![拼音 英文 BBC的英文拼音系列--Fun with Phonics](http://img.aihuau.com/images/e/78188/0017060405002669825392.jpg)
BBC的英文拼音系列--Fun with Phonics 单子音->短母音->长母音->双子音->双母音由浅入深、循序渐进地构建孩子的发音基础。字母->单字->短句->故事的学习。双向课程规划让学习更有效率字音、字母指认、书写到单字、句型、短文及故事阅读的学习,有系统的规划语言运用,来构建孩子的读写基础。Fun with Phonics - A
Fun with Phonics - Ai
Fun with Phonics - Ar
Fun with Phonics - B
Fun with Phonics - C
Fun with Phonics - Ch
Fun with Phonics - D
Fun with Phonics - E
Fun with Phonics - Ee
Fun with Phonics - Er
Fun with Phonics - F
Fun with Phonics - G
Fun with Phonics - H
Fun with Phonics - I
Fun with Phonics - Ie
Fun with Phonics - J
Fun with Phonics - K
Fun with Phonics - L
Fun with Phonics - M
Fun with Phonics - N
Fun with Phonics - Ng
Fun with Phonics - O
Fun with Phonics - Oa
Fun with Phonics - Oi
Fun with Phonics - Oo-1
Fun with Phonics - Oo-2
Fun with Phonics - Or
Fun with Phonics - Ou
Fun with Phonics - P
Fun with Phonics - Qu
Fun with Phonics - R
Fun with Phonics - S
Fun with Phonics - Sh
Fun with Phonics - T
Fun with Phonics - Th
Fun with Phonics - U
Fun with Phonics - Ue
Fun with Phonics - V
Fun with Phonics - W
Fun with Phonics - X
Fun with Phonics - Y
Fun with Phonics - Z
Fun with Phonics - Tricky Words-1
Fun with Phonics - Tricky Words-2
Phonics(拼音英语)是目前国际主流的英语教学法,我国香港和台湾地区2000年就已引进此教学法,并已进入大规模推广和普及阶段。它之所以风靡全球,是因为这种教学法简单高效,符合人类学习语言的规律,尤其适合于非英语为母语国家的初学者。即使从来都没有学过英语的孩子通过学习和训练,在不依靠国际音标的情况下,就能达到“见词能读,听音能写”的惊人效果,学习效率飞速提升。实践证明,85%以上的孩子经过系统训练后能够做到一堂课轻松掌握30—100个单词,而且经久不忘。Through a mixture of lively, colourful and entertaining sequences, Fun with Phonics introduces its very young audience to the forty two most common sounds that provide a foundation to literacy.Presented by Pui Fan Lee and Will Vanderpuye, each programme celebrates new sounds and clearly demonstrates how to voice, read and write them. Individual phonics are brought to life through inventive animations and vibrant graphic characters, as viewers are invited to read with Whirlyword and spell with Pollyphonic. They can also extend vocabulary and increase familiarity with each sound, through stories, poems, games and documentary inserts featured throughout the series.Each programme is devoted to an individual phoneme (or sound). Children have to learn all of these forty two initial phonemes. Programmes 43 and 44 feature 'Tricky Words'. These are words we use a lot, which aren't phonically regular - we just have to learn them.A report commissioned by the DfES in 2006 proposed the teaching of 'synthetic phonics' for early years literacy. Synthetic phonics are all about sounds. Children learn to pronounce sounds associated with letters 'in isolation' and, once learned, these individual sounds can be blended together to form. words.Parents can watch Fun with Phonics with their children to help them build their vocabulary, learn new sounds and practise using them to read and write.
爱华网本文地址 » http://www.aihuau.com/a/403751/225185391000.html
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