You might think skipping an hour of sleep to hit the gym will result in weight loss。你可能会觉得少睡一个小时并用这个小时去健身房的话就能够减肥。
But new research suggests changing your sleep routine can cause you to pile on the pounds。但最新研究表明,作息时间的改变可能会让人变胖。
Sleeping for even one hour less a day causes us to eat more than usual, according to a study。根据这项研究结果,我们一天哪怕只少睡了一个小时就可能会吃的比平时多。
And an extra hour - as unlikely as that may be for many of us - also has the same detrimental effect. 如果多睡一个小时,虽然对我们大多数来说并不太可能,但也会导致同样的结果。
Researchers looked at figures from 342 teenagers and analysed their sleeping habits. On average, they slept about seven hours every night。研究人员342名青少年的一些数据以及睡眠习惯等进行了分析。发现他们每晚的平均睡眠时间为7个小时。
However, when the amount of time teenagers slept varied by just an hour - either less or more - they ate, on average, an extra 201 calories per day。那些睡眠时间比平均值多或少1个小时的青少年们,平均每天会比其他人多摄入201卡路里的食物。
This is the equivalent of a bagel or two scoops of chocolate ice cream。这相当于一块硬面包圈或两小铲巧克力冰淇淋球的卡路里含量。
少睡1小时 增重200卡路里?!Disrupted sleep was also linked with a 60 per cent higher chance of night-time snacking on school nights, and 100 per cent higher chance of night-time munching on weekends。研究还发现这些青少年周一到周五晚上在学校吃零食的几率为60%,而周末在家吃零食的几率为100%,而这些都与不规律的睡眠时间有关。
Study lead author Fan He, of Penn State University College of Medicine, said: 'According to the data from our study, it's not how long you sleep that matters. 该研究的负责人,来自宾夕法尼亚州立大学医学院的何帆(音译)博士说:“从我们的研究数据中可以得出,睡眠时间的长短并不重要。”
'It's about day-to-day variations in how long you sleep.' “重要的是天与天之间睡眠时间长短的差异。”
Previous research has shown that teenagers who don't get enough sleep are at higher risk of obesity。以前有很多表明,睡眠不足的青少年肥胖的几率更高。