ask,” Would you mind getting this information for me, please?” Mr. White is just the opposite. He usually shouts across the room, “Get me this memorandum, and hurry up.”

Mr. White surprised us this morning. Though.. At first we thought he must be sick. He was kind and agreeable. “Miss Erickson.” He asked, “if it isn’t too much trouble for you, could you please make these telephone calls for me?” June Erickson was astonished. Right after that, Mr.White said, “Miss Reed, would you be so kind as to open the window? It’s quit warm in here.”Then he talked to me. “I’d appreciate it very much if you’d mail these letters for me.” We couldn’t imagine why he was behaving so strangely. Should we offer him aspirins? Or had Mr.White changed his personality?

The situation was soon cleared up. “Ladies,” Mr.Thompson said, “I’ve been told that the president of the company will be here soon. He’s very interested in the welfare of his employees and will have some questions to ask you about your working conditions here.”

16. What kind of positions do Mr. Thompson and Mr. White have?D

A. One of them holds an unimportant positions in an office.

B. One of them holds an important positions in an office.

C. The both have unimportant positions in an office.

D. They both hold important positions in an office.

17. Why does everyone enjoy working with Mr.Thompson?B

A. Because he usually shouts rudely.

B. Because he always behaves politely.

C. Because he often surprises the office employees.

D. Because he often asks people to do things for him.

18. In dealing with office work, Mr.White acts quite differently from Mr.Thompson in___B__.

A. addressing people impolitely B. bossing around thoughtlessly

C. considering his opposite position D. respecting his company president

19. What did people think about Mr.White’s change one morning? They thought___B___.

A. Mr.white should be so kind as to please everyone

B. Mr.White must have been either sick or changed

C. Mr.White must have been kind and agreeable

D. Mr.White should be given some aspirins

20. What did Mr.Thompson say to clear up the sitution that caused Mr.White’s change?D

A.The employees highly appreciated Mr.White’s changed behaviors.

B.The employees had written to the company’s president to complain about Mr.White’s behaviors.

C.The company’s president had been told about Mr.White’s bad behaviors in the office of his company.

D.The company’s president was coming to inquire about the employees’ welfare working conditions.

Passage 5

Two businessmen were invited to dinner at the home of a college professor. One of the men did not have much education and was worried that he might make a fool of himself, but his friend said, “ Don’t worry, just do what I do, and don’t talk anything that you don’t really understand.”

The first man managed to get through the dinner successfully, but by the end of the evening he had a lot to drink, and began to get careless.

A guest asked him whether he liked Shakespeare, and he answered confidently, “It’s very pleasant, but I prefer scotch (苏格兰威士忌酒)。” There was an uncomfortable silence in the room, and soon people began to leave.

When the two friends were out of the house, the second man said to his friend, “ You certainly made a fool of yourself making that silly remark about scotch.” “What do you mean?” asked the other man, “What was wrong with it?”

“Everybody knows that Shakespeare isn’t a drink,” his friend replied. “ It’s a kind of cheese.”

21. Why was one of them worried? Because he was __D__.

A. shy B. a stranger

C. not familiar with the host. D. afraid of making fool of himself.

22. How did the first man answer the guest’s question?C

A.He didn’t like Shakespeare, the great writer.

B. He was not sure about his answer.

C. He didn’t like Shakespeare, a drink. D. He couldn’t answer the question.

23. Why did the guests leave? Because __B___.

A. the first man’s answer did not interest them.

B. the first man was making fool of himself.

C. the first man was not warm. D. the first man would leave.

24. What was the second businessman’s opinion on the subject?A

A. Shakespeare was a cheese. B. Shakespeare was not famous.

C.Shakespeare was a great writer. D.The question was not worth answering.

25. Which of the following is TRUE according to the passage?A

A.The guests knew for sure who was Shakespeare.

B.The guests didn’t know who was Shakespeare.

C.The second businessman was more foolish than the first one

D.The first businessman was more foolish than the second one.

Passage 6

One day a famous writer was walking along the shore before he began his work. As he looked down the beach , he saw a human figure moving like a dancer . He smiled to himself at the thought of someone who would dance on the beach. So he began to he walk faster to catch up.

As he got closer, he saw that it was a young man and the young man wasn’t dancing ,

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but instead he was reaching down to the shore, picking up something and very gently throwing it into the ocean. As he got closer he called out , “Good morning ! what are you doing?” The young man paused , looking up replied. “ Throwing starfish in the ocean . “I guess I should have asked, why are you throwing starfish into the ocean ?” “The sun is up and the tide is going out . And if I don’t throw them in they’ll die. “ but, young man ,don’t you realize that there are miles and miles of beach and starfish all along it. You can’t possibly make a difference!”

The young man listened politely. Then he bent down, picked another starfish and threw it into the ocean, and said, “ it made a difference for that one . ”

There is something very special in each and every one of us. All of us have a natural ability to make a difference .

All of must find our starfish. If we throw our starfish wisely and well, the world will be wonderful.

26."Before he began writing, the famous writer was __B______."

A. going swimming in the ocean B taking a walk along the shore

C enjoying the scene on the beach D having a walk and picking up starfish on the beach

27.The famous writer found a young man ____C____.

A picking up starfish for sale B walking along the beach.

C trying to save as many starfish as possible D dancing along the beach

28.In the last paragraph, “our starfish” refers to ___D_____."

A the strength of images B starfish that the young man threw back to the ocean

C the ability to make decisions. D our ability to have an effect on the future

29.Which of the following statements is True according to the passage? A

A. he young man disagreed with the famous writer on the subject of starfish.

B. The famous writer thought it impossible to save any of the starfish on the beach.

C. The famous writer and the young man shared the same opinion on the subject of starfish.

D. The young man was unaware of his ability to make a difference for starfish.

30.The young man disagreed with the famous writer on the subject of starfish This passage tells us that ____D____.

A. young people are actually wiser than older people

B. famous men are sometimes stupid

C. everyone of us is clever D. all of us can help to shape our future Passage 7

Some people like to live in house of the past . They may choose to live in a wooden house.They say these of houses are easy to build and warm in winter.Others like to live in houses of the future .They may live in a house which gets its energy from the sun.

A few other people like to live in houses that have characteristics(特征) of both the past and future.These people may live in a house under the ground.Many people think underground houses are cold and dark,but that is not true .These houses have special windows in the roof or large windows on one side.These windows give the houses a lot of light.

The idea of underground houses is very old. People in the past lived in underground houses and underground cities in China,Japan and Canada.Some countries also build underground factories and store-houses(仓库) to hold things.

In the united states, more people are beginning to build underground houses since they save open land for parks,gardens and sport fields.Underground houses also save energy.They use only a little energy to stay warm or cool.Owners of these houses like them.John Board is an architect(建筑师) who built an underground house in NewYork.His wife,Barbara is an outdoor person,but she likes her underground home.“It’s perfect.I love it.” she says.

31. One example of houses of the past is ___A___ houses.

A. wooden B. cold C. sunny D. warm

32. People in the United States begin to build underground houses because ___A___.

A. underground houses can save open land and energy

B. it’s easier to build such houses in the United States

C. people there like sports D. people there hate to live in cities

33.Underground houses are ___A___.

A. neither cold nor dark B. not real houses C. both cold and old D. houses of the past

34.Underground houses are all of the following EXCEPT ____A_____.

A. both warm and cool B. built under the ground

C. more and more popular in the United States D. using less energy than ordinary houses

35.The example of the Bonards shows that _____B____.

A.many people have underground homes B. underground houses can make nice homes

C. underground cities will be built by John Bonard

D .people don’t really like to go out of their homes

Passage 8

Every one is provided by nature with a set of finger-prints entirely different from those of everybody else.It is now accepted as a scientific fact that no two people have the same finger-prints The ten finger-prints of one person always differ from the complete set of another. But that is not all. The print of each separate finger of a person differs from his prints of all other fingers and from the prints of other fingers in the world. Someone has calculated the chance that a print made by one person will be the same as a print made by another and the calculation shows that the chance is so small that for all practical purpose, it doesn’t exist.

The police , therefore, always record finger-prints, if possible, they are an unfailing clue to identify when once they have been obtained. Finger-print identification as it is known and practiced today is of comparatively(相当地) recent origin. It first came to the notice of modern police forces in India. Finger-prints were found so valuable there that they were later adopted by the police of other countries. They accepted as legal evidence in a court of law; if a man’s prints are found on the scene of the crime, it is taken for granted that he was there, though when and why he was there are other questions.

36. Which of the following best expresses the main idea of the passage?C

A. Finger-prints mean all in a court of law. B. "Two persons are rarely, if ever, alike."

C. Man’s different finger-prints are reliable guide to identity.

D. People differ in finger-prints and in appearance.

37. Finger-prints were first noticed by ___A____.

A.Indian police forces B. Indian lawyers C. Indian government D. Indian medial fields

38.This present-day method of identifying people was developed___D___.

A. by mistake B. in ancient time C. by chance D. quite recently

39. The print of each separate finger ____D_____.

A. is different from the print of any other finger in the world

B. sometimes differs from the print of any other finger in the world

C.is always similar to others D. is probably entirely the same as the prints of other fingers

40. The police record finger-prints____D___.

A. whenever granted B. as an international law

C. as a way to study mankind D. whenever possible

Passage 9

In the book Future Shock written by Toffler, the writer describes the great changes in family life because of science and industry.

In the past, when, more Americans lived on farms, the typical family had many children.In a farm family, parents and their children often lived with grandparents.Often too, uncles and aunts lived nearby. But when industry became more important than agriculture in American life, families became smaller because industry needs workers who are ready and able to more off the land and to move again whenever necessary.

In the future, because of industrialization, a typical family will have to move even more often than now, so families will be even smaller. The typical family remain childless and consist onlyof a man and a woman.A smaller number of families may take raising children as their chief work. At the same time they may also raise other people ‘s children,leaving those families free to move from job to job.

41. One reason why Americans had big families in the past was that ___D__.

A uncles and aunts lived together with them B they lived on farms near their relatives

C all Americans lived on farms D three generations lived together in one family

42. Industry is different from agriculture in that ___D___.

A it is more important to smaller families B it is more important than agriculture

C it needs a lot of workers to raise more children D workers in industry often need to move

43. Child-raising families adopt children _A_____.

A. whose parents are not able to give them a good life and education

B who want to live in a different family with more children

C whose parents live on farms and do not want to educate them

D who are not having a good time with their parents

44. In the future, most families will ___D___. "

A not be free to change jobs B raise more children

C raise children as their main work. D have only the husband and the wife

45. The book Future Shock is mainly about __B____.

A. Americans B the great changes in family life

C the great changes in science and industry D. Alvin Toffler

Passage 10

Started in 1636, Harvard University is the oldest of all the many colleges and universities in the United States.Yale, Princeton, Columbia and Dartmouth were opened soon after Harvard.

In the early years, these schools were much a like, only young man went to collage. All the student studied the same subjects and everyone learn Latin,Greek and Hebrew (希伯来语). Little was known about science then and one kind of school could teach everything that was known about the would. When the student graduated most of them became ministers or teachers.

In 1782 Howard started a medical school for young men who want to become doctors. Later lawyers could receive thei8r training in Howard’s law school.In 1825, besides Latin and Greek; Howard began teaching modern languages such as French and German.Soon it began teaching American history.

As knowledge increased Howard and other collages began to teach many new subjects that interested them.

46.Modern languages the Harvard taught in 1825 were ___A_____.

A. French and German B. Latin, Green, French and German

C. American history and German D. Latin and Greek

47 .As knowledge increased, colleges began to teach____D___.

A. everything that was known B. law and something about medicine

C. the subjects that interested students D. many new subjects

48.The oldest university in the US is ____D_____.

A. Princeton B. Columbia C. Yale D. Harvard

49. From the second paragraph, we can see that in the early years, ___C___.

A.students studied only some languages and science B. graduates became lawyers or teachers

C. colleges and universities were almost the same

D. people, young or old, might study in the colleges

50. On the whole, the passage is about_____C______.

A. the world-famous colleges in America B. how to start a university

C. how colleges have changed D. what kind of lesson each college teaches Passage 11

Lately, plants that are usually only grown outdoors have found their way into insides spaces ,There are a few simple reasons why this happens .

The modern inside environment can be a good place for a wide variety of outdoor plants .Plants that ordinarily cannot grow in colder outdoor weather can be protected by the warmer inside spaces .Plants that used to be found only outside, such as trees ,have become more and more popular as decorations (装饰) inside houses. Orchids

(兰花),which were once only found in hot places, have begun to grow well in inside places .

One reason that the modern home has made outdoor plants more practical is the modern use of windows, In the past windows were used less often in buildings than they are today. It is partly because of the ability of large windows to admit a large quantity of light from the sun and to keep the heat in at the same time,that many outdoor plants have been able to make their move inside .

It is true that most of the plants that have been successful in moving inside have been small. The best varieties are the small ones that make excellent decorations where other plants prove difficult to grow. Although some trees can be grown inside.it is not likely the larger varieties can be used. Unfortunately, most homes just don’t have the space to grow a monkey tree(猕猴树).

51.The passage is mainly concerned with ____D____.

A. the ability of large windows

B. the difficulty of moving monkey trees into homes

C. the best suited trees D growing plants inside houses

52. Which of the following helps plants move indoors? B

A The modern use of inside space. B The modern use of windows.

C. The small varieties of plants inside. D. The foreign outdoor plants from hot places.

53.It is not likely that large plants will move inside because ____B____.

A. they cannot be moved B. there is not enough space

C. they cannot be controlled D. the weather is not suitable

54. Which of the following is most likely to be true?D

A. The inside environment can not protect plants at all.

B. People move plants into their houses to save them.

C .The uses of windows in the past were good for plants.

D. People like to use plants as decorations in their houses.

55. "According to the passage, modern windows are used to ___A_____."

A. provide heat and light B. control the temperature

C. grow plants and trees inside D. allow fresh air in

Passage 12

During the twentieth century there has been a great change in the lives of women.

A woman married at the end of the nineteenth century would probably have been in her middle twentieth. She might have seven or eight children, and four or five of them lived till they were five years old. When the youngest was fifteen, the mother would have been in her early fifties. After this, she would hardly find any work to make money because of the few opportunities and poor health. Today women marry younger and have fewer children. Usually a woman’s youngest child will be fifteen when she is forty-five. She may live another thirty-five years and take paid work until sixty. This important change in women lives has also changed women’s economic position. Even a few years ago most girls left school and took a full time job. However, when they married, they usually left work at once and never came back to it. Today the school leaving age is sixteen. Many girls stay at school after that age. As women

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marry younger, many married women only leave work just before their first child is born, and many of them come back to work soon after. Such changes have made the family life different from before,with the husband having more duties and satisfactions of family life.

56.The text tells us that in the nineteenth century ___A___.

A. 4 or 5 children out of 7 or 8 died before they were five years old

B. a woman usually had five children

C .the mother would be in her early fifties when the children were born

D .the youngest child would live till he or she was five years old

57. Around 1900, women probably got married at the age of _C_____. "

A.19 B.15 C.25 D.20

58. A mother at the end of the nineteenth century would have difficulty in finding work___A___.

A.when her youngest child was about fifteen

B. when her youngest child was born

C. because she wanted to make money

D. because she was forty-five years old

59.One reason why today’s mothers take jobs again is that they ___D____.

A. needn’t worry about money for the family

B. don’t like children themselves

C. want to live another thirty-five years

D. are still young when the youngest child is fifteen

60.One difference between the women today and those a few years ago is that ____C__.

A.today’s women have only one child

B. many women today stop working as soon as they get married

C. many women today start to work again after their first child is born

D. today’s women marry very young

Passage 13

The camel is called “the ship of desert”, and there is good reason for it. Just as a ship is built to deal with the problems arising from being in the water, so a camel is “built” to live and travel and survive in the desert.

When other animals would die from lack of food and water, the camel gets along very nicely. He carries its food and water with it! For days before it starts on a journey, a camel does nothing but eat and drink. It eats so much that a hump of that, maybe weighing as much as 100 pounds, rises on its back, so the camel’s body will use it during the journey.

The camel also has little flask-shaped bags in its stomach. This is where it stores water. So a camel is able to travel several days without drinking, and for an even longer time with no nourishment except that it draws from the fat of its hump. The camel, which has been used by man for over 3,000 years, is one of man’s good helpers.

61. Where does a camel store its water? It stores it___A_____.

A in its stomach B in the bags on its back C in water holes D in its hump

62. The camel can travel for a long time in the desert with no more food


A it has stored much food in its hump

B there is some food left in its flask-shaped bags

C it draws nourishment from the fat of its hump

D it still has some in its stomach

63. Camel is an animal which can____D____ in the desert.

A live, travel and survive forever B get some fat, food, grass and water

C get some water D get along very nicely

64. The hump of a camel is built to____C____.

A. store water B. make the animal different from other animals

C. store fat for future use during the journey D. give man a seat

65. According to the passage, camel is one of man’s____C____.

A. tool for 3,000 years B. oldest friends

C. helpful servants D. ship in desert only in Egypt

Passage 14

One morning over a century ago, Alfred Nobel got up and went to his lab. The next minute he ran and an explosion took place. Alfred’s lab was destroyed.

The people of the town felt it was terrible. They didn’t want Alfred to go on with his experiment on explosives. Alfred Nobel was told to stop his experiments or to move his lab out of the town. And they made him put his new lab away from the town. Alfred kept doing his experiments there until he made a very strong explosive. This explosive would not blow up until people were ready for it to explode, so it was safe. His new explosive was wanted everywhere in the world. It was used for building roads and doing all kinds of digging work. So Alfred Nobel made a lot of money.

In 1904, this explosive was used in war for the first time. Alfred didn’t want it to be used that way. He wanted it to be for peaceful uses. For that reason, he gave all his money away before he died. Each year some of his money is given to the best scientists and writers of the world. And this is known as the Nobel Prizes.

66. After his lab accident, Alfred ____B_____.

A. stopped his experiments B. built a new lab out of town

C. thought the explosive was too strong D. built a new lab in town

67. The people of the town ____D_____ when the explosion took place.

A. didn’t like explosives B. were happy about Alfred’s experiment

B. were worried about Alfred’s life

D. thought Alfred’s experiment was dangerous

68. The Nobel Prize is given to ___A_______.

A.the best writers and scientists B. soldiers in war C. all the scientists D. peace lovers

69. Alfred Nobel was a ______B_____.

A. worker B. soldier C. businessman D. scientist

70. Alfred made a lot of money from his new explosive because ____D_____.

A.people wanted to start the Nobel Prize

B. it was used everywhere for doing many kinds of work

C. it would not blow up D. people need not do any digging work.

Passage 15

Some desert animals can survive in the summer heat and dryness because they are very unusual. The camel, for example, can experience and bear an increase in the temperature of its body and its blood of 9C without anything bad happening to it. In addition, it can drink a lot of water at one time, then store enough water in parts of its body to supply its need for two weeks or more. The kangaroo rat, on the other hand, gets all the water it needs from water that it produces when it breathes. However, most animals need to maintain a fairly constant body to temperature, and will die if it rises more than 5C. Therefore, they need to find some ways to stay away form the heat of the summer sun. Nor can many animals either store or produce water in their bodies, as the camel and rat can. So they must find ways to keep their bodies from losing water because of the heat. Because very few desert animals can survive in the high temperature of a typical summer’s day, most of them are active only in the night. Only ofter the sun has set does the desert come fully to life. The night is relatively cool, and the darkness provides protection, not only from the sun, but also from other animals and from the birds. So the coming of the darkness is the the signal for the large majority of animals and insects to start again their search for water and food. When morning comes, most of them seek shelter again. Many go underground; nearly all find some dark and cool place where they can keep away from the sun’s heat.

For many species of insects, living in the desert is easier than for animals. Like many desert plants, they have a water proof skin which prevents water loss because of the high temperature. In addition, some species spend all or most of their life below ground. Here, for most of the year at least, there is some moisture, and it is generally cooler than on the surface. In the case of ants, only adults leave the underground nests, and they do so only to gather food or to defend the nest against attack.

71. Most insects live below the ground because ___C___.

A. it is easy for them to build nests there B. it is easy to find water there

C .it is cooler there than in the surface D. it is easier to build nests there

72. Why is it easy for many species of insects to live in the desert?C

A. Because they are not afraid of the heat.

B. Because it is not difficult for them to survive there.

C. Because they have a waterproof skin.

D. Because it is not difficult for them to find food there.

73. Why is the desert full of activity in summer nights?D

A. Because animals cannot sleep at night. B. Because it is easy to find water at night.

C. Because animals can find food in the dark.

D. Because it is cooler and safer for most animals.

74. The kangaroo rat is different from other animals in that _A____.

A. it can produce water through breathing B it can drink a lot of water at a time

C it can store water in parts of its body D it can maintain different body temperatures

75. Compared with other desert animals, the camel can bear ___C ___. "

A. a constant change in body temperature B. only a little change in body temperature

C. a big increase in body temperature D. a very low body temperature Passage 16

One summer afternoon, Jean and Lestar, an elderly couple, visits their daughter at her home Lille, France. A few minutes before six o’ clock, they decided to leave. They walked to their car, and got in. They expected a quiet, peaceful ride home. Mr. Lestar was about to start the car when a gunman jumped from the back seat. “Drive me to Paris!” He demanded.

“All right,” Mr. Lestar replied. “I’ll drive you anywhere you want to go. But first let my wife out of the car.”

After Jean was safe out of the car, Mr. Lestar started the motor slowly, but his mind was racing. Aware of 81 years old, he knew he needed help. Where was the police? “Just my luck,” he thought, “If I were speeding, there would be a police car on every corner.” Then the car sped forward and Mr. Lestar began driving like a madman, running red lights, and driving the wrong way on one-way streets but not a police officer saw him.Obviously, Mr. Lestar’s plan was not working. He got a new plan as he remembered that Lille police Station was nearby. “All right,” he thought. “If I can’t bring the police to my car, I’ll bring my car to the police.” Then he drove his car crashing through the doors and stopped in the courtyard of the police station. Mr. Lestar yelled, “Help!” Officers from the police came running and quickly held the man.

76. "When Mr. Lestar saw a man pointing a gun at him, his first response was that ____C____. "

A. he worried about his daughter B. he agreed to do whatever the man told him to

C. he worried about his wife D. he tried to drive the car to the police station

77. It seems that ___B_____.

A. Mr. Lestart had been experienced in his policeman career.

B. Mr. Lestar was in Lille more than one time

C. Mr. Lestar was in Lille for the first time

D. Mr. Lestar knew why the gun-man wanted to go to Paris

78. In order to ___C_____, Mr. Lestar began driving like a madman. "

A. get to the police station as soon as possible B. distract the man with the gun

C. get the police’s attention D. run away from the man with the gun

79. Mr. Lestar’s first attempt to get the attention of the police failed because _____D___.

A. the man with the gun was very strong B. the man with the gun knew his plan

C. he was starting and driving slowly D. there was no police car in sight

80. Mr. Lestar was in Lille more than one time All the following are true EXCEPT ______A___.

A.The police are most stupid of all

B. Mr. Lestar is lucky for escaping from the gun-man

C. Mind is sometimes more powerful than muscle

D. Mr. Lestar is cleverer than the man with the gun

Passage 17

Who were the earliest Americans? And how did the population come to be so mixed? The first Americans were the Indians. At the time of the discovery of America, there were about 5,000,000 of them in the land. But when the settlers came, they killed many of the Indians and drove the rest to the west. After the American Revolution, people from the countries of northern and western Europe while after 1890 from southern and eastern Europe.

Not all of the people came to the land of their own free will. The poor and unemployed were forced to move from their villages and left for America. People in prison for politician or religious words and deeds were given. Several thousands African Negroes were brought into being sold as slaves.

The new comers brought with them not only different ways of life, but also with something else —— willing hands to build railroads, big mines, plow field and make steel. With the labor of the new comers, the United States has become an advanced country, enriching with art, music, theater and science. The United States is truly a nation of nations. Americans are proud of it. They set up a single national government in 1787 by uniting thirteen separated states, making an American people that come out of the people of the whole world.

81. Where did most of the new settlers come from after 1890?C

A They came from northern and western Europe. B They came from Africa.

C They came from southern and eastern Europe. D They came from Asia.

82. What choice was given to people in prison for political or religious words and deeds?D

A . To be slaves. B. To be killed in prison C. To stay home. D. To leave for America.

83. The phrase“a nation of nations ”in this passage most probably means_____.A

A. There are many nations in the US. B. There is one nation in the US.

C. American people come from all over the world.

D. American people are ruled by many Nations

84.What did the settlers do when they arrived?B

A. They started American Revolution. B. They killed many of the Indians.

C. They discovered America. D. They were forced to move west.

85. Who were the earliest Americans among the following peoples?B

A. British. B. Indians. C. Negroes. D. Africans.

Passage 18

When I was in 7th grade, I had a lot of trouble in reading. My mother used to sit by my side, and explain each paragraph of each school reading assignment to me because I didn’t understand what I was reading.

In class, I tried to hide the fact that I couldn’t read. My teachers gave us the last ten minutes of class to start our reading homework, and I would sit there for the last ten minutes of class staring at the page, pretending I was reading it. I had to wait until I got home so my mother could explain it to me.

By eighth grade I started comprehension a little on my own, but I still read slowly at that time. I went out and took a course on speed-reading, then developed my own

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way to read faster with better results. I started practicing these techniques every day, and as I started to read faster, my comprehension increased. So I was able to read faster with better comprehension.

I found that when you read slowly, word by word, you get lost the words, lose the big picture, and your comprehension drops. When you read faster, your comprehension does improve because instead of getting words, you see the general picture.

86.The main problem the writer had in reading in her 7th grade was that ___A_.

A. she had difficulty in reading and comprehension

B. she often forgot her school reading assignments

C. she always looked elsewhere when asked to read

D. she had a poor vocabulary and very bad grammar

87.The writer’s reading ability improved a great deal mainly because ____B_.

A. she took a course on speed reading

B. she developed her own way of reading

C. she became an eighth grade student

D. her mother managed to help her out

88."After reading this passage, we can see the writer wrote the passage in order to ____B___."

A. prove the importance of higher education

B. prove the importance of fast reading for comprehension

C. prove the importance of different reading skills

D. prove the importance of mother’s help

89."From her own experience, the writer found that __C_____."

A "in order to understand better, one has to read slowly "

B many people read fast in order to save time

C one’s comprehension drops if one reads too slowly

D one does not pay enough attention to information if one reads fast

90.The writer would pretend to be reading in the last 10 minutes of class because __C______.

A she had to do what others were doing. B her mother had told her to do so

C she was afraid of her trouble to be found out D the reading class was terrible. Passage 19

People who buy cigarettes find a special note on each pack. The note says that smoking is dangerous. Many doctors are happy to see that note.

In the early days of the United States, people began to realize the dangers of smoking. In 1798,doctors were saying that smoking was bad for people. By1900, most states had laws against selling cigarettes to young people, and some states did not even let grows-ups buy them.

Now it has been proved that smoking can cause many diseases. An important study in 1964 showed a relation between smoking and lung cancer. About 100,000 Americans die each year of lung cancer. Many of these people are smokers.

Today, some laws about smoking have changed. NO cigarette advertisements can be put on TV or radio. Some public places have rules against smoking. Many older smokers find they can not stop. But they still do not like to see young people smoking.A recent

study shows that fewer high school students are smoking now than a few years ago.These students say they realize the dangers of smoking. People who do not smoke can add as much as ten years to their lives.

91. Doctors like to see the note on the pack because ____D_____.

A. they think the note is very interesting B. they don’t like people who buy cigarettes

C. they don’t want smoke cigarettes D. they think smoking is bad for people

92. In most states by 1900, __A______.

A. it was against the law to sell cigarettes to young people

B. young people had not learned smoking

C. a man could not buy cigarettes D. doctors began to realize smoking was bad for people

93. People who don’t smoke __D_____.

A. will not stop young people from smoking B. might live ten years shorter than smokers

C. will not allow young people to start smoking D. might live ten years longer than smokers

94. The passage says that ____A____.

A. smoking can cause lung cancer B. more people die of heart disease than of lung cancer

C. 100,000 smokers die in the U.S. every year

D. 100,000 Americans die of smoking every year"

95. Cigarette advertisements are ____C_____.

A. free for a child B. provided by the American Cancer Society

C. not allowed in public places D. not allowed on TV or radio

Passage 20

Have you ever suddenly felt that someone you know was in trouble-and he was? Have you ever dreamed something that come true later? Maybe you have a sixth sense (SS). This sense seems to let people know about events before they happen or events that are happening some distance away.

Here’s an example: a woman was ironing clothes. Suddenly she screamed: “My father is dead ! I saw him sitting in the chair!”

There are thousands of stories like this. Scientists are studying them to find out. Here’s another example-one of hundreds of dreams that have come true:

A man dreamed he was walking along a read when a horse and carriage came by. The driver said: “There’s room for one more.” The man felt the driver seemed dead. So he ran away. The next day, the man was getting on a crowded bus. The bus driver said, “There’s room for one more.” then the man saw that the driver’s face was the same face he had seen in the dream. He wouldn’t get on the bus. As the bus drove off, it crashed and burst into flames. Everyone was killed! Some people say stories like these are lies or coincidences-things that happen by chance. Others, including some scientists, say that the SS is real. From studies of it, we may someday learn more about the human mind.

96. According to the passage, the author believes that the sixth sense is__A__

A. in existence B. lifelike C. in distance D. dreamlike

97.This article is mainly about_C___.

A.the human dream B. the five senses C. the sixth sense D. the human mind

98. By studying SS, scientists may get to___D__.

A.learn how strange things happen. B. know more about human dreams.

C. learn how people tell lies. D. know more about human mind.

99.In the last paragraph, the word “coincidences” probably means__A__.

A. Things that happen by chance B. Things that may not happen

C. Things that happen in a dream D. Things that must happen

100. SS lets people know__C__.

A. about events after they happen.

B. about events that are not happening or will happen some time later.

C. about events before they happen or happen some distance away.

D. about events that have come true.

Passage 21

In the past industries had more freedom than they have now, and they did not need to be as careful as the must today. They did not need to worry a lot about the safety of the new products that they made.

They did not have to pay much attention to the health and safety of the people who worked for them. Often new products were dangerous for the people who used them. Often conditions in the work place had very bad effects on the health of the workers. Of course sometimes there were real disasters which attracted the attention of government and which showed need for changes. Also scientists who were doing research into the health of workers sometimes produced information that governments could not ignore, At such time there were inquiries into the cause of the disaster or the problems. New safety rules were often introduced as a result of these inquiries; however, the new rules came too late to protect the people who had died or become seriously ill.

Today many governments have special departments that protect customers and workers. In the U.S, for example, there is a department that tests new airplanes and gives warnings about possible problems. It also makes the rules that aircraft producers must follow. Another department controls the foods and drugs that companies sell.

A third department looks at the places where people work, and it reports any companies that are breaking laws which protect the health and safety of workers.

101. According to Paragraph 1, compared with today, industries in the past ____B___.

A. affected more people’s health B. were controlled less strictly

C. put out more unhealthy products D. were worse

102. The main topic of the passage is _____A____.

A.the protection of industrial workers and customers B. industries in the past and at present

C. the freedom of industries D. changes in the development of industries 103. It is implied in Paragraph 2 that years ago governments ___A_____.

A. seldom introduced safety laws before disasters occurred

B. paid much attention to the results of scientific discoveries

C. hardly ever looked into the causes of disasters

D. forced safety rules as soon as disasters occurred

104. In the U.S. today __B______.

A. there are altogether four special departments which protect customers and workers

B. a company with poor or dangerous working conditions is likely to be punished

C. the protection of workers’ health and safety is not well ensured

D. stores dealing in foods and drugs are not under government control

105. The purpose of this passage is to _____A_____.

A. inform B. entertain C. criticize D. persuade

Passage 22

The earth is not the only body that travels around the sun. With it are eight other planets: two of them are nearer while the other six are farther from the sun than the earth is. The farther they are, the longer trips they make around the sun. People noticed long times ago that these traveling bodies move around in the sky in fixed paths. It is a force called gravity that holds them in the paths.

We know that every little bit of matter in the universe pulls upon every other bit of matter. If it were not for these pulls, the planets would fly off into space instead of around the sun. In the same way there exists a pull between the earth and the moon, which keeps the moon traveling in its path around the earth. Gravity holds you to the earth’s surface and pulls back the ball which you throw into the air. Of course, the ball also pulls on larger earth, but the earth is so much larger that the pull is not noticed.

Now remember that large bodies bring a greater pull on any body than smaller ones which contain less material, but each object in the universe, no matter how small, pulls all other objects to some degree.

106. The earth is ____C______ in the sun family.

A. nearer than two fellow members B. bigger than two of the other bodies

C. one of the nine members D. one of the eight members

107. The gravity of every matter in the universe _____B_____.

A. holds the object to the surface B. has the object work properly

C. keeps the object traveling D. makes the object fly off into space 108. The pull makes the ball ___C_______.

A.go up into the sky and fly away

B. you play with go farther and faster away from the earth

C. you throw into the air fall back to the earth

D. fly around the body and then fall onto the ground

109. Which of the following is True?D

A. We do not notice the pull of the moon. B. The smaller matters fly off into space.

C. The moon travels nearer and nearer to the earth.

D. The larger the bodies are, the greater their pull is.

110.These traveling bodies ______C____.

A.have their paths changed a bit

B. make much longer trips when they travel around the sun

C. move along certain paths around the sun D. have the same traveling paths

Passage 23

Advertising is one of the biggest business in America. Madison Avenue in New York is a well-known place where advertising companies have their offices.

Many different companies sell cars; many others sell oil. Many different companies sell clothes, tires and so on. Each company wants the public to buy its products. By advertising these companies make the pubic interested in what they want to sell. Each company pays advertisers to tell the public about its products. Suppose a company has a new breakfast cereal to sell. In an advertising office in Madison Avenue plans are made for telling the public about the product. The advertising takes beautiful pictures of people eating the cereal. These pictures appear in newspapers and magazines, and also in TV.

Here is an example of a TV advertisement telling the public about the breakfast cereal: Picture: a well-known basketball player, eating a big bowl of WAKE-UPS with a WAKE-UPS box beside him on the table.

Basketball player: I always start my day with WAKE-UPS, especially for people like me.

111. WAKE-UPS is _____A_______.

A. a breakfast cereal B. the act of getting up every day

C. an advertisement D. the name of an advertising company

112. Madison Avenue is well-known because _____A______.

A.many advertising companies have their own offices B. it is in New York

C. there are many advertisements there D. it is in America

113. In order to persuade the public to buy its products, a company should _ __A______."

A. advertise its products B. start an office in Madison Avenue

C. sell the same products as other companies

D. produce many different things

114. The best title for this text is ____B______.

A. Advertising and Breakfast B. The Big Business of Advertising

C. How to Sell Breakfast Cereals D. Madison Avenue

115. If a company wants to sell a new breakfast cereal, it _____D______. "

A.must appear in newspapers or magazines

B. must give some cereals to the advertiser

C should take pictures of people eating the cereal

D. will have to pay an advertiser to make advertising plans

Passage 24

Jo was the most liked boy in the school. He was tall and strong, with dark brown hair and green eyes and the nicest smile you could think of. He was good at all sports and he was top of his class.

The girls all tried to get near to him, and a date with him was a real success and something to dream about. Yet, Jo was nice to all of them and he didn’t have a girlfriend for a long time.

Ella was the only one who didn’t seem to have any romantic interest in him; she treated him in a friendly way and the others didn’t consider her a rival (竞争对手). In fact,

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she was someone who knew him very well and who could listen to his heart. Jo and Ella were the best of friends. They talked about their problems and gave advice to each other. Jo’s mother died, and it was Ella who comforted him during the difficult times. There is no more competition for Jo now. They all know it’s no longer useful because Jo and Ella’s love story was born of the steady roots of friendship and understanding; therefore, there isn’t anything better you can offer either of them.

116. All the following made Jo popular in the school EXCEPT_B____.

A. having green eyes B. thinking of nice smile from girls

C. being tall and strong D. being good at sports and studies 117. The text says that _A____.

A. Jo treated all the girls well B. Jo had too many girlfriends

C. Jo often dreamt about meeting girls D. created some difficult times for him 118. The other girls didn’t regard Ella as a rival because ___D___.

A. she knew Jo very well B. she was friendly to Jo.

C. she was not interested in treating him romantically

D. it appeared that she had no romantic interest in Jo.

119. When Jo’s mother died, Ella ___C___.

A. talked about their problems B. became his friend

C.helped him get out of the sad situation D. created some difficult times for him 120. Jo and Ella’s love story is a good example of _____D__.

A. helping each other B. joining in competition

C.how to find a perfect boyfriend D. love built on friendship and understanding Passage 25

In one way of thinking, failure is a part of life. In another way, failure may be a way towards success. The often told “ spider story ” is about Robert Bruce, a leader of the Scots (苏格兰人) in the 13th century, who was hiding himself in a cave from the English. He watched a spider making a net. The spider tried to reach across a place which was very difficult to get to in the rock. He tried six times without success. On the seventh time he made it and went on to make his net. Bruce is said to have taken heart and to have gone on to defeat the English army. Edison, the inventor of the light bulb(电灯泡., made hundreds of models that failed before he found the right way to make one. So what? First, always think about your failure. What caused it? Were conditions right? What can you change so things go right next time? Second, is the goal you are trying to reach the right one? Try to do some thinking about what your goals may be. Think about this question. “ If I do succeed in this, where will it get me?” this may help you prevent failure in things you shouldn’t be doing anyway.

The third thing to remember is that failure is a part of life. Learn to “ live with yourself” even though you may have failed.

121. Robert Bruce was hiding in a cave to ___B___.

A.learn how failure could be a next success B protect himself from the English enemy

C. think about what failure was D. watch a spider making a net 122. “ Made it “ in this text means “__B___”.

A. reached B. succeeded C. got it D. failed

123. Both the “spider story” and Edison’s story tell us mainly about ___D___.

A. the value of failure B. famous failure C. ways of failure D. the cause of failure

124. The writer tells you to do all the following EXCEPT _C____.

A. to think about the cause of your failure

B. to decide on the right goal for yourself in difficulty

C. to remember that you will never fail in your life D. to consider failure to be normal

125 Which of the following is NOT true?D

A. Bruce and Edison were successful examples.

B. One should always improve things in order to be successful.

C. Failure may be regarded as a way towards success.

D. Edison also learned a lot from the Robert Bruce’s story.

Passage 26

One of the worst things that can happen on our earth is an earthquake. When earthquakes happen near large cities, many people may be killed and many buildings may be knocked down. Fires may start and do more damage than the quake itself. We cannot tell when an earthquake is coming. But we do know the places on the earth where they happen most often. Much damage is stopped by building stronger buildings in these places.

As many as a million earthquakes may happen in a year. But most of them do no damage, for they happen under the sea.

The following is a car seller’s experience of an earthquake.

“ While sitting in my office, discussing business with a friendly customer, I heard a loud voice and then began to feel the ground shake. I looked up and the customer was already outside the door. On the showroom floor, behind where he had been, was a Ford Thunderbird. The car jumped completely off the ground with all four wheels hanging in the air.

“ Frightened, I half ran in the direction of the showroom floor, there was not a single human to be found inside the building. I was the last out. But I made it.” 126. The worst among the following things that can happen on our earth is __B__.

A. property destroyed B. earthquakes C. the loss of life D. the fire caused 127. Most earthquakes happen __B___.

A. near large cities B. under the sea C. on the earth’s surface D. above rocks 128. Knowing the places where earthquakes happen most often __A___.

A. will make our buildings stronger B can give us much more courage

C may provide useful information for house building

D can make us feel safer and easier to escape in quakes

129. Ford Thunderbird ( Line 4, Paragraph 5) is probably __C____.

A. a kind of American bird B. the name of a group of colleagues

C. the name of a car D. the name of the showroom

130. Which of the following is NOT true?D

A.The customer was quick to escape. B. The car was no longer on the showroom floor.

C. The car seller was the last one to leave the showroom.

D. The car seller was the only one to survive in the earthquake.

Passage 27

Personal computers and the Internet give people new choices about how to spend their time.

This new technology will let them stay in closer touch with those they care most about. I know from personal experience. E-mail makes it easy for me to work at home, which is where I now spend most weekends and evenings. My working hours aren’t much shorter than they once were, but I spend fewer of them at the office. This lets me share more time with my young daughter than I might have if she’d been born before electronic mail (e-mail) became such a practical tool.

With e-mail, I just write one note about my experience, at my convenience, instead of calling my friends one by one, I address it to them. They can read my message when they have time, and read only as much as they want to do. They can reply at their convenience, and I can read what they have to say at my convenience.

E-mail is also an inexpensive way to stay I close touch with people who live far away. More than a few parents use e-mail to keep in touch, even daily touch, with their children off at college.

We just have to keep it in mind that computers and the Internet offer another way of staying in touch. They don’t eliminate any of the old ways.

131. The purpose of this passage is to __B__.

A.explain how to use the Internet B. tell the advantages and usefulness of the Internet

C describe the writer’s joy of keeping up with new technology

D introduce the reader to basic knowledge about PC and the Internet

132. The use of e-mail has made it possible for the writer to _A___.

A have more free time with his child B work at a speed comfortable to him

C. work at home on weekends D. spend less time working

133. According to the writer, e-mail has a clear advantage over the telephone because e-mail helps one __D__.

A. get in touch with one’s friends faster than the telephone

B. keep one’s communication as personal as possible

C. pass on much more information than the telephone

D. reach a group of people at one time conveniently

134. The passage discuss all the following elements of e-mail ECEPT _B___.

A. the saving of time B. the way of writing

C. its cost D. its easy and convenient use

135. The best subject for this passage is __C_.

A. Computes Have Made Life Easier B. Internet: A New Tool to Make Friends

C. Computers: New Technology Advances D. Internet: A Convenient Tool for Communication

Passage 28.

Learning a foreign language is not only a matter of reading some grammar rules and learning some vocabulary words but also learning a skill. It’s as much like learning to swim or ride a bike. That is, you must not only understand the ideas but also make

your body accustomed to using that information in physical activity which includes speaking, writing and reading.

You need, then not only to learn and understand, but also to practice! Here are a few

suggestions on effective practice techniques.

1.Make your mouth or hand do what your mind is learning. Study out loud. Study with a friend, and thus participate in speaking and listening.Try to write sentences or a short paragraph using the skills you have practiced with your own lips.

2.Study day–by-by. You can’t get by in a foreign language course by cramming at the last minute. You may be able to “learn” vocabulary items that way, but you can’t teach your mouth to use them in sentences.

3.Sometimes go back and review “old” topics and vocabulary. You learn new skills on the basis of old ones. The more you review the familiar information and skills, the better you will be able to take in new ones.

4.Don’t be afraid to make mistakes. Making mistakes is part of learning. 136. The first paragraph lays stress on the fact that__B____.

A. memorizing vocabulary words is necessary in language learning

B. language learning is a process of learning different language skills

C. reading grammar rules is more important than anything else

D. learning to swim is quite similar to learning to ride a bike

137.The purpose of reviewing old topics is _____C_____.

A. "to throw away the old, useless information " B. to enjoy the good ideas contained in them

C. to build up a good basis for new skills D. to avoid making mistakes in the future

138.One of the major benefits of studying with a friend is that ____B___ .

A. one studies better with a friend B. it makes one talk and listen in a particular language

C. it builds the friendship between two friends D. friends can share learning materials

139.“Cramming at the last minute” is no good while learning vocabulary items because ____B_____.

A. one may not find enough time to use at the last minute

B. anything learned that way can hardly be put into use

C. nothing can be learned through cramming D. it is of little use to study without a clear purpose

140.Which of the following is the best title for the passage?D

A. Why Children Are Able to Learn a Language Better than Grown-ups

B. Why Learning a Foreign Language Is More Difficult than Anything Else

C. An Introduction to Language Teaching and Learning

D. A Few Suggestions on Studying a Foreign Language

Passage 29

Many teenagers feel that the most important people in their lives are their friends. They believe that their family members, especially their parents, do not know them

as well as their friends do. In large families, it is quite often for brothers and sisters to fight with each other and then they can only go to their friends for advice. Of course, it is important for teenagers to have a nice and warm family. It is very necessary for them to have one or several good friends; they usually spend a lot of time talking among themselves on the telephone. This communication is very important in children’s growing up, because friends can discuss something difficult to say to their family members.

However, parents often try to choose their children’s friends for them. Some parents may even stop their children from meeting their good friends. The question of “which friends to choose” is an interesting one. Have you ever thought of the following questions?

---- Who chooses your friends?

---- Do you choose your friends or your friends choose you?

---- Have you got a good friend or your parents don’t like?

---- Why do parents want to choose friends for you?

You can always discuss these questions with your friends.

141. Many teenagers think their _A___ know them better than their parents do.

A. good friends B. brothers and sisters

C. family members D. important friends alone

142. When brothers and sisters fight with each other, _D___.

A. the parents don’t care about them B. the parents ask them to go to their friends

C. the parents often help them D. their friends are able to help them 143. When teenagers stay alone, the usual way of talking together is ___C_.

A. to go to their friends B. to talk with their parents on the telephone

C. to talk with their friends on the telephone

D. to discuss something with their family members

144. To the teenagers, friends are different from their parents in that __B__.

A. friends are growing up together

B. they can talk to their friends about what they won’t tell their parents

C. friends talk about different things from those of parents

D. friends are difficult to talk about

145. After reading the passage, which of the following sentences do you think is RIGHT?A

A. The writer has not drawn any conclusion in this passage.

B. Parents should like everything their children enjoy.

C. Children can choose everybody they like.D. Most parents dislikes their children’s friends.

Passage 30

What if you were in a boat that stopped running? You might be far from land, How would you get back? You could call for a towboat.

Towboats are small boats that move bigger boats. People on towboats can tie a line to a big boat. Then the towboats can pull from the front or sides. Or they can push from the back. Sometimes they don’t have to move the big boat at all. They might just bring someone to fix it. After it is working again, the big boat can go on its

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There are flat boats that can’t move without towboats pushing them. These flat boats carry goods over the water. They are very big. So they can hold a lot of things. Some flat boats carry wood. It comes from trees. People cut these down and saw them into logs. Then they put the wood on a flat boat. That’s where the towboat comes in. It pushes the flat boat along. This is how the wood gets to a city that needs it.

People who run boats are called captains. Captains of towboats know how to do many things. They have to get very close to a big boat to tie a line to it. At the same time, they must take care not to run into it. And they must know their way around the sea. Rocks may be just under the water. Captains must know how to keep their boats away from them.

146.What you would probably do is to __D_ if your boat stopped according to the first paragraph.

A. row life-boat to the shore B. try to fix the boat

C. wait until somebody comes to you D. call for a towboat

147. According to the passage a towboat is used to_D__.

A. bring somebody to a big boat B. carry wood

C. be tied to a flat boat D. move bigger boats

148. The word “captain” in paragraph 5 refers to__D_.

A. an officer in the police B. a leader of a football team

C. an officer in the army D. a leader of crew on a ship

149. Which of the following is true according to the passage?D

A. The captain on a towboat can keep carrying goods over water.

B. The captain on a towboat can hardly locate under-water rocks.

C. The towboat is one part of the flat boat. D. A towboat is usually smaller than a flat boat.

150. What is mainly discussed in this passage?D

A. Big boat B. Flat boat C. Captain D. Towboat

Passage 31

Gloves have been used since earliest times. Cave people wore bag-like gloves of animal skins to protect their hands. Farmers, hunters ,and soldiers of long years ago used them for their work. Kings and queens wore fancy gloves edged in gold or fur. Gloves often showed how important or rich a person was.

Today there are gloves for every use and place. Many different kinds are used for work and play. Although dress-up gloves are not as common as they once were, they are still worn when important people are honored.

Gloves are needed for different sports. Baseball gloves help players catch the hard balls without hurting their hands. Hockey players wear thick gloves to protect their hands. People going sledging or skating wear wool gloves to keep their hands warm. Special gloves are used by people in certain jobs. People who work with electric wires or certain stinging liquids wear rubber gloves to protect themselves. Doctors and nurses may also wear rubber gloves. Some traffic police wear white gloves so their hand signals can be seen easily.

Some gloves today are still made by hand. Most, however, are made by machines. Among the countries known for making gloves are France, Italy, England, Scotland, Germany, and the United States. One city in the United States has been famous for over two hundred years for making gloves. It is well named. It is called Gloversville, New York.

151.The first gloves were made__C_.

A. to let others know their owners’ wealth B. not mentioned

C. to protect people’s hand D. to show the importance of their owners 152. Dress-up gloves are the ones__A_.

A. worn by honored people only B. to protect people’s hands

C. to dress your hands up D. to be well decorated

153. What kind of players need not wear gloves to protect their hands? C

A. Skiers B. Baseball players C. Volleyball players D. Hockey players 154. Which of the following statements is true according to the passage? D

A. Some traffic police wear orange gloves.

B. People working with stinging liquids wear hard gloves.

C. People working with electric wires wear leather gloves.

D. People working in hospitals wear rubber gloves.

155. According to the passage _C_and many other countries are known for glove-making.

A. Spain B. Canada C. Italy D. Wales

Passage 32

Lemonade is a favorite summer drink. It is enjoyed at family meals, picnics, ball games, and many special parties. People like its light, lemony taste. They also like it because it keeps them from getting too thirsty. Do you drink it?

Fresh lemonade can be made by cutting a lemon in half and squeezing (榨)the juice into a cup. After the seeds are taken out, sugar and water are mixed in. One cup of lemon juice, one cup of sugar, and two quarts of water stirred together make good lemonade.

There are even easier ways to get lemonade. One way is to buy lemonade powder. Then add the right amount of water. Another way is to buy cans of frozen lemonade and mix it with water. The easiest way of all is to buy and open a can of lemonade that is ready to drink, just like a can of juice.

Lemonade is good for people. It has vitamin C. It keeps the body cool in summer. When served hot it can help a bad cold or a sore throat.

Lemonade is not a new drink. It has been around for a long time. Some say it came from the Chinese. Others think it probably came from England or France. More than four hundred years ago an English doctor wrote about the good that lemonade can do for people.

156.Lemonade is a __C_ drink.

A. hot B. frozen C. popular D. new

157. In order to make good lemonade with one cup of lemon juice, we should add to it__C_.

A .one cup of sugar and one quart of water B. two spoons of sugar and two quarts of water

C. one cup of sugar and two quarts of water D. one spoon of sugar and one quart of water

158. There are other easier ways to get lemonade, such as_C__.

A. to cut a lemon in half B. to squeeze a lemon juice

C. to buy frozen lemonade and mix it with water

D. to buy lemonade powder and boil it with water

159. Concerning its origin, lemonade_A__.

A. appeared for a long time B. can help people recover from diseases

C. was brought by Chinese people D. has been around for several decades 160. The writer tries to__C_.

A. convince people that lemonade can cure diseases B. convince people to buy lemon juice

C. convince people that lemonade is good for them D. convince people to buy his lemonade

Passage 33

Long ago there was no money . it was hard for people to get the things they needed . They couldn’t just go to a store. First they had to find someone who had what they wanted. Then they had to give that person something he or she wanted. That’s how goods were traded .

Trading means giving something to get somethng else. One farmer might have many apples, but no milk. Another farmer might have a lot of milk, but no apples. The first farmer gives the other farmer some apples. The other farmer gives the first farmer some milk for the apples. In old days, money could be anything. People have used shells, little rocks, gold, and silver as money.

Later, coins were used as money. The first coins were made of gold and silver. Now they are made out of many different metals. Money today is also made out of something. That can be folded . It’s made out of paper . Today most of our money is bills. Most people do some kind of work to get money. With that money, they can buy the things they want and need. This could be food, a car, or a trip. They can also save some. They would do this by putting it in a bank. Then they would have it later on to pay for things like their children’s schooling. Money is very important .

161.The passage mainly tells about money’s __A__ .

A. history B. importance C. function D. convenience

162.In a store today people can __A_ .

A.get things by paying bills B. get sth. By giving sth. else

C. find those who need the goods D. give things to those who want them 163.Which of the following objects can be bent ?A

A. Bills B. Coins C. Rocks D. Shells

164.“They can also save some ” in the last paragraph means _A__ .

A They can keep some money for later use B. They can keep their goods from being damaged

C they can keep money from getting rotten D. they can keep some goods they need 165.According to this passage, all of the following statements are true EXCEPT that _A__ .

A at first goods were traded with money B. money is very important in trade

C. today money can be made of paper or metals

D. with the development of trade money appeared

Passage 34

Business people often spend time and money improving their ability to use foreign languages in order to be able to communicate with other business people from around the world. Language, of course, is very important, but it is only half the problem. When we are doing business with people of other cultures, there are always rules that we cannot notice easily. And this often results in making mistakes which will make our foreign friends unhappy.

In the West, business cards are given a quick look and put into the pocket. In Japan, they are highly regarded, looked at carefully and left on the table during a business meeting.

In Britain, most business meetings would include a joke. In many other countries, this would be very rare.

Small talk and relationship building are considered very important in some parts of the world; people talk about the weather, the wine and other small things before they begin to talk about business. In other places, people get down to business immediately.

166.In order to communicate with other people from around the world, ____A_______.

A. it is not enough for one to know a foreign language

B. it is enough for one to know a foreign language

C. one must know only half the problem D. one must spend much time and money 167. If you are doing business with people of other cultures, you should _____A______.

A. pay attention to certain rules B. let your foreign friends notice you easily

C. not notice your foreign friends’ unhappiness D. not go into that culture by mistake

168. Which of the following is NOT true?A

A. Business people from Britain are always joking at business meetings.

B. Business cards are treated as an important thing in Japan.

C. In many countries, jokes are not common at business meetings.

D. People in different countries may do business in different ways.

169.“Small talk”in the text refers to _____A________.

A. talk about things not related to business itself B. talk about very important things

C. the weather, the wine and social parties D. the relationship between people 170.Which of the following may be the best topic for this text? A

A. Culture and Business B. Language and Culture

C. How Japanese People Do Business D. How Western People Do Business

Passage 35

Earthquake! People all around the world fear earthquakes because they cause so much damage and death. Consider the following facts: One earthquake struck San Fernando of Southern California on January 17, 1994. The earthquake caused 57 deaths, over 5,000 injuries, and extensive building damage. It was reported that the earthquake

was one of the worst natural disasters in U.S. history, causing millions of dollars in property damage.

On January 17, 1995, the earthquake struck south-central Japan. This earthquake resulted in over 5,400 deaths and many thousands of injuries. The great damage costs were 150 million dollars because it happened in the business area of the city. These statistics (统计数据)are very frightening, but in fact, the number of earthquakes has decreased in recent years. However, because of improved world communication, people receive more news and information than ever before. We have been able to locate more earthquakes with more earthquake-measuring stations in the world.

Many scientists are trying to predict (预报)earthquakes, but these predictions are very uncertain. Scientists cannot figure out the exact location, time, or force of an earthquake. Furthermore, the predicted earthquake may not take place. So, most people are trying to design buildings and bridges that can survive earthquakes. People can reduce loss of life, injuries, and property damage by properly preparing themselves, their homes, work places, and communities for a major earthquake. 171.Why was the earthquake in San Fernando one of the worst natural disasters(灾害) in U. S. history?A

A .Because it caused deaths, injuries, and extensive building damage.

B. Because it caused 5,000 more injuries.

C. Because it caused 57 deaths. D. Because it caused invisible damage.

172.Why did the earthquake on January 17, 1995 result in such huge damage in Japan? A

A. Because it struck the business area of the city. B. Because it was not predicted.

C. Because it struck Japan at midnight. D. Because it caught the people there unprepared.

173.How many people died in the earthquake that struck south-central Japan in 1995?A

A. More than 5,400. B. About 150. C. Many thousands of deaths. D. About 5,000. 174.Why could people hear more about earthquakes in recent years?A

A. Because world communication has been greatly improved.

B. Because we have been able to locate more earthquakes than before.

C. Because we have built many earthquake-measuring stations.

D. Because the number of earthquakes is increasing.

175.How can people reduce loss from earthquakes according to the passage?A

A. By designing structures that can survive earthquakes.

B. By making earthquake predictions more accurate.

C. By building more earthquake-measuring stations.

D. By relying more on communities.

Passage 36

The pig was the last animal to be fully tamed (驯养) by the farmer. Unlike the cow and the sheep, it is not a grass-eater. Its ancient home was the forest, where it searched for different kinds of food, such as nuts, roots, and dead animals. For many centuries the farmer allowed it to continue there, leaving his pigs to look after themselves most of the time. As the woodlands began to become smaller, the pig slowly

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began to be kept on the farm itself. But it did not finally come into a shed, where

it was fed on waste food from the farm and the house, until the eighteenth century.

The pig, then, became a farm animal in the age of agricultural improvement in Britain

in the eighteenth century, but it was given little attention by most animal keepers.

There were, however, various less well-known farmers interested in pigs and they based

their improvements on new types of pig from foreign countries. These were the Chinese

pigs. These were very different from the thin and leggy British woodland pigs. They

had shorter legs and flatter faces, and they were ready to be eaten earlier and

produced finer meat. By the end of the eighteenth century these overseas pigs had

affected the color, shape and characteristics of the native British pig a great deal.

In the early nineteenth century, pig-farmers worked at improving all sorts of pigs.

Many of the special pigs they developed are now forgotten, but by the end of the century

they had set up most of the kinds we know in Britain today.

176.In what way the pig is different from the cow and the sheep? A

A. It looks after itself most of the time. B. It lives mainly on grass.

C. It was kept on the farm from the very beginning. D. It lives on different kinds

of food.

177.It was not until________ that pigs came into a shed. A

A the end of the 19th century B the end of the18th century

C the early 19th century. D the 18th century

178.Before the 18th century in Britain, people usually saw pigs in ________. A

A. farm sheds B. farmhouses C. small towns D. woodlands

179.The passage tells us that in the age of agricultural improvement in Britain ____.A

A. animal keepers paid much attention to pigs

B. British types of pig were replaced by Chinese ones

C. pigs became thin and leggy D. pigs received little attention

180.The passage mainly talks about _____A_____.

A. new kinds of pigs in Britain B. the food for pigs in Britain

C. the ways pigs were fed in Britain D. how pigs became tamed in Britain

Passage 37

Charlie Chaplin (查理?卓别林) has broken all records in making people laugh.

No one else has so set a whole world laughing as the little man with the walking stick

and the overlarge shoes.

Much has been written about Chaplin’s art and his career. Those who have called

him a genius stress the timeless and common qualities in his work. It is an art filled

with sad stories and deep human feeling that get people involved. It is for these

reasons that the figure of Charlie has attracted generation after generation.

Chaplin’s life history writers agree that Charlie’s unhappy early years in

the poor area in London had a great influence on his development and on the type of

films he made. Indeed, his suffering youth had a lasting influence on him. In 1918,

he gave a humorous performance on war only a few weeks before the American soldiers

came home from World War I. So perfectly was it done that even the returning soldiers

found it impossible to hate it. They deeply appreciated his short and humorous

performance. Chaplin gave lots of performances, satirizing(讽刺)the cruelty of the

machine age and even making fun of Hitler(希特勒). Chaplin and his funny films

continue to be popular years after his death.

181.Which of the following is NOT true about Charlie Chaplin? D

A. He made fun of Hitler in his films. B. He was a funny film actor.

C. He had an unhappy early life. D. He was born in the USA.

182.According to the author, Chaplin has been popular with generation after

generation mainly because ______D___.

A. he attacked the cruelty of the machine age B. he set the whole world laughing

C. his works amused the returning American soldiers

D. his performances with human feeling get people involved

183.According to Charlie Chaplin’s life history writers, ____D_____ had a strong

influence on the type of films he made.

A. those who deeply appreciated his performance B. World War I in 1918

C. the audience who praised and admired him

D. his unhappy early years in the poor area in London

184.According to the passage, which of the following is true?D

A. Chaplin’s performance is funny without any sad stories.

B. Chaplin didn’t involve himself in political affairs.

C. Chaplin became popular years after his death.

D. Chaplin’s films are an art filled with timeless qualities and sad stories

185.This passage is ____D_______.

A.written for students to learn film-making B.written by Charlie Chapli

C.written for Charlie Chaplin D. written about Charlie Chaplin

Passage 38

Coffee is one of the most popular drinks throughout the world today. Coffee

contains a kind of drug called caffeine (咖啡因). Caffeine can stimulate (刺激) the

nerves of the body. Drinking coffee tends to make people a little bit more awake.

One story of the discovery of the coffee plant in East Africa records this effect

of caffeine. The story says that coffee was first found by a goat farmer named Kaldi

about the year 850.

Kaldi was leading his animals through the mountains and the goats were stopping

repeatedly to eat the plants near the path. Suddenly, some of the goats started jumping

up and down in a very strange way.

Kaldi figured out that the goats were acting this way because of the plants they were

eating. Kaldi himself tried eating some of the green beans that the goats had been

eating. He, too, felt the same effect of the beans.

Kaldi wanted to prove what had happened, so he picked some of the beans and took

them back to his home village. The green bean got the name“Kaffa”and later“coffee”

because the beans were discovered in a place called Kaffa in Africa.

Then for years, people used to eat a few of the green Kaffa beans when they were

in the mountains and needed extra energy. It was later found that the coffee beans

could be picked and then dried until they turned brown, and then they could be stored.

Then they could be used at any time.

186.What is caffeine? D

A.A kind of bean. B.A kind of plant. C.A kind of coffee. D. A kind of drug.

187.What is the purpose of drinking coffee?D

A. To become stranger. B. To become cleverer.

C.To become more healthy. D. To become more awake.

188.Coffee was first found by a ___D_______.

A. goat B. chemist C. doctor D. farmer

189.How did the goats react after eating the plants?D

A. They became awake. B. They wanted to eat more.

C. They could not find their way home. D. They started jumping up and d own.

190.Why did the green bean get the name“Kaffa”?D

A. Because Kaldi loved his home village very much.

B. Because the beans could be picked and dried.

C. Because Kaldi’s goats loved the green bean very much.

D. Because the beans were discovered in a place so named.

Passage 39

Fish hear sounds, though they have simply no ears outside their bodies. However,

fish do have ears inside their bodies, near the brain, and they hear very well with

them. Some fish have been taught to recognize the difference between sounds better

than some human beings do.

Many underwater animals make noises only by chance while they are doing something

else. Other sounds are real communications of simple sort, telling one fish of the

presence and direction of another. A few noises may be warning messages or discovery

of food, etc. The earliest scientific report on fish sounds referred to one of these.

A new field in science is learning to recognize and use underwater sounds. It depends

on the same skill that man has shown in recognizing birds and other land creatures

by their calls. But this method is a greater challenge than bird watching, for many

of the animals of the sea cannot be followed in any other known way. Their voices

cry for attention. Yet we still have too little knowledge about many of the call makers.

Perhaps people will get to know more fully the meaning of the calls and what the call

makers are. It seems that the great oceans are for daring man to explore the secrets

of the place from which his forefathers(祖先) came so long ago.

191.According to the passage, fish hear sounds well with _A_______.

A. ears inside their bodies B. ears outside their bodies C. brains D. bodies

192.Which of the following is TRUE of the noises made by underwater animals?A

A. Some of them are meaningless. B. None of them is meaningless.

C. They are all actual communications. D. They cannot be heard by human beings.

193.Recognizing underwater animals by their sounds____A____.

A. is more difficult than recognizing land creatures by their calls

B. is totally different from recognizing land creatures by their calls

C. will change people’ s views about fish

D. will change people’ s views about land creatures

194.The animals of the sea can make voices with different purposes EXCEPT ____A____.

A. crying for scientific report B. telling the direction of some animal

C. crying for attention D. telling the presence of some animal

195.From the last sentence, we can learn that _A______.

A. more secrets of the great oceans are to be found out

B. the human beings stopped exploring the oceans long ago

C. only very brave people can make use of the great ocean

D. our forefathers became the masters of the great oceans long ago

Passage 40

When a consumer finds that something he or she bought is faulty, the first step

is to present the warranty (保单), or any other records that might help, at the store

of buying. In most cases, his action will produce results. However, if it does not,

there are various means the consumer may use to gain satisfaction.

A simple and common method is to complain directly to the store manager. In general,

the “higher up” the consumer takes his or her complaint, the faster he or she can

expect it to be settled. In such a case, it is usually settled in the consumer’s

favor, taking it as true that he or she has a just right.

Consumers should complain in person whenever possible, but if they cannot get to

the place of buying, it is acceptable to phone or write the complaint in a letter.

Complaining is usually most effective when it is done politely but firmly, and

especially when the consumer can show clearly what is wrong with the product. If this

cannot be done, the consumer will succeed best by presenting specific information

as to what is wrong, rather than by making general statements. For example, “The

left speaker does not work at all and the sound coming out of the right one is unclear”

is better than “This stereo(立体音响) does not work.”

196.When a consumer finds what he bought is faulty, he should first _____C___.

A complain personally to the manager B. write a letter of complaint to the store

C. show some kind of helpful records to the store D. threaten to take the matter

to court

197.If a consumer wants a quick settlement of his problem, it’s better to complain

to ___C_____.

A the producer B. a shop assistant

C. a store manager D. a public organization

198.The most effective way of complaining about the faulty product is to____C___.

A. say kindly it is of poor quality B. show the fault generally

C. explain exactly what is wrong with it D. ask to change it directly

199.The example of “stereo” in the last paragraph is used to show that ___C______.

A. Complaint should be made politely B. Making general statements is a very

effective way

C. Presenting specific information is a very effective way

D. Complaint should be made both politely and firmly

200.This passage mainly tells us _____C___.

A. how to settle a consumer’ s complaint B. how to deal with a store manager


C. how to make the complaint effectively D.how to avoid buying something wrong

Passage 41

Dear Disappointed,

Everyone has to leave home sometime and it’s just more difficult for some than

it is for others. Being 21, it is no wonder you are eager to begin your own discovery

of the world, to make your own choices and achievements. I think the main reason your

families are making it so hard for you is that you are their baby. They want to keep

you under their protection as long as they can, and since they have always given you

extra special care, they are afraid you won’ t be able to make it without their


But I think you can and will make it on your own. If you have a good job now, you

are already building up the skills and experience you’ll need to find another better

job. All it takes is self-confidence, the willingness to face up to any difficulties

you meet with and the courage to face up to your family and prove them wrong.

In today’s China there are more chances than perhaps ever before. So be brave

and set out to find what you are looking for.

Good luck to you and be hopeful!

Yours Dear Susan

201.This letter is written to a person ____A_____.

A. who is disappointed and needs help B. who has made great achievements

C. who is still a small baby D. whose real name is Disappointed

202.Disappointed is eager to ___A______.

A. discover the world B. find a better job

C . get skills and experience D. get extra special care

203.Dear Susan tells Disappointed that ___A_____.

A. a 21-year-old person should decide what he wants to do

B. his family can only discourage him his family can give him special care

D. a 21-year-old person should be supported by the family

204.According to Susan, ____A_____ can help one to make his own choices and


A. self-confidence and courage B. family protection

C. more chances D. skills and experience

205.What does Susan advice Disappointed to do in the end? A

A. brave and set out for his goal. B.To set out immediately without support.

C. To prove his family wrong. D. To believe in his good luck.

Passage 42

When Beethoven(贝多芬) was 28, he began to notice a strange noise in his ears. As

it grew worse, he went to see doctors, and was told that he was going deaf. This was

too much for any composer(作曲家) to bear. Beethoven became hopeless; he was sure

that he was going to die. He went to the countryside where he wrote a long good-bye

letter to his brothers, describing how sad and lonely his deafness made him. He longed

to die, and said to death, “Come when you will; I shall meet you bravely.”

In fact, Beethoven did something braver than dying. He gathered his courage and went

on writing music, He wrote the music for which we remember him best after he became

deaf. This music was very different from any that had been composed before. Instead

of the past artistic music for the rich listeners, Beethoven wrote stormy, exciting

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music which reminds us of his troubled and courageous life. In time he went completely deaf, but he wrote more creatively than ever, for he could “hear” his music in his mind. .His Heroic Symphony(交响乐) and Fifth Symphony both show his courage in struggling with his fate.

In time he went completely deaf, but he wrote more creatively than ever, for he could “hear” his music in his mind. He was lonely and often unhappy but in spite of this, he often wrote joyful music, such as his last symphony, the Ninth. Because of his courage and strong will to success, his music has given joy and encouragement to millions of people.

206.How did Beethoven’s deafness affect him? C

A. It killed him B. It drove him mad.

C.It helped him create good music. D. It stopped his writing music.

207.Which of the following best shows Beethoven’s courage in struggling with his fate? C

A. Fifth Symphony only. B. Ninth Symphony.

C.Heroic Symphony and Fifth Symphony. D. Fifth Symphony and Ninth Symphony. 208.Beethoven longed to die because ____C________.

A.he wouldn’t be able to support his family

B.he wouldn’t be able to write music for rich listeners after becoming deaf

C.he felt his deafness was too much for him to bear as a composer

D.he had told death he would meet it bravely

209.Which of the following is the best title for this passage?C

A. Deafness and Music B. Deafness and Composer

C. Beethoven and His Music D. Music and Musicians

210.According to the passage, which of the following is true about Beethoven? C

A.When he was partly deaf, Beethoven’s music became more and more gentle.

B.He wrote less and less music after he went deaf.

C.He wrote encouraging music creatively in spite of his deafness.

D. His music became more and more artistic when he was deaf.

Passage 43

Calvin Coolidge, thirtieth president of the United States of America, was a person who hated talking nonsense (废话); he had no time for small talk. The following two stories clearly show how Coolidge enjoyed talking little.

When he was vice-president (副总统),Coolidge had plenty of chances to take part in Washington’s social life, especially many dinner parties. Knowing nothing about the art of conversation, he was not in any way popular among the ladies at the parties. At one party, the hostess tried to help with the problem and placed him next to Alice Roosevelt, daughter of former president. Miss Roosevelt began to chat in her usual attractive manner, but her efforts were far from being able to make the vice-president become interested. In the end, she said, “I’m sure that going to as many dinners as you do, you must feel terrible not being talked to.”

Without lifting his eyes from his plate, Coolidge answered in a low voice, “Well, a man has to eat somewhere.”

Later, when he was president and again at the dinner party, Coolidge was seated

next to a most clever society woman, who seemed to manage to change Coolidge’s life. “Oh, Mr. President,”she said, “You are always so quiet. I made a bet today that I could get more than two words out of you.”The president became angry and then said, “You lose.”

211.Which of the following is NOT true according to the passage?C

A. Calvin Coolidge was once vice-president of the United States.

B. Calvin Coolidge was the 30th president of the United States.

C. Calvin Coolidge was a clever society man. D. Calvin Coolidge was a man of few words.

212.The hostess ___C____ Calvin.

A. did not like B. held many dinner parties for

C. tried to help D. was liked by

213.Miss Roosevelt ____C___.

A. was interested in Calvin B. made the vice-president interested in her conversation

C. tried but failed to involve the vice-president in talk. D. was very attractive to Calvin

214.From the text, we can see that Coolidge __C_____.

A. was good at conversation B. did not like women

C. had a sense of humor D. was terrible

215.Coolidge said that the woman lost her bet because ____C___.

A. she was not clever enough B. she couldn’t change Coolidge’s life

C. she couldn’t get more than two words out of him D. she was angry Passage 44

The meaning of time is different in different parts of the world. Thus, misunderstandings arise between people from cultures that treat time differently. In the United States, it is unusual to telephone someone very early in the morning. If you telephone him early in the day, while he is shaving or having breakfast, the time of the call shows that the matter is very important and requires immediate attention. The same meaning is attached to (赋予)telephone calls made after 11:00 p.m.. If someone receives a call during sleeping hours, he assumes(认为) it’s a matter of life and death. The time chosen for the call communicates its importance. In social life, time plays a very important role. In the U. S. A. guests tend to feel they are not highly regarded if the invitation to a dinner party is extended only three or four days before the party date. But this is not true in all countries. In other areas of the world it may be considered foolish to make an appointment too far in advance because plans which are made for a date more than a week away tend to be forgotten.

216.The word“misunderstanding”can be explained as ____A______.

A. failing to understand correctly B. failing to attend a party

C. standing in one’s way D. standing on one’s own two feet 217.If you telephone someone early in the day in the U.S., it means __A____.

A.you have a very important and urgent matter B. you are not kind enough

C. you want to show your concern for him D. you are expected to explain why

218.The expression“a matter of life and death”means __A____.

A.an issue of the greatest importance and emergency B. a very important appointment

C. a matter of whether someone should live or die D. a strong desire to communicate

219.In the U. S. A. guests will feel they are not highly regarded if the invitation to a dinner party __A_____.

A. is not given early enough B. is given too far in advance

C. is not given repeatedly D. is given to many people

220.Which of the following statements is NOT true according to the passage? A

A. In the U. S. it’s usual to telephone someone very early or very late.

B. In American social life, time plays a very important role.

C. In some countries, making an appointment too early in advance may be considered foolish.

D. In the U. S., time chosen for telephone call is important.

Passage 45

When a group of children politely stop a conversation with you, saying, “We have to go to work now.” You’re left feeling surprised and certainly uneasy. After all, this is the 1990s and the idea of children working is just unthinkable. That is, until you are told that they are all pupils of stage schools, and that the “work” they go off to is to go on the stage in a theatre.

Stage schools often act as agencies(代理) to supply children for stage and television work. A visit to such schools will leave you in no doubt that the children enjoy themselves. Lively children there spend only half the day doing ordinary school work, and acting, singing or dancing their way through the other half of the day? Of course there are times for the children to make a name and make a little money in some big shows. Some stage schools give their children too much professional work at such a young age. But not all children will be successful in the profession for which they are being trained. So what happens to those who don’t make it? While all the leading schools say they place great importance on children getting good study results, the facts seem to suggest this is not always the case.

221.The children who say “We have to go to work now” are most probably pupils of _____A_____.

A. stage schools B. full-time schools C. ordinary schools D. dancing schools

222.Stage schools mainly prepare their students for ______A___.

A. acting B. educational agencies C. teaching D. social work

223.“Professional work” in the passage mainly refers to ___B_____.

A. stage training at school B. money-making performances

C. ordinary school work D. singing or dancing after class

224In the writer’s opinion, a good stage school should ____A______.

A provide both general education and stage training B. help pupils improve their study skills

C. train pupils in language and performing arts D. produce star performers 225.Which of the following is TURE according to the passage? A

A. The author doubts if all the stage schools have reached the standard of general education.

B. The author favors an early start in the training of performing arts.

C. The author feels uncomfortable about children putting on too much night shows.

D. The author thinks highly of the stage schools

Passage 46

Harry’s wife died two years ago. He has to take care of his six-year-old daughter all by himself. Susan was a sweet young woman. She has a successful career as vice president of a toys company. She was too busy to find a boyfriend. Their friends arranged a blind date for them and told them that they would meet at Sunshine Restaurant at 8 p.m. Saturday.

Harry and Susan met at the restaurant and they had a very good first impression of each other. After ordering, they began a light conversation. To their surprise, they had much in common. And they even went to the same college.

While they were waiting for their food, Harry got a call from his baby-sitter. His daughter was sick. So Harry had to leave and said that he would like to see Susan again. Susan agreed.

Susan went home with the food. She started to share the food with her sister Mary. She told Mary her feelings about Harry, and that Harry didn’t get anything to eat because he had to leave. She felt sorry for him. Then there was a knock at the door and Susan opened it. At the door was Harry with flowers in his hands. She was greatly moved. Then the three had a nice meal together. Six months later, Harry and Susan got married. They made a happy family.

226.In the beginning of the story, Harry and Susan were arranged to meet by__D__.

A.the friends of Susan’s B. Sunshine Restaurant

C. the friends of Harry’s D. the friends of theirs

227.Which of the following best describes their first impression?A

A. Nice and surprising. B. Pleasant and annoying.

C. Nice and friendly. D. Pleasant and common.

228.What happened to interrupt their dinner together at their first meeting? B

A. Susan’s sister felt sick. B. Harry’s daughter was sick.

C. Harry’s baby-sitter was sick. D. Harry’s sister felt sick.

229.Where did Susan go with the ordered food for dinner?C

A.To her sister’s. B.To the hospital. C. To her home. D.To Harry’s home. 230.When the story came to the end, we could find that__D___.

A. Susan felt sorry for Harry B. They both had a nice meal together

C. Harry came to Susan with flowers in his hands D. Harry and Susan made a happy couple

Passage 47

Teeth have been a part of animals almost from the beginning of animal life. The first animals to have teeth were fish. These sea creatures lived millions of years ago. They had many finely pointed teeth for grabbing food from the water.

The teeth of animals help them do certain jobs or eat certain kinds of foods. Elephants have two large teeth, which they use for digging up plants or for fighting.

Lions and tigers have long, sharp teeth for tearing apart other animals. Those of horses and cows are short and flat. They are used for grinding plants.

People have three main kinds of teeth. They have teeth that cut, teeth that tear, and teeth that grind. When biting into a piece of fruit, people use their cutting teeth. When pulling a piece of meat from a bone, they use their tearing teeth. When nibbling on a fresh carrot胡萝卜, they use their grinding teeth.

Every person grows two sets of teeth. The first set often begins to appear when a baby is about six months old. It lasts until the child is about six years old. Then the baby teeth fall out and the second teeth come in. This second set must last for the rest of a person’s life.

It is important for people to take care of their teeth. They must eat the right foods. They should brush their teeth properly. Teeth should be checked twice a year by a dentist .

231.Fish have many __B__teeth for getting food.

A. noticeable B. sharp C. fine D. invisible

232.Which of the following statements about teeth is true?D

A.Elephants have three large tusks. B. Teeth of horses and cows are short and sharp.

C. A person’s first set of teeth last about six months.

D. Sea creatures were the first animals having teeth.

233.The word “nibble” in the third paragraph is closest in meaning of_____A_.

A. eating with small repeated bits B. tearing something apart

C. showing slight interest in something D. taking hold of with a sudden rough movement

234.This passage mainly tells us that___D_.

A. we should care our teeth and often have them checked.

B.animals don’t try to protect their teeth C. all the teeth have the same function

D. teeth are important both for human and animals

235.It is a piece of writing about___D_.

A. teeth diseases B. sea creatures C. medical science D. popular science Passage 48

Farmers work on a farm. They may grow fruits and vegetables. They may raise animals. They work hard so that people get good food.

It is not easy to get the ground ready for planting. It takes a lot of work. First the farmers make a seedbed. This is a place in the soil where seeds can be planted. To make a seedbed, farmers use a plow. The plow is a farm tool that turns over the soil. The farmers then feed the soil so that the fruit and vegetable plants will grow better.

The farmers now plant the seeds. They work hard to keep the weeds and bugs away. They make sure that the new plants have the water they need. With all this care, the plants grow well. Many fruits and vegetables are soon seen. Then the farmers must see that they are picked. Right after that, the fruits and vegetables are boxed and go to the stores.

Some of the animals that farmers raise are hens, cows, sheep, and pigs. Farmers

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must give the animals much care. They must feed the animals and keep them clean. Some

animals can’t get too cold. So they must stay inside where it is warm. Farmers must

also make sure that their animals stay well.

Farmers like to work with animals. They like to see plants grow. They want to work

outside in the fresh air. At the end of their long day’s work, farmers are tired

but they are also happy.

236.Why is it hard to get the ground ready for planting?C

A. Because there have been lots of vegetables on the ground.

B. Because there have been lots of fruit trees on the ground.

C. Because there are many animals on the ground.

D. Because it needs a lot of work such as plowing the soil first.

237.After they plant seeds, farmers should do many things in the field except___D_.

A. picking the fruits and vegetables B. raising animals at the same time

C. watering the new plants D. keeping weeds and bugs away

238.“Farmers must also make sure that their animals stay well” means that_A___.

A.they have to keep their animals warm B.their animals must be kept inside

C. their animals must be well fed. D. they have to keep their animals calm

239.Which of the following statements is not mentioned in the passage?D

A. Farmers enjoy working with animals. B. Farmers feel tired but happy.

C.Farmers work outdoors in the fresh air. D.Farmers can earn much money from farming.

240.Farmers work in order to___D_.

A. enjoy happiness while not getting tired B.live well and enjoy the fresh


C. raise animals and see the plants D. provide people with food

Passage 49

People are listening to bands play. They like the music. It makes them happy. Other

people are having a good time looking at all the things from each country. There is much to do. There are rides to go on. Some rides go very fast. Others

go slow. There are special foods to eat. There are many buildings to go into.There

are shows to watch. There are pretty things to buy. Where is all this taking place?

It’s a world’s fair !

Many countries take part in a world’s fair. Each one tries show how its people

live. It shows how they work and play. It shows what foods they eat. You can learn

a lot about different countries at a world’s fair.

Each country puts up a building. Inside each building people tell about their

country. They put on plays or show movies They might sing country songs or do dances.

Many times they show art from their country. They may show pictures. Or they may show

painted pots. Each place also smells great because people sell food from their country.

Going into each building is like going into another country.

There are also other kinds of buildings at a world’s fair. Many people come to

see them, too. Some of these buildings show things that might happen many years from

now. Others show things that took place long ago. There’s something for everyone

at the fair!

241.What is the thing people can not do in a world’s fair according to the passage?


A.Eat special foods. B. Watch shows. C. Make painted pots. D. Buy pretty things. 242.The reason why each place smells great is that___B_.

A.there are many big flower shows. B.people sell food from different countries

C. people buy different food D. there are big gardens in big buildings 243.Which of the following is NOT mentioned in this passage? D

A. Pictures are showed about one’s country in a world’s fair.

B. There is a building from each country in a world’s fair.

C. People are found to sing country songs or dance there.

D. People come here to learn something about their own country.

244.It can be inferred from the passage that_B___.

A. people come to a world’s fair to listen to bands play

B. a world’s fair is a place to learn a lot about different countries

C. many countries come to show they are the better ones

D. world’s fair might show things long ago or in the future

245.In this passage the author tells us that people like world’s fair very much because ___B_.

A. they can go into another country B. there’s something for everyone

C. they can listen to bands play D. they can go on fast rides

Passage 50

Cross was what people call a mystery man. We had known him for over five years, ever since he became a member of our modest club, but he had a way of keeping his private life to himself: in all but unimportant details. We know his address, though he did not ever invite us to his home, and his age too, but only insignificantly(无关紧要的)matters of this kind. It appeared that he did not have to work for a living as we did in our various ways. He had once mentioned at a sum of money received from a late relative on which he managed to live comfortably. He was not especially well-dressed and he did not even own a car. At the age of forty-five he was still a bachelor. Since marriage was not a subject he ever discussed, we had no means of finding out whether he regretted the lack of a wife.

Cross disappeared suddenly from our circle and shortly after we came to learn the first really solid facts about our mystery man. From reports that appeared in the newspapers, accompanied by photographs of a man, we got to know our Mr. Cross had been an old housebreaker, operating chiefly in the London area. He had practiced a lot of break-ins for many years, until he was arrested and sent to prison. 246. Why was Cross called a mystery man?C

A. Because he became a member of a club. B. Because he didn’t tell us his age.

C. Because he kept his private life a secret. D. Because he didn’t tell us his address.

247. How did Cross manage to live comfortably according to his own make-up story?D

A. He operated break-ins in London area. B. He saved money from simple clothing.

C. He worked for a living as many others did. D. He received some money from a dead relative.

248. Which of the following is NOT true?A

A. Cross regretted the lack of a wife. B. Cross didn’t work.

C. Cross never talked about marriage. D. Cross was single.

249. Cross disappeared suddenly from our circle because ____D__.

A. he had to practice his professional skills secretly

B. he doubted his appearance would cause trouble to himself

C. he ran away from the prison and had to hide himself

D. he was arrested by the police for break-ins

250. What did Cross turn out to be?B

A. A house keeper. B. A thief to steal by breaking into houses.

C. A newspaper reporter to take photographs. D. A policeman.

Passage 51

Make a wish and blow out the candles on your birthday cake. If you blow them all out with one big breath, your wish will come true.But remember, the older you are, the more candles you have to blow out!

Candles are often used at parties and at other special times. They give soft light at dinner parties. They are also used at sad times after people die.

Years ago candles were burned to give light to homes. People making their homes in caves probably learned that animal fat could be coated on sticks and burned. Later just the fat was burned in holders to light up rooms. Next, people used long pieces of fat with a thin strip of cloth running through the center of each one, much like today’s candles.

These old candles were made in different ways. Sometimes the strip of cloth or string was dipped over and over again into melted fat until the candle was the right size. At other times the fat was poured over the string while the string was turned with the fingers. At still other times the fat was poured into a form, or mold(模型) and the string was often pushed into the fat before it cooled.

Today most candles are made in molds by machines. Many are colored. Some give off pleasant smells as they burn. This is why some people like to use candles. 251.It is a__B__to make a wish and blow out the candles on one’s birthday cake.

A. useful B. custom C. hobby D. necessary

252.The second sentence in the first paragraph expresses a__D__.

A. truth B. fact C. factor D. belief

253.Candles are often used to___B_.

A. give honor to those who died B. celebrate special occasions

C. give bright light at dinner D. burn the animal fat

254.Candles can be made in a process of_B___.

A. pouring fat into the modes B. dipping strings in the melted fat

C. dipping strings with fingers D. pouring fat on the cloth

255.According to the passage, most candles today are___A_.

A.machine-made B.hand-made C.brightly colored D.of the right size

Passage 52

Any person who can read words and understand what they mean is fortunate. More than half the people in the world cannot read or write. They can learn about things only by watching and listening. However, people who can read are able to learn about

anything they wish.

People can read a language better if they have listened to it or learned to speak it. Reading, listening, and speaking are ways people come to understand the words of a language. Being able to write also makes reading easier.

A mother or father is often a child’s first reading teacher. By speaking to a baby, the parent helps the baby understand what language is and what it is for. Children feel love and joy in the sounds of words. They try to talk back. As babies listen and speak, they store up facts and ideas.

Certain things children do in the early years help them learn. Young children enjoy looking at picture books. Later, the parent reads books that the child can look at as well as listen to. At age five many children are beginning to read and write. Some can recognize their own names.

Children continue to learn to read in school with their teacher’s help. Sometimes children read out loud. At other times they read silently. They learn to understand and remember. Reading teaches them new facts and helps them get along in everyday life.

256.The word “fortunate” in the first paragraph means__A__.

A. lucky B. successful C. wealthy D. good

257.People who can read___B__.

A. can learn by watching and listening only B. are better learners than those who can not.

C. can easily make their wish come true. D. are richer than half the world population

258.According to this passage a baby can learn things quickly mainly because__D__.

A. he talking with other babies B.he often speaks to himself while listening to his parents

C. he always asks his parents questions.

D. he has got plenty of meaningful input from his parents by listening 259.Parents often read books for their children mainly because_A___.

A. children can gain some knowledge from the books

B. stories in the books can make children calm

C. stories in the books can make children fall asleep

D. parents need to talk with their children in this way

260.Speaking and reading are very important because__A__

A. they are two basic ways for children to learn a language

B. children should make friends easily through these ways

C. children learn the two skills since they are very young

D. children should learn to read and write their own names

Passage 53

A map is a drawing that shows where places are. It may show roads, towns, hills, and seas. It shows things as you would see them from an airplane. Some maps are big. They may take up all of a table top. Others are little. You can hold them in your hands.

Most maps use colors. A yellow dot may tell where a city is. Blue places on a map

may mean lakes or seas. Red lines may stand for roads. Green makes you think of trees and grass. So it may mean parks.

Another kind of map shows the night sky. It gives a picture of many stars. It may tell their names, too. With this map we can find these stars on any clear night. Most people use maps to find their way to places. A street map helps you find your way around a city. Street maps may show houses and stores. They may show where schools and bus stops are. Most street maps show parks and lakes, too. They help people get around.

You can make a map of the street where you live. First, draw the two sides of your street. Next, draw your home on the street. Then draw the other things along your street. Draw any houses, stores, or parks. Think of what the stores and parks are called. Write down these names. Now you are a map maker !

261.Which of the following is not shown on a map according to the passage? C

A cities, houses, stores and schools B. roads, towns, hills and seas

C languages, cultures, traditions and songs D.trees, grass, parks and stars 262.From the passage we can infer thatA_.

A. strangers can use street maps to find their way in a new place

B. on a map cities, roads, trees, grass are all of the same color

C. no one has ever seen the smallest map in the world

D. one who can’t draw pictures can become a map maker.

263.According to the passage we can draw a conclusion about a map that_C__.

A. anyone will get lost if he doesn’t have a street map with him

B. maps are always drawn from the airplane.

C. different things are indicated in different colors on a map

D. a map can help a blind person to find his home

264.The author thinks that a map is_A__.

A. a useful tool B. a colorful picture C. an interesting book D. a friendly painter

265.The passage mainly tells us___D_.

A. why to use a map B. how to use a map

C. where to find a map D. how a map can help us

Passage 54

Everyone needs friends. We all like to feel close to someone. It is nice to have a friend to talk, laugh, and do things with. Surely, there are times when we need to be alone. We don’t always want people around. But we would feel very alone if we never had a friend.

No two people are just the same. Sometimes friends don’t get along. That doesn’t mean that they no longer like each other. Most of the time they will make up and go on being friends.

Sometimes friends move away. Then we feel very sad. We miss them very much. But we can call them and write to them. It could be that we will even see them again. And we can make new friends. It is surprising to find out how much we like new people when we get to know them.

Families sometimes name their children after a close friend. Many places are named

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after men and women who have been friendly to people in a town. Some parks are named this way. So are some schools. We think of these people when we go to these places. There’s more good news for people who have friends. They live longer than people who don’t. Why? It could be that they are happier. Being happy helps you stay well. Or it could be just knowing that someone cares. If someone cares about you, you take better care of yourself.

266.We learn from the passage that_C__.

A.no one in the world needs friends B. people always need friends around them

C. having friends is one of the nicest things in the world

D. it’s nicer to have new friends than to have old friends

267.Which of the following is what the author doesn’t say in the passage? C

A. People may call and write to their friends.

B. People feel unhappy when their friends move away.

C. People depend upon their friends to a great extent.

D. People like their new friends a lot if they get to know them.

268.Which of the following is most probably the place people name after friendly people? C

A. neighborhood B. town C. park D. hotel

269.According to the passage, people who have friends live longer because__C_.

A. they take better care of their friends B. there’s a lot of help from their friends

C. they feel happier and stay healthy D. there’s more good news for them 270.This passage mainly talks about__C_.

A. the need for new friends B. how to make new friends

C. the importance of friends D. how to keep old friends

Passage 55

Mr. Wilson was a wealthy industrialist, but he was not satisfied with life, he did not sleep well and his food did not agree with him. This situation lasted for some time, finally, after several sleepless nights, he decided to see his doctor .The doctor advised a change of surroundings “Go abroad,” “But I am not good at foreign languages ” said Mr. Wilson. “ It doesn’t matter,” said the doctor. “It wasn’t hurt you to talk a little less, go on a voyage, take plenty of exercise, try to reduce your weight and avoid rich food”

Mr. Wilson went to Switzerland. He did not know French or German, and had to communicate through gestures(手势).He attended a physical training course. The instructor made him bend his knees, swing his arms, stretch his neck and shake his head rapidly. He had to lie on the ground and raised his right and left legs alternately(交替地).After a time his muscles grew hard and firm.He forgot the financial crisis and the importance of raising the level of production. He even began to notice individual trees and individual birds.

Finally he returned home. But unfortunately his improvement was only temporary. Soon he was a normal businessman again, worried about his property, his profits, his savings, his advancement in a technological society, and things in general . 271. Mr. Wilson went to see his doctor because he___C__.

A. had little to eat B. had to sleep C. didn’t feel well D. was hurt

on a voyage

272.The doctor advised Mr. Wilson to do well EXCEPTCC

A. change the surroundings B. talk less

C. eat rich food D. take plenty of exercise

273.He communicated with ___C_ when in Switzerland.

A. simple words B pens or pencils C. gestures D handshakes

274.When he travelled abroad, Mr. Wilson __C_.

A learned boxing B raised the level of production

C forgot all about his business D shock his head all the time

275.In the last paragraph, the word “temporary” means__C_.

A. not deep B. unimportant

C. lasting for a short time D. developing very slowly

Passage 56

Google has a powerful search engine, but the vast majority of multimedia( 多媒体)files available on the Web are stored on sites to which Goole has limited or no access(通道). Sites such as Photo Site, Songza, Blinkx and Blog Search Engine have thousands of members who store images, music and videos online. You can go to each of those sites to download them.

Songza(www.songza. Com) finds an amazing number of music from both major artists and unknowns. Type”Neil Young” in the search field, for instance, and you will find versions of the popular musician’songs that you have likely never heard before. Songza also makes suggestions, based upon your searches, about which music you might like. You can also click the “ top played” tab to see what other users have been listening to.

Like Google and other search engines that offer video searching, Blinkx(www. Blinkx. com) make it easy to find videos with one click. Blinkx allows you to narrow your video searches by category(类别). Tabs for World News, Entertainment, Business, Sports and more mean that you can quickly locate the type of video you want. Blogs are everywhere these days. There the Technorati(http://technorati.com)comes in to help. Technorati ranks its listings according to how often they are referenced by other sources, including other blogs. The Blog Search Engine(www. Blogsearchchengine.com) has the same feature, but it uses results from Google as a basis for its picks.

276.When you can not download the “topplayed” songs from Google, you can do it from _____B____.

A Technorati(http://technorati.com) B. Songza(www.songza. Com)

C. Blinkx(www. Blinkx. com) D. Blog Search Engine(www. Blogsearchchengine.com) 277. By typing “Neil Young” in the search field, you can find ____C_______.

A. limited access to Google B. vast majority of multimedia files

C. the popular musician’ songs D. what other users are singing.

278. Tabs for World News, Entertainment, etc. can help quickly______C_____.

A. download video games freely B. narrow the video programs the web stores

C. offer video playing online .D locate the type of video one wants

279. If you want to find the most popular blogs to read, you can check


A. to read its rank listings. B. to use results from Google

C. to reference other sources D. to pick other blogs.

280. What is the best title for this passage?C

A. Songza, Best Service for Music B. Google Search, Popular and Wonderful

C. Search Engines, Powerful and Convenient D. Blog, the top Search Engine Passage 57

Modern tourism in China sprang up in the early 1950s. In 1954 the China International Travel Service was established , with 14 branches in Guangzhou, Shanghai, Beijing and other major cities. In 1964, the State Tourism Administration of China was formally established.

In 1998, the number of domestic(国内) touists reached 695 million, spendding a total of 239.1 billion yuan___10 percent and 74 percent increases over 1995, respectively(分别地). With the improvement of Chinese people’s living standards, Chinese citizens have an increasingly strong interest in traveling abroad. In recent years, Chinese citizens have traveled to Southeast Asia and Europe.

Foreign travel agencies are now opening offices in China to attract Chinese to travel abroad. Now, China is fast on its way to becoming a country with developed tourism, and constantly improving tourism facilities and services. It is predicted that, by 2020, China will be the world’s No. 1 tourist attraction and the fourth largest nation of touists.

China’s transportation system, consisting of railways, highways, water transport and civil aviation, has developed in a rapid way, along with the tourism industry. China has set up 1,22 domestic and international air routes, and air-conditioned buses run among all the science spots to provide comfort and convenience for tourists. At hotels, tourists may book train, bus, ship and air tickets to any place.

Chinese books , paiting, native products, rare medicinal herbs and handicrafts are all popular with foreign visitors. And handicraft shops can be found in most science spots.

281.China started its modern tourism in _A_______.

A. early 50s B. 1995 C. 1956 D. 1964

282. The increase of the money domestic tourists spent in 1998 over 1995 is __C____. .A 695 million B. 239.1 billion C. 74% D. 10%

283.Chinese citizens have an increasingly strong interest in traveling abroad and have traveled to ___B____

A. all the scenic spots abroad B. Southeast Asia and Europ

C. Beijing, Guangzhou and Shanghai D. many foreign travel agencies

284. According to Paragraph 3 , a country with developed tourism most probably posses all the following except____B___.

A. a lot of tourist attractions B. large number of tourists

C. improved tourism facilities and services D. formally established state owned travel agencies.

285. Tourists, who travel with aviation system in China, can select all the conveniences from ____D___.

A. Over a thousand highways B. Over a thousand water transports

C. Over a thousand railways D.Over a thousand air routes.

Passage 58

My English teacher kicked off the first class by asking us “ How are you?’’ ‘Fine’ the whole class responded without hesitation. That conversation was repeated every class after that. Then one day, a guy in my group said “ I can’t come up with an answer other than ‘Fine”!. All of us said we couln’t agree with him more, which then drove us to wrestle with ( 深思) this greeting confusion. Is that because our vocabulary isn’t large enough? That’s partly true. But what’s more important, I suppose,is that we are not used to reflecting on how we are doing the day before. I would be making a mad dash to class from time to time because it was hard to get up on time. When exams were coming, I would be staying up late to prepare . The scores might be high sometimes, but what I actually learnt would generally be lost to me. Such was life since primary school. I was not very much convinced that I was doing “fine’’/

I finally realized I should start caring about the quality of my life. So, I decided to make a change by asking myself “How are you?” every day and trying my best to be able to respond delightfully with “I am doing just great. “

286. In the first sentence of the passage “kick off”’ most probably means __A____

A. began B. shouted C. called D. asked

287. It seems that the students always reply to the daily greeting”How are you’’ with __D______.

A. many answers after discussion .B. more confusion

C. large vocabulary D. one same answer repeatly

288. When asked “ How are you?” , the author always tried to get an answer through _____D___.

A. struggling to pass the difficult exams. B. hurrying to class after getting up late C. recalling his recent experience and feeling D. convincing himself of his doing well

289. It seems that the major part of the author’s life since primary school has been ____C___.

A. late for class in a hurry .B busy and full of exams C. successful in all his class work D. unable to score high in exams.

290. In trying to care about his quality of life, the author makes the daily conversation reply____D____.

A. convincing and happy B. hesitating but great C. confusing but great D. confusing and delightful

Passage 59

To avoid accident and distraction while watching athletes doing their sweaty part in the sports events, we spectators(观众),should keep in mind some special rules: *Archery & shooting

1. Sit at the back or on either side of the field. For safty’s sake, do not venture out of there.

2. Above all, keep quiet during the match. Put your cellphone on vibrate(震动) or

turn it off.

3. Do not use the flash on your camera, because it can distract the athletes. * Baseball , basketball & football

1. Drinks in glass bottles or cans are not allowed.

2. Don’t bring a whistle. Referees use them and you can confuse the players.

3. Players can be tense when taking a shot. Keep the cheering down at critical moments. Do not use the camera flash.

4. If you easily get nervous, bring some biscuits. Keep your mouth moving to calm you down.

*Cycling & marathon

1. Spectators should keep off the track. Control your pets.

2. Cyclists or runners might look tired, sweaty and thirsty, but, do not hand them a bottle of water, or cool towel or anything else. Any help from spectators can disqualify(取消资格) an anthlete.

3. Again, if a cyclist or runner falls, do not rush over to help. The best thing to do is to contact medical person.

291. In this article, the author intends to ___B__ while watching the sports events.

A. tell the spectators what to bring along .B tell the spectators how to behave themselves C. tell the spectators where to find the safe place D. tell the spectators when to cheer for the anthletes

292. According to the passage, spectators mustn’t use flash on the camera while watching __D_____

A. archery& cycling B. marathon & ballgames

C. cycling & marathon D. shooting & ball games.

293. What would happen to the runners if the spectators helped them in the sports events?A

A. they would be dismissed from the events B. they would get nervous and fall

C. they would be disturbed in their regular pace. D they would be more tired and thirsty.

294.What are two things Not allowed to bring along when going to watch the ball games?A

A.ttles and cans B. Cellphone and camera with flash

C. Drinks in glass bottles and whistles D. Cellphone and camera

295. Cheers are most improper when __A____.

A. players are tensely engaged in playing B. the athletes are entering the sports ground

C. the referees are using their whistles D. the anthletes are aiming at the target.

Passage 60

GE RUI, a computer technology major at college, gave up a train ticket he had tried hard for volunteer work at a community learning center.

The volunteer program was started by Microsoft( China) and Plan China, an international non –governmental organization to give basic computer training to migrant workers(农民工). James Murray, a man in his 50s , is the country director of Plan China. “You get greater satisfaction working to help the needy in developing

英语二级试题题库及答案 51_英语二级考试

countries,’” said James Murray when he met GE RUI last Tuesday at the community learning center. What does Ge have to offer? Well, for one thing, a loving heart, and an effort to work in one of the computer training programs. “ I thought a volunteer was someone like Norman Bethune, who came to serve in a developing country for nothing, ‘’ Ge said after meeting with Mr. Murray and other members.

People working in NGOs come from different academic backgrounds and most of the staff are Chinese and fresh graduates. Yu Na, 21 for example , graduated from the Huaiyin Institute of Technology with a bachelor’s degree in economics in 2006. She began as a volunteer and joined the program last september. She has decided to make NGO work her career(职业). “I am using what I learned to help the poor,” Yu said proudly. She ‘s now become interested in China Plan’s program that provides small loans for people in the countryside.

296.GE RUI changed his original travel plan to ___D____ .

A.meet Dr. Norman Bethune and his team members. B.return to his computer major at college

C.Find a learning center to practice his computer skill D.Join the volunteer program work.

297.What is NGO according to this passage ?B

A.Plan China B. Non-governmental organization

C. Microsoft China D. Government organization

298.What is the common goal that Marruy , GE RUI and YU NA are trying to realize?D

A.To run Microsoft computer training programs

B. To expand the international non-governmental organization

C. To follow Dr. Bethune to rescue the dying people D. To help the poor in a developing country.

299. What is the most important for people to work as volunteers?C

A. Experience at the community center B. A computer technology major

C. A loving heart plus professional skills D. A bechor’s degree in economics. 300. Yu Na feels proud of her decision to make NGO work her career mainly because __A_____

A. She can use what she learned to help the poor.

B the program will invest money in the poor area.

C. she is interested in China Plan’s program

D. she has had some experience as a volunteer.

Passage 61

The number of people in Yanhai City who prefer traveling abroad has grown in the past 10 years. In 1996 it was only 10,000 or so and in 2001 it grew to about 40,000 . But it rose sharply to almost 130,000 in 2006.

I think one of the reasons for the increase is the rapidly developing economy. Since people make more morney now, they can afford such a luxury, and want to live a better life. And with the opening up of China,they are becoming more eager to learn about the outside world. Traveling abroad gives them a chance to see the world and thus broaden their horizon. They treasure (珍视)most about travel for it allows them to see novel things and to look with new eyes on familiar things. They usually return

changed, different, but wiser.

What effects can this bring about? People learn a lot from traveling abroad and when they come back they can give suggestions for their city’s construction and on how to make it more beautiful. People going abroad can also tell foreigners more about their own city and help attract foreign investment. However, everything has two sides_____ if more people travel abroad, it will also harm the local travel industry. For the increasing numbers of people going abroad will lead to a relatively smaller number of people traveling at home. To deal with this, the government should make an effort to develop demestic(国内的) tourism and attract people at home and abroad. So, we should definitely make the best fo traveling abroad while trying to minimize the bad effects.

301.The number of people traveling abroad in 2006 is __C____that of 1996.

A. 3 times B. 4 times C. 13 times D. 40 times

302. Which of the following is not the reason for more and more people traveling abroad?A

A. They want to return home totally changed

B. The opening up policy allows them to see the outside world.

C. They want to enjoy a more relaxed life after hard work.

D. They have benefited from the rapidly developing economy.

333. According to the author, when people travel abroad, they usually __A___.

A. see new things and extend their vision B. bring along a novel to read during the journey .

C. learn to speak some foreign language D. fail to see familiar things in different countries.

304. In what way, will more people traveling abroad do harm to our local economy?D

A.No people will make contribution to the outside world.

B. No people will make contribution to the local tourism.

C. More people spend more time abroad while less at work.

D. More people spend more money abroad while less at home.

305. In the passage “ trying to minimize the bad effects”, “minimize” most probably means__C___.

A. to produce small amount B. to produce certain amount

C. to reduce to the smallest possible amount. D. to reduce to the reasonable amount. Passage 62

“You can have the same neighbors for years,” the old man said. “ You love them, and you hope that they love you. But do you really understand them?”

Charlie Kemp and his family llived next door to me for fifteen years. We were good friends for all that time. I enjoy friendship ---- I am sure it is the best thing in the world, and friendship with the Kemps was easy because they seemed to enjoy it.

They were interesting and clever people, but they were always in some kind of trouble. It was usually illness or accident, but there were other things too. For example, their house caught fire twice, and twice the whole family slept in my house. They were always losing things----money, keys, a watch, a camera. Pictures fell off the

walls; the children fell out of bed?.

“I was their neighbor and their friend. Life was always interesting. Best of all, I liked the whole family.”

“ One day I lit a fire in my garden to burn some dirty things. Then Charles Kemp came out of his house and walked up the road. “ Morning, Charlie, “ I said,” “ Lovely day, isn’t it?” He smiled at me . I went on with my work.

Twenty minutes later, a policeman arrived and said to me: “You will have to put out that fire. You neighbor has said something unpleasant to us. He doesn’t like the smell.”

“ My neighbor?” I said.

“ Yes,” the policeman took out his little book and read: “ Charlie Kemp. He lives next door, doesn’t he?”

306. In the first paragraph the old man said that __C______.

A. everyone must have and love the same neighbors for many years.

B. people thought neighbors loved and understood each other.

C. sometimes people didn’t really understand their long-time neighbors.

D. his neighbors always hoped he would love and help them.

307. The old man thought the Kemps were his good friends because____B____.

A. they were neighbors for many years. B. they seemed to enjoy the friendship

C. the Kemps lived next door. D. they often helped each other.

308. Which of the following didn’t happen to the Kemps?D

A. Their house was twice on fire B. They always lost their valuble things

C. Their children fell out of bed D. Their house was twice robbed. 309. It seemed that the old man ___A____.

A. had done a lot to get the Kemps out of trouble

B. was always burning something in his garden.

C. was not telling the truth about his neighbors D. always made the Kemps unhappy. 310. Why did the policeman ask the old man to put out the fire?A

A. Because Charlie complained

B. Because the policeman didn’t like the smell of the fire.

C. Because people are not allowed to build a fire in the garden

D .Because he was burning some rubbish

Passage 63

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Alaska, which was called Russian America before it was sold to the United States, joined the Union as the forty-nine state in 1959. ( Hawaii was the fiftieth state to join the Union) . Alaska is now the largest of all the 50 states in the U.S. It was in 1867 that President A. Johnson’s Secretary of State, Seward, bought Alaska from the Russians at a cost of $7.2 million.The buying of the huge northern land mass seemed at first something foolishly done. Not only was Alaska difficult to reach, but it was also hard to live in, and it appeared to have no importance in times of war. Besides, there are volcanoes there as Alaska lies on the Pacific “ring of fire”. In Alaska, large treeless areas are covered with snow all the year around. For these reasons the buying of Alaska was called “ Seward’ Folly “ at that time. However, in 1896 gold was found in Alaska, and people poured into the land quickly.

Since then other important natural resources were discovered, including oil. Soon, people changed their thinking about “Seward’ Folly”.

But most people visit Alaska in order to see the endless beauty of nature that the northern land disclosed to them. For instance, there are about 11,000 islands in Alaska. And in a certain area of Alaska, the sun doesn't set for 82 days every year. 311.Why was Alaska called Russian America?B

A. Because it is the fiftieth state to join the Union

B. Because the Russians sold it to the United States

C. Because it joined the U.S as the forty-ninth state

D. Because it is the largest state in the U.S.

312.When did Seward buy Alaska from the Russians?C

A.in 1982 B. in 1959 C. in 1867 D. 1896

313. Why was the buying of Alaska called “Seward’ Folly”?D

A. Because there are volcanoes and “ring of fire” in Alaska

B. Because Seward paid $7.2 million to buy such a useless huge northern land mass.

C. Because Alaska lies on a treeless areas covered with snow.

D. Because the purchase of Alaska by Seward then seemed as something foolishly done.

314. Why did people change their thinking about sucha “foolish bargain”?B

A. Because oil, volcanoes and snow there are found most valuable

B. Because gold and natural resources were found in Alaska

C. Because people poured into Alaska to make futune.

D. Because President Johnson’s Secretary of State bought Alaska

315. Tourists go to Alaska______A____.

A. to see the endless beauty of nature B. to see those 11,000 islands in Alaska

C. to see the unsetting sun for 82 days D. to see the snow on the northern land Passage 64

My grandparents believed you were either honest or you weren’t. There was no in-between. They understood that integrity(正直;诚实)means having a personal standard of morality and that is not relative to the situation at hand. Integrity is an inner standard for judging your behavior. Unfortunately , integrity is in short supply today—and getting scarcer.

A good test for this value is to look at the three key principles: Stand firmly for your belief in the face of personal pressure. Always give others credit that is rightfully theirs.

David Ogilvy, founder of the advertising firm Ogilvy & Mather ,made this point clear to his newly appointed office heads by sending each a set of dolls with five progressively smaller figures inside.His message was contained in the smallest doll: “If each of us hires people who are smaller than we are ,we shall become a company of dwarfs. But if each of us hires people who are bigger than we are ,we will become a company of giants.

Be honest and open about who you really are. People who lack real core values rely on external factors—their looks social positions-in order to feel good about themselves. Inevitably they will do everything they can to preserve this mask. but

they will do very little to develop their inner value and personal growth. Integrity means you do what do because it’s right and not just fashionable. 316. The author’s grandparents believed on was___D_______.

A between honest and dishonest B neither honest nor dishonest

C both honest and dishonest D either honest or dishonest

317. The author’s grandparents held that integrity was ___C_______.

A a personal and external standard B a general and internal standard

C a personal and inner standard D a general and external standard 318. Nowadays people of integrity are found______B____.

A more and more B fewer and fewer C most D fewest

319 According to the last two paragraphs people who have real core values rely on ______C___. A their looks B their mask

C their inner value and personal growth D their company of giants and dwarfs 320.To be man of integrity ,you must do what is __D_______.

A profitable B fashionable C firm D right

Passage 65

For the past few weeks we have been discussing national energy conservation for the future. Today I am going to talk about what one community is presently doing to save energy. The people of Davis California have succeeded in cutting their energy consumption by one third since 1973. The first energy-saving action taken in the early 70’s was the strict laws made for building.

All new houses in Davis must have the proper protection so that heat will not escape unnecessarily during the winter. New houses must also face north or south so that they will not be overheated by the sun in summer. The laws have had a definite effect. Since 1976 there has been a 50 percent saving in the total of natural gas and electricity used in heating and air-conditioning. There are other energy-saving features about Davis. Buses supported by the city’s transport university students throughout the area. There are 24 miles of bicycle path and today there are twice as many bicycles as cars in the city. By reducing the available parking space, the city government has succeeded in reducing the number of cars in the city every day. Another benefit of the reduced parking is the greater number of small cars.

People are saving gas because they are choosing not to drive or because they are driving fuel economical cars. Davis California has become an energy-saving model for other cities to follow.

321.The first energy-saving action launched in Davis city was ___D___.

A. driving fuel economical cars B. riding bicycles

C. reducing the number of cars in the city D. making laws for building 322. What was the city of Davis provided for bicycle riders?D

A. Better street lights B. More parking space C. Separated highway D. Special bicycle paths

323. Why is special protection required in new houses?B

A. To produce more electricity B. To prevent heat loss

C. To keep the temperature steady D. To reduce heating bills

324. What is the purpose of building new houses facing north or south?C

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A. To keep out the cold B. To stay with the fashion

C. To avoid direct sunshine D. To limit their building space

325. What is the main topic of this passage?A

A. Energy saving B. City transportation C. Laws for building D. New city construction

Passage 66

Some people don’t like anything to be out of place; they are never late for work; they return their books to the library on time; they remember people’s birthdays; they pay their bills as soon as they arrive. Mr. Dodds is such a person. Mr. Dodds works in a bank, and lives by himself. The only family he has is in the next town: his sister lives there with her husband, and her son, Mark. Mr. Dodds doesn’t see his sister, or her family, from one year to the next, but he sends them Christmas cards, and he hasn’t forgotten one of Mark’s seventeen birthdays. Last week Mr Dodds had quite a surprise. He drove home from his office at the usual time, driving neither too slow nor too fast; he parked his car where he always parked it, out of the way of other cars, and he went inside to make his evening meal. Straight away, there was a knock at the door. Mr. Dodds opened the door, to find a policeman standing on the door step.

“What have I done wrong?” Mr. Dodds asked himself. “Have I driven on the wrong side of the road? Has there been some trouble at the office? Have I forgotten to pay an important bill?”

“Hello, Uncle.” Said the policeman “My name is Mark.”

326.It seems that Mr. Dodds has been living ___C_____.

A. comfortably in a remote countryside B. with his relatives in the same town

C. a regular life as a responsible citizen D. a busy life running between band and library

327. How does Mr. Dodds contact with his relatives?B

A. Visiting them from time to time B. Sending them Christmas Cards

C. Sending them birthday presents D. Inviting them to his house 328. What was usual to Mr. Dodds at home last week?A

A. An unexpected visitor appeared on his door step.

B. His neighbor knocked at his door by mistake

C. He drove too fast along the way home D. He parked his car on the wrong side 329. The unexpected visitor at the door step turned out to be _____D___.

A. His new neighbor B. A colleague from the bank

C. A strange policeman D. His nephew

330. According to Mr. Dodds, a policeman would come to his private residence for the following reasons except____B_____.

A. he didn’t obey the rules in driving B. his sister’s family was in trouble

C. his work in the bank went wrong D. he didn’t pay an important bill . Passage 67

Let me tell you a story about Bert and Mildred Bumbridge who used to be very forgetful. For example Mildred would forget to cook dinner or Bert would go to work on Sunday thinking it was Monday. This forgetfulness of theirs often caused


One summer they were to take a long plane trip. What do you suppose happened? Well, they got to the airport with only ten minutes to spare. So time was short. In that situation anyone would board the plane right away. But not Mr. and Mrs. Bumbridge.They had to buy some flight insurance first. After all, who knows what will happen on a plane flight? They quickly put some money into a machine and out came their insurance policy(保险单). “Who should get the money if we crash I wonder?” asked Mildred. “My mother, of course” her husband replied.” “We will mail the policy to her. Now please give me a stamp will you? he said. “ The plane is going to take off in a minute.” Bert put the stamp on the envelope. As soon as he dropped it in the mailbox he began to cry. What happened. Do you suppose? He had mailed their plane tickets to her mother.

331.Which of the following is true about the Bumbridge’ usual behavior?A

A. Mrs Bumbridge would forget to cook dinner

B. They used to cause trouble during their travel

C. Mr. Bumbridge loved to tell stories D. They would forget to go to work on Sunday. 332. What did they plan to do in one summer time?C

A. To sell insurance policy at the airport B.To see what will happen on a plane flight

C. To take a long trip by plane D. To buy some stamps for their mother 333. What did Mr. and Mrs. Bumbridge do when arriving at the airport?B

A. They discussed about writing a letter to Mr. Bumbridge’s mother

B. They bought some flight insurance C They boarded the plane right away.

D. They discussed about buying their insurance policy for their mother.

334. Why did Bert cry as soon as he dropped the envelope into the mailbox?D

A. He had forgotten to put a stamp on the envelope

B. He had sent the policy to his mother by mistake

C. He had sent an empty envelope to his mother

D. He had posted their plane tickets to his mother.

335. Which of the following can best describe the Bumbridge’s character?B

A. Troublesome B. Forgetful C. Friendly D. Talkative

Passage 68

Have you ever looked at the sky at night? If so, then you have seen those beautiful bright points that light up the sky. Many, many stars can be seen at night. Long ago, people wondered about the stars. They watched them closely each night. After a long time they began to see that the points made pictures. One of these looked like a bear. Some looked like other animals. Still others looked like people. After seeing these pictures over and over again, people gave them names.

One picture that was named long ago is called the Big Dipper. It is made up of seven stars. These stars make a picture of cup on a long stick, or handle. This cup and handle is called a dipper. A dipper is used to hold water. People can drink right from it. Or they can put the water into a glass first.

It is hard to see the Big Dipper in the winter when it is low in the sky. Then tall buildings or big hills can get in the way. They can hide it. But it can be seen better in summer. Face north and look high in the sky. There it is!—the North Star. It always

shows where north is. So people long ago used it to find where you want to go. 336.Which of the following is Not true about the descriptions of the pictures made by the stars in the sky?D

A. Some pictures look like plants B. Some pictures look like animals.

C. All pictures look like people D. All pictures look like instruments. 337. Why did people long ago call the seven stars the Big Dipper?C

A. Because people in the past gave all stars names. B. Because these seven stars form a cup

C. Because these stars form a picture of a cup with a handle

D. Because the Big Dipper is a good name

338. Where is the Big Dipper in the sky?A

A. In the north B. In the east C. In the south D. In the west.

339. When can the Big Dipper be seen better?C

A. In winter B. In spring C. In summer D. In autumn

340. Which of the following is Not true about the North Star?A

A. The Big Dipper is to be the left of the North Star

B. The North Star helps people to find their places

C. The North Star is one star of the Big Dipper

D. The North Star always shows where north is.

Passage 69

Almost everyone suffers from a headache sometimes. But some people suffer from frequent headache. What is headache? What causes it ? What can be done about a headache? What research is being done on headache?

The dictionary says simply that headache is a pain in the head. What most people mean by headache is a pain which lasts several minutes or hours. It covers the whole head, or one side of it, or perhaps the front or the back of the head. Some other people would call any tight feeling in the head a headache. A headache is important because it can be the first warning of a serious condition which probably could be controlled if discovered early.

A headache is important also because it may produce a negative effect on normal, happy living. The worker with a headache does less work. He or she may make other workers or customers very unhappy, causing a direct or indirect loss to his or her organization. The mother with a headache suffers and puts family life in trouble. Her condition troubles the husband and children.

Rest, quiet, and fresh air stop many common headaches. Lying down and possibly falling asleep may help. Sometimes hunger may cause headache. So it is important to make a habit of having three meals a day at the right times. If a meal must be put off by an hour or more, a piece of bread helps to avoid a hunger headache. 341.___C_______ from frequent headache?

A. Most people suffer B. Almost everyone suffers C. Not all people suffer D. No one suffer

342. A headache ________A____.

A. may last only several minutes B. always covers the whole body

C. is easy to get rid of D. has no negative effect on one’s life

343. A headache is important because ___B_____.

A. it can be discovered early B. it can warn people of a serious health condition

C. it can be controlled early D. it can avoid a negative effect on people’s health.

344. A headache also produces a negative effect in that __A_____.

A. it may lead to losses to an organization B. it can be passed on to workers .

C. mothers may suffer from other family member D. it can be passed on to customer. 345. If you have a headache, __B______.

A. you should keep quiet. B. a rest and some fresh air can help stop it

C. just put off a meal by an hour D. you should not eat or drink

Passage 70

Jiuzhaigou is a world-famous wonderland. It is famous for its clean water and colorful lakes. Jiuzhaigou is a world of water. Water brings Jiuzhaigou its most beautiful views and it’s the soul of Jiuzhaigou. The beauty of the water attracts many people from around the world. There are altogether one hundred and eight lakes in Jiuzhaigou. The lakes are of different sizes and shapes. People are always admiring the colorful water in the lakes. On sunny days, the water is very clean and clear. You can even see the weeds and many fish at the bottom of the lakes.

There is a romantic story about these lakes in Jiuzhaigou. Long, long time ago, there lived a beautiful and kind-hearted goddess in the mountain east of Jiuzhaigou and a handsome and brave god in the mountain west of Jiuzhaigou. As time went by, they fell in love with each other. One day the god gave the goddess a big and shiny mirror as a gift of love. The goddess reached out to take the mirror. The mirror broke into one hundred eight pieces. The pieces covered the land of Jiuzhaigou and became one hundred and eight beautiful lakes of different sizes.

346.Jiuzhaigou is famous for its ____D____ and colorful lakes.

A. mysterious wonderland B. beautiful trees C. wild animals D. clean water 347.Water brings Jiuzhaigou its beautiful views and ___B__the soul of Jiuzhaigou.

A. we are B. it is C. he is D. they are

348. There are altogether ____D__ lakes in Jiuzhaigou.

A. 1008 B. 8 C. 1000 D.108

349. One day the god gave the goddess a big and _____B__ as a gift of love.

A. magic piece B. shiny mirror C. silver ring D. glass ball 350. The goddess broke the mirror into pieces because she was ____B____.

A. romantic and kind-hearted B. excited and nervous

C. eager and happy D. unhappy and disappointed

Passage 71

Who says people need land to grow vegetables?All you need is a roof that is strong enough, and flat enough, to support a garden. Here is one way to build a rooftop garden without soil.

Four things are needed to follow this design: a roof, grass cutting, a sheet of plastic and a box about 8 cm deep and made out of four pieces of wood.

Once you are sure the roof is good, cut and collect some grass. Place the box on the top of the sheet of plastic. Then fill it with the cut grass. Next, add water and

work on the cutting s to press them down. After about three weeks, the rooftop garden is ready for growing beans , peas, tomatoes, etc. Put the seeds directly into the wet grass cuttings. Water every day to keep the grass wet until the plants begin to grow and keep growing. The plants will also need some liquid fertilizer which you can make yourself: collect chicken waste in a cloth bag and put the bag in a container of water. After about one week, the water becomes a good liquid fertilizer. Rooftop garden are increasingly popular, and not just to grow vegetables. They keep buildings cooler in the sun, so they save energy. They also reduce the runoff of storm water and help clean the air. Plus they add nice places for birds and insects in the city.

351.Which of the four supplies is needed to follow the design of a rooftop garden?C

A. Dirt B. Vegetable C. Plastic D. Water

352. How long it will take to get ready for planting your garden?B

A. One month B. Three weeks C. Three days D. Three hours

353. What makes a good fertilizer ?D

A. Wood pieces B. Grass clippings C. Aged soil D. Chicken waste

354. What do rooftop gardens need a lot of ?

A. Water B. Money C. Time D. Seeds A

355. Why are rooftop garden increasingly popular?B

A. They can create nets B. They can help clean the air

C. They can stop hunger D. They can discourage birds.

Passage 72

It is estimated that there are over 450 million disabled (残疾的) people in the world. The number of disabled people in India alone is probably more than double the total population of Canada. Disability is not just something that happens to other people. As we get older, many of us will become less mobile, hard of hearing or having failing eyesight.

Disablement can take many forms and occur at any time of life. Some people are born with disabilities. Many others become disabled as they get older. There are many progressive disabling diseases. The longer time goes on, the worse they become. Some people are disabled in accidents. Many others may have a period of disability in the form of a mental illness.

Disabled people face many physical barriers(障碍) we just can’t imagines. How would you manage if you could not get up steps, or on to buses and trains? How would you cope if you could not see where you were going or could not hear the traffic? But there are other barriers which are harder to break down. They are prejudice(偏见)and ignorance. It is almost impossible for the able-bodied to fully understand what the disabled go through, so it is important to draw attention to these barriers. 356.From the first paragraph we can see that ___C_____.

A. the number of disabled people in Canada is small.

B. the total population of Canada is quite small

C. there are many disabled people in the world.

D. The number of disabled people in India is the greatest

357.Disabled people include all of the following except ____B___.

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A.people who become blind or deaf later in life

B.people who have to wear glasses while reading

C.people who suffers from some kind of mental illness.

D.People who have no eyes to see or ears to hear.

358.The last paragraph mainly discusses ___A____.

A.all kinds of barriers faced by the disabled people

B.people’s ignorance towards the disabled people

C.people’s prejudice against the disabled people.

D.The physical inconvenience of the disabled people.

359.Which of the following statement is true according to the passage?B

A.No prejudice against the disabled exist among the able-bodied.

B.We have a clear picture of the barriers faced by the disabled

C.The disabled people mainly suffer from the physical barriers

D.Even the able-bodied may become disabled in some form.

360.It can be concluded from the passage that ____C_____.

A.we should try our best to cure progressive disabling diseases

B.disabled people have a harder time facing prejudice and ignorance

C.the able-bodied people will never fully understand the disabled

D.we should try our best to prevent disablement caused by accidents

Passage 73

Messages can be sent across the land by means of the electric telegraph; but you can’t put up a line of telegraph posts across the sea. Messages can be sent across the ocean by radio or by cable .The cable lies on the sea bottom and it has to have very good insulation(绝缘). If any part of it is weak, the water will get through and stop all signals.

The first cable under the sea was between England and France. It was laid in 1851. In 1857 engineers tried to lay a cable across the Atlantic Ocean, but they met a lot of difficulties. Halfway across the Atlantic the cable broke, and the ship that was laying it had to return.

Kelvin advised that another cable ought to be laid. It was made ready, and put on board a big ship. Kelvin and his friends traveled with it and after many days of hard work, they reached America without breaking the cable. Kelvin himself sent the first message by cable from America to Britain. Unfortunately only 732 messages were seen through this cable before it broke.

The next cable was laid in 1866, and this time there were no problems. 361.Messages can be sent across the ocean_____A_____.

A. through radio B. through sea water C. through insulating post D. through telegraph posts

362. The first cable under the sea was laid _____C_____.

A. between England and France in 1857 B. between America and Britain in 1851

C. between England and France in 1851 D. halfway cross the Atlantic Ocean 363. The first cable across the Atlantic Ocean___D____.

A. was the first undersea cable in the world B. broke after only 732 messages were sent

C. proved a huge success and it never broke

D. was laid only half way between Britain and USA

364. Which of the following is true according to the passage?D

A. The undersea cable must be made strong enough to stop all signals

B. When the undersea cable was ready, it must be put on board a big ship

C. Messages can be sent only by means of the undersea cable across the ocean.

D. The undersea cable must be made strong enough to prevent water getting through it

365. This passage is mainly about ____B___.

A. an outline for laying an undersea cable. B. an introduction to the early undersea cable

C. the different use of the undersea cable D. the difficulties of laying an undersea cable

Passage 74

Looking through her dorm window, Cai Jingjing sees a bright red structure where a fruit market used to stand. The new building is an Olympic gymnasium on the campus of Beijing University of Science and Technology.(BUST). This gym will house the judo events at the 2008 games.

“ I have seen the market turn into a grand gymnasium: the groundwork, the wall, then the roof---each change seems to have brought us closer to the Olympic Games” Cai said.

Most Olympic host cities struggle to make use of their newly-built stadium after the Games. So it makes sense that cities often decide to build Olympic stadiums on University Campuses. After all, universities will always have an endless supply of students eager to use the facilities. In China, BUST is one of the six universities hosting Olympic events in campus gymnasium. Four of these gyms are brand new. Existing gyms at Beijing Institute of Technology(BIT) and Beijing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics (BUAA) will also be used for the events. But until after the Olympics, the campus gyms all belong to Beijing Organization Committee for the Olympic Games(BOCOG).

The students are more excited than bothered about the waiting. They say that they will have better chance of becoming volunteers for 2008 Olympic Games. They believe that international games will make them international and they are expecting to experience such feeling during the Olympic Games.

366.The site of the Olympic Gymnasium now being built in BUST used to be ___C___.

A. a student dorm B. a judo event house C. a fruit market D. a grand gymnasium 367.The process of building the new Gym seems to follow the order of ____B___.

B. the wall, the groundwork, then the roof B. the groundwork, the wall, then the roof

C. the roof , the groundwork, then the wall D. the groundwork, the roof, then the wall

368. Why do most Olympic host cities choose to build Olympic Gyms on university campus?D

A. The city government can save a lot of money to collect land and manpower.

B. The university students can not wait to take advantages of those modern facilities.

C. The city government can rebuild many existing gymnasiums for the urgent need.

D. The universities will provide numerous students to use the facilities after the Games.

369. Which of the following has the brand new gyms built for the 2008 Olympic Games?D


370. The students of host universities are excited because they _____A___.

A. will experience the international events and feelings

B. like the brand new campus gyms very much

C. are volunteers for the 2008 Olympic Games.

D. like the brand new campus gyms very much.


Many people lose their homes every year, and this becomes a growing problems in the U.S. There are over 2 million people without homes living in the United States. This is surprising news. Other people can help and their caring can make a difference. Trevor Farrell was 10 years old when he began reaching out and giving help. In 1983 he took blanket(毯子) to the people living in the streets of New York City. Today there is a 33-room house to let those without homes live in his town. It is called “Trevor’ Place”. President Reagan has given him a special honor for his giving and kindness for the homeless.

On Sunday, May 25th, 1986, a great event took place. At exactly 3:00 p.m, more than six million people joined hands in a line of 4,000 miles long across the United States. They held hands from Los Angeles to New York. The “Hands Across America’’ events raised about 30 million dollars to help the hungry and homeless in America. It showed the world that people in America care about their less fortunate fellow Americans, and that even small acts of love and giving can bring happiness to many people who are in need of help.

371.Other people’s caring for the homeless can ___C_____.

A. be different from Trevor Farrell’ s place B. surprise the homeless

C.help the homeless people live a better life D. bring more problems. 372.The text says that Trevor began helping other people __A____.

A.when he was quite young B. when he was 33 years old

C.10 years ago D. 33 years ago

373.Trevor received ____B___for his caring towards the homeless.

A.Trevor’s Place B. a special honor C. some blankets D. 30 million dollars. 374.A great event took place on May, 25th , 1986 ____B___ .

A.offering an opportunity for people to make money

B. showing many people could join hands at the same time

C. raising a large amount of money for the homeless

D. offering an opportunity for people to enjoy themselves.

375.Which of the following is Not true?D

A.Thirty million dollars was collected to help the hungry and homeless

B.Even small acts of giving can be helpful

C.The great event on May, 25th , 1986 was called “ Hands Across America”.

D.People in America care less for other people.

Passage 76

A mother dog may want to be alone when she is ready to have puppies. But you can still help. Give her a box to lie in. Put some papers in the box. Then she can tear them up for her puppies. It will make a good bed for them.

The mother dog might have only one puppy. But she could have as many as 12. The babies drink milk from the mother. They will do this until they are about 6 weeks old. New puppies are very small. These little babies need their mother for everything. When they are first born, their ears and eyes are closed. They can’t even walk. Their mother cleans and feeds them. She makes sure they are not cold.

In about 13 to 15 days their eyes open. Then they can see. Their ears open, too. So they can hear. But they still can’t walk. They just eat and sleep. They don’t begin to walk until they are about 3 weeks old.

The puppies get bigger and bigger. At about 6 weeks they can run and play. Their teeth have come in. So they can eat food. Now they don’t need their mother all the time. This is the time when the puppies get close to people. It is a good time to get a puppy for a pet.

376 According to the passage, a mother dog could have as many as ___A___ puppies.

A. twelve B. six C. fifteen D. one

377. Which of the following is NOT true according to the passage?B

A. The puppies drink milk from their mothers until about 6 weeks.

B. Usually a mother dog just has one puppy.

C. A mother dog needs a bed to have puppies.

D. A mother dog wants to be alone when she is ready to have puppies.

378. We know from the passage that __D___.

A. the mother dog does nothing for the babies.

B. puppies begin to walk when they are 6 weeks old.

C. puppies open their eyes and ears when they are first born.

D. puppies don’t open their eyes and ears until they are 13-15 days.

379. The passage tells us that a puppy ___B__ at about one and half a month old.

A. still need their mother for everything B. tries to get close to people

C. can’t run and play D. can’t eat food even with teeth coming in

380. This passage mainly discuss __C___.

A. puppy dogs B. mother dog

C. mother dog and puppies D. puppies and people

Passage 77

Flying man Liu Xiang, former Olympic and world champion, returned to competition by finishing second at the Shanghai Golden Grand Prix (SGGP. on Sunday.

Liu`s return after 13 months out injured was cheered by an excited crowd of 25,000 at the Shanghai Stadium. He fought back from behind to cross the finish line shoulder by shoulder with his rival Terrence Trammell of American, one of the two holders of 13.15 seconds record at SGGP and silver medallist at two Olympic Games and three world championships,.

“I had not expected to run so fast,” said Liu, who clocked 13.70 seconds in

a training session last week. “It`s just beyond my imagination.”

Liu ,a national hero before the Beijing Olympic Games, was criticized by netizens(网民). for his shock withdrawal(退出). at the Bird`s Nest. He just returned to training in July after a surgery on his right tendon(跟腱). in the United States last December. His performance in Shanghai gave the fans hope that he has been back on winning track.

Liu Xiang, previously holding the world record of 12.88 seconds, said, “ will try to avoid injuries in future races, big or small. Now the past is past. Today I think the fans felt happy for me and also a little disappointed for not winning the first. I am sure that I will do better in the days to come.”

His coach Sun Haipin said “Liu`s foot injury will not be a problem any longer.But I still hope he should improve gradually.”

381.Liu Xiang came back to SGGP by___D____.

A. fighting back from behind schedule

B.finishing second but in a similar time of the first prize winner

C.holding his previous world record

D.finishing first shoulder by shoulder with his rival T. Trammell

382.Liu’s withdrawal at the Bird`s Nest in the Beijing Olympic Games___A_.

A.was criticized by netizens B.was necessary for his foot surgery

C.was to avoid injuries in future races D.was shocking to the whole world 383.Terrence Trammell, Liu’s rival at SGGP, won ____C_____.

A.two gold medals at Olympic Games in America B.two silver medals and four gold medals.

C.five silver medals at Olympic Games and world championships.

D.another silver medal at SGGP in the Shanghai Stadium

384.Liu’s best record in world races has been reported as___A_______.

A.12.88 seconds B.13.70 seconds C.13.00 seconds D.13.15 seconds 385.It seemed that both Liu Xiang ‘s coach and his fans were _____A___.

A.happy and confident about Liu’s successful return

B.greatly disappointed at his not winning the first at SGGP

C.anxious about his possible injuries in future races

D.worrying about Liu’s surgeries on his right tendon

Passage 78

County fairs in New England towns offer great entertainment.One popular event is the pie-eating contest. If you want to take part in the contest, it is a good idea to remember these tips: first, make sure your stomach is nearly empty of food. Eating a whole pie can be hard if you have just finished a meal. Next, it is helpful to choose the pie you like to eat. The cream types are a good choice. They slide down the throat more easily. Placing your hands in the right position adds to the chances of winning. To reach out your hand to help the eating process will result in being kicked out from the contest. Don’t just sit on your hands. If your hands are tied behind your back, you will not be able to make use of them.

Now you are ready to show your talent at eating pies. The object, of course, is to get the bottom of the pie plate before the other people. It is usually better to start

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at the outside and work toward the middle. This method gives you a goal to focus on. Try not to notice what the other people near you are doing. Let the cheers from the crowd cheer you up. But don’t look up. All you should think about is eating that pie.

386. Where is a pie-eating contest usually held?C

A. In a fast food restaurant B. At a shopping center

C. At a county fair. D. In a bar.

387. What should a person do before entering into the pie-eating contest?D

A. Show his talent in eating. B. Prepare the right type of pie to eat.

C. Practice eating a pie quickly. D. Avoid eating any food.

388. Where is a person advised to put his hands during the contest?A

A. On the table. B. Under his bottom.

C. Behind his back. D. Over his head.

389. What suggestion is offered for eating up the pie quickly?B

A. Swallowing the pie with water. B. Eating from outside towards the center.

C. Making sure the crowd cheer you up D. Holding the pie in the right position. 390. It seems that people watching the contest are __A____.

A. excited and noisy B. angry and anxious

C. calm and quiet D. busy and disturbing

Passage 79

The education officials are concerned about the student investment craze in the stock market and they are trying to put the brakes on it. But students who have earned their tuition and more from the stock market have different opinions. They say that they can make use of the knowledge and real life experience they get besides making money. They quickly come to a number of reasons to justify their involvement in the stock market.

Firstly, students have, for a while, been encouraged to take part-time jobs to support themselves and gain work experience. Stock investment is like a part-time job---except that students probably make more money from it now that the market is hot.

Secondly, students can also gain self-respect and confidence from successful investments. Failure will teach them a lesson that will improve character and enrich experience. So they shouldn’t be denied this opportunity.

Thirdly, investing in the stock market during college years can speed up career development for those who are expert at it. They’ll have an advantage in applying for related jobs, such as at a brokerage firm(证券公司)or fund management company. Despite their lack of financial resources and risk control know-how, they are still dreaming: If the market continues to be hot, I’ll be very rich when I graduate. But, if otherwise?

391. The education officials and the students involved in stock market don’t agree with each other for their opinions are ___B___.

A. vague B. opposite C. wrong D. similar

392. The students firstly justify their decision in going on investing in stock market __D____.

A. by analyzing the disadvantages of part-time jobs

B. by listing its dissimilarities with those of part-time jobs

C. by mentioning their experience and gain in part-time jobs

D. by pointing out its similarities to and advantages over part-time jobs. 393. Why do those students think they should not be denied this investing opportunity?A

A. It is important for them to grow and gain in experiencing success and failure.

B. They need this opportunity to try their luck in investment.

C. It is important for them to make money for self-respect and confidence.

D. They need this opportunity to learn from failure in real life.

394. What advantage do those students think they will get from their investing practice?C

A. They can obtain fund from management companies.

B. They could live a better life and graduate rich.

C. They can find better chance in applying for related jobs.

D. They might speed up their college years’ studies.

395. From the last part of this article, we can infer that ____D__.

A. loss of investment in stock market will be a rare event

B. the market will continue to be hot as students expect

C. the students’ dream of becoming rich will sure come true

D. lack of financial resources and risk awareness are students’ major problem Passage 80

A computer is a machine designed to perform work mathematically and to store information that has been fed into it. It is run by either mechanical or electronic means. These machines can do a great deal of calculation work in a very short time.

A large computer, for example, can add or subtract nine thousand times a second, multiply(乘)a thousand times a second, or divide five hundred times a second. Its percentage of error is about one in a billion digits(数位)while the percentage of error by human-beings is about one in two hundred digits.

The heart of an electronic computer lies in its transistors(晶体管). Its electronic circuits(线路)work a thousand times faster than the nerve cells in the human brain.

A problem that might take a human being two years to solve can be solved by a computer in one minute, but in order to work properly, a computer must be given instructions---it muse be programmed.

Computers can be designed for many specialized purposes---they can be used to guide airplane flights, direct traffic, even to play chess. Computers play an important role in modern plants and factories throughout the world.

396.What is a computer’s percentage of error?D

A. One in a million digits. B. One in two hundred digits.

C. Zero. D. One in a billion digits.

397. What is the function of a transistor in a computer?C

A. It is the sight system of a computer. B. It is the programmer of a computer.

C. It is the heart of a computer. D. It is the nerve system of a computer. 398. How long does it take a computer to do a two years’ calculation work by a human


A. One day. B. Two years. C. One minute. D. One second.

399. Which of the following in True according to the passage?B

A. Computers do not have to be instructed. B. Human beings do not have to be programmed.

C. Human beings make fewer errors.

D. Computers can not win a chess game over human beings.

400. This passage is mainly about __D____.

A. the function of nerve cells B. the importance of computers

C. the importance of transistors D. the function of human brains

Passage 81

Do you remember the time when people were a litter nicer and gentler with each other? I certainly do. And I feel that much of the world has somehow gotten away form that. Too often I see people rushing into elevators without giving those inside a chance out first, or never saying “Thank you” when others hold the door open for them. We get lazy. And in our laziness, we think that something, like a simple “Thank You” doesn’t really matter. But it can matter very much. The fact is that no matter how nicely we dress, or how beautifully we decorate our home, we can’t be truly elegant without good manners because elegance and good manners always go hand in hand. In fact, I think of the good manners as a sort of hidden beauty secret. Haven’t you noticed that the kindest, most generous people seem to keep getting prettier? It’s funny how that happens. But it does. Take the long-lost art of saying “Thank you” like wearing a little makeup or making sure your hair is neat. Getting into the habit of saying “Thank you” can make you feel better about yourself. Good manners add to you image while an angry face makes the best dressed person look ugly. 401. What does the speaker say about the people of the past?B

A. They were willing to spend more time clothes.

B. They were better mannered.

C. They paid more attention to others’ appearance.

D. They kept saying “Thank you” all day long.

402. “Go hand in hand.” most probably means to __B____.

A. shake hands with each other B. be closely related

C. be at hand D. hold each other’s hand

403. According to the writer, how could we best improve our image?C

A. By wearing fashionable clothes. B. By not putting on a lot of make-up.

C. By being kind to others. D. By not rushing into the elevators.

404. What is the funny thing the author noticed?D

A. Making others feel better is the long-lost art.

B. Lazy people are usually not able to keep their hair neat.

C. Good manners are as important as the best clothing.

D. The kindest people seem to be getting prettier.

405. What is the passage mainly about? A

A. The important of the good manners. B. The secret of staying pretty.

C. The art of saying thank you. D. Good manners in the past.

Passage 82

Trees are useful to man in three very important ways: they provide him wood and other products; they give him shade; and they help to prevent floods and protect soil. Unfortunately, in many parts of the world, man has not realized the importance of trees, especially their key roles in preventing floods and protecting soil. In his eagerness to draw quick profit from the trees, he has cut them down in large numbers pitilessly.

Two thousand years ago, a rich and powerful country cut down its trees to build warships, with which to gain itself an empire. It gained the empire but its soil became bare and poor. When the empire fell into pieces, the country found itself faced by floods and starvation.

Even when a government realizes the importance of a plentiful supply of trees, it is difficult sometimes to make the people realize this. They cut down the trees but are too careless about planting and looking after new trees. So, the forests slowly disappear, leaving the soil unprotected.

As we know, the roots of trees can break the soil up, allowing the rain to sink in, thus, preventing floods to some extent. The roots of trees can also bind the soil, preventing the soil from being washed away. Without trees, the rain carries away the rich top-soil in which crops grow. When all the top-soil is gone, nothing remains but worthless desert.

406. According to the passage, trees are most useful to man in D .

A. enabling him to gain an empire B. keeping him from the hot sunshine

C. enabling him to draw quick profit D. protecting soil and prevent floods 407. The rich country found itself faced by floods and starvation because ___A__.

A. too many trees had been cut down B. too much money had been spent

C. they didn’t build enough warships D. the empire had fallen to pieces 408. It is implied in the passage that ____C_.

A. man is always in bad need of firewood B. man has done nothing to protect soil

C. man doesn’t have a right attitude towards trees D. man is always trying to get quick profit

409. In what way can trees protect soil?C

A. By allowing rain water to sink into soil. B. By hardening soil and keeping soil in position.D

C. By washing the rich top-soil away. D. By loosening soil and keeping soil in position.

410. What is the passage mainly concerned with?A

A. The benefits of trees. B. Different attitudes toward trees.

C. Trees can prevent floods. D. Soil protection.

Passage 83

The engine of Margaret’s car was not running smoothly. The spark plugs needed cleaning. Margaret could have done the job herself, but garages have special equipment that does such things very thoroughly.

Like her father, Margaret did not like being overcharged. She knew that garages do this sometimes. Sometimes they even charge for work they have never done. She told

the repairman at the garage not to do any extra work; she just wanted the spark plugs cleaned, and nothing more. Then she left, saying she would be back in a little while. When Margaret came back, the repairman handed her a bill for $10. Margaret knew this was more than it should cost to have the spark plugs cleaned. Then the repairman said he had put new ones in. Margaret decided she was not going to stand for this, and began to get angry.

“But the plugs were worn out; what else could I do?” the repairman protested. “How long should these new spark plugs last? More than a few months?” Margaret demanded. “Of course! Much longer than that!” the repairman said with great emphasis. “Well, then, put the old ones back in. I had new spark plugs put in only a few months ago, and I had the job done here!” Margaret said.

411. Why did Margaret have her plugs cleaned at the garage?D

A. Garages could do the cleaning free of charge. B. She did not like to clean her plugs at home.

C. She could not clean her plugs by herself.

D. Garages have special equipment to do a thorough cleaning.

412. What did Margaret tell the repairman to do?A

A. Clean the spark plugs only. B. Check her car thoroughly.

C. Change her spark plugs only. D. Do extra work if necessary.

413. In what way was Margaret like her father?B

A. They both knew the price of the spark plugs.

B. They both hated being overcharged for service.

C. They both hated cleaning their own cars. D. They both knew the garage service very well.

414. When Margaret came back, the repairman ___B___.

A. claimed that he had lost the old plugs B. claimed that he had changed the plugs

C. had finished cleaning the plugs D. had just started working on her car 415. Why did Margaret tell the repairman to put the old plugs back in?A

A. Because she wanted to save new plugs for future use.

B. Because she had had them well cleaned.

C. Because she had them put in only a few months ago.

D. Because she liked collecting old plugs

Passage 84

I come from southeast London, once a full-time thief, specializing in picking pockets. My sister and I were among the most successful pickpocket teams in London. We worked in hotel halls and theatre passages, airports, shopping centers and restaurants. Now we don’t steal anymore, but pick-pocketing is still everywhere. So I feel it necessary to help you know more about this crime and protect yourself.

Professional pickpockets see nothing but handbags, jewels and money. My preferred target was the lone female, handbag at her right side, the right side to be exact. So if I’m next to her I can reach it with my right hand across my body. Only about one woman in a thousand carries her bag on the left, and I used to steal clear of them.

Women whose bags are hanging in front of them are tricky for the pickpocket, as there

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isn’t a blind side. If you want to make it even harder, use a bag with handles. For men, one of the best places to keep a wallet is in the back pocket of tight trousers. You’ll feel any attempts to move it. Another good place is in the buttoned-up inside pocket of a jacket. There’s just no way in. Keeping a wallet chained to a belt is an even choice.

A pickpocket needs targets who are relaxed and off guard. The perfect setting is a clothing store where customers are completely absorbed in the items they choose while wandering around. The presence of a uniformed security guard also helps because a false sense of security makes a pickpocket’s job much simpler.

416. According to the speaker, she used to ____D__.

A. stay with her sister B. be a successful team leader

C. work in hotels and airports D. be a thief in London

417. The purpose of the speaker is to let people know ___A___.

A. how to avoid being stolen B. how to recognize the pickpockets

C. how to protect their jewels and money D. how to stop the thief and crime 418. Which of the following individuals is most likely to be the target of the pickpocket?C

A. A man who keeps a wallet in his inside pocket.

B. A man who hangs his wallet in front of him.

C. A woman alone with a handbag on her right side.

D. A woman alone with a handbag on her left side.

419. In the speaker’s opinion, which of the following might be the best place for a man to keep his wallet?A

A. In the back pocket of his tight trousers. B. In the bag with handles.

C. In the chained bag. D. Inside pocket of a jacket.

420. What makes clothing store a perfect setting for pickpockets to find targets?D

A. The costumers there are wandering around. B. There are lots of items for people to choose.

C. There are uniformed security guards around. D. The costumers there are relaxed and off guard.

Passage 85

Mr. and Mrs. Albina, with 53 children, have the world’s largest family. When people hear about the Albina’s large family, the first question they ask is, “How is it possible? How can one woman give birth to 53 children in her lifetime?” The answer is simple: Every time Mrs. Albina gave birth, she had twins or triplets. She was a triplet herself; she thinks that’s why she always had twins or triplets.

The Albinas married when Mrs. Albina was 12 years old and Mr. Albina was 30. The children came quickly, in twos and threes. The first 21 children were boys. Mrs. Albina wanted a daughter very much.

The Albinas spent the early years of their marriage in Argentina(阿根廷). Then they decided to move to Chile(智利). To travel from Argentina to Chile, they had to cross the Andes Mountains. Mr. and Mrs. Albina and their 21 sons made the difficult, two-week journey on mules. One night there was a terrible snowstorm in the mountains. During the snowstorm, Mrs. Albina gave birth to triplets, a boy and two girls! Mrs. Albina

now has 16 more girls, including twins who are 15 months old.

The oldest Albina children are in their thirties and forties. They are on their own now, but 18 of the Albina children still live with their parents. The family lives in a two-room shelter in Chile. They have electricity but no toilet or running water. The children wash in a small bowl in the dusty yard.

421. How many girls have Mr. and Mrs. Albina got now?D

A. 16 B. 21 C. 15 D. 18

422. One reason that the Albinas have 53 children is that _D_____.

A. they didn’t know birth control B. Mrs. Albina married too early

C. Mrs. Albina wanted more daughters D. they always gave birth in twos and threes 423. Which of the following was a happy event for the Albinas on their way to Chile?A

A. giving birth to triplets B. riding mules

C. enjoying the snowstorm D. crossing the Mountains

424. With so many children, the Albinas are living a ___C___ life.

A. comfortable B. modern C. hard D. wealthy

425. Which of the following is the best title for the passage?D

A. More Births, Poorer Life B. Mr. and Mrs. Albina

C. A Poor Family in Chile D. The World’s Largest Family

Passage 86

Do you still remember the first time we met? It was a Sunday. I was sad because my cat had died. I went to Green Lake to be a part of the busy world to forget it. I wandered(徘徊)aimlessly around the lake. Suddenly I heard a voice. I raised my head and saw your eyes. They were so blue and bright. You asked me whether I could help you take a picture. I did, without the slightest hesitation.

After that, you said I looked unhappy. I told you that my cat had died, and you told me about your dog. We talked for a long time that afternoon. Our topics ranged from Shakespeare’s play to Longfellow’s poetry, from interesting stories to the traditional Chinese customs. I was really glad that you were fond of literature too. Then after answering a phone call, you had to leave in a hurry. Although it was a great pity that I did not know your name and how to get in touch with you, I was in high spirits after talking with you.

The following day was the first day of my last term at college. The last two classes that morning were English and American poetry. We sat silently in the classroom to wait for the new teacher. It was a great surprise to see you entering the classroom and saying you were our teacher. I could hardly believe my eyes. It was like a plot from a novel or TV play. You told us your name was Samuel and wrote down your e-mail address and said we could e-mail you at any time.

426.Why did the writer go to Green Lake that Sunday?C

A. To take a picture with the blue-eye traveler. B. To wander aimlessly around the lake.

C. To get away from the sadness about her cat’s death. D. To offer help to those who needed.

427. From what they talked about when they first met, it seemed that __D____.

A. they were both sad about their dead pats

B. both Shakespeare and Longfellow were their familiar friends

C. both Shakespeare and Longfellow wrote interesting stories

D. they were both fond of literature

428. The blue-eyed traveler left the writer in a hurry, _C_____.

A. after leaving his name and address B. in great sorrow

C. without telling his name and address D. in high spirit

429. What made the writer greatly surprised on the first day of her last term at college?D

A. Getting to know Samuel and his e-mail address.

B. Having four classes that morning and waiting for a new teacher.

C. Reading a novel and watching a TV play.

D. Seeing the blue-eyed traveler in the poetry class as the teacher.

430. What conclusion could you most probably draw about the writer?B

A. She found that Samuel was her old friend.

B. She was then a senior year student at college.

C. She majored in English and American poetry.

D. She still remembered her dear cat.

Passage 87

To speak for success at a speech contest after enough preparation and practice, you still need confidence and follow the tips(小建议)given below:

First, don’t just “read” the whole speech. You do, of course, need a backup at your side in case you forget what you want to say. Or, you can hold a short outline, only for occasional glances.

During the speech, tell yourself that errors are unavoidable but the point is to find smart ways to make yourself clear. Reduce anxiety by pausing and taking a breath. If you feel that you’ve just said something far too quickly and that your audience couldn’t keep up, simply say: “Let me just go over that last point again”. If you suddenly realized that you’ve just said something wrong, simply say: “Oh, sorry, what I really meant was?” Or if you want to add a key fact to your argument, you could say: “I should just mention one more thing before moving on.” There’s something even worse that can happen: you can’t think of the right word. Don’t worry. Be honest about it. Instead of standing there sweating, you could say: “My mind is blank. You know, I can’t think of the right word for this.” Then, suddenly, someone is reminding you that time is almost up. No hurry. Take your time and sum up your speech in a few sentences. Finally, don’t forget to thank your audience for listening to your speech.

431. Before making a speech, the speaker should not have ___D___.

A. any confidence B. any preparation

C. any practice D. any contest

432. During the speech, the speaker should not __B____.

A. glance the outline B. read the whole speech

C. have a copy of the speech D. hold an outline

433. According to author’s tips, if the speaker felt he had said something too quickly, he should ___B___.

A. forget it and move on B. repeat the point he had just said

C. pause and take a breath D. find smart ways to exit

434. If something worse happens during the speech, the speaker should definitely avoid ___C___.

A. apologizing B. being honest C. standing there sweating D. adding a key fact 435. If the contest host is reminding the speaker that his time is running out, the latter had better __D____.

A. reduce his anxiety and correct all the errors he made during the speech

B. hurry up to stop talking immediately C. forget about it and continue speaking

D. sum up his speech in a few sentences and express his thanks to the audience Passage 88

What will man be like in the future—in 5,000 or even 50,000 years from now? We can only make a guess, of course, but we can be sure that he will be different from what he is today. For man is slowly changing all the time. Let us take an obvious example. Man, even five hundred years ago, was shorter than he is today. Now, on average, men are about three inches (7.6 cm) taller. So we may assume that man will continue to grow taller. Again, in the modern world we use our brain a great deal. Even so, we are now only making use of only about 20%of our brain’s capacity. As time goes on, we shall have to use our brains more and more—and finally we shall need larger ones! This is likely to bring about a physical change too: the head, in particular the forehead, will grow larger. Nowadays our eyes are in constant use. In fact, we use them so much that very often they become weaker and we have to wear glasses. But over a very long period of time it is likely that man’s eyes will grow stronger. On the other hand, we tend to make less use of our arms and legs. These, as a result, are likely to grow weaker. At the same time, however, our fingers will grow more sensitive because they are used a great deal in modern life.

436. How does the author convince us that future man will be different from today? A

A. By proving that man has been slowly changing all the time.

B. With many of his convincing statistics.

C. With his vivid detailed descriptions.

D. By making wild guess about future man in 50,000 years.

437. If men are now averagely 70 inches tall, how many inches were they five hundred years ago? D

A. 3 inches B. 73 inches C. 7.6 inches D. 67 inches

438. The future man needs larger brains because ___D___.

A. he wants to have a physically changed brain. B. he already uses his brains a great deal today.

C. he wants to use about 20% of his brain’s capacity. D. he will have to use his brains more and more.

439 Which is NOT true about the future man? C

A. His fingers will become more sensitive. B. His arms and legs tend to grow weaker.

C. His eyes will become weaker for overuse. D. His larger brains result in a physical change.

440. What is the main topic of this passage? B

A. Weaker eyesight results from less use. B. Man changes with time going on.

C. Man’s brain keeps growing larger. D. Man grows taller with time going on. Passage 89

A famous doctor once attended a little boy who was dangerously ill. Thanks to his skill and care his young patient recovered and was soon able to get up and run about again. The child’s mother was very grateful and she called on the doctor to thank him for what he had done for her son.

“Doctor,” she said, “you have saved my little boy’s life. I do not know how to thank you enough. I feel that money alone cannot repay you, but I have made this little purse with my own hands, as a sight of my gratitude. I hope you will accept it. ” The doctor looked at that little purse and said coldly, “Madam, little presents like that are nice between friends but a doctor needs to be paid properly for his attentions.”

The lady was too surprised and hurt to reply for a moment. Then she said quietly, “perhaps you will tell me what your fee is, doctor?”

“Fifty pounds,” he answered.

The lady opened the little purse that she had made and took out four fifty-pound bank notes. She handed one of them to the doctor and put the other three notes back into the purse. She put the purse into her handbag and, saying good-bye to the doctor, she went out of the room.

441. What happened to the woman’s son? A

A. He was once very seriously ill. B. He asked his mother to visit the doctor.

C. He got up early and ran away. D. He refused to see the doctor.

442. Why did the lady give a little purse made by herself to the doctor?B

A. Because a little purse is always a sign of gratitude.

B. Because she thought it was not enough to reward the doctor with money.

C. Because a little purse would be able to thank the doctor enough.

D. Because she thought the doctor would like to have a little present. 443. Why wasn’t the doctor willing to accept the purse? C

A. He told the woman that doctors need more attention.B. He told the woman to give the present to her friend.

C. He was annoyed for not being paid enough.D. He felt cold when looking at the little purse.

444. How did the woman feel when the doctor refused to take the purse she made? D

A. Doubted but delighted B. Sad and satisfied

C. Happy but hurt D. Surprised and unhappy

445. How much money was there in the woman’s purse? D

A. 150 pounds B. 50 pounds C. 40 pounds D. 200 pounds

Passage 90

The Ministry of Industry and Information Technology announced that a third generation(3G) of licenses had been issued to three telephone operators---China Mobile, China Telecom and China Unicom.

The three have been given the right to develop 3G networks as part of a huge move

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to improve mobile phone networks across China and to help stimulate(刺激)the economy if possible. The 21st Century has taken a look at how 3G will affect the country’s more than 600 mobile phone Users .

3G obviously stands for “third generation” which refers to a new range of technology that allows a mobile to do more than a phone. These networks can transfer data quicker than older mobile phones, adding extra features such as faster and more reliable Internet access. Those with 3G network access will be able to stream(收播) videos on their phones, giving them something to do on those long subway commutes(上下班). Online games can also be played on a mobile with greater data transfer

speeds. And if the handset has a camera, it will be able to handle a video call. Switching to 3G is surprisingly easy. The old phone number and SIM card can even be used, meaning none of the contacts will be lost in the switching process. What is needed is just a new 3G handset. Handsets range in price from around three hundred yuan to three thousand yuan. China Mobile is offering a free handset to those who sign a contract and pay a deposit

446. Who have been given the licenses to develop the 3G networks?D

A)China Mobile, China Telecom and China Unicom and SIM card services.

B)The Ministry of Industry and Information Technology and The 21st Century.

C)The 21st Century and other three telephone operators in China.

D)China Mobile, China Telecom and China Unicom.

447.What does 3G stand for? B

A.It stands for the three generations of 600 million mobile phone users.

B.It stands for the third generation of a new range mobile technology.

C.It stands for the third part of huge mobile phone networks across China.

D.It stands for the three major telephone operators in China.

448.In what way, 3G is more advantageous than older mobile phones?C

A.It handles video calls without any camera.

B.It plays online games on long subway travel.

C.Faster speed , greater data and other features.

D.Reliable 3G network users.

449.Switching from older phones to 3G is____D___.

A.a new contact building

B.unexpectedly difficult

C.a technical processing

D.unexpectedly easy

450.What is the price range for a new 3G handset?A

A.From about 300yuan to 3000yuan

B.From a free handset to 300yuan

C.From zero to a contracted deposit

D.From about 300yuan to a free handset

Passage 91

Farmers milk cows every day. But do you know what they do first? Before they take milk from the cows, they wash them. They do this so the milk will be clean. Everything in the farms is clean, too. There are people who visit farms to make sure that the

farmers keep things clean.

A cow gives milk for many months after she has had a baby. Her milk bag is called an udder. It is emptied two times every day. Milk is taken once in the morning. It is also taken once at night.

On small farms farmers can milk their cows by hand. But on big farms this would take too much time. So milking machines are used. These send milk from the cows’ udders right into a milk house. There the milk is cooled. Some machines send the milk from the cow into closed pails. Then these are taken into the milk house. The machines are cleaned well after each milking.

Every day milk is taken from the farm in big truck. It goes to a milk plant. Here people smell, taste, and test the milk. This is to make sure that it is safe to drink.After the milk is made safe, it goes into bottles. Then it is stored in a cold room. Next a truck comes to take the milk away. The truck sends the milk to the store so that people leave their houses and go to the store to get milk .

451.The word “ milk” in the first sentence of paragraph 1 means ___A_ .

A. to take milk away from cows B . to feed cows with machine

C. to feed and make cows give milk D. to feed cows with milk

452.In the first paragraph “ people who visit farms ” will __A_ .

A. make it certain that things there are clean . B. believe that farmers keep things clean

C. help farmers clean things D . find out clean things there 453.We can learn from the passage that farmers __A__ .

A . milk cows twice every day B . feed cows twice every day

C . clean milking machines three times every day

D . transport trucks of milk three times every day

454. According to the text , at one time bottles of milk were _A__- .

A. brought directly to people’s homes B . brought only to people’s homes

C. brought only to the store D . brought directly to the storeA 455. Which of the following statements is not true ?A

A . All the milk is still brought to the home B . Farmers should store the milk in a frozen room .

C. Farmers milk cows either by hand or by machine

D. Farmers should clean cows before milking .

Passage 92

People used to dream of flying like birds. Now this dream has been true for a long time . They have built airplanes of different sizes and different types to meet various needs. And there are lots of ways for people to fly,too. Huge jets like Boeing 747 can carry hundreds of people.These giant planes often fly thousands of miles across the ocean. Crop dusters fly low and spray the crops with chemicals to keep bugs away. Water bombers help fight forest fires by dumping tons of water on the burning trees. Helicopters take off and land straight up and down. They can also stay in the air without moving. Because of these ,people have used them to do rescues work. Military jets fly very fast. Their noses look like needles and such a shape can make it easier for them to speed through the air. There are also other ways for people to fly, such

as hot-air balloons, gliders, spacecraft, etc.

Astronauts have landed on the moon and some day they will visit Mars. Spacecraft have already visited far-away planets and sent information back to Earth. Airplanes carry millions of people every year. Flying has brought people a lot of fun and enjoyment in addition to service and convenience.

456. It seems that man’s dream of flying has been realized by ________C_____.

A.the giant jets B.the help of birds C. the invention of airplanes D. the brave astronauts

457.Which of the following is NOT mentioned as an airplane function to meet the need o the people?B

A. To carry passengers across long distance B. To carry chemicals to military bases

C. To help fight forest fires D. To help fight crop bugs

458. How many types of airplanes are mentioned in the second paragraph ?D

A Five B Six C Seven D Eight

459.In this passage it is NOT stated that _____D________. .

A. astronauts have landed on the moon B. Boeing 747 can fly thousands of miles

C. needle-shaped noses make jets speed up easier. D. astronauts have landed on Mars 460. Flying across the ocean and far into the space has mainly brought people B .

A. service, convenience and information B. fun, enjoyment and experience

C .nearer to the far-away planets D. nearer to the moon and mars

Passage 93

Some scientists think that one day animals may be trained to do number of simple jobs that are now done by human beings.

Perhaps you have seen some animals doing quite skillful things at a circus.If you watch closely ,you may notice that the trainer always gives the animals a piece of candy or piece of fruit as a reward .The scientists say that many different animals may be trained to do a number of jobs if they know they will get a reward for doing them.

Of course as we know, dogs can be used to guard a house ,and soldiers have been used by in both old and modern times have used geese to give warning by making a lot of noise when a stranger or an enemy comes near. But it may be possible to train animals to work in factories. Birds with good eyesight are being used to watch out for fault in small steel balls that are being made in the factories ,apes have been used in America in helping to make cars, and scientists believe that these large monkeys may be trained one day to gather crops and even drive trains.

461. What made scientists think that animals can be trained to work for us one day ?D

A Animals are very skillful at a circus. B Animals are big and strong .

C Some animals are good at doing many things. D Animals like to get a reward. 462. The trainer usually gives the animals a piece of candy or fruit _____C___.

A before it plays a trick B when it is hungry

C after it has done the trick D when it starts to play a trick

463. According to some scientists, many animals may be trained to do given jobs if they know _____B_______.

A who their trainers are B they will get a reward

C they will be praised by their trainers D something dangerous will happen to them

464. According to the third paragraph ,birds including geese are use in many ways EXCEPT____C______.

A. making noise to warn a stranger’ approaching B. giving warning against the enemy’s coming

C. guarding a house and leading the blind D. watching out for fault in small steel produces

465. Which of the following is NOT true?C

A. scientists consider apes may drive trains some day B.apes have worked in some factories

C. people have not yet used apes to gather crops

D. apes may not be used gather to crops some day

Passage 94

A recent survey showed Chinese college graduates spent more money on job hunting, but higher costs have not led to more offers, according to the Central China Human Resource Market (CCHRM) which held several job fairs and surveyed 1,000 graduates from January to June in 2009.

“We found the average cost of seeking jobs stood at about 2,000 yuan ($290) a person,” said Xue Li, a CCHRM senior human resource manager in charge of the survey. The money was spent on resumes, interview clothing, communication and transportation, a large part of which went to producing pretty resumes(简历). Ma Jing, who graduated from Beijing University of Technology four years ago and recently changed his job, said “I met some new graduates this year. They invest heavily on resumes and clothes. A resume will cost about 30 yuan (4.39 dollars) and a person might need a dozen resumes. But fewer students did this when I was graduated.”

However, nicer resumes and clothes did not necessarily lead to more offers. According to a report issued by CCHRM in March, 76 percent of the resumes the researchers collected from 19,893 respondents failed the evaluation of human resource experts. Most of the poorly-written resumes did not highlight(突出) the job seekers’ unique skills, experience or personality.

Many new job seekers did not know what human resource managers look for. They might bury useful information in empty words. Employers paid the most attention to work experience, but many graduates put lengthy description of academic courses. 466. What did CCHRM do in the first half of 2009?D

A.It helped Chinese college graduates seek jobs.

B.It did 1000 researches on China Human Resource Market.

C.It guided Chinese college graduates in job interviews.

D.It held job fairs and surveyed graduates on job hunting.

467.According to the CCHRM survey, in seeking jobs graduates usually _____A__.

A.spend about 2,000 yuan a person B.invest heavily on communication and clothes

C.need a dozen resumes D.spend about 30 yuan a person

468.According to Ma Jing, graduates four years ago, ____C____.

A.also needed a dozen resumes on job seeking B.didn’t have to pay for changed jobs

C.didn’t cost so much on job interview D.had to compete with new graduates 469.Which of the following is true about pretty resumes and clothes in job hunting? D

A.Nicer resumes and clothes did lead to more offers.

B.Job seekers in pretty clothes sent in poorly-written resumes.

C.Poorly-written resumes are usually sent by job seekers in pretty clothes.

D.Nicer resumes and clothes did not necessarily bring in more offers.

470. percent of the researched resumes failed the evaluation of human resource experts because the resume writers_A__.

A.did not highlight their unique skills and experience.

B.did not include their academic courses and school performance.

C.highlighted their unique skills and experience in detail.

D.wrote lengthy descriptions without giving useful information

Passage 95

As a demonstration project of giant panda conservation, the Chengdu Panda Base has not only dedicated (致力于?) itself to giant panda conservation, but has also made great efforts to combine natural scenery and man-made landscapes (风景) to create wonderful and humane living areas for giant pandas.

We work at the base and have started Pandas International, a non-profit organization, devoted to research and preservation efforts of giant panda.

Our exciting new program, Pennies for Pandas hopes to teach children the rewards of sharing and working together to help ensure the survival of the giant panda. Pandas International has cooperated with the China Conservation and Research Center for the Giant Panda (CCRCGP) at the Wolong Nature Reserve to rebuild the Panda Center severely damaged by the earthquake of May 12, 2008. The project is designed to take three to five years at which point the giant pandas will be able to return. In the meantime, much of the bamboo forest which provides the main food source for the giant panda must be replanted immediately! The earthquake buried so much of it under tons and tons of rocks, and mudslides(泥石流). Without food, some pandas could die of starvation.

Through your involvement and that of your community, you can replant the bamboo forests and provide additional assistance to the Panda Centers before it’s too late. To participate in the Pennies for Pandas program, please start by completing the registration form. Feel free to contact us anytime for more information. 471. The Chengdu Panda Base has made great efforts to___D___.

A.dedicate itself to environment conservation B.offer a demonstration project for giant pandas

C.combine natural scenery and man-made landscapes

D.protect giant pandas and create humane panda living areas

472.Pandas International is organized mainly to __B____.

A.work together with CCRCGP B.engage in preservation and research of giant pandas

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C.make its new program more exciting D.engage in making money to teach children

473.Why should the Panda Center at the Wolong Nature Reserve be rebuilt? C

A.Because children hope to help the survival of panda.

B.Because an earthquake took place there a few years ago.

C.Because it was severely damaged by the earthquake.

D.Because Pennies for Pandas hopes to teach children there.

474.For the giant pandas to return in 3 to 5 years, the most important thing to do


A.dig the buried bamboo forests and pandas.

B.replant bamboos to provide main food source for them

C.help the people there survive the severe earthquake.

D.clear rocks and mudslides to provide good roads.

475.To participate in the Pennies for Pandas program, readers are expected


A.complete the registration form first B.ask for more information about the


C.provide additional assistance to the Panda Centers

D.go to the center with the whole community

Passage 96

A study has found that women are at their happiest time at the age of 28. The

researchers have discovered that women feel most confident and happy with their love

life and body shape shortly before they reach 30. Then by the time they have turned

30 they start worrying about growing old and developing white hair and wrinkles(皱

纹). A spokeswoman for hair color business reported her study of 4,000 women, saying:

“Everything in life hits its peak at some point, and nearly reaching your thirties

isn’t so bad now. The age of 31 is the time in a woman’s life their hair looks the

best, body shape is at its peak and confidence is at an all-time high.” The survey

of 25-65 year olds recorded the age at which women were most content in many key areas

of their life. According to the results, women are happiest in their career at 29

and most content with their relationships one year later. But all is not lost for

the over 30s, as women feel at ease with their home and family life at 32,and most

content with their financial situation at 33. The research also reports that two

thirds of women feel they age more quickly than men and 56% of women worry about losing

their looks as they get older. So the average woman will spend £900 every year on

beauty products in order to stay looking young.

476.What seems to be women’s major worry in life after their turning 30?C

A.Fading of their love life. B.Fading of their happiness.

C.Growing old with white hair and wrinkles. D.Losing of their body shape.

477.At what age exactly in a woman’s life is their hair supposed to look the best?


A.By the time they are in 40s. B.At the age of 31.

C.Long after their 30s. D.Nearly reaching their 30s.

478.The survey among 25-65 year olds focused on____D____.

A.a woman’s love life and body shape. B.women’s problems over 30s

C. everything in a woman’s life at its peak or low point.

D.the relationship between a woman’s age and contentness in life.

479.Which of the following best describes women’s feeling about their life in their

30s? A

A.They feel great happiness and satisfaction in family life and financial situation.

B.They are most content with their hair color.

C.They feel most content with their career.

D.They are at ease in dealing with all aspects of their family and social


480.To stay looking young, ___C____women usually spend nearly£1000 on beauty

products. A.56 per cent of B.two thirds of C.the average D.4,000

Passage 97

As an overseas student, I have to study very hard every day. I have free time only

on weekends, when I can do shopping and wash clothes, and manage to go to a party

with friends occasionally.

Once invited to a party, I stayed near the wall and drank beer and tried to talk

to the woman

next to me and asked her to dance. She accepted and I got to know her name was Mary.

Before I

left the party, I got her phone number.

Three days later, I called her and asked her to go to a play. She sounded delighted,

and agreed to go with me. I was very excited about dating with her that weekend. While

waiting at her

apartment building, she came down from upstairs. To my great surprise, she asked me

if it was OK

if her boy friend came, too. I had to tell her that I had two tickets only.

After the play, we stopped for a cup of coffee and talked about the play. I didn’

t understand it

very well, so she explained it to me. She seemed pretty quiet, though, and I realized

that she had

been thinking of her boy friend all that time.

After that, I became very careful with my dates with American girls. I have

learned that

American dating customs are not necessarily comfortable for Chinese students because

they are

different from Chinese customs. However, they are an important part of social life

in American


481.On weekends, a busy overseas student usually _______A_____.

A.does shopping and washing B.studies very hard

C.enjoys himself D.goes to a party with friends

482.The writer got to know Mary_D______?

A.by asking her name and address. B.while drinking beer in a bar.

C.by chatting on the phone. D.while dancing at a weekend party

483.One weekend was exciting for the writer because he was going to _____B_____.

A.have his first date in life B.have a date with Mary

C.a movie with Mary D.a party with some friends

484.The writer was surprised because _______C_____.

A.Mary asked for one more ticket. B.Mary wanted to bring her boy along with


C.Mary wanted her boy friend to go to the play with them

D.Mary came down from her room with her boy friend

485.American dating customs ____D__________.

A.are similar to Chinese customs B.are comfortable for Chinese students

C.are not comfortable for foreign students D.are different from Chinese customs

Passage 98

In the months before his college graduation, Yang Fugang spent most of his days away

from campus, managing an online store that sells cosmetics(化妆品), shampoo and

other goods he often buys from local factories.

Today, his store on Taobao.com - China’s fast-growing online shopping center

- has 14 employees, two stores and piles of cash.

“I never thought I could do this well,” said Mr. Yang, 23, who earned $75,000

last year. “I started out selling yoga mats and now I’m selling a lot of makeup

and cosmetics. The profit margins(利润率) are higher.”

Taobao fever has swept Mr. Yang’s school, Yiwu Industrial and Commercial College

(YICC), where administrators say a quarter of its 8,800 students now operate a Taobao

shop, often from a dorm room. The school’s vice dean, Jia Shaohua, shows us to an

area permitted as a start-up site for students seeking to get rich. He points to

students taking orders by computer, packaging products, sorting inventory(存货清

单) and taking photos of the items for display online, then adds, “Around the school

now, there is a whole Taobao industrial chain.”

Mr. Yang, the cosmetics seller, has become a campus hero. He operates his own stores

a few miles from the school. Standing in his crowded stores, near boxes of hairpins,

toothbrushes and a wide connection of cosmetics, Mr. Yang says his business could

not be better.

“Soon, I’ll reach $150,000 a month in sales,” he said, flashing a smile


486.Mr. Yang Fugang started an online store to _____D___.

A.support Yiwu Industrial and Commercial College

B.employ college graduates away from campus

C.buy all kinds of goods from local factories

D.sell cosmetics, shampoo and many other goods

487.Yang’s store on Taobao.com is ____A_____.

A.a fast-growing online shopping center B.a whole Taobao industrial chain

C.a makeup and cosmetics production center. D.a start-up site for students to

get rich

488.What sales brought higher profit margins to Yang’s business last year?B

A.taking orders from Taobao shop by computer B.selling makeup and cosmetics.

C.packaging products and sorting inventory D.displaying online the photos of

the items

489.How many students have been involved in operating Taobao shops according to the

school’s vice dean?D

A.23 B.14 C.About 8,800 D.About 2,200.

490.What conclusion can be safely drawn about this young cosmetics seller? A

A.He is a campus hero in starting up successful online sales.

B.He grew up in the Taobao fever and earned $75,000 last year.

C.He knows the vice dean and is allowed to start his Taobao chain.

D.He earns $150,000 a month now and is full of confidence.

Passage 99

The best-paid stars under 30 in 2009 are listed as follows: Singer-actress Beyonce

Knowles, 27, tops the list. Finnish F1 driver Kimi Raikkonen, 29, reportedly earned

$44 million in the last 12 months. Twenty four-year-old NBA super star LeBron James

landed the third spot with an estimated(估计的) earning of $26.7 million. Pop star

Britney Spears, 27, reportedly earned $25 million in the last 12 months. Roger Federer

rounded off the top five with an estimated $22 million.

World’s highest-paid supermodel Gisele Bundchen comes in at the sixth position

with an estimated earning of $15 million. She shares the sixth position with six more

young stars.

In addition to topping charts, from Beyonce to Taylor Swift, through winning

matches and entertaining fans, the top 12 highest-earning stars under 30 collectively

pulled in $410 million over the last year.

In the top spot: Beyoncé Knowles, nearly doubled the second top-earner on the list.

The Queen B banked in an estimated $87 million between June 1, 2008 and June 1, 2009.

Though Kimi Raikkonen’s days as a 20-something are numbered--he turns 30 in

October--his earning potential shows no sign of slowing. While he failed to win the

title in last year’s world championship with a 3rd instead, he still managed to bank

$45 million during the 12-month period. Ferrari announced a one-year extension for

him, so the Iceman will remain behind the wheel for the Ferrari team through the 2010

F1 season.

491.The top five young stars are reported to have collectively earned


A.$ 410 million B.$107 million C.$200 million D.$103 million

492.In the top spot, Beyoncé Knowles’ earning nearly doubled___D____.

A.the 12th top-earner on the list B.the 4th top-earner on the list

C.the 3rd top-earner on the list D.the 2nd top-earner on the list

493.The 5th top-earner on the list is ____A____.

A.Roger Federer B.Britney Spears C.LeBron James D.Taylor Swift

494.Which of the following is 2009 world’s highest-paid supermodel ?D

A.Finnish B.Iceman C.Ferrari D.Bundchen

495.F1 driver Kimi Raikkonen, 29, ____C_____.

A.showed a slow-down in his earning potential after his turning 30

B.will remain for the Ferrari team after the 2010 F1 season.

C.failed to win last year’s world championship

D.refused Ferrari Team’s offer of one-year extension for him

Passage 100

第三部分 翻 译 练 习

1.A mature man is one who is good at turning failure into success. 一个成熟的人是一个善于把失败变为成功的人。

2. He was a creative man and succeeded in making out a lot of things entirely new

to the world. 他是一个创造性人才,他成功地造出了许多对世人来说是完全崭新的东西。

3.A large proportion of the country population in China is literate today as compared

with before. 与过去相比,今天中国大部分农村人口都有文化。

4."In the small town, all life seems to live in peace with its surroundings”. 在这座小城镇里似乎所有的生命都与周围的环境和睦相处。

5. "We should never laugh at people when they are in trouble, instead, we should try

to help them.


6. He kept wondering why people who had already made so much progress were never

satisfied with their work. 他一直在琢磨为什么那些取得很大进步的人总对自己的工作不满意。

7. It is necessary for students to choose information and make the right decision

based on careful thinking. 对学生们来说,在仔细思考的基础上选择信息并做出正确判断是必要的。

8.The young man talked in such a good manner that he made a good impression on the

interviewer. 这个年轻人的谈吐很得体,给面试官留下了良好印象。

9. In short, it is important to exchange ideas regularly with the elderly, for it

can bridge the generation gap. 简而言之,定期与老年人交流思想非常重要,可以消除代沟。

10.Before the people of Europe knew anything about paper, the Chinese had already

learnt how to print on it. 在欧洲人了解纸以前,中国人就已经会在纸上印刷了。

11. After the visit, you should send a thank-you note or make a thank-you call to

the host. 做客回家后,你应该给主人送张便条或打个电话表示感谢。

12. Though understanding no Chinese, the American girl was able to communicate with

other students in her class.


13. Last winter a lot of birds flew here,but nobody here knew where they came. 去年冬天这儿飞来了许多鸟儿,但没人知道这些鸟儿来自何处。

14. We don’t educate children only for the aim of educating them, but also for the

aim of fitting them for life. 我们教育孩子的目的不仅是为了教育他们,而且也是为了使他们能适应生活。

15.A large number of people are needed to work in the mall to make the mall run because

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thousands of people come to the mall for shopping every day. 因为每天有成千上万的人来商场购物,所以需要有大量的工作人员来维持其正常运行。

16.Americans like this cartoon very much because the funny stories make them laugh

from the beginning to the end. 美国人都喜欢这部动画片,因为它有趣的故事让他们从


17.Many scientists are now making a study of animal and plant life in the sea to find

new resources for mankind. 为给人类找到新的资源,许多科学家在研究海洋动植物。

18. You may refuse the invitation by saying: “ Thank you for inviting me,but I will

not be able to come.” 你可以这样拒绝对方的邀请:说“谢谢你,但我不会来”。

19. I’m sorry to trouble you, but I wonder if we can have a word with you sometime. 对不起,打搅你了,我们能否找个时间谈谈。

20. Yellowstone National Park is the oldest and largest national park in the United

States. 黄石国家公园是美国历史最悠久和面积最大的国家公园。

21. Those walls were combined into one continuous wall, which is now called the Great

Wall. 那些墙被连接成一座连绵不断的城墙,也就是现在人们所称的长城

22. THE SIMPSONS is a cartoon about a typical American family of five and the funny

stories of this family. 《辛普森一家》是一部卡通片。讲述的是发生在一个典型的美国五口之家的有趣故事。

23."If it were not for your help, we couldn’t have finished our work so smoothly. 没有你们的帮助,我们就不会这么顺利地作完工作任务。

24. A shopping mall is a building with many shops and other forms of entertainment. 购物广场就是一座有许多商店和各种娱乐项目的建筑。。

25. It was raining hard,but the children were still playing in the garden of my

neighbors’. 雨下得很大,可孩子们还在我邻居家的花园里玩。

26. The first modern Olympic Games were held in 1896 for the understanding and

friendship among nations. 1896年的第一届现代奥运会是为了增进国家之间的理解和友谊而举行的。

27.His elder brother is no longer the boy that he was when you met him five years



28.Jiu Zhaigou is a world of water. Water brings Jiu Zhaigou its most beautiful views

and water is the soul of Jiu Zhaigou.


29. In the Mall of America, some special activities for young people are often held,

like hearing stories, reading or doing arts and crafts.


30. There is no denying the fact that education plays an important role in the

development of society.


31. Now people in growing numbers are beginning to believe that education contributes directly to their success.


32. From my business partner’s reaction I could tell that the Dutch find that very rude.


33 . Nowadays industry has persuaded us that its products can only last a very short time and it is cheaper to throw them away than to repair them.

如今工业的发展使我们相信,产品只能持续一段时间,扔掉它们比维修它们更合算。34. Mary,

34. Who is majoring in English language, gives free lessons to children of poor families.

玛丽主修英文, 她义务为贫困家庭的孩子上课。

35. I have to come to discuss with you about the measures we shall take to cope with the situation.


36. You should try to stick to a healthy diet, take breaks as often as you can and start off by exercising three or four times a week. Be kind to yourself. 你应尽量坚持食用健康食品,尽量多休息,一周锻炼三、四次。要善待自己。

37. There is no point in sending a card, so we had better send a greeting telegram. 现在寄贺卡毫无意义了,这样吧,我们最好发一个贺电。

38. In Arab countries, it’s not a good idea to admire something too much; the owner will probably give it to you as a present.


39. Any student who wants to join the group can make application either in writing or by word of mouth.


40. Had it not been for your foolish act, we wouldn’t have been caught by the enemy. 如果不是因为你愚蠢的举动,我们就不会被敌人抓住了。

41. He can’t make himself understood because of his strange accent.


42. One feels rather relaxed when sitting in the shade of these ancient trees, enjoying the beauty of the scenery.


43. A country with a vast territory, a big population and a long history, China should make greater contribution to human development.


44. If the wind doesn’t go down before five o’clock as forecasted, we won’t be able to take off today.


45. Scientists are always willing to exchange ideas with other scientists working on similar problems.


46. Here at Lakeside Shopping Center we go out of our way to make sure your visit is special.


47. It is no wonder they are successful because they had work so hard.


48. We all thought that the man was lying to protect his wife, but in fact it was not the case.


49. I got a part-time job to pay for my education and I still can’t manage to make ends meet.

我找了一份兼职工作挣学费, 可我仍然还入不敷出。

50. Once you’ve been to Iceland, you’ll understand why I’ve been there many times. 一旦你去过冰岛,你就会明白我为什么会多次去这个国家。

51. With the advance of old age, he could no longer do the work well. 他年事日高,已不能再把工作做得很好。

52. To their disappointment,the bookstore ended with 2000 unsold books because their sales manager overestimated the demand.


53. Besides geysers(间歇泉., there are about 3,000 natural hot springs. In many of them, the water is too hot to touch.


54. In recent time a great number of Chinese have taken up water-skiing and surfing with great interest.


55. These insects are more likely to spread disease where people are crowded together. 在人群聚集的地方,这些昆虫传播疾病的可能性就更大。

56. It is self-evident that the education of the young is vital to the future of a country.


57. I am afraid I will have little influence over her once her mind is made up on any subject.


58. The scenery of Yellowstone National Park is very beautiful, but you will probably enjoy the wild animals most of all.

尽管黄石国家公园景色很美, 但吸引人的可能还是那里的许多野生动物。

59. There are altogether 108 lakes in Jiuzhaigou. The lakes are of different sizes and shapes.


60. Some 1.2 million small firms have opened their doors over the past six years of economic growth.


61. The newspaper was ordered to pay damages to the film star for printing an untrue story about her.


62. We are bound to fail the coming examination if we continue wasting time like this. 我们如果继续这么浪费时间的话,必定通不过这次考试。

63. Will you need an experienced desk clerk for your hotel next summer? 不知贵旅馆明年夏天是否需要一名有经验的前台服务员?

64. Sometimes there are some foods you can not eat at a meal, you’d better explain it to your host clearly.


65. Computers are now used in many ways such as helping the disabled, traveling to other planets,

banking and shopping.


66. I don’t agree with either of you on many things.


67. Most important of all, we experienced this test of SARS and won in this battle.Now we are not afraid of SARS any more.


68. If you can’t pay for a new car out of your savings at this time,you can get a bank loan.


69. Women are going after equality themselves instead of waiting for the government to deliver it.


70. My doctor advised me to go on a diet immediately, so I tried cutting down on fattening foods, but without any success.


71. It seems very strange to their parents that the twin brothers have little in common.


72. People who are not self-confident depend too much on the praise of others in order to feel good about themselves.


73. The young people of the present day are too keen on making money. They are beyond my comprehension.


74. Walking down any street in Sichuan, you will find most of the restaurants, big and small, are ready to serve you the best hotpot.

走在四川的任何街道上, 你会发现大多数的餐馆,无论大小,随时都可以为你提供上乘的火锅

75. After being turned down several times, the young man felt discouraged at the thought of looking any further for jobs.


76. You type in your topic and it separates all the results into categories, like 3D images, cartoons, paintings, etc.

你只要键入题目, 就会按条目分别显示出所有相关结果, 如3D图片, 动画, 油画等等。

77. 73. It is still unusual to get a job without a face-to-face contact with your boss-to-be.


78. As everybody knows, a busy shopping center is usually also an ideal location for a restaurant.


79. According to traditional Chinese medicine, chili also has medicinal purposes. It helps to protect our bodies from illnesses.


80. Unless the application of a new invention is widely accepted, most people will be doubtful of its value.


81. Some of the advertisements on TV make unhealthy food look good, which leads the youth to choose the food from the advertisements on TV.


82. Is there a lower limit in the registered capital for the foreign party in the joint venture?


83. Human resources management should be taught as a required subject in this school, along with science courses.


84. Passengers mustn’t carry sharp objects in their hand luggage and sometimes they can’t take certain food or drink with them at all.

乘客手提包里禁止携带尖利的物品, 有时某些食物或酒类也不能带。

85. This indicates we have destroyed more than a third of our natural world since the 1950s of the 20th century.

这表明自从20世纪50年代以来, 我们毁坏了三分之一以上的自然资源。

86. It’s a shame to leave so early. If it starts snowing, we’ll head back, OK? 这么早就走, 太遗憾了。如果下雪,我们就回去,行不行?

87. When the above goods are available for export, please let us know by e-mail and send us the contract.


88. There are many exercise-books for the teacher to go over so that some of her errors in her exercises escaped the teacher’s attention.


89. People have already realized that the way coal is used is harmful and new ways have to be sought.


90. Unwilling to rely on her parents for financial support, the college student took up a part-time job.


91. English is understood all over the world, while Turkish is understood by few people outside Turkey itself.


92. No one can use cell phones in any areas at the hospital because the equipment

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might be affected

by signals from them.


93. Last night, in a radio address, the president urged us to support the military action.


94. He showed how stubborn he was by doing it in his own way and refusing to listen to advice.


95. Standing up to the great pressure from the family, my mother insisted on working as teacher in the remote area.


96. You certainly have an eye for classic cars and this car will never let you down. 显然你对经典名车有鉴赏力, 这辆车决不会让你失望。

97. Sometimes attempts at emergency treatment for snakebite turn out to be more dangerous than the bite itself.


98.The United Nations has programs to improve the health of people in Third World countries, especially women and children.


99.Anyone who wants to find employment in that company must have at least bachelor’s degree, if not a master’s


100. The new design will give greater sense of security to people in the area where earthquakes often take place.


101.I was really upset by this kind of treatment we received there and I will never set foot in that place again.


102.This corporation is thought highly of among the experts, and I know what an achievement it is to be there.


103. While we can’t close the gulf between us, we can try to bridge it so that we may be able to talk across it.

既然我们不能弥合我们之间的鸿沟,我们却能够达一座桥梁以便我们能跨越它进行沟通。 104. A truly effective variety of alternatives to the chemical control of insects are available.


105. We live in an era in which information, goods and capital speed around the globe, every hour of every day.

我们生活在这样一个时代,信息、商品和资本的速度环绕地球的每一天和每一小时。 106. People will have to accept more “ unnatural food” unless the population is lowered to the point where the planet can support all.


107. Television is another major instrument of communication, permitting us to see as well as to hear the news event.


108. This university , with less than a third of our teaching staff, obtained almost the same amount of funds as our university last year.

这所大学, 教学人员不到三分之一去年得到了几乎和我们的大学同样数量的资金。 109. The latest surveys show that four million people die each year form diseases linked to smoking.


110. Harry and Susan met at the restaurant and they liked each other at first sight. 哈利和苏珊在餐厅见面,他们彼此一见钟情。

111. Everyone knows the fact that this film is based on a short story by Thomas Mann. 每个人都知道这个事实,这是电影是由托马斯?曼的一个短故事改编的。

112. It is generally accepted that the experiences of the child in his first years largely determine his character.


113. With a car , he still couldn’t enjoy his leisure to the full by making trips to the seaside on the weekends.


114. One can teach fish to recognize different colors by training fish to connect colors with food.


115. Seen from the space, our earth , with water covering 70% of its surface, appears as a “blue planet.”


116. Wearing a seat belt saves lives; it reduces your chance of death or serious injuries by more than half.


117. Cheating is not deceiving your teachers and your parents, but fooling yourself into thinking that you can do something you really can’t.

作弊不是欺骗你的老师和你的父母,但欺骗自己,以为你可以做你真的不能做的事情了。 118.A language needs at least 100,000 speakers in order to survive ; otherwise, it is to become a dead language.

一种语言至少需要100000个说这种语言的人它才能生存,否则,它就会成为死亡的语言。 119. The Olympic Games were so important for ancient Greeks that even wars were stopped at the time when they were held.


120. To protect the other creatures living on the earth like us is, in a way, to keep the balance of nature.


121. You don’t have to be superman to play this game and all you have to do is relax, forget you are underwater and have fun! 你不需要超人来玩这个游戏时,你所要做的就是放松,忘记你在水下,玩得开心!

122. Mr. Kennedy obviously was hit by the first of what witness believed were three

shots. 第一个证人认为是三枪显然击中肯尼迪先生。肯尼迪先生显然被击中是第一个证人认为的第三枪。

123.We would like to cancel the order for the goods because of a sharp decrease of their price in the home market. 我们要取消货物的订单,因为国内市场的价格急剧下降。 124. The policeman made it plain to the driver that he must give an exact account of the process of the accident.


125. On the other hand, boy’s eating habits are influenced more by friends than by parents. On the other hand, they usually care very little about food.

另一方面,孩子的饮食习惯更多的是受朋友而不是由父母影响, 另一方面,他们通常不大关心食物。

126. As you know, China is now undergoing modernization and is badly in need of well-educated persons.


127. Starting from the quality, customers prefer to purchase our products even though they seem higher in price.


128. What he emphasized over and over again was that his country would not retreat “one inch” under any pressure from outside. 他再三强调的就是他的国家从外部压力之下不会后退”一寸”。

129. There is no right amount of sleep for everyone and generally sleep requirements decrease with age.


130. No one can deny the basic fact that it is impossible for average workers to master these skills easily.


131. The local people were warned of the coming winter storm ahead of time from the weatherman or newspaper reporter.


132. So long as we know each other ‘s requirements, I am sure to talks will go well as planned .


133. The importance of soil-keeping can never be over stressed for scientists observe that it takes nature 500 years to create an inch of topsoil. 保护土壤的重要性不能过分强调科学家们观察到的自然界要用500年的时间才能形成一英寸的表层土壤。

134. Our attitude towards study is always cultivated in the early childhood and often has a lifelong effect.


135. I am very happy I have been selected for the position I applied for and I am sure I won’t let you down. 我很我很高兴我申请到了职位,我肯定,我不会让你失望的。 136. Hearing that the rich man was cheated out of 100 pound, almost all the people in the neighborhood made fun of him.

听到那个有钱的男人被骗了100英镑, 在附近几乎所有的人都取笑他。

137. My father and mother often apologized to our neighbors for my trouble-making

while I was still a young boy. 当我还是个孩子的时候,我的父亲和母亲经常由于我调皮捣蛋而向我邻居道歉。

138. But another round of a war in the region clearly would make international relations tense.


139. Rather than leave the potatoes in the store to go bad, she decided to sell them at half price.


140.As for TVs, there are 220 million TV sets in the USA, which means that there is almost on TV for each American. 至于电视, 在美国有2.2亿台电视,这意味着几乎每个美国人都拥有一台电视。

141. Jim is only a second-class tennis player, but he is always showing off his skills before us.


142. Somehow our path took us toward the park, across the footbridge high above the rolling waters of the river.


143.At that time readers were forced to consider the information in the newspaper true because they weren’t able to compare it to other sources.

那时候读者只得考虑报纸上的信息是真实性,因为他们不可能与其他信息来源作对比较。 144. Careful observations have been made of the children by the researcher at the beginning and the end of the term.


145. If you can provide more satisfactory after-sale service, your products will surely have a wide market here.

如果你们能够提供更令人满意的售后服务,你们的产品在这里一定会有广阔的市场。 146.Research evidence suggests that students who are the most successful in school are those with the largest vocabularies.

研究证据表明, 在学校里谁是最成功的学生,谁就拥有最大词汇量。

147. As he had a liking for the sport, he seldom let a week pass without paying it a visit.


148.This active cooperative group is admired by all consisted of 4 members, with each one having an equally important role.

这个活跃的,人人都羡慕的合作小组由4个成员组成,每个成员都扮演同样重要的角色。 149. Mary’s parents dislike the idea of her going to America, so it remains to be seen whether she will realize her dream.

玛丽的父母不喜欢她去美国的想法, 因此她能否实现她的梦想尚不可知。

150. It is reported that so far, foreign financial institutions have made their way into nineteem major cities in China.

据报道, 到目前为止,外国金融机构已进入中国的19个主要城市。

151. It was out of the question for me to buy that expensive motorbike whose price was without further discount.


152. In general, the application of science and technogy in all fields is certain to speed up social developemt.


153. It will greatly strengthen you to know that your distinguished career is so widely respected and appreciated.


154. Some smart rose growers in this country have begun to work with the overseas competitions, instead of fighting them.

这个国家的一些精明的玫瑰种植商已经开始与海外竞争者合作,而不是与他们对抗。 155. As a result of the spoon-fed teaching methods, these students lack the ability to solve or even to recognize any problems in their studies.


156. We came to the conclusion that there is every reason for such a theory being widely applied in the field of physical training.


157. We have already represented several other manufatureers and believe you will allow us to give you similar services.


158.It sounds a good idea, but it remains to be seen whether it will succeed. 这主意听上去不错,但是否能成功要等以后才能知晓。

159. Those simple but eye- catching earrings were quite to my taste but unfortunately I could afford no more than one pair.


160.We are sorry to see that some cruel experiments on animals are still carried out in the name of science.


161. So far, the country’s steps towards private enterprise have probably pleased more people than they have upset.


162. The information I have collected over last few years leads me to believe that this knowledge may be less useful than most people think.

这几年我收集的信息使我相信, 这些知识不如人们想象的那么有用。

163.Experts advise the overweight teenagers to take more exercises and develop good eating habits.


164. I can handle this complex machine, but when it comes to repairing it, I know nothing about it.


165.I find it hard to believe that people are still strongly affected by something which never really happened.


166. What he emphasized over and over again was that his country would not retreat “ one inch” under any pressure from outside.

英语二级试题题库及答案 51_英语二级考试


167. Other scientists believe that environmental problems are getting worse and soon it will be too late to save the environment.

另一些科学家认为环境问题会更严重, 并且很快这种糟糕的环境将无法挽救。

168. Since a language is a means of social communication, it is logical that a language should change to meet the changing needs of society.

由于语言是一种社交手段, 那么语言必然会为适应社会不断变化的需求而发生变化。

169. I interviewed Bill for several hours on his trip to China, which he made as a guest of the Chinese Government.


170. Numerous studies have shown that the majority of colds are “caught” by hand contact. People do not catch a cold by just being cold.

许多研究表明,大多数的感冒是通过手的接触感染的,人们不会仅仅因着凉而患感冒。 171. The information I’ve collected over last few years leads me to believe that this knowledge may be less useful than most people think.


172. Should a party fail to perform the contract, it shall pay for all the economic losses that the other party may suffer.


173. The new designs will give greater sense of security to people living in the area where earthquakes often take place.





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