最简单的扇形花边钩法 看图学钩织----一款扇形花边教程



Techniques used in this pattern (British term / American term):

Chain stitch – ch

Double crochet / Single crochet – dc/sc

Treble / Double crochet – tr / dc

Popcorn of 5 tr/dc – popcorn

Puff stitch – puff.st

Stitch – st

Foundation Chain: Multiples of 29 1

Row 1: Skip 1ch, * work 1dc/sc in each of the next 11 ch, 3ch, skip 3ch, make 1tr/dc 3ch 1tr/dc in next ch, 3ch, skip 3ch, work 1dc/sc in each of the next 11 ch; rep from *, turn.

Row 2: Make 1ch, * work 1dc/sc in each of the next 9dc/sc below, 3ch, 1tr/dc in 1st tr/dc, 5tr/dc in space of 3ch, 1tr/dc in 2nd tr/dc, 3ch, skip 2dc/sc below, work 1dc/sc in each of the next 9dc/sc; rep from*, turn.

Row 3: Make 1ch, * work 1dc/sc in each of the next 7dc/sc below, 3ch, ** 1tr/dc 1ch in tr/dc below; rep from ** 5 more times, 1tr/dc in last tr/dc, 3ch, skip 2dc/sc below, work 1dc/sc in each of the next 7dc/sc; rep from*, turn.

Row 4: Make 1ch, * work 1dc/sc in each of the next 5dc/sc below, 3ch, ** 1tr/dc in tr/dc below, 2tr/dc in space of 1ch; rep from ** 5 more times, 1tr/dc in last tr/dc, 3ch, skip 2dc/sc below, work 1dc/sc in each of the next 5dc/sc; rep from*, turn.

Row 5: Make 1ch, * work 1dc/sc in each of the next 3dc/sc below, 3ch, ** 1tr/dc in tr/dc, 2ch, skip 1st; rep from ** 8 more times, 1tr/dc in last tr/dc, 3ch, skip 2dc/sc below, work 1dc/sc in each of the next 3dc/sc; rep from*, turn.

Row 6: Make 1ch, * work 1dc/sc in dc/sc below, 5ch, ** 1 popcorn in space of 2ch, make picot of puff.st:

Work 6ch, make puff.st in 4th ch from hook:

yarn over hook, insert hook into st and draw yarn up. Repeat this step 3 times (work in the same st). Yarn over hook and draw through all loops on the hook). Work 1ch.

Make sl.st in the same st and 2ch;

Rep from ** 7 more times, 1 popcorn in next space of 2ch, 5ch, skip 2dc/sc below, work 1dc/sc in next dc/sc; rep from *. Fasten off.

Work on opposite side. Fasten your thread to the beginning of 1st row.

Row 7: Make 3ch, * 1tr/dc in next ch, 2ch, skip 2ch – rep one more time, 1tr/dc in next ch, 3ch, skip 2ch, 1dc/sc in next ch, 3dc/sc in space of 3ch – rep one more time, 1dc/sc in next ch, 3ch, skip 2ch, [ 1tr/dc in next ch, 2ch, skip 2ch – rep two more times] ; rep from *, repeat the last step one more time and make 1tr/dc in each of the next 2ch at the end of the row, turn.

Row 8: Make 1ch, work 1dc/sc in each of the next tr/dc and dc/sc, 2dc/sc in each space of 2ch and 3ch, work 1dc/sc in 3rd ch at the end of the row, turn.

Row 9: Make 1ch, 1dc/sc in each of the next 2st below, * 5ch, 1dc/sc in each of the next 4st below; rep from*, make 5ch, 1dc/sc in each of the next 2st below, turn.

Row 10: Make 4ch, * 1dc/sc in space of 5ch, 4ch; rep from*, 1dc/sc in last space of 5ch, 1ch, 1tr/dc in last dc/sc below, turn.

Row 11: Make 1ch, 1dc/sc in tr/dc below, 1dc/sc in space of 1ch, * 4dc/sc in space of 4ch; rep from*, 1dc/sc in space of 4ch, 1dc/sc in 3rd ch, turn.

Alpaca wool 100%

Colors & rows: 1 - 5 – white, 6 – peach, 7 & 8 – white, 9 - 11 - peach.

最简单的扇形花边钩法 看图学钩织----一款扇形花边教程


爱华网本文地址 » http://www.aihuau.com/a/405251/516985624778.html


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