高考英语备考策略 备考资料:高考英语冷点试题精编

备考资料:高考英语冷点试题精编 文/网络     编辑制作/荷花小女子 



1. Be tough-minded, but tender-hearted, ______?

A. will you       B. isn’t it        C. aren’t you         D. are you

2. —I telephoned him twice and I couldn’t get through to his home.

  —I think that the line might have been out of order, ______?

A. don’t you         B. do you               

C. wasn’t it               D. hadn’t it

3. He seldom comes here now, ______?

高考英语备考策略 备考资料:高考英语冷点试题精编

A. doesn’t he                 B. seldom he              C. do he                    D. does he

4. The news that they failed their driving test discouraged him, ______?

A. did they                    B. didn’t they                     C. did it                    D. didn’t it

5. ______ the boy is to learn to talk.

A. How slow                B. How slowly           C. What a slow             D. What a slow way

6. ______ different life today is ______ what it was 30 years ago.

A. How; from        B. What a; from                     C. What; from           D. How; with 

7. — What sport do you like best?

   —Springboard diving. _______ to dive into water from high board!

A. What a fun is it            B. How fun it is          C. How a fun is it          D. What fun it is   

8. You will find what great benefit the computer you own can be______ each time you use it to help you work.

A. for                           B. of                            C. at                                   D. on

9. —Are you familiar ______ the city?

   —No, I am a stranger here.

A. by                           B. to                                   C. with                      D. on

10. You can’t wear a blue jacket        that shirt — it'll look terrible.

A. on               B. above          C. up           D. over

11. The accident is reported to have occurred        the first Sunday in February.

A. at              B. on             C. in           D. to

12. We had a pleasant chat        a cup of tea.

A. for             B. with           C. during           D. over

13. I can hardly get asleep _      the noise outside so loud.

A. as          B. for            C. with          D. because

14. He learned English        watching educators        TV or        a computer screen.

A. by; on; in     B. in; on; on        C. by; on; on      D. from; in; on

15. He bought ______ copies of the magazine.

A. two dozen of              B. two dozens of              C. dozens of           D. two dozens

16. He moved to Germany in ___ , when he was in ____.

A. the late 1990s; his sixties                                          B. late 1990’s; his sixties

C. the late 1990’s; his sixty                                     D. late 1990s; his sixties

17. You never imagine what great trouble I have ______ this paper in my house.

A. found                       B. for finding                  C. to find                      D. finding

18. There are three ______ in our clinic.

A. woman doctor            B. woman doctors              C. women doctor              D. women doctors

19. He is provided with ______. He needs various ______.

A. food, food         B. food, foods             C. foods, foods   D. foods, food

20. He dropped the ______ and broke it.

A. cup of tea                 B. tea’s cup               C. cup for tea                 D. tea cup

21. Going through the old things, I ran across ______.

A. an old photo of my grandfather’s                B. an old photo of my grandfather

C. one photo of my grandfather’s                       D. one of my grandfather photos

22. I think John will ______ a good monitor, so I’d like to vote for him.

A. turn      B. change     C. elect     D. make

23. You have hardly changed these years. How did you manage to ______ so young?

A. become                    B. turn                            C. make                       D. stay

24. How beautiful and modern our campus has ______!

A. changed                   B. went                     C. adopted                     D. become

25. After so many years of hard work, she ______ so attractive.

A. was remained              B. was remaining              C. remained              D. has been remained

Key: 1—5ACDDA 6—10ADBCD 11—15BDCCC 16—20ADDBD 21—25ADDDC 

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通讯稿范文 高考备考 2012高考英语备考 英语题材作文范文参考

【编者按】编者为大家收集整理了高考英语作文题目,供大家参考,希望对同学们新一年的作文写作有所帮助!2009年全国高考英语作文题目假设你是李华,正在英国接受英语培训,住在一户英国人家里。今天的房东Mrs Wilson不在家,你准备外出,请给Mr

高考英语备考经验总结 20则值得借鉴的高考备考经验

   关于20则值得借鉴的高考备考经验  俗话说,哪有高产,哪有高人。在中考高考中都有一些考得出色的同学堪称“高人”,他们的经验之谈闪烁着智慧的火花,特别是经过实践的检验证明了这些想或和说法的真理性,可供我们考试时借鉴。


   俗话说:知己知彼,方能百战百胜,要想在完成句子上面尽可能的多得分,我们应该首先了解老师们的评分方式,这样才能抓住每一个得分点!首先,大家一起来看看我们分享的2015年高考英语备考指导:如何解完型填空题:  从近几年来的全国各



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