【英语一题一讲】no other than 与none other than


    no  other than 与 none other than <?xml:namespace prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office" />








 The middle-aged man whom we met at the gate of the library is __________ our new


 [A] none but                                      [B] no other than

 [C] nobody but                                  [D] no more than



【题意】 我们在图书馆门口遇到的中年男子不是别人我们的新校长。





no other than 与 none other than都可表示“不是别的,正是……”的意



1)The tall figure that you saw was no other than our manager.

             The tall figure that your way was none other than our manager.


2 )It was no other than Jones who paid the medical expense for you.

  It was none other than Jones who paid the medical expense for you.




no other than    侧重于“正是那个”我们所知道的,熟悉的或在谈论的人。



1)It was no other than Tommy Traddles who told me this piece of information.

            Tommy Traddles was the very person who told me this piece of informatio

  告诉我这段消息的不是别人正是 Tommy Traddles。

2)He is no other than the famous writer I have often talked about.

 He is the very famous writer I have often talked about.


       3)You are no other than the professional talent we are looking for.

 You are the very professional talent we are looking for.




none other than 语气更强,表示惊奇、赞美、强调等语气时多用 none

other than。


【英语一题一讲】no other than 与none other than

           1)The tall figure over there is none other than the great mathematician, Bill

                 Williams, himself.

那位身材魁梧的先生正是大数学家贝尔·威廉姆斯本人。  (带有对贝尔·威


       2)The winner of the speech contest was none other than Tom who doesn’t talk

              much in daily life.

             这次演讲比赛的冠军竟然是汤姆,他平时不太讲话。  (带有惊奇之情)

3)It was none other than Tommy Traddles who told me this piece of information.

             告诉我这段消息的不是别人正是 Tommy Traddles。  (强调是Tommy Traddles)

       4)His girlfriend turned out to be none other than my sister.  (带有一点惊奇)


       5)The doctor who performed the operation for her was none other than her own


             为她做手术的医生不是别人,正是她的亲生父亲。  (强调是她自己的亲生父亲)


注: 表示“不是别的,正是……”多少带有情感,这正是现代英语中较多使用 none

          other than 而

较少使用 no other than 的原因。



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