高中英语基础语法 高中英语基础语法讲座(二)



动名词可以起名词的作用,在句子中作主语,宾语,表语,定语。动名词仍保留动词的一般特征,可以有自己的宾语和状语,构成动名词短语。 动名词的否定形式是在前面加上not, never等否定词。


Fishing in this lake is forbidden. 这个湖里禁止钓鱼。

Going abroad for a visit and settling down abroad are two different things. 出国访问和在国外定居是两件不同的事情。

It seems that reading English is easier than speaking it.似乎读英语比说英语容易。

My favorite hobby is fishing/collecting stamps .  ?我最喜欢的爱好是钓鱼/集邮。

在It’s no use; It’s (no) good; It’s useless ; It’s (not) wise; It’s (not) worthwhile; It’s of great (no, little) importance 等习惯表达中,It为形式主语,而将做主语的动名词短语放在后面。例如:

It’s no use /good ringing her up now.  现在给她打电话没用了。

Is it worthwhile bargaining two hours for two cents? ???为两分钱讲价两小时值得吗?

It’s wise trying again.  再试一次是明智的。

It is of great importance fighting against pollution. ?制止污染有重要意义。

It is no use operating on the sick man. He should have been sent here early. 给这个病人做手术已经没用了。本应该早些把他送来。

It is no good smoking; you’d better give it up.    吸烟没好处,你最好戒掉。


(二)动名词短语作宾语。常用的能接动名词的动词有:admit承认,appreciate 感激,avoid 避免,advise 建议,can’t  help 不禁,celebrate 庆祝,consider 考虑,complete 完成, contemplate沉思、打算,defer推迟,delay 延期,deny 否认,detest 痛恨,discontinue 停止, dislike不喜欢,dispute不同意,endure 忍耐,enjoy 喜欢, escape逃脱,excuse 原谅, fancy想象,feel like 想要, finish结束, 严禁,forgive 原谅,hinder 阻碍,imagine想象,keep 保持,mention 提到,mind 在意,miss 错过,pardon 饶恕、原谅,permit允许,postpone 推迟,practise 实践、练习,prevent 阻止, recall 回忆, report报告,resent 怨恨, resist抵制、阻止,risk冒险,stop 停止,suggest 建议,understand 明白、理解,等等。


He avoided giving me a definite answer.   他避免给我一个正确答案。

David suggested selling your dog and car to pay the debt. ?戴维建议卖掉你的狗和车抵债。

(我们把这句话改为虚拟语气:David suggested that you (should) sell your dog and car to pay the debt. )

I couldn’t risk missing that train. 我可不敢冒误了那趟火车的险。



abhor憎恶,attempt 试图,begin 开始,cannot bear 无法忍受,cannot stand无法忍受,cease停止,continue,继续,,decline 拒绝,deserve值得,disdain蔑视,dread害怕,endure忍耐,forget忘记,hate 痛恨,intend打算,learn学,like 喜欢,loathe厌恶,love喜欢,mean意思是、意味着,need需要,neglect疏忽,omit省略,忽略,plan计划,prefer更喜欢,propose建议,regret后悔,remember记得,require需要,scorn蔑视、瞧不起,start开始,try尝试,努力,entail必须,involve涉及,necessitate使成为必要,等。以上多数动词用不定式或用动名词作宾语意思一样,个别不同。



The children are fond of listening to pop music. 孩子们喜欢流行音乐。

Are you interested in going to the show?  你有兴趣去看演出吗?

Thomas insisted on doing it in his own way.  ?托马斯坚持按他自己的方法做这件事。

我们把这句话改为虚拟语气:Thomas insisted that he (should) do it in his own way.

Excuse me for interrupting you.  请原谅我打扰你,

Since returning from Xi’an, he has been busy.  从西安回来后,他一直很忙。

He warned me against swimming in this lake. ??他警告我不要在这个湖里游泳。

改为不定式短语:He warned me not to swim in this lake.

We came out without being seen.  我们出来没被人看见。

Before finishing your homework, you’d better not go out. ?做完作业之前,你最好别出去。

改为用before 作连词:Before you finish your homework, you’d better not go out.



I insisted on his (him) going to the cinema with me. 我坚持要他和我一起去看电影。

I can hardly imagine Peter(Peter’s) sailing across the Atlantic Ocean in five days. 我简直不能想象彼得会在五天内横渡大西洋。

Linda’s coming will do you good.(主语)  林达的到来对你有好处。

What made him angry was their (them) laughing.(表语)使他生气的是他们笑。




I apologize for having broken my promise.  我没有遵守诺言,我道歉。

I don’t remember having talked with him before.   ??我不记得以前曾和他谈过话。

恨不相逢未嫁时。 → I regret not having met you before my marriage/before I got married.


I could no longer stand being treated like that.  我再也不能忍受被那样对待。

She was proud of having been trained in the U.K. 在英国受过训,她感到自豪。

他不喜欢嘲笑别人。  →He doesn’t like laughing at others.

他不喜欢被人嘲笑。→He doesn’t like being laughed at.



(1)like, love, hate, prefer等表示喜爱,厌恶的动词后面,可用动名词也可用不定式作宾语,意义差别不大。但当这些词前面有should或would时,一定要用动词不定式作宾语。表示想要,愿意,打算。例如:

She likes dancing. But she wouldn’t like to dance with you. 她喜欢跳舞。(泛指)但他不喜欢和你跳。(特指)

He looked tired and I didn’t like to disturb him. 他看上去很累,我不想打扰他。

I don’t like reading, but I’d like to read a magazine in bed tonight. 我不喜欢看书,但是今天晚上倒想躺在床上看本杂志。

Little Jim should love to be taken to the theatre this evening. 小吉姆今晚喜欢被带去看戏。

The reporter would /should like to see you again. 那位记者还想见见你。

We don’t like talking about people behind their backs.我们不喜欢背后议论人。

hate to do sth 表示“真不想做某事,(但不得不做)”。如:

I hate to disturb you now, but I have no choice.  我真不想现在打扰你,但没有办法。

(2) forget to do sth.忘记去做某事(未做)

     forget doing sth.忘记做过某事(已做)


The light in the office is still on. She forgot to turn it off. 办公室的灯还在亮着。她忘记关了。(关灯的动作没做)

The light in the office is off. She turned it off, but she forgot turning it off. 办公室的灯没亮着。是她关的,但她忘记关过灯。(已关过灯,她忘了)

她昨天又来还我二百元钱。她忘记上个月还我了。→She came to pay back RMB 200 to me again yesterday. She forgot having paid it back to me last month.

(3)remember to do sth.记着去做某事

remember doing sth. 记得做过某事


Do you remember meeting me at a party last year? 你记得去年一次宴会上见过我吗?(已见过面)

You must remember to leave tomorrow。  你一定要记着明天离开。(还没离开)

(4)stop to do sth. 停下来去做另一件事   

stop doing sth. 停止做某事


She stopped to have a rest on a big rock by the side of the path. 她停下来,在路边的一块大石头上休息。

As long as you live, your heart never stops beating, 只要你活着,你的心脏就永远不会停止跳动。

(5) regret to do sth. 对尚未做的或正在做的事情表示遗憾;

regret doing sth. 对已做的事情表示后悔


I regret saying that.  ?我后悔说了那话。

I regret to tell you the following truth.  ?我非常遗憾地告诉你下面这个事实。

(6)try to do sth努力去做某事    

try doing sth.做某事试一试


You must try to do it again. 你必须想方设法再做一次。

Let’s try doing the work in some other way. 咱们用另一种方法做这工作试试。

(7) mean to do sth. 打算、意欲做某事  

mean doing sth.意味着做某事


If it means delaying more than a week, I’ll not wait. 如果这意味着拖延一个多星期,我就不等了。

I mean to help you, and nothing else.  我想帮助你们,没别的。

我不是想伤害你,对不起。→I didn’t mean to hurt you. I’m sorry.

宣布台独就是对中国宣战。→Declaring Taiwan independent means declaring war on China.

(8) go on to do sth.做了一件事又去做另一件

go on doing sth继续做原来的事情


After he finished his maths, he went on to do his physics.  他作完数学后,接着又做物理。

I hope it won’t go on raining all day long.     ?我希望这雨别一天下个没完。




1)(游泳)is a very enjoyable exercise. (Swimming)

2) His work is (修自行车). (Repairing bicycles)

3) Europeans uses an knife and a fork (吃肉). (for eating meat)

4) We will only succeed by (努力工作). (working hard)

5) I don' t want to force you into (做违反你愿意做的事情). (doing something against your will)

6) Tom hates (早晨9点以后起床). (getting up before 9 o' clock)

7) I could' t help (迟到). (being late)

8) (等着没用) there won' t be another bus. (It's no use waiting)

9) Are you against (今天开会). (having the meeting today)

10) Instead of (挨批评), she ought to be praised. (being criticized)

2. 用动名词结构将下列句子译成英语:


When she heard the knocking at the door, she stopped working to open the door.


Thank you for writing to me.


It stopped raining and the sun began to shine.


I hope you will excuse me for having asked all these questions.


If you want something to eat, don’t be shy of saying so.


I have always enjoyed working here.


I suggest waiting for another half an hour.


I can’t help believing that another unlucky event will happen.


I am looking forward to receiving his letters.


That car wants fixing up (repairing).


I remember switching off the lights before we left the room.


You are quite used to getting up early.


Chinese football (soccer) fans are looking forward to seeing the football stars.


The light is good enough for reading.


He is proud of being a Chinese.


I am good at swimming.

17)他尝试过(try one’s hand at)写一本书。

He has tried his hand at writing a book.


I do remember meeting him last year.

19)把门打开,让猫出去好吗?(Do you mind…)

Do you mind opening the door to let the cat out?


This film is well worth seeing.

3. 用动词不定式或动名词填空:

1) He wanted ____ (see) the book I had bought.

→ to see

2) Please stop ___ (walk) about the room and sit down.

→ walking

3) I called ____ (see) her yesterday but she was out.

→  to see

4) In 1969, the United States succeeded in ____ (send) a rocket to the moon and ___ (land) two astronauts on its surface.

→ sending; landing

5) We decided ___ (put) off the meeting until Saturday.

→ to put

6) Let me ___ (see) what you are doing.

→  see

7) When the professor finishes ____ (speak), we will ask him a question.

→ speaking

8) He made her ___ (go) although she wanted ___ (stay).

→ go; to stay

9) Please remember ____ (give) her this letter.

→  to give

10) We heard him ___ (say) that he disliked ____ (go) abroad any more.

→ say; going

11) The child enjoyed ___ (play) at the seaside.

→ playing

12) The little boy was made ___ (take) the medicine.

→ to take

13) I watched the shop assistant ___ (take) the goods down for the shelf and put them on the counter.

→ take

14) He remembers ___ (go) to Shanghai with his parents when he was five.

→ going

15) She had her husband ___ (wash) her dirty linen.

→ wash

16) The thief kept ____ (say) he hadn’t taken the purse.

→ saying

17) The policeman saw him ___ (steal) the bicycle and ride away on it.

→ steal

18) I’ve persuaded him ___ (help) us do the job.

→ to help

19) You had better ____ (go) home now. It looks like rain.

→  go

20) Let me___ (know) if you had decided ____ (go).

→ know; to go

21) He promised ___ (come) to our party.

→ to come

22) I forget ____ (see) you there.

→ seeing

23) Don’t forget ___ (see) your grandma this Sunday.

→ to see

24) I must apologize for not ___ (let) you know earlier.

→ letting




    作为谓语,现在分词和be 一起构成进行时;过去分词和be一起构成被动语态,和have一起构成完成时。


I am reading a novel by Maupassant. 我正在看一本莫泊桑写的小说。(现在分词和be 一起表示主语正在进行的动作。)

Mr. Robinson has drunk five glasses of wine already. 鲁宾逊先生已经喝了五杯酒了。(过去分词和have 一起表示主语已经完成的动作。)

The gold fish bowl was broken by Xiao Tao just now. 金鱼缸刚才被小陶打破了。(过去分词和be 一起表示主语是动作的承受者。)


    现在分词有一般式和完成式。它的一般式表示和谓语动词所表示的动作同时发生的行为或存在的状态;它的完成式(having + 过去分词)表示在谓语动词所表示的动作之前发生的动作或存在的状态。

现在分词有主动语态和被动语态(being + 过去分词)。



Having failed three times, he didn’t want to try again. (=As he had failed three times, he didn’t want to try again.) 他失败了三次,不想再干了。(having failed 表示发生在前的动作)

Walking along the sands, Crusoe saw in the sand the mark of a man’s foot. (=While he was walking along the sands, Crusoe…) 克鲁索沿着沙滩走的时候,看见沙上有人的脚印。(walking 表示同时发生的动作)

The question being discussed seems important. (=The question is being discussed. It seems important.) 正在讨论的问题似乎很重要。

The old days are gone. 旧时代一去不复返了。(gone 表示完成的状态)

I had my hair cut yesterday.  我昨天理发了。(cut 是及物动词的过去分词,表示“被人理发”。)

分词的否定形式是在分词短语前面加上not, never等否定词构成。


Not fearing the fire, the child touched and got a finger burnt. 小孩儿不知道怕火,用手去摸,把手指烫了。

Not knowing how to find the subway, I asked a policeman for help. 我不知道怎样找到地铁,就去找警察帮忙。





convincing facts 有说服力的事实 / convinced audience 被说服了的听众

the exploiting class 剥削阶级 / the exploited class被剥削阶级

a frightening dog一条让人害怕的狗 / a frightened dog一条被吓坏了的狗

driving gears主动齿轮 / driven gears从动齿轮



the rising sun (正在升起的太阳) / the risen sun(升起的太阳)

the falling rain(正在下的雨)/ the fallen leaves(落下的树叶)

stolen money(被盗的钱/偷来的钱)/ill-gotten wealth(不义之财)

a high-flying kite(高飞的风筝)


boiling water 沸腾的水/boiled water 开水/developing countries 发展中国家/developed countries 发达国家/an exciting story 令人激动的故事/ excited people 激动的人们



surprising news令人惊讶的消息/a surprised man受惊吓的人/an inspiring leader具有号召力的领袖/the inspired soldiers受到鼓舞的士兵/a delighted speech令人高兴的演说/the delighted audience(感到)高兴的听众/a moving film动人的电影/the moved children受到感到的孩子们/a box containing tea装茶叶的盒子/the tea contained in a box装在盒里的茶叶/ falling snow正在下的雪/fallen snow box落在地上的雪




His lecture is disappointing。I’m disappointed。他的演讲令人失望。我感到失望。

We are surprised to hear the news。The news is surprising。我们听到那消息吃了一惊。那消息令人吃惊。

The situation is encouraging。 We’re encouraged。形式使人鼓舞。我们感到鼓舞。

常用的还有:amusing/amused,astonishing/astonished,disappointing/disappointed,exciting/excited,frightening/frightened,interesting interested,moving/moved,  relaxing/relaxed,satisfying/satisfied,shocking/shocked,surprising/surprised,terrifying/terrified,tiring/tired,worrying/worried等等。




Seeing nobody at home,she decided to leave them a note。看到没人在家,她决定给他们留个条。(主动意义,几乎同时)

The secretary worked late into the night,preparing a speech for the president。秘书工作到晚上很晚,给总统准备一篇演说。(主动意义,同时)

Tired of the noise,he closed the window。对噪音感到厌烦,所以他把窗户关上。(被动意义,在谓语之前)

Deeply moved,she thanked me again and again。她深深地受了感动,再三谢我。(被动意义,在谓语之前)

Persuade by my mother,she gladly went there alone。在我母亲劝说下,她才高兴地独自去那里。(被动意义,在谓语之前)



Having watered the vegetables,they began to pick up the Apples。=After they had watered the vegetables,they began to pick up the apples。他们浇完了蔬菜之后就开始摘苹果。

Having finished the work,he packed his tools and left。完工后,他收拾起工具走了。



After eating my dinner quickly,I went to see Jim off。我赶快吃过晚饭就去给吉姆送行。

Though built before the Second World War,the engine is still in good condition。尽管是在二战以前建的,这引擎仍然处于良好状态。

Unless paying by credit card,please pay in cash。如果不用信用卡付款,请用现金付。

Tom will never do this unless compelled。汤姆永远也不会干这种事,除非被逼无奈。

She’s been quite different since coming back from America。从美国回来后,她大变了。





This is an interesting book。(=This is a book。It is interesting。)这是一本有趣的书。

There is something interesting in the news。(=There is something in the news。 It is interesting。)消息中有些有趣的事。

The man sitting by the window is our math teacher。(=The man who is sitting by the window is our math teacher。)靠窗户坐着的那个人是我们的数学老师

The machine run by the old worker is made in Shanghai。(=The machine that is run by the old worker is made in Shanghai。)那位老工人开的机器是上海造的。

Most of students singing were girls。(=Most of the students who were singing…)唱歌的学生多数是女生。

Many of the villagers questioned refused to answer。(=Many of the villagers who were questioned…)被问的许多村里人都拒绝。






A sleeping child(a child who is sleeping)正在睡觉的孩子

A sleeping car(a car for sleeping)卧车

A flying bird(a bird that is flying)飞鸟

A flying course(a course for flying)飞行课程

A swimming girl(a girl who is swimming)游泳的女孩

A swimming pool(a pool for swimming)游泳池

The running water(the water that is running)流水

The running track(the track for running)跑道




Who is the boy dancing over there?在那儿跳舞的少年是谁呀?

The girls swimming in the sea were in danger。 在海里游泳的姑娘们有危险。



The man who has gone to Shanghai will be back again。到上海去的那个人会回来的。

The teacher wants to talk to the students who smashed the windows。老师要找打破了窗子的那个学生谈话。



He has a brother who is a worker。他有一个当工人的兄弟。




Seeing the teacher entering the room,the students stood up。(=When the students saw the teacher entering the room,They stood up。)学生们看见老师走进房间,都站了起来。 (时间)

Heated,the Metal expands。 (=The metal expands if /when it is heated。)金属受热而膨胀。(条件、时间)

Being excited,I couldn’t go to sleep。(=As I was excited ,I couldn’t go to sleep。)我兴奋得睡不着觉。(原因)

Being a student,he was interested in sports。(=As he was a student,he was interested in sports。)


Inspired by Dr.Yang’s speech,Li Hua and his classmates decided to study physics harder。(=As they were inspired by Dr.Yang’s speech,Li Hua and his classmates decided to study physics harder。)李华和他的同学们受到杨博士讲话的鼓舞,决定更加努力学习物理。  (原因)

The children went away laughing。=The children went away。They laughed as they went。孩子们笑着走开了。(行为方式)

The professor stood there,surrounded by many students。(=The professor stood there。He was surrounded by many students。)教授站在那里,许多学生围着他。(行为方式)

While reading the newspaper,father nodded from time to time。(=While he was reading the newspaper,father nodded from time to time。)看报时,父亲不时地点头。(时间)(分词前,可加表示时间的连词while或when。)




Can you get the machine going again?你能使机器再动起来吗?

You should have your hair cut。你该理发了。

I saw him coming last night。我昨天晚上看见他来了。




The film is very moving。这部影片很感人。

Your homework is well done。你的作业做得好。

The visitors looked surprised.参观者看上去很惊讶。

The boys were seen walking on the grass。有人看见孩子们在草地上散步。




Flags flying,the army men marched in the streets。旗帜飘扬,军队在街上行进。

All his ribs broken,he lay half dead。他的肋骨全部折断,半死不活地躺着。


My wife had a long talk with Sally, explaining why she didn’t want the children to play together我妻子与莎莉谈了很长时间,解释她为什么不想让孩子们在一起玩。(现在分词explaining是句子主语my wife做的动作,它们之间是主动关系)

Given more attention,the trees could have grown better。如果对这些树多关心一些,它们本来会长得更好。(过去分词given表示的动作是句子主语the trees承受的动作,它们之间是被动关系)

We explored the caves,Peter acting as guide。我们到那山洞探险,彼得做向导。 (独立主格)

The train having gone,we had to wait another day。分词短语做状语时,前面可以加上连词或介词,但是分词短语和句子之间不能用并列连词(如but,and),因为并列连词接的是两个并列成分,而分词短语只是全句的一个状语部分。分词和主句之间可用逗号。


误:Having been told many times,but he still couldn’t understand it。

正:He was told many times, but he still couldn’t understand it。




Looking out of the window,I saw lots of people there。(=When I looked out of the window,I saw lots of people there。)

我往窗外一看,看见那儿有许多人。  (looking out of the window的逻辑主语,就是句子的主语I。)



We sat two hours and watched the teacher make the experiment。我们坐了两个小时,看老师做实验。(两小时一直在看老师做实验)

We passed by the classroom and saw the teacher making the experiment。我们走过教室,看见老师在做实验。(只是在走过教宰的一刹那间,看见老师正存做实验)

I saw him enter the room, unlock a drawer, take out a document, photograph it and put it back。我看见他走进房间,打开抽屉,拿出一份文件,拍了照又放回去(表示一个接一个的一系列动作的全过程时,用动词不定式。

I noticed them sitting in the corner and talking about something secret。我注意到他们坐在角落里在谈论什么秘密事儿。 (表示几个同时正在进行的动作,用现在分词)



He had the fire burning day and night。他让火日夜燃烧着。

Father had me swimming the whole summer vacation。父亲让我整个署假天天游泳。



Mary had her dress washed。玛丽叫别人洗了她的衣服。(衣服是被洗)

had his legs broken。他的腿骨折断了。(表示与主体意志无关的客观遭遇)

I had my watch stolen yesterday。昨天我的表被人偷了。(表是被偷)

They had Jack beaten。他们叫人打了杰克。(Jack是被打)



The story is interesting。这个故事很有意思。(故事使人感兴趣)

He is interested in dancing。他对舞蹈感兴趣。

The news was disappointing。这消息令人失望。

They were all disappointed。他们都感到失望。

The work was tiring。那工作累人。

The workers soon became tired。工人们很快就累了。




They are moving their bed.他们正在搬床。  (are moving是谓语,表示主体的动作)

The story is very moving.这个故事很感人。  (moving是表语,表示主体的特征)

Her homework was done by her sister.她的作业是她姐姐做的。  (was done是谓语动词被动语态)

Her homework is well done.她的作业做得很好。( done是表语)

(6)generally speaking(一般地说),roughly speaking(粗略地说),strictly speaking(严格地说)等现在分词结构都是习惯用语,在句子中作插入语。


Generally speaking,a footballer of 20 is better than one of 40。




The last bus having gone,we had to walk home.








Having written the letter,John went to the post office.

(=After he had written the letter,John went to the post office.


Having lived in Beijing for years,Lao Wang knows the city quite well.

 (=As he has lived in Beijing for years,Lao Wang knows the city quite well.)


Having drunk two glasses of water, Xiao Ma felt a little better.

(=After he had drunk two glasses of water Xiao Ma felt a little better.)




Opening the drawer,he took out his wallet.

(=He opened the drawer and took out his wallet.)


Coming into the room,he put down his bag.

(=he came into the room and put down his bag.)


Having brushed his teeth,Mr. Brown came downstairs for breakfast.


(此句如写成:Brushing his teeth, Mr. Brown came downstairs for breakfast.可能指“边刷牙,边下楼’。)

2.现在分词的被动语态(being +过去分词)通常表示“正在被…”的意思。如强调现在分词表示的动作发生在谓语动词所表示的动作之前时,可用现在分词被动语态的完成式(having + been +过去分词)。


The bridge being built will be completed next month.正在修建的那座桥将于下月完成。

Having been kept out of the room about half an hour for his returning late,Tom was let in.汤姆回来晚了,所以被关在门外半小时左右才让他进去。


Now let' s do some exercises:



A student is reading a book over there. He is our monitor.

---The student reading a book over there is our monitor.

I saw him. He was running for the bus.

---I saw him running for the bus.

He sat there. He was watching the men at work

---He sat there watching the men at work.

Tom felt tired. He went to bed at once.

---Feeling tired, Tom went to bed at once.

I had worked for a long time, so I felt very tired.

---Having worked for a long time, I felt very tired.

The plan is about middle school education. It is being discussed.

---The plan being discussed is about middle school education.

1)The teacher is taking a walk on the playground. He is our teacher of English.

-----The teacher taking a walk on the play ground is our teacher of English.

2)The birds filled the air with music. They were singing in the trees.

-----The birds singing in the trees filled the air with music.

3) Here is a novel. It was written b Lu Xun.

-----Here is a novel written by Lu Xun.

4) The language is English. It is spoken in Australia.

-----The language spoken in Australia Is English.

5) Do you know the number of students? They are coming to the English Evening.

-----Do you know the number of students coming to the English Evening?

6) I could hear the boys. They were playing in the field.

-----I could hear the boys playing in the field.

7) He was glad to find the fire. It was burning brightly.

-----He was glad to find the fire burning brightly.

8) I watched them. They were dancing.

-----I watched them dancing.

9) I saw a man. He was banging at your door

-----I saw a man banging at your door.

10)Tom rushed into the room. He was covered with snow.

-----Tom rushed into the room, covered with snow.

11)Mary sat on the ground. She talked with Jane.

-----Mary sat on the ground, talking with Jane.

12)I stood at the gate. I was waiting for his arrival.

-----I stood at the gate waiting for his arrival.

13) John put on his raincoat because he saw that it was raining.

-----Seeing that it was raining John put on his raincoat.

14) As he was stepping carelessly off the pavement, he was knocked down by the bus.

-----Stepping carelessly off the pavement, he was knocked down by the bus.

15) He used chopsticks. He ate his dinner.

-----He ate his dinner using chopsticks.

16) As he was going downstairs he tripped on the carpet.

-----Going downstairs he tripped on the carpet.

17) When I was learning English, I had much trouble in pronunciation.

-----When learning English, I had much trouble in pronunciation.

18) As he himself was one of the exploited Pottier shared their bitterness and sufferings.

-----Being one of the exploited himself Pottier shared their bitterness and sufferings.

19) The bridge had been weakened by successive storms and was no longer safe.

-----Weakened by successive storms, the bridge was no longer safe.

20) What is the book? It is being translated.

-----What is the book being translated?

21) As we did not know his address we could not get in touch with him.

-----Not knowing his address we could not get in touch with him.

22) As she had been there many times, she knew the place quit well.

-----Having been there many times, she knew the place quite well.

23) As we had not got a reply from them, we became quite worried.

-----Not having got a reply from them, we became quite worried.

24) Because they had been brought up in the city, they knew little about farmwork.

-----Having been brought up in the city, they knew little about farmwork.

25) He was a League member. He ought to take the lead in such activities.

-----Being a League member, he ought to take the lead in such activities. such activities.


2、   改正下列句子中的错误(注意分词短语的逻辑主语和句子的主语是否一致)。


Climbing to the top of the hill, there is a magnificent view to be seen.

-----Climbing to the top of the hill, one can see a magnificent view.

-----If one climbs to the top of the hill, there is a magnificent view to be seen.

1)Being Sunday I shall have a quiet day at home.

-----It being Sunday I shall have quiet day at home.

2)Entering the house, the door closed with a bang.

-----Entering the house, he closed the door with a bang.

3)Walking through the park, the flowers made a lovely sight.

-----Walking through the park, we saw a lovely show of flower.

4)Waiting for a bus, a brick fell on my head.

-----As I was waiting for a bus, a brick fell on my head.

5)Having been away from his hometown for more than thirty years, no one recognize him.

-----As he had been away from his hometown for more than thirty years, no one recognize him.




(1) in order to和so as to do(以便,为了):

She decided to work harder in order (so as) to catch up with the others. 她决心加紧学习,好赶上别人。

(2)too……to do……(非常…… 以至于不能……)

The boy is too young to join the navy.这男孩太小参不了海军。

高中英语基础语法 高中英语基础语法讲座(二)

(3) ……enough to do……(足以做……)

The hall is big enough to hold 1,000 people.这厅大得足以容纳一千人.

(4)only to do……(不料却……)

They lift a rock only to drop it on their own feet.他们搬起石头却砸自己的脚。

(5)"be+情绪形容词+to do"这个结构,不定式说明产生这一情绪的原因。

We are proud to be trained here in China.在中国受训我们感到自豪。

2、动名词和不定式作主语和表语时的区别动名词和不定式都可以作主语和表语。一般来说,在表示抽象的、一般的行为时,多用动名词;在表示具体某次动作,特别是将来的动作时,多用不定式。但在It’s no use(good),it’s Useless后面常用动名词作主语。


Her present job is teaching music. = Teaching music is her…                  (泛指)

To teach music to Grade One is her present job. =Her present job is to teach …    (特指)

It’s difficult for him to finish the了ob in a week.

Tom’s being late again made me angry. 汤姆又来晚了使我很生气。

It’s no use crying over spilt milk. 覆水难收





现在分词作定语:  a sleeping dog=a dog that is sleeping

                 a flying bird=a bird that is flying

                 a crying baby=a baby that is crying

                 boiling water=water that is boiling

动名词作定语:    a sleeping bag=a bag for sleeping

                 a swimming pool=a pool for swimming

                 a flying suit=a suit for flying

                 drinking water=water for drinking

4、动名词和不定式作宾语补足语时的区别。在look at,listen to, feel,hear,notice,observe,see,watch等动词后可以用不定式或现在分词作宾语补足语,意义差别不大。现在分词强调动作正在发生、还未结束;不定式只是陈述事实。


Did you hear someone knocking at the door?你刚才听到有人敲门吗?

Yes I did. I heard him knock three times.是的,我听到他敲了三下.

I saw your father working in your garden yesterday.


I saw your father work in your garden yesterday.




正:I found him lying on the ground.

误:I found him lie on the ground.



5. allow, permit, forbid,encourage,advise的用法相似,具体如下:

(1) 后面无宾语时,接doing,.


Sorry we don' t allow smoking in the lecture room.对不起,本教室里不许抽烟。

The school doesn' t permit smoking in class.学校不许在课上抽烟。

Mrs. Green forbade smoking in her house.格林夫人禁止在她家抽烟。

The teacher encouraged speaking more English in class.老师鼓励在课堂上多说英语。

(2)后面有宾语时,接to do.


Tom' s mother will not allow him to watch the film on TV.汤姆的母亲不会允许他在电视上看那个电影。

The school doesn' t permit its students to smoke in class.学校不允许它的学生们在上课时抽烟。

Mrs. Green forbade us to smoke in her house.格林夫人不许我们在她家抽烟。

The teacher encouraged everybody to speak more English in class.老师鼓励每个人在课堂上多说英语。

The doctor advised me to take more exercises.大夫建议我多锻炼。



That teacher doesn' t permit our smoking in his class.老师不允许我们在他讲课时抽烟。(our是smoking的主语)

Paul' s mother will forbid his going with you.保罗的妈妈不会允许他跟你去。

The doctor advised my taking more exercises.大夫建议我多锻炼。


(1 )正在粉刷的房子将是一家书店。

误: The house painted will be a bookstore

正: The house being painted will be a bookstore.

正: The house that/which is being painted will be a bookstore.



误:It is astonished to me that he should be absent.

正:It is astonishing to me that he should be absent.

正:I am astonished that he is absent.



误:The book is too difficult far me to read it

正:The book is too difficult far me to read


(4) 打开抽屉,他拿出词典。

误:Opening the drawer, and he took out a dictionary.

正:Opening the drawer, he took out a dictionary.


(5) 他别无选择,只有躺下来睡觉。

误:He has no choice but lying dawn and sleeping.

正:He has no choice but to lie dawn and sleep.

正:He can do noting but lie dawn and sleep.

正:He has nothing to do but lie dawn and sleep.


(6) 革命意味着解放生产力。

误:Revolution means to liberate the productive farces.

正:Revolution means liberating the productive farces.



误:When reading the notice, an idea came into his mind.

正:When he was reading the notice, an idea came into his mind.

正:Reading (When reading) the notice, he had an idea.



误:Judge from what he said, the answer is right.

正:Judging from what he said, the answer is right.

析:“Judging” 在这里是插入语,作独立成分。类似的用法还有to tell, the truth, considering, generally speaking等。


误:We walked as fast as we could to hope to get there in time.

正:We walked as fast as we could, hoping to get there in time.



误:The letter demanded answering immediately.

正:The letter demanded an immediate answer.

正:The letter required (needed) answering immediately.



误:This is one of the factories having been built in the 1980s.

正:This is one of the factories built in the 1980s.



误:Give me a sheet of paper to write

正:Give me a sheet of paper to write on







Today being Sunday, the library isn' t open.今天星期天,图书馆不开放。


As (Since) today is Sunday, the library isn' t open.


There being no buses,we had to take a taxi. 没有汽车了,我们只好坐出租车了。

Because there were no buses, we had to take a taxi.

The signal given,the bus started.信号发出后,公共汽车就启动了。


After the signal was given, the bus started.

The boy followed that man here,and climbed in,sword in hand.少年跟那个人到这里,并爬了进来,手里拿着剑。

The boy followed that man here,and climbed in,and had a sword in his hand.

The mid-term examination is over, the end-of-term examination to come two months later.期中考试结束了,两个月之后进行期末考试.

The mid-term examination is over, and the end-of-term examination is to come two months later.

Weather permitting, we' 11 visit the Great Wall.如果天气允许的话,我们就去参观长城。

If weather permits, we' 11 visit the Great Wall.

The boy followed that man here, and climbed in, sword in hand.少年跟那个人到这里,并爬了进来,手里拿着剑。(伴随状语)

上文例句中sword in hand是由“名词+介词短语”构成,表示伴随的情况。这种表示伴随情的独立主格结构,有时可以用with引出,二者的意思是一样的,with结构更加口语话,更加常用。

She left the office with tears in her eyes.她眼里含着泪水,离开了办公室。

The teacher walked into the classroom, with a ruler under his arm and some books in his hand.老师胳膊底下挟着一把尺子,手里拿着几本书,走进了教室。

The teacher walked into the classroom. He was holding a ruler under his arm and some books in his hand.

Tian' anmen Square looks magnificent with all the lights on.华灯齐放,天安门广场显得美丽动人。

With the boy leading the way, we found his house with no difficulty.由这孩子领路,我们毫不费劲地找到他的家。

With him to give us a lead, our team is bound to turn out well.有他给我们带头,我们对一定能搞好。



1) My work having been finished, I went home.

---My work having been finished

2)The woman sat smiling, surrounded by her flowers, a faraway look in her eyes.

      ---A faraway look in her eyes

3) My watch having been lost, I didn' t know what time it was.

      ---My watch having been lost

4) He came into the room, his face red with cold.

      --- his face red with cold

5) There an elderly patient was sitting in her wheelchair alone, head bowed, her back to most of the others.

      --- Head bowed. her back to mast of the others

6) A man came in, his face hidden by an upturned coat collar and a cap pulled law over his brow.

      --- His face hidden by an upturned…….


2、   用独立主格结构改正下列句子:

1) Being cold, he put on his overcoat.

---It being cold, …

2) Being no bus, we had to walk home.

  --- There being no bus, ...

3) Getting colder, same birds are flying away to the south.

  --- It getting colder, ...

4) Being ill, Mr. Li taught the lesson in place of Mr. Wang.

  --- Mr. Wang being ill, Mr. Li taught..

5) Asia is the largest continent, being about 43 million square kilometer.

  ---…,its size (area) being about 43….


3、   用独立主格结构将括号内的汉语译成英语填空:

1)Bing Bing entered the room, _____ (手里拿着一个大苹果).

---- (with) a big apple in his hand.

2)  _____(下课了),the children ran out of the class room.

            ---The class being over

3) The little girl waited at the bus stop for a long time, _____(鼻子冻得通红).

            ---her nose red with cold

4)  Here comes the Shanghai train, _____ (从福州来的火车)

            ---the Fuzhou train to come half an hour later.

5)  He was doing his homework._____ (他的父亲坐在旁边)

6)  ____(谁也没有什么可说的), the meeting was closed.

            -----Nobody having any more to say







She likes to eat well.她好吃

We all like good food.我们都喜欢好饭菜。

Everybody was happy with the decision. 人人都对这个决定感到高兴。

I am a doctor.我是个医生。



1. And连接的两个或多个单数名词作主语时,谓语动词用复数形式

His opinion and mine are different他的观点和我的是不同的。

Bob and Peter are deadly rivals. Bob和peter是死对头。

What she says and what she does are totally different. 她说的和做的完全不同。


Bread and milk has been my breakfast for years. 牛奶面包多年来一直是我的早餐。

Her lawyer and old friend is going to marry her.她的律师和老朋友要娶她。

All this effort and sacrifice has come to nothing. 所有这些努力和牺牲都白费了。

由and连接的单数主语分别有many a,ever y,each,no修饰时,动词用单数。

如:During the holidays, every train and every plane was crowded.假期期间每列火车及每架飞机都非常拥挤。

No boy and no girl has the right to refuse education. 男孩和女孩都没有拒绝教育的权利。

Man a man and man a woman was moved b this picture。许多男男女女都被这幅画感动。


如:Swimming jogging and cycling are all goad farms of sports exercises.游泳、慢跑和骑自行车都是很好的运动形式。

To live to eat is not a very goad attitude toward life. 活着就是为了吃不是好的生活态度。

To live to eat and to eat to live are very different attitudes toward life.

以what,who,why,haw, whether等wh一词引起的从句做主语时,谓语动词通常用单数;由and连接的两个主句如果指两件事,动词用复数。

例如:What he is doing is not clear yet他在干什么还不清楚

What he is doing and whether I know him are two different things.他在干什么和我是否认识他是两件不同的事。

What she told me is none of your business. 她和我说的什么用不着你管。

What she told me and what she told you are totally different things.


如:What I need buy now are four tea cups and a pair of sports shoes.


What were thought to be five dogs were actually five sheep.


3.集体名词family,class,crew(全体船员或机组人员),crowd, group, committee, audience, government, public, team, staff, population等做主语时,若作为一个整体看待,后面谓语动词用单数; 如就其中每一个成员来考虑时,则用复数。

例如: My family is a big one.我家人多。

My family are all music lovers. 我全家人都爱好音乐。

Eighty percent of China' s population are peasants. 百分之八十的中国人口是农民。

     China has a huge population. 中国有众多的人口。

     The population of China is the largest in the world. 中国的人口是世界上最多的。

People, police, cattle,(牛),militia(民兵),poultry(家禽),vermin(害出)等作主语时,后面的动词要用复数。

如:There were many people waiting outside. 有许多人在外面等着。

The police are searching far the murderer. 警察在搜捕凶手。

The cattle are grazing in the fields. 一群牛在田野里吃草。

Foliage(树叶),machinery(机械),equipment(设备) ,furniture(家具),merchandise(商品)等通常做不可数名词,动词用单数,

    如:The merchandise has arrived undamaged滴品已经到达,毫无损坏。

    All the machinery in the factory is made in China. 本工厂里的所有机械都是中国制造的,

4.不定代词either,neither,ever y,each,one,the other, another以及所有的复合不定代词作主语时,谓语动词只用单数,包括“every/each/no……and every/each/no……”作主语时。

    如:Every/Each plane and every/each pilot is ready to take off.


 No plane and no pilot is ready to take off.


 Here are two books. Either of them is worth reading.


 Neither of these two dictionaries contains this ward.


Everyone is here. No one is absent. 大家都到了,没有人缺席。

Somebody is using the phone. 有人在用电话。

I have two sisters. One is here, and the other is not here.


Each day is better than the one before. 一天比一天好。

Either day is OK. 两天中哪一天都行。

5. what,who,which,any,mare,some,half,mast,all,none.等代词可以是单数,也可以是复数,主要靠意思决定。但指不可数名词时作单数看待。

    例如:Which is your book? Which are your books?

          Here' s same mare (coffee). Here' re same more (tomatoes).

          None of the books are/is easy enough for us.

Most of


Most of


All of


All of


Some of

The money was stolen

Some of

The member was there.

Half of


Half of


None of


None of


Two thirds of


Two third of


由Many a或mare than one所修饰的词做主语时,意义上虽然是复数,但谓语动词用单数形式。none在代表不可数的东西时总是看作单数.

 如:Many a person is far his plan. 很多人赞成他的计划。

       Mare than one people is against his plan. 不止一个人反对他的计划。


如:Twenty miles is a long way to walk. 走二十英里可是很长的一段路。

        Ten years is a long time。十年很长。

        Eight minutes is enough. 八分钟够了。

        Twelve dollars is too dear. 十二美圆太贵了。

        There are six silver dollars in each of the stacking. 每只袜子里有六个一美元的银币。

7. “the+形容词”表示一类人时,谓语动词用复数。表示抽象概念或指个别事物时谓语动词用单数。

如:The old are well taken care of. 老人得到很好的照顾。

        The beautiful is laved by all. 人人都爱美,

        The difficulty we do at once. The impassible takes a little loner.


还有the unknown(未知的事物),the unexpected(出乎意料的事),等等。

8. 如果主语由"a kind/sort/type of this kind/sort/type of +名词”组成,不管名词是单数还是复数,动词通常用单数。

如:This kind of man annoys me. =This kind of men annoys me. 这种人让我烦。

        This kind of apple is very expensive. = This kind of apples is…这种苹果很贵。

类似的还有:a portion of(一部分),a series of(一系列),a pile of(一堆),a panel of (一个小组委员会),

如:A series of accidents has happened here. 这里发生过一系列事故。

9. Means作“方法、手段”讲时,单复数同形,其前面有each, every, neither, either,等单数a念的定语时,谓语动词用单数;若有all, both,these等复数概念的定语时谓语动词用复数。

“None of the means”作主语时,谓语动词通常用单数。

如:There is/are no means of learning what is happening. 没法知道正在发生什么事。   

No means is /are left untried. 没有没试过的方法了。

Every means is to an end. 每一种手段都能达到一种目的。

A bicycle is a means of transport. 自行车是一种交通手段。

All possible means have/Every possible means has been tried.所有的方法都试过了。


1.当主语由either...... or. neither...... nor , not only ...... but(also) 或or连接时,谓语动词通常和最临近的那个主语一致。

    例如:Either you or he is to do the work. 不是你就是他来做这件事。

          Not only you but also Tom often comes late to class. 不光是你,汤姆上课也迟到。

          Neither the children nor the teacher knows anything about it.


2.当there be结构后面有并列主语时,谓语也和最临近的那个一致。

如:There is a dictionary and many books on the table.


    There' re ten chairs and a table in the house.


    Here is a pen, a few envelopes and same paper far you.



如:Where is your mother and sisters?


    Is your sister and her husband coming to see you?


    One in ten are expected to take part in the contest.


3.做主语的名词或代词后接with,together with,along with,as well as等短语时,谓语动词一般和前面名词或代词一致。这些短语前后可用可不用逗号。

如:A woman with a baby is coming to the hospital


    The girl, as well as the bays , has learned to drive a car.





如:One must do one' s best to increase production.

    Everybody talked at the tap of his/their voice.

    If anyone calls, tell him I' 11 be back in a moment. (him也可用him or her代替)

在写作中,如果表示不定的人,可以用you, we, one等,需要注意的是:同一篇文章中,只用同一个不定代词,而且所有格要与其一致。






We've had some money.

We haven't had any money.

I was talking to someone

I wasn't talking to anyone.

They sometimes visit us.

They rarely (never, seldom) visit us.

He has arrived already.

He hasn't arrived yet.

Li is coming too.

Li isn't coming either.

Both of us are going.

Neither of us are going.

He likes both of them.

He doesn't like either of them.


如:My wife likes classical music very much and so do.

    She doesn' t like jazz and neither do.


Now let' s do multiple choice exercises:

1)       __d__ great number of people visit the PalaceMuseum every day.

a. There are a    b. While a    c. They are    d. A

2) The disabled __b__ trades in special schools.

a. is taught    b. are taught    c. be taught    d. have

3) The captain, as well as the coaches __d__ by Xiao Zhou' s performance in the match.

a. was impressed    b. had impressed    c. impressed    d. be impressed

4) Every means __a__ been tried ever since the machine brake down.

a. has    b. have    c. are    d. is

5) The number of motorcycles __b__ lest the roads became too crowded.

a. are to be limited    b. is to be limited    c. have to be limited    d. to be limited

6) You as well as he __a__ to blame far the accident.

a. are    b. is    c. have     d. has

7) Neither you, nor I nor anyone else __d__ the answer

a. is knowing    b. are knowing   c. know    d. knows

8) The high standard of the nation' s literature, art, and science __c__ widespread attention.

a. was captured    b. have captured    c. has captured    d. were captured

9) No one except his parents __b__ where the bay has gone.

a. know    b. knows    c. has known     d. have known

10) Neither my wife nor I myself __d__ able to teach my daughter to sing English songs.

a. has been    b. is    c. are    d. am

11)My father seldom watches television in the evening. __d__

a. So does my mother       b. My mother does either  

c. My mother doesn' t too    d. Nor does my mother

12) "I am going to visit the MarcoPaloBridge tomorrow." “__b__”.

a. I am so     b. So am i    c. So go i     d. So I go

13)I haven' t read today' s People' s Daily Yet, and I haven' t read today' s China Daily. __c__

a. bath      b. too    c. either    d. neither

14) Mary has lived in London and Manchester, but doesn' t like __b__ very much.

a. both    b. either    c. the two    d. both of

15) Li Hong and I can go to the beach with you. __c__

a. but either can Xiao Wang    b. and so Xiao Wang car

c. but Xiao Wan can' t        d. and Xiao Wan also can

16) 1f Bob' s wife wan' t agree to go an holiday in winter, __c__

a. neither he will   b. neither wan' t he   c. neither will he   d. he want neither

17) "Do you want to have coffee or tea?" “Oh, __b__ ”.

a. either does well    b. either will do     c. each is good    d. each will be fine

18) "Xiao Zhou plays computer games all the time."   "__a__ does Li Hong.”

a. So     b. Either    c. Neither   d. Also

19)I haven' t finished my homework yet, __d__

a. So has he    b. Neither he has     c. He has too   d. He hasn' t either

20)I would like another drink and __b__

a. so does John    b. so would John    c. John does too    d. John will too.













                         i.              先行词为不定代词all, little, none,any,every,no,much, anything, nothing

                        ii.              先行词有最高级和序数词修饰时(包括: the only, the very, the same, the last, the next等)

                      iii.              先行词既有人又有物的时候


①      引导非限制性定语从句(包括代表整个主句的意思时)

②      介词+关系代词的结构中





如果用定语从句把两个句子合二为一:首先找出两个句子当中相同的部分,定语从句修饰的就是这一部分。要把其中一个句子变成定语从句,就要把这句中相同的那个部分用一个关系词来代替;代替时,先看被代替的部分是指人还是指物、再看它作什么句成分。指人并作主语的,就用who。或that;指人并作宾语的,就用whom或that;指人并作定语的,就用whose。指物并作主语的,就用which或that认指物并作宾语的,还是用which或that认是物并作定语的,就用whose或of which。这样找好并替换以后,再把这个关系代词放到要变成定语从句的那个句子的最前面(被代替的部分不能再保留,其它的词语一律不变),这个句子就变成了定语从句。然后,再把这个定语从句整个放在被修饰的词后面,最后,如果还有其它句子成分,就把它们放到定语从句的后面,就行了。


Have you found the book? You were looking for the book yesterday.

在这两个句子中,the book是相同的,定语从句修饰的就是the book。把后面这一句变成定语从句,找个关系词来代替the book;在将要被变成定语从句的名子中,the book是物并作宾语,所以用which或that代替它。

然后把which或that放到本句的最前面,其它的词和语序一律不变。这时,就成了"that/which you were looking for yesterday?”,再把这个定语从句整个放在被修饰的词后面,就成了“have you found the book that/which you were looking for yesterday?”定语从句就完成了,主句是问句,所以句末用问号。that/which代替的是原句中的宾语,原句变成了从句,它们仍然作从句的宾语。关系代词在从句中作宾语时可以省略,因此上句又可变成“have you found the book you were looking for yesterday?”.


( 1 )  "The dog belongs to the Browns. It ate my fish yesterday."

……The dog which/that ate my fish yesterday belongs to the Browns。

(2)  "The lady has gone to the police station. Her car has been stolen."

……The lady whose car has been stolen has gone to the police station.

(3)  "I' ve seen the film. His girl friend played the leading role In it.''

……I' ve seen the film {which / that) his girl friend played the leading role in

……I’ve seen the film in which his girl friend played the leading role.

……His girl friend played the leading role in the film {which/that) I’ve seen.



例如:This is the house甲I was barn and brought up in the house.在这两个句子中,in the house是句子里的地点状语,定语从句修饰的就是the house。把后面这一句变成定语从句。在将要被变成定语从句的句子中,in the house是地点状语,所以用where来代替它。然后再把where放到本句的最前面,其它的词和语序来代替它。然后再把where放到本句的最前面,其它的词和语序一律不变。这时,就成了"where}was barn and brought up"。再把这个定语从句整个放在被修饰的词后面,就成了"This is the house where I was barn and brought up.”,


(4) The hotel is an artistic building. We' 11 stay in it.

……The hotel where we' 11 stay is an artistic building.

……The hotel (which/that) we' 11 stay in is an artistic building.

……The hotel in which we' 11 stay is an artistic building.

(5) Perhaps they' ve heard of the place. We went there for our holidays last time.

……Perhaps they' re heard of the place where we went for our holidays last time.




(6)They’re redecorating the room. A conference will be held in the room.

    →They’re redecorating the room where a conference will be held.

    →They’re redecorating the room (which /that) a conference will be held in.

    →They’re redecorating the room in which a conference will be held.

那么,“介词+关系代词”是怎么回事呢?原来上面这个例句,还有一种做法:This is the house. I was born and brought up in the house.在这两个句子中,the house是相同的,定语从句修饰的就是the house 。把后面这一句变成定语从句。在将要被变成定语从句的句子中,the house表示物而且是介词in的宾语,所以用关系代词which或that来代替。然后把which或that放到本句的最前面,其它的词和语序一律不变。这时,后面这一句就成了 “which/that I was born and brought up in”。再把这个定语从句整个放在被修饰的词后面,就成了“This is the house which/that I was born and brought up in”。定语从句就完成了,主句是陈述句,所以句末用句号。

    which/that代替的是原句中的宾语,原句变成了从句,它们就作从句的宾语。关系代词在从句中作宾语时可以省略,因此上句又可变成“This is the house I was born and brought up in.”

但是,in可以提到关系代词的前面,不过这时不能用that,而且不能省略。所以上句又可变为“This is the house in which I was born and brought up.”这就是“介词+关系代词”的来历。


例如:The supermarket which was opened two months ago is now closed down.


    The supermarket, which was opened two months ago, is now closed down.   


The book(which) you’re reading is mine .


    The book, which you’re reading, is mine.



    I’ve been to London , which is a beautiful city。


    Your father, whom I respect very much, is a kind old man.


    Nanjing, where I lived for five years, is very hot in summer.




如:He did well in the physics exam, which surprised me.


(学地道的英语有两个重要的练习方法:parallel writing, and reverse translation,即平行写作和逆翻译。所谓平行写作,就是模仿英语的句子写类似的句子。而逆翻译就是先把英语译成汉语,或根据汉语的译文,再把汉语翻译成英语,再把英语译文同原文比较,分析差异。这两种方法能避免汉语式英语。)

He did well in the physics exam, which surprised me.


    请把这句话逆翻译。有的同学会翻译为:He did well in the physics exam, this surprised me. 这句话错在什么地方呢?错在句法。这句话有两个主谓结构,是两个并列的分句,但没有连词(this 是代词),这就成了串句。

再如:He’s very particular about wording, which I am not.


      I said nothing, which made her angry.


      Tom didn’t go to the show, which was a pity.




1.指人的关系代词:who, whom, whose, that 的用法:

(1)作主语(who, that )

Those who are going to play in the match are to meet at the gate at 1:30 after lunch.


    在本句中,先行词是those;关系代词who引导定语从句,同时代替先行词在从句中担任动词are going to play 的主语。

The man who/that is talking with Mr. Wang is a famous doctor.


    在本句中,先行词是the man;关系代词who/that引导定语从句,同时代替先行词在从句中担任动词is talking的主语。


The man is a famous doctor. He is talking with Mr. Wang.

(2)作宾语包括作介词宾语(whom, that )。此种情况下的关系代词可以省略;

This is just the man(whom/that) I want for the job.这正是我要的做这份工作的人。

    在本句中,先行词是the man;关系代词whom/that 引导定语从句,同时代替先行词在从句中担任动词want 的宾语。

Is he the manager (whom/that) you are looking for?



如:The book from which I got a lot of useful information was written by a famous scientist.


Who is the boy with whom you were talking a moment ago.


I know the young couple from whose house the music is coming.

但是当介词放在从句末尾时,作为介词宾语的关系代词可以用that 并且可以省略。


The book (that /which) I got a lot of information from was written by a famous scientist.

Who is the boy (that/whom) you were talking with a moment ago?



This is the instruction manual which/that tells you how to operate the computer.



The chair (which /that) you broke yesterday is now being repaired.


The film (which/that) I saw last night was about a soldier who fought in WWII.



This is the bike for which I paid $ 100.


The car(which/that)he went in was a black Cadillac.


The accounts of the company, (which/that) I’ve been paying great attention to, are in balance.


3.whose 和of which 指代人或事物,作定语。of which 可用whose 代替;

The car whose lights (of which the lights/the lights of which) were all broken was my father’s.


例:His house of which the windows (the windows of which /whose windows) were all broken was a depressing sight.


    That is the book whose cover (of which the cover/the cover of which ) was broken.



如:Peter is the one who everybody believes will fail to bring off the contract. Peter 是那个人人都认为不能完成合同的人。(everybody believes 是插入语)

    At the election I voted for the man whom I believed to be the most suitable.



例:These are the operating instructions that/which are written in English 。


    Are you staying at the white house which/that is newly completed and which /that has 15 bedrooms, 3 kitchens and 4 toilets?


    So far as I know, there are many VIPs who are going to attend the reception.


6.非限定性定语从句不用that,只用who(whose, whom)和which代表人和物;

例:Her brothers, both of whom work in America, ring her up every week。


    The buses, most of which were already full, were surrounded by an angry crowd,


That tower block, which cost five million dollars to build, has been empty for five years.


    Cricket, which I know very little about, is a very popular sport in England。


    The accounts of the company ,which I’ve been paying great attention to, are in balance.







when(=at / on / in / during which)




where(=in / at which)



why=(for which)



例:I shall never forget the day when (=on which) we first met.


    The rain came at a time when (=at which) it was not needed.


    This is the computer where (=by/on which) he has stolen top-secret documents.


    Here is the place where (=at which) the murder took place.


He didn’t give any reason why (=for which) I had been fired.


    This is the house in which (=where) my parents used to live.



(1)在非正式场合, that有时可用来代替关系副词或相当于关系副词的“介词+which”,而且经常全部省略,

如:In all the years that (=when/during which) I was at collage


    the reason that(=why/for which)he is not happy


    The direction(that)(=in which )the heavenly bodies move can’t be changed.


    He is unpopular because people don’t like the offensive way (that)(=in which) he talks.




如:This is the room where/in which we’ll celebrate the New Year.


    This is the room(that /which)we’ll celebrate the New Year in.


    This is the room which /that will be used for the celebration of the New Year.


    This is the room (which/that) we’ll use for the New Year dinner party.


The reason (that /which) he had given was not sound enough.


    The reason why/for which he had done that was not sound enough.


This is the house where she lives.这是她住的房子。

【比较:This is the house (that/which) she has bought. 这是她买的房子。This is the house that/which I’ve told you is extremely expensive.这就是我和你说过极其昂贵的那幢房子。】

I met him in the year when I was first in Xi’an.


    That is the reason why he did not come that morning.



例:Anyone who/that touches the wire will get an electric shock.

    任何碰这根电线的人将受到电击。(不用will touch)

    I would give her anything that she asked for.

    她要什么我就给她什么。(不用would ask)

    The first person who/that opens the door will get a shock.

    第一个开门的人将被吓一跳。(不用will open)

    There will be a special price for anybody who orders a suit in the next two weeks.

    任何人在下两周内定做套装都将享受优惠价格。(不用will order)


如:Those who will go abroad for training next year will start learning English tomorrow.



例:Edison was one of the greatest inventors that ever lived.


    This is the best film that I’ve ever seen.


    She was the greatest woman that/who has ever lived.


②先行词有the same, the very, the first, the last, all, no, the only, much, little, none, any, every等时,常用that, 而不用which:

例:He was the first man that we saw in the village.


    There is little that is interesting.


I still remember the first time that we met.


    I’ll do anything (that) I can to help you.


Everything that can be done has been done.


    God bless this ship and all who sail in her.


    All that I can say is thank you very much.



如:We were deeply impressed by the workers and their working conditions that we had visited.


We listened to him talk about the men and books that interested him。



如:Let’s discuss only such questions as concern us.


    I’ve never heard such stories as he tells.


I shall be surprised if he does this in the same way as I do.


    She works in the same office as I do.


She wears the same kind of clothes as her sister does.


    He’s wearing the same dress as he wore at Mary’s wedding.


This is the same watch as I have lost.


    I’ve never seen such kind of people as they are.


I’ve never seen such kind people as they are.


    I want the same shirt as my friend’s.


Such machines as are used in our workshop are made in china.




      偶尔,the same 后面也用that,

如:He’s wearing the same suit that he wore at Mary’s wedding.


    She works in the same office that I do.


    This is the same watch that I have lost.


as 引导非限定性定语从句即可放在主句之前,也可放在主句之后,用来修饰整个句子。当as在从句中作主语时,后面常接下列句型。如:as is known, as is said, as is reported as is announced 等。

例如:As we all know, Mr. Wang is a good teacher.

      As is known to all, the earth revolves round the sun.

      He is tired, as you can see.

      As I expected, he didn’t believe me.

As 引导非限定性定语从句时与which的区别:当主句和从句语义一致时,用as;反之,用which。

如:He made a long speech, as was expected.

    He made a long speech, which was unexpected.

    Tom drinks a lot every day, which his wife doesn’t like at all.


注:⑤在“介词+关系代词”的结构中,也可用复杂介词,如:by means of (用,依靠),as a result of (作为结果)等:

例:I have three children, one daughter and two sons, all of whom graduated from the same university .


    The police, in whom I have great confidence, are trying to find out who did it.


This is the part of the river in which I like to swim.

   (in which=where)


    The man from whom you bought the house is my uncle.


This is the desk by means of which he jumped over the wall.


    She was running a fever, as a result of which she failed in the exam.


    He is the man from whose house the picture was stolen.



例:Here are some words which are often used but which are very confusing.


    He is the only person that I can find who is able to solve the problem.





















疑问词(who, whom, whose, what, which, where, why, when, how)可以引导主语、宾语和表语从句。


    For example:

    Do you know whom they are looking for? 你知道他们在找谁吗?(宾语从句,陈述语序。不能是whom are they looking for?)

    I don’t know who did it. 我不知道这是谁干的。(宾语从句。在从句中如果疑问词作主语,其陈述语序和疑问语序一致。)

    She asked me where I had been. 她问我到哪儿去了。(宾语从句。陈述语序,不能是where had I been. 直接引语,间接引语。注意这句话的时态。)

Can you tell me when the train will arrive? 你能告诉我火车什么时候到吗?(宾语从句。陈述语序,不能是when will the train arrive. 直接引语,间接引语。)

    I don’t know why he hasn’t come yet. 我不知道他为什么还没来。(宾语从句,陈述语序。不能是why hasn’t he come yet.)

    He didn’t tell me what you were doing. 他没和我说你在干什么。(宾语从句,陈述语序。不能是what were you doing.)

What you have done might do harm t other people. 你所做过的事情有可能伤害别人。(主语从句。what 作从句的宾语。陈述语序,不能是what have you done. 如果用疑问语序,意思发生了变化,成了“你做了什么?”。)

    I don’t know where he is now. 我不知道他现在在哪里。(宾语从句,陈述语序。不能是where is he now.)

Where he went for his weekend is not known. 不知道他去哪里过的周末。(主语从句,where 作从句的地点状语。陈述语序,不能是where did he go for his weekend.)

    Whose fault this is is not important. 这是谁的过错并不重要。(主语从句,whose 作从句的定语。陈述语序,不能是whose fault is this.)

What I want to know is where he has gone for his weekend. 我想知道的是他到哪里度周末去了。(这句话包含两个名词性从句:what I want to know是主语从句,what 在从句中作宾语,从句用陈述语序,不能是What do I want to know. Where he has gone for his weekend 是表语从句,where 在从句中作状语,从句用陈述语序,不能是where has he gone for his weekend.)



1.that 引导主语从句时,that 没有意义,但不能省略。(that 引导宾语从句时可以省略。)

    For example:

    It worried her a bit that her hair was turning gray. 她的头发正在变白,这使她很不安。that引导主语从句,it 作形式主语,that 不能省略。

    That she is a rich woman is known to us all. 众所周知,她是个富有的女人。这是that 引导主语从句,that 不能省略。这句话可以改为用it 作形式主语的句型。请同学们改写:It is known to us all that she is a rich woman.)

    We didn’t know (that) you had sold your house. 我们不知道你已经把你的房子卖了。这是that引导宾语从句,that 可以省略。注意这句话的时态。

2.从句作主语时,多数情况下由 it 作形式主语,而把主语从句放在后面,尤其是谓语部分(包括宾语)较短的情况下。

    For example:

    It wasn’t very clear what she meant. 不清楚她是什么意思。

    It is important that he should come on time. 他按时来是很重要的。

    It is true that that man on the left is a well-known writer here. 左边那个人是本地的一位著名作家,这是真的。这里,第一个that 引导主语从句,是单纯的连词,无词义,不作句子成分。第二个that 是指示代词,作句子成分,是man 的定语。

3.whether 既可以引导主语从句也可以引导宾语从句,但if不能引导主语从句。whether 后面可以加or not, 而if 不能与or not 连用。作介词宾语时不用if.

    For example:

    Whether I knew John doesn’t matter. = It doesn’t matter whether I knew John. 我是否认识约翰没有关系。

    Whether or not she’ll come isn’t clear. = Whether she’ll come or not isn’t clear. = It isn’t clear whether …. 她是否来还不清楚。

    It all depends on whether we can get their cooperation. 这是主语从句还是宾语从句?it 是形式主语吗?it 是代词,whether 引导的是宾语从句,作介词on 的宾语,不能用if引导。请翻译这句话。这完全取决于我们是否能得到他们的合作。

    I worry about whether I hurt her feelings. 宾语从句,介词宾语,不能用if 引导。请翻译这句话。

    She asked me whether/if you were married. 宾语从句,既可以用whether, 又可以用if 引导。注意时态的对应。请翻译这句话。

    We haven’t decided whether/if we shall give them aid.

    I’m not sure whether/if the report is believable.

Now let’s do some translation:


    It is still hard to predict who will win the next presidential election.


    Who will become the president doesn’t matter much to most citizens.


    It remains to be seen whether the ex-president will be sentenced to death.


    It is a pity that Prof. Wang can’t attend our English Evening.


    What we need is more time.


在谓语动词、介词、动词不定式、分词、动名词之后都可以带有宾语从句。某些形容词如sure, happy, glad, certain, pleased 等之后也可以带有宾语从句。

1.that 引导的宾语从句: that 没有意义,在口语或非正式文体中常省略:如:

    I really feel she’s making a mistake. 我的确感到她正犯错误。

    James said (that) he was feeling better. 詹姆斯说他感到好些了。

    Hearing that his son was badly wounded, he hurried to the hospital to see him. 听说儿子受了重伤,他急忙赶到医院去看望他。

    I suggested that we should go home. 我建议我们回家去。虚拟语气,that 一般不能省略。

2.whether/if (是否)引导的宾语从句:如果要突出“究竟是…还是不…”,常在whether 后面加or not; if 一般不与or not连用。如:

    He asked me if/whether I knew John. 他问我是否认识约翰。

    Let me know whether you can come or not. 你能来还是不能来,告诉我一声。

3.在think, believe, suppose, expect 等动词的宾语从句中,否定不用在从句中,而是将think 等词变为否定形式。

    For example:

    I don’t think the film is interesting. 我觉得这部电影没什么意思。

    I don’t suppose we are going outing tomorrow. 我认为我们明天不会出去郊游。

4.如果从句作宾语而后面还有补语,为了保持句子的平衡,用it 作形式宾语,而将宾语从句放在句尾。常跟这样的复合宾语的动词有:make, find, see, hear, feel, think, consider, regard, take….for granted等。如:

    George made it clear that he opposed this project. 乔治已明确表示他反对这个项目。it 代表that 引导的句子,作宾语,clear 是宾语补足语。

    They kept it quiet that he was dead. 对他已经死亡的消息,他们秘而不宣。

    I took it for granted that you’d stay with us. 我想当然认为你会和我们呆在一起。



同位语从句是对名词的内容给予具体、详细的说明。常在后面接同位语从句的名词有fact, news, idea, truth, hope, suggestion, question, problem, doubt, fear, belief等。同位语从句常用的引导词为that,有是也用when, where 等疑问词。如:

    The news that the United States was hit by terrorist attacks took the whole world by surprise. 美国受到恐怖主义分子袭击的消息令全世界吃惊。

    The idea that you can do this work well without thinking is quite wrong. 你认为不动脑筋就能做好这件工作的想法是完全错误的。

    People used to hold the belief that the earth was the center of the universe. 人们曾认为地球是宇宙的中心。

The difficulty lies in the fact that we are short of money. 困难在于我们缺乏资金这个事实。

    They have no idea at all where he has gone. 他们一点儿也不知道他去哪儿了。

注意:同位语从句的that 只是引导词,没有其他语法作用,在句子中不作句子成分,不能省略;而定语从句中的that 除了引导定语从句外,还是定语从句的一个成分,在定语从句中作主语或宾语,作主语时不能省略,作宾语时可以省略。如:

    The idea that some peoples are superior to others is sheer nonsense. 有些民族优越于其他民族这种想法简直荒谬。(请辨别是同位语从句还是定语从句。)(同位语从句)

    The idea that he proposed at the meeting is sheer nonsense. 他在会议上提出的这个想法简直荒谬。(请辨别是同位语从句还是定语从句。)(定语从句)

No one is happy with the fact that he found out. 没有人对他发现的事实感到高兴。(请辨别是同位语从句还是定语从句。)(定语从句)

    No one is happy with the fact that he will become their boss. 没有人对他将成为他们的老板这一事实感到高兴。(请辨别是同位语从句还是定语从句。)(同位语从句)



    That’s not what I want. 那不是我要的。

    That’s why I have come. 那就是我为什么来了。

    My opinion is that things will improve. 我的意见是事情会好起来的。

    One advantage of solar energy is that it will never run out. 太阳能的一个优点是永远也不会枯竭。

    The truth is that he didn’t really try. 实际情况是他没有真正努力。

    The problem is who is to pay and when we can start. 问题是谁来付帐、我们又何时开始。

    The fact is that he didn’t notice the car until too late. 事实是他注意到车时已经太晚了。

    What surprised me was that he spoke English so well. 使我感到吃惊的是他英语讲得那么好。

    All I can say is that I have nothing to do with it. 我能说的就是我与此事没有关系。

    What I want to know is where we shall go and whether she will join us. 我想知道的是我们要去什么地方以及她是否加入我们。


    The fact is that he didn’t notice the car until too late. 事实是他注意到车时已经太晚了。

    What surprised me was that he spoke English so well. 使我感到吃惊的是他英语讲得那么好。

    All I can say is that I have nothing to do with it. 我能说的就是我与此事没有关系。

    What I want to know is where we shall go and whether she will join us. 我想知道的是我们要去什么地方以及她是否加入我们。

    此外,表语从句还可由as if (好像)引导。如:

    It looked as if it was/were going to rain. (虚拟语气)

    Now let’s do some translation:


    That is why she had a day off yesterday.


    My idea is that individual rights should be fully respected.


    The question is whether the God really exists.


    What I want to know is how he managed to complete the project in such a short time.

形容词后的that 从句

    that 引导的名词性从句还可以用在一些形容词后面。这种句型一般都用人作主语,所用的形容词都是表示思想状况或感情色彩的形容词,如certain, sure, positive, afraid, convinced, anxious, disappointed, worried, glad, happy, sorry, amazed, surprised, aware, doubtful, confident等等。如:

    I am sure/certain that he’s at home now. 我肯定他现在在家。

    He became angry that you made the same mistake. 你犯了同样的错误,他生气了。

    He remains confident that he will win. 他仍然自信他会赢

    She is aware that I can’t help her. 她知道我帮不了她的忙。

    I am glad that you’ve come. 你来了我很高兴。

He appeared/seemed surprised that I said “no”. 我说不,他似乎很吃惊。

    I am afraid that I can’t promise you anything. 恐怕我不能向你保证什么。

We were rather disappointed that you were not able to come yesterday. 昨天你没能来我们有点失望。

    I am a bit worried that she will not be able to make it. 我有点担心她做不成这件事情。


what 从句的小结

1.意思是“所….的事/物”, 相当于the thing(s) that…, that which…, 或those which… 可以用于以下情况:

    (1) 引导主语从句。如:

    What she saw frightened her. 她看到的事情吓了她一跳。

    What was once regarded as impossible has now become a reality. 曾经被认为不可能的事情,现在已经变成了事实。

    What I’m afraid of is their taking him to that place. 我怕的是他们带他到那地方去。

    What we are worrying about is just her innocence. 我们担心的是她的幼稚。

    But what hurt our feelings most was the personal comment of the judge. 最伤我们感情的是法官的私下评论。

    What will be, will be. 要发生的事总是要发生的。(谚语)

    What is gone is gone. 过去的事就过去了。

    (2) 引导表语从句。如:

    That’s what I hope. 那就是我希望的。

    I should like to be a teacher. That’s what I want to be. 我想当老师,那是我想干的事。

    Times are not what they used to be. 时代不同了。

    He’s not what he was a few years ago. 他不是几年前的他了。

    Your health is not what it ought to be. 你的身体应该更好。

    (3) 引导宾语从句,包括介词宾语。如:

    He could not express what he felt. 他不能表达他的感受。

    Well, I’ll do what I can. 好吧,我尽力。

    I can’t do what you’ve just asked of me. 我不能做你刚才要求我的事。

    And having got what he wanted, he took his hat and went away. 得到了他要的东西,他拿上帽子就走了。

    As a friend of yours, I want to tell you what I hear. 作为你的朋友,我想告诉你我所听到的。

    The father began to criticize what the boy had done. 父亲开始批评男孩所做的事。(注意时态)

    She was not happy at what he had said. 她对他说的话不高兴。

    Don’t poke your nose into what doesn’t concern you. 不要多管闲事。

    The city is different from what it was ten years ago. 这座城市和十年前不同了。

    It was a small place then compared to what it is now. 和现在比起来,它那时候是个小地方。

    The father began to criticize what the boy had done. 父亲开始批评男孩所做的事。(注意时态)

    She was not happy at what he had said. 她对他说的话不高兴。

    Don’t poke your nose into what doesn’t concern you. 不要多管闲事。

    The city is different from what it was ten years ago. 这座城市和十年前不同了。

    It was a small place then compared to what it is now. 和现在比起来,它那时候是个小地方。

    I don’t care about money or what people call position. 我不在乎金钱或者别人所谓的地位。

    Philip was depressed by what he had gone through. Philip经历过的事情使他很消沉。

    They paid fifty percent of what they were able to earn to the state. 他们能挣来的东西,百分之五十交给了国家。


    Then I discovered, what was news to me, that his wife was     Mary’s niece. 后来我发现,他妻子原来是Mary的侄女,这对我是个新闻。

    He never joined in the usual sports of the boys, and, what is remarkable, never went out in a boat on the river. 他从来不参加男孩子通常做的体育活动,更奇怪的是,他从来不坐船出去到河上面去。

    He’s an interesting speaker, and, what is more important, he knows his subject thoroughly. 他讲话生动有趣,更重要的是,他对课题了如指掌。

He went to the meeting and, what was worse, insisted on speaking. 他去参加了会议,而且更糟糕的是,他坚持要发言。

    It is a useful book, and, what is more, not an expensive one. 这是本很有用的书,再说也不贵。

    You’ll have nobody but yourself to blame, and, what’s more, you’ll get no sympathy from anybody. 你怪不着别人,只能怪你自己;还有,你得不到任何人的同情。

    We invited a new speaker and, what’s more, he was happy to come. 我们请到了一位新的发言人,而且他很乐意来。


    Do what she would, she could not invent a reason for not going. 不管她会做什么,她都编不出不去的理由。状语从句把实义动词放在句首,句子倒装。=No matter what she would do, …

    Come what may, you’ll always keep it secret. 无论怎样,你都要保守秘密。=No matter what may come, ….

    Jack has made up his mind that, come what might, he would stay there. Jack已经拿定主意,无论如何他也要呆在那里。=…no matter what might come, …

    Say what he will, in his heart he knows that he is wrong. 不管他怎么说,内心里他知道自己错了。= No matter what he will say, …


练 习

关于名词性从句我们就讲到这里。Now let’s do some exercises related to this part:


    1.______ he always serves the people very well is known.

    A. What     B. That       C. Which       D. Who

    2.______ you have done might do harm to other people.

    A. What     B. That       C. Whether      D. Which

    3.I don’t care ____ she has no money. I care____ she is honest or not.

    A. if…if          B. whether…whether

    C. if…whether   D. whether…if

    4. They found at last ____ they had been looking for.

    A. that     B. what    C. where     D. which

    5. He will be here on time. But I’m not sure _____ he drives or takes the train.

    A. whether    B. if     C. when      D. how

    6. The reason why he was late is ___ he got up too late.

    A. that    B. because    C. as     D. for

    7. I want to know ____ the leather coat belongs to.

    A. who    B. which    C. that     D. whom

    8. Can you tell me ___ the hospital is?

    A. where   B. who    C. that     D. whether



    model: Does he live there? Could you tell me?

    →Could you tell me whether (if) he lives there?

    1. Can Mike write a little Chinese now? I want to know.

    →I want to know whether/if Mike can write a little Chinese now.

    2. Did Jenny try to explain why she was late? Can you tell us?

    →Can you tell us if/whether Jenny tried to explain why she was late?

    3. Did the monkey want to eat bananas? Do you know?

    →Do you know if/whether the monkey wanted to eat bananas?

    4. Do you like sports? I ask you.

    →I ask you if/whether you like sports.

    5. Does she play basketball? Do you know?

    →Do you know if/whether she plays basketball?

    6. Has the whole street been cleaned? I don’t know.

    →I don’t know if/whether the whole street has been cleaned.

    7. Were there a lot of people in the street? Can you tell me?

    →Can you tell me if/whether there were a lot of people in the street?

    8. Are they preparing for the sports meet? Do you know?

    →Do you know if/whether they are preparing for the sports meet?

    9. Had John told Mr. Smith about his past? Could you tell me?

    →Could you tell me if/whether John had told Mr. Smith about his past.

    10. Has anybody ever been into some of the pyramids? Please tell me.

    →Please tell me if/whether anybody has ever been into some of the pyramids.



Hello, everyone. 英语的强调主要有两种:一是强调非谓语(包括主语、宾语、状语等);二是强调谓语动词。



其基本句型是:“It + is/was + 被强调的成分 + that/who + 其她成分”。It 没有实意,只起语法作用,引导被强调的部分。当被强调的是人时,可用who(m)/that, 其他情况用that。


It was I who/that met Jack yesterday. 是我昨天碰到了Jack.


It was Jack that/whom I met yesterday. 我昨天碰到的是Jack。


It was yesterday that I met Jack. 是昨天我碰到了Jack.


这几句话复原为非强调句就是:I met Jack yesterday.

It is people, not things, that are decisive. 决定的因素是人,不是物。


It is because the book is very important for my present job that I bought it. 是因为这本书对我目前的工作很有用,我才买了它。


It was in the supermarket that I gave the book to him. 是在那家超市里我给了他那本书。(强调地点状语)


It was John who broke the window. 是John打破了窗子。

原句:John broke the window.

It is this overpass that will be pulled down. 将被拆掉的是这个天桥。

原句:This overpass will be pulled down.

It is the people who/that are really powerful. 真正有力量的是人民。

原句:The people are really powerful.




It was at that moment that he changed his mind.


It is every day that Professor Smith goes swimming.


It was not until Saturday that he began to prepare for the examination. 他直到星期六才开始为考试作准备。

注意:这句话的原句是He did not begin to prepare for the examination until Saturday. 变成强调时间状语,注意 “not” 位置的变化。



It was in the library that I met Jack yesterday.


原句:I met Jack in the library yesterday.

It might have been on the bus that I lost my purse.


原句是:I might have lost my purse on the bus. 强调地点状语,也可改为:It was on the bus that I might have lost my purse.

It was under the tree that I was sitting then. 当时我正坐在那棵树下。



It was Tom’s bike that she borrowed, not mine.


It is his dog that he’s sold, not his car. 他已卖掉的是他的狗,不是车。

It was a cat that your dog was running after. 你的狗追的是只猫。



It was wonderful that we considered his plan.


It is Lincoln that they named the aircraft carrier.


It was captain that the team chose him. 那个队选他当的是队长。

It was white that Tom was painting the fence.


这句话的原句是: Tom was painting the fence white.

类似的结构有:color the sun red, color the tree green, paint the wall pink 等,这里,颜色作宾语补足语。

It is a fine player that we believe Jane.


It is the Buckingham Palace that the British Queen’s office building is called. 英国女王的办公大楼被称作白金汉宫。

It is Cadillac that this car is named. 这辆车被命名为卡迪拉克。



用“助动词do + 动词原形”来强调谓语动词。

注意:谓语动词只有两种时态能强调,即一般现在时和一般过去时。在一般现在时中,do有人称的变化,第三人称单数用does,一般过去时do 变成did。其他时态的强调通过重读谓语动词来体现。


You’re quite wrong?she does like you. 你错了,她真的喜欢你。

Do come in. 快进来。

用“助动词do + 动词原形”来强调谓语动词。



I work hard. → I do work hard.

She loves you. → She does love you.

My father smokes a lot. → My father does smoke a lot.



I called you in the morning.

→ I did call you in the morning.

I attended the meeting yesterday.

→  I did attend the meeting yesterday.

I handed in the paper yesterday.

→ I did hand in the paper yesterday.

He wrote a letter to me yesterday.

→ He did write a letter to me.

He came to see you yesterday.

→ He did come to see you yesterday.





That film?what do you think of it?

Asleep, then, were you?

2.用某些特殊的词来表示强调,如really, certainly, definitely, very等。在口语中,such 和so 都常用于强调句。


Thank you so much.

It was such a lovely party.

I really enjoyed it.

This is the very book that I am looking for. 我要找的就是这本书。




1)Mary gave me the news.

→It was Mary who gave me the news.

2)We went to the Great Wall the day before yesterday.

→It was the day before yesterday that we went to the Great Wall.

3)I want you to repair the bike for me.

→It is the bike that I want you to repair for me.

4)The days begin to get longer in February.

→It is in February that the days begin to get longer.

5)We held a meeting in the room yesterday.

→It was a meeting that we held in the room yesterday.

6)I met Mr. Li in the bookshop.

→It was Mr. Li that I met in the bookshop.

7)My parents began to learn to read and write after liberation.

→It was after liberation that my parents began to learn to read and writed.

8)I joined the party in 1985.

→It was in 1985 that I joined the party.

9)She will be waiting for me at the gate.

→It is at the gate that she will be waiting for me.

10)Li Hong and Zhang Ming cleaned the classroom this morning.

→It was Li Hong and Zhang Ming who cleaned the classroom this morning.



1)Mary gave me the news.

→Mary did give me the news.

2)We went to the Great Wall the day before yesterday.

→We did go to the Great Wall the day before yesterday.

3)I want you to repair the bike for me.

→I do want you to repair the bike for me.

4)The days begin to get longer in February.

→The days do begin to get longer in February.

5)We held a meeting in the room yesterday.

→We did hold a meeting in the room yesterday.

6)I met Mr. Li in the bookshop.

→I did meet Mr. Li in the bookshop.

7)My parents began to learn to read and write after liberation.

→My parents did begin to learn to read and write after liberation.

8)I joined the party in 1985.

→I did join the party in 1985.

9)She will be waiting for me at the gate.








Shall I open the door? 要我开门吗?

Are you cold? 你冷吗?

Can you read this poem in German? 你能用德语朗诵这首诗吗?

Which of the pictures do you like best? 你最喜欢哪张画?

How are you getting along? 你目前怎么样?

When will there be lasting peace in the world?


2.There be 句型当中。There be 句型表达的意思是:“某处有….”。这个句型的主语在谓语动词后面,因此这是倒装语序。


There are not many people who want to read this book.


There once lived a pack of wolves in this cave.


There happened to be a taxi parked at the gate.


There is going to be a change in our arrangement.


3.当连词as 表示“虽然、尽管”引导让步状语从句时,句子要倒装,as 相当于though,可以替换。


Small as/though the atom is, we can smash it.


Tired as/though he was, he went on working.

(=Although he was very tired, he went on working.)


Cold as/though it was, we went out. 虽然天气冷,我们还是出去了。

Child as/though she is, she knows a great deal.


Teacher as he is, he knows little about teaching.


Pilots as he claims he is, no one has ever seen him fly a plane.





→Wounded as he himself was, he still tried to help others to safety.


→Famous as he is, he is easy going.


→Captive as he is, he still behaves as if he were a king/behaves like a king.

4.虚拟语气条件从句中的if 被省略时,要把从句中的were, had 或should 移到主语之前。(if 的省略、倒装只限于从句中有were, had 或should这三个词时。)


If I had been in your place, I wouldn’t have given it up so early.

=Had I been in your place, I wouldn’t have given it up so early.


If he were to succeed, the sun would rise from the west.

=Were he to succeed, the sun….


If you should be asked about this, say that you know nothing.

=Should you be asked about this, say……


Were there no air or water, there would be no life on the earth.


Had you been more careful, you might have avoided the mistake.


5.以so开头的,表示“也一样”,“也这样”的句子要倒装。So 用于肯定句,代替上文中的形容词、名词或动词,通常指前面所说的肯定情况也适用于其他人或物。结构是“so + be (do, have 其他助动词或情态动词)+主语”。


Production is going up, so is the people’s standard of living.


Society has changed and so have the people in it. 社会变了,


Coal is under the ground, and so is oil. 煤在地底下,石油也是。

He saw it, and so did I. 他看见了,我也看见了。

They can swim now, and so can we. 他们现在能游泳,我们也能。

We must start for the work-site now. So must you.




It was hot yesterday. ?So it was! 昨天很热。是的。

He works very hard. ?So he does. 他工作很努力。是的。

Tomorrow will be Monday. ?So it will. 明天星期一。对。



→I can speak English. So can my brother.


→They went to the Summer Palace last Sunday. So did we.


→He has been to the Great Wall. So have I.


→She enjoys teaching English. So does my sister.


→You say he works hard. So he does, and so do you.

注意:在so…..that…..结构中,如果so 在句首,通常也用倒装结构。


So easy is it that a boy can learn it.


(原句是:It is so easy that a boy can learn it.)

So rapidly did he speak that we could hardly understand him clearly. 他说得很快,我们简直听不清楚。

(原句是:He spoke so rapidly that we could hardly understand him clearly.)

6.以neither与nor开头的句子,表示“…也不”时,句子倒装。Neither 与nor 意思相同,可以互换。Neither, nor 用于否定句,通常指前面所说的否定情况也适用于其他人或物。结构是:Neither (nor) + be (do, have, 其他助动词或情态动词) +主语。


I won’t do such a thing. Nor/Neither will anyone else.


The first one wasn’t good and neither was the second.


I won’t go there. Neither will she.




I don’t know where he lives. Neither does she.


I don’t know the difference between these two sentences. Nor do they.


I didn’t write my composition yesterday evening. Neither did Wei Fang.


The students were not in the classroom. Nor was the teacher.

7.以here, there, now, then 等副词开头的句子中。习惯上用一般现在时(除以then开头的句子用过去时)。


There comes the bus! 汽车来了。

There goes the bell. 铃响了。

Now comes your turn. 该轮到你了。

Then came a new difficulty. 接着来了个新难题。

Then followed three days of heavy rain. 后来连着下了三天大雨。

Up went the plane. 飞起来了飞机。

Our rushed a cat from under the bed. 从床底下窜出一只猫。

Here is a letter for you. 这儿有你一封信。



Here you are. 给你。

There he comes. 他来了。

Here it is. 这就是。



May you have a pleasant trip. 祝你旅途愉快。



1.在以never, hardly, scarcely, rarely, barely, seldom, not only, not until, nor, little, nowhere, hardly….when, no sooner….than, by no means, under no circumstances 等开头的句子中,主谓要倒装。这些都是表示否定或半否定意义的词或词组。


Never have I come across such a difficult problem.


Seldom do I read such magazines. 我很少读这种杂志。

No sooner had they left than the bus arrived.


Never before have I met him. 我以前从未见过他。

Hardly did I think it possible. 我想这几乎不可能。

Not only should we not be afraid of difficulties, but we should try our best to overcome them.


Not until midnight did it stop raining. 直到半夜雨才停。

(正常语序是:It did not stop raining until midnight. 注意not位置的变化)

Very seldom do you find that two clocks or watches exactly agree. 你很难发现两个钟或表的时间完全一样。

By no means will this method produce satisfactory results.




Never have I read such an interesting book.


Little does she know what may happen.


Hardly could I believe it (to be) true.


No sooner had I reached home than it began to rain heavily.


Seldom have I met her recently.


Not only was Einstein a world famous scientist, but also a fairly good violinist.


Not until after the war did he return home.

(正常语序是: He did not return home until after the war.)


Under no circumstances should we do anything against the will of the people.



Only after the war was over was man able to realize the wickedness of the atomic bomb.


(注意:only 引导的状语从句不倒装,主句倒装。)

Only then did I realize the importance of English.


Only in this way can we improve ourselves.


Only after you finish it can you leave.


注意:Only 如不在句首,或only 修饰的不是状语,则不倒装。


The contract was signed only after bitter negotiations.


(改成倒装:Only after bitter negotiations was the contract signed.)

Only the senior staff are allowed to use this room.


Only five passengers survived the accident.




→Only this morning did I hear the sad news.


→Only after 1949 was he able to go to school.


→Only after several months did I see the results of my work.


→Only after a long argument did he agree with us.


→Only in this way can you learn English well.

3.用于以表示处所、声音等意义的副词开头的句子。用表示运动的不及物动词(如go, come, rush, fly 等)作谓语时,为了表示生动,可将某些副词放在句首,谓语动词放在主语之前,形成倒装结构。


Away flew the birds. 鸟儿飞走了。

Out went the children. 孩子们出去了。

Down came the rain. 下起大雨来了。

Bang went the firecracker. 爆竹砰的一声响了。

The door burst open and in rushed a stranger.




At the center of the big room over there is a table that is made of wood which is imported from Brazil of South America.


(正常语序:A table that is made of wood which is imported from Brazil of South America is at the center of the big room over there. 这句话主语和谓语间隔太长,不平衡。)

Still wider will be the use of radar, which plays a very important role in our national defense.


(正常语序:The use of radar, which plays a very important role in our national defense, will be still wider. 主语和谓语间隔太长,不平衡。)

Written in English on the blackboard were these words: “Merry Christmas!” 在黑板上用英语写着这么几个字:“圣诞快乐!”

Present at the meeting were the school headmaster, the English teacher, and the students’ parents. 出席会议的有校长、英语教师和学生们的家长。

Inside the pyramids are the burial rooms for the kings and queens and long passages to these rooms. 金字塔里面是国王和王后们的墓穴和通往墓穴的长通道。




Such was Albert Einstein, a simple man of great achievements.


Such was the story he told me. 这就是他给我讲的故事。

Happy is he who devotes himself to the cause of communism.


Great have been our achievements since 1978.


So careful is she in doing her job that she never makes mistakes.


Involved in the problem are some teaching methods.


Written on the label is the model of the machine.


Very important in our lives is reading. 在我们生命中非常重要的是读书。

Still greater contributions should we make to promoting the friendship. 为促进友谊我们应当做出更大的贡献。



Terribly hot it certainly was. 天确实是太热了。

A very reliable person he is. 他是一个可靠的人。



Long live the friendship among the Asian people and sportsmen!


May you return safe and sound. 祝你平安归来!

May you succeed. 祝你成功。

May your country become rich and strong. 祝你的祖国繁荣强大。

(3)在以often, always, once, many a time, now and then, every other day, every two hours, thus (方式状语),so (程度状语),in the distance, in front of (地点状语)等开头的句子中,如果强调这些状语,就倒装;如果不想强调这些状语,就不倒装。


Often did we warn them not to do it. 我们经常警告他们别做这事。

Often had I intended to speak of it. 我曾经多次想谈及那件事情。

Many a time has he helped me with my experiment.


Thus was the Emperor deceived. 皇帝就这样受骗了。

So busy is he that he has no time to spare. 他忙得抽不出一点儿时间。

So fast does light travel that it is difficult for us to imagine its speed. 光的传播太快了,我们很难想象它的速度。

In the distance was a tall tree. 远处有一棵大树。



Under the big tree was sitting an old farmer.


Outside the classroom stood a boy.


Behind the farmhouse was a rice field.


At the foot of the hill lies a beautiful lake.



“You all did well in the exam,” said the teacher.


“How is your mother?” asked her friend.


“Let’s go,” suggested Mary. “我们走吧。”玛丽建议说。

“Nonsense!” shouted the man. “胡说!”那个人喊道。

“Whom are you looking for?” she asked. “你找谁?”她问道。

“Yes, I’m a new student,” he answered.






The lesson had hardly begun when the lights went out. (hardly)

→Hardly had the lesson begun when the lights went out.

It can’t be done in any other way. (in no other way)

→In no other way can it be done.

1)They had never seen such a sight before. (never before)

→Never before had they seen such a sight.

2)They had no sooner entered the theatre than the performance began. (no sooner)

→No sooner had they entered the theatre than the performance began.

3)She will not do such a thing under any circumstances. (under no circumstances)

→Under no circumstances will she do such a thing.

4)The lesson will not begin until everyone is seated. (not until)

→Not until everyone is seated will the lesson begin.

5)I will on no account sign this document. (on no account)

→On no account will I sign this document.

6)He wrote the letter so badly that I couldn’t read it. (so badly)

→So badly did he write the letter that I couldn’t read it.

7)You will succeed only by working hard. (only)

→Only by working hard will you succeed.

8)He seldom takes a holiday. (seldom)

→Seldom does he take a holiday.

9)He not only advised me what to do; he also lent me the money. (not only)

→Not only did he advise me what to do, he also lent me the money.

10)He hardly realizes how ill he is. (hardly)

→Hardly does he realize how ill he is.

11)The old man didn’t say a word. (not a word)

→Not a word did the old man say.

12)The soldiers didn’t utter a sound while the general was speaking. (not a sound)

→Not a sound did the soldiers utter while the general was speaking.

13)I have hardly ever seen anyone so unhappy. (hardly ever)

→Hardly ever have I seen anyone so unhappy.

14)I have rarely seen such a beautiful sunset. (rarely)

→Rarely have I seen such a beautiful sunset.

15)He didn’t speak to us even once. (not even once)

→Not even once did he speak to us.



Crack went the gun and away flew the birds.


Suddenly into the house rushed a group of soldiers.


Scarcely could he find time for playing.


Near our school there stands a high building.


Seldom do I go for a walk in the evening by myself.


Hardly could she express her gratitude in words.


Had you arrived a little earlier, you could have caught the train.


Only after a week did she know about her father’s death.


Not only is he industrious, but he is also imaginative.


Had you followed his advice, you would have succeeded.


it 用法小结

it 在英语中的意思较多,用法较广,现总结如下。



1.it 指前面已经提到过的人或事物,有时指心目中的或成为问题的人或事物,作真正主语。


What’s this? -It is a sheep? 这是什么??这是一只绵羊。

Who is it? -It’s me (I). 谁??是我。

It’s the wind shaking the window. 是风刮得窗户响。



What time is it? -It’s nine. 几点了??九点了。

It’s time for the meeting. Let’s go. 开会的时间到了,我们走吧。

What day is today? -It’s Saturday. 今天星期几??今天星期六。

What’s the date today? -It is October 1st.

今天是几号? ?今天是十月一日。

What season is it? -It is summer. 现在是什么季节??是夏季。

3.it 指气候。一般作无人称动词的主语。


Is it cold in this room? -No, it isn’t. 屋里冷吗??不冷。

What’s the weather like today? -It is fine.


It often rains in summer and it often snows in winter in this city.




It is five kilometers from my home to the school.


It is very near from this factory to that one.


It is a long way to the sea. 离海很远。

Is it well with you? 你身体好吗?



1.It +谓语+动词不定式。It 作形式主语,动词不定式作真正的主语。


It is difficult to climb a mountain. 爬山是很艰难的。

It’s a good habit to do morning exercises. 作早操是个好习惯。

It’s important to do proper memory work in the study of a foreign language. 在学习外语时适当地做一些有助于记忆的练习是很重要的。

It is right to do so. 这样做是对的。

2.It+谓语+动名词短语。It 作形式主语,动名词短语作真正的主语。


It is dangerous playing with fire. 玩火是危险的。

It is no use learning without thinking. 学而不思则罔。

It’s useless arguing with a silly boy. 和笨孩子争论是没有用的。

3.It +谓语+名词性从句。It 作形式主语,以that 引导的名词性从句是真正的主语。


It is a pity that you didn’t see such a good film.


It is certain that we shall succeed. 我们一定会成功。

It is strange that nobody knows where he lives.


(It is strange that…后面可用虚拟语气。

如:It is strange that he should have made such a mistake.


It is strange that nobody should know where he lives.


It is said that the plane will take off at ten tomorrow morning.




it 作形式宾语,代表其后所说的真正的宾语。真正的宾语是以that 引导的名词性从句或不定式短语。例如:

I consider it wrong that you Chinese students learn English without comparing it with your own language.


I find it not so difficult to learn a foreign language.


I remember I made it clear to you that I was not coming.


They want to make it clear to the public that they are doing an important and necessary job.



四、it 用于强调结构

在表示强调的结构中,it 可用作先行代词,这种结构的句型如下:It +is/was +被强调的部分+that +其他部分。如果强调的部分是人,可用who, whom 代替that.


Professor Wang teaches us English every Monday afternoon.


强调主语:It is Professor Wang who teaches us English every Monday afternoon.

强调间接宾语:It is us whom Prof. Wang teaches English every Monday afternoon.

强调直接宾语:It is English that Prof. Wang teaches us every Monday afternoon.

强调状语:It is every Monday afternoon that Prof. Wang teaches us English.

It was here that I first met him. 这就是我初次与他见面的地方。


It is the people who are realy powerful.




It is time for class. Hurry up.


Is it far from here to your school? ?No, it isn’t. It’s about a kilometer.


It is very near from my home to the SummerPalace.


It’s raining now.


It was Edison who invented the electric light.


I think it important to learn a foreign language.


He made it a rule to read English twice a day.


It takes about an hour to go from my home to the Tian’anmen Square by bus.



反意疑问句相当于“对不对?”“好不好?”“行不行?”,用yes或 no 回答。由两部分组成,前一部分是陈述句,后一部分是附加疑问短语,中间用逗号隔开,所以反意疑问句又叫附加疑问句。通常的形式是:肯定的陈述句+否定的附加疑问,或否定的陈述句+肯定的附加疑问。


He studies English, doesn’t he?

He doesn’t study English, does he?

They are from America, aren’t they?

They are not from America, are they?


1.如果主句是be或其他助动词(如can, shall, will 等),其反意疑问句用同一助动词。


We are late, aren’t we?

You haven’t met my wife, have you?

He can drive a car, can’t he?

They used to have difficulty in just making ends meet, didn’t (usedn’t) they?

You’d better eat with knives and forks, hadn’t you?

2.如果主语带有seldom, hardly, never, rarely, few, little等否定词或半否定词时,因为主句本身具有否定意义,附加疑问部分的动词用肯定式,


We seldom go to the cinema, do we?

Sue almost never worked, did she?

3.如果主句部分是 “I am…”结构,由于”am not” 没有相应的缩略形式,附加疑问部分一般用aren’t I 代替。


I am your friend, aren’t I?

I’m late, aren’t I?

I am a student, aren’t I?

在祈使句中的附加疑问部分一般用will you, won’t you.

4. 在祈使句中的附加疑问部分一般用will you, won’t you.


Sit down, will you?

Have some tea, won’t you?

Open the window, won’t you?

这种句子可以理解为: Will you do something?

如:Will you open the window?



Don’t forget, will you?

Don’t make so much noise, will you?

5.以Let’s… 开头的祈使句,肯定的用shall we? 否定的用all right? 或OK?, 如:

Let’s go back to our seats, shall we?

Let’s not have hot food this time, OK? (all right?)

这种句子可以理解为:Shall we (do something?),

如:Shall we go back to our seats.这样有助于理解和记忆。

注意:Let’s 与Let us 的区别:Let’s包括听话人在内,应用shall we, 而Let us 不包括听话人在内,表示“请你让我们…”,要用will you.


Let’s watch the news on TV, shall we? (表示建议)

Let us watch the news on TV, will you? (表示请求)

6.主句是I suppose, I think, I believe等时,附加疑问部分则往往与that 从句中的主语和谓语动词保持对应关系,但要注意否定的转移。


I suppose that you know the meaning of the word, don’t you?


I don’t think that you have read the book, have you?

7.当主句的动词have 表示“拥有”时,附加疑问既可用have, 也可用do,


You have a color TV set, haven’t you/don’t you?



You had a cold yesterday, didn’t you?

They don’t have coffee with breakfast, do they?

8.There be句型的反意疑问句,用there 作主语。


There is something wrong, isn’t there?

There won’t be any trouble, will there? 不会有任何麻烦,是吗?

9.陈述部分的主语是everyone, someone, anyone, no one, nobody等不定代词时,其疑问部分的主语可用he, 也可用they.


Everyone knows it, doesn’t he/don’t they?


Mr. Jones can’t speak French, can he? ?No, he can’t.


Mr. Jones can’t speak French, can he? ?Yes, he can.


This is not a door, is it? -Yes, it is. It is an iron door.





1)There is a dog under the tree, _____? 是的,有。

→isn’t there? Yes, there is.

2)They are laughing at me, ____? 不,没有。/ 对,是的。

→aren’t they? No, they aren’t. / Yes, they are.

3)We haven’t visited that college, _____? 对,还没有。

→have we? No, we haven’t.

4)She wants to be a nurse, _____? 不,她不想。/是的,她想。

→doesn’t she? No, she doesn’t. /Yes, she does.

5)Girls don’t smoke, ____? 是的,是这样。/ 不,抽。而且有人抽得很凶。

→do they? No, they don’t. /Yes, they do. And some are heavy smokers

6)We shall not have classes on Sunday, _____? 是的,不上。

→Shall we? No, we shan’t.

7)You watch English videos, ____?


→don’t you? No, we don’t. /Yes, we often do. We watch them three times a week.

8)Wait outside, ____? 不,我不。/好的,可以。

→won’t you? No, I won’t. /Yes, I will.

9)Don’t move, ____? 好的,我不动。/不,我要动。

→will you? No, I won’t. /Yes, I will.

10)She is not here, ____? 是的,不在。/不,她在。就坐在我后面。

→is she? No, she isn’t. /Yes, she is. She is sitting just behind me.









    并列连词用来连接句子中担任相同成分的词、短语或分句。常见的有七个单词和四个短语:and, but, or, for(因为), nor, so, yet; both…and…, not only….but also…., either…or…., neither…nor…


    The man put on his coat and hat, and went out of the office. 那个人穿上外衣、戴上帽子,走出了办公室。

    A car and a dictionary are both useful. 汽车和字典都有用处。

    I went home and John stayed there. 我回家了,而约翰呆在那里。


    Not everybody is honest and hardworking, but Tom is. 并非每个人都诚实肯干,但汤姆是的。

    We tried to persuade her to do it but failed. 我们尽力说服她去做,但没有成功。


    Which VCD player is better, this one or that one? 哪个VCD更好,这个还是那个?

    Are you hungry or not? 你饿了没有?


    I must be going, for it’s getting dark. 我必须走了,因为天黑了。

    He didn’t go there, for he was ill. 他没到那儿去,因为他病了。


    His plan is both easy and practical. 他的计划既容易又实用。

    Zhang Yimou is a famous director both at home and abroad. 张艺谋是一位在国内外都著名的导演。

    Both this plane and its engines are made in China. 飞机和它的发动机都是中国制造的。

6.Not only…but also…不但能连接词和短语,而且还能连接分句。Also 有时省略。注意not only 位于句首时,主语和谓语需要倒装:

    He is not only an actor but also a writer. 他不仅是演员,而且是作家。

    He not only read it but also remembered what he had read. 他不但读过,而且记住了所读过的东西。

    When we talk about the universe, we mean not only the earth, the sun, and the moon, but (also) all the other things too far away for us to see. 当我们谈到宇宙时,我们不但指地球、太阳和月亮,而且还指一切远得看不见的其他东西。

    Not only did he say it but (also) he did it. 他不但说了,而且做了。(倒装)

Not only do the nurses want a pay rise, but also they want reduced hours. 护士们不但要求加工资,而且还要求缩短工时。(倒装)


    Either you are wrong, or I am. 不是你错了,就是我错了。

    Either you or he is going to get the job. 不是你就是他将获得这份工作。

Can I borrow either your car or your bike? 我可以借用你的汽车或者你的自行车吗?

    If you’re late, you should make an apology to the host either immediately or later. 如果你迟到了,你应该立即或事后向主人道歉。


    Neither the students nor I am ready yet. 学生们和我都还没有准备好。

    He worked neither for fame nor for money. 他干工作既不图名又不图利。

    The girl could neither speak nor write the language. 这个女孩既不会说也不会写那种语言。


    It’s getting dark, so I must be going. 天黑了,因此我得走了。

    I had a headache, so I went to bed early last night. 我头痛,于是昨晚很早就睡了。

10.Yet (然而),有时和and 一起用,表示吃惊、表示转折,相当于but at the same time, however, nevertheless:

    She is vain and foolish, and yet people like her. 她既虚荣又愚蠢,然而人们却喜欢她。

    She’s a funny girl, yet you can’t help liking her. 她是个疯疯癫癫的女孩,然而你却禁不住喜欢她。

    He worked hard, yet he failed. 他很努力,然而却失败了。

    It’s strange, yet it’s true. 这事有点怪,却是真的。

He’s a wealthy, yet honest, businessman. 他是个富有而又诚实的商人。

    It is only a little shop and yet it always has such lovely decorations. 那只是个小店,却总是有漂亮的装饰。

    You can draw a good horse in five minutes, yet you kept me waiting for a year. 你能在五分钟内画出一匹好看的马,然而你让我等了一年。



1.连词that, if, whether,连接代词what, which, who, whom, whose以及连接副词how, when, why, where可用来引导名词从句,充当主语、表语、宾语等。非正式文体中的宾语从句常省略that:

    I think (that) he’ll be back in an hour. 我认为他一小时后就会回来。

    Who they are doesn’t matter much. 他们是谁没什么大关系。

    Can you tell me where he is? 你能告诉我他在哪儿吗?

    He asked me if/whether I knew John. 他问我是否认识约翰。

    此外,that, which, who, whom, whose, when, why, where等还可以引导定语从句。

2.连词when, while, before, after, till/until, since, as soon as等引导时间状语从句:

    She said hello to me when she saw me. 她看到我的时候,和我打了招呼。

    I’ll wait here until you come back. 我将在这里等你回来。

3.连词if, unless引导条件状语从句;because, as, since引导原因状语从句:

    I’ll help her if she asks me to. 如果她要求我,我就帮助她。

    I won’t help her unless she asks me to. 除非她要求我,否则我不会帮她。

    He didn’t come because he was ill. 因为他病了,所以没来。

    As he hasn’t appeared yet, we shall start without him. 既然他还没有出现,我们就先开始吧。

    Since everybody is here, let’s begin. 既然大家都到了,咱们就开始吧。

4.连词in order than, so that引导目的状语从句;so…that…引导结果状语从句:

    I locked the door in order that we might continue our discussions undisturbed. (=I locked the door in order to continue our discussions undisturbed.) 我把门锁上了,以便我们可以继续讨论而不受打扰。

    The car ran so fast that I couldn’t see who was in it. 汽车跑得那么快,我没看清谁坐在里面。

5.连词than, as…as…, not as/so…as…用来引导比较状语从句:

    He is better educated than his brother. 他比他兄弟受的教育好。

    He is as well educated as his brother. 他和他兄弟受的教育一样好。

    He is not as/so well educated as his brother. 他没有他兄弟受的教育好。

6.连词although, though 引导让步状语从句;where, wherever 引导地点状语从句:

    I’ll go wherever you go. 不管你去哪儿,我就去那儿。

    Stay where you are! 原地别动!

    Though/Although she is rich, she’s not happy. 尽管她富有,但她并不幸福。





1.表示顺序的,如first, in the first place, then, finally, in the end等等。尤其要注意then. 如:

    误:He graduated from college in 2003, then he found a job.

    正:He graduated from college in 2003, and then he found a job.

        He graduated from college in 2003. Then he found a job.

2.表示递进关系的,如in addition, what is more, furthermore, moreover等。注意in addition 与in addition to 的区别:in addition 是副词性质;而in addition to 是介词性质,后面必须接宾语。

3.表示转折关系的,如 however, nevertheless, nonetheless, on the contrary, in contrast,等等。要注意不要把however 当成连词:

    误:In 2003, the United States launched the war on Iraq on account of Iraq possessing weapons of mass destruction (WMD), however, no WMD has been found in Iraq so far.

    正:In 2003, the United States launched the war on Iraq on account of Iraq possessing weapons of mass destruction (WMD).     However, no WMD has been found in Iraq so far.

    In 2003, the United States launched the war on Iraq on account of Iraq possessing weapons of mass destruction (WMD). No WMD, however, has been found in Iraq so far.

4.表示结果的,如therefore, consequently, thus, hence, as a result等。尤其要注意therefore, thus等不是连词以及hence的用法。如:

    I am busy today, so can you come tomorrow?

    I’ve never been to Spain. Therefore, I don’t know much about it.

    The town was built on the side of the hill, hence the name Hillside.

5.举例的,如for example, for instance, take…for example等。注意,for example, for instance 是副词性质,举例说明时,前面要用句号;take…for example本身是一个句子结构。

    He has been very helpful to me. For example, he would offer to lend me money whenever I am in need.

6.表示条件的,意思为“否则”,如or, otherwise等,注意它们不是连词。

    Put down your arms and put up your hands. Or/Otherwise I will shoot you. 放下武器,举起手来,否则我就开枪。

    当然,or 有时表示选择(相当于either…or…省略了either):

    Put down your arms, or get killed. 要么放下武器,要么找死。



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